Distinguishing A Claim From A Counterclaim Worksheet

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Distinguishing a claim from a counterclaim worksheet

A. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and
create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims,
reasons, and evidence.

Exercise Goals:

*To write a paragraph in which a claim is presented to the reader which also acknowledges the
prevalent counterclaim.

*To establish the superiority of the claim over the counterclaim through strategic phrasing.


Sometimes you want to make your claim really stand out. One way to do this is by introducing your
claim with an almost contradictory statement.

Not contradicted: Chocolate is good.

Contradicted: While many people enjoy exotic flavors, I think that chocolate tastes good.

Do you see how the second statement, while simple, sounds more interesting when you point out that
not all people see it that way? Let’s try it again with a more complex topic and sentence structure.

Not contradicted: The cost of health care for the uninsured family is a cost that many families cannot

Contradicted: Even though many lawmakers would have you believe that health insurance reform
borders on socialism, the cost of health care for the uninsured family is a cost that many families cannot

BE CAREFUL: When using a strategy like this, you have to be sure to fully back up the claim that you are
making. In a paragraph, you would go on to give examples and details to support your claim. If you do
not support your claim fully, the contradictory clause may be more convincing than your topic sentence.
Distinguishing a claim from a counterclaim worksheet

Here are four templates that you may use to create the same effect in your writing:

***While X is yada yada, it is (apparent, evident) that Y is blah blah.

Example: (While George is the decision maker in Of Mice and Men, Lennie is the character whose
actions move the plot forward.)

***Even though X asserts yada yada, blah blah is the right focus.

Example: Even though Jack Steamlaw asserts that law proposing to ban gay marriage in Ohio is just, the
U.S. Constitution which assures all Americans equal rights tells a different story. A story of equality.
Respecting the rights outlined in our constitution is crucial because. . .

** In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been_________________________. On the one hand,

_______________________ argues ______________________. On the other hand,
_________________ contends _______________________. Others even maintain
__________________. My own view is _______________.

**When it comes to the topic of ________________________, most of us will readily agree that
___________________. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of
___________. Whereas some are convinced that _______________________, others maintain that

Here are two follow up- templates to use at the end of your introductory paragraph which establish why
your claim deserves consideration.

**X matters/is important/ is significant/ is crucial because ________________.

**Although X may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over _______________.

**Ultimately, what is at stake here is_______________________.

Distinguishing a claim from a counterclaim worksheet

“They Say, I Say” Templates

Introducing Something Implied or Assumed

Although X does not say so directly, she/he apparently assumes that __________________.

While they rarely admit as much, _______________ often take for granted that _______________.

Introducing An Ongoing Debate

In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been ________________. On the one hand,
____________ argues _______________. On the other hand, ______________even contends
__________________. My own view is that ________________ because.

When it comes to the topics of _____________, most people will readily agree that
________________. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of
_______________. Whereas some are convinced that __________________, others maintain that

As I suggested earlier, defenders of ___________ can’t have it both ways. Their assertion that
____________ is contradicted by their claim that_____________.

Capturing Authorial Action

 X acknowledges that _________________.

X agreed that _________________.

X argues that_________________.

X complains that _________________.

 X demonstrates that _________________.

 X emphasizes that _________________.

Distinguishing a claim from a counterclaim worksheet

Disagreeing, with Reasons

I think that X is mistaken because he/she overlooks _________________.

x’s claim that _________________ rests upon the questionable assumption that _________________.

I disagree with X’s view that _________________ because, as recent research (personal experience)
has shown, _________________.

By focusing on _________________, X overlooks the deeper problem of _________________.

X claims _________________, but we don’t need him/her to tell us that. Anyone familiar with
_________________ has long known that _________________.

Agreeing—with a Difference

X is surely right about _________________ because, as he/she may not be aware, recent studies have
shown that _________________.

X’s theory of _________________ is extremely useful because it sheds insight on the difficult problem
of _________________.

I agree that _________________, a point that needs emphasizing since so many people believe

Agreeing and Disagreeing Simultaneously

Although I agree with X to a point, I cannot accept his/her overall conclusion that
_________________ because _________________.

Although I disagree with much of what X says, I fully endorse his/her final conclusion that

Though I concede that _________________, I still insist that _________________.

X is right that _________________, but she seems to be on more dubious ground when she/he states
Distinguishing a claim from a counterclaim worksheet

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