MMrubric Draft

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Student’s Name____________________________________ Teacher _____________________ _______________________

Work #____ Special Assignment Requirements: _____________________________________________________________________

Conference (Date) ____________________________

Multimodal Rubric
Writing Center Visit (Yes/No)_______________
If the composition is scored partially-effective or higher in categories 1-5, the composition is competent and you
will earn a grade of “C.” (70-79).

1. Purpose
Does the composition contain a unifying and controlling purpose, a thesis or claim, which is maintained throughout
the work according to the organizational requirements of the particular assignment and modality?

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

Composition lacks a Composition does include a Composition is generally Work is strongly organized
guiding purpose; either theme, but is it not organized around a around a unifying theme,
there is no single maintained throughout the unified and controlling purpose or claim and this
unifying goal or there work; work occasionally purpose or theme is maintained throughout
are multiple goals with strays from the guiding according to the specific the work. Work is an
lack of specific focus. purpose. assignment requirements. excellent example of
Or, work does not meet Minor deviations from the assignment. Execution of
the requirements of the overall theme may be an underlying goal is
assignment. present. strongly evident.

2. Audience
Does the composition demonstrate a sense that the writer knows what s/he’s doing and is addressing an
identified audience, reflecting a respect for values that influence ethos (e.g., common ground, trustworthiness,
careful research)?Is the intended audience appropriate to the modality?

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

Composition does not Composition develops some The intended audience is Composition demonstrates
demonstrate an credibility, but leaves appropriate to the a strong credibility and
understanding that the questions as to whether the modality of the connection with an
composer is addressing composer understands that assignment. The work is engaged audience, earns
an identified audience s/he is addressing an credible, and the readers’ respect, and
who will evaluate and identified audience who will composer shows that builds ethos. The intended
perhaps respond to the evaluate and perhaps s/he is addressing an audience strongly benefits
message. Composition respond to the message. identified audience who from the modality assigned
fails to develop values Composition needs more will evaluate and perhaps by the instructor.
that influence ethos attention to values that respond to the writer’s
(e.g., common ground, influence ethos (e.g., message, and reflects a
trustworthiness, careful common ground, respect for values that
research). trustworthiness, careful influence ethos (e.g.,
research). common ground,
trustworthiness, careful

Multimodal Rubric Draft

3. Research
Does the composition introduce and incorporate research (as appropriate to the assignment) through proper
integration of source material to enhance credibility and place the message within a larger context? Does the
choice of sources reflect careful evaluation and appropriate use of print, electronic, and visual rhetoric? Does the
composition follow the criteria provided for multimodal compositions? (See Supplemental information below)

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

The composition does The composition The composition The composition shows
not introduce and demonstrates only minimal introduces and integrates exceptionally strong,
integrate research and /ineffective use of integrating research (as appropriate to integrated research (as
evidence, while the research and evidence from the assignment) to place appropriate to the
selected sources do not outside sources; the choice the message within a assignment) which
follow the criteria for of sources does not reflect larger context. Careful enhances credibility and
integrating sources. careful attention the criteria attention is paid to the places the message within
Negligible attention is for integrating sources. criteria for integrating a larger context. Research
given to citation, Some errors with sources. Few errors with includes thorough
licensing, copyright documentation guidelines documentation guidelines attention criteria. All
and/or documentation. exist. Needed permissions exist. Permissions are needed permissions are
may be missing. obtained and recorded. obtained and recorded.

Supplement: Criteria for using images/audio/video in a composition

Option 1 Option 2


Image: must have an appropriate
Image, audio, and/or video are OR Creative Commons license.
original works.
Audio/Video: must have a stable
link to a web page with the
appropriate permissions to stream
the content.

Note: If a student would like to use image/audio/video that falls outside of the above criteria, it is his/her responsibility to (a) obtain proper
permissions for use, (b) notify his/her instructor beforehand.

4. Argumentation/Evidence
Does the composition develop appropriate, logical, and relevant supporting detail and/or evidence, including more specific,
concrete detail/evidence than opinion or abstract, general commentary?

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

Composition does not Composition does not include Composition includes Composition is marked by
include appropriate, strong evidence and/or logical appropriate, logical, and persuasive and
logical or relevant support and detail. Argument relevant supporting detail exceptionally well-
supporting details relies too heavily on opinion and/or evidence. developed logical and
and/or evidence. and general commentary. Although opinion and relevant supporting detail
general commentary may and evidence.
be present, it is supported
by fact.

