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Objective Questions

1. The Lorentz gauge condition is given by ∇ • A =:

(a) −μεd 2 /dt 2 (b) −μεd/dt (c) −με (d) 0
2. The Coulomb gauge condition is given by ∇ • A =:
(a) −μεd 2 /dt 2 (b) −μεd/dt (c) −με (d) 0
3. The free space wave number k0 is defined as
√ √
(a) k0 = ω0 (μ0 ε0 ) (b) k0 = ω0 / (μ0 ε0 )
√ √
(c) k0 = ω0 (μ0 /ε0 ) (d) k0 = ω0 / (ε0 /μ0 )
4. If Es is the field intensity vector identified as a phasor by its subscript  s  and k0 is the wave number,
equation ∇ 2 Es = −k02 Es is known as:
(a) Poisson’s equation (b) Coulombs gauge equation
(c) Vector Helmholtz equation (d) Diffusion equation
5. The induction and radiation fields of an oscillating dipole becomes approximately equal at a distance
r, when r =:
(a) λ/6 (b) λ/4 (c) λ/3 (d) λ/2
6. Radiation resistance of a hypothetical current element of length dl is:
(a) 800 (dl/λ)2 (b) 400 (dl/λ)2 (c) 800 (dl/λ) (d) 400 (dl/λ)
7. The ratio of effective aperture to the actual aperture is a direct measure of antenna effectiveness in
radiating/receiving the power to or from the desired direction. Depending on the type and design, the
normal value of this ratio for reflector antenna ranges between:
(a) 25–45% (b) 35–65% (c) 45–75% (d) 75–95%
8. In a plane containing an isolated Hertzian dipole, the radiation pattern of the antenna is a:
(a) Circle and the radiation is circularly polarized
(b) Circle and the radiation is linearly polarized
(c) Figure of eight and the radiation is circularly polarized
(d) Figure of eight and the radiation is linearly polarized

Appendix G Objective Questions 877

9. The boundary between the near field and far field may be arbitrarily taken to be at a radius R, which is
related to the wavelength λ and maximum dimension L (in meters) of the antenna as:
(a) R = 2L2 /λ (b) 2L/λ (c) 2λ/L (d) 2λ/L2
10. The following terms spell the same meaning in reference to an antenna:
(a) Near field and Principal zone (b) Near field and Fresnel zone
(c) Near field and Fraunhafer zone (d) Far field and Fresnel zone
11. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is:
(a) infinitesimal dipole (b) elementary doublet
(c) half wave dipole (d) none of the above
12. The antenna used as standard reference for directive gain is:
(a) quarter wave dipole (b) isotropic antenna
(c) elementary double (d) half wave dipole
13. There are four antenna configurations (i) a simple λ/2 dipole (ii) a flat sheet placed in front of simple
λ/2 dipole (iii) a flat sheet placed in front of an array of two λ/2 dipoles and (iv) a flat sheet folded
into to a 90◦ square corner and is placed in front of simple λ/2 dipole. The directivities of the above
four configurations will be in the order of:
(a) 1.64:3:6:9 (b) 1.64:4:8:12 (c) 1.64:5:10:15 (d) 1.64:5:10:20
14. The input impedance of a dipole antenna having tip-to-tip physical length equal to half wavelength, is:
(a) Pure resistance (b) Pure capacitance
(c) Inductive impedance (d) capacitive impedance
15. The input impedance of a short dipole with length nearer to 0.23 λ contains a reactance, which is
(a) large and capacitive (b) small and capacitive
(c) large and inductive (d) small and inductive
16. The near zone fields of an oscillating time varying dipole are:
(a) dynamic (b) static
(c) quasi-static (d) none of the above
17. For half wave dipole the directivity D (in dB’s) is obtained to be:
(a) 1.76 (b) 2.15 (c) 3.14 (d) 1.64
18. The directivity of a half wave dipole is given by:
(a) 1.51 (b) 1.64 (c) 2.03 (d) 2.54
19. If an antenna is at a height h, above the earth (radiusR) simple geometry gives line-of-sight distance
(d) to the horizon:
√ √ √
(a) d = 2Rh (b) 2 2Rh (c) 3 2Rh (d) 4 4Rh
20. In relation to the directional characteristics of the dipole antennas the terms θ and φ polarization are
synonymous with and may be used for the following terms in that order:
(a) Horizontal and Vertical Polarization (b) Vertical and Horizontal Polarization
(c) Circular and Elliptic Polarization (d) Elliptic and Circular Polarization
878 Appendix G Objective Questions

