Social Studies Lesson Plan 1

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018

Student: Tirzah Bannach School: Allen Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karr Co-op Teacher: Miss. Rittenhouse
Teaching Date: November 14, 2018 Grade Level: 4

Through this lesson, students will be able put pictures to the areas they have never been to in their own state.
They will be able to visualize what makes their state unique.


I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: identifying the three physical regions of Indiana
B. Objective: Using the definition of region, students will identify the three physical regions of Indiana and
their unique qualities.
C. Standards:
IAS: 4.3.4 Map and describe the physical regions of Indiana and identify major natural resources and crop
regions ex. Northern lakes and moraines, central Till Plain, and southern lowlands
NCSS: 3. People, Places, and Environments

II. Management Plan

a. Materials:
 Model magic clay
 Cardstock paper with the outline of Indiana
 Smart board

b. Time
 Anticipatory Set: 5 min
 Lesson presentation:
- Intro: 5 -7 min
- Game: 5-7 min
- Time to go over the information from the game: 2-3 min
- Transition to activity: 2-3 min
- Indiana Model Activity- 15 min
 Closure: 5 min

c. Space
 Front area of the classroom by the smartboard
 Student tables
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
d. Behavior
 Miss Rittenhouse uses Classroom Dojo Points and candy/snack as positive incentives
 The students who struggle with some behavior issues or staying still, I will have help me pass out
materials or possibly moving to the next slide on the smartboard.
 If students do not handle their materials with care and cooperation they will lose them, only one

III. Anticipatory Set:

“Students I want you to look at each one of these images. As you look at each picture, I want you to think about
where in this country is the picture taken? As you give me suggestions I am going to record them.”

 I will write the guesses on the board, not telling the students if they are right or wrong
 At the end I will reveal that every picture was of an area in Indiana
 “Unbelievably every single picture you just saw was of a place in Indiana, you are just used to seeing
Marion and Grant County, but our state actually has so many different physical features that make it

IV. Purpose: “Today we are going to learn about the three physical regions of Indiana and what makes
each area unique”


V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
There are four students in my practicum classroom that are “special education”. In the case of these four
students they mainly struggle with reading and writing on their own. I made sure to introduce the new concept
and vocabulary as a whole group so those students are able to understand without feeling incompetent. When
we do the activity I will be roaming the room and ask Miss Rittenhouse to do the same so we may help those
students as they need it.

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

VII. “Look at our carpet, it is a large blue area that takes up part of our classroom space. Look at the tops of
our work table. Each one takes up space in our classroom. Look at the chalkboard and the silver
boarder that goes around it. When we are talking about maps we use a special term for an area that
takes up a certain amount of space. That space is called a region, it is part of a whole.

 “Who can name some other regions?”

- Choose one or two students to answer the question
 “Did you know that Indiana has regions?”
 “Well, Indiana has three regions that are made of different physical features that
 “A physical feature is on the earth’s surface, mountains, oceans, deserts, rivers.”
 “The top of Indiana is called the Northern Plains and Moraines. This area is made up of low hills of dirt
and rocks that were left behind my melting glaciers. It is a little bumpy with some sand dunes and bodies
of water, great area for farming.”
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 “The middle of Indiana, where we live, is called the, Till Plains. This another good area for farmers and
has some very flat areas. With almost no hills and valleys.
 “and the bottom of Indiana is called the Southern Plains and Lowlands. Glaciers did not make it this far
south, so this is the hilliest part of Indiana.”
 Show the map of Indiana on the PowerPoint

