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A global energy assessment

Michael Jefferson*

Against the background of IIASA’s massive (their word) ‘global energy assessment’
(GEA), this paper takes a closer look at the challenges posed by population growth,
energy poverty, the fossil fuels and carbon storage, renewable energy, energy effi-
ciency, natural catastrophes, and potential climatic change to offer a somber,
although arguably more realistic, overview of what the future may hold than the
GEA achieved. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
How to cite this article:
WIREs Energy Environ 2016, 5:7–15. doi: 10.1002/wene.179

INTRODUCTION arising from urbanization; linkages to land and water

availability; support for well-being and lifestyles; and
n 2012, a 1865 page book: ‘Global Energy Assess-
I ment: Toward a Sustainable Future’ was published,
largely under the aegis of the highly respected Interna-
energy policies intended to relate to the above.
In this paper, we consider the above issues and the
challenges to fulfillment of the various policy goals in
tional Institute of Applied Systems Analysis.1 In this circulation. Some other future challenges relating to
writer’s opinion, while agreeing that the book was ‘a global energy are touched upon—population growth
massive assessment’, it was also too massive for pur- and movement; risks arising from conflicts and poten-
pose and too varied in quality and coverage.2 This tial natural disasters; and stresses likely to arise from
paper surveys the IIASA report, the issues which should scarcity of resources and limits to technological innova-
arise in any current global energy assessment (GEA) tions and their diffusion.
and the challenges which do—or may—lie ahead.
The GEA highlighted the following energy chal-
lenges of the 21st century: the aim of providing afford-
able energy services for the well-being of all the world’s ENERGY POVERTY
human population (projected to rise to 9 billion by
2050 and possibly to over 12 billion by 2100, yet over People do not want energy as such, but the useful
2.6 billion people are currently without access to mod- energy that can provide modern energy services. There
ern energy services); increasing energy supply security is clearly a link, in general, between being unable to
for all (including reducing the risks usually associated access modern energy services and poverty. The GEA
with some forms of energy, guarding against intermit- was on firm ground in pointing out that there is a
tency and other potential supply disruptions, and vicious circle whereby those who lack access to modern
expanding energy storage capacities); and reducing energy services are often trapped in a self-reinforcing
local and regional pollution and curbing so-called cycle of deprivation, lower incomes and means to
greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit enhanced improve their living standards, while using up signifi-
near surface warming to no more than 2 C. cant amounts of their limited income and time on the
The GEA also addressed energy resources and available, often unhealthy, forms of energy they can
their potentials; fossil fuels (including carbon capture access. The GEA is on much less firm ground when it
and storage); renewable energy; nuclear energy; energy claims that universal access to cleaner cooking fuels
supply and demand systems—their security and transi- and electricity by 2030 is possible. With some 2.8 bil-
tion; pathways to sustainable development; challenges lion people currently without cleaner cooking fuels,
around 1.4 billion without electricity, and about 1 bil-
lion more people coming into the World by 2030,
*Correspondence to: mainly in already deprived communities, this goal—
Department of Energy, ESCP Europe Business School, London, UK desirable though it is—is well out of practical reach.
Conflict of interest: The author has declared no conflict of interest for Looking further ahead, with another 1 billion people
this article. anticipated to inhabit the Earth between 2030 and

Volume 5, January/February 2016 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 7