21. When the current ratios and phasings are properly chosen sharp directivity with an array of fixed
length but sufficiently large number of elements can be obtained. With this phasing and close spacings
between elements the radiation resistance:
(a) Reduces to very low value (b) Increases to very high value
(c) Remains unaffected (d) Changes only slightly
22. The Tchebycheff polynomial T m(x) is commonly used in design and synthesis problems. For m = 0
and m = 1 its values are:
(a) 1 and 0 (b) 1 and ∞ (c) 0 and 1 (d) ∞ and 1
23. A straight dipole radiator fed in the center will cause maximum radiation:
(a) in the plane parallel to its axis: (b) in the plane normal to its axis
(c) at the place of feed (d) at its extreme ends
24. The impedance of half wave dipole antenna mounted and radiating into an unbounded ideal dielectric
medium is:
(a) a pure resistance (b) a pure capacitance
(c) an impedance with capacitive reactance (d) an impedance with inductive reactance
25. If Z is the input impedance of a simple dipole, the impedance of n fold dipole is
(a) nZ (b) n2 Z (c) Z/n (d) Z/n2
26. A dipole antenna fed at the extreme left end will produce a beam, which will be:
(a) tilted toward left (b) tilted toward right
(c) perpendicular to the dipole (d) parallel to the dipole
27. The radiation resistance of a quarter wave monopole (if h = 1/2) is given by:
(a) 100 (l/λ)2 (b) 200 (h/λ)2 (c) 300 (l/λ)2 (d) 400 (h/λ)2
28. If the radiated power of a quarter wave monopole is given by (1/2π ) • 0.609ηIm2 eff/2π the radiation
resistance (in Ohms) of a half wave dipole is obtained to be:
(a) 36.5 (b) 18.25 (c) 73 (d) 146
29. The unit pattern of the following will be a figure of eight shape:
(a) two elements with λ spacing (b) two elements with λ/2 spacing
(c) two elements with λ/4 spacing (d) two elements with 3λ/4 spacing
30. At 450 MHz the half power beam width of a 3-element array is:
(a) 10◦ (b) 12◦ (c) 8◦ (d) 28◦
31. At 450 MHz the half power beam width of a 7-element array is:
(a) 8◦ (b) 10◦ (c) 12◦ (d) 28◦
32. An array consisting a number of radiators equally spaced along a line and carrying current of the same
phase, shall mainly radiate:
(a) in a plane parallel to the line of array
(b) in a plane perpendicular to the line of array
(c) at 30◦ angle from the line of array
(d) at 60◦ angle from the line of array
Appendix G Objective Questions 879

