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Development and Validation of a Clinical Scale for Rating the Severity

of Blepharospasm
Giovanni Defazio, MD, PhD,1* Mark Hallett, MD,2 Hyder A. Jinnah, MD, PhD,3 Glenn T. Stebbins, MD, PhD,4
Angelo F. Gigante, MD,1 Gina Ferrazzano, MD,5 Antonella Conte, MD,5,6 Giovanni Fabbrini, MD,5,6 and Alfredo Berardelli, MD5,6

Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, “Aldo Moro” University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Human Motor Control Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Department of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
IRCCS INM Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS), Italy

ABSTRACT: Existing scales for rating the sever- objective criteria, yielded moderate to almost perfect
ity of blepharospasm (BSP) are limited by a number of reliability, acceptable internal consistency, satisfactory
potential drawbacks. We therefore developed and vali- scaling assumptions, lack of floor and ceiling effects,
dated a novel scale for rating the severity of BSP. The partial correlations with a prior severity scale and with a
development of the scale started with careful examina- quality of life scale, and good sensitivity to change.
tion of the clinical spectrum of the condition by a panel Despite a few limitations, the foregoing features make
of experts who selected phenomenological aspects the novel scale more suitable than existing scales to
thought to be relevant to disease severity. Thereafter, assess the severity of BSP in natural history and patho-
selected items were first checked for reliability, then physiologic studies as well as in clinical trials. VC 2015

reliable items were combined to generate the scale, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
and clinimetric properties of the scale were evaluated.
Finally, the confidence with which the scale could be K e y W o r d s : Blepharospasm; Blinking; Dystonia;
used by people without high levels of movement disor- severity; rating scale
ders skill was assessed. The new scale, based on

Blepharospasm (BSP)1 is characterized by bilateral, cases.2-4 Additional features are eye symptoms,
synchronous, and symmetric involuntary orbicularis increased blinking, sensory tricks, apraxia of eyelid
oculi (OO) muscle spasms leading to partial/total eye- opening (AEO), and dystonia in other body parts.2-6
lid rim closure.2-4 Spasms may be brief or prolonged, Clinical evaluation of BSP poses a number of chal-
are usually aggravated by bright light, stress, or volun- lenges, particularly in the diagnosis and severity rat-
tary muscle contraction, and are reduced by attention- ing. Although a specific diagnostic guideline has been
demanding tasks such as writing, particularly in severe recently validated,7 the widespread use of existing
------------------------------------------------------------ severity scales is limited by several drawbacks.8 The
*Correspondence to: Dr. Giovanni Defazio, MD, PhD, Department of Burke-Fahn-Marsden rating scale,9 the Unified Dysto-
Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, “Aldo Moro”
University of Bari, I-70124, Bari, Italy, E-mail: nia Rating Scale,10 and the Global Dystonia Severity
Funding agencies: This study was funded by the Benign Essential Ble-
Rating Scale10 comprehensively measure dystonia
pharospasm Research Foundation and a Pilot Project Grant from the severity in all body parts. In these scales, severity
Dystonia Coalition (NS065701 from the Office of Rare Diseases Research grading is based on the intensity of dystonic contrac-
and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)
tions merged with (as in the Burke-Fahn-Marsden rat-
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Nothing to report.
Full financial disclosures and author roles may be found in the online ver-
ing scale), or weighted by (as in the Unified Dystonia
sion of this article. Rating Scale) duration and daily frequency of the
Received: 2 August 2014; Revised: 30 November 2014; Accepted: 22 spasms. Whereas spasm intensity can be evaluated by
December 2014 clinical examination, an assessment of spasm fre-
quency relies on subjective patient’s report. Moreover,
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.26156 these scales adopt the same grading modality for

Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015 525


dystonia at different body sites, each of which ideally TABLE 1. Content validity analysis of clinical items thought
warrants a specific severity assessment system. Finally, to be relevant for the severity assessment of
these rating scales may also prove unreliable because blepharospasm
of the relatively high number of severity gradations Content Validity
used. Although these scales have excellent internal Items Ratio
consistency,9,10 inter-rater agreement is not optimal
A. Degree of eyelid rim narrowing 0.8
for dystonia affecting the upper/lower face, jaw, neck, B. Eyebrow lowering below the superior margin of the 0.2
and larynx.8-10 To date, the only severity scale specifi- orbit
cally developed for BSP is the Jankovic Rating Scale C. Duration of eyelid spasms 0.8
(JRS).11 This scale includes two subscales that measure D. Frequency of eyelid spasms 1
intensity and frequency of eyelid spasms, both based E. Complexity of eyelid spasms (isolated spasms or 0.2
“‘trains’” of spasms)
on a 5-point grading system. This scale may be subject F. Signs/symptoms associated with eyelid spasms 0.2
to several criticisms, including the lack of a clear defi- - Eye symptoms 0.25
nition of spasms regarding the degree of rim closure, - Effective sensory tricks 0.0
the combination of examiner-based and patient-based - Duration of effect of the sensory trick 0.0
information, and the lack of attention to clinical fea- - Forcible quality of the trick 0.8
- Blink rate 0.55
tures. Although the JRS displays excellent internal - Apraxia of eyelid opening 0.55
consistency, reliability measures and other clinimetric - Dystonia in the lower face 0.0
properties are not available.11 - Dystonia in body parts other than the face
All of the aforementioned considerations highlight
the need for a novel BSP severity scale overcoming
limitations of existing scales. drop was considered as a blink. Delay in reopening the
eyelids after involuntary closure associated with no overt
OO contraction and raising of the eyebrow above the
Methods superior orbital margin was considered as AEO. A
repeat rating was performed by one of the neurologists 5
A Novel BSP Severity Scale Was Developed months later. Reliability was calculated by kappa statis-
and Validated in a Four-Step Procedure tics or the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), as
In the first step, senior movement disorder specialists appropriate. Kappa values greater than 0.4 and ICC val-
(G.D., M.H., H.J., and A.B.) identified a list of phe- ues greater than 0.7 indicated satisfactory agreement.
nomenological aspects possibly related to BSP severity In the third step, a scale was designed on the basis of
(Table 1) that was submitted to eight neurologists and the items that survived the CVR criterion and demon-
two ophthalmologists with long-standing experience in strated acceptable reliability. We assumed that both
BSP. These experts evaluated whether each aspect intensity and frequency would contribute to the severity
was, or was not, relevant to severity rating by calcu- of spasms. To rate intensity, we first assigned a basic
lating the content validity ratio (CVR) as described in score to each type of spasm (prolonged spasms were
Supplemental Data Appendix 1. We arbitrarily consid- given higher basic scores than brief spasms); then the
ered as potentially useful those items that reached a basic score was graded whenever possible by spasm-
CVR greater than 0.5.7 associated features, including AEO, lower face (LF)
In the second step, interobserver and intraobserver spasms, and effect of writing on OO spasms. We also
reliability of selected items was assessed using 68 video- considered the average duration of prolonged spasms
recordings of Italian outpatients providing written with complete eyelid rim closure (recorded during the
informed consent (institutional review board approval last 120 seconds of video-recording) as a further deter-
of the University of Bari n. 483, April 18, 2011). Thirty- minant of intensity. Duration of prolonged spasms was
eight women and 30 men aged 71 years [SD, 9] who had then transformed into tertiles calculated from the fre-
had BSP for 11 years [SD, 8] on average, were studied. quency distribution of the variable in the overall BSP
Video-recordings were performed according to a stand- sample. Finally, to rate frequency, we counted both
ardized video protocol lasting approximately 5 minutes brief spasms and blinks together as well as the number
(Supplemental Data Appendix 1). Two neurologists who of prolonged spasms occurring during the last 120 sec-
did not know the patients reviewed video-recordings. onds of video-recording. Number of spasms/min was
The raters, who were experienced in movement disor- then transformed into tertiles obtained from the fre-
ders but had no specific expertise in BSP, underwent brief quency distribution of each variable in the overall BSP
training. A sudden OO muscle contraction causing eye- population being studied. Total severity score was cal-
lid rim narrowing/closure was classified as a spasm that culated by adding subscores from all items.
could induce brief (<3 sec) or prolonged eyelid closure In the fourth step, we evaluated clinimetric proper-
(3 sec). A bilateral, synchronous short duration (<1 ties of the scale, including item-to-total correla-
sec) OO muscle contraction causing a transient eyelid tion,12,13 internal consistency,14 floor and ceiling

