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Jafeth Lobo

Computer Science

Go to the website and look up the definitions and examples for
the following.
1. Hardware _______A HW contains a circuit board, iCS, or other elctronics. An
examples of a Hardware would be the screen of your computer or phone or anything that has a
screen that you can display something on.

a. TV
b. Computer
c. Laptop
d. Smartphone
e. A tablet
2. Software _____A SW is system or a guide to give you instructions on how to use
your computer or anything that can have technology like a smartphone.

a. Antivirus
b. Audio
c. Database
d. Device drivers
e. Movie Player
3. Input Device ________Is Any Hardware that sends data/infomartion to your computer.

a. Audio Conversation device
b. Barcode readers
c. biometrics
D. Business card reader
e. Digital camera
4. Output Device ___________Any peripheral that receives data from a computer, to
display or project something.

a. 3D printer
b. Flat Panel
c. Monitor
d. Plotter
e. Projector

5. Monitor— Is an output device to display videos, images, and text.

6. Printer— Stores all data from a computer and generates hard copy of it.

7. Mouse— A device that controls a cursor in a GUI and can move and select text, icons,

files, and folders.

8. Flash drive— Small electronic device that is able to storage data from a computer.
9. Computer— Are electronic devices that contain data, process data, receive data, and

store the results of the data.

10. CPU (central processor unit)— A computer CPU handles all the instructions it receives

from a hardware and software.

11. RAM (Random Access Memory)— Is a device that allows the computer to store data.

12. Hard drive— Stores and retrieves data from a computer.

13. Operating system— It enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with

the computer software

14. Mother board— a printed circuit board that is the foundation of the computer.

15. Keyboard— Keyboards have letters that allows you to type in the computer and you can

combine symbols that can serve as commands to navigate through your computer.

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