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Chapter 6 Summary Predictive maintenance has been a concept engineers and industry workers alike have worked towards for quite some time. In the
improvements could make aircraft safer and easier to monitor. One of the ways the industry is trying to achieve a state of predictive maintenance is b
data processing, especially since sensor prices are dropping while becoming more intelligent and resourceful. Manufacturers have been improving the
understanding of aircraft behavior through finding more intensive uses for sensors. These enhancements in software solutions and sensing for perman
will make aircraft “smarter,” and easier to maintain. Unlike wireless, wired sensors were mainly used for control and fault monitoring, but are being ad
integrated health management. Companies like Embraer, for example, are developing a structural health monitoring (S-SHM) solution, while ATR and M
are working on a propeller-balance trending system. Operators can now receive more frequent automated reports instead of constantly keeping tabs o
to arrange regular ground testing, or putting maintenance personnel on revenue flights. Simply put, the impact on engine accessories has resulted in i
why maintenance costs are projected to decrease as well [26]. More compact data acquisition units are among the primary enabling factors behind the
and recent improvements. While it’s definitely a stretch from a technological standpoint, the next step for sensors is projected to be wireless communi
has been using on their wireless sensors for flight-testing purposes over the past two years. The central system received concentrated engine data at
experience gained through flight testing could be used to extend a certified aircraft’s overall capabilities. Currently certified for civil aviation, wireless
memory capacity, improved wireless offload capability, and longer battery life. The benefits for wireless sensors are plentiful, and one that stands out
reduction from lack of wiring. It’s estimated wireless sensors could reduce an airplane’s wiring weight of 11,000-13,000 pounds by as much as 330040
could be oil condition monitoring, which would trigger detection of precursors for problems like metal chips. Wireless sensor technology can even acce
locations on an aircraft using rotating elements and temporary installation, allowing operators to connect and certify sensors from the engine-certificat
separately. This makes certifying wired sensors in new engine configurations a lot easier, since the traditional methods are normally very expensive. A
introduce sensors with greater ease, engineers can utilize wireless capabilities to optimize where, when, and how the data is recorded. Since the new s
own storage capabilities that can be operated via smartphone or tablets, operators can download their accumulated data at any time. Since wireless s
maintenance purposes and aren’t part of the core engine bill of materials, sensor reliability won’t affect an engine’s dispatch availability or reliability. C
aerospace industry will greatly benefit from the use of WSN. These benefits through weight savings, reduction in subsystems design complexity and im
conditionbasedmaintenancewilldirectlybenefittheairlinesinterms of additional revenues as well as lower operational and maintenance cost. Use of WSN
monitoring and aircraft structural health monitoring will enable the development of safety-critical systems such as WSN baseddistributedenginecontrol
flight control systems. However, there are a few significant technical challenges for the successful implementation of wireless sensor networks. Future
directed in addressing the below given technical challenges. Safety-critical distributed control systems should be studied for stability and performance
constraints like time delays and packet dropouts. Research should be conducted to reduce the conservativeness of the existingrandomdelaystabilityco
constraints on system stability and performance also needs to be evaluated. Research needs to be conducted in the area of
informationfusionofwirelesssensornetworksforaircraftsystems. Routing protocols should be developed to make efficient use of the limited power supply
bandwidth and limited computing power. Energy harvesting methods needs further improvement in the terms of efficiency and reliability. Developmen
electronics will enable the use of WSN for aircraft engine control and health monitoring. New wireless aircraft certification regulations needs to be deve
various security and safety threats. AdedicatedglobalspectrumforWSNforaircraftapplications needs to be developed. Chapter 8 Directions for future wo

How Wireless Sensors Are Improving Aircraft Quality, SafetyCompare text

predictive maintenance has been a concept engineers and industry workers alike have worked towards for quite some time.manufacturers have been improving their monitoring and
understanding of aircraft behavior through finding more intensive uses for sensors.

How Wireless Sensors Are Improving Aircraft Quality, SafetyCompare text

unlike wireless, wired sensors were mainly used for control and fault monitoring, but are being adopted by other systems like integrated health management. companies like embrae
example, are developing a structural health monitoring (s-shm) solution...

Application of wireless sensor networks... (PDF Download Available)Compare text

the aerospace industry will greatly benefit from the use. of wsn. these benefits through weight savings, reduction. in subsystems design complexity and improved condition-. based
maintenance will directly benefit the airlines in terms. of additional revenues as well as lower operational and.

2016 artigo wireless controlCompare text

safety-critical distributed control systems should be studied for stability and performance under communication constraints like time delays and packet dropouts. research should be
conducted to reduce the conservativeness of the existing random delay stability conditions.

Application of wireless sensor networks to aircraft control and healtCompare text

17.  research needs to be conducted in the area of information fusion of wireless sensor networks for aircraft systems.  energy harvesting methods needs further improvement in th
terms of efficiency and reliability.  development of high temperature electronics will enable the use of wsn...

Application of wireless sensor networks to aircraft control and healtCompare text

17.  research needs to be conducted in the area of information fusion of wireless sensor networks for aircraft systems.  energy harvesting methods needsnew wireless aircraft certi
regulations needs to be developed to address the various security and safety threats.

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