Gateshead Democrat Oct 10 BW

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Loan shark campaign gets Thank you The Gateshead 10/3

By-elections for Saltwell October

Council backing
and Lobley Hill and 2010
Bensham wards of
A Liberal Democrat call to tackle legal loan Gateshead Council were
sharks has won cross-party backing on
held on Thursday 23rd
Gateshead Council.
September. The results
Low Fell Councillor Ron Beadle moved a motion
calling for an end to sky high interest charged by
were as follows: The newsletter for Liberal Democrats in Gateshead
doorstep lenders. His call for a ban on annual Lobley Hill and Bensham
interests amounting to more than the original loan
won approval from Labour.
Indeed, Labour councillors so strongly supported
the clampdown on excessive interest rates that their
Lib Dem
Cabinet ministers to
leader called it “Labour’s motion”! He even demanded
that the Lib Dems should tell everyone that there was
cross party support for this “Labour policy” (though it
was never introduced in 13 years of Labour
lCllr Ron Beadle
Lib Dem
speak in Gateshead
It was good to see therefore that cross party co-operation is not entirely dead in the
Labour party though Labour’s goodwill to anyone non-Labour (and especially anyone Lib BNP 77 Chris Huhne and Michael Moore to address Lib Dem conference
Dem!) was shortlived. In terms of share of the TWO Cabinet ministers are to speak at
vote, ours was down about the North East Liberal Democrats’
Fairer votes campaign picks up steam 5% in each ward, thought
he Conservatives’ share fell
Regional Conference on Saturday 16th
Gateshead members are encouraged to
Though Labour have come to the Conference, which will be held in
tried to crow about how Gateshead Civic Centre, to meet the Liberal
good a result it was for Democrats at the heart of Government.
them, they left disappointed
that the Lib Dem vote had Chris Huhne is Secretary of State for
held up well, compared to Energy and Climate Change and is playing a
some more extreme crucial role in pushing forward the Coalition’s
opinion polls which claim green agenda.
(almost certainly Michael Moore is the Secretary of State lMichael Moore,
lChris Huhne,
inaccurately) that the Lib for Scotland. New MP for Redcar, Ian ate for Secretary of State for
Secretary of St
Dem vote share has Swales, will also be attending.
Energy and Climate Scotland
halved. “We are delighted to have Government Change
It would be unwise to ministers for the first time ever attending our
read too much into these regional conference,” said Gateshead Councillor and regional chairman
two by-elections other than Frank Hindle.
the overwhelming majority The Coalition has set out to become the greenest government ever. Chris
of people were not Huhne is in the driving seat of this crucial policy area and he will be
lNorth East Liberal Democrats back the “Yes” vote for fairer votes at the
interested. The only one in addressing the Conference on the Coalition’s energy policy and the North
Liverpool Conference. five people voted, hardly East.
something for any politician
Liberal Democrat members from the North East who attended the party’s
to shout about. Michael Moore has considerable experience of Scottish politics where for
Conference at Liverpool in September gave their backing to the “Yes” campaign. eight years a Lib Dem/Labour Coalition ran the Scottish Government. He will
Members gathered to show their support for a change in the voting system to ensure Our thanks go to our
be talking on the lessons from Scotland.
MPs get elected only if they win the support of half the people voting. great candidates, Michael
Ruddy and Laura Turner. A registration form is being circulated with this copy of The Gateshead
A referendum giving people the choice of sticking with the current “first-past-the-post”
system and the fairer “alternative vote” will take place on 5th May. We are looking forward to Democrat. Registration costs £12 if made by 9th October and £15 lIan Swales, elected
AV will make MPs work harder in their constituency and reach out to supporters of you both joining the Council thereafter. as Redcar’s first Lib
other parties as well or risk defeat at the polls. group in the future. The Conference starts at 10.30am, though doors open at 10am. Lunch is Dem MP in the general
included in the price. election in May.
Gateshead Democrat is edited by Jonathan Wallace. If you have any issues for inclusion in the
next edition, email them to Published and promoted by Jonathan Wallace on behalf of Gateshead Liberal Democrats, and printed by NRLDP, all at 97 Front St, Whickham, NE16 4JL
Delivering for Britain - the Lib Dems’ 1st Conference in Government
It was the biggest Lib Dem Conference
ever! Liverpool played host to the
annual autumn gathering of the party.
Members came away in great spirits.
And for the first time ever, Liberal
Democrat ministers addressed
Nick’s Conference Speech
In his main speech to Conference, Deputy Prime
Alexander announces
Minister Nick Clegg outlined the achievements
of the Liberal Democrats in government. He
presented a long list of Lib Dem policies
Key Conference decisions tax evasion crackdown
adopted by the Coalition: uBacked plans for all service veterans to be awarded a National Defence Medal.
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander,
l We’ve ended the injustice of the richest paying uCalled for greater transparency in Government, better scrutiny of public servants and used his Conference speech to announce a
less tax on investments than the poorest do potential conflicts of interest, and the creation of a statutory register of lobbyists. crackdown on tax cheats.
on their wages. uCalled for reform to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) which should be made An extra £900m would be spent to attack tax avoidance
l We’ve guaranteed older people a decent independent of serving editors and to have greater disciplinary powers but also called on the and evasion. The additional investment is expected to