526 Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015


FIG. 1. Blepharospasm severity scale

effects,15 precision,12 convergent and discriminant as to whether spasms occurred during writing (atten-
validity,16,17 and sensitivity to change. tion-demanding task). According to degree and dura-
In the fifth step, three neurological residents from tion, we identified four types of OO spasms in the
the University of Bari were trained on the phenome- study population: brief spasms (lasting < 3 sec) and
nology of BSP as described (see second step) and prolonged spasms (lasting  3 sec), both leading to
assessed 15 video-recordings of patients who did not complete or incomplete rim closure. Prolonged spasms
participate in the scale development. The rating was with incomplete rim closure were typically long last-
repeated by one resident 10 days later. Reliability of ing, being present for most of the examination period.
total and partial scores were calculated by kappa sta- Prolonged spasms with complete rim closure lasted on
tistics or the ICC, as appropriate. average 3 to 9 sec. Overall, brief spasms (particularly
those associated with complete rim closure) were pres-
ent in all patients, prolonged spasms with incomplete
Results rim closure were present in 47 patients, and prolonged
spasms with complete rim closure were present in 18
Generation of the Items patients. Counting the number of blinks 1 brief OO
Among the 13 clinical aspects initially identified by spasms with complete rim closure in the last video seg-
the movement disorder specialists, six were given a ment and stratifying the values in tertiles (Fig. 1)
CVR greater than 0.5 by the panel of experts (Table yielded 23 patients in the first tertile, 25 patients in the
1). These were degree and duration of OO spasms, fre- second tertile, and 20 patients in the third tertile. The
quency of spasms, blink rate, AEO, and LF spasms. As sustained quality of prolonged spasms with incomplete
a seventh aspect, we suggested that attention be paid eyelid rim closure made their frequency difficult to

Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015 527


TABLE 2. Inter-observer agreement on the proposed observer reliability was reached for prolonged spasms,
blepharospasm severity items. brief spasms inducing complete eyelid rim closure,
Items K / ICC P
number of blinks 1 brief spasms/min, number and
average duration of prolonged spasms inducing com-
Items 1 and 2 0.03 0.3 plete rim closure/min, presence of AEO and of LF
Degree and duration of eyelid narrowing induced by 0.82 0.0003 spasms, and occurrence of spasms during writing
eyelid spasms
Brief spasms with partial eyelid rim closure 0.65 0.0004
(Table 2). Repeat rating of videotapes yielded accepta-
(< 3 sec) ble intra-rater reliability for all of these items
Prolonged spasms with partial eyelid rim closure (> 0.76 0.0006 (kappa > 0.76; ICC > 0.86).
3 sec)
Brief spasms with complete eyelid rim closure
(< 3 sec) Scale Generation and Clinimetric Properties
Prolonged spasms with complete eyelid rim closure The eight items that had acceptable CVR and reli-
(> 3 sec) ability were then grouped in a preliminary version of
Item 3 0.92 0.001
Rate of Blink 1 brief eyelid spasms with complete
the scale (Table 3). Most items gained item-to-total
eyelid rim closure/min correlation greater than the criterion 0.30; LF spasms
Item 4 0.87 <0.001 yielded the weakest scaling assumption (rho 5 0.27)
Rate of prolonged eyelid spasms with complete and was therefore excluded.
eyelid rim closure/min We tested the clinimetric properties of two final ver-
Item 5 0.98 <0.001
Duration of prolonged eyelid spasms with complete
sions of the scale, a complete version including all of
eyelid rim closure the selected items (Fig. 1) and a shorter version that
Item 6 0.28 0.002 did not consider the average duration of prolonged
Apraxia of eyelid opening 0.29 0.001 spasms with complete eye closure (item A4 in Fig. 1).
Eyelid spasms are followed by transient brief inabil- 0.60 0.007 Theoretically, the complete and the short scale yielded
ity (< 3 sec duration) to raise eyelids associated
with frontalis muscle hyperactivity (inducing
a maximum score of 18 and 15, respectively. Among
raised eyebrow) the 68 participants, the mean total severity score was
Eyelid spasms are followed by transient prolonged 6.7 for the complete scale (range, 2-15; SD, 2.4;
(> 3 sec duration) inability to raise eyelids, standard error of the mean [SEM], 0.29), 6.2 for the
associated with frontalis muscle hyperactivity short scale (range, 2-12; SD, 2.6; SEM, 0.31). No
(inducing raised eyebrow)
Apraxia of eyelid opening (y/n)
patient achieved theoretical minimum and maximum
Item 7 0.17 0.04 score values. Minimum and maximum scores (2 and
Lower face spasms 0.52 0.001 15 in the complete scale, 2 and 12 in the short scale)
- Sporadically associated with the eyelid spasms 0.55 0.01 were reached by four patients (5.9%) and six patients
- Usually associated with eyelid spasms (8.8%), respectively. No significant correlation was
- Lower face spasms (y/n)
Item 8 0.88 0.001
found between total severity score from either version
Attention-demanding task of the scale and age or disease duration (data not
- Eyelid spasms that occur during writing (y/n) shown). Internal consistency yielded similar values for
both the complete and the short scale (Cronbach’s
alpha, 0.75 vs. 0.71). With regard to the convergent
measure. Stratification of the number of prolonged validity, a significant partial correlation emerged
spasms with complete rim closure counted during the
last video-segment in tertiles (Fig. 1) yielded six TABLE 3. Items included in the preliminary version of the
patients in the first tertile, eight patients in the second blepharospasm severity scale (scoring system is in paren-
thesis) and item-to-total correlations (Spearman rho)
tertile, and four patients in the third tertile. Stratifica-
tion of the average duration of prolonged spasms with Item-to-total
complete rim closure in tertiles (Fig. 1) yielded eight correlation
Items (Spearman rho)
patients in the first tertile, five patients in the second
tertile, and five patients in the third tertile. The AEO Items 1 and 2. Degree and duration of eyelid narrowing 0.82
and LF spasms were present in 10 and 36 patients, induced by orbicularis oculi spasms (score: 1/2/3)
respectively. Orbicularis oculi spasms during writing Item 3. Rate of blinks 1 brief eyelid spasms (tertiles, 0.39
were observed in 23 of 68 patients. score: 1-3)
Item 4. Rate of prolonged eyelid spasms (tertiles, 0.76
score: 1-3)
Item 5. Duration of prolonged spasms (tertiles, 0.77
Inter- and Intra-rater Reliability of the Items score 1-3)
Eight items derived from the seven selected phenom- Item 5. Apraxia of eyelid opening (score: 0/2) 0.41
enological aspects and categorized as shown in Table Item 6. Lower face spasms (score: 0/1) 0.27
Item 7. Effect of writing on eyelid spasms (score: 0/1) 0.35
2 underwent reliability assessment. Satisfactory inter-

