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Shodasha Samskaras : 16 Rites of Passage
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1. Garbhadana Samskara – is performed by a married couple when conceiving a
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child. This important Samskara raises the act of conception to a sacred occasion, and default.)
is powerfully purifying and uplifting for the unborn child. Example:
#HariGovind #hindi
2. Pumsavana Samskara – is usually performed between the second and fourth
note!: this is not a
month of pregnancy. Its purpose is: to insure the good health of the foetus and the
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proper formation of its organs, so that the family line and tradition will perpetuate
thorugh the baby.

3. Simantonoyana Samskara – In the fourth or fth month of pregnancy, the mind of

the foetus begins to develop. This is when simantonoyana Samskara is performed. Its
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purpose is to protect the foetus–especially its newly forming mind–from all negative
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in uences, and also to stimulate the development of the unborn child’s intellect.

4. Jatakarma Samskara is the ritual performed at the birth of a child noting the birth
time and star and thus create a birth chart which is suppose to be the blue print of
ones life. Amma App

5. Namakarana Samskara – On the eleventh day after the child’s birth, namakarana
Samskara is performed. In this ceremony, the child receives its name.

6. Nishkramana Samskara – The baby’s rst outing into the world, beyond the
con nes of the home. Stay connected, install
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7. Annaprashana – The rst feeding of solid food to the baby, usually in the sixth for iOS and Android
month after birth.

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8. Karnavedha Samskara – usually performed in the sixth or seventh month after Subscribe eMail
birth, consists of the piercing of the baby’s ear lobes, so earrings may be worn.

9. Chudakarana Samskara – At the end of the rst year after birth, or during the
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third year, the child’s hair is shaved–all but a tuft on the top of the head. This ritual
shaving of hair, performed with ceremony, prayers, and chanting of Vedic hymns, is
chudakarana Samskara This Samskara is for both boys and girls.

10. Vidyarambha Samskara – begins a student’s primary education by ceremonially

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introducing the child to the alphabet.
It’s rare to see a world
11. Upanayana Samskara – initiates the formal study of the Vedas. It is one of the religious leader having
most important and esteemed of the samskaras. Upon performance of Upanayana, a so much direct contact
with the general public
boy traditionally moves from home to live in the ashram of the guru.
Our lives are meant to be
12. Samavartana Samskara – With samavartana Samskara the disciple graduates born in love, to live in
from his Vedic studies and returns from the house of his guru. Thereafter, the love, and to eventually
disciple will marry and raise a family, and so enter the stage of householder, end in love

grihasthashrama. Every action done with

awareness is yoga
13. Vivaha Samskara – The traditional Hindu wedding ceremony is known as vivaha
Samskara It is considered by many to be the most important of all the samskaras. What is the principle
behind Puja?
14. Panchamahayagna Samskara – A married couple performs the
Amrita Institute of
panchamahayajna, or ve great sacri ces, daily. In this Samskara, one honours, in Medical Sciences signs
turn, the rishis, the gods, the parents, humankind, and all created beings.

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15. Vanaprastha Samskara – According to the Vedic tradition, vanaprastha is the MoU with Harvard Med
third stage of life, following brahmacharya (Vedic student/disciple) and grihasta
(householder). Here, a one leaves behind ones life in the world and retires to the Eye surgeries in Africa
forest (or serving the society), to live an ascetic life devoted to service, study of the
International Yoga day
scriptures and to meditation. celebrations at Amrita
16. Antyeshti Samskara – The nal sacrament, the funeral rites, are known as
antyeshti Samskara. The world would have
transformed to heaven

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AmmaChimes Amma Says Connect wi Amma Fo ow Amma
MotherPage: It’s rare to see a Devotion is not running away Amrita University g+ Amritapuri
world religious leader having so from duties. Turning a blind eye
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general public without consoling them lovingly,  9 is not devotion. Amma Europe fb Amritapuri
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Amma is now singing bhajans 9 In Sanatana Dharma, Creator and
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entities. The ocean and its waves
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2018 water, just like the waves.
Likewise, there are earrings and Embracing the World
Dignitaries are garlending and
necklaces in gold, just as there is
welcoming Amma to Toronto 9
gold in the earring and necklace. Clean India Recent Posts
July 2018
Ashram Diary It’s rare to see a world
Amma on stage @ Toronto 9 July
यिद सुख-शांित भौितक सुख religious leader having so
सुिवधाओं की वृि  से पाई जा सकती तो वातानु Amrita SeRVe much direct contact with the
Darshan is over @ toronto 8 July सब सुखसुिवधाओं के  रहते अ छी नींद के िलये  general public
2018 1/2 Amritavani
Our lives are meant to be
सुख- IAM Meditation born in love, to live in love,
शांित अनुभव करने के  िलये हम अपने मन का व and to eventually end in love
 अ या म का अ यास इसम हमारा सहायक होत
#Amma Every action done with
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2/ awareness is yoga

Amma observed What is the principle behind

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her programs in Santa Fe, New Amrita Institute of Medical
Sciences signs MoU with

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"Yoga is not a coming together,
Harvard Med School
but a moving apart. It is moving
away from the misconception
that we were ever apart from
God. In truth, there is, always has
been and always will be nothing
but Oneness. #Amma #YogaDay

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