33. An array consisting of a number of dipoles of equal size, equally spaced along a straight line, with all
dipoles fed in the same phase from the same source is called:
(a) End-fire array (b) Back fire array
(c) Broadside array (d) Binomial array
34. An array consisting a number of equidistant dipoles of equal size, fed with the same currents and
phase is called:
(a) End-fire array (b) Back fire array (c) Broadside array (d) Binomial array
35. The following antenna array has no side lobes:
(a) End-fire array (b) Back-fire array (c) Broadside array (d) Binomial array
36. The side lobe less broadside arrays are called:
(a) Uniform array (b) End-fire array
(c) Log periodic array (d) Binomial array
37. The width of the major lobe is almost exactly inversely proportional to the array length if:
(a) l ≤ λ (b) λ < l ≤ 3λ/2 (c) 3λ/2 < l ≤ 2λ (d) l > 2λ
38. Side lobes in a broadside array will be entirely eliminated provided the spacing between adjacent
antennas does not exceed:
(a) λ/2 (b) λ (c) λ/4 (d) 3λ/4
39. The directional pattern of an end fire array using isotropic radiators is substantially independent of the
spacing of the antenna radiators provided this spacing does not exceed:
(a) λ/8 (b) λ/4 (c) 3λ/8 (d) λ/2
40. The vertical radiation pattern of a center fed vertical dipole shown in Fig. G–1(B) is for the dipole
length (of Fig. G–1(A)):
(a) 2λ (b) 3λ/2 (c) λ (d) 3λ/4
41. The radiation pattern of two non-directional radiators fed with equal currents (with α phase shift)
shown in Fig. G–2 belongs to:
(a) d = λ/2, α = 0◦ (b) d = λ/2, α = −90◦
(c) d = λ/4, α = −90◦ (d) d = λ/4, α = 0◦
42. In an optimum horn shown in Fig. G–3 the difference in the path length δ along the edge and the
center of the horn in E plane is made:
(a) ≤ λ/10 (b) ≤ λ/8 (c) ≤ λ/7 (d) ≤ λ/4
43. If the distribution of amplitude of element excitation of a center-symmetric linear array with L << λ
is such that the farther the element from the center, the lower is the excitation, than compared to the
uniformly excited array, the radiation pattern of such a graded array will have:
(a) wide beam width
(b) narrow beam width
(c) almost the same beam width
(d) beam width related with grading function
880 Appendix G Objective Questions


(b) a


Figure G–2 Figure G–3
(A) (B)

Figure G–1

44. Identify the incorrect statement.

(a) Dipole antennas are balanced antennas if fed by two conductor transmission line
(b) Dipole antennas are un-balanced antennas if fed by two conductor transmission line
(c) Dipole antennas are narrowest bandwidth antenna
(d) Short dipole has the same directivity as that of a small loop
45. The directivity of the small loop and short dipole has the following ratio:
(a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 (c) 1:1 (d) 1:4
46. To qualify as a small loop or short dipole their dimensions should be
(a) ≤ λ/10 (b) ≤ λ/8 (c) ≤ λ/4 (d) ≤ λ/2
47. If a dipole has been cut from a metal sheet, leaving a slot, the dipole and slot are said to be
complimentary. The terminal impedance of dipole Zd and that of slot Zs are related to the intrinsic
impedance of space Z0 by Zs =:
(a) Zd2 /4Z0 (b) 4Z02 /Zd (c) Z02 /4Zd (d) 4Zd2 /Z0
48. The radiation resistance Rrad of a circular loop with N number of turns and diameter D is
(a) 19000 N(D/λ)4 (b) 19000 N 2 (D/λ)4
(c) 19000 N 2 (D/λ)2 (d) 19000 N 4 (D/λ)4
49. Patch is a:
(a) High gain wide band antenna (b) High gain narrow band antenna
(c) Low gain narrow band antenna (d) Low gain wide band antenna
50. The field patterns for the following antennas are identical provided E and H fields are interchanged:
(a) Dipole and Patch antenna (b) Dipole and Horn antenna
(c) Dipole and Loop antenna (d) Dipole and Yagi antenna
51. The maximum gain for H -plane sectoral horn with slant length of 12λ occurs when aperture width is:
(a) λ (b) 3λ (c) 6λ (d) 12λ
Appendix G Objective Questions 881

