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Original Scientific Paper

doi:10.5937/jaes13-7388 Paper number: 13(2015)2, 315, 79 - 86


Dragoljub Vujić*
Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, Serbia

Aircraft industry has to meet a challenge of reducing operational and maintenance costs. One of
the possible ways for reducing these costs is the introduction of wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
WSNs are already finding a variety of applications for both safety-critical and non-safety critical dis-
tributed systems. This paper deals with the application of WSNs for aircraft structural health moni-
toring. Special attention has been given to the WSNs design issues using available components on
the market. A general scheme for aircraft structural health monitoring using MicroStrain components
has been proposed.
Key words: Wireless sensor networks, Aircraft structural health monitoring, Micro-electro-mechani-
cal systems, Condition-based maintenance, Sensor node, Wireless communication

INTRODUCTION by drastically minimizing the human involvement,

and thus improving safety and reliability [14].
Over the last decade Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs) have been successfully applied in many Traditionally, the sensors deployed on the struc-
engineering fields such as: structural health ture are connected through coaxial wires. How-
monitoring, industrial applications, environmen- ever, cabling implies high installation and main-
tal monitoring, traffic controls, health applica- tenance costs. Moreover, cables are subjected
tions, etc. This paper deals with the application to wear or breakage. WSNs consistently reduce
of WSNs for aircraft structural health monitoring. the installation and maintenance costs. Further-
Generally speaking, the aim of structural health more, the compact size and low cost of a single
monitoring (SHM) is to monitor structures using wireless sensor node enables the deployment of
embedded or attached non-destructive evalua- a large number of units on the monitored struc-
tion sensors and to utilize the data in order to as- ture, especially in those locations difficult to be
sess the state of the structure. Often structures reached by wires, increasing the screening reso-
equipped with various types of sensors are com- lution of the system [04]. WSNs for SHM are sup-
pared to human nervous system. This means posed to operate for an extended period of time,
that SHM is the imitation of the human nervous e.g. few years, requiring minimal maintenance.
system. For this purpose, the creation of a wireless sens-
ing platform capable of collecting high-quality
SHM is a new and improved way to make a
data requires a consistent engineering effort.
non-destructive evaluation with a minimum of
manual intervention. It includes all monitoring In the commercial and military aircraft there are
aspects which are related to damages, loads a number of safety-critical and non-safety critical
and conditions, which have a direct influence on systems. These systems are based on wired con-
the structure. Knowing the integrity of in-service nections and, therefore, they are complex and
structures on a continuous real-time basis is a difficult to route. The Airbus A380, for instance,
very important objective for manufacturers, end- has over 300 miles of cables consisting of ap-
users and maintenance teams. Structural health proximately 98.000 wires and 40.000 connectors
monitoring allows an optimal use of the structure, [20]. Cable routing is quite a complex task, as for
a minimized downtime, and the avoidance of example, the power cable and electrical signal
catastrophic failures. Therefore, structural health cable should be physically separated to avoid
monitoring drastically changes the work orga- electrical interference. Also, harsh environmen-
nization of maintenance services: by aiming to tal conditions impose physical restrictions on the
replace scheduled and periodic maintenance in- use of a wire harness. Replacement of the cur-
spection with condition-based maintenance and rent wire harness-based sensors with a wireless

* Military Technical Institute, 1Ratka Resanovica Str., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; 79
Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

sensor network (WSN) can help to achieve the istered by using a transmission system called
goal of increasing the number of sensors, as well radio waves. AM radio, FM radio, satellite radio,
as, the system redundancy. It will also reduce the satellite TV, satellite Internet access and broad-
aircraft system weight and lead to improved fuel cast TV are, in fact, wireless networks. Hence,
efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. The the usage of wireless technology is very conve-
European goals for 2020, for instance, include a nient [13].
50% cut in CO2 emissions. Replacing the physi- WSNs consist of spatially distributed autono-
cal cabling by wireless connections also offers mous sensors designed to monitor physical pa-
significant benefits as regards flexibility, interop- rameters or environmental conditions, such as
erability, mass reduction and improved robust- temperature, strain, pressure, vibration, sound,
ness. Use of WSN also enables reduction in di- motion, pollutions, etc. Consequently, the sen-
rect costs and maintenance costs. sors cooperatively pass their data through the
network to a main location. The base station
may communicate with the user or task manager
node via Internet or Satellite.
Wireless network refers to any type of computer A wireless sensor, also known as a mote (re-
network which is not connected by cables. It is MOTE), smart dust, smart sensor or sensor node
a method by which homes, telecommunications within the network performs the function of sens-
networks and business installations avoid the ing, data processing and wireless data transmis-
costly process of introducing cables into a build- sion. It is powered by an individual power source
ing, or as a connection between various equip- which often consists of a battery with a limited
ment locations. Wireless telecommunications energy budget. The general scheme of WSNs is
networks are generally implemented and admin- presented on Figure 1.

