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Determination of the Flakiness and the Elongation Index for the Given
Aggregate Sample.

Test Standard: BS – 812

Date: 11-Sep-2018


2.1.1. Flaky Particles
Flaky particles are those whose least dimension is 0.6 times lesser than
the mean size. Thickness of these particles are comparatively smaller
than the other two dimensions.
Maximum allowable limit of the flaky particles in the mix is 30%. If it
exceeds this value then the mix is considered unsuitable for construction
(Fig 2.1) Flaky Particles
2.1.2. Flaky Index
It is the percentage by weight of flaky particles in a sample. The flakiness Index is calculated
by expressing the weight of flaky particles as a percentage of the total weight of the sample.

2.1.3. Elongated Particles

These are the particles having length considerably larger than the other
two dimensions. OR
These are the particles whose one dimension is 1.8 times greater than the
other two dimensions.
Maximum allowable limit of the flaky particles in the mix is 30%. If it
exceeds this value then the mix is considered unsuitable for construction
purpose. (Fig 2.2) Elongated Particles

2.1.4. Elongation Index

It is the percentage by weight of elongated particles in a sample. The elongated Index is
calculated by expressing the weight of elongated particles as a percentage of the total weight
of the sample.

 Flaky and elongated particles lower the workability of concrete mixes due to high ratio
of surface area to volume.
 The degree of packing of the particles of one size depends upon their shape.


 For concrete, the presence of flaky and elongated particles is considered undesirable as
they may cause inherent weakness with possibilities of breaking down under heavy
 The particle shape is required to be as good as possible but British Standard practice
makes allowance for the fact that with normal crushing and screening the particles
shape deteriorates into smaller sizes.
a) BS – 1241 specifies a Flakiness Index not exceeding 30% irrespective of the size
of the aggregates.
b) Maximum permitted value of Elongation Index is 35%.
 Both flakiness and Elongation tests are not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm
(1/4’’ sieve).

1) Thickness/Flakiness Index Gauge.
2) Length/Elongation Index Gauge.
3) Aggregate sample to be tested.
4) Coarse Sieve Shaker
5) Weighing Balance

(Fig 2.3) Thickness/Flakiness Index Gauge

(Fig 2.4) Length/Elongation Index Gauge



For the determination of Flakiness Index

1) The aggregates are first sorted on test sieves sizing as 𝟐 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ - 𝟐′′ , 𝟏 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ - 𝟑⁄𝟒 ′′ , 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ -
𝟑⁄ ′′ .
2) Each group is weighted and tested for thickness on appropriate opening of the thickness
gauge by passing each particle through slot of specified thickness along the least
dimension repeat this for all the fractions.
3) The weight of particles passing the thickness is recorded for each fraction. This is the
weight of Flaky particles.
4) Flaky Index is calculated by expressing the weight of Flaky particles as a percentage of
total weight of the sample.

For the determination of Elongation Index

1) The aggregates are first sorted on test sieves sizing as 𝟐 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ - 𝟐′′ , 𝟏 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ - 𝟑⁄𝟒 ′′ , 𝟏⁄𝟐 ′′ -
𝟑⁄ ′′ .
2) Each group is weighted and tested for length in a length gauge. The pieces of aggregate
from each fraction, which do not pass through the specified length gauge with its long
side, are separated and weighed. They are termed as Elongated particles. Repeat this
process for all the fractions.
3) Elongated Index is calculated by expressing the weight of Elongated particles as a
percentage of total weight of the sample.


For the determination of Flakiness Index

Sieve Sizes Weight Weight of Individual Weighted

Retained Flaky Flakiness Flakiness
Sieve Particles Index Index
Passing Retained
(in.) (in.) (g) (%) (g) (%) (%)
2 1 - 1/2 3846.4 46.76 509.5 13.25 6.19
1 - 1/2 1 1563.1 19.00 806 51.56 9.80
1 3/4 1406 17.09 378.5 26.92 4.60
3/4 1/2 880.5 10.70 271.5 30.83 3.30
1/2 3/8 303.7 3.69 94 30.95 1.14
3/8 1/4 226.8 2.76 96.4 42.50 1.17
∑= 8226.5 ∑= 26.21


For the determination of Elongation Index

Sieve Sizes Weight Weight of Individual Weighted

Retained Elongated Elongation Elongation
Sieve Particles Index Index
Passing Retained
(in.) (in.) (g) (%) (g) (%) (%)
2 1 - 1/2 3846.4 46.76 2232.5 58.04 27.14
1 - 1/2 1 1563.1 19.00 434.5 27.80 5.28
1 3/4 1406 17.09 817.7 58.16 9.94
3/4 1/2 880.5 10.70 505.3 57.39 6.14
1/2 3/8 303.7 3.69 193 63.55 2.35
3/8 1/4 226.8 2.76 130.2 57.41 1.58
∑= 8226.5 ∑= 52.43


 Flakiness Index of the aggregate sample is 26.21%

 Elongation Index of the aggregate sample is 52.43%
Flakiness Index came out to be 52%, which exceeds the limit of 45% so this sample is
unsuitable for use although its Flakiness Index is 26%, which is within the limits of 30%.

2.7. Recommendations for Flakiness and elongation

The shape tests give only a rough idea of the relative shapes of aggregates. Flaky and
elongated particles should be avoided in pavement construction, particularly in surface
If such particles were present in appreciable proportions, the strength of pavement layer
would be adversely affected due to possibility of breaking under loads. Workability is
reduced for cement concrete.

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