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Chapter 2 Central Processing Unit and Execution of

Programs MCQ 1: Register which is used to store values of arithmetic and l

ogical opera- tions is termed as A. Arithmetic register B. accumulator C.
logical register D. controller MCQ 2: Built-
in set of machine code instructions of computer are called A. instruction
set B. transfer of data C. logical operations D. logical
set MCQ 3: Specific purpose storage location is termed as A. register B.
executed register
C. timed register D. sequenced
register MCQ 4: Two main types of branch instructions are A. conditional
branch B. unconditional branch C. logical branch D. both a and
b MCQ 5: Most of the time, computer instructions are divided into A.
function code B. instruction code C. operand D. both A and
C MCQ 6: Counter that holds instruction fetched from store during decoding
and execution is called A. current instruction register B. program instruction
counter C. sequence instruction register D. programming
register MCQ 7: Ordered set of instructions that are carried out by a compute
r is called A. programs B. machine C. machine code D. programming
languages MCQ 8: Binary code which gives an actual instruction is called A.
instruction code B. logical code C. function code D.
address MCQ 9: In instruction format, address of any data location is said to
be A. function code B. instruction code C. operand
D. logical code MCQ 10: Sequence control register is also known as A.
program counter B. instruction counter C. sequence register D. controlling
register MCQ 11: Counter that holds addresses of next fetched instruction is
called A. sequence control register B. program counter C. temporary
register D. both A and
B MCQ 12: Instructions that are programmed to make decisions are termed a
s A. branch instructions B. programmed instructions C. logical
instructions D. arithmetic instructions
MCQ 13: Branch instruction 'JUMP TO SUBORDINATE' is an example of
A. unconditional branch B. arithmetic branch C. transferring branch D.
conditional branch MCQ 14: Built-
in set of codes in a computer are called as A. machine B. machine code C.
programming languages D.
programs MCQ 15: Control unit timed sequence that fetches instructions fro
m the com- puter main store is classified as A. the fetch execute cycle B. the
timed cycle C. the sequenced cycle D. the execution cycle
MCQ 16: Branch instruction 'JUMP IF ZERO' is an example of A.
transferring branch B. conditional branch C. unconditional branch D.
arithmetic branch MCQ 17: Branch instruction is also known as A. jump
instruction B. logical instruction C. arithmetic instruction D. programmed
instructions Answers
Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. B 17

Chapter 3 Communications Hardware - Terminals and

Interfaces MCQ 1: Processing which is carried out by the use of remote ter
minal proces- sors is called A. teleprocessing B. digital processing C. logical
processing D. manual
processing MCQ 2: Technique of using two buffers as interface between two
devices is called A. double digitalizing B. single buffering C. double
interfacing D. double
buffering MCQ 3: Network in which data is in the form of packets is called a
s A. packet switching
B. logical packets C. packaged switching D. none of the
above MCQ 4: Transmission in which all bits are sent at the same time for ea
ch char- acter is called A. parallel transmission B. wide transmission C. local
transmission D. serial
transmission MCQ 5: Speed of transmitted data is measured by A. baud B.
band C. hertz D.
seconds MCQ 6: Process of communicating data over relatively larger distan
ces is called
A. digital communication B. optical communication C. analog
communication D.
telecommunications MCQ 7: IO devices which enable user to communicate
with computer system are called A. terminals B. telecommunication C.
buses D. communication
devices MCQ 8: Terminal which has its own processor and without linking t

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