2050, and possibly a further 3 billion or so by 2100, the severely challenged. In the following sections, energy
long-term challenges are huge. resources and usage will be considered critically along-
Of the 2.8 billion people currently reliant on side the positions taken in the GEA.
traditional forms of biomass for cooking, some 750 The scope for conflict during the 21st century is
million are in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.95 billion in large and likely to intensify. Nor can we overlook the
Asia (of which under 400 million are in China; over potential for large-scale natural disasters—epidemics
850 million are in India; and nearly 700 million and pandemics, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis—
are elsewhere in Asia). About 85 million are in Latin which have challenged the human race for over
America. Of the 1.4 billion people without access to 70,000 years, and which with larger, more concen-
electricity, nearly 600 million exist in sub-Saharan trated, populations (many close to the sea and deltas)
Africa and 800 million in Asia—some 400 million in could again have a catastrophic impact. Many assume
India and nearly 400 million elsewhere in Asia that technological advances and progress in medical
(although in China the figure is under 10 million) science will be able to assuage these challenges. Many
[Correction added on 16 October 2015 after first also focus firmly on anthropogenic causes and conse-
online publication: the number of people 750,000; quences of near surface climatic change, although
850,000; 700,000; 600,000; 800,000 and 400,000 warming over the past century has been modest and
(twice) have been changed to 750 million, 850 million, projections disputed, while the course of human history
700 million, 600 million, 800 million, and 400 million, points to cooling rather than warming as the biggest
respectively.]. challenge, at least until the debates over the past
The issue is that, apart from China, progress in 30 years.5–9
reducing the number of people without access to clean
cooking facilities and electricity has been extremely
slow. The challenge is greatest in sub-Saharan Africa.
Nearly 75% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa
reliant on traditional biomass for cooking are rural There is strong vocal support for a shift from the fossil
dwellers, nearly 90% in India and nearly 85% else- fuels to renewable forms of energy, and to increasing
where in Asia (excluding China). The proportions of the efficiency of energy production and use. The fact
those without electricity are of a similar order of mag- that around 80% of the World’s current energy supply
nitude: rural dwellers account for 80% in sub-Saharan comes from fossil fuels, and some 90% of the World’s
Africa; 94% in India; and 85% in Other Asia (exclud- transportation is fuelled by oil products, fails to deter
ing China). The increasing urbanization of the World’s extravagant claims about what is realistically achieva-
population through the 21st Century can be expected ble within the coming decades. As with eliminating
to alleviate these figures. Yet it has been estimated that energy poverty, such targets are desirable were they fea-
an additional investment of US$ 700 billion (at 2009 sible within the time periods envisaged in many quar-
prices) would be required between 2010 and 2030 sim- ters, including the GEA.
ply to maintain a total of 2.8 billion people primarily Of the fossil fuels currently providing 80% or so
reliant on traditional biomass for cooking (one third of the World’s primary energy supply, coal accounts
of them in sub-Saharan Africa), and to reduce the num- for about 29% of the total; oil for about 31%; and nat-
ber of people without access to electricity by 200 million ural gas for about 21%. Hydroelectricity provides for a
by 2030 (of the 1.2 billion without electricity, 54% modest amount of global primary energy supply, but
would be in sub-Saharan Africa).3 Other ‘goals’ around 16% of the World’s electricity supplies (varying
abound: targets have been produced in recent years from year to year, of course, due to annual precipita-
for increasing access to modern energy by 50% to tion levels); nuclear for under 5%; ‘new’ renewables
100% by 2015, which should be a source of embarrass- (‘modern’ biomass and biofuels, solar, wind, geother-
ment for those engaging in them.4 mal, and wave/tidal) for just under 3%; and traditional
Prospects are made worse, of course, by projected biomass for just under 8%.10
human population increases to some 9 billion by 2050, China now accounts for over 46% of World coal
and possibly in excess of 12 billion by 2100. The pres- production and consumption11 and, but for the 50%
sures of such numbers on natural resources—food, increase in China’s coal output since the beginning of
potable water, minerals, and metals (and not least this century, World coal production and consumption
energy-related resources)—will be huge. Not only are would have risen by barely 10% since 2000. Instead
the aspirations of those existing in energy poverty likely they have risen by just over 50%. Concerns about
to go unfulfilled in many cases, the lifestyles of many of the ‘greenhouse’ gas emissions associated with coal
those who are better off materially are also likely to be production and use, and both local and regional

8 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Volume 5, January/February 2016

