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What is Worship - Part 1

John 4:19-26 “…and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and Truth…”
Gen 22:1-7 “Stay here…while the boy and I go over there and worship…”

Mat 2:1-2 FIRST MENTION: The magi are looking for Yeshua so they could worship Him
 Worship – Greek root word “proskuneo” = to fawn over or crouch, to prostrate oneself in
homage, do reverence to, adore
o Prostrate = to lie face down on the ground
o Homage = special respect and honor shown publicly
o Reverence = to treat with deep/great respect
 Worship – To Bow Down In Great Respect, Honor, Homage & Submission

Mat 2:3-12 The magi fell down and worshipped Yeshua.

 Verse 8, 11

Mat 4:1-10
 “…all these I shall give You if You fall down and worship me…”
 “…You shall worship Yahweh your Elohim, and Him alone you shall serve…”
 Verse 9, 10

Mat 8:1-2 “And see, a leper came, and bowed/worshipped before Him…

Mat 9:18-19, 23-26 “…a ruler came and bowed down to/worshipped Him…”
 Notice Verses 20-22 – Why is this happening right here and right now?
 Could it be because of the mention of tzitizit – Num 15:37-41

Mat 14:22-36 “…and those in the boat came and did bow to/worshipped Him, saying ‘Truly You
are the Son of Elohim.’”
 Again in verses 35-36 we are reminded about the tzitzit

Mat 15:1-20 Verse 9

 Isa 29:13-19

Mat 15:21-28 Verse 25

 Mat 15:29-31 More healing after the worship… INTERESTING ©2015 Messianic Torah Observant Israel

June 6, 2015 Page 1

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