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Case Report

Management of ACL Elongation in the Surgical

Treatment of Congenital Knee Dislocation
Kevin E. Klingele, MD; Scott Stephens, MD

Full article available online at Search: 20120621-29

Congenital knee dislocation is a rare anomaly associated with a variety of neuromus-

cular diseases and deformities. The etiology of this condition remains unclear, but it is
usually associated with a variety of disorders, such as Larsen’s syndrome, arthrogryposis,
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Down syndrome, and Streeter’s
dysplasia. It is rarely an isolated entity, and 60% of patients with congenital knee dis-
location had additional congenital anomalies, most commonly hip dysplasia. The ideal
method of treatment is debated. No current treatment algorithms address anterior cruci-
ate ligament (ACL) elongation and its role in recurrent deformity or hyperextension.

This article describes 2 patients who underwent open reduction of the knee for recur-
Figure: Anterior-view illustration status post ante-
rent and neglected congenital knee dislocations. An ACL shortening and reinforce-
rior cruciate ligament (ACL) shortening and rein-
ment technique is described. Both patients’ treatment consisted of V-Y advancement forcement using an autogenous iliotibial band.
of the extensor mechanism, soft tissue release, anterior capsulotomy, and posterior
capsulorrhaphy. Anterior cruciate ligament shortening and reinforcement using an
iliotibial band physeal-sparing technique was performed. The technique improved
maintenance of reduction and prevented hyperextension of the knee. Anterior cruci-
ate ligament elongation is an underemphasized anatomical feature associated with
congenital knee dislocation. Due to its role in the prevention of anterior subluxation of
the tibia and its effect on knee stability, incompetence should be addressed at the time
of open reduction. The presence of an intact ACL with a congenital knee dislocation
does not preclude management of anterior instability. Competence of the intact ACL
should be addressed following reduction.

Dr Klingele is from the Department of Orthopaedics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and the
Department of Orthopaedics, The Ohio State University, and Dr Stephens is from Mount Carmel West
Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio.
Drs Klingele and Stephens have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
The authors thank Anthony Baker from The Ohio State University, who created the illustrations for
this article.
Correspondence should be addressed to: Kevin E. Klingele, MD, Department of Orthopaedics,
Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Dr, Columbus, OH 43205 (kevin.klingele@nationwide
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20120621-29


Congenital Knee Dislocation | Klingele et al

ongenital dislocation of the knee is
a rare disorder initially described
by Chatelaine in 18221 and Bord
in 1834.2 It is seen in approximately 1 of
100,000 newborns and is less common
than congenital hip dislocations.3 The eti-
ology of this condition remains unclear,
but it is usually associated with a variety
of disorders, such as Larsen’s syndrome,
arthrogryposis, spondyloepiphyseal dys-
plasia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Down
syndrome, and Streeter’s dysplasia. It is
rarely an isolated entity, and 60% of pa-
tients with congenital knee dislocation 1A 1B 1C
were found to have additional congenital Figure 1: Preoperative photograph (A), lateral radiograph in forced flexion (B), and magnetic resonance
anomalies, most commonly hip dysplasia.2 image (C) showing anterior tibial subluxation and elongation of the anterior cruciate ligament.
Although no clear pathogenesis has
been found, a variety of anatomical pat-
terns are consistently found in congenital- femoral shortening, associated soft tissue forced flexion to neutral (Figure 1B).
ly dislocated knees. The lateral quadriceps release and transposition to obtain reduc- Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging
and fascia lata are typically fibrosed, with tion, and the addition of a posterior cap- (MRI) confirmed the anterior tibial sub-
a scarred suprapatellar pouch.4 The ham- sulorrhaphy. Few descriptions address the luxation and identified significant elonga-
strings and collateral ligaments are dis- competence of an often elongated ACL tion of an intact ACL (Figure 1C).
placed anteriorly to their normal position. and the role this pathology may have in The patient underwent open reduction
The patella may be absent or hypoplastic.4 preventing or treating recurrent or chronic of her left knee consisting of anterior ar-
Hypoplasia of the intercondylar notch and deformity. throtomy, extensive lateral release, V-Y
tibial spines, increased posterior slope and This article presents 2 cases of con- quadriceplasty, posterior transposition of
proximal tibial bowing, and valgus align- genital knee dislocation associated with the pes anserinus attachment, and poste-
ment at the knee may exist.4 Posterior significant ACL elongation. Both patients rior capsulorrhaphy via posteromedial and
capsular redundancy is significant. The underwent open reduction in addition to posterolateral capsular imbrication. On
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) may be ACL shortening and physeal-sparing re- reduction of the anterior subluxation, sig-
absent, elongated, or hypoplastic, and the inforcement. This as an important vari- nificant laxity of the elongated ACL was
posterior cruciate ligament may be short- able during the management of congeni- noted. This allowed for continued anterior
ened and tight.5-8 Variable involvement of tal knee dislocation. The parents of both subluxation and residual 30° of hyperex-
the menisci may include discoid menisci patients were advised that information tension despite posterior capsulorrhaphy.
or hypoplastic menisci.9 regarding their cases would be submitted Using the technique discussed below, an
Treatment modalities range from se- for publication and provided consent. acute shortening of the native ACL was
rial stretching or closed manipulations to augmented with a physeal-sparing ACL
open reduction. Outcomes vary depend- Case Reports reconstruction using an autogenous il-
ing on the severity and type of treatment Patient 1 iotibial band, which prevented sublux-
required, but several residual problems A 2-year, 3-month-old girl presented ation and hyperextension. At the time of
have been identified, including extensor following international adoption with arthrotomy, the patient was also noted to
mechanism weakness, recurrent hyperex- an isolated left knee hyperextension de- have a complete, stable discoid lateral
tension, and progressive valgus instability formity. No history of treatment prior to meniscus that was managed with an open
and angulation.7,10 The cause of the defor- adoption was found. On physical exami- 1-piece saucerization.
mity is not well understood and may be nation, the patient had 60° of hyperexten- Postoperatively, the patient was placed
related to failure to address posterior cap- sion and was unable to flex beyond neutral in a long-leg cast in 70° of flexion for 4
sular redundancy at the index operation.8 (Figure 1A). Anteroposterior and lateral weeks. On cast removal, she was transi-
Operative techniques now emphasize radiographs revealed anterior subluxation tioned to a hinged knee–ankle–foot or-
extensor advancement with or without of the tibia with hyperextension and with thosis with a neutral extension stop for 3

