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3242 MEEN 3242 Lab II #1

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement

The purposes of this laboratory are to (1) help students become familiar with wind tunnel
operation, and (2) measure air flow velocity in the tunnel’s working section by three devices:
Pitot tube with water manometer, hot wire anemometer and turbine anemometer and compare
the performances of the three wind meters.

Related Text Book Sections:

Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th Edition, J. P. Holman, McGraw Hill, 2008
Pressure Measurement: Sections 6.1, 6.3, and 6.6
Flow Measurement: Sections 7.1, 7.6, 7.7, 7.14 and 7.15
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math,
Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies

Fundamental Principles
Pitot Static Tube

Figure 1 Internal Flow

If Bernoulli’s equation is applied at point 1 and point 2, the following result can be obtained:

p1 V12 p2 V22
+ + z1 = + + z2 (Equation 1)
ρ g 2g ρ g 2g
Where P is the pressure, Z is the elevation and V is the velocity. Since Z 1 and Z 2 are on the
same level, they can be dropped. In steady condition, point 2 is a stagnation point so the
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 1 of 9
velocity of the flow at point 2 is zero. The pressure at point 2 is also called Ps (Stagnation
pressure) or Pt (Total Pressure). From these assumptions, the equation 1 can be converted to

2( Ps − P1 ) 2 ρ water * g * ∆h
=v1 =
ρ ρ air (Equation 2)

In Equation 2, (Ps –P 1 ) = differential head and can be obtained using water manometer.

Equipment Needed:
1. Wind tunnel apparatus
2. Hot wire anemometer (VelcociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter)
3. Water manometer
4. Turbine anemometer (Kestrel 4500 Pocket Weather Tracker)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 2 of 9

Experimental Procedures:

Step #1. The wind tunnel should have been connected and set up with Pitot static tube, hot
wire anemometer and turbine anemometer. Inspect all three wind meters inside the
tunnel’s working section and make sure all of them are facing or pointing to the
direction of air flow.

Step #2. Power on the wind tunnel by switching “up” the blue switch on the back of the
transformer. Turn on the hot wire anemometer and the turbine anemometer. Make
sure the Pitot tube has been connected to water anemometer tube #11 and #12.

Step #3. Log into your UNT student account from the computer and you will see the screen
below. Click on the icon “C15-11-306 Wind Tunnel” to start the software.

Step #4. When software starts, you will see the window below. Choose “Excise A”, click on

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 3 of 9

Step #5. The following window will show up if you click on the small icon . Change the
“Ambient temperature” (top textbox on the left) value from manufacturer’s default
setting18 oC to UNT lab temperature 23 oC. Now start the wind tunnel by setting
up parameters in the 2nd textbox from the top (the one has a green LED) on the left:
Increase fan speed from “0” to “20” (“20” is not the wind speed. It actually means
20% the maximum potential of the fan); Click on “Fan on”, value will be set from
“0” to “1” automatically. The wind tunnel fan should start to rotate.

Step #6. Wait 60 seconds to let the wind tunnel operation become stable, then record the
following data: (You can use the table provided in the appendix to record the data)

(1) Water level in tube #0 (manufacturer labeled this as “static”, the leftmost tube):
this is the static pressure reading from the opening on the side of the wind tunnel
working section
(2) Water level in tube #11: this is the static pressure reading from the Pitot static tube
(3) Water level in tube #12: this is the total/stagnation pressure reading from the Pitot
static tube

[Important: later you will have to convert the head difference to wind velocity using
equation #2 on the second page. The head difference is the difference between water
levels read from tube #11 and tube #12. Because the tubes are inclined 30 degree,
therefore the true difference should be the measured difference divided by 2.]

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 4 of 9

(4) Wind velocity value from hot wire anemometer
(5) Wind velocity value from turbine anemometer
(6) Reading from the software: value of “static pressure” and “velocity”

Step #7. Gradually increase the wind tunnel potential (fan speed) to 25% and wait for 60
seconds to let the wind tunnel operation become stable. Record the data as in the
previous step.

Step #8. Repeat steps #6 and 7 for wind tunnel potential (fan speed) of 30%, 35%, …100%.
With an increment of 5% each step.

Step #9. Gradually stop the wind tunnel by setting its potential (fan speed) to 50% then 20%
then 0%. With a 5-second of interval between each potential setup. This is trying to
protect the wind tunnel from large current input fluctuation.

Step #10. Power off the wind tunnel by switching the blue switch “down” on the back of the

Post-Laboratory Calculations:

1. Based upon the data, which of the three measurement techniques is the most accurate?
Why is this technique the most accurate?

2. Using the velocity data from the most accurate instrument as the abscissa (X-axis),
plot the working section velocity and associated uncertainty for each of the other two
measurement techniques used at each velocity measured. This process will require
calculations to convert water manometer values measured as pressure differences into

3. With respect to anemometer, hot wire is considered the least intrusive of the three
techniques used in this laboratory because it places the smallest obstacle in the
working section. Turbine anemometry is more intrusive, placing the larger obstacle
the working section. Based on fluid theory, would you expect turbine anemometry to
give a higher or lower velocity reading than hot wire anemometer? Explain your
reasoning. Is this conclusion consistent with your experimental results?

4. Compare the results from all three wind meters. Comments on your results.

5. With respect to the water anemometer, is the head difference linear to the velocity?
Plot your results.

Document History:

Prepared by:
Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2012, spring 2014

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 5 of 9

Table for recording Data
Wind Hot Wire turbine Tube #0 Tube #11 Head Calculate reading
Tube #12
Tunnel Anemometer anemometer Static static Difference d Velocity
(mm) Static velocity
Potential (m/s) (m/s) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m/s)
(mm) (m/s)


















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Sample Data Analysis
(Dr. Li March 2014)
Raw Data

Head Software
Wind Hot Wire turbine Tube Tube Tube Calculated
Tunnel Anemometer anemometer #0 #11 #12 Velocity Static velocity
Potential (m/s) (m/s) (mm) (mm) (mm) ∆h (m/s) reading reading
Tube11 − Tube12 (mm) (m/s)
20% 4.60 5.0 82 82 80 1 4.1 1.9 5.8
30% 6.80 7.4 84 84 80 2 5.8 3.6 7.6
40% 9.00 9.7 88 88 80 4 8.2 5.7 9.7
50% 11.30 11.9 92 92 80 6 10.0 8.4 11.6
60% 13.25 13.9 98 98 80 9 12.2 11.2 13.5
70% 15.20 16.0 104 104 80 12 14.1 14.6 15.4
80% 17.25 18.3 112 112 80 16 16.3 18.7 17.5
90% 20.00 21.0 124 124 80 22 19.1 24.7 19.9
100% 22.90 23.5 136 136 80 28 21.6 31.4 22.5

Calculation Details:

(1) Calculate head differences: for example, how is head difference “28” calculated?

28 = [tube #11 –Tube #12]/2 = (136- 80)/2

(2) Convert head difference to velocity: for example, how is velocity “21.6” calculated?

The follow property values are used for calculation

o 3
Air Density (@25 C) 1.18 Kg/m
Gravitational “g” 9.8 m/s
Water Density (Manometer) 1000 Kg/m

2( Ps − P1 ) 2 ρ water * g * ∆h
=v1 =
ρ ρ air

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 7 of 9

Performace Comparison

y = 1.0481x
Water anemometer
25 R2 = 0.9984
Turbine/Water Anemometer


y = 0.9336x
10 R2 = 0.9962

0 5 10 15 20 25
Hot Wire Anemometer Reading

Water Manometer Measurements

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 8 of 9

Comparison of Velocity Measurements
Hot Wire

20 Turbine

Water Manometer
Velocity (m/s)



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Wind Tunnel Potential

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #1: Flow Velocity Measurement Page 9 of 9

3242 MEEN 3242 Lab II #2
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder

The purposes of this laboratory are to 1) measure the pressure distribution around a circular
cylinder at different velocities (and Reynolds Number) 2) calculate the drag coefficient as a
function of Reynolds Number.

By using a tapped cylinder to measure the pressure distribution around it when positioned in
a steady stream of air. By calculating the theoretical pressure distribution around the cylinder
and comparing the result in graph format against the experimentally obtained values.

Equipment Required:
C15-10 Wind Tunnel with IFD7
C15-23 Pressure Cylinder
C15-11 Inclined Manometer Bank

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Fundamental Principles

Drag is the component of force acting on a body that is projected along the direction of
motion. Both shear forces and pressure induce drag on a body in motion. Shear Forces,
known as skin friction drag, are more significant in streamlined objects, while the pressure
drag is more significant in blunt objects. Figure below shows the net drag force acting on a
cylinder, which can be considered as a blunt object.

We are interested in measuring the pressure distribution around the cylinder, more
specifically, the distribution of (local) surface pressure coefficient C p . The (local) pressure
coefficient C p is defined as

Cp =
( p − p∞ ) (Eq-1)
ρU ∞ 2

Where p is the pressure at the cylinder surface, p ∞ is the static pressure of the fluid. ρ is the air
density and U∞ is the incoming flow velocity.

The cylinder (D=30mm) in the experiment is instrumented with 10 equi-spaced tapping points
around half of the circumference that allows the pressure distribution around the cylinder to be
measured. The tapping points can be connected to water nanometer to measure the pressure
differences (p-p ∞ ). The pressure (p-p ∞ ) can be obtained by measuring water level difference in
the manometer and using the hydrostatic equation

p-p ∞ = ρ water gh (Eq-2)

Where h is the water level difference (in Vertical direction!) in the anemometer between the
tapping and the static.
Tube #1
Tube #2
Tube #3
Tube #4
Tube #5
Tube #6
Tube #7
Tube #8
Tube #9
Tube #10

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 2 of 14

The distribution of (local) surface pressure coefficient C p of inviscid fluid can be described by
the equation below:
C p =1-4[sinθ]2 (Eq-3)

Where θ is angle measured from the front of the cylinder. Although this theoretical pressure
distribution is unrealistic in a number of ways, in this experiment you will have an
opportunity to make comparison between the theoretical pressure distribution and
experimental pressure distribution.

Some of the definitions you will use in this experiment are given below. For all the
definitions below, D is the diameter and r is the radius of the cylinder, respectively. L is the
length of the cylinder and, U∞ is the incoming flow velocity.
Definition of Drag
Drag= F= ∫ ( p − p ) L r cos θ dθ


Definition of Coefficient of Drag

2p p
F 1
CD =
2 ∫C p cos θ dθ = ∫ C p cos θ dθ (Eq-5)
ρ LDU ∞ 2 0 0
Definition of (local) Pressure Coefficient

Cp =
( p − p∞ ) (Eq-6)
ρ U∞2
Definition of Reynolds Number
ρ VD
Re D = (Eq-7)

Experimental Procedures:

step #1. The wind tunnel should have been set up and ready to use. The pressure cylinder has
been installed in the working area of the wind tunnel at an angle of 0° to the
horizontal. Tapings on the cylinder have been connected to the water manometer
through the quick-release 10-way connection. Some of the property values you may
need for calculation are list below
Diameter of Cylinder D 30 mm
Length of Cylinder L 150 mm
o 3
Air Density (@25 C) 1.18 Kg/m
o -5
air viscosity (@25 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms
Water Density (Manometer) 1000 Kg/m

step #2. Power on the wind tunnel by switching “up” the blue switch on the back of the

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 3 of 14

step #3. Log into your UNT student account from the computer and you will see the
following screen. Double click on the icon “C15-11-306 Wind Tunnel” to start the

step #4. When software starts, you will see the window below. Choose “Excise D: Flow
Characteristics Around a Cylinder”, click on “load”

The following window will show up if you click on the icon . Change the “Ambient
temperature” (top textbox on the left) value from manufacturer’s default setting18 oC to UNT
lab temperature 25 oC. Now start the wind tunnel by setting up parameters in the 2nd textbox
from the top (the one has a green LED) on the left: Increase fan speed from “0” to “20” (“20”
is not the wind speed. It actually means 20% the maximum potential of the fan); Click on
“Fan on”, value will change from “0” to “1” automatically. Now the wind tunnel fan should
start to rotate.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 4 of 14

step #5. Wait for 60 seconds to let the wind tunnel operation become stable, then record the
following data: (You can use the table provided in the appendix to record the data)

(1) Water level in tube #0 (Labeled as “static” on the panel of the manometer): this
is the static pressure of the air flow. It is measured through the opening on the side of
the wind tunnel working section
(2) Water levels in tube #1 to tube #10: this is the total pressure at different angles
measured from the tapped surface of the cylinder.
[Important: later you will have to convert head difference to pressure difference.
Because the tubes are included 30 degree, therefore the true pressure difference
should be the measured value divided by 2.]
(3) From the software: flow/air “velocity”: you need the air velocity to calculate
the drag coefficient and the Reynolds number.

step #6. Gradually increase the wind tunnel potential (fan speed) to 30% and wait for another
60 seconds to let the wind tunnel operation become stable. Record the data as in the
previous step.

step #7. Repeat steps #5 and #6 for wind tunnel potential (fan speed) of 40% to100%, with an
increment of 10% each step.

step #8. Gradually stop the wind tunnel by setting its potential (fan speed) to 50% then 20%
then 0%. With a 5-second of interval between each potential setup. This is trying to
protect the wind tunnel from damage due to large input current fluctuation.

step #9. Power off the wind tunnel by switching the blue switch “down” on the back of the

Post-Laboratory Calculations:
1. For each fan speed setting, calculate the head difference (dynamic) pressure
difference; plot a graph of head difference (dynamic pressure, in the unit of “mm”)
against Tapping Position ( θ goes from 0 to 20, 40, 60…180). Comments on your

2. Convert Head Difference to Pressure Coefficient Cp. plot a graph of dimensionless

pressure coefficients, both experimental measurements and the theoretical values (eq-3),
against Tapping Position ( θ goes from 0 to 20, 40, 60…180). Comments on your

3. Calculate the Reynolds number for each fan speed setting

4. Calculate the Coefficient of Drag C D for each fan speed setting: Pressure Coefficients Cp
are local values, in order to get the total pressure on the surface, i.e., the total drag force
and drag coefficient, a surface integral of vector function (pressures are vectors!) is
needed. Simple analysis will lead to (Eq-5) for calculating Coefficient of Drag C D . You
can actually use (Eq-5) directly to calculate the Coefficient of Drag C D . You may need to
employ numerical method for the integration. Try Simpson 3/8th formula.