 to learn about the features of each area we are going to play a matching game
- I will have three landscape pictures that represent the three regions of Indiana
- I will have a mix of words that describe the physical features of each region
- As a whole group, we will match descriptions to the pictures
- This game will provide a more interactive way of learning for the students that struggle with reading and
comprehending without visuals.
 “I have found a picture of each region of Indiana, those are on the right side and on the left I have listed
words that describe physical features of each region. What I need you guys to help me to do, is match
the words to its correct region, so we can discover some more details about those areas.”
- Start the game and allow 5-7 minutes
- Go through the features of each region with the students once they have completed the game
 “Now that we know the name of each region and its physical features we are going to do a fun
activity to help us remember what each region of Indiana looks like, we are going to make a model
out of clay!”
- Take out my example and show to the students as I explain the activity
 “As you can see in the one I made I formed the clay to represent the physical features of each
region. The top region is flat with a few bumps for hills because it is Northern Plains and Moraines
, the middle area is almost totally flat because we know that as the Till Plains , and I formed the
bottom region, the Southern Plains and Lowlands, to be more bumpy and hilly.”
 “I am going to give each of you your own outlines of Indiana (have J pass these out) and I want you
to write your name on it as soon as you get it. You will also be given some clay and as Hicksen
passes around the clay, nobody is to open it until I finish the directions.”
 “I would like you to make your own model of Indiana (show the students the model I made). I am
going to leave the pictures of each region and their features up on the board for you to look at, as
well as my own clay model. I want you to pay close attention to what we discussed about how each
region looks, so you can make an accurate model of our state! I would also like you to use a pencil
or a marker to label each region and list one feature that makes it unique.”
 “I suggest you tear your clay into three pieces, with the bottom portion having a little bit more so
you can form great hills and mountains, and try to complete one region at a time”
 “now you may open your clay and get started”
- Allow 15 minutes for students to complete their activity
- Display a timer on the board and every 5 minutes “you should finish up your first region and move onto
the next”

VIII. Check for understanding.

 Before I introduce the model of Indiana activity I will go over the regions of Indiana and their physical
features and ask students questions about each region to make sure they are understanding the
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 While students are making their models, I will walk around and observe their projects as well as ask
them why they are doing what they are doing as they work.
“What textures are you giving each of your regions? Why?
“How do you know that region is flat, or should be bumpy?
“Which region is this?”

IX. Review learning outcomes / Closure

 Once the students have completed their models of Indiana I will have them stop and look ahead to me so
we can quickly review. We will go back over the matching game and the answers we came up with, I
will also let a few students share their models with the class.


 Matching game and student’s responses throughout the lesson
 Clay models of Indiana
(CAEP K-6 3.b)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Can my students identify the three physical regions of Indiana?
8. Did I connect the lesson appropriately to the students own lives, can they imagine themselves living in
the environments we talked about?
Did the students respond how I predicted they would?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Student: Tirzah Bannach School: Allen Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karla Karr Co-op Teacher: Miss Rittenhouse
Teaching Date: November 14, 2018 Grade Level: 4


Heading Student uses the provided template for Social

Studies content. Student includes all of the
Template information in the template heading.
Statement of rational for the learning
Rationale experience and environment in this lesson.

Goals The lesson plan contains objectives that

connect goals and standards with lesson
activities and assessments.
Each objective should include the
following: Conditions; Desired learning;
Observable behavior; and Accuracy (as


Management Plan A. Materials:
B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as appropriate)
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and direct and
focuses students’ attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly connected

to the content of the lesson and is presented
in terms that are easily understood by

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are provided in

Individual Differences this lesson. The opportunities are
and Diverse Learners developmentally appropriate and/or are
adapted to diverse students.

Remediation –
Enrichment –
Exceptional Needs-
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Lesson Presentation Candidates demonstrate understandings,
for Social Studies capabilities and practices associated with
the central concepts and tools in Civics,
Economics, Geography, and /or History
within a framework of inquiry.

Lesson Presentation The candidate’s lesson demonstrates an

understanding of developmentally
appropriate practice.

The candidate’s lesson includes both

modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes relevant

activities that encourage student
participation and critical thinking.

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and the means
Understanding to check for student understanding of the
lesson. A provision is included to reteach all
or part of the lesson to all or part of the class.

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the lesson

Outcomes and/ or purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and Informal A plan for formal and informal assessment

Assessment throughout the lesson is included. The
assessment strategies are uniquely designed
for the students.

ACEI 4.0

Reflection and Post- The lesson plan includes all required self-
Lesson Analysis answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements A competent lesson plan earns An outstanding lesson plan
that do to meet the a score of 37-39/40. earns a score of 40/40.
competent level will receive
a score of 36 /40 or lower

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