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The Relevance of Rizal to the Present Generation

Despite the changes in modern technology and social media that changed the lifestyle of young
people at present, the present generation can still learn from the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal.
It is essential that the millennials should know more about our national hero. The most important
legacy that Dr. Jose Rizal left to the youth is his statement that the hope of the motherland is in
their hands. Not in the politicians, not even in the businessmen, or social and political leaders.

Jose Rizal remains to be the symbol and inspiration for the Filipinos in the present generation
despite the several interpretations on how Rizal should be remembered in the eyes of the people.
Rizal is relevant to the young today because he showed more than a century ago that hunger for
education and a passion for achievements, even under challenging circumstances, is possible if
and when these young Filipinos only focus on their ambitions and work hard for them.

Role Model

Having been imprisoned and exiled in a far place, Rizal did not let these circumstances hinder
him from realizing his aspirations for the country. In the present time, Filipinos are facing a lot of
challenges brought about by social changes and economic uncertainties. However, people do not
have a choice but to face it and deal with it. Just like what Jose Rizal did during his time. He
continued to be brave and courageous despite all the hardships he is going thru.

Rizal also continues to be relevant today as a model for all young Filipinos who aspire to break
barriers and achieve more than the ordinary. Rizal serves as an inspiration to the present
generation for Rizal was able to show that even at a young age, anyone can excel and can be


He continued to write books even when he knew he could be put to jail or death.

He strived for excellence despite being discriminated of being an “Indio.”

Advocate of Education

Rizal’s philosophy of education centers on the condition of appropriate motivation to

strengthen the vast social forces that make education a success, to create a great impact to the
youth and an innate desire to nurture their intelligence and develop their skills and talents to their
maximum potential. Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from
domination. His writings and various events in his life showed his ideas concerning education.
He acknowledged that learning should be adaptable to the needs or real life of the people. His
visions were not just for himself but for the benefit of his countrymen.Rizal never got tired of
acquiring knowledge and new skills. He never stopped learning because he knew and believed
that for a country to be socially and economically progressive, its people must not remain
ignorant but instead be empowered through quality education.
Education is the great equalizer of the society. It is true; however society also makes it
difficult for everyone to get the same access of the same level of quality. In the time of Rizal, it
was also the same. This makes Rizal relevant in terms of the Philippine educational system. The
system Rizal had and we have right now provides a challenge to everyone to change it for the
better. By saying better, this means making education available to everyone, regardless of status,
age, gender and ethnicity. Certainly, Rizal thought of the same dream for all Filipinos before.The
youth should learn to determine the power of their skills and use them in improving themselves,
their state, in answering the undying problems in our society. For, the youth has the freshest
ideas, innovations and skills that the world demands now. These would challenge every one of all
ages to have the desire to offer a “global change”, live with the difference, and effect total
transformation.Rizal challenges the youth today to pursue knowledge and wisdom.


He acknowledged that learning should be adaptable to the needs or real life of the people.

His writings and various events in his life showed his ideas concerning education.

Rizal is convinced by his education and experience that the Filipino could make their progress
through wise education.

Rizal never got tired of acquiring knowledge and new skills. He never stopped learning.


Patriotism shows love country and willingness to sacrifice for it by their values and beliefs. Rizal
was an advocate for great reforms during Spanish era that shows his love for our country, the
Philippines.The single poem which he wrote in the final hours of his life, Mi Ultimo Adios, was
a real expression of the nobility of his spirit, the true love for his fellowmen and human dignity
as well as his uplifting and sincere faith in God. While fluent in several foreign languages, Rizal
had always expressed his love for his native tongue.

Dr Rizal clarified in the same El Fili, that: however perfect humanity maybe, patriotism shall
always be a virtue among the oppressed, because at all times it will signify love for justice,
liberty, and dignity itself

During that dark chapter in our nation’s history, his writings served as the light that guided our
forebears in the fight for genuine equality and independence. As an author and as a scholar, he
denounced the corruption, greed, and other social ills that up to this day continue to plague our
society. Even in death, he imparted upon us his aspirations for a nation that is free from the
scourge of injustice, tyranny, and suffering
Perhaps then we can finally make a movement towards giving justice to Rizal’s dream of having
productive citizen. This is where Rizal can continue to live in our hearts, thoughts and actions.
We should develop within ourselves the same fire Rizal had. There is an inherent creative genius
that lies within each and every Filipino. Everyone has the potential to grow, excel and be the
pride of the nation. All that is needed is to cultivate these and gain inspiration from the
noteworthy contributions of other individuals, such as our national hero


He is an advocate for great reforms during Spanish era that shows his love for our country

He is an author of a book that shows love for our country.

He emphasized the importance of the Tagalog language and that language will not be a basis to
know their status in life.

While fluent in several foreign languages, Rizal had always expressed his love for his native


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