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Eva Baumgartner

Ketamine as a Recreational Drug

on the risks of consumption-related socio-pathological changes and specific conflict behaviour,
and their relevance for secondary preventive institutions

1. Introduction 6 5.1. Risk reduction 22
5.2. Safer use 22
2. The Substance 7
2.1. The History 7 6. Empirical Section 25
2.2. Chemical Information 7 6.1. Introduction to empirical section 25
2.3. Dosage and Use 8 6.1.1. ChEck iT! 25
2.3.1. Oral Consumption 8 6.2. Method and Approach 25
2.3.2. Nasal Consumption 8 6.3. Explanation of method choice 26
2.3.3. Intramuscular Consumption 9 6.4. Questionnaire Development 26
2.3.4. Intravenous Consumption 9 6.5. Description of the survey 27
2.4. Effect 9 6.5.2. The Realisation 28
2.4.1. Set 10 6.6. Evaluation of Data - SPSS 29
2.4.2. Setting 10 6.7. The Results 30
2.5. The dissociative effects of ketamine 10 6.7.1. Demographic Data 30
2.6. Near-death experiences 11 6.8. Consumption patterns 32
2.6.1. What is a near-death experience 11 6.8.1. Age of Initial Consumption 32
2.6.2. The main characteristics of a near-death experience 11 6.8.2. Motivation for Initial Consumption 32
2.7. Mixed-consumption 12 6.8.3. Setting 32
2.7.1. Ketamine and “Downer” 12 6.8.4. Changes in atmosphere caused by ketamine 33
2.7.2. Ketamine and GHB 12 6.8.5. Monthly prevalence 33
2.7.3. Ketamine and Alcohol 13 6.8.6. Mixed consumption 34
2.7.4. Ketamine and Amphetamines, Metamphetamines and Cocaine 13 6.8.7. Form of Consumption 34
2.7.5. Ketamine and Ecstasy (MDMA) 13 6.9. Evaluation of Qualitative Questions 34
2.7.6. Ketamine and LSD 13 6.9.1. What makes ketamine interesting? 34
2.8. Specific Risks 14 6.9.2. Changes in relationships through ketamine consumption 35
2.8.1. Physical 14 6.9.3. Changes in Friend 36
2.8.2. Psychological 14 6.9.4. Changes in those questioned 36
2.9. Possible Long-term Effects 15 6.9.5. Changes in the life of those questioned 36
2.9.1. Psychological Long-term effects 15 6.9.6. Negative Experiences with Ketamine 36
2.9.2. Physical Long-term effects 16
2.10. Ketamine dependency 16 7. The relevance of results 38
7.1. Relevance of results for social work 38
3. The medicinal use of ketamine 19
3.1. Ketamine in emergency medicine 19 8. Conclusion 40
3.2. Ketamine in internal medicine 19 9. Epilogue 42
3.3. Ketamine in the treatment of chronic pain 19 10. Glossary 43
3.4. Side effects of ketamine 19 11. Appendix 44
3.5. The use of ketamine in psychotherapeutic practice 20 11.1. Questionnaire 45
12. Bibliography 47
4. The legal status of ketamine 21 13. List of figures 48
5. “Risk Reduction“ and ”Safer use” 22 14. Author
51. ChEck iT!

Abstract Preface
The subject of the submitted thesis is “Ketamine a Recreational Keywords This publication is a thesis written by Evi Baumgartner for the
Drug” – on the risks of consumption-related socio-pathlogical completion of her diploma at the Social Workers’ College (aca-
changes and specific conflict behaviour as a consequence of Ketamine, K, Keta demic title: “Magistra (FH) der Sozialarbeit”). Evi Baumgartner
its consumption and their relevance for secondary preventive Recreational drugs specialised in the field of drug-related social work right from
institutions. Low threshold the beginning of her studies. In addition to this she has been
Dissociative anaesthetic working with ChEck iT! since the winter of 2003. She had done
Ketamine is an dissociative anaesthetic used in veterinary Near-death experiences research in various fields of the electronic music scene already
and human medicine. Because of its specific effect ketamine ChEck iT! within the framework of her project practicum and therewith
is also used without medical indications, for example in the Free-techno scene carried out important basic research for our work at events. Evi
party scene. The dissociative effect of ketamine can produce a Goa Scene Baumgartner’s work at ChEck iT! focuses on her counselling at
phenomenon referred to as a near-death experience. The spe- events as well as special topic work related to the free-techno
cial risks of this substance are the high risk of dependency and scene and ketamine. The curiosity about the topic of ketamine
the readiness to take risks after consumption. emerged through the work she did with ChEck iT! and it was
The hypothesis of this thesis is that the consumption of ket- through this that she decided to write her thesis on the topic
amine causes socio- pathological changes especially in regard of ketamine. She started working for the public medical drug
to conflict attitudes. This assumption was analysed with a counselling centre Ganslwirt in 2006.
standardised questionnaire filled out by ketamine consumers
at various techno parties.

I have also collected information concerning consumption

patterns and consumption type. The results of my research
appear to verify my assumption. For example, about 78 % of
those questioned stated that the atmosphere at parties where
a large amount of ketamine is used gets strained, excited and
aggressive. 53 % of the persons asked told me that they had
noticed a change in their friends’ behaviour after those had
consumed ketamine.
Ketamine dependence as well as withdrawal symptoms were
also important topics in conversations with consumers. I
wasn’t able to find anything about the latter in literature.
Because of these findings I have come to the conclusion that
street work with a low threshold approach is absolutely neces-
sary in places where ketamine is consumed.

see: Homepage Ralf Rebmann. URL:, March 2006

see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 1

Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002,853

O Cl
see: Turner, D.M. Der Psychedelische Reiseführer, Nachtschattenverlag, Germany2 ,1997, 67
see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 2
(S)-Ketamin. Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspekte. Editors R. Klose and U. Hoppe. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2002,2

see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 2


9 translated, 29 Nov 05

see: Internetlexikon. URL:, March, 2006

see:Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005,2f

Figure 1: various Ketanest® Infusion bottles1 Figure 2: chemical structure of ketamine9

1. Introduction 2. The Substance

The following work on the topic of “ketamine as a recreational with low threshold drug-related work, namely ”risk reduction“ Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic (see glossary) and be- nection with ketamine (7 in the USA and 5 in Europe), however
drug –on the risks of consumption-related socio-pathological and ”safer use“. longs to the substance class of phencyclidine derivatives. It is only 3 of these cases involved ketamine alone. 8
changes and specific conflict behaviour, and their relevance for used both in human and in veterinary medicine. 2
secondary preventive institutions” consists of two large sec- The empirical section of my work is based on data and facts Ketamine is an injection narcotic which causes a “complete an- 2.2. Chemical Information
tions. which I acquired through a standardised questionnaire. algesia with superficial unconsciousness […] with maintained
The first section includes a theoretical analysis of the sub- In the first part of the empirical section I describe in detail protective reflexes […]“. 3 “Biochemically seen ketamine is a racemate which consists
stance ketamine and the second section gives a detailed de- the institution called ChEck iT!. Furthermore I elaborate on Ketamine was first produced by Parke Davis and is sold on the of equal parts of two optical enantiomeres [S(+)ketamine,
scription of my research and its results. the methodology and approach I used in my research. I ex- market with the names Ketalar®, Ketanest® and Ketanet®. 4 R(-)ketamine]. (see Figure 2) Pharmacological research could
The hypothesis which is investigated in this work is whether or plain why I chose a questionnaire for my research section and (see Figure 1) point out distinct qualitative and quantitative differences be-
not consumption-related changes can be caused by ketamine, describe my queries on location. In order to give the reader a In the techno scene it is offered for sale under the names Keta, tween the two ketamine-enantiomeres. In addition to this the
for example increased aggression potential and specific con- more complete picture two sub scenes in the techno scene in Special K, Vitamin K, Cat or simply K. clinical superiority of s(+)ketamine could be described in vari-
flict behaviour. which I did most of my research are described in more detail. ous therapy studies. S(+)ketamine mainly conveys the desired
The evaluation of the results in the statistic programme SPSS 2.1. The History effects while R(-)ketamine conveys mainly the undesirable
Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic used in both human are explained and the results are displayed in several graphic side effects.
and veterinary medicine. The special effects of the substance figures. Here I first describe the group of those questioned, The company Parke-Davis commissioned Calvin L-Stevens, a The clinical advantages apply to the anaesthetic potency, the
have led increasingly to its use outside of its proper medical then I deal with the consumption patterns of the consumers pharmacologist at Wayne State University, to do research in magnitude of the analgesia achieved, the intraoperative ef-
context, for example misuse in the techno scene at techno and interpret the qualitative questions. In this section of the order to find a substitute for the anaesthetic medicine called fects as well as side effects and undesirable psychological dis-
parties. In this thesis I have investigated the use of ketamine thesis I will also reveal whether or not my hypothesis was veri- phencyclidine (PCP, Angel Dust) which was negatively associ- orders. The main problem with the clinically used ketamine-
as a recreational drug. fied or falsified by the research. ated with strong side effects. 5 Phencyclidine was also used in racemate today lies in the psychological waking reactions and
human as well as veterinary medicine. in the waking phase which is in some cases lengthened by
In the theoretical section I analyse the history of the substance In the empirical section I also handle to the topic of the rel- “In the 1960s McCarthy and Chen succeeded in synthesising hours. […]
and explain the chemical structure as well as the numerous evance of my results for secondary preventive institutions and a PCP- relative: Chlorophenyl-methylamino-cyclohexanon-hy- S(+)ketamine also has a stronger psychedelic effect than the
possible ways of consuming ketamine. Since ketamine is also the work offered by social workers. In conclusion my consider- drochloride (CI 581), or ketamine.” 6 racemate and must be given in much lower doses than the
used in human medicine, I also list its various current medici- ations are presented and the results are combined with theo- Parke-Davis obtained the US patent for the production of ket- racemate. […]” 10
nal uses. retical basis in a conclusion. amine as a medicine in 1966.
Furthermore I distinguished the special effects of the sub- The psychedelic potential of the substance was discovered by „“Ketamine influences the working mechanism of the neu-
stance, whereby I address the special effects as well as the Edward Felix Domino, Professor of clinical pharmacology at rotransmitter glutamine acid, the most important stimulato-
phenomenon of near-death experiences. A subchapter of the the University of Michigan, on the 3 August 1964 in an initial, ry (excitatory) neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
topic mixed consumption and polytoxicomania describes the non medicinal self-experiment. Ketamine binds with a specific type of glutamate receptor, the
effects of ketamine in combination with a variety of other In the 1960s and 70s ketamine was used by the US Army as NMDA-receptor (N-Methyl-D-Aspirate) and blocks therewith
substances. an anaesthetic for soldiers in the Vietnam War, as well as by the working mechanism of this receptor. […]
An exhaustive description of the substance and the possible doctors, psychiatrists and other researchers as a “recreational The blockade of this receptors information exchange causes
problems which can arise through consumption are provided drug” for the investigation of consciousness. a functional decoupling of certain regulation systems in the
in the sections on special risks and eventual long-term effects After the publication of “Journeys into the Bright World” (Moore mesencephalon and the cerebral cortex from the thalamus.
of ketamine. Also the dependency potential is described in and Alltounian, 1980) and “The Scientist” by Cunningham The perception and sorting of optical and acoustic signals and
more detail in this connection, in particular the dependency Lilly (1984), in which detailed reports of experiences includ- other stimulants no longer takes place in its normal fashion
potential of ketamine. Here I will also briefly describe the ex- ing doses specifications were written, the substance became but rather in a fragmentary form. Similar to a very strong acti-
periences I had while doing my research. known world-wide. As a result ketamine was used much more vation of serotonin receptors, only separate, completely unre-
The current legal status of this substance in Austria is also the frequently without medicinal indications, with the purpose of lated pictures are processed without any connection to each
subject of one chapter in this thesis. At the end of the theo- investigating consciousness. 7 other and with distinctly changed associations and attributed
retical section I describe another two social work approaches From 1987 to 2000 a total of 12 deaths could be brought in con- meanings.

see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005,2f
see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 3
see: Cousto, Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 3
see: Turner, D.M. Der Psychedelische Reiseführer, Nachtschattenverlag, Germany2 . 1997, 67
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 7f
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3, 2000, 297ff.
see: Hans Cousto: Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum, 8
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3, 2000,298
Turner D.M., Der Psychedelische Reiseführer, Nachtschatten Verlag, Deutschland2 ,1997, 67
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3, 2000,298
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 8
see: Lilly John C., Der Scientist. Sphinx Verlag , Basel. 1984, 150ff
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3 2000,298
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005,8
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3, 2000, 299

Ketamine also impedes the peripheral revival of catechol- Some consumers called this procedure “boiling”. This expres- onset after ca. 5-10 minutes and the duration of effects also his “Psychedelic Travelguide” Turner assigned each psychedelic
amines like adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine and sion is common in the street drug scene. corresponds with this. 18 substance a place on an intensity scale, giving ratings of 1-10 (1
strengthens therewith the peripheral monoaminergic – in In the following paragraphs I would like to describe the dose = mild, 10 = intense).
particular dopaminergic – transfer. Along with the peripheral and uses of this substance in detail. For this it appears to be 2.3.3. Intramuscular Consumption Ketamine was given an intensity of 10 to infinite (in compari-
transfer, the central dopaminergic transfer is particularly necessary to view the different forms of consumption sepa- son: Turner gave LSD a rating of “only” 3 - 7.)
stimulated. This dopaminergic effect appears to be the cause rately. “A dose of 100 mg of ketamine, administered intramuscularly,
of the euphorical effect of ketamine.” 11 produces an intense psychedelic experience.” The exact dosage The dissociative effect of ketamine means a fragmentary dis-
2.3.1. Oral Consumption necessary varies with body weight and mental condition.” 19 integration of the environment and the bodily senses, a feeling
Through experiments carried out on mice it has been shown Other dosage suggestions found in professional literature var- of dissolution to the world around it and to feelings within it
that ketamine also has an effect on GABA – receptors. There In his professional information brochure (Fachinformation: ied from 30 mg to 150 mg consumed intramuscularly. Here the (ego – border dissolution, ego – disintegration). In professional
it works in a way which is similar to that seen with GHB Ketamin-Mischkonsum) on ketamine Cousto, an employee of effects appeared already after circa 3-5 minutes and lasted for literature one can find experience reports from consumers in
(gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, also known as “liquid ecstasy”), the drug checking project called “Eve & Rave”, differentiated approximately 40-60 minutes. 20 which these users believed to have left their bodies or could
however its effect is not as strong. This means that the mixed- between a suitable dosage for parties and a suitable dosage With 400 to 800 mg of ketamine administered intramuscu- not see any demarcation between themselves and the envi-
consumption of this substance with alcohol can also be very for a “real takeoff”. He suggested that the optimal dose for larly one achieves complete anaesthesia lasting up to circa 15 ronment (see section on dissociative effects of ketamine).
dangerous, as alcohol considerably intensifies the sensitivity use as a recreational drug was 40-50 mg taken orally. Here the to 25 minutes. 21 During my research I also met several consumers who told
of the GABA receptors and therewith significantly increases onset of effects would occur approx. 30-60 minutes after ad- The psychedelic self-experimenter John Lilly gave himself an me that they had watched themselves dance or something
the effect of the transmitters. This can lead to an intensifica- ministration and would last for approximately one hour 15 hourly injected dosage of 50 mg, 20 hours a day with a four- similar.
tion of the dampening factors of ketamine and alcohol in the hour sleeping intermission. Even with such a high dosage on Furthermore, there are also reports that sometimes find com-
brain. 12 In the “Psychedelic Travelguide”(Der Psychedelische Reisefüh- such a continual basis a physical overdoses did not occur, how- munication extremely difficult. Thoughts can break off and
rer) one finds a suggested dose of 200 – 450 mg of ketamine ever the loss of a connection to reality was a result. 22 the central thread of the conversation is very easily lost.
2.3. Dosage and Use taken orally. In this case the dose represents the amount Often the senses of taste and smell are also deactivated and
needed to have a full ketamine experience (not suitable for 2.3.4. Intravenous Consumption sounds are perceived in a distorted form. When the consumer
Ketamine is available on the black market as a white, crystalline parties). closes the eyes or takes a very high doses very realistic dream
powder or a liquid. In the pharmaceutical industry ketamine is The effects after the oral consumption of this dose appeared In literature from this field one can find very little information visions can be seen. Nausea is also often mentioned as a side
delivered in the form of an injection solution containing ket- after approximately 5-20 minutes (depending on the amount on intravenous use because this form of consumption is not effect, in particular when the consumer is physically active.
amine-hydrochloride. If not otherwise stated on the package, of time since last meal) and lasted for about one and a half very wide spread. This is due to the fact that the high comes Therefore it is suggested that one lie down for the course of a
it is the racemate (50% S(+)ketamine and 50% R(-)ketamine). hours. 16 very quickly, very similar to the anaesthesia through ketamine, ketamine high. The consumption of ketamine also brings the
The powdery, dehydrated ketamine available on the black mar- and is much too intense. The consumer is too strongly “dazed” danger of injury because it reduces the user’s ability to feel
ket is ketamine hydrochloride (Ketamine-HCL), therefore the 2.3.2. Nasal Consumption and does not really experience the high. 23 pain and the overdose prevents the body from collapsing or
racemate. 13 With an intravenous dose of 100 to 200 mg (2 mg per kg body passing out. 25
In the professional information brochure on ketamine mixed- weight) a complete anaesthesia comes after circa 30 seconds,
Ketamin kann oral geschluckt und sowohl intravenös als auch consumption (Ketamine: Mischkonsum) 20 to 25 mg of ket- and this condition lasts for about 5 to 10 minutes. 24 In literature it is also reported that the consumer has no
Ketamine can be taken orally or in the form of an intrave- amine applied nasally (ca. 0.25 to 0.4 mg per kg body weight) memory of what they experienced while being high. In many
nous or intramuscular injection. The most frequent form of is given as the right dose for consumption at parties. While 2.4. Effect experience reports consumers describe dark hallucinations
consumption in the party scene is the nasal consumption in the right dosage for a full ketamine experience is, according which can trigger extreme anxiety and so-called “near-death
powder form. to H. Cousto, approximately 150 mg (2.0 to 2.5 mg per kg body The physical effect of ketamine can range from an anaesthetic experiences”. (see section: Near-death experiences)
In order to get this powder the injection solution must be de- weight). 17 effect to a so-called dissociative anaesthesia. The pain anal-
hydrated. Dehydration is achieved by heating the substance to gesic effect appears already before and also lasts longer than In addition to the physical effects ketamine also has an ex-
95 degrees Celsius and maintaining this temperature until the This statement corresponds more or less with the dose stated the anaesthesia. tremely strong psychoactive effect, the impact of which, as
entire moisture is evaporated and only a powdery substance in the “Psychedelic Travelguide”, in which 50 – 150 mg of ket- The psychoactive effect of ketamine is very strongly dependent with every other substance, is heavily dependent on the set
remains. 14 amine taken nasally was described as the optimal dosage. The on the type of consumption and the amount of the dosage. In and setting.

