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Applied Financial Economics

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The behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with
a long-term peg-Barbados
DeLisle Worrell a; Roland Craigwell b; Travis Mitchell b
Monetary and Financial Systems Department, International Monetary Fund,
Washington, DC 20431, USA
Research Department, Central Bank of Barbados, Bridgetown, Barbados

Online Publication Date: 01 May 2008

To cite this Article: Worrell, DeLisle, Craigwell, Roland and Mitchell, Travis (2008)
'The behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with a long-term
peg-Barbados', Applied Financial Economics, 18:8, 673 — 682
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/09603100601131667


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Applied Financial Economics, 2008, 18, 673–682
Downloaded By: [Joint Bank Fund] At: 15:37 7 May 2008

The behaviour of a small foreign

exchange market with a long-term
peg – Barbados
DeLisle Worrella, Roland Craigwellb,* and Travis Mitchellb
Monetary and Financial Systems Department, International Monetary
Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W, Washington, DC 20431, USA
Research Department, Central Bank of Barbados, P.O. Box 1016,
Bridgetown, Barbados

This article is a first analysis of daily transactions in the foreign exchange

market of Barbados, a small open economy that has had an unchanged peg
to the US dollar for over 30 years. As a result of the credibility of the peg,
we expect that capital flows will respond to differentials between US and
comparable Barbadian interest rates, and that this will result in uncovered
interest parity, when allowance is made for market frictions and large
discrete events. The tests appear to confirm this.

I. Introduction account for the observed excess returns to foreign

exchange speculation. A variety of hypotheses have
The extent of financial integration in the modern been tested, to try to explain why interest premia are
world, reflected in the magnitude and pervasiveness typically higher than may be anticipated on the basis
of financial flows, has served to intensify research on of expectations of exchange rate changes.2
the economic functioning of foreign exchange mar- This literature has almost never focused exclusively
kets. In the open economy, international financial on the behaviour of the foreign exchange market in
flows will ensure that interest rate parity is main- regimes where the exchange rate is pegged, although
tained for assets of similar maturities, or that the some studies (for example Flood and Rose, 2001) do
interest differentials exactly reflect expectations about include pegged exchange rate markets in their sample.
exchange rate changes, provided there are no frictions That may be because comparatively few countries
and externalities. The overwhelming majority of have maintained a pegged exchange rate for such a
studies of the foreign exchange markets have long period, and through such vicissitudes of
explored whether exchange markets do function in economic circumstance, that market expectations of
this manner,1 and when they do not, what seems to exchange rate changes are virtually zero. This is a

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

In this journal, studies include Goh et al. (2006) and Camarero et al. (2002).
Recent comprehensive surveys of this literature include Koedijk et al. (2006) and Sarno (2005). Koedijk, Lothian and Dijk
attribute improvements in uncovered interest parity (UIP) tests to the use of longer time horizons, inclusion of emerging
market data, improved measures of exchange rate expectations, testing with nonlinear relationships and allowing for
heterogeneous beliefs. Sarno reports studies that allow for risk aversion (participants demand a risk premium); monetary
policy reactions to expected exchange rate changes; risk premiums that vary with maturity of instrument; the existence of
rational bubbles; markets that learn from experience; markets characterized by capital flight; information inefficiencies; the
use of density forecasts instead of point forecasts; and the existence of a band of inaction where foreign bias does not invite
speculative capital movements.
Applied Financial Economics ISSN 0960–3107 print/ISSN 1466–4305 online ß 2008 Taylor & Francis 673
DOI: 10.1080/09603100601131667
674 D. Worrell et al.
distinguishing characteristic of some currencies of methodology, the discussion of the test results, and
smaller Caribbean countries, including the Barbadian our conclusion.
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dollar, the exchange market which is the subject of

