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eg Oe] HERO System Rules By George MacDonald Steve Peterson and Rob Bell Fourth Edition Editing Rob Bell 4th Edition Game Design: George MacDonald Steve Peterson, and Rob Bell Editor: Rob Bell Original Game Design: George MacDonald and Steve Peterson Cover Art: George Perez Interior Art: Rob Davis. Gien Johnson, Denis Loubet. Sean Sharp, Jason Waltrip, Mark Williams Barry Winston, Mike Witherby, Pat Zircher Layouts: Steve Sullivan Project Specific Contributions: Series Editor: Rob Bell Pagemaking: Coleman Chariton, Jennifer Kleine. Suzanne Young, Leo LaDell; Layout: Cheryi Kiet Eileen Smith, Suzanne Young, Larry Brook. Helen Storey. Paula Peters: Cover Graphics: Rick Britton ICE MANAGEMENT—Art Director/Production Manager: Terry K. Amthor; Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing; Editing & Development Manager: Coleman Charlton; President: Peter Fenlon; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger. ICE STAFF— Eoiting & Development Staff: Kevin Barrett, Monte Cook, Pete Fenion, Jessica Ney; Graphics & Production Staff: Bil Covert, Eric Bruns, B.T. Thompson (tet); Sales & Customer Service: Heike Kubasch; Shipping. John Breckenridge, Jasper Merendino, Sterling Williams, javenience, we have employed the rm This does not imply any chauvanism on ou butts nard to say himherit, uation crops up. So, lease or Roleplaying mark for ts rolepla by Hors Gi y Here Games. Al ay be reproduced No part of Character Sheets for personal use © wating from the Publish rintod in USA. Fr roduced & Distnbuted by iron Crown E Je © are Hero Games trademarks fer its supernero roleplaying game usin STOCK #: ames ISBN +-55806-049-x Skil Descriptions 2 POWERS onnaSt Power Advantage RULESBOOK Hoos ihe Can uy Powers st | Daseipons 2 Buying Powers 5 fence a CONTENTS Balancing Powers st ‘Armor Percng = . General Rules 2 es ear oe Introduction to the Ingant, Constant, and es 2 Seceel s Se Eye Corto. Hero System Special Effects 8 How To Use THs Game ound Creative Use of Powers nnn. 82 IF YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED Categories of Powers. BEFORE Adjustment Powers pene nece What is Roleplaying? < Mental Powers ones How to Pray the Movement POWerS on. Few ametose . ‘ Deroitons Size Powers os 58 Ingeased fun banger ere Syst f Bie Special Powors ee Ss $y Standard Powers «RACE Goang Ses 5 pacer aeeee Te POWEE LISt ennnsnnne58 nears Pay IF YOU HAVE PLAYED ore Power Descriptions 3 Pereora uri, HERO GAMES BEFORE... brags aon BS feallee ines Why the Revision 6 toner mir = Soy o pas, § Gomeege Grange rein Saw oaly ” ie oe farmer co pger o Whats New 7 tphest auemerce SEBS Rant hee = How to Use This Book Monn Dartage Redon a Ursomoee % wee Daraetesinn e Vins Age o . te ease © Vara Spot Etec 2 Novator Character Creation one POWER LIMITATIONS......i00 Heroic Vs. Superhertie nnd Pan &Parially Limited Power ...19% CHARACTER CONCEPTION 10 Professional Sits 66 Power Limitation Types of Charactersnvnrnto Range se Leve — Descriptions 40 ‘Checklist Fer Character Sorte Shi Ere st ss Aiane 3 Creation 2 Seer Sra Esranors Senses oo nays On ate CHARACTERISTICS a Secon Exra-bmersal Woven 68 rages ia foany Chaarate 2 re erauns s Faqured Cuvacerstes 3 Siogeto! Hand Festertrandight (PT) Wand 69 Ea Te. Charsceate Fores 3 Seam Pan % : ower Sreane Fran isae BSc e ROURG-OHS coesurnurnnnen 18 bas etre n Inceated Erdurarce Cost ia Explanation of Taste ese ial rete Pome 08 Characteristics ey Sonh Une i Transport Familiarity ‘Hana-To:Hang attack (HA) 73 eee a Primary Characteristics anmtoust images 1 (NoKnoctnan a cron Norte ttt argo Bo Beco onc ne Sorc cam see 1 Bee oa Body/BOOY) ‘Hand-Ta-riard (HKA) 74 ecvces Penetaicn < ricer Skill Enhancers 6 ssing ace Rangoon) ve Rema ASKS fl Prevenoa(PAé] PERQUISITES (PERKS).......<2 Iaocot Weakness Hy Variable iain f CometnesstCON . Lhe Sopect 5 eae aa Figured Characteristies nig The Perk List ° Nena etree 2 POWER FRAMEWORKS ....1:2 ‘Bal rca Perk Descriptions ...nnonn88 ueraihencrs Pet eee mer 2 et corm 8 einer 7 Hier onal ssanie 7 Ta core) lone 8 bird Bon % — Mdulipower _ EnararoaeND} Frege beri a ‘ecole Dolton and Retort aera a StntsTuN toey S waters Sco Cock ‘enced ase S toner Seen S Taree 1 MeveMeMt aren Rogoreraton ce Se vraximam Charactenstics 15 TALENTS Bots Bey atibbe none se Lowering Charactoristes oes Supers <8 Variable Power Pools 8 oe lSe Talent Descriptions a aps Bowes roo “ ‘Skil Vers; ‘oie Time Senve & CHARACTER Compiem DISADVANTAGES ‘Skill Modifiers 7 se ‘Changing or Buying Off Everyman Skills 1% Disadvantages. Extracrainary Sits 8 Aecaersa Crarae Skis Ac Powers Cena The Ski List f Serrated nee Skil! Types “ Tueweing Davreive Feeties tree & © POWER MODIFIERS courte ara cred Repataton vary Seer ary Gr © POWER ADVANTAGES Using Power Advantages Sess ezang

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