5. Plot C D against Reynolds number. Compare your results to previously published data

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 5 of 14

and comments on your findings.
6. Plot Drag forces against Reynolds number. From (Eq-5):

2p p
F 1
CD =
2 ∫ C p cos θ dθ = ∫ C p cos θ dθ (Eq-5)
ρ LDU ∞ 2 0 0
Then the drag force could be calculated by:

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2014

Table for Data Recording

Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
Software Velocity #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
(m/s) Static (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Potential o o o o o o o o o o
(mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Tube #1

Tube #2

Tube #3

Tube #4
Tube #5

Tube #6

Tube #7

Tube #8
Tube #9

Tube #10

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Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li March 2014)

Raw Data

Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
Wind Software
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
Tunnel Velocity
Static (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Potential (m/s) o o o o o o o o o o
(mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
20% 6.00 82 80 82 84 86 86 86 86 86 86 86
40% 10.90 88 80 84 94 106 108 106 108 108 108 108
60% 15.10 100 78 86 114 140 140 138 140 140 140 140
80% 20.10 116 76 92 144 188 184 182 184 186 188 188
100% 25.90 144 72 104 186 260 256 252 256 260 264 264
(Note: numbers in the table above are the original heights of the water level in the water
manometer; true water level/heights for pressure calculation need to be divided by 2 since the
manometer is inclined 30 degree)

Data Analysis #1: Head Difference vs. Tapping Position

Head difference (Dynamic pressure)

(already divided by 2)
for example, head difference for 0o =[tube #1-tube #0]/2
Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
Wind Software #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
Tunnel Velocity (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Potential (m/s) o o o o o o o o o o
(mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
20% 6.00 82 -1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
40% 10.90 88 -4 -2 3 9 10 9 10 10 10 10
60% 15.10 100 -11 -7 7 20 20 19 20 20 20 20
80% 20.10 116 -20 -12 14 36 34 33 34 35 36 36
100% 25.90 144 -36 -20 21 58 56 54 56 58 60 60

Example: how is the number 58 calculated?

58 = (260-144)/2; check the “raw data” table for “260” and “144”

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Head difference vs. tapping position

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 8 of 14

Data Analysis #2: Convert Head Difference to Pressure Coefficient C p

Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
Wind Tube #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
Tunnel Static (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Potential (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
20% 6 82 -1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
local C p 0.46 0.00 -0.46 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92
C p *cos(θ) 0.46 0.00 -0.35 -0.46 -0.16 0.16 0.46 0.71 0.87 0.92
40% 10.9 88 -4 -2 3 9 10 9 10 10 10 10
local C p 0.56 0.28 -0.42 -1.26 -1.40 -1.26 -1.40 -1.40 -1.40 -1.40
C p *cos(θ) 0.56 0.26 -0.32 -0.63 -0.24 0.22 0.70 1.07 1.31 1.40
60% 15.1 100 -11 -7 7 20 20 19 20 20 20 20
local C p 0.80 0.51 -0.51 -1.46 -1.46 -1.38 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46
C p *cos(θ) 0.80 0.48 -0.39 -0.73 -0.25 0.24 0.73 1.12 1.37 1.46
80% 20.1 116 -20 -12 14 36 34 33 34 35 36 36
local C p 0.82 0.49 -0.58 -1.48 -1.40 -1.36 -1.40 -1.44 -1.48 -1.48
C p *cos(θ) 0.82 0.46 -0.44 -0.74 -0.24 0.24 0.70 1.10 1.39 1.48
100% 25.9 144 -36 -20 21 58 56 54 56 58 60 60
local C p 0.89 0.50 -0.52 -1.44 -1.39 -1.34 -1.39 -1.44 -1.49 -1.49
C p *cos(θ) 0.89 0.47 -0.40 -0.72 -0.24 0.23 0.69 1.10 1.40 1.49
Theory=inviscid=1-4[sin(theta)]^2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
local C p 1.00 0.53 -0.65 -2.00 -2.88 -2.88 -2.00 -0.65 0.53 1.00
C p *cos(θ) 1.00 0.50 -0.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 -0.50 -1.00

Details: local C p values are calculated using (eq-1) and (eq-2)

For example: for 40% wind tunnel potential, tube #1, the local Cp is calculated as 0.56. This
is how the value 0.56 is calculated:

Step #1: Notice the head difference is -4 mm of water level in this case; and velocity is 10.9
m/s (check the row on top of 0.56 for numbers -4 and 10.9)
Step #2: We need to however use +4mm for calculation: negative 4 in the head calculation
means the pressure force is “leaving” the cylinder surface, in other words, “pressure” at this
point (0 o) is in the positive direction of the normal vector of the surface. It is actually a “pull”,
pulling the cylinder move forward. We consider the force in the cylinder moving direction to
be positive (pull) and force in the opposite direction of cylinder movement to be negative
(drag), so later we multiply cos(θ) to calculate the coefficient Cd directly.
Step #3: from (Eq-2): p-p ∞ = ρ water gh = 1000kg/m3 *9.8 m/s2 * (4/1000) m = 39.2 (N/m2)
Step #4: from (Eq-1):
( p − p∞ ) = ( 39.2 )
Cp = = 0.559
= 0.56
1 1
ρU ∞ 2 2
(1.18) (10.9)
2 2
Diameter of Cylinder D 30 mm
Length of Cylinder L 150 mm
Air Density (@23 C) ρ
o 3
1.18 Kg/m
o -5
air viscosity (@23 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms
Water Density (Manometer) ρ
1000 Kg/m

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 9 of 14

Pressure coefficient C p vs. Tapping position

1.00 Pressure Coefficient (Cp) over Cylinder


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180



-1.50 Theoretical

-2.00 40%


-2.50 80%


Angle (degree)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 10 of 14

Data Analysis #3: Calculate Coefficient of Drag C D
From Eq-5, we need to calculate C p first, then multiply C p by cos(θ), then do the line
integral using Simpson’s 3/8th formula.
2p p
F 1
CD =
2 ∫C p cos θ dθ = ∫ C p cos θ dθ (Eq-5)
ρ LDU ∞ 2 0 0
Check previous section “Data analysis #2”. We already calculated C p , now multiply
C p by cos(θ)

Simpson 3/8th formula for integration of Cd=Drag Coefficient

C p *cos(θ) 0.46 0.00 -0.35 -0.46 -0.16 0.16 0.46 0.71 0.87 0.92 Cd
Coef. Of
Simpson 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 Σ 3/8h
3/8th method

0.46 0.00 -1.06 -0.92 -0.48 0.48 0.92 2.12 2.60 0.92 5.05 0.13 0.66
C p *cos(θ) 0.56 0.26 -0.32 -0.63 -0.24 0.22 0.70 1.07 1.31 1.40

Coef. Of
Simpson 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 Σ 3/8h I
3/8th method

0.56 0.79 -0.96 -1.26 -0.73 0.66 1.40 3.21 3.94 1.40 9.00 0.13 1.18
C p *cos(θ) 0.80 0.48 -0.39 -0.73 -0.25 0.24 0.73 1.12 1.37 1.46

Coef. Of
Simpson 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 Σ 3/8h I
3/8th method

0.80 1.44 -1.17 -1.46 -0.76 0.72 1.46 3.35 4.11 1.46 9.94 0.13 1.30
C p *cos(θ) 0.82 0.46 -0.44 -0.74 -0.24 0.24 0.70 1.10 1.39 1.48

Coef. Of
Simpson 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 Σ 3/8h I
3/8th method

0.82 1.39 -1.32 -1.48 -0.73 0.71 1.40 3.31 4.17 1.48 9.75 0.13 1.28
C p *cos(θ) 0.89 0.47 -0.40 -0.72 -0.24 0.23 0.69 1.10 1.40 1.49

Coef. Of
100% Simpson 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 Σ 3/8h I
3/8th method

0.89 1.40 -1.20 -1.44 -0.72 0.70 1.39 3.30 4.19 1.49 9.99 0.13 1.31

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 11 of 14


How is C d =0.66 for 20% wind tunnel potential calculated?

We have the local C p (check the previous step for calculating Cp)

local C p 0.46 0.00 -0.46 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92

Then incorporate the position information for each C p value: multiply by cos θ ;
this is actually resolve the force/pressure into horizontal and vertical directions and
only use the horizontal component, because we are interested in drag only, which is
horizontal (if we are interested in the “lift” force we will then have to consider the
vertical component).

Tube Tube #3 Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
Wind Tube #0 #1 #2 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
Tunnel Static (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Potential (mm)
o o o o o o o o o o
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
20% 6 82 -1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
local C p 0.46 0.00 -0.46 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92 -0.92
C p *cos(θ) 0.46 0.00 -0.35 -0.46 -0.16 0.16 0.46 0.71 0.87 0.92

C p *cos( θ ) = -0.46 * cos(40) = -0.35

Note: MS Excel only accepts “radian” as input for angle for trigonometric functions
like sin and cos. Therefore if you want to calculate cos(40o), 40 is the angle in
“degree” not “radian”, you have to convert degree to radian: cos(40/180*3.1415926).

Now you have C p *cos( θ ). You need to integrate this function from 0 to π

C p *cos(θ) 0.46 0.00 -0.35 -0.46 -0.16 0.16 0.46 0.71 0.87 0.92

Apply Simpson’s 3/8 formula:

CD = ∫ C p cos θ dθ

= (h) [1*0.46+3*0.00+3*(-0.35)+2*(-0.46)+3*(-0.16)+3*(0.16)+2*(0.46)+3*(0.71)+3*(0.87)+1*0.92]
= 0.13*(5.05) = 0.66
h= in the above equation: This is because we have 10 equi-spaced tapping points
around half of the circumference. Therefore, total angle (= π ) is divided in to 9
subsections, then h =

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 12 of 14

(Experimental Data)

(Reference Data)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 13 of 14

Diameter of Cylinder D 30 mm
Length of Cylinder L 150 mm
Air Density (@25 C) ρ
o 3
1.18 Kg/m
o -5
air viscosity (@25 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms
Water Density (Manometer) ρ
1000 Kg/m

Drag force could be calculated from:

F (N)
U (m/s) Re CD

6.00 11,182 0.66 0.06

10.90 20,314 1.18 0.37
15.10 28,141 1.30 0.79
20.10 37,459 1.28 1.37
25.90 48,268 1.31 2.33

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #2: Flow around a Circular Cylinder Page 14 of 14

MEEN 3242 Lab II
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of a Golf Ball

Objectives and Methods:

The purpose of this laboratory is to help students understand the drag force of the object
with cross air flow. Students will measure the drag forces of a smooth golf ball and a
dimpled golf ball with different wind speed (therefore, different Reynolds numbers). By
comparing the experimental results students will be able to quantify how the surface
dimples reduce the drag force.