the present study. In the absence of exchange rate
uncertainty, inflows and outflows of foreign exchange
should respond to interest differentials, in a way that II. The Institutional Framework
maintains uncovered interest parity (UIP).
We test whether the flow of foreign currency On 5 July 1975, the Barbados dollar was pegged to
transactions in Barbados is motivated by UIP the US dollar at a rate of BDS$2 per US dollar, and
between Barbadian dollar assets and equivalent this rate has been maintained up to the time of
assets denominated in US dollars, the currency to writing. External transactions on the current account
which the Barbadian dollar has been pegged at an have been effectively free of restriction for this entire
unchanged value since July 1975. Our working period. Transactions on the capital account, which
hypothesis is that international financial flows, are subject to the approval of the Central Bank of
reflected in daily transactions in the foreign exchange Barbados, have always been partially liberalized,
market, serve to equilibrate the Barbadian interest judged by the criteria of Kaminsky and Schmukler
rate to the US equivalent, apart from structural (2003) and Quinn (1997). There are no controls on
features, market frictions and imperfections, all of capital inflows, and inflows may be fully repatriated,
which can be accounted for in the estimation. with profits, once they have been registered with the
A deeper understanding of the mechanism of Central Bank of Barbados. The regulation of capital
foreign exchange markets under pegged exchange outflows may be more liberal in practice than it is
rate regimes may be of interest to a growing number intended to be, because of the fungibility of finance.
of countries. In addition to a core of Francophone Foreign trading companies routinely export and
import short-term capital by changing the mix of
African countries which have maintained a peg to the
foreign trade credit and domestic borrowing used to
old French franc, and now to the Euro, and a number
finance their working capital needs (Worrell, 1998).
of small countries, mainly in the Western
Neither of these funding sources is subjected to
Hemisphere, with unchanged pegs to the dollar,3
central bank control.
there is a small number of countries with currency
A small, but growing proportion of capital
board arrangements4 which can be expected to
transactions is with Barbados’ Caricom partners.
exhibit similar foreign exchange market characteris-
Transactions in private unlisted equities in Caricom
tics. Also, all the recent European Union accession
countries were liberalized in 2005. However, central
countries, as well as the new aspirants, plan to adopt bank permission is still required for investment in
the Euro,5 which means that they must manage their regional corporate bonds and similar corporate
exchange rates to converge on the Euro within a instruments as well as for investment in securities of
qualifying period. Beyond these, there are regional regional governments.
groupings that maintain a virtual peg to the currency The Central Bank of Barbados ensures daily
of an economically dominant neighbour, including clearing of the foreign exchange market by buying
the currencies of the South African rand zone and the and selling from its foreign exchange reserves, at the
Pacific countries that are closely linked with Australia fixed exchange rate, plus a foreign currency transac-
or New Zealand. tion margin, which is changed very rarely. Banks may
The next section provides a summary description of trade foreign currency freely on the interbank market,
the institutional framework of the Barbadian foreign and they resort to the central bank only if there is a
exchange market, and serves to explain, among other large surplus or deficit on the interbank market.
things, why we are able to infer market excess Central bank regulations prevent banks from main-
demand or supply solely on the basis of central taining a net spot liability position in excess of 105%
bank transactions with commercial banks. We then of gross foreign short-term assets;6 foreign currency
move on to an explanation of the theory behind the exposures must be brought within the limit, if
empirical test, a description of the data and necessary by purchases from the central bank.7
Aruba, The Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Barbados, Belize, the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and the
Netherlands Antilles.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Djibouti, Estonia and Lithuania.
See IMF (2005).
The limit was reduced from 110% in October 2004.
Banks report their position every Wednesday, and they are required to clear any excess liability within 2 business days.
Behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with a long-term peg 675