WIREs Energy and Environment A global energy assessment

pollution, have resulted in ongoing discussions of the behavior of geologically stored CO2. The implementa-
potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a tion of more pilot and demonstration storage projects
means of blunting the related carbon emissions. This in a range of geological, geographical, and economic
is a subject that has become well-worn over the past settings would be important to improve our under-
standing of these issues. Major knowledge gaps that
20 years, with warnings about the limits to sequestra-
should be filled before the risks and potential for ocean
tion, the need for closed aquifers, and questioning of
storage can be assessed concern the ecological impacts
the assumption that carbon dioxide can stably be of CO2 in the deep ocean’. (Ref 14, p. 48)
injected below the Earth’s surface.12 In the 1990s, there
was considerable discussion about the feasibility of
large horizontal aquifers for effective carbon storage. The World’s dependence upon oil, mainly in the
More cautious views have reigned since. But even in transportation sector but also important for heating
those years, it was recognized that closed aquifers with and cooking in many rural areas where natural gas
structural traps offered a very limited sequestration remains unavailable, is also an unavoidable challenge.
potential—about 50 GtC, less than 10 years of global Here, the GEA essentially ducked the issue of ‘peak oil’
carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuel, even with the statement:
before the upswing in China’s production and use of
coal (and remembering that India has more than ‘Considering oil reserves in a narrow sense, largely con-
doubled its coal consumption since 2000, and currently ventional oil, cumulative production to date is roughly
intends to continue on this path). The latest research equal to the remaining proven reserves—for the propo-
findings suggest that, even where carbon dioxide is nents of “peak oil” a clear indication of the imminent
transferred deep below the Earth’s surface, much of peak’. (GEA, p. 439)
the injected carbon dioxide may not turn to rock, but
instead remain gaseous or liquid with the potential of This was rather odd. First, because the evidence
returning to the atmosphere.13 Despite proved coal suggests that the global production of conventional
reserves still amounting to about 250 years of current oil plateaued and may have begun to decline from
annual consumption, concerns about its environmental 2005.15 Second, because the five major Middle East
impacts (especially enhanced global warming) oil exporters altered the basis of their definition of
remain high. ‘proved’ conventional oil reserves from a 90% proba-
The GEA recognized that successful CCS would bility down to a 50% probability from 1984. The result
be required if continued use of coal and other fossil has been an apparent (but not real) increase in their
fuels was to occur in a carbon-constrained world. In ‘proved’ conventional oil reserves of some 435 billion
Chapter 13 of the GEA CCS is discussed at length, barrels. These arguably inflated conventional proved
but despite every effort to appear optimistic about oil reserves figures are then published in the standard
the technical potential of CCS the authors recognize sources: the Oil & Gas Journal, BP’s Annual Statistical
that: ‘there is still considerable debate about how much Review of World Energy, and the US Energy Informa-
storage capacity actually exists’ (GEA, p. 997). ‘Ocean tion Administration. Third, the standard published oil
storage is not being considered at this time’, but saline reserves figures include Venezuelan heavy oil and
aquifers and depleted oil and gas wells plus some deep Canadian tar sands, which although more difficult
coal beds remain under review (GEA, p. 1036). In fact, and costly to extract (and of poorer quality in general
carbon storage in depleted oil and gas wells has been than conventional oil) inflate the standard figures by a
going on for some 20 years, and recent developments further 440 billion barrels (Venezuela accounting for
such as the Petro Nova project in Texas and the go- some 270 billion barrels of this and Canada for some
ahead for the Meredosia (Illinois) scheme indicate that 170 billion barrels). Put bluntly, the standard claim
efforts are at last being made onshore—but the pace is that the world has proved conventional oil reserves
slow and costs uncertain. Even the Intergovernmental of nearly 1.7 trillion barrels is overstated by about
Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report: ‘Carbon 875 billion barrels.16 Thus, despite the fall in crude
Dioxide Capture and Storage’, published in 2005, oil prices from a new peak in June, 2014, after that
warned policymakers: of July, 2008, the ‘peak oil’ issue remains with us,
and broad economic recovery combined with the con-
‘There is a need for improved storage capacity esti- sequences of recent oil exploration and production cut-
mates at the global, regional, and local levels, and for backs will bring back further major oil price rises.
a better understanding of long-term storage, migration, The recent cutbacks in upstream oil expenditure
and leakage processes. Addressing the latter issue will and employment have mirrored those that took place
require an enhanced ability to monitor and verify the between 1982 and 1986 when, for example, UK North

Volume 5, January/February 2016 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 9