52. Maximum beam width for E-plane sectoral horn is about:

(a) 10◦ (b) 20◦ (c) 30◦ (d) 45◦
53. The sharpest beam and highest gain for a given mouth size of a horn are obtained by a flare angle
which is:
(a) very small (b) small (c) large (d) very large
54. In view of the similarity of directional pattern with elementary doublet the antenna, which is referred
to as a magnetic doublet is:
(a) Yagi array (b) Turnstile antenna
(c) Helical antenna (d) Small loop antenna
55. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its:
(a) Circular polarization (b) Maneuverability
(c) Broad bandwidth (d) Good front to back ratio
56. Helical antennas are often used for satellite tracking at VHF range because of:
(a) Troposcatter (b) super refraction
(c) Ionospheric refraction (d) the Faraday effect
57. When a mono-filar helical antenna is operated in normal mode, the maximum radiation occurs in the
(a) parallel to the helix axis
(b) perpendicular to the helix axis
(c) located at 45◦ to the helix axis
(d) arbitrarily located in respect to the helix axis
58. In mono-filar helices, the term transmission mode is used to describe the manner in which the
electromagnetic wave is propagated along:
(a) a very short helix (b) a medium length helix
(c) a long helix (d) an infinite helix
59. Reflector antennas are preferred for gains greater than:
(a) 50 dB (b) 40 dB (c) 30 dB (d) 20 dB
60. The radiation pattern of a Paraboloidal reflector antenna with a horn antenna as its primary feed is:
(a) the same as that of horn antenna
(b) the square of the horn antenna pattern
(c) the square root of the horn antenna pattern
(d) none of the above
61. When the field across the mouth of the parabola is everywhere of the same phase the beam generated is:
(a) omni directional
(b) sharply unidirectional
(c) main beam accompanied by two minor side lobes
(d) bifurcated in two major lobes
62. Cassgrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to:
(a) increase the gain of the system
(b) increase the beam width of the system
882 Appendix G Objective Questions

(c) reduce the size of the main reflector

(d) allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point
63. Beam widths for corner reflectors are approximately equal in both principal planes, provided θ =:
(a) 120◦ (b) 90◦ (c) 60◦ (d) 45◦
64. A parabola reflects the wave originating from a source at the focus and transforms:
(a) a plane wave front from feed at focus into spherical wave-front
(b) a plane wave front from feed at focus into cylindrical wave-front
(c) any curved wave front from feed at focus into plane wave-front
(d) a cylindrical wave front from feed at focus into spherical wave-front
65. For large parabola of many wavelength aperture a practical choice for feed can be corner reflector
with a corner angle (depending on F/D ratio of parabola) of
(a) 0◦ –45◦ (b) 45◦ –90◦ (c) 60◦ –90◦ (d) (a) 90◦ –18◦
66. Zoning is mainly used in dielectric lens antennas in order to:
(a) reduce the bulk of the lens
(b) increase the band width of the lenses
(c) Permit pin point focusing
(d) correct the curvature of wave front from a horn that is too short
67. In Yagi antennas the gain per element approaches unity when the number of directors is:
(a) 33 (b) 23 (c) 13 (d) 9
68. In Yagi Uda antenna the spacing between elements is normally kept between:
(a) 0.15λ–0.3λ (b) 0.3λ–0.5λ (c) 0.5λ–λ (d) λ–2λ
69. Which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi Uda array:
(a) good band width (b) parasitic elements
(c) folded dipole (d) fixed frequency antenna
70. Let the frequency of transmission assigned to the driven element and the frequencies to which
reflectors and directors are resonant be f0 , f1 and f2 respectively. These frequencies bear the
(a) f1 < f0 but f2 = f0 (b) f1 > f0 but f2 = f0
(c) f1 < f0 and f2 > f0 (d) f1 > f0 and f2 < f0
71. The bi-conical antenna will have broadband impedance characteristic provided the flare angle lies
(a) 30◦ –60◦ (b) 60◦ –90◦ (c) 60◦ –120◦ (d) 90◦ –120◦
72. Best broadband impedance characteristics of a discone antenna are obtained at θ =:
(a) 30◦ (b) 45◦ (c) 60◦ (d) 75◦
73. The height of the discone at the lowest operating frequency should be at least:
(a) λ/4 (b) λ/3 (c) λ/2 (d) λ
74. The discone antenna is:
(a) a useful direction finding antenna
(b) used as a radar receiving antenna
(c) circularly polarized like other circular antennas
(d) useful as VHF receiving antenna
Appendix G Objective Questions 883