There is no limit on banks’ net asset positions. Banks where NPFXt is the central bank’s net purchase of
are not required to identify the underlying trade or foreign exchange.
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capital transactions that provoke purchases and sales Changes in the current account, driven by real
to the central bank, and there is no limit to the size of exchange rate changes or fiscally-induced changes in
any purchase or sale. However, the central bank does aggregate demand, appear as persistent net demand
require advance notice of large purchases, for its own or supply (NPFXt) over many days, causing an
cash management purposes. The foreign exchange accumulation or decrease in the foreign exchange
transactions that cross the central bank’s books are reserves of the central bank. Because of such
therefore a reflection of the daily balance of supply pressures, we expect the net demand on account of
and demand in the foreign exchange market, and we current transactions to exhibit autoregressive
may analyse the behaviour of the market solely on the behaviour. Equation 3 can therefore be written as:
basis of central bank activity, without the need to
NPFXt ¼ fðNPFXti Þ þ Kt , i ¼ 1, 2, . . . ð4Þ
examine all interbank transactions.
This autoregressive behaviour, together with the
relatively high frequency of our data, influences our
approach to the estimation technique, as explained
III. Theoretical Considerations
Among the factors that determine Kt, and
therefore NPFXt, is the size of the interest differential
A majority of foreign exchange market studies begin
(it,k  it, k ) and the speed with which financial flows
with the UIP condition:
react to the emergence of any interest differential.
k setþk ¼ it, k  it, k ð1Þ At a daily frequency it is this change in net demand
on the financial account (Kt) that determines the
that is, the change over time period k(k) in the observed fluctuations in NPFXt, apart from large
expected spot exchange rate k periods ahead setþk is discrete payments, such as debt operations (foreign
exactly compensated for by the premium on the borrowing, debt service) by government and large
domestic interest rate (it,k) over the foreign interest corporations, or payments for energy or large capital
rate ðit, k Þ.8 If the exchange rate has been unchanged equipment or bulk supplies. This gives us the
for as long as the Barbadian rate has, the market following:
expectation of the change in the spot rate is zero, and
the domestic interest rate converges to the foreign NPFXt ¼ ffNPFXti , ðit, k  it, k Þ,
rate. Spaymentt , Tseasont , ht g ð5Þ
The mechanism that drives this convergence is the
inflow and outflow of finance, reflected in the foreign where Spayment is a discrete variable indicating large
exchange market.9 The market equilibrium identity payments,11 with the threshold taken to be BDS$10
may be expressed as: million. Tseason is a discrete variable to differentiate
between the high and low periods of the tourist
INTt ¼ CAt þ Kt ð2Þ season where the peak period runs from December 15
where INTt is the amount of central bank interven- to April 14. The variable h, which measures the
tion on the foreign exchange market, CAt is the net volatility of net demand for foreign exchange and
current account surplus/deficit, and Kt is the net which is described in the next section, may be
change in inflows/outflows on the capital and interpreted as a reflection of the effects of transac-
financial account.10 As explained in the previous tions and information costs, or other frictions in the
section, the Central Bank of Barbados does not foreign exchange market. Because of these costs,
intervene actively in the foreign exchange market, but small daily changes in the net demand and supply of
simply buys or sells from a stock of foreign exchange foreign exchange may be accumulated as net foreign
in response to market needs: currency balances of commercial banks, and would
not be reflected in net purchases with the central bank
NPFXt ¼ CAt þ Kt ð3Þ on the transactions day. This would produce a
See Sarno and Taylor (2002), Chapter 2.
In contrast, in relatively closed economies, where the ratio of foreign transactions to the money supply is low, foreign
exchange flows are insufficient to fund the excess demand (positive or negative) for money, and the central bank may
therefore determine the domestic interest rate.
Sarno and Taylor (2001).
These payments produced the outliers that appear in Figs 2–4.
676 D. Worrell et al.
pattern of no net purchases, followed by a relatively Barbados data files. The value of foreign exchange
large net purchase because of accumulated net transactions conducted by the Central Bank of
Downloaded By: [Joint Bank Fund] At: 15:37 7 May 2008