Sea drilling rates fell by up to 50% and semi-submers- provided no disruptions occur. There are, however,
ible rates fell 40% in the last few months of 1985 and already concerns that North American demand is likely
into 1986. Major cutbacks in drilling rates have not to outpace production in the fairly near future.18 Dis-
only occurred in the USA and the North Sea, but also ruptions have already occurred for some countries as
on- and off-shore Africa and Latin America. Upstream a result of curbs on Russian gas exports, while lack
investment in the Eastern Mediterranean is expected to of gas storage is a potentially serious issue for some
take a big hit. Offshore upstream activity around the other countries—notably the UK. Ever since the year
USA has also been severely affected by the Deepwater 2000 warnings have gone out that the UK’s 15 days’
Horizon incident in 2010, following which the finan- gas storage capacity is insufficient to provide supply
cial penalties imposed on BP appear to many to have security; the major gas supplier, Centrica, has argued
been seriously unbalanced (and still not finally for more seasonal storage capacity (but has been
resolved). The size of these penalties is possibly up to unwilling to invest £1.4 billion in additional capacity
US$ 60 billion. By contrast, Halliburton has faced US without subsidy); and recent UK government state-
$ 200,000, despite providing faulty cement which ren- ments have included the refusal to provide any subsidy
dered the blow-out preventer ineffectual and admitting and claims that there is an adequately diverse network
to having destroyed evidence. Questions have been of international supplies and storage infrastructure.
raised about the third party involved in the drilling, Nevertheless, a previous Energy Minister (Charles
Transocean, whose rig was claimed to be faulty, and Hendry, who served until 2012) has stated that the
a key employee of which was closely engaged in the dis- UK has relied on ‘luck’ so far; that in four of the last
cussions which occurred on board before the blow-out nine winters gas reserves fell to ‘disturbingly low’
in which he died. Transocean have faced damages of US levels; and in March, 2013, UK gas prices tripled when
$ 1.4 billion. Transocean merged with Global Santa Fe a key import pipeline was temporarily closed while gas
in 2007. storage facilities were almost empty.
In December, 2012, Shell’s Arctic exploration There is also the issue of strategic oil and gas stocks
efforts with the Kulluk received a major blow, and which, despite the efforts made over the past 40 years in
the decision to scrap the rig was taken in 2014, respect of oil stocks, continues to cause concern even
although Shell has decided to press on with exploration within the policy review nexus. Although substantial
in the Chukchi Sea. This is largely—it is believed— reserves exist world-wide, they have not been used effec-
because its exploration rights begin to end from tively to offset economic downturns in the past, and
2017. With the US Administration announcing further with the expansion of US nonconventional oil output,
restrictions on where exploration may take place in the there is weaker rationale for the US to hold strategic
Chukchi Sea, and with claims that 87% of US offshore stocks rendering much of the rest of the world more vul-
waters are now closed to oil and natural gas leasing,17 nerable to supply disruption and its effects.19
tighter oil supplies in the short and medium term The issues of upstream oil and gas expenditure
appear unavoidable. cutbacks and lack of oil or gas storage were not covered
On the up-side, hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the GEA. When it comes to those forms of renewable
and horizontal drilling have continued apace in the energy which are intermittent, notably wind energy,
USA, but most tight oil fields have exhibited declines storage issues are a key element, which the GEA did
within a few years of operations beginning. There is refer to. (GEA, p. 775)
some evidence that the exploitation of tight gas fields
(e.g., exploitation of the Haynesville Shale formation
which stretches across North-West Louisiana, East ENERGY SUPPLIES—RENEWABLES
Texas, and South-West Arkansas) is showing a similar
pattern. Despite the optimism exhibited by the US
Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy The GEA recognized that ‘fossil fuels will dominate
Outlook (2015), doubts persist about how long-lived energy use for decades to come’ (GEA, p. 904), but
output from oil and gas fracking in the USA will in Chapters 7 and 11 stressed that annual renewable
be—some sources suggest less than 15 years—although energy flows exceed all future energy demand specula-
US oil production in 2015 could be as high as 9.3 mil- tions (GEA, p. 431), with resources potentially even
lion barrels per day. This is an important element in 10 to 100 times this demand (GEA, p. 767). The main
recent oil price falls and OPEC’s response to them since requirement to realize this potential is the investment
November, 2014. needed to develop ‘adequate technologies to manage
For natural gas, supply availability is less of a the often low or varying energy densities and supply
major issue over the next two to three decades, intermittencies, and convert them into usable fuels’

10 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Volume 5, January/February 2016