528 Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015


between the JRS and both the complete scale with complete eyelid rim closure would require the
(rho 5 0.67, P < 0.0001) and the short scale examination to be video-recorded. However, both the
(rho 5 0.66, P < 0.0001). An assessment of discrimi- complete scale and a shorter version of the scale that
nant validity revealed significant correlation between did not include duration of prolonged spasms have sim-
both versions of the severity scale and two of the five ilar and satisfactory clinimetrics. Internal consistency
domains of CDQ-24 scale (complete scale: emotional was acceptable for a scale with a relatively small num-
well-being, rho 5 0.49, P 5 0.01; activities of daily liv- ber of items, particularly if one considers that Cronbach
ing: rho 5 0.52, P 5 0.01. Short scale: emotional well- alpha is also dependent on the number of items.14
being, rho 5 0.45, P 5 0.008; activities of daily living: Because we observed that subjects with total score near
rho 5 0.54, P 5 0.01). Finally, comparisons of the the bottom or the top of the scale did not exceed 15%
total severity score before and after botulinum toxin in either scale formulation, we could rule out the possi-
(BoNT) treatment in 12 patients revealed a significant bility of floor or ceiling effects. Our analysis found a
decrease in the score after BoNT (Complete scale: partial correlation between both versions of the scale
8.2 6 2.1 vs. 5.2 6 2.3, P < 0.0001; short scale: and the JRS,11 or the quality of life (QoL) scale CDQ-
7.7 6 1.6 vs. 4.9 6 2.0, P < 0.0001). 24.16,17 The scale presented here explores domains that
are not considered in the prior scales: estimation of
Scale Done by Residents spasm severity is present in the JRS11 but not in the
CDQ-24,16,17 whereas spasm-associated features are
When the scale was administered by three neurologi-
not considered in the JRS but may contribute to QoL
cal residents to 15 BSP patients, satisfactory inter-rater
assessment by the CDQ-24. Comparison of total sever-
reliability was seen for both total score (ICC, 0.72-
ity scores at baseline and 4 weeks after BoNT treatment
0.94) and subscores from individual items (type of
highlighted the sensitivity to change of both versions of
eyelid spasm score: ICC, 0.77-0.88; AEO score:
the scale. Finally, our analysis did not detect any signifi-
k 5 0.78; writing score: k 5 0.78; duration of pro-
cant relationship between the novel scale and age, or
longed spasm score: K 5 1; number of blinks 1 brief
disease duration, which is consistent with the notion
eyelid spasm score: k 5 1; number of prolonged eyelid
that BSP severity is independent of these variables.
spasm score: k 5 0.93). Intra-rater reliability yielded
Other features of the current scale are advantageous
satisfactory results for both total score (ICC 5 0.83)
in comparison with existing scales. The new scale is
and subscores from individual items (data not shown).
based on objective clinical parameters and includes
clear definitions of different types of OO spasms based
Discussion on the degree and duration of eyelid rim closure.
Because of the variable duration of spasms in different
A novel scale for rating BSP severity was developed
patients or within the same patient over time, we were
and validated by a multistep procedure that started
aware that any way of stratifying by spasm duration
with selection of phenomenological aspects possibly
is arbitrary. We chose to distinguish brief spasms (<3
relevant to BSP severity by a panel of experts. There-
sec) and prolonged spasms (>3 sec). This approach
after, selected items were first checked for reliability,
then reliable items were combined to generate the was reliable and likely reflected the spectrum of BSP
scale, and clinimetrics properties were evaluated. Reli- severity. Brief spasms (probably carrying a lower
ability of scale administration by three residents with- severity burden) were present in all patients, whereas
out high levels of movement disorder skill was also prolonged spasms were present in only some of them.
assessed. Some spasm-associated features were included in the
Seven clinical items contributed to the final version scale as further clinical determinants of severity. All of
of the scale. Among them, degree and duration of eye- the items that contributed to the scale proved to be
lid closure caused by spasms and frequency of spasms reliable. Finally, to maximize reliability, we did not
are the core clinical hallmarks of BSP severity; assign gradations to individual items. To grade sever-
increased blinking, AEO, and occurrence of spasms ity, we instead assigned a basic score for each type of
during writing are useful to grade severity. Our proce- spasm, which was then adjusted according to the pres-
dure showed that the selected items are reliable and ence of further clinical determinants of severity and
have satisfactory scaling assumptions12,13 except for added to a specific frequency factor.
the item assessing LF spasms that was omitted from The present study has limitations. Eye symptoms,
the final scale formulation. Although LF spasms add for example, are not considered in the scale. They are,
to the severity of the overall disorder when present, however, considered to be the consequence of eye dis-
they are clearly separable from the eyelid closures. eases possibly triggering BSP. Other BSP features, such
Most selected items can be easily administered and as the need to wear sunglasses or the inability to read
measured during a brief clinical examination. Only or watch television, do not determine the severity of
accurate measurement of duration of prolonged spasms BSP, but more likely are BSP consequences, which can

Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015 529


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accurately, as is needed for the complete scale, would
require the clinical examination to be video-recorded. Supporting Data
Because both scale versions share similar clinimetrics,
we would suggest using the shorter scale in routine Additional Supporting Information may be found in
clinical practice, whereas the complete scale would be the online version of this article at the publisher’s
suitable to assess BSP severity in research settings. web-site.

530 Movement Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2015

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