JULY 2012 | Volume 35 • Number 7 e1095

n Case Report

an intact ACL at the index procedures. At rior tibial subluxation is seen with exten-
2-year follow-up, the patient’s left knee sion to or beyond 10° to 15° of neutral,
showed a recurrent hyperextension de- the redundant ligament is excised and the
formity of approximately 45° with forced shortened ligament repaired to the tibial
flexion only to neutral. Radiographs con- epiphysis footprint (Figure 4). The ilio-
firmed anterior subluxation of the tibia, tibial graft is brought around the posterior
and follow-up MRI confirmed an elon- lateral condyle and over the top of the
gated ACL (Figure 3). native ACL.11 The graft is placed under
The patient underwent revision open the intermeniscal ligament and sewn un-
reduction with ACL shortening, rein- derneath the periosteum of the proximal
2A 2B forced with a physeal-sparing ACL recon- medial tibia. Tenodesis to the posterolat-
Figure 2: Nine-month postoperative anteroposte- struction. Repeat quadriceplasty required eral femur and intermuscular septum is
rior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs. the use of autogenous semitendinosis and reinforced with suture attachment to the
gracilis grafts to reinforce the extensor native ACL (Figures 5, 6). The graft is ten-
mechanism. This resulted in a knee range sioned to prevent more than 1 to 2 mm of
months. At 1-year follow-up, the patient of motion of 0° to 90° intraoperatively. He anterior tibial translation at full extension
exhibited full and symmetric passive knee was placed in a long-leg cast for 4 weeks of the knee. Adequate tensioning prevents
flexion and passive extension to neutral and was then transitioned into a hinged hyperextension.
(Figure 2). She demonstrated no anterior knee–ankle–foot orthosis for 3 months. At
subluxation of her tibia throughout pas- 1-year follow-up, the patient exhibited 0° Discussion
sive and active range of motion and had to 90° of flexion without hyperextension Congenital knee dislocation is a com-
no active extension lag. and minimal quad lag. plex disorder associated with a variety of
syndromes and additional comorbidities
Patient 2 Surgical Technique that can complicate treatment and func-
A 2-year, 6-month-old boy presented After wide exposure via a longitudinal tion. Because of its variable presentation,
with an undetermined genetic disorder anterior incision, the anterior and central ranging from flexible hyperextension to
resulting in multiple joint contractures. portion of the iliotibial band is harvested frank dislocation, no consensus exists
He had undergone bilateral open reduc- with maximum length and left attached to on the ideal treatment of this condition.
tions of his knees at age 5 months due to Gerdy’s tubercle. The graft is tubularized Although the pathogenesis of this dis-
failure of nonoperative treatment. Surgery with a heavy suture and the open reduc- order is unclear, typical patterns of ana-
consisted of acute femoral shortening, tion is performed in the usual fashion. The tomic deformity exist that surgeons must
V-Y quadriceplasty, transposition of the graft harvest site can be used as a lateral consider when attempting to gain reduc-
pes anserinus attachment, and posterome- release. Following anterior arthrotomy, a tion of the knee. Surgical management
dial and lateral capsulorrhaphy. He had V-Y quadriceplasty with or without femo- includes extensor mechanism lengthening
ral shortening and with or without femoral shortening, soft
posterior transposi- tissue releases, posterior transposition of
tion of the pes anser- the pes anserinus, and posterior capsulor-
ine structures is per- rhaphy. The elongation and incompetence
formed. Posterior of the ACL has limited discussion in the
capsulorrhaphy fol- literature and is not incorporated in cur-
lowing tibial reduc- rent surgical algorithms.
tion is achieved via Mayer,5 McFarland,6 and Odell and
posteromedial and Holt12 described the ACL as being attenu-
posterolateral cap- ated, elongated, and poorly developed.
sular imbrication. Katz et al2 reported that the cruciate liga-
If intact, the length ments of 5 patients with congenitally dis-
3A 3B of the ACL is then located knees were either absent or hypo-
examined and the plastic. The ACL was reconstructed with
Figure 3: Preoperative lateral radiograph in forced flexion (A) and magnetic
resonance image (B) demonstrating tibial subluxation and anterior cruciate amount of laxity the use of a retinaculum and a portion of
ligament elongation. determined. If ante- the patellar tendon. They reported that the