Figure 1: A general scheme of wireless sensor networks

The development of WSNs largely depends on anticipated. Such systems can revolutionize the
the availability of low-cost and low-power hard- way we live and work. Currently, WSNs are be-
ware and software platforms for sensor net- ginning to be deployed at an accelerated pace. It
works. With the micro-electro-mechanical system is not unreasonable to expect that in 10-15 years
(MEMS) technology, the size and cost of a sen- that the world will be covered with wireless net-
sor node have been significantly reduced. This works with assess to them via the Internet. This
is to say, energy efficiency can significantly be can be considered as the Internet becoming a
enhanced if energy awareness is incorporated physical network [10].
in the design of system software, including the
Sensor node architecture
operating system, and application and network
protocols. System lifetime can considerably be A sensor node typically consists of five main
prolonged by incorporation energy awareness components (Figure 2): one or more sensors
into task scheduling process [13]. gather data from the environment and report the
The nodes communicate wirelessly and often data to the microprocessor. A microprocessor is
self-organize after being deployed in ad hoc fash- a central part of a wireless sensor node. It pro-
ion. Systems of 1000s or even 10.000 nodes are cesses all the data that receives from memory,

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Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

sensor, or transceiver. A transceiver communi- sive radio frequency identification (RFID) chips
cates with the environment. It is used radio fre- without batteries. The sensor nodes are usually
quency (RF) as a transmission medium to send scattered in a sensor field. Each of them has the
data wirelessly. The transceiver can take data capabilities to collect data and route data back
from a microprocessor to send it over the air to the base station. The base station may com-
and vice versa. A memory is the main resource municate with the task manager node via In-
for storing programmes and intermediate data ternet or Satellite. In [06] the node deployment
coming from the sensors or the transceiver. The models in WSNs have been explored. Various
size of the memory depends on the application architectures and node deployment strategies
of the sensor. The battery supplies all parts with have been developed for WSN, depending upon
energy. To assure a sufficiently long network life- the requirements of application. The authors fo-
time, energy efficiency in all parts of the network cused on five deployment schemes for sensor
is crucial. Although most sensors have a tradi- networks environments, random deployment,
tional battery, there is an early stage research grid deployment, group-based deployment, and
regarding production of sensors without batter- grid-group deployment.
ies, using similar technologies applied to pas-

Figure 2: Hardware components of a sensor node

Energy efficiency in routing the WSN, designing efficient routing protocols

appear to be critical. It has been established that
A number of research papers have already been
most of the energy consumption in a WSN comes
accomplished in routing in WSN, since energy ef-
from data reception and transmission. Therefore,
ficiency is more important for wireless sensor net-
a good routing protocol can reduce the number,
works than any other networks. In wireless com-
as well as, the size of the unnecessary transmis-
munication, data transmission consumes more
sions which take place. Thus, the routing protocol
power than data processing. The battery power of
helping to alleviate the energy crisis in WSNs. Hi-
the node will be reduced whenever they transmit
erarchical routing algorithms are techniques with
a great number of data proportionately. In order
special advantages related to scalability and ef-
to reduce the data size we can prefer techniques
ficient communication. The main aim of hierarchi-
like data fusion or aggregation. Data fusion is that
cal routing is to optimize energy consumption of
in which the sensed data are fused at a certain
sensor nodes by arranging the nodes into clusters
point for transmitting them at a reduced size.
[07]. Data aggregation and fusion is performed
However, there is a problem, showing of lack in
within the cluster in order to decrease the number
precision and accuracy of data from various sen-
of transmitted messages.
sor nodes [07]. In order to prolong the lifetime of
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 13(2015)2, 315 81
Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS of layers. As regards metal aircraft structures,