vgl. ChEck iT! Booklet, Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Universal Druckerei Leoben, Vienna2 , 2002, 9
ICD-10, Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme

10.Revision, Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information;

Band I, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Version 1.0, 1994, 329

Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine. Ronin Publishing inc., California. 1999, 19
see: Psychedelische Chemie. Editors. D. Trachsel and N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Germany3, 2000, 305ff

2.4.1. Set one of the psychological disturbances or behavioural disorders psychotic episodes and are accompanied by a high amount result of the fact that dark visions are usually more readily dis-
described by ICD 10/ F44: of aggression. Ketamine is much less toxic and the effect of missed as nightmares and that those involved are less likely
The set includes all person-related factors which are important ketamine lasts significantly shorter than with PCP where a trip to want to reveal or make reports of negative experiences. In
to the impact, for example one’s body weight and metabolism. “The general characteristic of dissociative or conversion disor- can last up to eight hours. the past it was believed that the major difference between a
In this way the same doses of ketamine would have a much ders is the partial or total loss of normal integration of memo- When compared to other hallucinogens, like LSD or DMT, simi- near-death experience and a ketamine trip was that the latter
stronger effect on a person who weighs only 50 kg than on a ries of the past, consciousness of identity, the perception of im- larities between a ketamine trip and, for example, a LSD trip could be unpleasant and therefore there was no motivation to
person who weighs 70 kg. The metabolism also varies greatly mediate feelings as well as the control of bodily movements. are mentioned, but the effects do still appear to be different. repeat the experience. Still, some people have found ketamine
from one person to another and can be difficult to determine. All dissociative disturbances tend to go into remission after For example, both substances produce so-called “pulsating” trips so happy and positive, that they wanted to consume the
For example, some people can transform the substances into a few weeks or months, especially when their initial onset is hallucinations (e.g., breathing walls), but a ketamine trip is substance daily, while some “real” near-death experiences
their effective form very quickly but don’t feel the effects for as connected with traumatic life experiences. Chronic disorders, usually described as being much “heavier”, more powerful and were described as dark and frightening.
long as other people. in particular paralysis and emotional disorders, develop when more impressive.
Previous psychological and physical illnesses are also impor- the onset is connected with inter-personal difficulties or insol- Timothy Leary, the LSD researcher, described his ketamine ex- Jansen’s research brought him to the conclusion that the simi-
tant factors which belong to the set. Illnesses of the heart, uble problems. These disorders used to be classified as various periences as “experiments in voluntary death”. 28 larity between a spontaneous near-death experience and a
kidneys, thyroid gland or respiratory tract and conditions like forms of conversion neurosis or hysteria. Now they are seen as In the next chapter I will describe yet another special effect of ketamine trip is brought about by a blockade of certain recep-
epilepsy can have an influence on the effect and can also pos- causal psychogenes which are temporally closely connected ketamine, the so-called near-death experience. tors in the brain.
sibly lead to a dangerous situation. with traumatic experiences, insoluble conflicts or broken rela- A sudden decrease in the supply of oxygen or in blood sugar,
Another very important factor influencing the impact of a tionships. The symptoms often manifest themselves in a way 2.6. Near-death experiences caused for example by the interruption of blood flow during
psychoactive substance is the current mood of the consumer. which fits into the afflicted person’s concept of a physical ill- a heart attack causes an overflow of glutamate. This leads to
Both positive and negative moods can be strengthened by psy- ness. However the physical examination and questioning give 2.6.1. What is a near-death experience an over-activation of some brain cells which suddenly die as
choactive substances. no indication of a somatic or neurological illness. In addition a result. Jansen compared this process with an air balloon in
to this the failure to function is an obvious sign of emotional A near-death experience, abbreviated to NDE, is the condition which one suddenly blows too much air and blows up as a
2.4.2. Setting conflict or need. The symptoms can develop when combined in which one finds one’s self when, for a limited period of time, result.
with a psychological burden and can often appear very sud- one is technically clinically dead, for example during an opera- Ketamine prevents this destruction. It binds itself to the same
The setting includes all external factors which influence the denly. Only disturbances in bodily functions which are usually tion, an accident or something similar. receptor points as other substances in the brain. The same
type of effect produced by psychoactive substances. The fac- deliberately controlled and the loss of sensual perception are A NDE is a very interesting phenomenon –not only in medi- conditions which can cause a glutamate flood can also set a
tors which belong to the setting are, for example: where the included here. Disorders with pain and other complex physical cine, neurological science, neurology, psychiatry, psychology or flood of other substances free, which in turn bind to receptors
consumption occurs and who the substance is consumed sensations which are mediated by the vegetative nervous sys- theology. 29 in order to protect the cell and in this way lead to an altered
with. 26 tem are classified as somatic disorders (F45.0). The possibility state of consciousness.
of a later appearance of serious physical or psychiatric disor- Patients who awake from a coma often claim to have had vi-
2.5. The dissociative effects of ketamine ders must always be considered.” 27 sions of going through a tunnel, seeing a bright light or some- 2.6.2. The main characteristics of a near-death experience
It can also lead to depersonalisation, as described above, when thing similar. Such visions can also be achieved by, for example,
Ketamine has a distinct hallucinogenic as well as a dissocia- it comes in connection with a dissociative disorder. consuming a psychoactive substance like ketamine. One of the important characteristics of a near-death experi-
tive effect. The dissociative effect of ketamine is described as All the characteristics of a near-death experience can be re- ence is the feeling of certainty in regard to the reality of what
a separation of body and mind which can lead to out-of-body This specified dissociative effect of ketamine is not observed produced by the consumption of ketamine in the right set and is experienced and the feeling that one is truly dead. In ad-
experiences. When this happens the senses are distorted and in any other psychoactive substance and according to profes- setting. There is no indisputable criteria which describes or de- dition to this it was impossible for those who had such an
a new reality is created in the mind of the consumer. In this sional literature and reports of experiences the ketamine high fines the near-death experience. As already mentioned, those experience to describe what happened in words. Another
way it is possible for consumers to believe that they can watch can not be compared with anything else when it comes to people who have had such an experience usually describe characteristic is the strong feeling of timelessness, of eternity,
themselves dancing or see other actions happening from a intensity. happy, calm and beautiful trips and therefore an entirely posi- of peace and joy. Still, in some cases frightening and extremely
vantage point outside of their bodies. Ketamine is in fact a close relative of PCP, also referred to as tive picture has become the “distinguishing feature” of a near- unpleasant feelings were reported. Sometimes the people in-
A dissociative disorder can also occur in situations devoid of “angel dust”, but PCP usually causes very negative hallu- death experience. volved experienced such incidents at a very high speed. This
the consumption of psychoactive substances, for example it is cination and is known for its “bad trips” which often end in Jansen (2001) believes that these positive reports can be the is often described as a feeling of falling, riding on a wave, of

10 11
see: Dr.Jansen Karl, Ketamine:Dreams and Realities, MAPS, Florida, 2001, 92ff
Psychedelische Chemie. Hrsg.v. D. Trachsel, N. Richard. Nachtschatten Verlag, Deutschland3, 2000,306
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005,9ff
ICD-10, Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme

10.Revision, Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information; Band I, Urban & Schwar-

zenberg, Version 1.0, 1994, 310

see: ChEck iT! Booklet, Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Universal Druckerei Leoben, Vienna2, 2002, 65
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005,9ff
see: Turner, D.M. Der Psychedelische Reiseführer. Nachtschattenverlag, Germany2 ,1997, 78f

a vacuum, speeding through a tunnel or being swallowed by rather mixed various substances. This simultaneous misuse physical sensitivity. Still some experienced consumers de- bined with high doses of ketamine vehemently advise others
an emptiness. or the dependency on numerous substances is called poly- scribe the alternating consumption of GHB and ketamine as against trying this combination.
toxicomania. Today those in the field of medicine choose the being rather stimulating. A stable, basic constitution in both
In many cases the early phase of a ketamine trip is similarly formulation “psychological and behavioural disorders through psychological and physical respects is an absolute prerequisite 2.7.6. Ketamine and LSD
described. In both cases one has no perception of pain and a the use of multiple substances and consumption of other psy- for such “hot and cold baths”.
complete separation from the body (dissociation) occurs. In chotropic substances” as a diagnosis, as seen for example in According to Hans Cousto, the combination of ketamine
both, near-death experiences and ketamine trips, visions of ICD 10. 2.7.3. Ketamine and Alcohol and LSD appears to be a popular in the party-setting as well
landscapes, angels, near friends or partners as well as visions as in the scope of psychonautical trips. In the party-setting
of religious or mythical origin are often seen. Together both In the diagnosis catalogue (ICD-10) this is position F19: The combination of alcohol with ketamine brings a high possi- ketamine is taken at the climax of the LSD effect in order to
experiences have the characteristic of aversion to turn back “This category is to be used when the consumption of two or bility of nausea and vomiting as well as the risk of a breathing brighten or intensify the effect. It can also be taken nasally in
and return to the condition before the trip or experience. An- more psychotropic substances are involved and it is not clear depression. After consuming alcoholic beverages one should small doses in order to lengthen the LSD trip. High doses of
other typical characteristic of a near-death experience is that which substance caused the disorder. This category is also to avoid the consumption of ketamine. ketamine are also often taken at the end of an LSD trip due to
one hears the doctor declare the time of death or that one be used only one or none of the substances consumed can not the fact that the simultaneous end of both the LSD and the
floats above the scene and observes everything that happens. be surely identified, since many consumers often don’t know 2.7.4. Ketamine and Amphetamines, Metamphetamines ketamine trip can make the fading of the effect of LSD softer
Ketamine trips typically include such out-of-body experiences themselves what they have taken.” 33 and Cocaine and more pleasant. In addition to this the recovery phase after
and floating scenes. a trip is therewith distinctly more pleasant and relaxed than
But near-death experiences and ketamine highs still include In the following section I would like to give an overview of vari- These combinations can lead to an overstimulation of the it would be otherwise. This combination is considered unsuit-
numerous differences and variations of that which has previ- ous combinations possible. symphatic nervous system (symphaticus). That means it can able for young, inexperienced drug consumers because it re-
ously been described. 30 cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and heavy quires a certain amount of experience to be able to deal with
2.7.1. Ketamine and “Downer” breathing. this high. 35
In “Psychedelic Chemistry” (2000) the following is added to
the characteristics of near-death experiences: A “downer” is a range of different substances which all have ZAs an illustration I would like to describe the experience of D.
2.7.5. Ketamine and Ecstasy (MDMA)
Ring (one of the most important near-death researchers) was a calming and relaxing effect on the body and mind and M. Turner who, while walking through Death Valley, consumed
able to classify 5 stages in the NDE: which often cause euphoric conditions and are characterised 350 µg of LSD ( a doses which would, for most people, be a very
According to consumers the consumption of a small amount
1. “Feeling of peace and satisfaction by a high psychological and physical dependency potential. strong psychedelic doses) at the beginning and an unknown
of ketamine together with ecstasy gives the effect of the ec-
2. Feeling of a separation from the body So-called downers, for example benzodiacepine, barbiturates amount of ketamine at the end of his trip.
stasy more “colour” and therewith more vivid visions. This is
3. Entrance into a dark intermediate world (high speed and opioides, can have even stronger effects when taken with “[…] As I sat down to rest and closed my eyes, my mind was
described by most consumers as being very pleasant, favour-
movement through a tunnel: Tunnel-Experiment) ketamine, because these substances reinforce each other in filled with visions of desert creatures, like snakes and scorpi-
able and enriching. It is also reported that this combination
4. Appearance of bright light and their calming and relaxing effects, this can, in turn, result in ons - with pictures which are typical of desert trips. The next
brings back the memory of the first ecstasy experience, which
5. Submersion in light breathing depression and respiratory standstills which can vision was the exact reproduction of a sabre-toothed tiger. […]
is described by most consumers as being heavenly. This initial
make intensive medical treatment necessary. 34 As my thoughts moved further back into the past I saw crea-
experience can not be “revisited” by the continued consump-
It has been reported that 60 % of the people who had a NDE In addition to this barbiturates and opiates in combination tures from the era of dinosaurs which travelled this region in
tion of ecstasy alone. High ketamine doses in combination
experience reached stage one and only 10 % submerged in the with ketamine can lengthen the recovery phase and that prehistoric times. As I sat and thought about the past I realised
with ecstasy consumption leads to a loss of connection to
light.” 31 means it can take much longer for the consumer to feel fit af- that I must have developed out of such creatures. […] Then my
the world of physical surroundings. The effect profile of ket-
ter the effects of the substances have already disappeared. mind opened and time stretched into eternity. […]
amine in high doses diametrically opposes the effect profile of
2.7. Mixed-consumption 32 As the full moon stood high in the sky I arrived at the salt lakes
ecstasy. That means that the effects of these two substances
2.7.2. Ketamine and GHB and, at this spot which is the lowest point of the United States,
are completely different. Ecstasy strengthens perception and
In professional literature one can find reports of experiences I took the ketamine. I felt myself become part of the earth and
intensifies the connection between the consumer and the
involving the mixed-consumption of ketamine with a wide The effect profiles of ketamine and GHB do not complement penetrated the deep layers of the “spirit” of planetary con-
physical environment, while with ketamine the consumer of-
variety of psychoactive substances. Most consumers of psy- each other very well due to the fact that GHB increases physi- sciousness. It is common for me and other people who take
ten completely loses his/her connection to the outside world.
choactive substances do not consume only one substance but cal sensitivity while high doses of ketamine respectively numb ketamine to become a part of the earth spirit.” 36
Most consumers who have had experiences with ecstasy com-