WIREs Energy and Environment A global energy assessment

(GEA, p. 431). Both in Chapter 7 and in Chapter 11, to how such challenges can be met.25 We lay great store
the GEA’s emphasis was on the technical potential of by human ingenuity in the field of technological prog-
the various forms of renewable energy, with insuffi- ress, and the discovery of new materials and processes,
cient regard for constraints. For biomass and biofuels, but the examination of the historic record should instill
it was assumed that higher yields would produce the a sense of wariness about future claims.
desired results and cropped areas were unlikely to There are further reasons to be wary. One is the
expand given the expected future increases in the fact that we humans, like most creatures, seek out the
demand for food, animal feed, and fibers (GEA, most convenient and closest resources to exploit first.
p. 480). Yet, already diversion of food crops for bio- But, as these resources are exploited so the marginal
fuel, biomass, and electricity (e.g., using palm oil as a returns on their production decline. Energy production
feedstock) production have severely impacted food is no exception to this general rule.26 Hence, the con-
availability and prices (a major factor in food price riots cept of Energy Return On (Energy) Invested (EROI),
in 2008), while deforestation (with consequential hab- which has been discussed and debated by such energy
itat and species loss for wildlife) has also resulted.20 analyst luminaries as Charles Hall, Cutler Cleveland,
Perhaps of even greater concern for a GEA are the and David Murphy.16,27–29 Although the estimated
consequences of intermittency arising from growing EROIs of the fossil fuels have tended to decline in recent
dependence upon wind and (in many parts of the decades they remain well above those of ‘new’ or ‘mod-
World) solar PV—the need for back-up from more ern’ renewable energy forms with the possible excep-
dependable sources of energy and the enormous need tion of hydro, and wind in a few exceptionally
for storage. The issue of intermittency is regularly favorable locations. This differential in EROI’s is insuf-
downplayed or evaded by many in the wind energy sec- ficiently recognized as an obstacle to the expansion of
tor, and there is a frequent tendency to exaggerate or renewable energy provision. In addition, of course,
ignore capacity factors achieved.20–22 The use of salts there are the widely expressed concerns about the inter-
in concentrating solar power (CSP) developments has mittency of output of renewable energy forms such as
helped to provide some storage for a limited period wind and solar, and the need for back-up from fossil
each day, but such optimal locations for CSP as the fuel or nuclear plants.
Sahara desert (with Ultra High Voltage Direct Current Reinforcing this distinction is the low power den-
transmission to Europe and sub-Saharan Africa) are sity (Watts per square meter) of renewable energy forms,
hemmed about by concerns over sociopolitical stability as has been set out by Vaclav Smil and others.20,30–32
and hence supply security. It was notable that the GEA The GEA referred to the ‘often low spatial-energy inten-
explicitly excluded consideration of ‘localized factors sity or energy intensity’ of renewable energy forms com-
such as siting and transmission issues’ (GEA, p. 496). pared with most fossil fuel and nuclear resources (GEA,
The GEA was more alert to the potential impacts of p. 768), but appears to have preferred to place its empha-
ocean, wave, and tidal (especially tidal barrages) on sis on technical potentials rather than limitations.
ecosystems and marine life, although overlooking Nuclear power, like solar power, has huge techni-
potential adverse effects on wading birds.20 cal potential which could be enhanced by the greater
The delays in addressing relevant issues in the use of thorium as well as uranium in fissile systems.
energy field over long periods in the past should serve Nuclear fusion, although considered by its advocates
as a stern warning against over-optimism and unrealis- to offer substantial safety benefits, remains elusive.
tic targets and assumed potentials. Even in the rela- Yet again it is not the technical potential that represents
tively simple example of pumped storage, senior the greatest challenge but other concerns—safety and
advisors to government have pointed out the opportu- public acceptance.
nities which have not yet been exploited (such as the
13 sites identified in Scotland alone).23
But we can readily see some even more extreme
examples. The first parabolic mirrors were constructed The GEA emphasized the need to shift to higher effi-
by Dositheius about 2300 years ago, and Frank Shu- ciency in energy provision and use, which would
man placed an array of parabolic mirrors at Meadi, require accelerated and up-front energy-related invest-
near Cairo, over 100 years ago.24 Some 175 years have ments over the coming decades, while warning that
passed since the work on solar photovoltaics and also demand responds only slowly to price changes (GEA,
on the fuel cell began. Already, concerns are being p. 417). Yet nearly 150 years ago Jevons warned about
expressed about the dependence of current solar and the ‘paradox’ that ‘it is wholly a confusion of ideas to
wind energy technologies on ‘rare earth’ or scarce suppose that the economical use of fuel is equivalent to
materials, although there are numerous proposals as a diminished consumption. The very contrary is the