75. The lower frequency limit of the conical spiral occurs when the base diameter is:
(a) λ/8 (b) λ/4 (c) 3λ/8 (d) λ/2
76. The higher frequency limit of the conical spiral occurs when the apex diameter is:
(a) λ/8 (b) λ/4 (c) 3λ/8 (d) λ/2
77. The conical spiral is fed by:
(a) Two wire transmission line (b) A waveguide
(c) A horn antenna (d) A coaxial cable bonded to one conducting
78. A longitudinal slot in a cylinder has a radiation pattern, which is practically in a plane perpendicular
to the axis provided the cylinder diameter in terms of wavelength is of the order of:
(a) λ/2 (b) λ/4 (c) λ/8 (d) λ/10
79. At the operating wavelength λ the active region of a log periodic dipole array consists mainly of
several dipoles whose lengths are approximately equal to
(a) λ/2 (b) λ (c) 3λ/2 (d) several λ
80. Normally the VLF horizontal antennas have the efficiency of the order of:
(a) < 1 % (b) 10 % (c) 20 % (d) >2 0 %
81. Normally the VLF vertical antennas have the efficiency of the order of:
(a) < 10 % (b) 20 % (c) 50 % (d) > 70 %
82. As per the classification of broadcasting stations for class 1 station the minimum) and maximum
power in kW is:
(a) 0.1 and l (b) 0.5 and 5 (c) 0.25 and 50 (d) 10 and 50
83. MF broadcasting transmitting antennas are generally vertical radiators with their heights ranging
(a) λ/6 − λ/4 (b) λ/4–5λ/8 (c) λ/6–5λ/8 (d) λ/4–3λ/8
84. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its:
(a) effective height (b) band width (c) beam width (d) input capacitance
85. An ungrounded antenna near the ground:
(a) acts as a single antenna of twice the height (b) is unlike to need a ground screen
(c) act as an antenna array (d) must be horizontally polarized
86. An ungrounded antenna near the ground acts as:
(a) a single antenna of twice of its actual length
(b) a single antenna of half of its actual length
(c) an antenna array
(d) a point source
87. In case of the wire antennas the aerodynamic considerations limit the angle between a fixed wire and
the air stream to about:
(a) 10◦ (b) 15◦ (c) 30◦ (d) 45◦
88. The relative gain of a glass-mounted antenna in comparison to the roof-mounted antenna is:
(a) Less by 3 dB (b) Less by 5 dB (c) More by 3 dB (d) More by 6 dB
884 Appendix G Objective Questions

89. Identify the correct answer.

(a) only length λ/2 is the resonant length. (b) only length λ is the resonant length.
(c) both λ/2 and λ are the resonant length. (d) none of these is a resonant length.
90. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas:
(a) Rhombic antenna (b) Folded dipole
(c) End-fire array (d) Broad side array
91. One of the very useful multi-band HF receiving antenna is:
(a) Conical horn (b) Folded dipole (c) Log-periodic (d) Square loop
92. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide:
(a) Biconical (b) Horn (c) Helical (d) Discone
93. Indicate the antenna that is not wide band:
(a) Folded dipole (b) Discone (c) Helical (d) Marconi
94. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the:
(a) Helical (b) Small circular loop
(c) Parabolic reflector (d) Yagi Uda
95. Indicate which of the following reasons for using counter poise with antennas is false:
(a) Impossibility of a good ground connection
(b) Provision of an earth for the antennas
(c) Rockiness of the ground itself
(d) Protection of personnel working underneath
96. In a Rhombic antenna the angle of elevation of the main beam is controlled mainly by:
(a) Height of antenna above the ground
(b) Length of the side wires forming the rhombic
(c) Tilt angle
(d) The terminating resistance
97. The input and terminating impedances in a rhombic antenna are usually about equal and of the order
(a) 150–200 (b) 200–400 (c) 300–600 (d) 600–800
98. One of the following is very useful as multi-band HF receiving antenna:
(a) Half wave dipole (b) Quarter wave mono-pole
(c) Two-element array (d) Log periodic antenna
99. Radio transmission at frequencies above about 30 MHz used for TV, FM Radar, etc. is normally by:
(a) Ground waves (b) Space waves (c) Sky waves (d) Direct waves
100. Identify the resonant antenna illustrated by Fig. G–4 below along with their lengths and current
(a) Only (a) (b) Only (b) (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None
Appendix G Objective Questions 885

λ λ

(a) (b)

Figure G–4

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