Acknowledgement Psychia Casepres

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The proponents would like to express their sincere gratitude to our Heavenly

Father for the guidance and strength for allowing us to make this case study possible.

The proponents would like to thank the family of the patient for their participation in

this case study. To our patient, may our heavenly father be with you always, without

you, this study would not be possible. Our warmest gratitude to Southern Philippines

Medical Center Institute of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine for helping us with

our clinical exposure and for helping us learn more. The proponents would like to

extend their appreciation to the nurses on duty for letting us obtain data that were

needed and would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the College of Nursing

who gave the permission to use all required equipment to complete the task, and most

especially to our Clinical Instructors Sir Al Duane B. Ungab RN, Ma’am Cesarlica S.

Minguita RN, MN, and Ma’am Fanny Ludz Q. Sagpang RN, MAN, MBA for helping

us and giving us encouragement which helped us in the success of our clinical

exposure and case study.

Moreover, we would like to acknowledge our family for their financial and

emotional support as the proponents launched the study and lastly to our clinical

instructors, thank you for teaching and sharing us your knowledge for preparing for

the responsibility of being a health care professional and how to give service to

others. Thank you for everything, God Bless us all.

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