increase in their pension. Government to affirm its opposition to a privacy law that would restrict press freedom in raise an extra £7bn each year by 2014/15 from those
l In November, we will publish a Freedom Bill to Britain. who currently evade the taxman.
roll back a generation of illiberal and intrusive uWelcomed the judge-led inquiry into allegations of UK complicity in the improper treatment
legislation. of detainees in counter-terrorism operations. Conference also called for the remit of the inquiry Baker announces local
l By Christmas, Identity Card laws will be consigned to the history books. to be clarified.
l From New Year’s Day, the banks will pay a new levy that will help fill the black hole they uCalled on the Government to shift the tax burden to polluters to meet radical and ambitious transport fund
helped create. goals to make Britain’s economy green and sustainable. In particular, members voted for: Transport Minister, Norman Baker announced
l On 1 April, 900,000 low earners will stop paying income tax altogether. l the reform of the Climate Change levy to shift the tax burden to the polluter to promote plans for a new local transport fund to cut down
l In May, the people of Britain will get to choose their own voting system. energy efficiency and investment in renewable energy on short car journeys and encourage greener and
l ensuring that changes to the price of carbon emissions do not result in windfall profits healthier travel schemes.
l And this time next year, there will be a pupil premium so the children who need the most
help, get the most help. for nuclear energy providers These could include encouraging cycle lanes, traffic
l the rapid implementation of the Government’s air travel taxation reforms management schemes and signposting for safe walking
“We’ve always been the face of change. We are now the agents of change,” Nick told the packed
audience in the Conference hall. uCalled for power to be devolved to local people and for the Government to be ambitious in its
But he warned, “Our first job, however, is a difficult one. Balancing the budget. I did not come into
politics to make spending cuts. But it is the only choice if we want to steer Britain out of the
plans for decentralisation by the strengthening of local authorities to give local people more
power in their communities; freeing up of local administration by ending detailed central control Call for Trident to go
and giving local government financial autonomy and more revenue-raising powers.
economic mess Labour made.
“The only choice if we want to bring back hope and optimism to our nation. We are gripped by a uReiterated that despite cuts to tackle the deficit, we will use our position in Government to into Strategic Review
crisis, and it’s the worst kind: it’s invisible. promote and implement policies that will protect, assist and empower the most vulnerable.
Liberal Democrats voted to include the like-for-like
Education and the continual development for every child and adult, particularly the most
“You can’t see the debts mounting up. We could have decided to go more slowly but it would have replacement of Trident submarines in the Strategic
disadvantaged in society, and creating a fairer tax system with new jobs, wealth and
worsened not eased the pain. Because every day you ignore a deficit, it gets harder to fix. The debts Defence Review.
opportunities spread to every region of the UK will be our priorities.
mount up and you have to pay interest on them. The call was backed by Armed Forces Minister Nick
uCalled for the Government to legislate for equal marriage, open to all, including same-sex
“Already we are spending £44bn a year on interest alone. Under Labour’s plans, that would have Harvey even though the Conservative Secretary of
risen to nearly £70bn. A criminal waste of money that shouldn’t be lining the pockets of bond State for Defence opposes inclusion and wants a full
traders. It should be paying for police, care workers, hospitals and schools. uAgreed to draw up plans for greater diversity in the selection of candidates.
replacement to go ahead.
“That’s why this government’s aim is that by the time of the next
election, our debt problems will be solved; our debts falling as a
proportion of national income. We will have wiped the slate clean for
a new generation.”
Vince battles against boardroom excesses
And Nick concluded, “Britain in 2010 is anxious, unsure about the I have managed to infuriate the bank bosses; acquire a fatwa from the revolutionary guards of the trades union
future, but Britain in 2015 will be a different country. movement; frighten the Daily Telegraph with a progressive graduate payment; and upset very rich people who
are trying to dodge British taxes. I must be doing something right. - Vince Cable speaking to Conference
“Strong, fair, free and full of hope again. A country we can be proud to
hand on to our children. That is the goal we must keep firmly fixed in Secretary of State for Business, Vince Cable, announced he was planning to “shine a harsh light into the murky world
our minds. That is the prize. of corporate behaviour.” In a widely reported speech, Vince took on many of the vested interests and the City “spivs and
gamblers” who came close to wrecking the British economy during the credit crisis.
“The years ahead will not be easy but they will make the difference
our country needs. Stick with us while we rebuild the economy. Stick Vince told the Conference, “The biggest test of our party’s contribution to the Coalition is whether we can ensure fairness
with us while we restore our civil liberties, protect our environment, more widely. It will be said that, in a world of internationally mobile capital and people, it is counterproductive to tax
nurture our children and repair our broken politics. Stick with us and personal income and corporate profit to uncompetitive levels. That is right. But a progressive alternative is to shift the tax
together we will change Britain for good. base to property and land which cannot run away and represent, in Britain, an extreme concentration of wealth.”

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