12 13
see: ChEck iT! Homepage. URL:, January 2006
see: Dr.Jansen Karl, Ketamine:Dreams and Realities, MAPS, Florida, 2001, 266ff
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 6
see: Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine. Ronin Publishing inc., California1. 1999, 77
see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 6
see: Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine. Ronin Publishing Inc. California. 1999, 82ff

intoxication is rather low. Risky behaviour resulting from the Consumers repeatedly describe the feeling of not really exist- possible to find out for example that the key to a pleasant and
2.8. Specific Risks consumption are the real danger caused by this substance. ing or that the world around them seems to be surreal. positive ketamine experience was to influence the experience
From 1987 to 2000 seven deaths in the USA and five deaths Karl Jansen believed that this long list of psychological side from outside. For instance a warm and emphatic feeling can be
2.8.1. Physical in the European Union have been connected in some way to effects have more to do with the psyche of the sufferer than developed through a doctor who knows how to emphasise the
ketamine consumption. However in only three of these cases with the actual effects of the substance. The connection with positive effects of ketamine. In the exact same way, according
There is a wide range of negative physical effects of ketamine ketamine was diagnosed as the cause of death. 39 the substance is perhaps only coincidental. Psychoactive sub- to Jansen, a negative influence can be achieved, for example
consumption from nausea and vomiting to cardiac arrhyth- An overdose of ketamine is therefore extremely seldom. The stances offer an understandable explanation for the problems through the demonization of the substance in the media.
mia and coma. experienced “psychonaut” John Lilly consumed ketamine nu- of their consumers.
Vomiting and nausea are very common side effects of ketamine merous times daily over the course of months without observ- What Jansen is suggesting here is called predisposition. Pre- Bad Trip
consumption, luckily the life-saving reflexes, for example the ing subjective physiological damage. A person who consumes disposition is the medical expression for susceptibility. What
swallowing reflex and the gag reflex, are still active under the ketamine is more likely to die of an accident than of an over- this refers to is the susceptibility to specific illnesses. That A so-called “bad trip” can appear in several different forms.
influence of ketamine, otherwise there would more frequently dose of the substance. 40 means that psychological side effects, for example depres- Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, panic attacks
be complications resulting from these side effects. The above-mentioned John Lilly had to be rescued by friends sions, could arise from a predisposition and therefore possibly and aggression are all common characteristics of a “bad trip”.
The consumption of ketamine can also lead to nystagmus (an who found him floating face-down in an isolation tank. He had do not have to have anything to do with the consumption of If a consumer has had a bad trip it can help to take that per-
involuntary trembling of the eyeball), dizziness, incoherent emerged himself in the tank in order to intensify the out-of- the substance. son to a quiet place, without party lights and with few other
speech, increased pulse rate and high blood pressure as well body experience caused by ketamine consumption. He could Jansen also wrote that some people who have never con- people. The consumer should not be left alone and some
as life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. no longer distinguish whether the near-death experience sumed drugs, but still suffer from psychosis, tend to claim consumers reported that it helps to speak to the sufferer in
There are also isolated reports of ketamine causing cramps, which he just had was of a psychedelic nature or if it was actu- that someone must have put something in their glass. This a calming voice and to touch them. Whispered conversations
spasms and epileptic seizures. Muscle stiffness, paralysis, deep ally real. For the non-fiction writer D.M.Turner help came too is used as a possible and acceptable explanation for the fact and making faces are counterproductive in such situations.
sleep and anaesthesia can also occur with very high doses. late. He drown in his own bathtub after consuming ketamine. that something entirely uncontrollable and unexplainable is If it isn’t possible to maintain a certain amount of identity
Extreme caution is advised when it comes to the analgetic Marcia Moor, co-writer of a book on the topic of ketamine happening within them. the consumer usually loses consciousness. In such cases and
effects of ketamine, since these can extremely increase the entitled “Journeys Into the Bright World”, also died under the There are, however, also effects which are definitely connected in the case of long-term symptoms it is essential to acquire
consumer’s risk of accident and injury. 37 influence of ketamine. She went into a forest on a cold winter to the substance, for example a higher dopamine level, from medical intervention. 42
night in January in order to consume ketamine and ended up which one comes to the conclusion that there is a connection
Jansen also lists heavy sweating, increased tear production, a freezing to death. 41 between the substance and the development of paranoia. 2.9. Possible Long-term Effects
hoarse voice, shortness of breath and dizzy spells as general Also automatic physical movement which occurs without the
physical effects of ketamine consumption. Ketamine injec- An overdoses of ketamine with fainting and comatose con- conscious excertion or according to the will of the consumer 2.9.1. Psychological Long-term effects
tions can also cause coughing, headaches and incontinence. ditions can also be life threatening. With a substance like can be attributed to ketamine. The danger of accidents during
Many studies deal with the influence of ketamine on the im- ketamine where outwardly one can hardly tell the difference such activity is naturally great. Until today it has not been possible to make any unequivo-
mune system. However the majority of these reports show between the normal “high” and an overdose it is very impor- cal statements in regard to the long-term damage caused by
that ketamine, in contrast to most other anaesthetics, does tant to know what, how much of and how the substance was At this point it is important to mention that all studies that ketamine consumption. As with almost every other substance
not appear to have effects of any kind on this system. consumed. exist in reference to the psychological side effects of ketamine it is assumed that there are risks corresponding to the amount
In a few cases the consumption of ketamine has also been have been studies of ketamine in its medicinal use. The con- and frequency of ketamine consumption. It is also known that
connected to a strong increase in body temperature, but this 2.8.2. Psychological sumption of the substance as a “recreational drug” throws a a degree of tolerance can be developed to the substance and
is strongly debated and the conclusion has been made that completely different light on the situation. Here one can not that brain and nerve damage are possible with frequent use.
ketamine does not lead to an overheating of the body. 38 Ketamine consumption is connected with a wide range of un- for example forget the role of other substances which were The experiences which are usually made with ketamine are
desirable psychological effects, for example: anxiety, panic at- taken before and/or after the consumption of ketamine. I connected to positive and pleasant feelings. When one stops Ketamine Overdose tacks, flashbacks, post-traumatic stress function obstructions, would also like to mention the set and the setting once again. taking ketamine after a consumption phase a return to the
sustained perception disorders, mania, depression, suicide, An unfavourable setting leads more easily to an undesirable “normal” mood occurs. So it is possible to occasionally suffer
Ketamine is principally considered to be a relatively safe psy- sleeplessness, nightmares, paranoia, hallucinations, deteriora- result. The expectations of the individuals taking the sub- from a depression or depressive phase after a period of chronic
chotropic substance. That means that the danger of an acute tion of personality and aggression. stance are an important part of the set. Knowing this it was ketamine consumption. Hereby the question must be put as

14 15
see Jansen, Dr. Karl. Ketamine:Dreams and Realities. MAPS, Florida. 2001,244f
Eve & Rave Homepage. URL:, Safer Sniffing,

Redaktion Webteam Berlin , Pressemitteilung vom 19. Februar 2005

ICD-10, Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme

10.Revision, Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information; Band I, Urban & Schwar-

zenberg, Version 1.0, 1994, 306

ICD-10, Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme

10. Revision, Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information; Band I, Urban & Schwar-

zenberg, Version 1.0, 1994, 306

see: Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine, Ronin Publishing inc., California1, 1999,76f
see: Jansen, Dr. Karl. Ketamine:Dreams and Realities. MAPS, Florida. 2001, 166f
see: Jansen, Dr. Karl. Ketamine:Dreams and Realities. MAPS, Florida. 2001, 18
Springer, A. Pleasure and death – deadly pleasure, in: Sucht und Suchtbehandlung.

Problematik und Therapie in Österreich. Editors. Brosch and Mader. LexisNexis Verlag, Vienna. 2004, 330

to whether or not the chronic use of the substance was used abscesses or phlegmones are also dangers of injection. In my research I was also confronted with consumers who told change to a form of consumption involving the use of a nee-
as a form of self-medication for treating an already existing or me of physical withdrawal symptoms after attempts were dle an important natural barrier has been crossed. With the
latent depression. 2.10. Ketamine dependency made to stop consuming ketamine after a long, intensive crossing of this barrier the intravenous consumption of other
phase of consumption. In particular symptoms like fever, cold substances is a distinct, new possibility. Here one should also
Ketamine can trigger a phase of mania in manic-depressive Before I start with this section it is important for me to explain sweats, sleeplessness and the like were described. mention the so-called “needle-craze”. This means the wish to
subjects. The substance has an anti-depressive mechanism the difference between damaging use and substance depen- In spite of the fact that I was unable to find any hints of a experience the physical administration, the actual setting of
and can reverse the effects of the stabilising medication called dency. Here are the definitions of both as found in the ICD 10: physical dependency in the professional literature, it still ap- the needle, involved in intravenous or intramuscular consump-
lithium®. Lithium® works against manic phases and it has pears as if there are consumers who suffer from somatic ef- tion. This term is often used in connection with opiate depen-
been shown that it has several important effects which are “Damaging Use fects after discontinuing consumption. dency and should, in my opinion, also be mentioned here.
the exact opposite of those produced by Ketamine. 43 consumption of psychotropic substances leading to adverse There are many possible explanations for how a person can
health effects. These can appear in the form of physical dis- Jansen states that the following characteristics are convincing become addicted to ketamine. Alfred Springer discusses vari-
2.9.2. Physical Long-term effects orders, for example in the form of hepatitis after the self- proof of dependency syndrome: ous points of consideration on the topic of risky drug use in his
injection of the substance, or in the form of a psychological work entitled “Pleasure and death – deadly pleasure” (2004).
Varying long-term physical effects of ketamine consumption disorder, for example, a depressive episode caused by massive 1. A strong compulsion to consume the substance without Springer claims that in the desire to experience the extreme
can arise through the different forms of consumption. consumption of alcohol.” 45 (ICD 10 F1x.1) setting an appointed time or amount of substance to be conditions of the ketamine high (e.g., NDE) there is a principle
As with other substances, long-term nasal consumption can taken. of so-called “dark hedonism”. Hedonistic motivation can also
be very harmful to the mucous membranes in the nose. In “Dependency Syndrome 2. A development of tolerance have “dark” aspects. It can border on tragedy and include a
extreme cases it can lead to a hole in the nasal septum. The A range of behavioural, cognitive and physical phenomenon 3. The consumption of ketamine has a higher priority than desire for pain or danger. Mystical conditions and the feeling
sense of smell can also be damaged by chronic nasal con- which develops after repeated substance use. Typically there is other activities which previously were of more importance of the proximity of death (near-death experiences) brought
sumption. Disorders in the sense of smell can be of toxic ori- a strong wish to take the substance and difficulties in control- to the consumer. about by the consumption of ketamine can be experienced as
gin, for example damage to olfactory epithelia or fila olfactoria ling the consumption and continued use of the substance in 4. The neglect of things which were considered to be inter- being pleasurable.
caused by the chemical effects of corrosive vapours or can be spite of damaging results. The use of the substance acquires esting or which caused pleasure.
the result of nasal consumption of substances like cocaine, the foremost priority in comparison to other activities or du- 5. More and more time is spent in procuring and consum- “If we stay within the psycho-analytical frame of reference
amphetamines or ketamine. Damage to the sense of smell ties. An increase in tolerance is developed and sometimes also ing the substance, in recovering from the effects, in talking we can assume that individuals who were badly traumatised
can have a seriously detrimental effect on the quality of life. If physical withdrawal syndrome. about and thinking about the substance. during a very early stage of development are more likely to be-
one can not smell one is missing an important aspect of sen- Dependency syndrome can occur as a result of the consump- 6. Discussions about the consumption arise within the come victims of the dangers of destructive narcissistic needs.
sory orientation. A regular nasal irrigation is recommended to tion of individual substances (e.g., tabacco, alcohol or diaz- family and friends, relatives and/or acquaintances express Such personalities possibly make up the hard core of consum-
spare the strained nose. The best method for cleansing is to epam), a substance group (e.g., opiate-like substances), or to worry and concern. ers who, when choosing from all drugs available, still decide to
prepare a salt solution with one teaspoon of salt in one cup of a wide spectrum of pharmacologically different substances.”46 7. In spite of clear signs of damaging effects, for example take those drugs which most consumers have experienced to
luke warm water. Dip the tip of the finger in this solution and (ICD 10 F1x.2) problems with the memory or negative influences on re- be “terrible”.” 50
then sniff the solution from the finger tip. If necessary breath lationships, the consumer persistently refuses to stop con- This can then be applied to the ketamine consumer and espe-
in very deeply to assure that the solution is breathed right In professional literature one finds proof that ketamine has a suming. cially to dependency to ketamine.
down into the throat. 44 very high psychological dependency potential. D.M. Turner also 8. A pause in consumption is followed by an excessive, un- Still:
stated his need to fight against dependency, after which he controlled consumption phase. “The similarity of the desired dissociative condition to hysteric
Further long-term damage can be caused through the injec- gave ketamine the name “psychedelic heroin”. 47 conditions, […] allows the assumption to be made that the
tions by intravenous and intramuscular consumption. Abso- It is highly probable that ketamine has a higher dependency The change from one consumption form to another, for ex- population concerned is not limited to individuals who have
lutely hygienic conditions are essential by such forms of con- potential that any other psychedelic substance. ample from nasal to intramuscular consumption, can also be been extremely disturbed at a very early stage of development
sumption. (see section: safer use) The amount of consumers which had lost control of their a sign of an existing dependency and can lead to higher physi- but also includes people whose psychological organisation
Illnesses like HIV and hepatitis C can, in the worst cases, be ketamine consumption has been estimated by Jansen to cal risk. 49 has reached a relatively high level and can still be tempted by
the results of unclean substances, needles, syringes or other be around 15 %. Jansen includes authors like Moore, Lilly and the experiences which can be brought about by the consump-
instruments. The development of infections of the prick point, Turner in this group. 48 In my opinion it is important to consider the fact that with the tion of so-called “new” drugs.” 51

16 17
Springer A., Pleasure and death – deadly pleasure, in: Sucht und Suchtbehandlung.

Problematik und Therapie in Österreich. Hrsg. v. Brosch, Mader. LexisNexis Verlag, Vienna, 2004, 330
see: Estler, Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Schattauer, Stuttgard5 ,2000, 197ff
see: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Notfallsmedizin. URL:, January 2006
see: (S)-Ketamin. Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspekte. Hrsg. v. R. Klose. U. Hoppe.

Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2002,17ff

see: (S)-Ketamin. Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspekte. Hrsg. v. R. Klose. U. Hoppe.

Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2002,81ff

see: Estler, Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Schattauer, Stuttgard5 ,2000, 20
see: (S)-Ketamin. Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspekte. Editors R. Klose and U. Hoppe.

Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 2002, 93f

3. The medicinal use of ketamine

3.1. Ketamine in emergency medicine be used as a prophylactic against chronic pain. Data suggests
Increased consumption and a dependency mechanism also in- that ketamine can diminish the increase in sensitivity to pain.
crease the risk because these result in decisive changes in the Ketamine is used as an injected anaesthetic in emergency There are however still problems with the practical use of ket-
impulse structure and impulse economy. The desire for near- medicine. Injected anaesthetics are substances which dis- amine in long-term therapy. It is not clear if the cessation of
death experiences and to play with death can develop into a play a very fast anaesthetic effect when administered in the therapy is the result of a loss of effectiveness on the long term
strong desire for the real experience of death. 52 adequate dosage. The immediate onset of the effect and the or of the side effects. 56
Ketamine dependency and the treatment thereof are possibly very limited ability to control the effect are important charac-
comparable with cocaine dependency. An exhaustive psycho- teristics of injected anaesthetics 53 3.4. Side effects of ketamine
logical, physical and social treatment should be carried out. Ketamine causes analgesia and sedation, that means it is both
pain killing and calming. At the same time protective reflexes The undesirable effects are, most importantly, the increase in
(coughing, swallowing) and spontaneous breathing are still blood pressure and heart rate at the beginning of anaesthesia.
maintained. The stability of circulation, the low risk of breath- Nausea, vomiting and headaches can all appear in the wak-
ing depression, and the maintenance of the protective reflexes ing phase. 57 In medicinal use the particularly undesirable and
are the most important desirable effects of ketamine. unpleasant side effects are the psychological phenomenon
Ketamine is, in a legal sense, not an addictive drug and is which those ketamine consumers who use ketamine outside
therewith much easier to use than other substances, for ex- of its medicinal context as a treatment are looking for. Hal-
ample opiates. lucinations, confusion and nightmares are often a reason for
Due to its characteristics ketamine is to be favoured when per- the cessation of chronic treatment of outpatients. These side
forming short and painful operations. Among other things, it effects can return after a few days or weeks. Since these side
is suitable for use as a pain killer in difficult rescue operations, effects are extremely dose dependent the occurrence of psy-
in the case of skull and brain traumas, certain respiratory ill- chological side effects can be avoided through careful dosage
nesses, for example, status asthmaticus and shock and there- adjustment. In emergency medicine one must also take into
fore it is often used in emergency medicine. 54 consideration the fact that a loss of interactive capabilities
eliminates the chance of constructive conversation. In addi-
3.2. Ketamine in internal medicine tion to this there are reports in professional literature of com-
plaints made against medical personnel as a result of negative
Ketamine is used as a mono-anaesthetic in internal medicine dream experiences in patients in the waking phase.
and distinguishes itself through its dissociative effects. That In medical practise it is of course very important to inform
means a good analgesia (pain killing effect) has been achieved the patients, when possible before initiating treatment, of the
even without the patient completely losing consciousness. potential side effects and therewith reduce possible anxiety.
Due to its psychoactive side effects ketamine is seldom used Before starting therapy it is usually very helpful to make ar-
as a mono-substance with adults. Ketamine is used more of- rangements in which it is made clear that the patient is not
ten as a medication for children since with them these side required to endure the side effects and that the treatment can
effects appear less frequently. 55 be stopped at any time. 58

3.3. Ketamine in the treatment of chronic pain These undesirable effects are more seldom and less pro-
nounced in children and youths. That means that ketamine is
Ketamine has a proven acute analgesic effect, but in the treat- particularly suitable for use as a medication for children under-
ment of chronic pain one must be aware of the validity of its going short, painful operations. It has been used, for example,
use over the long term. It seems as though ketamine is one very successfully in the treatment of child burn victims.
of the few substances which can possibly, in specific cases,

18 19
see: Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine. Ronin Publishing inc., Califormia. 1999, 14ff
see: Kelly, Kit. The little book of ketamine. Ronin Publishing inc., Califormia. 1999, 14ff
mündliche Auskunft: ChEck iT! Rechtsberatung, Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, März 2006

4. The legal status of ketamine 61

3.5. The use of ketamine in psychotherapeutic practice An other group of researchers used ketamine in the treatment In Austria ketamine is classified neither as an addictive nor as
of chronically ill patients in order to prepare them for death. a psychotropic substance. The substance is however available
In the mid 1980s the Russian psychiatrist Evgeny Krupitsky They discovered that this helped to reduce the fear of death. on prescription only. In the course of my research I was unable
studied the use of ketamine in the treatment of alcoholics. He In “The little book of ketamine” Kit Kelly writes that ketamine to find any penal provision regarding the possession of this
also planned to study the effects of ketamine in the treatment should be given as the first of three injections in state ordered substance by unauthorised persons. As a result, when some-
of post-traumatic stress. It is doubted that ketamine can be executions. She believed that in this way the death of the one is caught with ketamine he/she can not be criminally
particularly useful in the psychotherapeutic context, since the worst of all offenders could then be transformed into an ec- prosecuted due to a lack of suitable regulation in the illegal
substance interferes with all cognitive abilities and therewith static experience at the expense of the state. 60 drug code.
causes expressive communication to be impossible. Apart
from that, a high doses of ketamine would most likely cut the
patient off from his/her environment and severe the tie of the
patient-therapist relationship.
On the other hand the psychiatrist Karl Jansen supports the
argument that ketamine has a therapeutic and psychothera-
peutic effect. He states that the changed state of conscious-
ness has in itself therapeutic potential.
According to Jansen ketamine consumption also causes a re-
duced feeling of worry in regard to death and has a connec-
tion to an increasing occurrence of selfless actions. The ket-
amine experience can supposedly be a decisive turning point
which can lead to positive life changes. The consumption of
ketamine can also have effects which are similar to those of
electro-shock therapy used in treating clinically depressed pa-
tients. Investigations exist which suggest that ketamine also
has anti-depressive characteristics. There are signs that the
substance can be capable of reducing anxiety and phobias.

The psychotherapist Stan Grof, who studied psychedelic

substances and their therapeutic effects over the course of
many years, referred to ketamine as an “absolutely amazing
substance” and endorsed the noteworthy philosophical and
spiritual revelation of this substance. 59

In “The little book of ketamine” Kit Kelly (1999) describes the

investigations carried out by two Iranian psychiatrists who
exposed their patients, under the influence of ketamine, to
frightening situations. These psychiatrists reported that this
treatment was successful in reducing the anxiety so signifi-
cantly that the patients could released from the psychiatric

20 21
Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Leitbild Glossar
see: Perspektiven der Drogenarbeit und –politik, Ein Lesebuch anlässlich des 10jährigen Bestehens des

Vereins Wiener Sozialprojekte, Hrsg.v. G.Schinnerl, P.Neubauer, 2000, 8

see: Cousto Hans, Fachinformation: Ketamin – Mischkonsum. Dissoziatives Anästhetikum, 2005, 6
ChEck iT! Homepage., January 22, 2006
ChEck iT! Homepage., January 22, 2006
Eve & Rave Homepage. URL:, Safer Sniffing,

Redaktion Webteam Berlin , Pressemitteilung vom 19. Februar 2005

5. „Risk Reduction“and „Safer use”

5.1. Risk reduction consuming ketamine since this is the easiest way to avoid known to have more pathogens than other areas. […]. cases, also to the development of carbuncles.
nausea or vomiting. 2. The nose should be freed of all mucus and the nostrils free 7. If a nostril is bloody or if a boil or carbuncle ha developed in it
“Risk reduction begins before any damage is done and there- • Intravenous consumption should be carried out slowly of all crusted particles before one starts to sniff. Strongly con- this nostril should not in any case be used for sniffing psycho-
with also before any suffering can be caused by the damage. (over the course of one minute), otherwise the consumer gested or dirty nostrils should be rinsed thoroughly with a mild tropic substances. When one has chronic sniffles one should
The goal of risk reduction is to prevent damage/suffering even can suffer from breath depression and a sharp rise in blood salt solution. […] In any case it is advisable to regularly moisten generally abstain from the nasal application of substances
when the fundamental conditions remains.” 62 pressure. mucous membranes which have been dried out through nasal since the danger of additional infections and the development
• Activities which require co-ordinated movements, for ex- drug consumption. In this connection the use of nasal sprays of boils is respectively high under these conditions.
The term risk reduction is thematically connected with the ample driving a car, should not, under any circumstances, should be avoided since these can dry out the nasal mucous 8. A too frequent nasal application of psychotropic substances
concept of low threshold drug-related social work. The expres- be attempted. membranes still more. can lead to damage of the olfactory mucous membranes and
sion “low threshold” describes the easy, non-bureaucratic ac- • Mixed-consumption with alcohol, benzodiacepines, bar- 3. The lines must be well-prepared. The substance should be can therefore have a negative effect on the sense of smell. Due
cess to help and the pragmatic approach for providing help biturates and opiates increases the risk of breath depres- crushed as finely as possible into powder and placed on a to the fact that the sufferers of this condition do not notice
which is tailored to the needs of those who are seeking help sion. 64 clean, freshly polished mirror or an other dry, smooth surface. (smell) anything themselves they first out about their situa-
and is usually not abstinence-oriented. 63 • “Ketamine and PCP can reach the placenta and can enter The finer the powder is the smaller the chances are that bigger tion from other people who tell them about their strong body
In the context of low threshold drug-related social work the mother’s milk.. During pregnancy and in the breastfeed- particles of the substance will get caught in or attach them- odour or about the stench in their living quarters. […]
risk reduction is an approach which aims to prevent or at ing phase one should absolutely abstain from consuming selves to the nose hairs and therewith damage the mucous 9. The nose is much more than a fleshy addition to the face,
least minimise possible consequential damage and suffer- such substances.” 65 membrane of the nose. with two holes and through which one breathes and into
ing caused by long-term substance misuse. One example of 4. The tube should be clean and should not have any sharp which one can put a sniffing tube. The nose has various func-
this approach is the following informational publication. 5.2. Safer use edges. Rolled banknotes are not advisable not only because tions, the interference of which can lead to a noticeable de-
banknotes are known to be extremely dirty but also because crease in the quality of life. For this reason everyone who uses
I would like to list several points which should be helpful in In the section on “safer use” I would like to name important they are printed with very poisonous ink […]. Therefore it is their nose for the application of substances should take care
keeping the risks of the ketamine high to a minimum. factors which help to prevent the consumption-related risks of advisable to […]make a new tube out of a fresh, clean piece of their nose. This care includes, for example, the careful ap-
ketamine. That means I will describe how one can consume a of paper after each sniff. Plastic straws are also not suitable, plication of pure, natural oils using a cotton bud or a paper
• The hallucinations caused by ketamine consumption can certain substance in a certain way with the least possible risk especially when these have been cut with a knife. The sliced handkerchief. The oil must be spread gently on the entire inner
be very dark and intense, if one feels insecure or unwell and with the least possible damage to one’s health. edges are often very sharp and there is a danger of injuring surface of the nostril. One should not forget to oil the region of
one should abstain from the consumption of dissociative the nose. skin under the nose since troublesome skin irritation can also
anaesthetics. When consuming ketamine orally one must bear in mind that 5. The tube should never be shared. Hepatitis viruses can be arise there. […] If in spite of this care an unpleasant burning
• Always take only a very small dose with very slow repeti- the effects can set in very slowly. In order to avoid an overdoses transferred by the shared use of sniffing tubes, and not just sensation still remains, one should stop sniffing for a while. In
tion. one should remember this and wait before taking another through sex or the shared use of needles or syringes. The shar- the case of repeated nose bleeds or the continuation of the de-
• Ketamine should not be consumed when one is alone. It dose. 66 ing of sniffing tubes is especially dangerous when a nose has velopment of boils the nasal application of substances should
is advisable to have a sober person as a “look out”. These been injured since this would allow even the smallest particle be stopped and a doctor should be consulted!“ 67
rules are especially applicable to ketamine trips which are The nasal consumption of ketamine, as well as any other of blood to attach itself to the tube and be transferred to an- In the case of intramuscular and intravenous consumption it
taken in bathtubs or other water containers. psychotropic substance, dries out the nasal mucous mem- other person.. […] is absolutely necessary to always use a fresh, sterile syringe
• In order to avoid the risk of accidents ketamine should branes and is therewith a strain on the very sensitive nose. I 6. Approximately ten minutes after sniffing the nose should be and needle in order to avoid phlegmones and “shakers”. These
always be consumed in a sitting or lying position. Many found a press report on the topic of “safer sniffing” written cleaned. In general blowing the nose into a tissue is enough. If syringes and needles should not be shared since sharing can
consumers suggest that a warm, calm atmosphere, for ex- by Eve&Rave, a drug-checking project in Switzerland. Here I the nose is very dirty it should be cleaned with a salt solution. lead to the transmission of illnesses like hepatitis and HIV.
ample under the covers in bed, is very pleasant. All candles would like to relate its information for consumers. Since the nose is covered with a sensitive mucous membrane If for some reason you do not have a fresh syringe and needle
should be put out. One should go to the toilet before the which is covered with hair and particles of powder can get you can carry out an “emergency disinfection”. Both the sy-
trip, due to the fact that incontinence is often a result of “The following is to be considered for safer sniffing: caught in these hairs it is possible for bloody skin irritations to ringe and the needle should be rinsed thoroughly with cold
the trip and some consumers are unable to move once the 1. In general one should pay attention to cleanliness and hy- develop and that necrosis occurs. Intense necrosis can result in water several times. After that the syringe and needle should
substance has begun to have its effect. giene. This is especially important when one is sniffing in the an opening in the nasal septum. Bloody skin irritations in the each be immersed separately in boiling water for 20 minutes.
• One should not eat anything in the last six hours before toilet facilities of bars/clubs or the like since these areas are nose often lead to the development of boils and, in extreme One more, although not as effective, method of carrying out

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see: „Das gsunde Gansl – eine medizinsche Sonderausgabe“, Sozialmedizinsche Drogenberatungsstelle

Ganslwirt, Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Vienna, 6

see: medizinische Merkblätter, Sozialmedizinsche Drogenberatungsstelle Ganslwirt,

Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Vienna, 6

vgl. ChEck iT!– eine Einrichtung stellt sich vor, Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Vienna, 2005

6. Empirical Section
the “emergency disinfection” is to thoroughly rinse in an io- 6.1. Introduction to empirical section Since 1997 ChEck iT! has been the only institution in Austria
dine solution and an alcohol solution. 68 which offers a high quality, anonymous and free chemical
Intramuscular and intravenous consumption should take I have been working as a freelance employee for the secondary analysis of psychoactive substances.
place in the most hygienic conditions possible. Before and af- preventive project ChEck iT! since March 2004. My main duty The chemical tests offer us an opportunity to get in contact
ter the injection one should wash the hands and skin should is to work as a scene observer, in particular in the Goa and Free with consumers, to give objective information and to warn
be cleaned with a fresh swab soaked in alcohol. techno scenes. In the last year I have observed an increase in consumers about particularly risky substances. In addition
With intravenous consumption it is safest to use the large ketamine consumption. In my opinion at the moment there to this they provide us with basic information for the early
veins in the arm. Longer, thicker needles lie better in the veins appears to be a ”ketamine trend“. I was repeatedly confronted recognition of new trends as well as for scientifically based
and are therefore gentler to the vein. After the injection one with ketamine consumers at scene events. In this connection studies on consumption habits, what is being offered, long-
should always press a dry swab on the injection point in order I asked myself several questions regarding this substance and term effects and for use in developing concrete steps in the
to avoid the development of bruising or calluses. When intra- decided to try to answer these questions in my thesis. These field of health promotion. This information allows for up to
venous consumption is frequent one should always chose a questions were used as the basis for my empirical work. date methods for preventing substance abuse and reducing
new point of injection and veins should be regularly treated I wanted for example to find out more about specific consump- demand..
with vein salve. 69 tion patterns and forms and about specific issues or problems ChEck iT! pursues an acceptance approach. Drug consumption
arising from the special characteristics of ketamine. is not approved of, but provides a repeated starting point for
information and advice. Potential consumers of psychoactive
In the following section I will describe my methods in more substances are taken seriously and can tell someone about
detail, present my results and combine these with the theory. their concerns, problems and wishes.
In order to make everything more clear I would like to begin The production of information material, like posters, booklets,
with a short description of ChEck iT!. substance flyers, and the ChEck iT! homepage are also an im-
portant part of the services offered by this institution. They
6.1.1. ChEck iT! 70 make it possible for those interested to get important infor-
mation at any time, regardless of whether it is for themselves
ChEck iT! is a co-production of the Association of Viennese or for passing on to friends and acquaintances.
Social Project (“Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte”), the clinical
institute for medicinal and chemical laboratory diagnostics 6.2. Method and Approach
of the Vienna General Hospital and the Vienna Social Founda-
tion (“Fonds Soziales Wien”). ChEck iT! covers a special field of The hypothesis of this thesis is that the consumption of ket-
addiction prevention and is the only institution of its kind in amine causes changes in social and conflict-related behaviour.
Austria or the European Union. In order to verify or falsify this hypothesis I created a stan-
ChEck iT! is anchored in the drug concept of the city of Vienna dardised questionnaire. This questionnaire was then filled out
and is financed through funds from the Vienna Social Founda- with ketamine consumers at various techno events and within
tion and the Austrian Ministry of Health and Women’s Issues the framework of my work with ChEck iT!.
(“Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit and Frauen” or BMGF). Of course it was very important for me to be able to estab-
The target group of the institution is young consumers of psy- lish a feeling of trust between myself and the consumers on
choactive substances, so-called recreational drugs. site. If this would not have been possible we would most likely
ChEck iT! meets those people who are interested in their of- not have been able to find anyone willing to fill out the ques-
fers – in the sense of streetwork – there, where they spend tionnaire with me. It was very important for me to be able to
time with their friends and where they come into contact with conduct my work in a calm atmosphere and to make it clear
psychoactive substances. That means on site at techno parties to those answering that not all questions absolutely had to
and other events staged by the electronic music scene. be answered. I also made it clear that questions which were