Congenital Knee Dislocation | Klingele et al

4A 4B 5
Figure 4: Illustration of anterior tibial subluxation and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) elongation (A). On Figure 5: Illustration showing that following tibial
reduction, redundancy of the ACL and posterior capsule are noted (B). reduction, anterior cruciate ligament shortening is
performed, as well as posteromedial and postero-
lateral capsulorrhaphy.
primary cause of the congenital disloca- in patients who achieved early successful
tion was the absence or hypoplasia of the knee reduction, indicating that ligamen-
cruciate ligaments.5 tous structures may be abnormal.
Sud et al7 reported 17 knees in 10 pa- On open reduction of the knee in the
tients who underwent V-Y lengthening of current cases, the ACL was intact but
the quadriceps tendon and anterior capsu- functionally incompetent due to elonga-
lotomy and reported that no patients had tion. The authors identified residual an-
clinically apparent sagittal plane instabil- terior instability and a tendency toward
ity and that the ACL was intact visually hyperextension following open reduction,
but was long and atrophic.4 quadriceps lengthening, lateral release,
Soyuncu et al13 reported on 2 adoles- posterior transposition of the pes anser-
cents with congenital knee dislocation. ine, and posterior capsulorrhaphy. The de-
One patient had an elongated ACL after scribed technique of ACL shortening and
reduction and was tightened with the use reinforcement helped maintain reduction
of a Bunnell suture technique at the base and prevented anterior tibial subluxation 6
of the tibia and suture tunnels to properly and residual hyperextension at surgery Figure 6: Anterior-view illustration status post
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) shortening and
tension the ACL. They recommended ad- and at last follow-up.
reinforcement using an autogenous iliotibial band.
vancement of the ACL to prevent recur- Long-term follow-up studies of con-
rences, especially in delayed cases, and genitally deficient ACL knees and congen-
noted decreased anterior laxity on knees ital knee dislocations describe progressive surgical treatment of congenital knee dis-
that were tightened.7 valgus angulation. Much of this angulation location. In addition to assisting in main-
Oetgen et al10 performed a retrospec- may be related to the anterior instablility tenance of reduction, stabilizing and rein-
tive review of 7 patients treated surgically and subsequent rotatory instability seen forcing this ligament may prevent long-
and compared quadriceplasty and femoral with cruciate deficiency. Treatment of an- term anterior instability, hyperextension
shortening. Patients were followed for an terior instability may prevent progressive of the knee, and recurrent deformity.
average of 12 years, and each patient un- valgus angulation. Nonetheless, the pres-
derwent a clinical examination, functional ence of an ACL in management of congen- References
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JULY 2012 | Volume 35 • Number 7 e1097

n Case Report

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