demand, and would result in relatively high volatility. Barbados on a daily basis is quite low, and activity
We expect positive signs for (it,k  it, k ) and Tseason, is mainly for the sale and purchase of US dollars. On
while Spayment should be negatively signed. The three-quarters or more of all business days, the total
signs on the coefficients of h and NPFXt-i are purchase or sale by the central bank was less than
ambiguous a priori. BDS$ 1 million, which is only about 10% of the daily
average of foreign currency credits in the balance of
payments (Tables 1 and 2). US dollar transactions
IV. Data, Methodology and Results dominate, with mean values for purchases and sales
that are about twice those for regional currencies
This article uses daily data spanning the period combined, and a range of values which dwarfs that
January 1998 to December 2004 and, except for the for regional currencies (Table 3 and Fig. 1).
international interest rate, whose source is the US The (unconditional) distribution of net purchases
Bureau of Public Debt (www.publicdebt.treasury. of US dollars is very heavily skewed, with most
gov), all data are taken from the Central Bank of observations clustered between a net sale of BDS$10

Table 1. Foreign exchange market volumes

Purchases Sales Net purchasesa
Values (BDS$000) (% of transaction days) (% of transaction days) (% of transaction days)
Zero na na 17
Up to 200 40 41 43
Up to 500 65 66 58
Up to 1000 78 76 68
Up to 2000 87 85 81
Source: Central Bank of Barbados.
Note: aAbsolute value.

Table 2. Trade in goods and services 2004 (BDS$000)

Annual Avg. daily 1% of Avg daily

Credits 3 437 400 9418 94
Debits 4 110 400 11 261 113
Total 7 547 800 20 679 207
Source: Central Bank of Barbados.

Table 3. Transactions by currency group (BDS$M)

US NonUS Regional Other

Mean 782.3 322.7 286.5 36.2
Median 0 197.5 181 0
Maximum 170 281 7254 7254 3454
Minimum 10 539 0 0 53
SD 4779.2 465.1 419.1 200.2
Mean 7479 395.5 3106 84.9
Median 0 211.5 168 0
Maximum 33 396 8696 7862 4931
Minimum 0 0 0 0
SD 2513.8 657.9 568.0 305.3
Source: Central Bank of Barbados.
Behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with a long-term peg 677
million, and a net purchase of a similar amount. volatility (Fig. 2). An examination of the correlogram
The fluctuations in day-to-day values occur in bursts for net purchases of US dollars suggests autocorrela-
Downloaded By: [Joint Bank Fund] At: 15:37 7 May 2008

of increasing and decreasing amplitude, appearing tions of up to 7 lagged observations, but their
as cycles of increasing followed by decreasing associated probabilities are quite low, especially
after the first and second lag. The pattern of regional
net purchases is also heavily skewed, and there
900.0 appears to be some volatility persistence, though the
800.0 episodes of increasing and diminishing volatility are
700.0 less evident from an inspection of the series (Fig. 3).
600.0 Autocorrelation falls away quickly after the first lag.

500.0 The distribution of total net purchases (i.e. all

400.0 currencies) mirrors very closely that of the US, with
300.0 respect to amplitude, skewness, and pattern of
200.0 fluctuations, though the mean is a net sale, rather
100.0 than a net purchase (Fig. 4).
0.0 As is customary in the literature on volatile
US NonUS Regional Other
markets we use a moving average process to smooth
Purchases Sales out the random fluctuations in the data, making it
Fig. 1. Mean values, purchases and sales easier to spot the trends and cycles. An arbitrary
10-day period was chosen, guided by the need

1200 Sample 1/05/1999 12/31/2004
Observations 1564
Mean 34.36573
Median 0.000000
Maximum 170281.0
Minimum −33393.00
SD 5380.719
Skewness 19.90002
400 Kurtosis 645.6342

200 Jarque–Bera 27 015 671

Probability 0.000000
0 50 000 100 000 150 000

200 000

160 000

120 000

80 000

40 000

−40 000
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Fig. 2. Net purchases US$, distribution BDS$000

678 D. Worrell et al.
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Sample 1/05/1999 12/31/2004

Observations 1564

600 Mean −24.26279

Median 0.000000
500 Maximum 7146.000
400 Minimum −6819.000
SD 637.9442
300 Skewness −1.315804
Kurtosis 35.19944