Volume 5, January/February 2016 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 11


truth’.33,34 The point here is that increased efficiency is to account for much of these increases. Population
liable to make the fuel cheaper, hence encouraging pressure, and population movement, is a longstanding
greater use, or freeing up income which can be spent source of conflict as can be urbanization:
on more fuel-consuming items or activities. Although
what is now referred to as ‘the rebound effect’ is rather ‘if managed poorly, urbanization could lead to declin-
more complicated than such general statements ing quality of life, greater environmental degradation,
suggest—the ‘effect’ varies between countries and accelerating greenhouse gas emissions, social stresses
regions within countries (e.g., there is relative disinter- and political turbulence’.42
est in energy efficiency in the south-eastern parts of the
USA)—it is an important feature of energy efficiency Urban dwellers may benefit from proximity to
and policy analysis.35–39 Once again a realistic GEA mass transit systems, but their food and many other
has to take full account of the limitations existing in essential requirements will need well-developed trans-
the real world. It may sound comforting to refer to portation systems from outside and the fuels to
‘definitive guides’40 but things are never so simple. Cer- run them.
tainly international action to raise energy efficiency in These developments carry with them other con-
provision and use has been ineffectual to date in large cerns. Although medical science has greatly improved,
parts of the World despite the lip service paid to its and the numbers of people with access to medication
desirability.41 has risen, urbanization and the greater volume of
movement carry with them higher risks from epidemics
(Ref 43, p. 475–477). Familiar though many people
may be with the Black Death and subsequent outbreaks
It would, perhaps, be considered unreasonable to of bubonic plague which covered the period
expect a GEA—even of over 1800 pages in length— 1346–1834 AD, recent research suggests that the great
to cover potential catastrophes. Scenarios developed gerbil and some other rodents in Central Asia were the
by business concerns, such as those produced by the source of contamination of black rats subsequently car-
Royal Dutch/Shell Group, have explicitly ruled out rying fleas infected by the bacterium Yersinia pestis
such considerations as being beyond their remit and around Europe.44–46 It has also been claimed that this
control. In recent years, a few authors have raised con- transference was ‘climate-driven’, based on examina-
cerns as to whether the human race can continue to tion of tree rings and with the implication that this
master its environment and achieve a sustainable was the result of warming—despite the Little Ice Age
future—hence the question whether the twilight of having begun some 150 years prior to the first out-
‘the Anthropocene Age’ is becoming apparent.16 break.45 There is also the influenza epidemic of 1918/
Vaclav Smil31 has considered natural catastrophes such 1919, with which many are familiar. It is perhaps more
as epidemics and volcanic eruptions, and it is important surprising that the plague which had a profound influ-
to do so in any multidisciplinary approach to a GEA. In ence around the World between 536 and 750 AD has
doing so, the intention is not to seek to forecast the attracted significant attention in recent years.47–49 This
future, but to consider possibilities which may arise plague, it has been robustly claimed, ushered out an
in an unknown and essentially unknowable future. ‘Old World’ around the globe with ‘the Dark Ages’,
A suitable starting point is the prospect of 9 billion and set the scene for the Middle Ages.
people on Earth by 2050, and perhaps over 12 billion This outbreak of the plague is believed to have
by 2100. The total numbers, and the pressures of followed the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption on the Ilo-
migration, are likely to enhance the likelihood of local, pango caldera in El Salvador in 536 AD (the suggestion
regional, and possibly global conflict. The depletion, that a volcanic eruption close to Krakatoa, in Indone-
degradation, or exhaustion of many critical resources sia, is nowadays discounted). Volcanic eruptions and
may well provide the basis for conflict. Then there is tsunamis are among the natural phenomena, together
the rapidly rising urban population—which now com- with the spread of disease and ineffectual efforts to stem
prises 55% of the World’s total population (compared it, associated with a significant number of human
with 34% in 1960), and which is projected by the UN deaths and those of other species. Earlier volcanic erup-
to rise to 66% by 2050. Other projections suggest a fig- tions, such as that of Lake Toba (Indonesia), some
ure of 80% by 2100. The basic numbers are even more 70,000 years ago; Santorini, over a lengthy period
compelling: there were less than 750 million urban some 3500 years ago (which caused the collapse of
dwellers in 1950, there are now nearly 4 billion, and the Minoan civilization); Laki (Iceland) in 1783—
the figure is projected to exceed 6 billion by 2045. probably causing directly the greatest number of
India, China, and parts of West Africa are anticipated human fatalities—several million50; and Mount