Related Text Book Sections:

Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th Edition, J. P. Holman, McGraw Hill, 2008
Pressure Measurement: Sections 6.1, 6.3, and 6.6
Flow Measurement: Sections 7.1, 7.6, 7.7, 7.14 and 7.15
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math,
2006 : Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies

Equipment Required:
C15-10 Wind Tunnel with IFD7
C15-13 Lift and Drag Balance
C15-22 Drag Models (smooth ball and dimpled ball)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 1 of 9
Fundamental Principles
It is known that any surface in contact with a flowing fluid is subject to a force exerted by
the fluid. This force is commonly called a drag force. An expression relating to the drag
force on a sphere immersed in a flowing fluid is easily derived by using dimensional
Consideration of the physical factors which influence the drag force leads to the listing of
the following as principal variables:
FD the drag force on the sphere
D the diameter of the sphere
u∞ the free stream velocity of the fluid
ρ the density of the fluid
μ the viscosity of the fluid
Therefore, the following may be written:
FD = f ( D, u∞ , ρ , µ ), (1)
or, supplying some constants,
FD = CD a u∞b ρ c µ d . (2)
Using the mass-length-time systems of units and substituting the proper dimensions,
b c d
ML  L M   M 
= La    3    . (3)
 T   L   LT 
Since the dimensions must be the same on both sides of the equation, the exponents must
be the same for each unit. Thus,
For M: 1= c+ d
For L: 1 = a + b − 3c − d
For T: − 2 = −b − d .
Solving these equations in terms of d,
a = 2 − d; b = 2 − d; c = 1− d.
FD = CD 2− d u∞2− d ρ 1− d µ d . (4)
Now, grouping variables according to exponents,
 u Dρ 
FD = CD u ρ  ∞
2 2
∞  , (5)
 µ 
u∞ D ρ
where Re = is a dimensionless group called the Reynolds number. Regrouping,
this equation can be rewritten in the general form

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 2 of 9
= f ( Re ) (6)
ρ D 2u∞2
that effectively reduces the number of variables to two dimensionless groups, which are,
in turn, functions of density, viscosity, diameter, and velocity. By varying any one or
more of these parameters, a correlation between the two groups can be formed.
An expression for the drag force on a body is usually given in the form
FD = CD Aρ u∞2 (7)
C D is a dimensionless drag coefficient, changes with Reynolds numbers
A is the frontal area of the body exposed to the flow (πD2/4 for a sphere),
This expression can be related to equation 6 by solving for the drag coefficient:
2 FD 8  FD 
CD =  =  f1 ( Re ) (8)
Aρ u∞ π  D 2 ρ u∞2 

Therefore, the drag coefficient itself is a function of the Reynolds number.

Experimental Procedures:
step #1. The wind tunnel should have been set up and ready to use. A smooth golf ball
with “Lift and Drag Balance” should have been installed in the working area of
the wind tunnel.

step #2. Power on the wind tunnel by switching “up” the blue switch on the back of the

step #3. Log into your UNT student account from the computer (or just use TA’s student
account). Double click on the icon “C15-11-306 Wind Tunnel” to start the

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 3 of 9
step #4. When software starts, window below will pop up. Choose “Excise E: Drag
Forces on Bluff and Streamlined Bodies”, click on “load”

step #5. Click on icon . Change the “Ambient temperature” (top textbox on the
left) value from manufacturer’s default setting18 oC to UNT lab temperature
25 oC. Increase fan speed from “0” to “20” (“20” is not the wind speed. It
actually means 20% the maximum potential of the fan); Click on “Fan on”, value
will change from “0” to “1” automatically. The wind tunnel fan should start to

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 4 of 9
step #6. Wait for 60 seconds to let the wind tunnel operation becomes stable, then record
the wind velocity (m/s) and the drag force (N)—this will be the first data point in
the first data set for smooth ball. Table below can be used for data recording.

Drag Force (N)

Tunnel Smooth Ball Dimpled Golf Ball
st nd st nd
1 Data set 2 Data set 1 Data set 2 Data set










step #7. Gradually increase the wind tunnel potential (fan speed) to 30% and wait for
another 60 seconds to let the wind tunnel operation becomes stable. Then record
the wind velocity (m/s) and the drag force (N).

step #8. Repeat steps #6 and #7 for wind tunnel potential (fan speed) of 40% to100%,
with an increment of 10% each step.

step #9. Gradually stop the wind tunnel by setting its potential (fan speed) to 50% then
20% then 0%. With a 5-second of interval between each potential value. This is
trying to protect the wind tunnel from damage due to large input current

step #10. When wind tunnel stops and wind velocity becomes zero, slowly tighten then
loosen the screw (see the picture below) on the lift and drag balance. This is
trying to zero (Tare) the balance and prepare for a new measurement. Start wind
tunnel again with 20% potential and repeat step #6 to step #9. This is the second
data set of drag forces for smooth ball. The averages of these two data sets will
be used later for analysis.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 5 of 9
step #11. Remove the smooth ball from the wind tunnel; carefully mount the dimpled golf
ball to the lift and drag balance and attach them back to the wind tunnel working
section. Repeat steps #5 to #10. Collect two data sets of drag forces for dimpled
golf ball and use the averages for post-lab calculations.

step #12. Gradually turn off the wind tunnel by changing the potential values to 50%,
20% then 0%. With a 5-second interval between each potential value. This is
trying to protect the wind tunnel from damage due to large current fluctuation.

Post-Laboratory Calculations:

1. Plot “Drag forces (y-axis) vs. wind velocity (x-axis)”

2. Calculate the Reynolds number for each measurement using the data in the
table below

Diameter of Golf Ball

43 mm
(both smooth & Dimpled) D
o 3
Air Density (@25 C) 1.18 Kg/m
o -5
air viscosity (@25 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms

3. Calculate the drag coefficient for each measurement

4. Plot “Drag coefficient (y-axis) vs. Reynolds number (x-axis)”. Comment on
your findings
Document History:

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 6 of 9
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2013; Last updated 09/23/2014
Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li April 2014)

Raw Data

Wind Drag Force (N)

Tunnel Smooth Ball Dimpled Golf Ball
Potential (m/s) 1st Data Set 2nd Data Set 1st Data Set 2nd Data Set
20% 7.4 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.10
30% 10.5 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.10
40% 13.3 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.10
50% 16.2 0.14 0.13 0.08 0.13
60% 19.0 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.16
70% 22.1 0.26 0.26 0.14 0.18
80% 25.5 0.36 0.36 0.15 0.20
90% 29.4 0.48 0.48 0.20 0.26
100% 32.6 0.60 0.60 0.26 0.32

Reynolds Number vs. Drag Coefficient

Drag Force (N)—Average

Velocity & Coefficient of Drag C D
Cd= Cd=
ρu D F F
Potential = ∞ F F
u∞ µ (N) 1 (N) 1
Smooth ρ Au∞2 Dimpled ρ Au∞2
2 2
Smooth Dimpled
20% 7.4 19,255 0.07 1.39 0.08 1.71
30% 10.5 27,322 0.07 0.74 0.08 0.85
40% 13.3 34,607 0.08 0.49 0.09 0.56
50% 16.2 42,153 0.14 0.60 0.11 0.47
60% 19.0 49,439 0.19 0.61 0.15 0.47
70% 22.1 57,505 0.26 0.62 0.16 0.38
80% 25.5 66,352 0.36 0.65 0.18 0.31
90% 29.4 76,500 0.48 0.65 0.23 0.31
100% 32.6 84,827 0.60 0.66 0.29 0.32

Diameter of Golf Ball

43 mm
(both smooth & Dimpled) D
o 3
Air Density (@25 C) 1.18 Kg/m

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 7 of 9
o -5
air viscosity (@25 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 8 of 9
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #3: Drag Force of Dimpled Golf Ball Page 9 of 9
3242 MEEN 3242 Lab II #4
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer

Objectives and
The purpose of this laboratory is to measure the depth of the velocity boundary layer at
multiple locations on smooth and rough plate and compare the experimental results with
the theoretical predictions.

Students will use a flattened Pitot tube mounted on a micrometer to measure the change
in velocity associated with the boundary layer in contact with a flat plate.

Related Text Book Sections:

Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math,
2006: Chapter 7 - Flow Past Immersed Bodies

Equipment Required:
C15-10 Wind Tunnel with IFD7
C15-25 Boundary Layer Plates with Pitot Tube (Total Head Tube)
C15-11 Inclined Manometer Bank

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 1 of 14

Fundamental Principles
The development of friction drag implies that there is a force exerted by the fluid on the
body. In exerting this force, the fluid itself is slowed. The slower fluid particles at the
body surface then exert a drag force on the faster fluid particles further away from the
body. Although in theory the boundary layer is infinite, in practice the significance of the
slowing of fluid particles (the effect of viscosity) reduces with distance from the body.
The region close to the body where viscous effects are significant is termed the boundary
layer. It is usually assumed to be the region in which the flow velocity is less than 99% of
the free stream velocity.

Flow within the boundary layer may be laminar or turbulent, and may change from
laminar to turbulent as it passes around the body. A change from one type to the other is
known as boundary layer transition.
U� laminar to eδge of bounδary layer
free stream turbulent
y transition

x laminar

One of the most important fluid flow parameters is the local Reynolds number defined as

ρ U ∞ x U ∞x
Re x = =
µ υ (Eq-1)

ρ = fluid density µ = fluid dynamic viscosity
ν = fluid kinematic viscosity U∞ = characteristic flow velocity
x = characteristic flow dimension

Transition from laminar to turbulent flow typically occurs at the local transition Reynolds
number, which for flat plate flows can be in the range of

500, 000 ≤ Re cr ≤3,000, 00

With Xcr = the value of x where transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs, the
typical value used for steady, incompressible flow over a flat plate is

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 2 of 14

r U∞ xcr
Re cr = = 500, 000 (Eq-2)
Thus for flat plate flows for which:
x < x cr the flow is laminar
x ≥ x cr the flow is turbulent

Laminar Boundary Layer

In a laminar boundary layer the flow is smooth, and its behaviour may be thought of as a
series of layers sliding over one another. Skin friction tends to be low and the thickness
of the boundary layer tends to be small. Local boundary layer thickness can be calculated
by the formula below:
5x (Eq-3)
δ (V.B.L) ≈
Re x
Turbulent Boundary Layer
In a turbulent boundary layer the fluid moves in small eddies of varying size and strength.
Skin friction is higher than in a laminar boundary layer, and the boundary layer tends to
be thicker. A rough plate surface tends to encourage early development of a turbulent
boundary layer. Local boundary layer thickness for turbulent flow can be calculated by
the formula below:
0.37 x
δ (V.B.L) ≈ or (Eq-4)
5 Re

Velocity Profiles
By using a Pitot tube to find the velocity head of the air flow in a series of points
approaching the surface of the plate, it is possible to determine the flow rates and thus to
generate a velocity profile of the air passing the plate. This velocity profile varies
according to whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. The velocity gradient at the surface
is higher for turbulent flow, as can be seen if the gradients for a similar plate under the
two conditions are plotted on the same graph.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 3 of 14

Experimental Procedures:
step #1. The wind tunnel should have been set up and ready to use. Check the following

♦ A smooth plate with flat Pitot tube is mounted in the working area
♦ The flat Pitot tube is connected to socket12 of the water manometer.
♦ A static tube (on the side of the wind tunnel) is connected to socket 0
(labeled “static”) of the water manometer.

step #2. Power on the wind tunnel by switching “up” the blue switch on the back of the

step #3. Double click on the icon “C15-11-306 Wind Tunnel” to start the software.

step #4. When software starts, window below will pop up. Choose “Excise H: Boundary
Layer Development”, click on “load”

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 4 of 14

step #5. Loosen the screw on the bottom of the smooth flat plate, gently slide the plate
backward (in the direction of air flow) and line the flat Pitot tube to “50 mm”
mark on the flat plate. Lock the smooth plate by tightening the screws.

step #6. Adjust the Pitot tube so that it is just touching the plate: wind the screw until
the ratchet mechanism clicks, then stop.

step #7. Click on .Change the “Ambient temperature value from manufacturer’s
default setting18 oC to UNT lab temperature 25 oC. Gradually increase the fan
speed to 100% by using the up arrows. Wait for 60 seconds to let the wind tunnel
operation becomes stable

step #8. Record the following data (you can use Table 1 below):
♦ wind velocity (m/s)
♦ reading in tube 0 of manometer (‘static’) (mm)
♦ Tube 11 (mm) of manometer
♦ reading in tube 12 of manometer (‘dynamic) (mm)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 5 of 14

Table 1 Data for Smooth plate
Smooth plate (50 mm from leading edge) Smooth plate (100 mm from leading edge)
WT 100% Velocity (m/s) WT 100% Velocity (m/s)
Tube 11 (mm) Tube 11 (mm)
Tube 0 (static) (mm) Tube 0 (static) (mm)
Distance (mm) Tube 12 (mm) Distance (mm) Tube 12 (mm)
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.3
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.6 0.6
0.7 0.7
0.8 0.8
0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0
1.1 1.1
1.2 1.2
1.3 1.3
1.4 1.4

step #9. Move the Pitot tube 0.1mm away from the plate.