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answered must be done so honestly and with a due amount such conversations, no calm and quiet room. Outside of this of other researchers. Another important basis for my question- 2003/2004 confirmed the fact that ketamine was relatively
of consideration. party – setting it would have been difficult for me to find ket- naire were the questionnaires from ChEck iT!. These question- frequently consumed in the free-techno scene.
In this regard it must also be mentioned that many of those amine consumers, and since the purpose of my work was to naires were helpful examples and also made it possible for me In the course of scene observation a fellow student and I col-
questioned were not sober at the time of questioning. That find out more about ketamine as a recreational drug it made to make my data useful for ChEck iT!. lected data in various sub-scenes of the techno scene. We
means some of those questioned gave answers under the sense for me to carry out my research on site. It was also very important for me to formulate the questions asked, among other things, which substances the people had
influence of psychoactive substances. This has, in my opinion, in a way which could be seen as free of judgement and gen- already consumed. In the free-techno scene 23.1 % of those
both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, this Of course it would have been possible for me to find ketamine der-neutral. questioned (n=26) said that they had already used ketamine,
made people more talkative and helped to lower the inhibition consumers at conventional drug counselling centres, but ket- In my questionnaire there are many open questions without whereas when we questioned a comparably large group of
threshold. It was, for example, less unpleasant for these people amine is used in a different way in the traditional drug scene. allotted answer format, even though questions with allotted people (n=22) at a “Biosphere” event, an event in the commer-
to talk about their ketamine consumption and the changes The data collected from these clients would therefore not be answers are preferable in written questionnaires with an open cial techno scene, 0 % of those questioned said that they had
which arose as a result of it. On the other hand, some of those suitable for my purposes and would not have had any connec- question form. My reason for choosing this form of question- consumed ketamine. A further 38.5 % of those people asked
questioned could not really concentrate on the content of the tion to my topic of ketamine as a recreational drug. It was very ing is based on the fact that this approach encourages the in the free-techno scene said that they could possibly try
conversation and I had to repeat some questions several times. important to me to be able to fill out the questionnaire with development of a conversation with those being questioned. ketamine in the future. In comparison, 0 % of the “Biosphere”
Naturally I made sure to choose conversation partners whose the consumer, in order to be able to start a conversation with Another important consideration involved in the creation of attendees could imagine trying ketamine some time in the
communication skills were not too extremely impeded. them. In this way I was not limited to working with the facts the questionnaires was the length. Naturally I wanted to have future. These figures strengthened my impression that there
and data which the questionnaire provided, but was also able all of my questions answered, but it is also important to make are significantly more ketamine consumers in the free-techno
An basic attitude of acceptance toward the consumers was to make other observations. The same goes for my personal sure that the questionnaire is not too long. It was also neces- scene than in other scenes.
very important for me. Firstly, because I believe that accep- presence at the events, just being there provided me with sary to cut some questions and to re-formulate others.
tance is a necessary prerequisite for respectful contact and the chance to observe consumers, with or without filling out Once I had chosen and carefully formulated all of the ques- Another reason why I chose these particular scenes for my
secondly, because this attitude encourages feelings of trust questionnaires. Of course personal observations lack objec- tions I put them into a sensible order and revised the formal survey is that these were the scenes for which I had been
between the clients and myself. tivity, but I still feel that my assessments provide a valuable conditions. Instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire responsible in my work with ChEck iT!. That meant that I had
When talking about such “delicate” subjects I find it particu- additional factor to my research. It is also important to stress were not necessary since I would be present while the subjects already been able to make the necessary contacts for begin-
larly important to have enough time and the right space for the fact that my interpretation of the results is in no way the filled out the form. In this way I was able to answer any ques- ning my work. This was particularly helpful in my attempts to
discussion. It is essential to be able to answer questions and only “right” one, everyone who wants to can come to their own tions which might arise in detail. find out when the events would take place and in procuring
deal with insecurities, for example concern regarding the conclusions based on this data. Before I officially started my survey I carried out a preliminary free tickets.
anonymity of the answers, before beginning. This sometimes test. I tested the questionnaire on two clients in order to find
caused me to be caught in discussions about ChEck iT!, my re- One more important factor which influenced my choice of out how long the questionnaire took to complete, if every- Here I would like to describe these two scenes in more detail:
sults and the validity of my questionnaire, before being able to method was the fact that I wanted to acquire data on ket- thing was clearly understandable and if anything needed to
lead a constructive conversation about ketamine. amine consumption patterns and forms in the party scene. be changed. This test showed that some changes in the layout Free-techno scene
For this purpose qualitative research, for example interviews, would be useful, some questions needed to be re-worded and
6.3. Explanation of method choice would not have had much validity since very few clients could that the co-operative completion of the questionnaire would The origins of the free-techno scene lie in England at the end
be questioned in this way. take approximately 20 minutes. of the 1980s (Summer of Love). The scene describes itself as
As mentioned above, I chose to use a standardised ques- being freedom-loving and close to nature. Most of the events
tionnaire (see Appendix) to collect my data. This instrument 6.4. Questionnaire Development 6.5. Description of the survey take place in the outdoors, for example in quarries, forest
seemed to me to make sense because it was necessary to clearings, fields, etc. In the colder seasons or in bad weather
choose a survey method which could be used where we found After it had become clear to me that I should carry out the The survey was carried out at various events in the Goa and the events are moved to old, unused factories, condemned
the ketamine consumers. That meant that I went to various empirical part of my work with a questionnaire (see Appendix) free-techno scenes because past experienced had brought buildings or the like.
techno parties with my questionnaire. I had to decide what exactly the question was that I wished to to my attention that ketamine consumption is comparative- The scene is organised through individual “sound systems”. A
In this setting I could not have carried out interviews or even answer with the results. During this process I looked at other ly high in these scenes. This way I could be sure to come in “sound system” is a group of people who collectively buy the
thought of recording the interviews on tape because techno studies and attempted to develop my questionnaire in a way contact with many ketamine consumers. A project practicum sound equipment which is required for making music. The
parties are much too loud. There is never a suitable place for that would make it possible to compare my results with those which I had previously carried out in these scenes in winter equipment is usually quite extensive and ranges from items

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like record players and huge sound speakers to complete mu- carry out streetwork based social work. I will discuss this point In the end there were five events at which I was actually able to discuss ChEck iT! projects and in the free-techno scene there
sic studio facilities. It is difficult to estimate how many “sound in more detail later in this thesis. to fill out questionnaires and acquired data for my survey: just happens to be a wide range of prejudices, reservations and
systems” are active in Austria’s techno scene, personally I know 1. Free-techno party in Lower Austria rumours about and against the ChEck iT! project!.
of approximately 20. Goa Scene 2. Technival (Free-techno and Goa) in Hungary I found it important to try my best to create a relatively calm
The basic idea of the free-techno scene is to move from one 3. Festival –Urban Art Forms in Wiesen, Burgenland atmosphere for conversation while filling out the question-
place to another undisturbed and to have parties wherever Goa or goa-trance is the term for a style of music which is 4. Free-techno and Goa party in Ernst Kirchweger House, naires. For example I made sure to avoid the possibility of
one decides to do so. This scene can be found in nearly all sometimes also called psychedelic-trance. It is a techno style Vienna curious people standing too close by and listening in on the
European countries and a strong network has been estab- which originated in the mid-90s in the Indian state of Goa. It 5. Free-techno party in the “Arena”, Vienna conversation and answers.
lished. This network can be seen in so-called technivals in was initiated mainly by foreign, often Israeli, backpack tourists. As mentioned above, it was often necessary to answer ques-
various countries (Czech Republic, Spain, Holland, Italy...) where The culture arising from this style and strongly connected to Of course I was still able to make observations at the other tions and calm all insecurities before starting with the ques-
“soundsystems” from different countries meet and make one this music propagates a positive view of life and strongly sup- events at which I did not fill out questionnaires. Some parties, tionnaire. The greatest insecurities arose in regard to the eval-
huge event together. At such technivals one can expect to see ports the ideas and symbols of the hippie generation. Music especially the technivals in summer, lasted several days which uation of the data. Many of those questioned feared that my
several thousand visitors. and culture are combined with psychedelic drugs, which in made it possible to fill out many questionnaires. At two of the results would be used to “demonise” ketamine. In most cases
Most technivals take place in summer and there is a large turn influence both aspects. In this way the expression “music five above mentioned parties I worked with the ChEck iT! team I was able to explain the goals of my research and therewith
“community” which travels from one technival to the next. to see” emerged. When one observes the Goa partygoers one on site and at the other three I was alone. dismiss concerns. Still there were people who, for various rea-
Free-techno parties take place in Austria all year round. As far often sees signs of the hippie generation, for example the way When I worked alone it was more difficult to collect data. I con- sons, refused to fill out the questionnaire with me.
as I know there is on average one party every two weeks in the people dress is often very similar to the fashion of the late stantly had to explain what I was doing, who I was and why I Some of the reasons given were, for example, that they sim-
Vienna and its surroundings, Lower Austria and Burgenland. 1960s and 70s. In the Goa scene one notices that the average was interested in other people’s ketamine consumption. ply didn’t want to speak openly about their consumption of
The individual parties are organised by one or more sound sys- age of the partygoers is distinctly higher than at other “tradi- In such cases helped a lot that I had enough contacts in the ketamine or they were sceptical of my work. One should not
tems. The spread of information on coming parties is carried tional” techno parties. scene and therewith had a certain nearness to the scene. Due forget that the people at these events were there to have fun
out via word-of-mouth, flyers and so-called “infolines”. Due to its Indian roots the music is very strongly connected to this the people I questioned were not particularly distrust- and therefore that were not necessarily interested in spending
The infoline is always a different mobile phone number with to Indian religions. The sound of a prayer wheel often ac- ful. In the very sceptical and critical free-techno scene it most 20 minutes talking to me and answering my questions. They
a mailbox message describing how to get to the party. As of 11 companies the steady beat of the music and the walls are likely would have been extremely difficult to find people who preferred to talk to their friends or to dance. Although all of
p.m. on the day of the party one can call the infoline to find out often decorated with fluorescent portrayals of Ganesha, the were willing to fill out my questionnaire with me if I didn’t these reasons for not answering were legitimate, it was still
where the “venue” is. elephant god. have the appearance of one who belonged to, or at least knew sometimes a bit depressing when one person after the other
This complicated access is used to keep the police away and something about, the scene. expressed no interest in filling out the questionnaire with me.
also to make sure that only a “selected community” comes to 6.5.2. The Realisation I believe that the work with young recreational drug consum-
the parties. These “chosen few” should all share the same basic ers requires social workers to have a certain nearness to the 6.6. Evaluation of Data - SPSS
political ideals of freedom and anti-capitalism. The motto of In order to collect enough data I visited approximately 10 scene and at least the appearance of belonging to the scene.
the free-techno scene is “Free Music for Free People”! events organised by the scenes mentioned above. However it This target group is especially difficult for social workers to The evaluation and processing of my data was carried out in
One main goal is to have parties to which no one has to pay was not always possibly for me to fill out the questionnaires. reach because they, unlike consumers in the street scene, don’t the SPSS (“Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” or “Su-
an entrance fee. This means that expenses like taxes and Sometimes the events were held in inconvenient locations in see themselves as needy clients. Through a certain scene- perior Performance Software System”). After I finished the
rent need to be drastically minimised if the organisers wish which the lighting and infrastructure simply did not allow the nearness inhibition thresholds can be lowered and this would outline of my questionnaire I designed a so-called input mask
to avoid losing money. Venues for which little or no rent is to questioning to be carried out. allow for low threshold work to be done. This way the services in the statistical called SPSS. All of the questions in the ques-
be paid are chosen. Most parties are not registered in order to On other days the atmosphere at the party was simply not which are offered would more likely be accepted. tionnaire which I wanted to process using the SPSS were given
avoid paying taxes. The sale of beverages is also carried out very good and that made it very difficult to motivate the party- Through my connection to the ChEck iT! stand on site I was variable names, for example the question “How old were you
privately and usually without tax. In rare cases factory build- goers to fill out the questionnaire with me. Of course my own spared from constantly having to explain why I was there or when you consumed ketamine for the first time?” was given
ings are broken into in order to throw parties there. personal motivation also played a role. Sometimes I simply why I was asking questions about the consumption of illegal the variable name “erstkons”. Then a code plan was created for
This means that most of these parties are illegal and as such couldn’t get past my own reluctance to verbally accost various substances. That was naturally very pleasant for me and it also each variable. For practical reasons I wrote this directly on the
they are sometimes cleared out by the police. The special con- people- this sometimes happened on evenings when I was helped to make the clients less inhibited to talk with me. Un- questionnaire at the time of questioning, so that I would not
ditions to be found in the free-techno scene make it difficult to alone at events and not working in the ChEck iT! tent. fortunately this also meant that I was more likely to be forced constantly have to check the plan while entering the data.

28 29
Frequency Percent Cumulated Percent Compulsory school 13
Wien 20 32,3 32,3 Apprenticeship/ Vocational School 1
Certificate of apprenticeship 31
Styria 2 3,2 35,5
Vocational school w/o diploma 13
LA 29 46,8 82,3 Highschool 1
UA 2 3,2 85,5 Highschool 21
College/Technical College 18
Bgld 4 6,5 91,9
University/Academy Graduate 1
Szbg 5 8,1 100,0

Total 62 100,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 3: SPSS Table “What federal state do you come from?” [n=62] Figure 4: Representation of Education Level [n = 62]

Raab-Steiner, E. Skriptum-Sozialforschung, 4th Semester Summer semester 2004, fh-campus Vienna, 12
see: Pill Testing – Ecstasy & Prevention. Editors A. Benschop and M. Rabes, et al. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam. 2002, 114

