GC Newsletter October 2018

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Goose Creek Friends

Newsletter October 2018

Goose Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Lincoln, Virginia

Queries for Tenth Month: Sara Brown has received a request from
Integrity Lincoln School for an Oakdale visit. She will
work with Carolyn Unger and the Archive
• How do we seek truth by which to live? Committee to work out dates and possibilities
How do we recognize it? for their visit. Friends agreed that we have a
• In what ways does my life speak of my rich heritage to share with local children.
beliefs and values? Rich Weidner reported on the 2018 BYM
• Do I strive to be truthful at all times, Annual Session, which he attended.
avoiding judicial oaths? Brian Burgher presented an interim treasurer’s
• In what way is my life out of harmony report. He began by thanking Annie Carlson,
with truth as I know it? past Treasurer, for all her help since he
assumed his position as Interim Treasurer.
Monthly Meeting for Worship He also thanked the Finance Committee for
their support. The process of preparing our
with a Concern for Business: budget for 2019 will soon begin. Committees
Tenth Month are urged to ask their members to explain the
The Clerk read a letter from Sarah reasons why financial donations are being
Hendrickson Nash thanking us for the Continued on next page g

memorial service held for her mother, Frances

Annie Nichols Hendrickson. She also read
a note of thanks from Bart Hendrickson’s
The Clerk read a letter from Zephyr (Sammie)
Sheedy, remembering her years growing up in BYM Visitors and a
Goose Creek Meeting and thanking us for our Soup Lunch: October 14
support. She is a student at VCU and attends
Richmond Monthly Meeting. Goose Creek will host visitors on
Sunday. Ann Venable and Ned Stowe
Meeting has received an inscribed copy of his will worship with us and then will speak
book Sandino’s Grave and Other Poems from with us about Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
Preston Browning, Jr. Afterward we’ll enjoy a soup lunch,
Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Supervisory courtesy of the Ministry and
Committee will meet at Goose Creek on the Oversight Committee.
afternoon of October 14. Please come!
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | October 2018 | Page 2

October 20 – Tenth Month Interim

Discussion about First Day Meeting at Sandy Spring Friends Meeting
School Practices: October 21 (Sandy Spring, MD)
Please join members of the Religious Get to know Yearly Meeting Committees
Education and the Ministry and and Friends from other Meetings! Be a
Oversight Committees in a threshing part of important decision making. Join
session* to discuss standards and safety Friends for morning committee meetings
guidelines for our First Day School and and the afternoon’s Interim Business
nursery (including related activities such Meeting. Sandy Spring Friends Meeting
as field trips, etc.). Everyone is welcome, will host the Tenth Month Interim Meeting.
and parents are strongly encouraged to Friends will begin gathering at 10:00 am.
attend! There will be child care available. Committee meetings will begin at 10:30.
Check the Yearly Meeting website for more
*In Quaker parlance, a “threshing information. (www.bym-rsf.org/events/
session” is a meeting to discuss interim/tenth18.html)
some issue or set of issues without
expectation that decisions will be made. November 3-4: Junior Young Friends
Conference – Location to be announced
Continued from page 1 Junior Young Friends should plan to begin
arriving at 10:00 am on Saturday. For
made by Meeting to the various organizations information, check the Junior Young Friends
to which we’ve contributed. website (www.bym-rsf.org/what_we_do/
Friends approved a session on early Quakers jyfs/jyfcon.html) or contact Jossie Dowling.
and the Bible to be led by Allen Cochran (301-774-7663)
and Caroline Pelton following Meeting for November 17 – The Gathered Meeting
Worship on December 9. Other sessions are at Frederick Friends Meeting
being planned for the first part of 2019. (Frederick, MD)
Warrington Quarterly Meeting presents
Baltimore Yearly Meeting: Steven Davison leading a discussion about
Fall Family Camp Weekend: Opequon The Gathered Meeting, the subject of his
Quaker Camp, October 26-28 2017 Pendle Hill Pamphlet by that title.
We’ll explore what the Gathered Meeting is
Come for games and crafts, splash in the
and why it’s important both in the history of
creek or hike, and help with autumn work
Friends and for our future. We’ll also discuss
projects that will suit all kinds of skill sets.
things that Meetings and individuals can do
Meals will be served, and there will be
to make our experience of holy communion
a camp fire in the evening. Families and
more common in our worship. There will be
individuals welcome!
a brown bag lunch after the discussion.
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | October 2018 | Page 3