NOTE: Turn the Thimble counterclockwise a complete circle (360oC) will make it moves
backward (away from the plate) 0.5 mm.

step #10. Wait for 10 seconds to let the Pitot tube measurement becomes stable and
record the reading in tube 12 of manometer using Table 1.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 6 of 14

step #11. Repeat, moving the Pitot tube in 0.1mm increments, recording reading in tube
12 of manometer each time, until identical readings are obtained indicating that
the edge of the boundary layer has been reached.

step #12. Unlock the smooth plate by loosening screws on the bottom of the smooth plate,
and slide the plate towards the tunnel inlet until the Pitot tube is approximately
lined to “100 mm” mark on the plate. Secure the plate in position by tightening
the screws.

step #13. Position the Pitot tube so it is just touching the plate. Take a second set of
readings, moving the Pitot tube in 0.1mm increments as before. You can use
Table 1 to record the data.

step #14. Stop the fan gradually. Remove the plastic floor with smooth plate and replace
the smooth plate with the rough plate. Mount the floor with rough plate back to
the working section.

step #15. Repeat the procedures as before, set fan speed to 100%, take the first set of
measurement for x=50 mm and the second measurement for x=100mm (x is the
distance from leading edge to Pitot tube location). Note that Pitot Tube can be
moved in increments of 0.2mm to save time, because the boundary layer is much
thicker. You can use Table 2 below to record the data.
Table 2 Data for rough plate
rough plate (50 mm from leading edge) rough plate (100 mm from leading edge)
WT 100% Velocity (m/s) WT 100% Velocity (m/s)
Tube 11 (mm) Tube 11 (mm)
Tube 0 (static) (mm) Tube 0 (static) (mm)
Distance (mm) Tube 12 (mm) Distance (mm) Tube 12 (mm)
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6
0.8 0.8
1.0 1.0
1.2 1.2
1.4 1.4
1.6 1.6
1.8 1.8
2.0 2.0
2.2 2.2
2.4 2.4
2.6 2.6
2.8 2.8
3.0 3.0

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 7 of 14

step #16. Gradually turn off the wind tunnel by changing the potential values to 50%,
20% then 0%. With a 5-second interval between each potential value. This is
trying to protect the wind tunnel from damage due to large current fluctuation.

Post-Laboratory Calculations:

1. Calculate the Reynolds number at different locations (x-values = 50 and 100

mm) using the property data in the table below.
Is the air flow laminar or turbulent?
Length of the smooth plate L 0 ~150 mm
o 3
Air Density (@25 C) 1.18 Kg/m
o -5
air viscosity (@25 C) µ 1.95*10 kg/ms
Velocity (100% WT potential) V Your data m/s
o 3
water Density (@25 C) 1000 Kg/m
Gravitational g 9.8 m/s

2. Calculate the theoretical boundary layer thickness for smooth plate based on
the theoretical formula (Eq-3). Plot “Theoretical Velocity Boundary Layer
Thickness (y-axis) vs. Distance from Leading Edge (x-axis)”

3. Determine the velocity boundary layer thickness at specific locations (x=50

mm and x=100 mm from leading edge) based on your experiment data.
Compare your experimental results with the theoretical predictions. Calculate
the relative errors.

4. Calculate the flow velocity at different distances from the plate (δ = 0.1 mm,
0.2mm, 0.3 mm…) at specific locations (x=50 mm and x=100 mm from
leading edge) using the formula below:
2( Ps − P1 ) 2 ρ water * g * ∆h
=v1 =
ρ ρ air
Where ∆h is the water level difference between tube 0 and tube 12
(remember you have to divide the differences by 2 since the manometer is
inclined 30o)

You now have the velocity profile at specific locations (x=50 mm and x=100
mm from leading edge) for both smooth plate and rough plate.

5. Plot velocity profile at x=50 mm and x=100 mm from leading edge for both
smooth plate and rough plate

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2013; Last updated 04/09/2014

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 8 of 14

Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li April 2014)

Raw Data

Smooth plate
Smooth plate (50 mm from leading edge) Smooth plate (100 mm from leading edge)
WT 100% Velocity (m/s) 29.6 WT 100% Velocity (m/s) 29.6
Tube 11 (Total) (mm) 80 Tube 11 (Total) (mm) 80
Tube 0 (Static) (mm) 178 Tube 0 (static) (mm) 178
Distance (mm) Tube 12 (total) (mm) Distance (mm) Tube 12 (total) (mm)
0.0 136 0.0 138
0.1 136 0.1 -
0.2 136 0.2 132
0.3 134 0.3 -
0.4 118 0.4 100
0.5 104 0.5 -
0.6 96 0.6 90
0.7 90 0.7 -
0.8 88 0.8 88
0.9 ** 86 ** 0.9 -
1.0 86 1.0 88
1.1 86 1.1 -
1.2 86 1.2 ** 86 **
1.3 86 1.3 86
1.4 86 1.4 86

At x=50mm, V=30 m/s, Theoretical prediction: δ =0.82 mm.

Experimental data: δ =0.90 mm.

At x=100mm, V=30 m/s, Theoretical prediction: δ =1.16 mm.

Experimental data: δ =1.20 mm.

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 9 of 14

Rough plate

rough plate (50 mm from leading edge) rough plate (100 mm from leading edge)
WT 100% Velocity (m/s) 29.6 WT 100% Velocity (m/s) 29.6
Tube 11 (Total) (mm) 80 Tube 11 (Total) (mm) 80
Tube 0 (static) (mm) 178 Tube 0 (static) (mm) 178
Distance (mm) Tube 12 (total) (mm) Distance (mm) Tube 12 (total) (mm)
0.0 136 0.0 140
0.2 136 0.2 140
0.4 132 0.4 136
0.6 124 0.6 128
0.8 116 0.8 124
1.0 108 1.0 118
1.2 104 1.2 114
1.4 98 1.4 108
1.6 94 1.6 104
1.8 92 1.8 100
2.0 90 2.0 96
2.2 ** 88 ** 2.2 94
2.4 88 2.4 92
2.6 88 2.6 ** 90 **
2.8 - 2.8 90
3.0 - 3.0 90

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 10 of 14

Experimental Data

U laminar to edge of boundary layer

free stream turbulent
y transition

x laminar

Boundary Layer Thickness: smooth plate (laminar flow)

Theoretical vs. Experimental

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 11 of 14

Theoretical Analysis-Turbulent
Reynolds # -Rough
BL thickness (mm)-Rough Plate-Turbulent(assumed)
Plate @ location:
WT V=m/s 50 100 150 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
20% 9 27,231 54,462 81,692 0 1.20 1.66 2.09 2.50 2.89 3.27 3.64 4.00 4.35 4.69 5.03 5.36 5.69 6.01
40% 11 33,282 66,564 99,846 0 1.15 1.59 2.01 2.40 2.78 3.14 3.49 3.84 4.18 4.51 4.83 5.15 5.47 5.78
60% 17 51,436 102,872 154,308 0 1.06 1.46 1.84 2.20 2.54 2.88 3.20 3.52 3.83 4.13 4.43 4.72 5.01 5.30
80% 24 72,615 145,231 217,846 0 0.99 1.36 1.72 2.05 2.37 2.69 2.99 3.28 3.57 3.86 4.13 4.41 4.68 4.94
100% 30 90,769 181,538 272,308 0 0.94 1.30 1.64 1.96 2.27 2.57 2.86 3.14 3.42 3.69 3.95 4.22 4.47 4.73

Experimental Data

U laminar to edge of boundary layer

free stream turbulent
y transition

x laminar

Boundary Layer Thickness: rough plate (turbulent flow-assumed),

Theoretical vs. Experimental

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 12 of 14

1.4 Velocity Profile @ x=50 mm smooth plate
Distance From Plate (mm) 1.2 27.64
1.0 27.64
0.8 27.34
0.6 26.10
0.4 22.32
0.2 18.68
0.0 18.68
15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00
Velocity (m/s)

Velocity Profile @ x= 100 mm smooth plate
Distance From Plate (mm)

15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00
Velocity (m/s)
Smooth plate (50 mm from leading edge)
WT 100% Velocity (m/s) 29.6 Example
Tube 11 (Total) (mm) 80
How is the velocity at x= 50mm & y=0.4 mm
Tube 0 (static) (mm) 178
Distance (mm) Tube 12 (mm)
0.0 136 In the diagram above (the red one), this velocity is
0.1 136 given as 22.32 m/s. the velocity is calculated as:
0.2 136
0.3 134 2( Ps − P1 ) 2 ρ water * g * ∆h
=v1 =
0.4 118 ρ ρ air
0.5 104
0.6 96 ∆h=[h (tube-0)- h (tube-12)]/2 = [178-118]/2=30 mm
0.7 90
0.8 88 Therefore,
V= sqrt(2*1000*30E(-3)*9.8/1.18)
0.9 ** 86 **
= sqrt(498.305)
1.0 86 = 22.32 m/s
1.1 86
1.2 86
1.3 86
1.4 86

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 13 of 14

Velocity Profile @ x=50 mm rough plate
Distance From Plate (mm) 27.34
2.0 27.03
1.0 24.11
0.0 18.68
15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00
Velocity (m/s)

3.5 Velocity Profile @ x=100 mm rough plate

Distance From Plate (mm)

3.0 27.03
2.5 26.73
2.0 26.10
1.5 24.11
1.0 22.32
0.5 18.68
0.0 17.76
15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00
Velocity (m/s)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory #4: Velocity Boundary Layer Page 14 of 14

MEEN3242: Lab II
3242 Thermal Conductivity Measurement


1. To understand the use of the Fourier’s law in determining heat rate through solids
2. To determine the thermal conductivity of two materials, k for brass and stainless
3. To demonstrate the effect of cross sectional area on the heat rate.

Related Text Book Sections:

Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition , Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine,
Chapter 2: Introduction to Conduction

Theory and background

Conduction (heat transfer by diffusion) is the transport of energy from the more energetic
to the less energetic particles of a substance due to a temperature gradient, and the
physical mechanism is that of random atomic and molecular activity. For one-
dimensional, steady-state heat conduction in a plane wall with no heat generation,
temperature is a function of the x coordinate only and heat is transferred exclusively in
this direction. Thus, the temperature distribution for the heat conduction through plane
wall must be linear as shown below.

qx = − kA
Ts ,1 − Ts ,2
= kA

Heat transfer through a plane wall

The heat transfer rate (q x ) by conduction through a plane wall is directly proportional to
the cross sectional area (A) and the temperature difference (∆T), whereas it is inversely
proportional to the wall thickness (∆x).

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 1 of 8

qx = − kA

at steady state, heat transfer rate (q x ) can be controlled by electrical heater:

qx = V * I Unit = watts

cross sectional area (A)can be calculated for the sample diameter (fro round samples),
and wall thickness (∆x) can also be easily measured. Temperature difference (∆T) can be
measured by thermocouples. Therefore, the unknown material thermal conductivity can
be calculated as:

qx ∆x (VI )∆x
=k =

Equipment, specimen and Setup

An Armfield experiment apparatus HT11 and a measurement service unit HT10XC are
used for this experiment. As shown in the picture below.


In this experiment, thermal conductivity values of two materials will be measured: brass
and stainless steel. We will also explore the effect of cross sectional area on the
measurement of conductivity. Therefore, total three specimens will be tested: (#1) 25
mm diameter brass specimen; (#2) 13 mm diameter brass specimen; (#3) 25 mm diameter
stainless steel specimen;

D=25mm brass D=13mm brass D=25 mm stainless steel

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 2 of 8

The Armfield HT11 'Linear Heat Conduction' comprises a heating section and cooling
Section, which can be simply clamped together or clamped with interchangeable
intermediate sections sandwiched between them, as required. Each interchangeable
section contains a different specimen of metal conductor which allows a plane wall of the
same material, a plane wall of different cross section or composite walls with different
materials to be created for evaluation. The temperature difference created by the
application of heat to one end and cooling at the other end results in the flow of heat
linearly through the wall by conduction.

V, I

D=25 mm
∆xint T4

All temperatures are measured using type K thermocouples each fitted with a miniature
plug for direct connection to the front panel of the service unit HT10XC. Eight (T1, T2,
T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) thermocouples in total are installed along the heated,
intermediate and cooled sections when the instrumented intermediate section is installed.

