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Chapter 1

Chemical Composition of Living Cells


• Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus normally makeup more
than 99% of the mass of living cells.
• Ninety-nine percent of the molecules inside living cells are water molecules.
• Cells normally contain more protein than DNA.
• Homogenous polymers are noninformational.
• All non-essential lipids can be generated from acetyl-CoA.
• Like certain amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, various inorganic elements
are dietarily "essential".
• Most all diseases in animals are manifestations of abnormalities in biomolecules,
chemical reactions, or biochemical pathways.

All living organisms, from microbes to mam- between cells (e.g., erythrocyte, liver, muscle
mals, are composed of chemical substances or fat cell), they all generally contain a greater
from both the inorganic and organic world, that variety of proteins than any other type of
appear in roughly the same proportions, and macromolecule, with about 50% of the solid
perform the same general tasks. Hydrogen, matter of the cell being protein (15% on a wet-
oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and weight basis). Cells generally contain many
sulfur normally make up more than 99% of the more protein molecules than DNA molecules,
mass of living cells, and when combined in yet DNA is typically the largest biomolecule in
various ways, form virtually all known organic the cell. About 99% of cellular molecules are
biomolecules. They are initially utilized in the water molecules, with water normally
synthesis of a small number of building blocks accounting for approximately 70% of the total
that are, in turn, used in the construction of a wet-weight of the cell. Although water is
vast array of vital macromolecules (Fig 1-1). obviously important to the vitality of all living
There are four general classes of macromol- cells, the bulk of our attention is usually
ecules within living cells: nucleic acids, focused on the other 1% of biomolecules.
proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids. These Data in Table 1-1 regarding the chemical
compounds, which have molecular weights composition of the unicellular Escherichia coli
ranging from 1 x 103 to 1 x 106, are created (E. coli), are not greatly different for multicel-
through polymerization of building blocks that lular organisms, including mammals. Each E.
have molecular weights in the range of 50 to coli, and similar bacterium, contains a single
150. Although subtle differences do exist chromosome, therefore, it has only one unique
14 Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism 3

Formation of Macromolecules Within Cells

Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen,

Carbon, Phosphorus, Sulfur

O- CH2 O

Nucleotides Amino acids Simple Sugars Acetyl CoA
(e.g. Glucose)

B1 B2 B3 B4 (Palmitic Acid)

R1 R2 R3 R4

B = N-Containing Base CH3 H

R = Side Chain



Figure 1-1

DNA molecule. Mammals, however, contain contain genes (from the Greek word gennan,
more chromosomes, and thus have different meaning "to produce"). A chromosome is a
DNA molecules in the nucleus. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, and
genes are segments of intact DNA. The total
number of genes in any given mammalian cell
Nucleic Acids may total several thousand. When a cell repli-
Nucleic acids are nucleotide polymers (from cates itself, identical copies of DNA molecules
the Greek word poly, meaning "several", and are produced, therefore the hereditary line of
mer, meaning "unit"), that store and transmit descent is conserved, and the genetic informa-
genetic information. Only 4 different nucleotides tion carried on DNA is available to direct the
are used in nucleic acid biosynthesis. Genetic occurrence of virtually all chemical reactions
information contained in nucleic acids is within the cell. The bulk of genetic information
stored and replicated in chromosomes, which carried on DNA provides instructions for the
4 Chemical Composition of Living Cells

Table 1-1
Approximate Chemical Composition of a Rapidly Dividing Cell (E. coli)
Different Kinds of
Material % Total Wet Wt. Molecules/Cell
Water 70 1
Nucleic acids
DNA 1 1
Ribosomal 3
Transfer 40
Messenger 1000
Nucleotides and metabolites 0.8 200
Proteins 15 2000-3000
Amino acids and metabolites 0.8 100
Polysaccharides 3 200
(Carbohydrates and metabolites)
Lipids and metabolites 2 50
Inorganic ions 1 20
(Major minerals and trace elements)
Others 0.4 200
Data from Watson JD: Molecular Biology of the Gene, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 1972.

assembly of virtually every protein molecule about half are formed as metabolic intermedi-
within the cell. The flow of information from ates, while the remainder must be provided
nucleic acids to protein is commonly repre- through the diet. The latter group is referred to
sented as DNA —> messenger ribonucleic as "essential" amino acids (see Chapter 3).
acid (mRNA) —> transfer RNA (tRNA) —> Each protein formed in the body, unique in its
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) —> protein, which own structure and function, participates in
indicates that the nucleotide sequence in a processes that characterize the individuality of
gene of DNA specifies the assembly of a cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. A
nucleotide sequence in an mRNA molecule, typical cell contains thousands of different
which in turn directs the assembly of the amino proteins, each with a different function, and
acid sequence in protein through a tRNA and many serve as enzymes that catalyze (or
rRNA molecules. speed) reactions. Virtually every reaction in a
living cell requires an enzyme. Other proteins
Proteins transport different compounds either outside
Proteins are amino acid polymers respon- or inside cells {e.g., lipoproteins and transferrin
sible for implementing instructions contained (an iron-binding protein) in plasma, or bilirubin-
within the genetic code. Twenty different binding proteins in liver cells}; some act as
amino acids are used to synthesize proteins, storage proteins (e.g., myoglobin binds and
14 Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism 5

stores O2 in muscle cells); others as defense precursors to other important biomolecules