Multimodal Rubric Draft

5. Process
Does the composition provide evidence of process as determined by the teacher, including possible stages of
brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and proofing?

Ineffective Partially- Effective Exceptional


   

Composition does not Composition Composition fulfills the Composition exceeds the
fulfill the teacher’s partially fulfills the teacher’s guidelines for teacher’s guidelines for
guidelines for teacher’s guidelines brainstorming, drafting, brainstorming, drafting,
for brainstorming, revising, editing, and revising, editing, and
drafting, revising,
drafting, revising, proofing; evidence from all proofing. Substantial growth
editing, and proofing,
and/or evidence of editing, and required stages is present. and progression are
one or more stages is proofing; evidence Growth and progression are evidenced by the supporting
absent. Little from all required evidenced by the process documents. Careful
evidence of careful stages is present. supporting process and thorough planning is
planning/composing/p Some evidence of documents. Consistent evident and can be seen
roducing. planning is evident, planning is evident in the from the supporting process
as are some stages way the composition flows documents (e.g., journals,
of composing and from introduction to storyboards, and scripts).
producing. conclusion.

To be escalated to the Skillful/Persuasive scoring category, composition must score an average of at least
“Effective” in categories 1-5.

If the composition scores an average of “effective” on the CCC category above, and, in addition, scores partially-effective in
categories 5-6 below, then the composition is skillful and you will earn a grade of “B.” (80-89)

6. Exploration
Does the composition explore ideas unfamiliar to the composer, question different thinking, demonstrate an awareness of the
ongoing discourse of the chosen theme or topic, and/or respond to class readings and discussions?

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

The composition fails The composition begins The composition Substantial growth and
to explore new ideas exploration of new ideas, explores ideas progression are
and works without a but could push further to unfamiliar to the evidenced by the
substantial explore new ideas and composer, questions exploration of new
connection to instead accepts existing different thinking, and ideas, a willingness to
ongoing discourse or thinking, and works responds to readings. take considered risks in
readings. without a substantial Proper use is made of the interest of furthering
connection to ongoing the affordances of the ongoing discourse, and
discourse or readings. chosen modality. by the use of the
modality’s affordances.

Multimodal Rubric Draft

7. Conventions and Mechanics
Does the composition show an understanding of the affordance(s) of the modality? Does it meet the assignment requirements
for length and/or format? Does the work demonstrate features beyond the standard conventions of the chosen modality, and
does the work show a strong understanding of the mechanics involved in the medium?

Ineffective Partially-Effective Effective Exceptional

   

The work does not While the work either Meets instructor’s Exceeds instructor’s
show an awareness meets the instructor’s criteria for effective criteria for effective
of and use of the criteria for effective composition in composition in
formal conventions of composition in medium/genre, with medium/genre.
the modality chosen, medium/genre, or very minor errors Exceptional control of
and/or it does not demonstrates an present. formal conventions and
shown an awareness awareness of and tries to use of the affordances
of the affordance of follow the formal Work demonstrates an of medium/genre
the modality. Or, it conventions and awareness of and use enhances credibility of
does not meet the affordances of the of formal conventions composition.
assignment modality, attempts to work and affordances of the
requirements for within the objectives is modality. Meets Meets requirements for
length and format. only partially successful. requirements for assignment length and
The final result is uneven assignment length and format.
and inconsistent. format.

To be escalated to the Distinctive scoring category, composition must score a mean of at least “Effective” in categories 6-7.

If the composition meets all of the competency standards, demonstrates exploration skills and audience awareness, and,
in addition, demonstrates a mastery of one or more features of superior composition below, the composition is distinctive
and you will earn a grade of “A.” (90-100)

8. Distinction
Your composition stands out because of one or more of the following characteristics: complexity, originality, seamless
coherence, extraordinary control, sophistication in thought, recognizable voice, compelling purpose, imagination, insight,
thoroughness, and/or depth.

If your work does not meet competency standards, and you have received a score of “ineffective” in all four competency
areas (1-4 above), you will earn a grade of “D” (60-69) or “F” (<60) depending of the severity of these problems and you
should schedule a conference with your teacher.

Multimodal Rubric Draft

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