For example, I always coded the answer “no” with “0“, “yes” The first question of my questionnaire was if the subject had same amount said that they still lived with their parents or include the category university/college student. In this way
with “1” and “no comment” with “99”. ever consumed ketamine. If the answer was yes I continued guardians. Only ca. 5 % of those questioned lived with a part- the group which was formerly assigned to everyone who had
Some of my survey questions are not provided with variable with the questionnaire. If this question was answered with ner and child(ren). There is therefore no single living situation completed only high school has been further divided into one
names because they are not meant to be processed using the no I stopped questioning, with the exception of the two cases which can be recognised as occurring significantly more than group which stopped education after graduating from high-
SPSS. These questions are marked for analysis of content. mentioned above. The rest of the “non-consumer” group is not the others. school and another group which is currently involved in fur-
I always tried to enter the data into the data matrix as quickly included in any of my calculations. Naturally the number of ther education (university, college, academy, etc.). In summary
as possible. The data matrix of the SPSS is a large rectangular people belonging to this group was distinctly higher than 62. In the variable “highest level of education” most, or 38.7 %, of one can say that more than half of those questioned have not
matrix in which each line represents one person, or one filled those asked answered with highschool graduation diploma. graduated from highschool. I do not think that the level of
questionnaire, and each column represents one variable. That The group questioned is made up of 59.7 % male and 40.3% 30.6 % had completed an apprenticeship, 16.1 % had complet- education of the people I questioned is particularly striking.
means that all of the questions in a questionnaire are listed female subjects, that means 37 males and 25 females were ed only compulsory education, 12.9 % had visited a vocational
horizontally and all answers to a question vertically. In order questioned. school without graduating, and 1.6 %, or one person, had also The answers to the question about the current job situation
to be able to determine which line belongs to which ques- The age of those questioned ranged from 18 to 42, whereby graduated from a university or college. are not in my opinion particularly expressive. 33.9 % of those
tionnaire I numbered the questionnaires consecutively. While the average age or median was 24. (“The “median” is the point This variable gives information only on the level of studies al- asked said that they are unemployed. However this group
processing the results I discovered several aspects of the ques- in the measuring scale at which both above and below half of ready completed and should not be confused with information includes people who are currently studying at institutions of
tionnaire which should have been done differently. However I the measured amount can be found” 71). on the actual amount of education. For example, people who higher learning or are still attending highschool because I un-
was still able to analyse the results which was interested in. would soon be graduating were recorded as having completed fortunately failed to provide an appropriate possible answer
One of the questions required to be slightly re-coded after the All those questioned were Austrian citizens of which 72.6 %, only compulsory education because they had not actually for this group. This means that it is not clear how many people
fact which naturally required a certain amount of extra effort. or 45 subjects, felt they belonged to the “Austrian” segment graduated from highschool yet at the time of questioning. in this relatively large group are really unemployed. 32.2 % of
At this point I would like to present and interpret the results of society. 16 subjects, or 25.8 %, questioned referred to them- The variable “education level”, which I would now like to de- those questioned stated that they were employed full-time,
of my survey. selves as “world citizens”. In my opinion this answer reflects scribe in detail, includes the variable “highest level of educa- the same percentage claimed to be part-time employed. One
the principles and values of the free-techno scene. At the tech- tion”, meaning the highest level of education which has been person refused to answer this question.
6.7. The Results nival in Hungary I also questioned only Austrian citizens. This completed up to this point, and “current education”, meaning
was partly due to difficulties in communicating with people education currently taking place. In regard to the question about monthly 41.9 % of those
Here I would like to describe and therewith create a picture of from other nations and also due to the fact that this technival In order to arrive at this variable it was necessary to re-code questioned said that they earned less than 500 Euros. 25.8 %
the group of people who were questioned. Then I will analyse took place in a location very close to the Austrian/Hungarian everything after entering the data completely. answered with “between 500 and 999 Euros” and 21.0 % an-
and interpret each of the individual questions from my ques- border and the majority of the visitors were Austrians. swered “between 1000 and 1499 Euros”. 3.2 % of those asked
tionnaire in sequence. (Figure 4: Representation of Education Level) answered that they had a monthly income of “between 1500
(Figure 3: SPSS Table “What federal state do you come from?”) and 1999 Euros” and “2500 Euros or more”. 3.2 % of the subjects
6.7.1. Demographic Data 13 % of the subjects had completed the compulsory educa- refused to answer this question. Here I must mention that I did
The high amount of Lower Austrians can be explained by the tion level. One person was in the process of completing an not specify in the question if these income brackets were net
In the months of June, July, August and January I filled out fact that two of the events at which I carried out the survey apprenticeship and approximately 31 %, or 19 people, had al- or gross totals and did not clearly define what sources or kinds
questionnaires with a total of 62 people. 60 of these 62 sub- were located in Lower Austria (LA). The event in Wiesen in ready completed an apprenticeship. 13 % of the subjects had of income were meant. That means that those questioned
jects had already consumed ketamine at some point in time Burgenland does not show itself distinctly in these number. attended a vocational school without graduating, and 1.6 %, could have understood this question differently and answered
and therefore fit into my target group. The two people who Here it should be mentioned that the Festival Zone in Wiesen or one person attended a college or university with gradua- accordingly. The real value of these results is therefore in my
had not yet consumed ketamine still wanted to fill out the is more comprehensive, here one expect to find visitors from tion. Approximately 21 % of those questioned had graduated opinion questionable.
questionnaire. They felt that it was important for them to all over Austria. The second largest group, as can be seen in from highschool and 18 % are currently carrying out further The demographic data showed clearly that the characteristics
express their opinions about ketamine because both had, in- this table, is from Vienna. studies at higher level institutions. One person was a college of the group I questioned are distinctly different from those
dependently from one another, had very intense experiences or university graduate. of consumers in the commercial techno scene. For example,
with the substance in their circle of friends. In answer to the question about the current living situation 17.2 % of the subjects from the study “Pill Testing – Ecstasy &
the most common answer (27.4 %) was alone/independent. 23 The main difference between this and the variable described Prevention” in Vienna had foreign ethnic backgrounds. 72
% of the subjects said that they lived with a partner and the above is that the variable “educational level” was widened to

30 31
Alcohol 94
Cigarettes 86
Cannabis 77
Speed 58
Cocaine 53
see: Pill Testing – Ecstasy & Prevention. Editors. A. Benschop and M. Rabes et al. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam. 2002, 67 Ecstasy 27
Ketamine 23
vgl. Pill Testing – Ecstasy & Prävention, Hrsg. v. A. Benschop, M. Rabes u.a. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam, 2002, 67
Magic Mushrooms 21
LSD 21
Methamphetamine 11
Sleeping pills / Tranquillizers 11
Crack/ Cocaine base 8
Poppers et al 8
Heroin 8
Natural Drugs 7
Others 5
2-CB 0
3MCV 0

0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 5: Monthly Prevalence [n =62]

The majority of those I questioned expressed that they felt When one considers the fact that 50 % of those questioned which situations do you usually consume ketamine?” included which situations do you usually consume ketamine?”, where
that they belong to the Austrian segment of the population consumed ketamine for the first time at an age under 20, that “when it is offered to me” (8.3 %), “always” (5.6 %), “when out- the majority of those questioned answered “at parties”, these
and I did not question even one person who did not have Aus- is still rather young for the initial consumption. Especially doors” (2.8 %), “with cocaine” (2.8 %) and “with LSD” (2.8 %). results suggest that many consumers want to consume ket-
trian citizenship. My observations also confirmed this demo- when one considers certain characteristics of the substance, The last answer is confirmed by statements in professional amine at parties but would prefer that others do not do so
graphic data. I think this can be explained by the fact that the for example the dependency potential. literature, according to which an LSD trip in combination with because when too many people at a party consume ketamine
various sub-scenes simply attract different types of people. ketamine is supposedly very pleasant. Ketamine is also said the atmosphere is negatively effected. My observations at vari-
For example, the characteristics of the Goa- and free-techno 6.8.2. Motivation for Initial Consumption to make the effects of LSD last longer (see section on mixed ous events validate the majority of the answers given to this
scenes are possibly not so interesting or easily accessible for consumption). question. When there was a lot of ketamine circulating there
youths and young adults who come from families which have In order to find out why the consumers decided to try ket- In response to the question “with whom do you usually con- was often a strangely unpleasant atmosphere. Several times
been living in Austria for two or three generations. amine for the first time I asked the question: “What was the sume ketamine?”, 65.2 % gave the answer “with friends“. 20.3 there were fights and I would describe the atmosphere as be-
reason for the initial ketamine consumption?” This question % said that they consumed ketamine alone and 5.8 % with ing aggressive and irritated.
6.8. Consumption patterns allowed for multiple answers. acquaintances. 4.3 % claimed that they didn’t care who they
took it with and 4.3 % said that they consumed ketamine with 6.8.5. Monthly prevalence
In the next section I would like to analyse all the questions 73.3 % of those questioned answered that curiosity was the a “look out”. That means with a person who stays with the
which deal with ketamine consumption and the consumption reason for consumption. 21.7 % answered that they had heard consumer but remains sober. Although 4.3 % is not a lot I was The monthly prevalence shows on how many days in the last
of other psychoactive substances and interpret the answers. By good things about the substance and 46.7 % took ketamine still surprised that there were ketamine consumers who found month a certain substance was consumed.
the following questions the total number of those questioned simply because it was offered to them. 13.3 % stated that they such security measures important.
is 60, because as already mentioned above two subjects can felt a need for a stimulating substance and 23.3 % wanted to This question was asked openly and I categorised it later. Mul- (Figure 5: Graph – Monthly prevalence)
not be included since they did not consume ketamine. consume a consciousness changing substance. The answer: tiple answers were possible.
“Everyone I know consumes ketamine” was given by 8.3 %. 11.5 This graph shows that, for example, 94 % of those questioned
6.8.1. Age of Initial Consumption % of those asked also chose the answer “other reason” whereby 6.8.4. Changes in atmosphere caused by ketamine
had consumed alcohol in the last 30 days. What you can not
most of the answers given here were simply variations on the see on this graph is the number of days on which alcohol, or
In order to find out at what the average age of first time ket- other possible answers. For example “... wanted to know why My next question was: “How is the atmosphere at parties
the other substances, were consumed. I had to calculate a par-
amine consumers was I asked the question: How old were you so many people find it so great”, which is basically the same where more ketamine is consumed than is usual?” Since I did
when you consumed ketamine for the first time?. The answers answer as “I was curious” or “I heard good things about it”. not have allotted answers for this question I had to catego-
On average alcohol was consumed on 11.5 days, the median
showed that the youngest of my subjects was 15 and the old- Two answers which were given here are in my opinion note- rise the answers retrospectively. This was only perfunctorily
was 10. I find these figures interesting considering the fact
est was 38 at the time of initial consumption. On average worthy. These two subjects claimed that they were not aware possible. In order to make the answers clearer I will provide
that alcohol consumption in the techno scene used to be quite
those asked were approximately 20 years old when they tried of the fact that they had consumed ketamine the first time examples of answers.
seldom and it was even considered to me “uncool” to drink it.
ketamine for the first time. The median was 19.5 years of age. they consumed it. They took something without knowing I categorised 78.3 % of the answers as “negative atmosphere
77 % of those questioned consumed cannabis. Here the me-
This average age for initial consumption is in comparison to what it was. This answer is alarming because it suggests ex- changes”. In this category I put answers like oppressive, muf-
dian was 19 and the average was approximately 18.
ecstasy distinctly higher. tremely flippant and risky behaviour. fled, extreme, irritated, aggressive, negative, not good, exagger-
In the scientific evaluation study Pill Testing - Ecstasy and Pre- ated, unpleasant, confused, tiresome, primitive and stressful.
The high percentage of subjects who had consumed cocaine
vention it is stated that the ecstasy consumer is, on average, 17 6.8.3. Setting I categorised 7.2 % of the answers as “positive atmosphere-
in the last 30 days is noteworthy – the graph shows that it was
years old at the time of initial consumption. 73 changes”. Some examples of this were: amusing, there was a
53 %. Cocaine therefore lies in front of ecstasy and extremely
I think that due to its characteristics ketamine is not neces- The question of the location of consumption or occasions at psychedelic atmosphere and funny. 12 % of those questioned
close behind speed. The cocaine median was 3 and the spread
sarily a substance which one tries out at the beginning of which ketamine is usually consumed and the people with could not answer this and 2.4 % saw no difference between
reaches from one to ten days in the last thirty.
an experimental phase involving psychoactive substances. In whom one consumes was also to be answered through my parties where more than the usual amount of ketamine was
23 % of those asked had consumed ketamine in the last thirty
contrast, from what I have observed ecstasy is one of the first questionnaire. consumed and other parties.
days. The spread ranges from one to 28. That means that
illegal substances, with the exception of cannabis, to be tried. 41.7 % of the ketamine consumers I questioned answered that These results show that the parties at which large amounts
someone claimed to have consumed ketamine on 28 of the
This most certainly has something to do with the popularity they usually consumed ketamine at parties. 34.7 % usually con- of ketamine are consumed are not very popular, even among
last 30 days. The median lies at 3.5.
of these substances. sumed ketamine at home. Other answers to the question “in ketamine consumers. In connection with the question “in

32 33
Nasal 53

Oral 1

Intramuscular 6

[Absolute values] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 6: Form of Consumption [n = 62]

I was amazed to see that 8 % of my subjects had consumed 6.8.7. Form of Consumption special emphasis on the “warm and soft” effect reminds me of Similar results were seen in regard to the question if relation-
crack or cocaine base in the last month. That would mean 5 the vocabulary used to describe the effects of opiates. ships or friendships with non-consuming friends had changed.
people and this figure seems to be very high. How ketamine is primarily consumed in its function as a recre- I think that it is most likely exactly these characteristics which 66.1 % of those questioned said that nothing had changed and
Under “others” (Sonstiges) laughing gas, substitol and the Aga ational drug also interested me. The graph below shows that are responsible for the fact that a psychological dependency 33.9 % claimed that ketamine did have an influence on friend-
– toad (a toad which secretes a hallucinogenic substance) were 85.5 % of those questioned consumed ketamine nasally. 1.6 % on ketamine can develop. These characteristics are also the ships.
listed. The substance 3MCV is a so-called “fake-substance”. took ketamine orally and 9.7 % consumed ketamine intramus- reason why ketamine is repeatedly referred to as “psychedelic Answers to the question of how ketamine influenced friend-
That means that this substance does not really exist. I placed cularly. heroin” in professional literature. To “finish yourself off” or ships or relationships included, for example, that problems or
this in my questionnaire in order to test the honesty of my (Figure 6: Graph – Form of Consumption) “blow yourself away” are expressions which are not typical of a feeling of distance arose when one person was high and the
subjects and since no one claimed to have consumed 3MCV it the recreational drug scene. Other substances like speed or ec- others weren’t or that non-consuming friends expressed the
appears that the group questioned answered truthfully. One can therefore say that when consumed as a recreational stasy, also cocaine are popular in the party setting due to their opinion that the consumption of ketamine was primitive. An-
drug ketamine is usually consumed nasally. I do not find this driving, performance enhancing and stimulating effect. With other common answer was that non-consuming friends were
6.8.6. Mixed consumption result surprising since most of the substances consumed in that I would like to say that ketamine addresses very specific worried about their consuming friends or had no understand-
the techno scene are consumed nasally. needs, for example the need for deep relaxation or to simply ing for the consumers’ actions. Consumers also couldn’t share
In order to find out what substances ketamine was usu- Still one should not forget the 9.7 % which prefers intramus- “not notice anything more” and it is exactly this effect which their ketamine experiences with non-consuming friends.
ally mixed with I asked the question: “When you consumed cular consumption and must note the special concerns related make this substance dangerous and dependency possible. The answers to this question also suggested that the con-
ketamine the last time did you also consume the following to this form of consumption. In any case ketamine, with its psychedelic effect on the one sumption of ketamine caused changes to the social environ-
substances 6 hours before and/or 6 hours after?” Multiple an- hand and its sedative effect on the other, is unique and atypi- ment and increased aggressiveness.
swers were possible here. 6.9. Evaluation of Qualitative Questions cal as a recreational drug. For me it was surprising to hear such answers because it is
The analysis of this question revealed that 45.2 % of those usually not particularly easy to admit such things and this re-
questioned mixed ketamine with cannabis. 43.5 % stated that I would like to present and analyse all of the questions which 6.9.2. Changes in relationships through ketamine consumption quires at least a minimum of willingness for reflection. When
they had drunk alcohol 6 hours before or after consuming ket- were asked openly and which could not be categorised retro- looking at the answers this way the percentage of people who
amine and 27.4 % mixed ketamine with speed. Several subjects spectively. In response to the question if relationships or friendships with perceived changes is quite high. It is completely clear that the
told me that they always mix ketamine with speed in order to other consuming friends were influenced or changed through consumption of any psychoactive substance will have an in-
have the hallucinogenic effect from ketamine and still have 6.9.1. What makes ketamine interesting? ketamine consumption 61.3 % of those asked answered with fluence on interpersonal relationships in one way or another.
the energy to continue dancing. “no”. The remaining 38.7 % expressed that both positive and Unfortunately I do not have any data which enables me to
25.8 % had consumed no other substance the last time they I received many different answers to the question: “What negative changes were experienced. An example of a positive make comparisons between ketamine and other substances
consumed ketamine. 8.1 % mixed ketamine with cocaine and makes ketamine interesting?” Part of the group questioned change is the statement that the consumers looked after each in this regard. That would be the only way to find out which
6.5 % mixed it with LSD. 3.2 % also mixed ecstasy with their answered that the psychedelic hallucinogenic effects of the other more while they were consuming ketamine and there influences or changes are unique to ketamine.
last ketamine consumption and 1.6 %, respectively, mixed ket- substance were particularly tempting for them and that ket- was more of a feeling of unity. This question also produced answers which gave me the im-
amine with mushrooms, metamphetamines and sleeping pills amine “brought them into an other world”. Another answer Some people mentioned that some of the negative changes pression that in individual cases some very risky consumption
or sedatives. was that ketamine had a consciousness expanding effect and were that conversations tended to increasingly revolve around takes place, for example, that conversations increasingly re-
I think that the mixed-consumption with alcohol is seen by because of that it was interesting. Other answers included ketamine, fights occurred regarding the business aspects of volve around ketamine consumption and in connection with
most consumers as not being mixed-consumption since alco- that it was simply something different or that the occasional the substance and its consumption and truthful relations this fights break out. This suggests that the substance has
hol is often not recognised as a psychoactive substance. This ketamine high was quite nice. within relationships were interfered with. reached a certain level of priority in the life of the consumers.
is however problematical since the mixture of alcohol with Some subjects said that ketamine was interesting because “it One person said that they were hardly ever sober when to-
ketamine increases the risk of a breathing depression. (see blows you away”, “it has a warm, soft effect”, or because one gether with consuming friends, being together was always
section mixed-consumption) doesn’t feel anymore, it “finishes” you or makes you extremely seen as an opportunity to consume ketamine. Some of those
Some consumers described the influence of cannabis during awake, or because it is relaxing and chills you out and because questioned that relations with each other became more ag-
the “crash” phase of the ketamine high as being very positive. it has a calming effect. gressive and that others appeared to have become more
The mixed-consumption of ketamine with LSD and cocaine is I would like to discuss this last block of answers in more detail. greedy.
described as very pleasant in regard to its narcotic effect. Answers like “it blows you away”, it “finishes you off” or the

34 35
Consumed ketamine with expectations Negative ketamine experiences

Spearman-Rho Consumed ketamine with expectations Correlation coefficient 1.000 0.542(**)

Sig. (2-sided) . .000

N 62 62

Negative ketamine experiences Correlation coefficient 0.542(**) 1.000

Sig. (2-sided) ,000 .