Brass specimen
Material: Brass, 25 mm diameter × 30 mm long (or thickness). Thermocouples T4, T5 at
15 mm spacing centrally spaced along the length
Thermal conductivity: Approximately 121 W/ mK

Brass specimen with reduced diameter

Material: Brass, 13 mm diameter × 30 mm long (or thickness). No thermocouples fitted
(No T4 and T5 thermocouple readings).
Thermal conductivity: Approximately 121 W/ mK

Stainless Steel specimen

Material: Stainless steel, 25 mm diameter × 30 mm long (or thickness).. No
thermocouples fitted. (No T4 and T5 thermocouple readings).
Thermal conductivity: Approximately 25 W/ mK

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 3 of 8

Experimental Procedures:
1. Measure the thermal conductivity of brass by 25mm brass specimen
Step 1: Connect and turn on the power of the circulation water tank, ensure that the
cooling water is flowing
Step 2: Clamp heated and cooled sections together with the instrumented brass (D=25
mm) intermediate specimen in place
Step 3: Connect the power of the apparatus HT11 to the service unit HT10XC at the
rear. If TA already connected them, ignore this step and move to the next step.
Step 4: Connect eight thermocouples of the apparatus to the nine channels (leave #9
channel unconnected) in the front of the unit. Ensure that the labels on the
thermocouple leads (T1 –T8) match the labels on the sockets. If TA already
connected them, ignore this step and move to the next step.
Step 5: Check if all switches at the rear of the unit are up. If TA already switched up
them, ignore this step and move to the next step.
Step 6: Turn OPERATE SELECTOR SWITCH to the manual position, and set the
input voltage to minimum by turning the VOLTAGE CONTROL
potentiometer in counter-clockwise. If TA already prepared this, ignore this
step and move to the next step.
Step 7: Connect HT10XC to power outlet. Turn on the power switch in front of the
Step 8: Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR switch to Voltage position, and then adjust
the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to set heater voltage to the value
listed in the table below. Use the same voltage for the heater for the
following two experiments as well.

If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 5.0 V
Group 2 5.5 V
Group 3 6.0 V
Group 4 6.5 V
Group 5 7.0 V
Group 6 7.5 V
Group 7 8.0 V
Group 8 8.5 V
Group 9 9.0 V
Group 10 9.5 V

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 4 of 8

Step 9: Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T1 position, Read T1
frequently, if the temperature has not changed for at least 90 seconds, a steady
state can be assumed to have been reached. This step will take 20-35 minutes.

Step 10: Record T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8, Voltage (V) and current I (A)

V (V) I (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
Instrumented Brass, D=25 mm, Thickness =30 mm

2. Measure the thermal conductivity of brass by 13 mm brass specimen

Step 1: Remove the instrumented brass. Clamp heated and cooled sections together
with the brass (D=13 mm) of reduced diameter specimen in place.
Step 2: Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T1 position, Read T1
frequently, if the temperature has not changed for at least 90 seconds, a steady
state can be assumed to have been reached. This step will take 20-35 minutes.

Step 3: Record T1, T2, T3, T6, T7 and T8, Voltage (V) and current I (A)

V (V) I (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
x x x
Reduced-Diameter Brass, D=13 mm, Thickness =30 mm

3. Measure the thermal conductivity of stainless steel

Step 1: Remove the brass specimen. Clamp heated and cooled sections together with
the stainless steel (D=25 mm) specimen in place
Step 2: Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T1 position, Read T1
frequently, if the temperature has not changed for at least 90 seconds, a steady
state can be assumed to have been reached. This step will take 20-35 minutes.

Step 3: Record T1, T2, T3, T6, T7 and T8, Voltage (V) and current I (A)

V (V) I (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
x x x
Stainless Steel, D=25 mm, Thickness =30 mm

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 5 of 8

Hot and Cold Face Temperatures

When the non-instrumented specimens (13 mm brass specimen and 25mm stainless steel
specimen) are installed between the heated and cooled sections, the temperature at the
interfaces must be calculated from the temperature measurements taken in the appropriate
section. The thermocouples in each section are located 15 mm apart. T3 and T6 are
located 7.5 mm away from the end surface.



In the case of the heated section the temperature of the end face will be lower than T3 and
can be calculated as follows:
T2 − T3
T hot face = T3 − [ ]
In the case of the cooled section the temperature of the end face will be higher than T6
and can be calculated as follows:
T6 − T7
T +[
T cold face = 6

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 6 of 8

Post-Laboratory Calculations:
1. Sketch temperature distributions for all three specimens in one diagram.

2. Calculate the thermal conductivity value of brass using the data from D=25mm
specimen, and compare this value with the given value. If the values are not
similar, discuss possible reasons.

3. Calculate the thermal conductivity value of brass using the data from D=13mm
specimen, and compare this value with the given value. If the values are not
similar, discuss possible reasons.

4. Discuss the effect of varying cross-sectional area of the specimen on the

temperature gradient.

5. Calculate the thermal conductivity of stainless steel and compare this value with
that given in the manual. If the values are not similar, discuss possible reasons.

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2013
Updated on: 04/08/2013, 1/17/2014, 7/7/2014

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 7 of 8

Sample Data Analysis
(Dr. Li Nov. 2013)
Raw Data

D Thickness
Specimen V (V) I (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
(mm) (mm)
25 30 12 1.17 71.4 68.4 65.0 57.1 54.4 48.4 46.4 44.0
13 30 6 0.59 51.2 50.5 49.7 x x 41.8 41.5 41.4
diameter Brass

Stainless steel 25 30 9 0.88 70.6 69.2 67.5 x x 43.6 42.9 42.1

D k
Specimen q=V*I ∆L (m) A (m^2) ∆T (K) Reference
(mm) (W/mK)
T 4 -T 5 =
Instrumented Brass 25 14.04 0.015 0.000491 158.90 110-128
Reduced-diameter T h -T c =
13 3.54 0.030 0.000133 108.86 110-129
Brass 7.35
T h -T c =
Stainless steel 25 7.92 0.030 0.000491 21.32 15-25

Heat Transfer Laboratory #1: Thermal Conductivity Measurement Page 8 of 8

3242 MEEN3242: Lab II

1. To understand one-dimensional conduction heat transfer.
2. To understand natural convection heat transfer.
3. To investigate the temperature distribution along an extended rod with combined heat
conduction and heat convection in the steady-state conditions.
4. To determine the convection heat transfer coefficients for the extended rod.

Related Text Book Sections:

Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition , Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine,

Chapter 3.6: Heat transfer from extended surface


An Armfield experiment apparatus HT15 and a measurement unit HT10XC are used for this

HT10X HT15

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 1 of 13

In the apparatus HT15, there are eight thermocouple sensors (T1 to T8) installed along the
surface of a brass cylindrical rod with an even distance (0.050 m). They provide a distributed
temperature measurement along the surface of the rod. The ambient air temperature is measured
by a thermocouple T9. A heater is set on one end of the rod where the temperature is T1, and its
heat flux can be changed by adjusting the input voltage.

When the input heat keeps a constant, the conduction heat transfer through the cross-section of
the rod and convection heat transfer around the surface of the rod can be described by using the
law of energy conservation as the following:

where: , (K)

, (1/m2)

, diffusivity, (m2/s)
t = time, (s)
x = distance, (m)
T(x,t) = temperature at the position x and time t, (K)
T a = ambient air temperature, (K)
k = conductivity of the rod, (W/(m K))

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 2 of 13

h = convection heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K))
c = heat capacity of the rod (J/(kg K))
ρ = density of the rod (kg/m3)
A = cross-section area of the rod, (m2)
P = cross-section perimeter of the rod, (m)
D = diameter of the rod, = 0.010 (m)
L = length of the rod, = 0.350 (m)

Remark: the radiation is neglected.

When the heat transfer of the rod reaches a steady-state condition, the above equation can be
simplified as the following:

with b.c. or (T 1 is the temperature at the end of the heater)

or (L is the length of the rod, = 0.350 m)

The solution is:



Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 3 of 13

1. Setup the measurement unit and pre-heat the experimental apparatus
Step 1: Connect the power of the apparatus HT15 to the measurement unit HT10XC at the rear.
If TA already connected them, ignore this step and move to the next step.

Step 2: Connect nine thermocouple temperature measurement sensors of the apparatus to nine
channels in the front of the unit. Ensure that the labels on the thermocouple leads (T1 -
T9) match the labels on the sockets. If TA already connected them, ignore this step and
move to the next step.

Step 3: Check if all switches at the rear of the unit are up. If TA already switched up them,
ignore this step and move to the next step.

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 4 of 13

Step 4: Turn OPERATE SELECTOR SWITCH to the manual position, and set the input voltage
to minimum by turning the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer in counter-clockwise.
If TA had prepared this, ignore this step and move to the next step.

Step 5: connect HT10XC to power outlet. Turn on the power switch in front of the unit.

Step 6: Set the FUNCTION SELECTOR switch to Voltage position, and then adjust the
VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to set heater voltage to 20 Volts.

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 5 of 13

Step 7: Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T1 position, and wail until the
temperature reaches 80 °C. This may take 5-6 minutes.

2. Measure the temperatures along the extended rod at the first steady-state
condition (this is case #1)

Step 1: When T1 reaches 80 °C, tune the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to the voltage
value listed in the table below. The temperatures will drop, and wait until the
temperature becomes stable (“stable” means the temperature value should not change in
at least 90 seconds) (this is the steady-state). [Hint: this step may take about 20-30

If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 9.0 V
Group 2 9.4 V
Group 3 9.8 V
Group 4 10.2 V
Group 5 10.6 V
Group 6 11.0 V
Group 7 11.4 V
Group 8 11.8 V
Group 9 12.2 V
Group 10 12.6 V
Step 2: Record the heater voltage and current by switching the FUNCTION SELECTOR switch.

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 6 of 13

Step 3: Record the eight temperatures along the extended rod (T1 to T8) and ambient air
temperature T9 by switching the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch.

Voltage (V) Current (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9

3. Measure the temperatures along the extended rod at the second steady-state
condition (this is case #2)
Step 1: Increase the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to the voltage value listed in the
table below. The temperatures will rise, and wait until the temperature becomes stable
(“stable” means the temperature value should not change in at least 90 seconds) (this is
the steady-state). [Hint: this may take 20-30 minutes]

If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 14.0 V
Group 2 14.5 V
Group 3 15.0 V
Group 4 15.5 V
Group 5 16.0 V
Group 6 16.5 V
Group 7 17.0 V
Group 8 17.5 V
Group 9 18.0 V
Group 10 18.5 V

Step 2: Record the heater voltage and current by switching the FUNCTION SELECTOR switch.

Step 3: Record the eight temperatures along the extended rod (T1 to T8) and ambient air
temperature T9 by switching the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch.

Voltage (V) Current (A) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9

Step 4: Set the Voltage Control to ZERO and turn off the unit.

Post-Laboratory Calculations:

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 7 of 13

1. Calculate to the input power of the heater for case #1 and case #2;
2. Plot temperature (T) vs. distance (x) for case #1 and case #2 in one diagram so that you can
compare (two curves in one diagram)
3. Use the data set from case #1: find out a convection heat transfer coefficient (h) for each
point x, and plot convection heat transfer coefficient (h) vs. distance (x).
In order to get h, you may have to find out “m” first. Here is how you can find “m” for each
For any given x (the “ xi ” in the formula below) and Ti, m should satisfy:

(1) Total length of rod L (distance from T1 to T8) is 0.35 meter; Distance between each
thermocouple is 0.05 meter.
(2) Diameter of the rod is 10 mm (0.01 meter) and conductivity value for brass
(material of the rod) is 109 w/mk
(3) Therefore: x 1 =0 m, x 2 =0.05 m, x 3 =0.10 m, x 4 =0.15 m , x 5 =0.20 m, x 6 =0.250m,
x 7 =0.30 m, and x 8 =0.35 m
(4) for each x i , plug x i into the above formula, find out an m iteratively using Newton-
Raphson method (use m =7 as the starting value); You will have a total number of 7
m (m 2, … m 8 ); (x 1 =0 will not give any useful information)
(5) For each m i , calculate an h i accordingly
(6) You have a total number of 7 h (h 2, … h 8 )
4. Continue from question 3: calculate the average value of all 7 m i
5. Continue from question 3: calculate the average value of all 7 h i
6. Use the average m value, calculate the theoretical predicted temperature value for each point
for steady state case #2, [assume T 1 and T 9 are accurate in case #2]. Then plot temperature (T)
vs. distance (x) graph for both experimental data (case #2) and theoretical prediction. Interpret
your finding.
7. Calculate fin effectiveness, fin efficiency and equivalent fin thermal resistance using data set
#1 (case #1)

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2013
Last updated: 9/29/2014

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 8 of 13

Sample Data Analysis
(Dr. Li March 2014)
Experimental Raw Data
Case #1:
o o o o o o o o o
Voltage = 9 V T1( C) T2( C) T3( C) T4( C) T5( C) T6( C) T7( C) T8( C) T9( C)
= 0.31 A 50.5 42.6 37.1 33.7 31.3 29.9 29 28.9 24.7

Case #2:
o o o o o o o o o
Voltage = 16 V T1 ( C) T2( C) T3( C) T4( C) T5( C) T6( C) T7( C) T8( C) T9( C)
= 0.55 A 96.3 72.8 57.1 48.1 41.7 37.8 35.4 34.6 24.9

Calculate Heat Transfer Rate

Heat transfer rate for case #1: voltage is 9 V and current is 0.31 A, therefore q=9*0.31=2.79 W
Heat transfer rate for case #2: voltage is 16 V and current is 0.55 A, therefore q=16*0.55=8.8 W

9V Temperature Distribution






0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 9 of 13

Find the Unknown m and h Value

Equation below will be used to find the unknown m and h:

T1 T9
T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
(base) (Environ.)
o 42.6 37.1 33.7 31.3 29.9 29 28.9 24.7
50.5 C o o o o o o o o

1 0.69 0.48 0.35 0.26 0.20 0.17 0.16 --

X i (m) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 --

m -- 7.43 7.51 7.33 7.31 7.23 7.27 7.15 --
h -- 15.05 15.35 14.63 14.58 14.24 14.39 13.92 --

For example, for T2=42.6, m=7.43 and h=15.05. How are these m and h calculated?