IN AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL HEALTH cracks develop and eventually lead to failures. In
MONITORING both of these cases, visual inspection is not a re-
liable method for failure detection. This calls for
There are a number of WSNs applications in a vibration analysis-based on failure detection
structural health monitoring of aircraft. Here, it method. Currently scheduled aircraft structure
will be briefly presented some of them. maintenance methods have a high maintenance
Researchers from the research institute of China cost. Several studies have been conducted to
have applied a wireless sensor network for static develop health monitoring algorithms which use
testing of a real aircraft undercarriage [15]. The the data from strain sensors embedded into the
developed wireless sensor network system con- composite structure. WSN can be embedded
sisted of 14 sensor nodes and 4 cluster heads. into the composite structure which will harvest
The authors concluded that the system design the vibration energy and will transmit the real-
may be much more complicated when the num- time data to the central health monitoring unit.
ber of testing points which have to be measured These sensors will be used to monitor the in-
will greatly increase. Furthermore, fatigue test- ternal parameters like cracks, strain, as well as,
ing for full-scale structure requires higher data external parameters such as temperature, load,
transmission rates, data synchronization and etc. Because of this, the use of WSN, powered
data buffer processing capacity. Therefore, by energy harvesting techniques will increase
hardware capabilities for the WSN based aircraft the number of sensors and their lives. Hence,
strength testing systems should be improved in the real-time data will enable the use of condi-
further research. Networking and routing proto- tion-based maintenance, thereby preventing
cols should be seriously studied in order to solve catastrophic failure of aircraft structures. Al-
these problems. though the use of MEMS is one of the promising
Wireless sensor modules were integrated into technologies for implementation of WSN-based
the pitch link of a Bell M412 helicopter [01]. Pitch aircraft structural monitoring, optimum energy
link loads were recorded and periodically trans- harvesting and power management methods
mitted into the cabin during flight. Wireless sen- for MEMS sensors have to be further improved.
sors included strain gauges, accelerometers and The integration of sensors and airframe has to
thermocouples. Hard-wired sensors included gy- be studied, as well, the effect on the structural
roscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers. strength of composite materials due to embed-
Wireless technologies for tracking the load histo- ded sensors.
ry of helicopter rotating components, combined
with inertial and global positioning system (GPS)
information, can be used to compute structural
loads with improved accuracy. The integration of
these sensor systems will lead to reduced cost A well known USA company MicroStrain has
flight testing, improved safety, and enhanced deployed wireless sensors and wireless sensor
condition - based maintenance. gateways for a number of applications. Sensors
In [02] the first flight tests of a synchronized that measure strain, acceleration, displacement,
wireless structural monitoring system aboard a pressure, temperature, inertial loads, and torques
helicopter has been presented. Combined with have been combined in time synchronized net-
energy harvesters, these new wireless sensing works to provide a rich amount of information for
networks can be deeply embedded into struc- improved condition based maintenance. Sensors
tures and structural components for improved can be quickly deployed in discrete locations of
condition - based maintenance and advanced the aircraft structure. Wireless sensing systems
structural health and usage management sys- are ideal for both small scale applications requir-
tems. ing a few sensor nodes and large scale applica-
Because of the increasing use of composite ma- tions requiring hundreds of sensor nodes. With
terials for aircraft structures, it is necessary to de- highly synchronized data sampling, and extend-
velop new methods for aircraft structural health ed range communication, MicroStrains´s WSNs
monitoring. Most of the failures of the laminated are able to collect and aggregate data in a single
composite structures originate from delamination database, and push it to the cloud for remote ac-

82 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 13(2015)2, 315

Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

cess. Wireless gateways, or base stations, pro- are WSDA (Wireless Sensor Data Aggregator)
vide seamless communication between a host gateways, which use exclusive beaconing proto-
PC, single board computer or microcontroller, cols to synchronize precision timekeepers within
and remote wireless sensor nodes. each sensor node in the network. The WSDA
MicroStrain´s Lossless Extended Range Syn- also coordinates data collection from all sensor
chronized (LXRS) wireless sensor networks are nodes. Users can easily program each node on
scalable, fast, and 100% reliable under most the scalable network for simultaneous periodic,
operating conditions. The main features of the burst, or data logging mode sampling with Node
LXRS wireless sensor systems are as follows: Commander software, which automatically con-
figures radio communication to maximize the
• Lossless wireless communications protocols
aggregate sample rate. Optional SensorCloud
provide 100 % packet success rate;
enabled WSDA support autonomous web-based
• Extended Range radio link to 2 kilometers; data aggregation.
• Scalable wireless sensor networks
support continues, burst, and hybrid
sampling modes;
• Time Synchronized to +/-32 microseconds.
The LXRS Wireless Sensing System works by
leveraging advanced bi-directional radio com-
munications protocols. When data are received
without errors by the wireless sensor data aggre-
gator (WSDA) base station, the WSDA sends an
acknowledgement that these packets were re-
ceived. Data that are not acknowledged remain
within each LXRS sensor node’s non-volatile
memory for re-transmission according to the net-
Figure 3: Wireless Accelerometer Node
work scheduler. It has to be noted that data are
time-stamped by each node at the time of ana- At the heart of MicroStrain’s LXRS Lossless Data
log-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Therefore, even Wireless Sensor Networks are WSDA (Wireless
when re-transmitted, all data are accurately time Sensor Data Aggregator) gateways, which use
stamped. exclusive beaconing protocols to synchronize
Wireless accelerometer node precision timekeepers within each sensor node
in the network. The WSDA also coordinates data
Wireless Accelerometer Node (The G-Link -
collection from all sensor nodes. Users can eas-
LXRS) presented in Figure 3 features on-board
ily program each node on the scalable network
triaxial ±2 g or ± 10 g MEMS accelerometers
for simultaneous periodic, burst, or data logging
and an internal temperature sensor. G-Link -
mode sampling with Node Commander software,
LXRS can be employed to measure vibration or
which automatically configures radio communi-
acceleration, or as a tilt sensor or inclinometer.
cation to maximize the aggregate sample rate.
The node can simultaneously log data to internal
Optional SensorCloud enabled WSDA support
memory and/or transmit real-time data to a host
autonomous web-based data aggregation.
computer at user programmable data rates up
to 4096 Hz. Its form factor allows remote, long The WSDA - 1000 Wireless Sensor Data
term deployment. Node Commander software Aggregator
supports configuration of the wireless node in- The Wireless Sensor Data Aggregator (WSDA -
cluding discovery, initialization, radio frequency, 1000) presented in the Figure 4 is a single-board
sample rate, reading/writing to node EEPROM, computer with Ethernet connectivity designed to
calibrating node sensors, managing node batter- operate as an integral part of MicroStrain LXRS
ies including sleep, wake, and cycle power, and Wireless Sensor Networks. The WSDA - 1000 is
upgrading node firmware. The G-Link -LXRS is capable of collecting lossless data from a wide
compatible with any WSDA - Base, WSDA - 1000 range of MicroStrain wireless sensor nodes op-
or SensorCloud. At the heart of MicroStrain’s erating in LDC or Synchronized sampling mode.
LXRS Lossless Data Wireless Sensor Networks The wirelees sensor network can be set up and
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 13(2015)2, 315 83
Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