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WIREs Energy and Environment A global energy assessment

Tambora (Indonesia) in 181551 are considered to have The GEA at numerous points referred to soaring green-
caused the largest number of human fatalities house gas emissions and the need ‘to contain the global
(Krakatoa in 1883 is believed to have caused a rela- mean temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Celsius
tively modest 36,000 deaths). above the preindustrial level, with a success probability
One study of volcanic eruptions begins with of at least 50%’. (GEA, p. xii, 6, 200–207, etc.)
Mount Toba but ends with potential eruptions from The GEA also accepted that it was ‘unashamedly
the Yellowstone National Park and California’s Long normative’ (p. xii). In such ‘a massive assessment’ (p. x),
Valley, which could cause massive loss of life and dis- however, the GEA might have done better by going
ruption, although the authors consider ‘we can, and beyond the winds of fashion followed by many in pol-
will, survive’.52 Others have considered catastrophic itics, and by some scientists, and also discussed the
volcanic eruption scenarios.53 Yet so often the human weaknesses of climate change modeling (111 out of
race more generally is caught by surprise. The word tsu- 114 available climate—model simulations show a
nami may now be widely known, but was it before greater warming trend than observations in recent
2004, when the Indian Ocean tsunami carried around years, according to the Ref 55, Box 1.1, p. 43); uncer-
300,000 people to their deaths? How many people— tainties about the role and impacts of solar variation,
even Europeans—know of the Great Lisbon earth- water vapor, clouds and albedo; and the absorptive
quake of November, 1755, and its subsequent tsunami, capacities of the oceans and land masses. The complex-
which killed an estimated 30,000–50,000 people, ities and uncertainties may well justify precautionary
many of them in Lisbon but also in the Algarve and measures. But, these need to be sound. Many in vogue
as far away as Morocco? With the possibility of two nowadays are not sound—such as placing subsidized
thirds of the World’s population being urbanized by wind turbines where mean wind speeds are relatively
2050, and perhaps 80% by 2100, and dense urbanized low; solar PV systems where direct and indirect solar
populations often living at low levels close to river estu- radiation is relatively poor; and a vast swathe of mod-
aries and the sea, both the threat of tsunamis and vol- ern biofuel and biomass development.
canic eruptions take on even greater seriousness.
It is about 70,000 years since volcanic activity
destroyed a large proportion of the then existing
human race. Medical science has greatly advanced over
the past 250 years, and especially over the last 80 years, The World in the 21st Century is faced with huge chal-
yet there is growing concern whether modern antibiotic lenges that go far beyond, but importantly include,
remedies will be able to keep up with the increasing energy challenges on the supply, access, and use sides.
resistance and changes in viruses. So severe are these challenges, mainly arising from the
By comparison enhanced near-surface global demands of a rapidly increasing human population on
warming due to human and human-related activities is the Earth’s limited resources, that the future existence
a topic rarely out of the daily media over the past of large numbers of people may be threatened with
30 years, and yet it is a topic mired in speculation and extinction. In that sense, we may be observing the twi-
controversy.54,55 The history of the human race, at least light of the Anthropocene (Human) Age.26 Energy
over the past 12,000 years, has indicated that near- transitions, as Vaclav Smil has constantly reminded
surface cooling has had more widespread effects than us over the years, are protracted affairs.32 But as Julius
any warming, but to ignore uncertainties and fail to take Caesar wrote: ‘The unusual and the unknown make us
sound precautionary measures would appear irresponsi- either overconfident or overly fearful’. We should not
ble. It was concerns about enhanced global warming assume either inexorable progress or unavoidable
which were justifiably a major motivator for the GEA. collapse.31

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