First, plug T 2 =42.6; T 1 =50.5; T 9 =24.7; x 2 =0.05 m and L= 0.35 into the formula
e x + e− x
Cosh( x) =
e x − e− x
Sinh( x) =
e x − e− x
tan h( x) =
e x + e− x

Name the function as f(m) with m is the unknown variable:

First derivative with respect to m is:

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 10 of 13

Now apply the Newton-Raphson Method with initial guess of m=7

Newton's Method
f ’(m)= 0.6937*0.35*sinh*(0.35m)-0.3*sinh(0.3m)

n mn f f' m n+1
0 7 -0.0949642 0.18976347 7.50043446
1 7.50043446 0.0167876 0.25976492 7.43580834
2 7.43580834 0.00032641 0.24971676 7.43450123
3 7.43450123 1.3069E-07 0.2495168 7.43450071
4 7.43450071 2.2204E-14 0.24951672 7.43450071
5 7.43450071 0 0.24951672 7.43450071

So the solution is m=7.43, then from h=15.05.

3.14159*D (Meter)
Area (A) 3.14159*D*D/4 (m2)
Thermal 109 (W/mk)
Diameter 0.01 (Meter)

Repeat the entire process for x 3 =0.10 m, x 4 =0.15 m , x 5 =0.20 m, x 6 =0.25 m, x 7 =0.30
m, and x 8 =0.35 m and T 3 (oC)=37.1, T 4 (oC)=33.7, T 5 (oC)=31.3, T 6 (oC)=29.9,
T 7 (oC)=29.0, T 8 (oC)=28.9

The Average m = (7.43+7.51+7.33+7.31+7.23+7.27+7.15)/7 = 7.32 (1/m)

The Average h = (15.05+15.35+14.63+14.58+14.24+14.39+13.92)/7 = 14.59 (w/m2k)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 11 of 13

Comparison of theoretical predictions with experimental data (for case #2):

Use m=7.32, T 1 =96.3 oC and T 9 =24.9 oC and equation to

calculate the theoretical predictions:

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9
Experiment 96 72.8 57.1 48.1 41.7 37.8 35.4 34.6 25

96 74.73 59.91 49.84 43.14 38.92 36.59 35.85 25

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 12 of 13

Fin Performance Analysis:

Fin efficiency:

Fin effectiveness:
qf η qmax hAf (Tb − T∞ ) Af
= = f= ηf = ηf
qw / o qw / o hAC ,b (Tb − T∞ ) AC ,b

= for case #1


Equivalent fin thermal resistance

qb qb qb 1 qf
Rt= = = = εf =
qb hAc ,b (Tb − T∞ ) hAc ,bqb hAc ,b


=15.98 (K/W)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #2: Fin Performance Page 13 of 13

MEEN3242: Lab II
3242 Transient Conduction #7
1. To understand transient heat transfer.
2. To investigate the effect of shape, size and material properties on unsteady heat flow.
3. To determine Biot number (Bi) and convection heat transfer coefficient h for the tested cases
using different shape, size and material specimens.

Related Text Book Sections:

Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine
Chapter 5: Transient Conduction


This experiment is qualitative only and intended to show the transient/time-dependent behavior
of a system where temperature varies with time and position. The unsteady-state condition exits
when a solid shape is immersed in the hot water and continues until the whole of the shape
reaches equilibrium with the temperature of the water.

An Armfield experiment apparatus HT17-G and a service unit HT10XC, and total 7 solid
samples of different size, form, and material of construction are used for this experiment. The
specimen is allowed to stabilize at room temperature then dropped into a bath of hot water. The
temperature changes at the center of the specimen during transient heat transfer are recorded for
later analysis.

(1) Equipment Needed: Your personal

Total 7 test specimens
HT17-G (Only 4 are showing here) smart phone as a
video recorder

(2) Equipment overview

The apparatus is a large insulated water bath with a volume of approximately 30 Liters. At the
bottom of the bath is a 3 kW electric heater controlled by a thermostat so that a constant bath
temperature can be obtained (in this lab, this temperature is about 80 oC). The water temperature
is controlled by a rotary switch located on the front of the bath. The cover assembly for the water
bath is designed to allow for rapid insertion of the test specimen into the bath, while keeping the
flow conditions similar for various of samples. A small pump is located near the side of the water
bath and is used to circulate the water inside the bath. The pump speed is controlled by setting

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 1 of 13

the voltage equal to 12 Volts on the HT-10XC control console. There is no measurement of flow
rate inside the bath. The bath is constructed so that the water flow pattern is as shown in the
figure below. The circulation of the water in the bath ensures that the temperature of the water in
the vicinity of the test specimen is constant and uniform. The temperature of the water in the bath
is indicated by the thermocouple marked T1 (T1 will be used for monitoring water temperature
only; you will NOT use T1 for any calculation or analysis). Two other thermocouples are also
used in the experiments. T2 is used to measure the temperature of the water as it passes over the
test specimen (and this “T2” is the so called fluid temperature “ T∞ ”, which will be used later for
all calculations), and T3 is the temperature embedded in the center of the test specimen.

The HT17-G accessory provides four geometric shapes as shown in the figure above (see
“Equipment Needed” part): rectangular plate/slab, large and small diameter cylinders, and
sphere. The test specimens are fabricated out of Brass (labeled with letter “B”) or Stainless Steel
(labeled with letter “S”). Each of the test specimens is mounted onto a supporting rod, which is
secured into the carrier assembly for testing and has a thermocouple installed to measure the
temperature at the center of the shape. The apparatus and instrumentation console provide the
following data:

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 2 of 13

Information of specimens (total 7) is listed in the table below:

Brass Stainless Steel
sphere sphere
D= 45 mm D= 45 mm
Stainless Steel Brass Brass
cylinder cylinder cylinder
D= 20 mm D= 20 mm D= 30 mm
Stainless Steel slab Brass slab
thickness thickness
2L= 15 mm 2L= 15 mm
K=25 W/mk
Stainless steel
α=0.6x10-5 m2/s
K=121 W/mk
α=3.7x10-5 m2/s

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 3 of 13

2. Theory and background

When a step change is applied, the temperature gradient exists between the surface of the shape at the
water temperature and the center of the shape which is at ambient temperature. Heat flows by conduction
through the shape until the whole of the shape is at the same temperature as the water. According to the
lumped capacitance method (LCM) analysis, the solution for temperature distribution is:

T(t) = temperature of solid at time t., (oC)
T∞ = fluid/ambient temperature, (oC) hL Plate;
Ti = initial temperature at t = 0, (oC) Bi = thickness=2L
t = time, (s) k then Lc=L

hr hD Cylinder
= =
, thermal time constant, (s)
Bi r is the radius
, Biot number 2k 4k then Lc=r/2

, Fourier number hr hD Sphere

c = heat capacity of the material in isobaric condition, (J /(kg K)) = =
Bi r is the radius
ρ = density of the material, (kg/m3) 3k 6k then Lc=r/3
k = conductivity of the material, (W/(m K))
h = convection heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K))

= diffusivity, (m2/(s K))

Lc, characteristic length, (m)
As = surface area, (m2)
V = volume, (m3)
When t = τ,


This is the so called “63.2% method”

The above equation will be used to find the unknown thermal time constant τ for each specimen
Material Properties:
Stainless Steel: k = 25 W/(m K), α = 0.6 x 10-5 m2/s;
Brass: k = 121 W/(m K), α = 3.7 x 10-5 m2/s;

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 4 of 13

3. Experimental Procedures:
(1) Setup the measurement unit and pre-heat the experimental apparatus
(Instructor/TA has completed this part of work for you)
Step #1 Connect the power of the apparatus HT17 to the measurement unit HT10X at
the rear.
Step #2 Connect both bath temperature sensor (T1) to channel T1 and carrier sensor
(T2) to channel 2 in the front of HT-10XC.
Step #3 Check if all switches at the rear of the unit are up (“on” position).
Step #4 Turn OPERATE SELECTOR SWITCH to the manual position, and set the
input voltage to minimum by turning the VOLTAGE CONTROL
potentiometer in counter-clockwise.
Step #5 Turn on the power switches of both HT-17G and HT-10XC units.
Step #6 Turn on the bath circulator pump by setting the FUNCTION SELECTOR
switch to Voltage position, and then adjust the VOLTAGE CONTROL
potentiometer to set voltage to 12 Volts.
Step #7 Rotate the black control knob at the base of the water bath to “4.5” (between 4
and 5) setting. This should heat the water in the bath to approximately 85 °C.
Step #8 Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T1 position, and wait until the
temperature reaches approximately 85 °C (this step may take 4 hours).

(2) Measure and record the temperatures during transient heat transfer

SAFETY ISSUE: Caution!!!

The following steps will interact with hot water of 85 oC, you need to be extremely careful
not to get burnt!
DO NOT touch any metal surface of HT-17G device!
DO NOT touch the specimen surface with your bare hands! Use the TOWEL provided.
If you do not feel comfortable with the operations below, ask group member or the TA to

Step #9 Prepare your smart phone for data recording. Remember to place the label
(information of the specimen) and the stopwatch (time) in front of the HT-
10XC, make sure they are included in the video and the displays are readable.
Step #10 Connect the specimen center thermocouple (T3) to channel 3 in the front of
HT-10XC and Set the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR switch to T3 position
Step #11 Rapidly insert the specimen into the water bath; in the meantime, start video
recording and the stopwatch.
Step #12 Keep recording the temperature of the test specimen until the temperature
reaches fluid temperature. Stop the stopwatch and video recording.
Step #13 Remove the specimen from the hot water, clean and dry it with the towel
provided; caution!!! The specimen is very HOT! Drop the specimen into the
cold water container and let it cool down naturally.
Step #14 Repeat steps 9 to 13 for all other specimens (Total 7 specimens).

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 5 of 13

Post-lab Calculation and Discussions

(1) Extract all data (temperature vs. time) from the recorded video; provide temperature data
in tables with time increment ∆t=3 seconds.
(2) Plot temperature vs. time for ALL tested samples in ONE graph to allow for comparison
(3) Determine the thermal time constant τ for each tested sample using the recorded data of
the transient response of heat transfer; you can use graphic method or numerical
interpolation method (for example, Newton’s divided difference table)
(4) Once thermal time constant τ is determined, following the equations below

To calculate the characteristic length Lc, convection heat transfer coefficient h and Biot
number Bi for each tested specimen. (k and α are provided in the section of “Theory and
(5) List characteristic length Lc, conductivity k ,convection coefficient h and Biot number
Bi, for all tested specimen in the tables (separate the cases of different Materials with the
same shape from the cases of different shapes with the same material), and discuss the
(6) Calculate the theoretical temperature by using thermal time constant τ obtained from
question (3) for each specimen. Plot both curves (experimental temperature vs. time and
the theoretical temperature vs. time) in one graph for comparison. You should provide a
total number of 7 graphs, one for each specimen.
(7) Estimate the surface temperatures at t = 3τ for each specimen.