controlled remotely via LiveConnect and Node- Sensor Cloud

Commander. Once set up, the WSDA - 1000
Data stored on SensorCloud represents dis-
may operate in one of three distinct modes: Sen-
crete sensor values stored as a function of time.
sorCloud Enabled, LAN, and Standalone.
MicroStrain´s customers may want to create
mathematical expressions based on one, or a
combination of these sensed values. In order
to support customer´s unuque requirements,
MicroStrain has developed MathEngine, which
enables users to upload algorithms and the out-
put of these algorithms can be represented as
an additional sensor channel or „virtual” sensor.
For example, one can use strain data to create
an estimate of fatigue using a rainflow algorithm.
When the fatigue rate is high, an alert can be
generated by Sensor Cloud. In another example,
vibration data collected over time can be con-
Figure 4: WSDA (Wireless sensor Data Aggregator) – 1000
verted into the frequency domain using FFT and
analyzed to detect anomalies.
The general features and benefits of the WSDA MicroStrain wireless sensor nodes can easy
- 1000 Wireless Sensor Data Aggregator are the connect to SensorCloud. All that it needs is a Mi-
following: croStrain WSDA Wireless Sensor Data Aggrega-
• Lossless wireless communication protocol tor and an internet-enabled network connection.
provides 100 % packet success rate; SensorCloud supports a broad range of wireless
• Programmable communication range from sensor sample rates, ranging from one sample
70 m to 2.000 m; per hour to 100.000 samples per second.
• Scalable wireless sensor networks SensorCloud ´s Live Connect feature can be used
supporting continuous, burst, and hybrid to establish a direct connection to MicroStrain
sampling modes; wireless sensor network, from anywhere in the
• Time synchronized to +/- 32 microseconds; world. Once connected, user can access the full
range of sensor network advanced features us-
• Minimal setup required; collect data within
ing Node Commander PC software, including:
• View high speed streaming data in
• Autonomously aggregates wireless sensor
• Trigger and download datalogging sessions;
• Supports a wide range of MicroStrain
wireless sensor nodes transmitting in LDC • Change network and node configuration
or Synchronized Sampling modes; settings;
• 2 GB non-volatile embedded flash for local • Update wireless sensor node firmware over-
storage; the-air.
• Command, control, and monitoring of a The coupling of advanced wireless sensor net-
remote wireless sensor network from user works with innovative cloud-based data analytics
PC; revolutionizes performance monitoring of remote
structures. Used over the long-term, operators
• Web interface for system configuration;
can gain valuable insight into the deterioration of
• Full industrial temperature range supported structures and its corresponding effect on perfor-
(- 40 oC to 85 oC); mance. The general scheme of the MicroStrain’s
• Seamlessly integrates with SensorCloud for Wireless Sensor Network is presented in the Fig-
world-wide data access and visualization; ure 5.
• Includes a free basic SensorCloud account;
• Local storage is used for SensorCloud

84 Journal of Applied Engineering Science 13(2015)2, 315

Dragoljub Vujić - Wireless sensor networks applications
in aircraft structural health monitoring

Figure 5: General scheme of the MicroStrain’s Wireless Sensor Network

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