N 62 62

** The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-sided).

Figure 7: Correlation according to Spearman, negative experiences

6.9.3. Changes in Friend 6.9.5. Changes in the life of those questioned to convince the consumers that such experiences are not just As a conclusion to this section I would like to present the re-
“bad trips” and that such experiences are to be taken seriously. sults from the question: “Do you have the feeling that you are
53.2 % of those questioned answered the question: “Have you When asked if something in their life had changed since the Consumers must find out what one needs to be able to come well-informed about ketamine?”.
noticed that your friends have changed as a result of or have first time they consumed ketamine 75.8 % of the subjects an- to terms with such experiences and make something positive 54.8 % of my subjects answered this question with “yes”. 35.5
been influenced by ketamine consumption?” with yes. 46.8 % swered with “no”. 4.8 % did not answer this question and 19.4 out of them. % feel that they are not well-informed and 8.1 % said that they
with no. Here the scope of the changes listed is very wide. The % answered with “yes”. knew at least something about ketamine. 1.6 % did not answer
following were listed as examples of changes: two deaths in They gave examples of changes like unemployment, convic- One more interesting question which I asked in regard to this this question.
connection with ketamine, dependency, criminal offence, fa- tions, cessation of studies, loss of driver’s licence, positive subject was if there was a connection between the expecta- For me it is clear that more education on this subject is defi-
milial problems, depressions and increased aggression. and negative physical experiences and extreme perception of tions of the consumers and the negative experiences. In order nitely needed. Relatively risky consumption is taking place,
The consumption change to heroin was also described as well feelings. In contrast to the questions above, the percentages to calculate this statistically I divided the answers to question since people are taking this substance while admitting that
as changes in personality, for example, consumers were de- given here do not so easily reflect consumption-related socio- 4 of my questionnaire (“What was the reason for the initial they do not think that they are well-informed about it.
scribed as indifferent, greedy, dishonest and bad. Some of the pathological changes. One must say that a very large amount ketamine consumption?”) into two categories, namely “had All in all the results of my empirical research set high demands
answers were quite unexpected and this often led to long con- of self-reflection must exist in order to be able to give a posi- specific expectations” and “had no specific expectations”. I also on social work. In the next section of this work I will address
versations. One very extreme example of this was the occur- tive answer to this question. It is possible that a connection divided the variable “negative experiences” into two categories these demands and discuss what social work activities or proj-
rence of two ketamine-related deaths in one circle of friends. between some changes and the consumption of ketamine “had negative experiences” and “had no negative experiences”. ects with ketamine consumers should or could look like.
Here I also heard about aggressive behaviour. Characteristics can not always be recognised. It is naturally also possible that These two newly created variables were then calculated in the
like greedy and dishonest have already appeared in several there really were no consumption-related changes in the SPSS using the Spearman – Rho correlation.
questions. The described greed suggests very strongly to me group I questioned.
that ketamine dependency plays a role here. (Figure 7: Correlation according to Spearman)
6.9.6. Negative Experiences with Ketamine
6.9.4. Changes in those questioned
This table shows that a weak correlation exists between the
62.9 % of those asked said that they had not had any negative two variables, that means that there is a connection.
As was expected, in contrast to the previous question, here the experiences with ketamine. 1.6 %, or one person, did not an- The correlation coefficient was 0.542. That means that a slight
majority of those questioned gave a negative answer. “Only” swer this question and 35.5 % admitted to have had negative to middling correlation exists. In my opinion the connection is,
16.1 % of the subjects answered the question: “Have other experiences with ketamine. in spite of the relatively low correlation coefficient, still quite
people told you that they have observed changes in you, or has Speed – for its counter-effect, self discipline, peace and goods distinct. One must take into consideration that most likely not
your mood changed, since you have started consuming ket- friends nearby were the main answers to the question about all consumers who really had specific expectations actually re-
amine?” with “yes”. But five people stated that they had been what would have helped in these negatives situations. Some alised this and answered this question accordingly.
observed to be more aggressive and more irritable. of those asked also said that they had needed medical help. According to the correlation consumers who took ketamine
Some had already been accused of taking ketamine too often. Here too it would have been advantageous to have had a com- with specific expectations more frequently had negative expe-
I do not find it particularly surprising that 79 % of those asked parable study with an other substance, as it goes I can not say riences than consumers who had no expectations. I think that
answered this question with “no”. For one thing I can imagine if 35.5 % of the subjects having negative experiences is a lot or this can possibly be explained by the theory that consumers
that not all changes are commented on by other people, not little. I would estimate I would say that this is not particularly who expect something specific from the substance are most
even by good friends. Secondly, it is most likely quite difficult many, still one should not underestimate the negative experi- likely using the consumption of the substance as a form of
for the consumers to take comments seriously and admit that ences caused by psychedelic substances. compensation for something else in their life. The pressure
they are true. Extremely frightening and far-reaching experiences can oc- and the disappointment resulting from unfulfilled expecta-
4.8 % of those questioned did not answer this question. cur and these must in some way be dealt with. Naturally this tions quite likely leads to negative experiences with ketamine.
process does not always have to happen with the help of so- In addition to this there is possibly a psychological instability
cial workers or psychological professionals. The role of social which also should be compensated for through consumption.
workers who work with this target group is much more the Nevertheless psychological instability connected with psyche-
role of an idea transmitter. It is important for them to be able delic substances leads to an increase in negative experiences.

36 37
7. The relevance of results
The following section is the most important and most inter- All in all I find that the results verify the claim that the con- events is when a party takes place in a legal location in Vienna, These two factors suggest that topics which are otherwise
esting chapter of this thesis. I will now explain how my hy- sumption of ketamine leads to socio-pathological changes. for example in the “Arena” or “Ernst Kirchweger House”. But it to be found in work with “traditional” drug consumption are
pothesis has been verified and show how my results can be Of course this does not mean that every ketamine consumer is is precisely the free-techno scene which, in my opinion, has now suddenly becoming current issues in work related to rec-
combined with social work. I will describe the projects and a ”psychological wreck“ with a distinctly high aggression level. the largest amount of ketamine consumers with perhaps the reational drugs. The self-destructive components of ketamine
programmes designed for recreational drug consumers which Still the consumption of ketamine can cause problems and most risky consumption patterns. Another factor which limits consumption and the “dark hedonism” described by Springer
are currently being offered by various social work institutions negative changes which should not be underestimated and the efficacy of ChEck iT!’s work is the fact that they are cur- also remind one more of opiate consumers than recreational
and make suggestions regarding what is still needed, if some- which call for professional help or support of some kind. This is rently limited to visiting, on average, only one event a month. drug consumers. This change results in high demands on so-
thing is needed. particularly important if the current ketamine trend continues It is however necessary to work with this target group much cial work and calls for more intense work in the techno scene,
and therewith the number of ketamine consumers increases. more frequently in order to build a relationship. or in some of its sub-scenes.
The results of the empirical research have verified the hypoth- This brings me to my next subsection in which I would like to The aspects which make relationship building this more
esis of my thesis. In evaluation of almost all questions revealed address the relevance of my results for the practice of social necessary with ketamine consumers than with “normal” rec-
that a tendency toward aggressive and irritated behaviour is work in more detail. reational drug consumers are related to the special character-
caused by the consumption of ketamine. The number of con- istics of the substance.
sumers who admitted to have observed a consumption-related 7.1. Relevance of results for social work Of course I do not wish to suggest that a more intensive social
change in others or even in themselves is high enough to legit- work programme involving the whole drug scene is not neces-
imate the assumption that this change is not occurring only The target group of recreational drug consumers is a hard sary. There are several facts in relation to ketamine which are
in “isolated cases”. When one takes into consideration the fact group to find access to, but one institution in Austria, namely especially alarming, for example the fact that a relatively high
that the group questioned consisted of a mixture of people ChEck iT!, has made it their job to provide support services for psychological dependency potential for this substance has
with varying consumption patterns- therefore also consumers this group. The “Verein Dialog” has recently begun to offer a been observed. Several answers to the questions in my ques-
who had tried ketamine only a few times- the results of my special youth support service at their office in the 10th district tionnaire led me to the conclusion that some of the individu-
analysis appear to be even more unequivocal. of Vienna. However this institution does not do any streetwork als questioned were already dependent. Ketamine consumers
The evaluation of the questions which were aimed at finding and does not work with only one specific group of clients. This were repeatedly described using the adjective “greedy”. This
out more about the change in atmosphere is extremely clear. means that this institution is a service meant for youths who word is also used very often in connection with the cocaine
The vast majority of those questioned stated that the atmo- are actively seeking help and counselling. It can provide help which is also known to be a substance with a very high psycho-
sphere at events worsened when too much ketamine was con- directly or show youths where they can go to get the help logical dependency potential. It is possible to find correlations
sumed. Here it was also said that the atmosphere was more they need. However I think that only a small amount of rec- between ketamine and cocaine consumers. One such correla-
aggressive and irritable. reational drug consumers actively seek help or even think of tion can be seen in the relatively high monthly prevalence of
The questions regarding changes in friends and acquaintanc- themselves as drug consumers with problems. They are most cocaine which was consumed by our ketamine-consuming
es and those questioned personally also suggested that con- likely deterred by institutions which are connected with the subjects.(see Figure 5: Graph – Monthly prevalence).
sumption-related changes included an increase of aggression traditional drug scene. One other factor which struck me in regard to ketamine con-
and a worsening of the general atmosphere or mood. sumption is the ritual of consumption and preparations for
Although I had expected the results to be like this I was still ChEck iT! is regularly on site at events in the techno scene and consumption practised by ketamine consumers. This is very
surprised that they were supported so clearly by my subjects. offers information, counselling and the chemical analysis of atypical behaviour for recreational drug consumers. The pro-
I did not expect so many of those questioned in my research psychoactive substances. One problem for ChEck iT! is that it cess of transforming the liquid ketamine into a powder form
to be able or willing to talk openly about such changes. If 80 can not reach the free-techno scene. There are various reasons is one example of the atypical behaviour to which I am refer-
% of those questioned had stated that they had observed a for this, for example, as was mentioned above, the events ring. This process is often called “Aufkochen” (“cooking”). This
significant negative change starting with the initial consump- which take place in the free-techno scene are usually not reg- expression is actually more common in the “traditional” drug
tion of ketamine, these results would not have been realistic istered and are usually held at locations which are not particu- scene and describes a process in the preparation of intrave-
and I would either have doubted the validity of my research larly easy to find or reach. This makes it impossible for ChEck iT! nous consumption. Another example of ketamine’s unique
method or I would have been confronted with a truly alarming to effectively and regularly reach this scene using its current features is that it is also, although not usually, consumed in-
situation. method of operation. The only chance to attend free-techno tramuscularly.

38 39
8. Conclusion
In conclusion one could say that there is currently no insti- Other important services which should be offered are infor- Now that I have presented my thoughts considering the care one’s own body and to nature and often helps people to learn
tution which provides regular, target-group adequate, low mation and counselling. In order to be able to effectively trans- and services to be provided for ketamine consumers I would how to relax.
threshold services for those in the recreational drug consum- mit knowledge on “risk reduction“ and “safer use” information now like to address another topic, namely what is the con- I think that such services would be welcomed in the free-tech-
ing scene, and in particular in the free-techno scene. materials are naturally extremely important. One could, for ex- sumption of ketamine a compensation for. Here I will provide no scene, since this scene is already interested in nature. If this
That means that this scene does not receive any social medi- ample, distribute inhalation tubes for nasal application along suggestions of what a possible list of social work-related ser- scene is already being cared for in an other way it would defi-
cal attention, with the exception of the few events where with an information sheet or brochure containing information vices could include. nitely not be difficult to carry out such actions in addition. One
ChEck iT! works on site. My focus is on the free-techno scene on nasal consumption. The distribution of one-way syringes I think that the ketamine high is sought after because it satis- could, for example, offer such an excursion in the course of a
because I met proportionately more ketamine consumers in and needles to intramuscular consumers could be combined fies a basic need. Firstly, one reaches a state of total relaxation festival which runs for several days. Of course such experience-
this scene than in others and I found that the “ketamine trend” with information on application procedure and the impor- through the consumption of ketamine. This feeling is increas- and outdoor pedagogical services are not the only way to deal
in this scene was the strongest. Here there is also a higher tance of using clean needles and syringes and how to dispose ingly hard to achieve without some sort of help in our stressful, with these certain needs. Still, in my opinion, such methods
amount of risky consumption of various substances. This as- of the used ones. fast moving world. Secondly, the extreme psychedelic experi- appear to be very well suited for this particular target group.
sessment is also reflected in the observations which I made ences of the ketamine high are something new and exciting.
during my research in 2003/ 2004. In addition to the work on site it is also necessary to react to Many youths and young adults find it difficult to understand In conclusion, one can say that, as a substance, ketamine is
I think that the work done with this work must be carried out the fact that a psychological dependency on ketamine can oc- their feelings and to recognise their own needs. very special and unique, and its characteristics cause com-
on two levels. First, there is a need for streetwork, or scouting cur. Physical withdrawal symptoms have also been described. For many it has become a problem to even know if one feels pletely new problems and force one to address new aspects
social work, which offers the opportunity of building contacts At the present I can not say if there will be a need for the treat- alright or not. They don’t know if they are scared or not, or even of recreational drug use. I think the provision of a social care
on site and through which information and counselling, as ment of ketamine dependency within this framework of social if they are sad or happy. I think that this condition can cause an concept dealing with the consumption of substances like ket-
well as “safer use” and “risk reduction” messages can be pre- work. But I can imagine it could become necessary. A drop-in extreme feeling of emptiness. Our society has already tried to amine would be a major step in the right direction. One should
sented. The work on site should be carried out as follows: there centre with psychosocial care and possibly medical support fight against this feeling through the development of several take the problems which arise as a result of the consumption
should be a team of social workers and doctors who regularly, would then be important. I do not think it would be a good trends. For example, extreme sports like bungee jumping and of so-called recreational drugs seriously, but at the same
that means 3-4 times per month, attend events in the free- idea to integrate such a drop-in centre into an already exist- the like are used to give one the feeling of excitement which time make sure that those youths and young adults who are
techno scene. One of the important prerequisites of this team ing drug counselling centre because the group of recreational seems to be lacking. I would also include body cult practices consuming these drugs does not feel stigmatised. This group
is that it has a thorough knowledge of its target-group be- drug consumers does not identify itself with “traditional” drug like piercings and so-called “brandings” as belonging to these should also not have the feeling that social workers are trying
cause otherwise it would be difficult to even get to the events. users. The recreational drug consumers would therefore not trends . The experiences which one has when bunjee jump- to change them. Low threshold drug-related social work with
Without the proper knowledge the team would have access be likely to visit such centres. I also think that an institution ing are definitely so extreme that one is almost forced to feel an approach which shows the acceptance and understanding
to the scene-internal information which is spread by word of which specialises on this consumers of this group of substanc- them and admit that they exist. of its clients is, in my opinion, the right concept for this type
mouth and flyers. es should be established. This group is large enough to make I believe that the experiences with psychoactive substances of work.
Other working principles which are important include, for ex- the creation of such a centre necessary. Alone the number of work in much the same way. The “normal” high of ecstasy
ample, voluntary contact, anonymity, low threshold approach- speed and cannabis consumers would legitimise its establish- often isn’t enough. In contrast, a substance like ketamine can
es and objectivity. It is necessary for the team to be made up of ment. It is important to provide counselling and care for such still impress, due to the fact that it can possibly lead to a truly
social workers and doctors because there are regularly, espe- consumers. extreme effect, namely the near-death experience. In order to
cially in the free-techno scene, medical emergencies. At these Here a low threshold approach is also important. There should be effective here it is necessary to provide a whole range of
events there are no first aid providers or security personnel be days when people can simply come to visit, just like youth social- pedagogical services.
on site making medical emergencies quite problematic. One centres. This would give people the chance to take a look at My suggestion would be to provide experience-oriented peda-
should also not forget that ketamine consumption also often everything, see what is offered and then decide for themselves gogical services which provide a “kick”, but do not involve the
leads to fights which can also result in the need for medical if there is any programme or service which they would like or consumption of any substance. This could include a hike up
attention. Through the lack pain sensitivity caused by the need to take advantage of. Consumers to whom contact has a mountain, a sailing tour or building a hanging bridge in a
ketamine high consumers can also injure themselves without already been made on site can be directed there. That means it forest. The connection of such services with a chance of being
even noticing it. would also be advantageous for the same team to work both out in nature has the additional, positive effect of making it
on site and at this drop-in centre. easier to “turn off” the stimulants and stress found in daily life
and concentrate on one’s self. This leads to a sensitisation to