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, fall 2013
Last updated 11/04/2013, 2/4/2014, 7/30/2014

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 6 of 13

Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li March 2014)

Raw Data:

brass sphere s-steel sphere brass cylinder brass cylinder s-steel slab brass slab
Sample cylinder
D=45 D=45 D=20mm D=30mm thickness=15mm thickness=15mm
T_initial ( C ) 26.9 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.2 26.1
T_fluid ( C ) 83.5 83.1 82.1 81.5 81.1 82.3 83.6
Time (sec) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C ) T(t) ( C )
0 26.9 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.2 26.1
10 60 32.5 54.3 63.8 52.4 45.7 58.4
20 73.9 45.7 70.4 78 69.7 60.1 72.8
30 79.3 58.6 78.5 80.7 77.4 69.7 81.9
40 82.2 66.6 80.5 81.5 80.6 75.6 83
50 83.2 72.5 81.6 81.5 81.1 79 83.5
60 83.5 76.3 82 80
70 78.9 81.5
80 80.2 82.1
90 80.9
100 81.6
110 82.1
120 82.4
130 82.6
140 82.7
150 82.8
160 82.8

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 7 of 13

22.35 sec
34.63 sec

Sample Data Analysis: Temperature vs. time curve

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 8 of 13

Sample dimension shape material k αx105 time- h Bi
brass sphere
45 sphere brass 121 3.7 10.63 7.5 2307 0.14
s-steel sphere
45 sphere steel 25 0.6 34.63 7.5 902 0.27
s-steel cylinder
20 cylinder steel 25 0.6 13.94 5.0 1495 0.30
brass cylinder
20 cylinder brass 121 3.7 11.30 5.0 1447 0.06
brass cylinder
30 cylinder brass 121 3.7 14.36 7.5 1708 0.11
s-steel slab
15 plate steel 25 0.6 22.35 7.5 1398 0.42
brass slab
15 plate brass 121 3.7 12.35 7.5 1986 0.12

Results: thermal time constant, h and Bi#

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 9 of 13

Comparison of theoretical prediction with experimental data

Brass Sphere D=45mm, Bi # =0.14



Temperature (C)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)

Stainless Steel Sphere D=45mm, Bi # =0.27



Temperature (C)





0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 10 of 13

Stainless Steel Cylinder D=20mm, Bi # =0.30


Temperature (C)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (sec)

Brass Cylinder D=20mm, Bi # =0.06



Temperature (C)


40 Theoretical




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 11 of 13

Brass Cylinder D=30mm, Bi # =0.11


Temperature (C)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)

Stainles steel slab 2L=15mm, Bi # =0.42



Temperature (C)





0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (sec)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 12 of 13

Brass Slab 2L=15mm, Bi # =0.12


Temperature (C)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #3: Transient Conduction Page 13 of 13

3242 MEEN3242: Lab II
Heat Transfer by Natural Convection and Radiation
To compare the contribution of heat transfer by natural convection with heat transfer by radiation
and from the measurements to show the domination of the convection heat transfer coefficient,
h conv , at low surface temperatures and the domination of the radiation heat transfer coefficient,
h rad , at high surface temperatures.

Related Text Book Sections:

Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine
Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 9: Free convection

By measuring the temperature on the surface of a horizontal cylinder subjected to heat loss by
radiation and natural convection in combination then comparing the results obtained with those
obtained from a theoretical analysis.

Equipment Needed



Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 1 of 11

1. Theory and background

If a surface, at a temperature above that of its surroundings, is located in stationary air at the
same temperature as the surroundings then heat will be transferred from the surface to the air and
surroundings. This transfer of heat will be a combination of natural convection to the air (air
heated by contact with the surface becomes less dense and rises) and radiation to the
surroundings. When the cylinder reaches a steady-state, the power of the heater applied onto the
cylinder is equal to the heat loss from the cylinder according to the energy conservation.
qin qrad + qconv
Where: q in = V*I, input power applied onto the cylinder, (W)
V = input voltage of the heater, (V)
I = input current of the heater, (A)
q conv = heat loss from the cylinder due to natural convection, (W)
q rad = heat loss from the cylinder due to radiation heat transfer, (W)

qrad= εs As (Ts4 − Tsur

) hr As (Ts − T∞ ) ……………………………………………… (Eq-1)

εs (Ts4 − Tsur4 )
hr =
(Ts − T∞ ) ………………………………………………………………………………...……. (Eq-2)

qconv h conv As (Ts − T∞ ) ………………………………………………………………………..….……. (Eq-3)

Where: s = 5.67 x 10-8 (W/(m2 K4)), Stefan-Boltzmann constant

ε = Emissivity of surface (use 0.95 in this experiment)
A s = surface area of the cylinder = π DL , (m2);
D= Diameter of the cylinder = 0.01 (m)
L= Heated length of cylinder= 0.07 (m)
T s = (=T 10 )surface temperature of the cylinder, (K)

T sur = T∞ = T fluid (=T 9 ) Surrounding temperature

= use air temperature of ∞ in this experiment (K)
hr = radiative heat transfer coefficient, (W/(m2 K))

h conv = (average) convection heat transfer coefficient, (W/(m2 K))

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 2 of 11

In the case of natural (free) convection, the average heat transfer coefficient h conv can be related
to the average Nusselt number by:
h conv D
Nu D = …………………………… (Eq-4)
while the average Nusselt number can be calculated from the Churchill-Chu correlation:
(Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine; Ch 9: Free convection,
Page 581)

0.387 Ra1/D 6 Churchill-Chu Equation (Ra ≤ 1012)

Nu D {0.6 + }2 D
[1 + (0.559 / Pr) ]
9 /16 8/ 27

g β (Ts − T∞ ) D 3
(1/K) = =
RaD GrD Pr Pr
(Kelvin) ν2

Ra = Rayleigh number (Dimensionless)
Gr = Grashof number (Dimensionless)
Nu = Nusselt number (average) (Dimensionless)
Pr = Prandtl number of the air (Dimensionless) (changes with temperature)
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 (ms-2)
β = Volume expansion coefficient of air (K-1)
ν = Kinematic viscosity of air (m2s-1) (changes with temperature)
k f = Thermal conductivity of air (Wm-1K-1) (changes with temperature)
Ts = cylinder surface temperature (=T 10 )
T∞ = T = T (=T ) fluid temperature (air temperature)
sur fluid 9

T film
=film temperature
D= Diameter of the cylinder =0.01 meter
Note: k, Pr, and ν are physical properties of the air taken at the film temperature T film .
(These values may be obtained from Table A4, page 911: Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition,
Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 3 of 11

2. Experimental Procedures:
(1) Equipment Setup (Instructor/TA may have completed this part of work for you)

Before proceeding with the exercise ensures that the equipment has been prepared as
Step #1 Locate the HT14 Combined Convection and Radiation accessory alongside the
HT10XC Heat Transfer Service Unit on a suitable bench.
Step #2 Ensure that the horizontal cylinder is located at the top of the metal duct with
the thermocouple located on the side of the cylinder (the cylinder can be rotated
by releasing the thumb screw on the top of the mounting arrangement. Ensure
that the thumb screw is securely tightened after adjustment). Check the diagram
in page 1.
Step #3 Connect the thermocouple attached to the heated cylinder to socket T10 on the
front of the service unit.
Step #4 Connect the thermocouple located in the vertical duct to socket T9 on the
service unit.
Step #5 Open the throttle plate at the front of the fan to allow air to enter the fan casing
but DO NOT connect the mains lead from the fan to the socket on the service
unit (the fan will not be used for this exercise). Turn the adjusting knob
counterclockwise to open the throttle plate.
Step #6 Set the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to minimum (counterclockwise)
and the selector switch to MANUAL then connect the power lead from the
heated cylinder on HT14 to the socket marked OUTPUT 2 at the rear of the
service unit.
Step #7 Ensure that the service unit is connected to an electrical supply.

(2) Measure and record the surface temperatures of the cylinder

Step #1 Switch on the front main switch

Step #2 Set the voltage of the heater to the voltage value listed in the table below
using the voltage control potentiometer on the top panel meter with the selector
switch set to position V. Allow the HT14 to stabilize. This may take 20-30
If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 5.0 V
Group 2 5.1 V
Group 3 5.2 V
Group 4 5.3 V
Group 5 5.4 V
Group 6 5.5 V
Group 7 5.6 V
Group 8 5.7 V
Group 9 5.8 V
Group 10 5.9 V

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 4 of 11

Step #3 When the temperatures are stable record the following data: Voltage, current,
T9 and T10. Use the table provided (see page 6) to record all 5 date sets.
Step #4 Set the Heater Voltage to the voltage value listed in the table below using the
same method as before. Allow the HT14 to stabilize (This may take 20 minutes)
then record the data.
If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 8.0 V
Group 2 8.1 V
Group 3 8.2 V
Group 4 8.3 V
Group 5 8.4 V
Group 6 8.5 V
Group 7 8.6 V
Group 8 8.7 V
Group 9 8.8 V
Group 10 8.9 V

Step #5 Set the Heater Voltage to the voltage value listed in the table below using the
same method as before. Allow the HT14 to stabilize (This may take 20 minutes)
then record the data.
If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 12.0 V
Group 2 12.1 V
Group 3 12.2 V
Group 4 12.3 V
Group 5 12.4 V
Group 6 12.5 V
Group 7 12.6 V
Group 8 12.7 V
Group 9 12.8 V
Group 10 12.9 V

Step #6 Set the Heater Voltage to the voltage value listed in the table below using the
same method as before. Allow the HT14 to stabilize (This may take 20 minutes)
then record the data.
If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 15.0 V
Group 2 15.1 V
Group 3 15.2 V
Group 4 15.3 V
Group 5 15.4 V
Group 6 15.5 V
Group 7 15.6 V
Group 8 15.7 V
Group 9 15.8 V
Group 10 15.9 V

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 5 of 11

Step #7 Set the Heater Voltage to the voltage value listed in the table below using the
same method as before. Allow the HT14 to stabilize (This may take 20 minutes)
then record the data.
If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 18.0 V
Group 2 18.1 V
Group 3 18.2 V
Group 4 18.3 V
Group 5 18.4 V
Group 6 18.5 V
Group 7 18.6 V
Group 8 18.7 V
Group 9 18.8 V
Group 10 18.9 V

Table for Data Recording

Voltage (V) Current (A) T9 (T ∞ ) oC T10 (Ts) oC

3. Post-lab Calculation and Discussions

Observe that at low surface temperatures (typically less than 230 °C) the heat transfer coefficient
h conv due to natural convection is greater than the heat transfer coefficient hr due to radiation.
Conversely, at high surface temperatures (typically greater than 230° C) the heat transfer
coefficient h conv due to natural convection is less than the heat transfer coefficient hr due to
radiation, and as the temperatures exceeds 400°C the effect of radiation becomes dominant.
(1) For each Ts and T∞ , calculate (show details):
q in = V*I;
hr using (eq-2) ;
q rad using (eq-1);
Nu using Churchill-Chu correlation;
h conv using (eq-4);
q conv using (eq-3);

Tabulate and present all experimental and calculated data.

(2) Plot the heat transfer coefficients hr and h conv (in one diagram so that you can compare),
against the surface temperature Ts (use absolute temperature scale: T(K) = T 10 +273).
Use Ts as x-axis and heat transfer coefficients h as y-axis. Comment on your findings
(3) Plot the calculated heat transfer due to natural convection q conv and the calculated heat
transfer due to radiation q rad (in one diagram so that you can compare), against the

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 6 of 11

surface temperature Ts (use absolute temperature scale: T(K) = T 10 +273). Use Ts as x-
axis and heat transfer rate as y-axis. Comment on your findings.
(4) Plot the percentage of the total heat transferred (q rad + q conv ) by natural convection and
radiation on the same graph. Comment on your findings.
(5) Compare the theoretical values for q in (=V*I) with the measured values for q in (=q rad +
q conv ) and explain any differences in values.
Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, fall 2013
Last updated 10/29/2014

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 7 of 11

Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li Nov. 2013)

Experimental Raw Data:
V (volt) I (amp) T9 ( C) o
T10 ( C) = Ts
= T sur = T∞

5 0.82 23.8 98
8 1.33 23.9 178
12 2.00 24.3 288
15 2.46 24.9 367
18 2.94 24.9 441

Summary of Calculation

T9 q conv
q in o T10 q rad Nu
V I ( C) o
( C) h rad h conv (w) q tot
(Volt) (amp) =V*I = T∞ (eq-2)
(w) Churchill- (eq-4)
= Ts (eq-3)
(w) = T (eq-1) Chu qrad + qconv

5.00 0.82 4.10 23.80 98 8.12 1.32 3.88 10.87 1.77 3.10
8.00 1.33 10.64 23.90 178 11.75 3.98 3.88 12.41 4.21 8.19
12.00 2.00 24.00 24.30 288 18.64 10.81 3.87 13.53 7.85 18.65
15.00 2.46 36.90 24.90 367 25.18 18.94 3.63 13.97 10.51 29.45
18.00 2.94 52.92 24.90 441 32.62 29.85 3.59 14.66 13.41 43.26

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 8 of 11

Heat Transfer Coefficient



hr hconv





300 400 500 600 700 800
Surface Temperature (K)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 9 of 11

Heat Transfer Rate (W)


Heat Transfer Rate (W)




300 350 400 450 500Temperature
Surface 550 600
(K) 650 700 750

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 10 of 11

Heat Transfer by Percentage


Percentage %








300 400 500 600 700 800

Surface Temperature (K)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #4: Natural Convection and Radiation Page 11 of 11

3242 MEEN3242: Lab II
Heat Transfer by Forced Convection and Radiation
1. To determine the effect of forced convection on heat transfer from the surface of a
cylinder at varying air velocities and surface temperatures.
2. To demonstrate the relationship between air velocity and surface temperature for a
cylinder subjected to forced convection.

Related Text Book Sections:

Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine
Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 7: External Flow

By measuring the temperature on the surface of a horizontal cylinder subjected to heat loss by
radiation and forced convection in combination then comparing the results with those obtained
from a theoretical analysis.

