Electrolyte Table

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Electrolyte Normal Values Function Elevated Levels Deficient Levels

Sodium 136-145 mEq/L Skeletal and cardiac HYPERNATREMIA HYPONATREMIA

contraction and nerve thirst, hyperthermia, tachy-, Hypothermia, tachy- thready pulse,
Serum Osmolarity: impulse transmission hypotension, restlessness, hypotension, hypothermia,
270-300 mOsm/L irritability, muscle twitching, diminished peripheral pulses,
decreased or absent DTR, sz, coma, headache, confusion, lethargy,
dry mucous membranes, N/V, weakness, decreased DTR, sz,
anorexia, occasional diarrhea, lightheaded, dizzy, hyperactive
increased urine specific gravity bowel sounds, ABD cramping,

Potassium 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Cell metabolism, nerve HYPERKALEMIA HYPOKALEMIA

impulses Slow irregular pulse, hypotension, Hypotension, thready weak pulse,
Function of cardiac, lunch restlessness, irritability, weakness, AMS, anxiety, lethargy, hypoactive
and muscle tissues paresthesia, diarrhea, hyperactive bowel sounds, N/V, constipation,
bowel sounds, oliguria, premature abd distention, weakness, reduced
ventricular contractions, V-fib, DTR, shallow breathing, flattened T
peaked T waves, widened QRS, wave, prominent U waves, ST
Hgb/Hct high with dehydration, depression, prolonged PR interval
low with kidney failure, BUN:
increased with kidney failure,
metabolic acidosis with kidney
failure (pH < 7.35)

Calcium 9.0-10.5 mg/dL Formation of bones, muscle HYPERCALCEMIA HYPOCALCEMIA

contractions, blood clotting, Increased thirst, frequent urination, Tetany, paresthesia of the fingers and
nerve functioning abd pain, nausea, vomiting, lips, muscles twitches, sz, muscles
constipation, weakness, confusion, spasms, hyperactive DTR, positive
fatigue, lethargy, palpitation, Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs,
cardiac arrhythmia, fainting, prolonged QT wave and ST segment,
osteoporosis, kidney stones, decreased myocardial contractility,
decreased HR and hypotension,
hyperactive bowel sounds
Magnesium 1.3-2.1 mEq/L Nerve and muscle function, HYPERMAGNESEMIA HYPOMAGNESEMIA
immune system, cardiac N/V, hypotension, flushing, Depressed mood, apathy, agitation,
muscle contraction, bone headache, difficulty breathing, increased nerve impulse
strength, maintain blood decreased DTRs, hyperactive bowel transmission (hyperactive DTRs,
glucose levels, production of sounds paresthesia, muscle tetany, sz)
energy positive Chvostek's and Trousseau's
signs, hypoactive bowel sounds,
constipation, abd distention, paralytic

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