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FUTURE MIND Dr. Shuchi R. Bhatt (M.A. B.Ed. M.Ed, Ph.D

Mob: 8556092620,Email:

Psychometric test report BINDU (SAFFRON SCHOOL) PHAGWARA [8055955001]

D/0 Mr Vijay singh
Dear Ms. Bindu Jee


INTERNATIONAL PUNE 8556092620,7973728746
handling right words 23.2
Judging ability 22.27
visual ABILITY 7.52
Emotional/FEELING ability 11.53
LEADERSHIP/SOCIAL Personality 10.81
Observation /READING ability 8.61
Verbal memory/LISTENING 10.81
fine motor skill 6.67
Logical analysis ability 12.39
management ability 11.46

0 5 10 15 20 25
1. You are compassionate, peaceful and people-orientated, loyal, friendly, high listening capacity, extrovert,
2. Hard working and a great team player but tend to avoid change, confrontation, Risk-taking and assertiveness.
3. Inborn Intelligence Potential for Bindu is : Type D AND Your TFRC (average IQ)is :166
4. Hard working and a great team player but tend to avoid change, confrontation Risk-taking and assertiveness.
5. which show good potential right brain is more active as compared to left which shows creativity potential, different thinking, more
imagination less practical. Can be good leader if responsibility given but always need guidance from other before taking final decision.
1. Autonomous, very strong-willed, independent, likes to lead others;Need to be convinced by solid evidence.
2. keep promises and pursue Fairness and justice.-Have good reasoning skills, insight and ability to express. They like to compare and
contrast for differences and similarities. Able to make decisions or choices in a short period of time
1. -Concerned about self-image, enjoy winning, lack in-depth communication.
2. -Unable to adapt in an environment of high stress.Avoid setting own standards and benchmarks and expect other people to achieve such
standards.lack of driving force, week control of goals. -Learn how to rightfully reject others if necessary. -Dislike routine job or work
with predetermined answers and too many instructions; Not dominant, comply with the rules of the game and go with the flow.
3. -Enjoys being at ease and dislike being restricted. -Easygoing way of life, lack of driving force, week control of goals.
4. -Resent working hard alone for a long period.
1. -Learn to be dominant and control the work flow; have macro thinking and clearly demand the outcomes from self and others.
2. -Take part in various community activities and take the initiative to be the leader.
3. -Participate in decision-making and goal-setting courses.
4. -Refer to autobiographies of successful people. Read books on time management and how to increase efficiency.
5. -try and record emotions and thinking in various situations from time to time, speak encouraging and self affirming words.
6. -Learn how to rightfully reject others if necessary.
7. Suitable work type :- Team-based, work which is less competitive in nature
8. Example :- Public Relation officer, Counselor, Therapist, Psychologist, Social Worker, Evangelist, Tour guide or Tour leader, Spiritual
mentor, human resource or Administrative management, Activity convener, Host for shows and meeting etc.

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Best of luck
Yours sincerely,
Dr S M Bhatt
Future Mind – DMIT Research Team Phagwara

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