100 Jarque–Bera 68016.37

Probability 0.000000
−5000 −2500 0 2500 5000 7500








1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Fig. 3. Regional net purchases distribution, BDS$000

to compromise between a period that was too short to occur over a fairly long time, avoiding the possibility
eliminate day-to-day idiosyncrasies, and one that was for hedging and validating the assumption of UIP.
so long as to obscure changing volatility patterns. Given the volatile nature of the data we decided
Effectively this means that we lose no more than 10 to utilize the GARCH-M representation to test
observations, 5 each at the beginning and the end of Equation 5. Hence, the daily net purchases of US
the sample. Table 4 gives the summary statistics of dollars, the total of all daily net purchases of
this transformed daily data; it exhibits similar regional currencies, and the total of all daily net
characteristics as for the raw data: skewness, lepto- purchase of foreign currencies are the three depen-
kurtosis, nonnormality and autoregressiveness. The dent variables used in three separate versions of the
series for the interest rate differential between test equation, to explore the effects of interest parity
Barbados and the US treasury bills has similar conditions, economic shocks and volatility on the
characteristics. The interest spread, which appears observed mean values of the variables, as well as to
large by the standards of large diversified financial test for the persistence of volatility in the variances.
markets, is common for small emerging markets, A preliminary step in this estimation procedure is to
reflecting diseconomies of size and a relative lack of check the temporal properties of the variables. In
diversity in financial instruments (IMF, 2004). In this respect, we employ the familiar augmented
addition, a plot of this interest rate differential Dicky–Fuller (ADF) unit root test. In addition,
indicates that its minimum and maximum values are because the data is in the moving average format,
outliers; in fact, the differential series has a slight the Elliot, Rothenberg, and Stock (ERS) Point
upward trend suggesting that large discrepancies Optimal test (1996), which has improved power
Behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with a long-term peg 679
Net purchases, all currencies, BDS$ 000
Downloaded By: [Joint Bank Fund] At: 15:37 7 May 2008

Sample 1/05/1999 12/31/2004
800 Observations 1564

Mean −38.85422
600 Median 0.000000
Maximum 170227.0
Minimum −33836.00
400 SD 5446.755
Skewness 19.13529
Kurtosis 615.3430
Jarque–Bera 24 530 599
Probability 0.000000
0 50 000 1 00 000 1 50 000

Net purchases, all currencies, BDS$ 000

200 000

160 000

120 000

80 000

40 000

−40 000
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Fig. 4. Total net purchases distribution

Table 4. Summary statistics of transformed data

Net purchases_tot Net purchases_us Net purchases_rstot T-billspread
Mean 38.52098 34.19131 24.50328 1.811297
Median 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.330000
Maximum 17494.80 17791.80 1168.900 14.43500
Minimum 6442.900 6288.800 815.7000 21.41000
SD 2040.892 2002.561 221.9387 8.321946
Skewness 3.656756 4.077359 0.053110 0.598501
Kurtosis 33.83405 38.74606 7.619959 2.968206
Jarque–Bera 65023.63 87042.12 1382.756 92.84015
Probability 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Sum 59861.60 53133.30 38078.10 2814.755
Sum sq. dev. 6.47Eþ09 6.23Eþ09 76 495 791 107552.7

characteristics over the ADF test when there are A general GARCH-M model for a set of observa-
negative moving average errors, is applied. These tions Yt (t ¼ 1, 2, . . . , T) is:
results indicate that the variables are I(0) stationary, 
consequently, we estimate Equation 5 in levels. Yt t1 ¼ gðX; Þ þ t ð6Þ
680 D. Worrell et al.
Table 5. GARCH-M estimation results
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Net purchases of currencies (NPFX)