November 23- 25: Young Friends

Conference – Homewood Friends Meeting
(Baltimore, MD)
Young Friends should plan to begin arriving
at 7:00 pm on Friday. For information, check
the Young Friends website (www.bym-rsf. Save the Date!
org/what_we_do/yfs/yfcon.html) or contact
Jocelyn Dowling. (301-774-7663) Remember Save the date for this year's Christmas
that the deadline to register at the discounted potluck dinner and carol sing.
rate and be guaranteed a slot is two weeks December 16, 2018
before the conference (November 9). Any
one registering after that date may be placed
on a waiting list.
Upcoming In
Meeting News First Day School
October 2018
Save the date for this year’s Christmas
potluck dinner and carol sing: December 16! OCTOBER 7
At Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Students continue on their piece work for
Business, we enjoyed hearing from Zephyr the First Day School community quilt while
(Sammie) Sheedy. She is a senior at Virginia learning a little about 19th century Quaker,
Commonwealth University and attends Elizabeth Fry, who taught skills
Richmond Friends Meeting. And during a to women in prison.
recent encounter with Friends from Nashville OCTOBER 14
(Tennessee) Meeting, Catherine Cox heard all
Students will learn about George Fox who
about their great fondness for Chloe Gooditis,
founded the Religious Society of Friends
who worshiped with Nashville Friends while
(Quakers) in the 17th century.
she was studying at Vanderbilt. Word has it
that Chloe is now working in Michigan. OCTOBER 21

It was disappointing to find out that this Women and minority voting rights.
year’s rains had made Friends Wilderness Students will learn how women and
Center unworkable for the Meeting for minorities were not allowed to vote and
Worship we’d planned there in September. ways that women and minorities were
We look forward to worshiping in the discriminated against and prevented from
Treehouse another year. voting even after earning the right to vote.
Never Too Young to Vote.
Page 4 | October 2018 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter

Sundays Facing Bench

Meeting for worship at 9:45 a.m. OCTOBER
First Day School at 10:00 a.m. Caroline Pelton
Fellowship at 10:45 a.m. NOVEMBER
Sheila Kryston
Discussion Group at 7:00 p.m. First Day
Calendar 10/07/18
Quilting &
OCTOBER Elizabeth Fry
10.7 Sun 11 am Meeting for Worship 10/14/18
with a Concern for Business George Fox
10.10 Wed 6:30 pm Religious Education 10/21/18
Women & Minority
Committee Meeting Voting Rights
10.14 Sun 11 am Presentation by guests from Baltimore 10/28/18
Yearly Meeting, followed by a soup lunch Never Too Young to Vote
10.21 Sun 11 am Threshing session regarding
safety guidelines for First Day School
10.28 Sun 11 am Ministry & Oversight Committee Meeting

11.4 Sun 11 am Meeting for Worship
with a Concern for Business NEWSLETTER
The Goose Creek Friends Newsletter
is published monthly by the
Goose Creek Friends Meeting,
CHANGE OF ADDRESS 18204 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 105,
Lisa Payne, 372 Apple Jack Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 Lincoln, VA 20160.
Debbi Sudduth, 540.338.3363
Rich Weidner, 540.554.2747
“Words may help and silence may help, Brian Burgher
but the one thing needful is that the heart NEWSLETTER EDITOR
should turn to its Maker as the needle turns Catherine Cox, 301-471-5330
to the pole. For this we must be still.” – WEBSITE & FACEBOOK
Caroline Stephen, 1834-1909 https://www.facebook.com/
Please direct donations for
Goose Creek Friends Meeting to
Brian Burgher, P.O. Box 105
Lincoln, Virginia 20160

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