40 41
Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 69
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 373
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 67
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 559
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 1169
ChEck iT! Concept
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 1297
see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 1448
ChEck iT! Concept
see: medizinische Merkblätter, Sozialmedizinsche Drogenberatungsstelle Ganslwirt,

Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, Vienna, 6

see: Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.KG, Berlin259 , 2002, 1646

9. Epilogue 10. Glossary

All of those people who showed an interest in my work and • Analgesics: • Recreational drugs:
motivated me were a great support while writing this work. “Annulment of sensitivity to pain.” 74 “The expression “Freizeitdrogen” is based on the English term
Very special thanks go to the entire ChEck iT! team which pro- “recreational drugs” or “recreational drug use”, this refers
vided me with information and practical support. In particular • dissociative anaesthesia: to the pattern of consumption and goes beyond the field of
I would like to thank Sophie who promoted the publication of Dissociation means the splitting of consciousness 75 and an- “classical” party drugs. At ChEck iT! we understand the term
this work with so much energy and Alex, who placed all of his aesthesia is the state of insensitivity to pain, temperature and recreational drugs to include the widest variety of both legal
knowledge at my disposal for the evaluation of the question- touch stimulators. 76 A dissociative anaesthesia is therefore a and illegal substances - for example from biogenic drugs to
naire. condition in which one has drifted away or is dazed. The body cannabis to opiates – which all have one aspect in common,
I would also like to thank Professor Dr. Heinz Wilfing for his is completely free of the feeling of pain, but one is not men- they are or were at least initially consumed by users in a rec-
good and supportive supervision of my thesis. tally stunned. reational setting.” 82
Furthermore I would like to thank my family and all of my
friends. The arguments and discussions on drug policy related • GABA: • Shaker:
topics with you helped me to clearly express my positions and Gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a neurotransmitter which can A “shaker” is a slang expression which refers to an acute reac-
to find my way. be found in 30 % of the synapses in the central nervous sys- tion of the immune system to contaminated injection solu-
Finally I would like to thank all those who filled out my ques- tem. The GABA receptor is the site of action for many hypnot- tions. The characteristics, which can carry on for several hours
tionnaire and therewith shared their experiences with me and ics and narcotics. 76 and disappear of their own accord, are essentially like those of
without whom I would not have been able to form an impres- a strong case of the flu (sweating, chills, shivers, nausea, fever,
sion on my topic and write this thesis. Party on… • Neurotransmitters: headache…). 83
are small molecules that are stored in vesicles and are set
free through action potential (electric impulse) in the central • Thalamus:
nervous system as well as the peripheral nervous system and largest grey brain matter mass in the diencephalon. It is con-
carry out stimulation transmission 78 (for example noradrena- nected to other parts of the central nervous system and serves
line, dopamine, serotonine). as a shifting station for optical and acoustic paths. 84

• Party drugs:
“Party drugs” are, in general, the psychoactive substances of
the amphetamine- and amphetamine derivative group, in
English speaking countries these substances have also be-
come known as “dance drugs”, they are also often referred to
as ”recreational drugs“. 79

• Phlegmone:
A phlegmone is a spreading inflammation of the connective
tissue with local and general inflammation symptoms. 80
A phlegmone is characterised by a reddish, painful, hot swelling.

• Receptors:
are sensory cells for the reception of stimuli particularly from
outside. One needs receptors for orientation and communica-
tion between the organism and the environment. 81

42 43
11. Appendix
11.1. Questionnaire: 7. Please try to estimate on how many days you consumed the q Natural Drugs changed in their lives since? (e.g. Criminal offence, trouble
following substances in the last 30 days? q Crack/Locaine base with police...)?
q 3MCV
Ketamine Consumption - Social Changes and Conflict Behav- Alcohol …Day(s) q 2CB q yes, how?
iour Cigarettes …Day (s)
Sleeping pills & Tranquillizer …Day (s)
Cannabis …Day (s) 9. How do you usually consume ketamine? q no
1. Do you know ketamine, Special K, K, vitamin K, Keta...; Speed …Day (s) q nasal
q 1.Yes Ecstasy ...Day (s) q oral
q 2.No Methamphetamine …Day (s) q i.v. 15. Have other people told you that they have observed chang-
LSD …Day (s) q smoked es in you, or has your mood changed, since you have started
Magic Mushrooms …Day (s) q i.m. consuming ketamine?
2. Have you consumed ketamine before? Cocaine …Day (s) q other way____________
q 1.yes Heroin …Day (s) q yes, how?
q GHB (“liquid ecstasy” …Day (s)
Ketamine (Special K) … Day (s)
Poppers/Sniffing substances …Day (s) 10. Approximately how much money do you spend per month q no
3. How old were you when you consumed ketamine for the Natural Drugs (windrose, salvia divinorum, etc.) …Day (s) on ketamine?
first time? Crack/cocaine base …Day (s)
3 MCV …Day (s) 16. Has anything in your life changed since the first time you
2-CB (Micros) …Day (s) 11. Why is ketamine interesting for you as a drug? consumed ketamine (e.g. Criminal offence, trouble with po-
4. What was the reason for the initial ketamine consumption? (Others) …Day (s) lice,...)?
(multiple answers possible)
q 4a.I was curious 8. When you consumed ketamine the last time did you also
q 4b.I had heard good things about it consume the following substances 6 hours before and/or 6 12. Is your work or are your studies influenced or changed by 17. Have you already had negative experiences with ket-
q 4c.It was offered to me hours after? (multiple answers possible): your ketamine consumption? If so, how? amine?
q 4d.I had a desire for a stimulating substance
q 4e.I had a need for a consciousness changing substance Ä The last time I consumed ketamine I didn’t consume any q no
q 4f. Everyone I know consumes ketamine; other substances 13. Are your relationships/friendships influenced or changed q yes
q 4g.other reason ____________________ q Alcohol through ketamine consumption? If so, how? What would you have needed in this situation? What would
q Sleeping pills or tranquillisers have helped you?
q Cannabis with friends who also consume:
5. In what situation(s) do you usually Ketamine? q Speed
q Ecstasy 18. What is it like to “crash” after using ketamine?
q Methamphetamine with friends who don’t consume:
5a. And with whom? q LSD
q Magic Mushrooms 19. Do you have the feeling that you are well-informed about
q Cocaine ketamine, or is there something that you would still like to
6. How is the atmosphere at parties where more than the q Heroin 14. Have you noticed that your friends have changed or been know?
usual amount of ketamine is consumed? q GHB influenced as a result of ketamine consumption? Has their
q Poppers/ Sniffing substances mood been different since the initial use? Has anything

44 45
12. Bibliography
And now a few questions about you personally: 27. School Education
Which level of education do you have? • ChEck iT!. Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte. Eine Einrichtung stellt sich • Sozialmedizinische Drogenberatungsstelle Ganslwirt. Verein Wie-
20. Gender: Incomplete complete in progress vor, Vienna 2005 ner Sozialprojekte. Medizinische Merkblätter, Vienna
qm Compulsory school o o o
qf Apprenticeship/ • Cousto Hans. Fachinformation: Ketamine-Mischconsumption. Dis- • Turner, D.M. Der Psychedelische Reiseführer. Nachtschattenverlag,
Vocational School o o o soziatives Anästhetikum 2005 Germany2 1997
21. How old are you? ___________ Vocational school
w/o diploma o o o • Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Informa- • Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte. Leitbild.
Vocational school tion, ICD-10. Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten
22. Which federal state do you come from? w/ diploma o o o und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme. 10.Revision.Version 1.0., Band
q Vienna Highschool o o o I. Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1994
q Carinthia College/Technical College o o o
q Lower Austria University/Academy o o o • Estler. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. Schattauer, Stuttgard5 Internet Addresses
q Salzburg 2000
q Burgenland • Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Notfallsmedizin URL:
q Tyrol 28. What is your current employment situation? • Hoppe, U. and Klose, R.. (S)-Ketamin. Aktuelle interdisziplinäre Aspe- (as at 03/06)
q Upper Austria q Full-time employment (> 20 Hours/Week) kte. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2002
q Vorarlberg q Part-time employment (< 20 Hours/Week) • ChEck iT! Homepage. URL: (as at
q Styria q unemployed ‡ since when ___________ • Jansen, Karl. Ketamine: Dreams and Realities. MAPS, Florida 2001 03/06)

23. What is your nationality? 29. How high is your monthly income: • Kit, Kelly. The little book of Ketamine. Ronin Publishing Inc., Kaliforn- • Erowid. URL: (as at 03/06)
q Austrian q less than 500€ ien1 1999
q Other country: _____________ q between 500 and 999€ • Eve&Rave Homepage. URL: (as at 03/06)
q between 1000 and 1499€ • Lilly, John C. Der Scientist. Sphinx Verlag, Basel 1984
q between1500 and 1999€ • Internetlexikon. URL:
24. To which group in the population do you feel you belong? q between 2000 and 2499€ • Neubauer, P.and Schinnerl, G. Perspektiven der Drogenarbeit und Ketamin.htm (as at 03/06)
q Austrian q 2500 or more. –politik. Ein Lesebuch anlässlich des 10jährigen Bestehens des Verein
q Other group: _______________ Wiener Sozialprojekte. Vienna 2000 • Rebmann Ralf. URL: (as at 03/06)
Thank you for your participation!
25. Are your parents employed? What are their professions? Books and Periodicals • Pschyrembel. Klinisches Wörterbuch.Walter de Gruyter GmbH&Co.
________________ KG, Berlin259 2002
• Benschop, A., Rabes M. et al. Pill Testing. Ecstasy & Prävention, Rozen-
berg Publishers, Amsterdam 2002 • Raab-Steiner, Elisabeth. Skriptum Sozialforschung. 4.Semester.
26. What is your current living situation: Sommersemester 2004. Fh-Campus Vienna
q living alone/ independent • Brosch and Mader. Sucht und Suchtbehandlung. Problematik und
q alone with child(ren) Therapie in Österreich. LexisNexis Verlag, Vienna 2004 • Richard ,N. and Trachsel, D. Psychedelische Chemie. Nachtschatten
q with partner Verlag, Germany3 2000
q with parents/ guardians • ChEck iT!. Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte. Concept
q partner and child(ren) • Sozialmedizinische Drogenberatungsstelle Ganslwirt. Verein Wie-
q together with others • ChEck iT!. Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte. Booklet. Universal Druckerei ner Sozialprojekte. Das g’sunde Gansl. Eine medizinische Sonderaus-
q other Leoben, Vienna 2002 gabe, Vienna

46 47
13. List of figures Author
Figure 1:
various Ketanest® Infusion bottles 7 Magistra Evi Baumgartner

Figure 2: Counsellor at events for Check iT! since winter 2003;

chemical structure of ketamine 7 Special topics: Free-techno scene and ketamine.
Social worker in the public medical drug counselling centre
Figure 3: Ganslwirt.
SPSS Table “What federal state do you come from?” 30

Figure 4:
Representation of Education Level 31

Figure 5:
Graph – Monthly prevalence 33

Figure 6:
Graph – Form of Consumption 35

Figure 7:
Correlation according to Spearman, negative experiences 36

48 49
ChEck iT!
ChEck iT! means Information and Counselling and the social situation of the consumers are carried out.

ChEck iT! works with youths and young adults who consume • The scientific findings of these analyses serve as a basis for
psychoactive substances like ecstasy, speed, or cannabis as a the quick, well-founded and pragmatic development of depen-
part of their free-time activities. ChEck iT!’s goal is to prevent dency preventing and/or consumption reducing measures.
the problems and damage to health which can result from the
consumption of psychoactive substances. We try to increase • ChEck iT! is part of both national and international informa-
knowledge of the effects and risks of such substances, and tion and early-warning systems dealing with psychoactive
prevent the risky consumption of and development of depen- substances. ChEck iT! monitors research results and warnings
dency on these substances. regarding questionable substances and passes this informa-
tion on to these networks.
• Information, Counselling and crisis intervention are offered
by the ChEck iT! Homebase within the framework of event- • The research results are submitted in the form of articles in
supervision, as well as online and via telephone. Once a week professional publications or as reports and are presented at
a legal advisor is available to provide legal information and conventions or conferences or to political decision makers in
counselling. the form of concepts.

• In order to be able to offer information on the risks of drug Creation of secondary preventive information material
consumption we carry out anonymous substance analyses
free of charge at the events which we supervise. This service ChEck iT! produces information material on topics which are
is carried out in co-operation with the Medical School of the related to the field of recreational drug consumption and
University of Vienna. secondary preventive methods. Our information material
specialises on youth- and young adult consumption and is
• The web site offers exhaustive in- designed to be used by all those who work with this target
formation on substances, including their effects, related risks group. A list of the information material available as well as a
and dangers as well as on topics regarding health promotion. order form can be found at .
In addition to this it provides event tips, the results of drug-
checks, as well as a “talk base” as a platform for the exchange Continuing Education for Multipliers
of ideas and information amongst peers.
ChEck iT! strives to pass on the benefits of its years of experi-
ChEck iT! is the centre of competence in the field of recreation- ence and the scientific findings resulting from its work with
al drug consumption recreational drug consumers to multipliers.

Science and secondary preventive research • ChEck iT! offers further education on, and carries out projects
with, those who are involved in work with this target group
• ChEck iT! observes the developments in drug consumption (youth social workers, teachers, those offering apprenticeship
and in the drug black market. Through the chemical-toxicolog- opportunities, etc.).
ical analysis of the drug samples it is possible to gain knowl-
edge of the nature and compound structures of the drugs • ChEck iT! offers practicums for psycho-social occupations.
which are being consumed. In addition to this scientific stud-
ies on consumption patterns and motives, concerns, problems

50 51
Eva Baumgartner

Ketamine as a Recreational Drug

on the risks of consumption-related socio-pathological changes and specific conflict behaviour,
and their relevance for secondary preventive institutions
ChEck iT! is a co-operative scientific project of Masthead

Editor and Media proprietor:

Association of Viennese Social Projects

Institute for medical and
(“Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte”)
chemical lab diagnostics
Rotenmühlgasse 26, A- 1120 Vienna
ChEck iT! regularly supervises students who are writing a thesis on topics related to recreational drugs. We are particularly pleased Web:
that, through this very informative, hands-on work, we have the opportunity to make this topic accessible to those who are inter-
ested in it and all those who work with this target group. The author Magistra (FH) Evi Baumgartner and the ChEck iT! team are Author:
pleased to have been able to contribute to the transfer between theory and practise. Magistra(FH) Evi Baumgartner

Editorial Processing:
Magistra Sophie Lachout

Graphic Design / Illustrations:

Magister Bernhard Faiss


© 2007 Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte & E. Baumgartner
This work is in its entirety protected by copyright.
The use of this work in any form without the explicit consent of the Association of Viennese Social Projects
(“Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte“) and
E. Baumgartner is prohibited.
This applies in particular to copying, translating, micro-filming and saving in electronic systems.

ChEck iT! is financed through funds from

the Viennese Dependency and Drug Co-ordination (“Sucht und Drogen Koordination Wien”), non-profit companies
and the Ministry of Health and Women’s Issues (“Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen”). Further inquiries:

+43 1 585 12 12
HomeBase Gumpendorfer Straße 8, 1060 Wien

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