Variables All US Regional

Cmean 640.05 (74.63) 600.54 (307.22) 3.94 (1.46)
h 0.90 (74.65) [13345.26] 0.89 (307.12) [13919.99] 0.04 (1.48) [33.75]
NPFXt1 0.99 (10688.98) 0.99 (438266.3) 0.95 (389.58)
T bill spread 0.009 (162.66) [4.23*E–04] 0.003 (435.33) [1.59*E–04]
T season 0.22 (62.98) 0.01 (43.28) 0.04 (0.22)
S payment 28.19 (14.24) 22.20 (45.89) 17.25 (3.67)
Cvar 535341.4 (91200.1) 524509.1 (507874.0) 7621.09 (8.63)
"2t1 0.14 (44.73) 0.23 (130.66) 0.15 (2.41)
ht1 0.06 (2236.62) 0.16 (37867.79) 0.08 (2.29)
R2 0.86 0.84 0.84 0.84
Q-Stat{10} 10.81 118.43 9.98
Log likelihood 10692.50 9497.29 8452.62
Akaike info criterion 13.79 12.25 10.89
Notes: Numbers in round parentheses are z-statistics, in square parentheses, implied elasticites and in the curly bracket,
lag length.

ratio tests may be performed. One may also do a
t ¼ " t  j "tj ð7Þ second round of checks to investigate the robustness
of the specification, estimating the parsimonious

"t t1  ð0, ht Þ ð8Þ GARCH-M model with the alternative distributions
and comparing the results, using the quantile plots.
ht ¼ fð"tj , htj Þ þ 0 Z ð9Þ However, we must bear in mind that the reduced
(parsimonious) model will most probably reflect the
This general model has three components: a mean
initial parametric choice of the distribution, and
process (g), equivalent to Equation 5 earlier, where
subjective evaluation is needed to bring all of these
the variable h is an element of X; a variance process
factors together, including the interpretation of
(f); and the error distribution (). This system of
parameters. Note, for the GARCH-M model, the
equations may be estimated by computing the mean-
parameter restriction for ht to be covariance sta-
variance combination for each distribution, starting
tionary is that the sum of the coefficients on the
at the same initial parameters for each combination,
variables in the function f earlier be less than one.
and comparing likelihoods, parameter constraints, (Bollerslev (1986) also assumes that the individual
and other characteristics of the resulting matrices. coefficients in f need to be nonnegative but it has been
The problem with this approach is that the distribu- shown that this latter restriction, while sufficient for
tions, in general, are not nested. the variance to be positive, is not necessary
An alternative strategy, employed in this article, is (Bollerslev et al., 1992).
to start by comparing the unconditional distributions Based on this strategy we estimated Equation 5 as a
(standardized on their means) with commonly used GARCH-M process, first with net purchases of all
distributions such as the normal and t distributions, currencies as the dependent variable, then with the
using the quantile plots found in the econometric US dollar and the subtotal of regional currencies
software package EVIEWS. This provides a first (Table 5). In all cases the estimation procedure
sense of the nature of the distribution. We then revealed a significant GARCH-M (1, 1) process with
consider the conditional mean derived using the errors following a generalized error distribution.
Equation 5, using an equation specification that The covariance stationarity property is upheld, as
ensures that the residuals are ‘white noise’. Next, we judged by the sum of the lagged squared errors and
test the distribution of the residuals against normal, t, the lagged variance terms being less than one. The R2
and other commonly used distributions, in order to of all the models are reasonably high and the
determine the nature of the conditional distribution. correlogram Q-statistics, using lag lengths up to 10,
For that mean and conditional distribution, we set indicate no significant amount of serial correlation,
the maximum GARCH lag, check for congruency, except for the case of the US market. Note also that
and sequentially reduce the variance and mean. (This in all the specifications the parameter on the lagged
is an example of the general-to-specific approach.) dependent variable is statistically not significantly
Within each class of distribution, the usual likelihood different from one, which appears contrary to the
Behaviour of a small foreign exchange market with a long-term peg 681
ADF and ERS unit root findings discussed earlier. As Because most tourists to Barbados originate from the
a result, we also estimated the various models in first US, UK and Canada, the insignificance of the
Downloaded By: [Joint Bank Fund] At: 15:37 7 May 2008