Equipment Needed



Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 1 of 11

1. Theory and background

In natural convection the heat transfer rate from a surface is limited by the small movements of
air which are generated by changes in the density of the air as the air is heated by the surface. In
forced convection the air movement can be greatly increased resulting in improved heat transfer
rate from a surface. Therefore a surface subjected to forced convection will have a lower surface
temperature than the same surface subjected to free convection, for the same power input.

Heat will be transferred from a surface to the fluid flowing over the surface as long as the fluid is
at a lower temperature than that of the surface. This transfer of heat will be a combination of
forced convection to the air (heat is transferred to the air passing the surface) and radiation to the
surroundings. The horizontal cylinder used in this exercise provides a simple shape from which
the heat transfer can be calculated. Cylinders in cross-flow are typical designs found in heat

Note: Heat loss due to conduction is minimized by the design of the equipment. Measurements
mid-way along the heated section of the cylinder can be assumed to be unaffected by conduction
at the ends of the cylinder. Heat loss by conduction would normally be included in the analysis
of a real application.

Total heat loss from the cylinder: = q=

qtotal in (V * I=
) qrad + qconv ………… (Eq-

Where: q in = V*I, input power applied onto the cylinder, (W)

V = input voltage of the heater, (V)
I = input current of the heater, (A)
q conv = heat loss from the cylinder due to natural convection, (W)
q rad = heat loss from the cylinder due to radiation heat transfer, (W)

Heat loss due to forced convection: qconv h conv As (Ts − T∞ ) ………… (Eq-

Heat loss due to radiation:=

qrad hr As (Ts − Tsur ) ………… (Eq-

Heat transfer (surface) area: A s = (π D L) ………… (Eq-


The heat transfer coefficient, h conv is due to forced convection, and hr is due to radiation and can
be calculated using the following relationships:
NuD ≡ kf
kf h≡ NuD
Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 2 of 11
hconv = ………...… (Eq-

εσ (Ts4 − Tsur4 )
hr = ………… (Eq-
(Ts − T∞ )
Where: σ = 5.67 x 10-8 (W/(m2 K4)), Stefan-Boltzmann constant
ε = Emissivity of surface (use 0.95 in this experiment)
A s = surface area of the cylinder = π DL , (m2);
D= Diameter of the cylinder = 0.01 (m)
L= Heated length of cylinder= 0.07 (m)
T s = (=T 10 ) surface temperature of the cylinder, (K)
T sur =T∞ = T fluid (=T 9 ) Surrounding temperature
= use air temperature of T∞ in this experiment (K)
hr = radiative heat transfer coefficient, (W/(m2 K))

h conv = (average) convection heat transfer coefficient, (W/(m2 K))

Nu = Nusselt number (average) (Dimensionless)
k f = Thermal conductivity of air (Wm-1K-1) (changes with temperature)

In the case of forced convection, the average Nusselt number can be calculated from the
Churchill-Bernstein correlation: (Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition, Incropera, DeWitt, Berman,
& Lavine; Ch 7: External Flows, Page 438, Eq 7.26)

0.62 Re1/D 2 Pr1/ 3 Re D 5/ 8 4 / 5 ………… (Eq-7)

NuD =
0.3 + [1 + ( ) ]
[1 + (0.4 / Pr) 2 / 3 ]1/ 4 282, 000

Nu = Nusselt number (average) (Dimensionless)
Pr = Prandtl number of the air (Dimensionless) (changes with temperature)
Uc D
Re = Reynolds number (Dimensionless);
Uc is corrected air velocity; Uc= (m/s) = 1.22 Ua (m/s)
Ua is the measured air velocity;
(The cylinder causes a blockage in the duct resulting in a local increase in the air velocity)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 3 of 11

ν = Kinematic viscosity of air (m2s-1) (changes with temperature)
D= Diameter of the cylinder =0.01 meter
Ts + T∞
Note: k f , Pr, and ν are physical properties of the air taken at the film temperature Tfilm = .
(These values may be obtained from Table A4, page 911: Introduction to Heat Transfer, 6th edition,
Incropera, DeWitt, Berman, & Lavine. Or you can use the table provided below to obtain physical

2. Experimental Procedures:
(1) Equipment Setup
(If the equipment has already been set up, skip this step and move to (2))
Before proceeding with the exercise ensure that the equipment has been prepared as follows:

Step #1 Locate the HT14 Combined Convection and Radiation accessory alongside the
HT10XC Heat Transfer Service Unit on a suitable bench.
Step #2 Ensure that the horizontal cylinder is located at the top of the metal duct with
the thermocouple located on the side of the cylinder (the cylinder can be rotated
by releasing the thumb screw on the top of the mounting arrangement. Ensure
that the thumb screw is securely tightened after adjustment).
Step #3 Connect the thermocouple attached to the heated cylinder to socket T10 on the
front of the service unit.
Step #4 Connect the thermocouple located in the vertical duct to socket T9 on the
service unit.
Step #5 Connect the mains lead from the fan (terminated at the connection box
alongside the fan) to the socket marked Output 1 at the rear of the HT10XC
service unit.
Step #6 Close the throttle plate at the front of the fan by turning the adjusting knob
Step #7 Connect the lead from the anemometer in the vertical duct to the socket marked
Ua on the front of the HT10XC service unit.

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 4 of 11

Step #8 Set the VOLTAGE CONTROL potentiometer to minimum (anticlockwise) and
the selector switch to MANUAL then connect the power lead from the heated
cylinder on HT14 to the socket marked OUTPUT 2 at the rear of the service
Step #9 Ensure that the service unit is connected to an electrical supply.

(2) Operating Procedure: Measuring and recording the surface temperatures of the
cylinder and the air flow velocity

Step #1 Switch on the front main switch of HT10XC

Step #2 Start the centrifugal fan by pressing the switch on the connection box.
Step #3 Switch the knob on the main unit to position “Ua” to read air flow velocity
Step #4 Set the air velocity to 1 m/s by adjusting the throttle plate on the front of the fan
by rotating the adjustment knob.
Step #5 Set the heater voltage to the voltage value listed in the table below. (switch
the knob on the main unit back to “V” position then adjust the voltage control
potentiometer to give a reading of appropriate value)

If you are in… Voltage you should apply to the heater is…
Group 1 15.5 V
Group 2 16.0 V
Group 3 16.5 V
Group 4 17.0 V
Group 5 17.5 V
Group 6 18.0 V
Group 7 18.5 V
Group 8 19.0 V
Group 9 19.5 V
Group 10 20.0 V

Step #6 When the temperatures are stable (temperature values do not change in 90
seconds), use the table below to record the following data (switch the knob to
appropriate position): T9 (air flow temperature), T10 (cylinder surface
temperature), V (voltage input), and I (current input).
Air Temperature Surface Temperature
Air Flow Ua Voltage Current
(T9=T_inf=Tsur) (T10=Ts)
(m/s) (V) (A)
oC oC

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 5 of 11


Step #7 Adjust the throttle plate to give a velocity of 2.0 m/s.

Step #8 Wait until the temperatures become stable again (temperature values do not
change in 90 seconds) and record the data of T9, T10, V, and I.
Step #9 Repeat the above steps for air velocity of 3.0 m/s, 4.0 m/s , 5.0 m/s, 6.0 m/s and
7.0 m/s
Step #10 Set the voltage of the heater to 0 volts yet KEEP THE FAN ON to cool down
(when T10=40 oC) the hot cylinder.
Step #11 Turn off the service unit.

3. Post-lab Calculation and Discussions

(1) For each Ua, Ts and T∞ , calculate (show details):

q in = V*I;
hr using (eq-6) ;
q rad using (eq-3);
Pr = Prandtl number of the air (use linear interpolation)
Uc D
Re = Reynolds number;
Nu using (eq-7); ;
h conv using (eq-5);
q conv using (eq-2);
Tabulate and present all experimental and calculated data.
(2) Plot a graph of surface temperature T10 against air velocity Ua.
(3) Plot the heat transfer coefficients hr and h conv (in one diagram so that you can compare),
against the surface temperature Ts (use absolute temperature scale: T(K) = T 10 +273).
Use Ts as x-axis and heat transfer coefficients h as y-axis. Comment on your findings
(4) Plot the calculated heat transfer due to forced convection q conv and the calculated heat
transfer due to radiation q rad (in one diagram so that you can compare), against the
surface temperature Ts (use absolute temperature scale: T(K) = T 10 +273). Use Ts as x-
axis and heat transfer rate as y-axis. Comment on your findings.
(5) Plot the percentage of the total heat transferred (q rad + q conv ) by forced convection q conv
and radiation q rad on the same graph as function of surface temperatures. Comment on
your findings.

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 6 of 11

(6) Compare the theoretical values for q in (=V*I) with the measured values for q in (=q rad +
q conv ) and explain any differences in values.
(7) Plot the experimental Nusselt number (y-axis) against the Reynolds’s number (x-axis).
Comment on your findings.
(8) Observe that the surface temperature of the cylinder reduces as the air velocity increases
for a fixed heat input q in .
(9) Observe that the surface temperature reduces more rapidly at low air velocities and
reduces more slowly at high air velocities

Document History:
Prepared by: Dr. Xiaohua Li, spring 2014
Last updated 2/11/2014

Sample Data Analysis

(Dr. Li NOV. 2013)

Experimental Raw Data:

Air Temperature Surface Temperature

Air Flow Ua Voltage Current
(T9=T_inf=Tsur) (T10=Ts)
(m/s) (V) (A) o o
1.0 20 3.27 27.8 370
2.0 20 3.28 27.7 332
3.0 20 3.29 27.2 301
4.0 20 3.30 26.5 270
5.0 20 3.31 26.1 247
6.0 20 3.31 26.0 231
7.0 20 3.32 25.8 217

Air Temperatur Air Temperatur Surface
Air Flow Temperature hrad (eq 6) qrad(eq 3) Tfilm=(Ts+T_inf)/2
Voltage (V) Current (A) qin (w) (T9=T_inf=Tsur) (T9=T_inf=Tsur) Temperature 2
Ua (m/s) (T10=Ts) (W/m K) (W) Kelvin
oC Kelvin (T10=Ts) oC
1.0 20 3.27 65.4 27.8 300.8 370 643 25.62 19.28 472
2.0 20 3.28 65.6 27.7 300.7 332 605 22.27 14.90 453
3.0 20 3.29 65.8 27.2 300.2 301 574 19.76 11.90 437
4.0 20 3.3 66.0 26.5 299.5 270 543 17.45 9.34 421
5.0 20 3.31 66.2 26.1 299.1 247 520 15.88 7.71 410
6.0 20 3.31 66.2 26.0 299.0 231 504 14.85 6.70 402
7.0 20 3.32 66.4 25.8 298.8 217 490 13.99 5.88 394
This is just one table but too long so I chopped it into two pieces. Continue below…

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 7 of 11

Tfilm=(Ts+T_inf)/2 5
hconv (eq 5) qconv (eq 2) qTotal
Pr v (*10 ) k Re Nu 2 q_rad % q_conv%
Kelvin (W/m K) (W) measured=qrad+qconv

472 0.682 3.443 0.03853 354 9.41 36.24 27.26 46.54 41.43 58.57
453 0.683 3.208 0.03727 761 13.75 51.24 34.27 49.17 30.30 69.70
437 0.685 3.02 0.03618 1212 17.41 62.98 37.90 49.80 23.89 76.11
421 0.686 2.834 0.03509 1722 20.83 73.10 39.12 48.47 19.28 80.72
410 0.688 2.706 0.03433 2254 23.96 82.24 39.93 47.64 16.19 83.81
402 0.689 2.613 0.03379 2801 26.83 90.66 40.85 47.55 14.08 85.92
394 0.690 2.528 0.03322 3378 29.60 98.34 41.33 47.21 12.46 87.54

Surface Temperature vs Air Flow Velocity

V=20 volts
600 574
Surface Temperature (K)

550 520




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Air flow Velocity (m/s)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 8 of 11

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 9 of 11
Heat Transfer rate vs. Surafce Temperature



35 q_rad
Heat Transfer rate

30 q_conv

Air flow velocity increases



450 500 550 600 650

Surface Temperature (K)

Heat Transfer Percentage vs. Ts


Percentage of Heat Transfer Rate

70 q_conv%

Air flow velocity increases




450 500 550 600 650
Surface Temperature (K)

Heat Transfer Laboratory #5: Forced Convection and Radiation Page 10 of 11

Theoretical vs. Measured Heat Transfer Rate

Heat Transfer Rate 65.0




Air flow velocity increases
450 500 550 600 650
Surface Temperature (K)

Nusselt # vs. Reynolds #
y = 0.0065x + 8.623
R2 = 0.9821
Nusselt Number



0.62 Re1/D 2 Pr1/ 3 Re D 5/ 8 4 / 5

10 NuD =
0.3 + [1 + ( ) ]
[1 + (0.4 / Pr) 2 / 3 ]1/ 4 282, 000
Air flow velocity increases
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Reynolds' Number

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