proteins in blood or on the surface of cells (fatty acids), insulation barriers (neutral fat
(e.g., clotting proteins and immunoglobulins); stores), protective coatings to prevent infection
others as contractile proteins (e.g., the actin, and excessive gain or loss of water, and some
myosin and troponin of skeletal muscle fibers); vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and hormones (steroid
and others are merely structural in nature (e.g., hormones). Major classes of lipids are the
collagen and elastin). Proteins, unlike glycogen saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (short,
and triglyceride, are usually not synthesized medium, and long-chain), triglycerides,
and stored as nonfunctional entities. lipoproteins {i.e., chylomicrons (CMs), very low
density (VLDL), low density (LDL), intermediate
density (IDL), and high density lipoproteins
Polysaccharides (HDL)}, phospholipids and glycolipids, steroids
Polysaccharides are polymers of simple (cholesterol, progesterone, etc.), and
sugars (i.e., monosaccharides). (The term eicosanoids (prostaglandins, thromboxanes,
saccharide is derived from the Greek word and leukotrienes). All lipids can be synthesized
sakchar, meaning "sugar or sweetness".) Some from acetyl-CoA, which in turn can be generated
polysaccharides are homogeneous polymers from numerous different sources, including
that contain only one kind of sugar (e.g., carbohydrates, amino acids, short-chain volatile
glycogen), while others are complex heteroge- fatty acids (e.g., acetate), ketone bodies, and
nous polymers that contain 8-10 types of fatty acids. Simple lipids include only those that
sugars. In contrast to heterogenous polymers are esters of fatty acids and an alcohol (e.g.,
(e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, and some poly- mono-, di- and triglycerides). Compound lipids
saccharides), homogenous polymers are include various materials that contain other
considered to be "noninformational". Polysac- substances in addition to an alcohol and fatty
charides, therefore, can occur as functional acid (e.g., phosphoacylglycerols, sphin-
and structural components of cells (e.g., glyco- gomyelins, and cerebrosides), and derived
proteins and glycolipids), or merely as nonin- lipids include those that cannot be neatly classi-
formational storage forms of energy (e.g., fied into either of the above (e.g., steroids,
glycogen). The 8-10 monosaccharides that eicosanoids, and the fat-soluble vitamins).
become the building blocks for heterogenous
Although the study of physiological chemistry
polysaccharides can be synthesized from
emphasizes organic molecules, the inorganic
glucose, or formed from other metabolic inter-
elements (sometimes subdivided into macro-
mediates (see Chapter 20).
minerals, trace elements, and ultra trace
elements), are also important (see Chapter 48).
Lipids Several are "essential" nutrients, and therefore
Lipids (from the Greek word lipos, meaning like certain amino acids and unsaturated fatty
"fat") are naturally occurring, nonpolar acids, must be supplied in the diet. Inorganic
substances that are mostly insoluble in water elements are typically present in cells as ionic
(with the exceptions being the short-chain forms, existing as either free ions or complexed
volatile fatty acids and ketone bodies), yet with organic molecules. Many "trace elements"
soluble in nonpolar solvents (like chloroform are known to be essential for life, health, and
and ether). They serve as membrane compo- reproduction, and have well-established
nents (cholesterol, glycolipids and phospho- actions (e.g., cofactors for enzymes, sites for
lipids), storage forms of energy (triglycerides), binding of oxygen (in transport), and structural
6 Chemical Composition of Living Cells

components of nonenzymatic macromole- 3. The largest biomolecule in a living cell

cules; see Chapters 48-52). Some investigators is usually:
have speculated that perhaps all of the a. Glycogen
elements on the periodic chart will someday by b. Protein
shown to exhibit physiologic roles in mam-
c. Cholesterol
malian life.
d. Deoxyribonucleic acid
Because life depends upon chemical
e. Triglyceride
reactions, and because most all diseases in
animals are manifestations of abnormalities in
biomolecules, chemical reactions, or biochem- 4. Which one of the following is a largely
ical pathways, physiological chemistry has homogenous polymer, and therefore
become the language of all basic medical "noninformational"?
sciences. A fundamental understanding of this a. mRNA
science is therefore needed not only to help illu- b. Phospholipid
minate the origin of disease, but also to help c. Protein
formulate appropriate therapies. The chapters d. Hydrogen
which follow were designed, therefore, to assist e. Glycogen
the reader in developing a basic rational
approach to the practice of veterinary medicine.
5. Select the FALSE statement below:
a. Some inorganic elements are consid-
ered to be "essential" nutrients.
b. Triglycerides are considered to be
1. The most prevalent compound in a "simple" lipids.
living cell is normally:
c. Some polysaccharides are complex
a. Protein polymers in that they contain several
b. Nucleic acid different types of sugars.
c. Water d. Virtually every reaction in a living
d. Lipid cell requires an enzyme.
e. Polysaccharide e. Only 10 "essential" amino acids are
used in the synthesis of proteins.
2. The basic building block for all lipids is:
a. Water 6. About 50% of the solid matter in a cell
is normally composed of:
b. Acetyl-CoA
a. Nucleic acids
c. Phosphorus
b. Protein b 6.
d. Nucleic acid
c. Carbohydrate e 5.
e. Arginine
d. Lipid e 4.
e. Inorganic ions d 3.
b 2.
c 1.


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