differences. The underlying results, available on coefficient of tourism activity on net purchases of
request from the authors, were quite similar to regional currency is not unexpected. As in the total
those in levels. Therefore, we continue to focus on and US markets, there is a low persistence in
the equations run in levels. estimated volatility in the regional foreign currency
For the models of net purchases of all currencies market.
and the US dollar, all variables are statistically
significant at the conventional 5% level and have
the signs expected a priori.
The results suggest that transactions, interest rate V. Conclusions and Next Steps
differentials and ‘market frictions’ are the prime
motivation for foreign exchange market activity, We have developed a model of the behaviour of the
though the magnitude of the impact reflects the foreign exchange market under Barbados’ pegged
small size of daily transactions in the foreign exchange rate, which shows that changes in the
exchange market. The coefficient that captures the differential between US and local interest rates had a
impact of activity during the peak tourism season on significant effect on the foreign exchange market,
foreign exchange volume is statistically significant, during the period of observation, supporting the
though the mean value of daily net purchases in the hypothesis that inflows and outflows of foreign
high season exceeds that of the low season by a mere currencies respond to interest differentials, in a way
(estimated) $8000.12 Exceptional receipts and pay- that is consistent with the UIP condition. The
ments have a stronger impact, with a statistically estimates also reveal significant variation in foreign
significant coefficient that indicates that the mean exchange market activity between the ‘high’ and ‘low’
value of net daily sales of foreign exchange by the seasons for tourism, and significant impact of large
central bank is higher by $1.1 million when there are discrete payments, mainly for debt service. However,
foreign exchange transactions of over $10 million in the market exhibits weak persistence in the estimated
value.13 A doubling of the interest rate spread volatility of daily foreign exchange transactions.
between Barbados and US treasury bills is estimated It may be that the influence of large discrete
to produce an extra $1600 of net purchases by the transactions, which by their nature exhibit no
central bank, at the mean values of the variables.14 persistence, is even greater than our estimates reveal.
The positive sign on the ‘market frictions’ variable Further empirical work needs to be done, to
implies that higher volatility is associated with larger uncover the underlying pattern of volatility persis-
net purchases of foreign exchange. However, the tence which appears to be present from inspection
persistence of estimated volatility in the foreign of the raw data, but which our estimates have
currency market is unexpectedly weak, though it is failed to detect. Possible directions for follow-up
statistically significant. investigation include the use of longer time series,
For net purchases of regional currencies Equation refinement of the transactions variables (tourist
5 is modified to exclude the interest rate differential. season and exceptional payments), and estimation
The overwhelming proportion of transactions in procedures that allow for the possibility of
regional currencies are trade and services related, discontinuities, asymmetries and nonlinearities in
and do not include financial and capital transactions the reaction of foreign exchange to interest
that might be sensitive to interest differentials. Such differentials. More direct tests of the uncovered
intra-regional financial and capital transfers as do interest parity condition might also be attempted,
occur normally take place in US dollars. With this possibly with a wider sample of countries and over
exclusion, the results suggest that the lagged regional a longer time period. Should the conclusion prove
currency and special payments are statistically robust that markets are characterized by uncovered
significant and the R2 is just as high as for the two interest parity, central banks in the countries
proceeding models. The significance of the coefficient concerned will find that the main tool for
on special payments reflects bulk expenditures for controlling inflation through financial markets has
trade and services rather than debt service, the little effect on the domestic money market and
main factor in the case of US dollar transactions. inflation.
The product of the coefficient of 0.22 on Tseason and the mean net sale of $ 38 000.
The coefficient for Spayment is 28.19.
Based on the elasticity estimate of 4.23  e4.
682 D. Worrell et al.
Acknowledgements Goh, S., Lim, G. and Olekalns, N. (2006) Deviations from
uncovered interest parity in Malaysia, Applied
The authors acknowledge with thanks the comments
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