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362 DOI: 10.1002/maco.200905511 Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No.

Polyaspartic acid as a green corrosion inhibitor for carbon

R. Cui, N. Gu* and C. Li

The inhibitor effect of the environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor

polyaspartic acid (PASP) on the corrosion of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 was
investigated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Polarization curve results clearly reveal the fact that PASP is a good anode-type
inhibitor. EIS results confirm its corrosion inhibition ability. The inhibition
efficiency increases with increasing PASP concentration, and the maximum
inhibition efficiency was 80.33% at 10 8C. SEM reveals that a protective film
forms on the surface of the inhibited sample. The adsorption of this inhibitor is
found to follow the Freundlich adsorption isotherm. A mechanism is proposed to
explain the inhibitory action of the corrosion inhibitor.

1 Introduction basic biological monomers confers on them many of the same

properties as microbial- or plant-derived biopolymers including
The study of carbon steel corrosion phenomena is an important non-toxicity, biodegradability, and biocompatibility [13]. Among
industrial and academic topic, especially in acid media [1–3]; this these, the polyaspartate polymers [14, 15] are analogs of natural
is due to the increased industrial applications of acid solutions proteins. Polyaspartate in nature, particularly the aspartate-rich
such as acid pickling, industrial cleaning, acid descaling, and the proteins from oyster shells, play a key role in regulating
petrochemical processes. Since the commonly used hydrochloric mineralization [16]. Therefore, it can be deduced that the
acid, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid are all among the most synthesized polyaspartate also owns the intrinsic anti-corrosive
corrosive media, efforts have been made to investigate and properties.
explore proper corrosion inhibitors to protect carbon steel from Polyaspartic acid (PASP) has been synthesized and used [17–19]
corrosion aggression in acidic environment [4–6]. as one of the green water treatment agents [20, 21]. PASP can be
Though inorganic compounds such as chromate, dichro- synthesized either by hydrolysis of polysuccinimide (PSI) or by
mate, nitrite, and nitrate are widely used as corrosion inhibitors thermal polymerization of aspartic acid monomer [22]. However,
for different metals and alloys [7], the biotoxicity of these there are few reports on the corrosion inhibition behavior of
products, especially chromate, is also well documented [8]. At the PASP on carbon steel in sulfuric acid solutions.
meantime, various organic inhibitors are accepted to reduce iron This study aims to gain some insight into the corrosion of
and steel corrosion in acidic solutions; phosphor-type compounds carbon steel in H2SO4 in the presence of PASP as a corrosion
are among the predominant choices as corrosion inhibitors for inhibitor. Systematic studies on the inhibitor effect of PASP have
almost all the existing developed formulas [9]. However, with the not been reported. The corrosion inhibition behavior of PASP
increase of environmental awareness, attention is being made to on carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution was investigated at
the study of green inhibitors [10, 11]. Recently, research in the temperature range of 10–50 8C using polarization curve
corrosion prevention is oriented to the development of green technique and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
compounds with good inhibition efficiency but low risk of method. The adsorption behavior of PASP in corrosion reaction
environmental pollution [12]. on carbon steel was also studied to determine the appropriate
For example, polymers, though created by the chemical adsorption isotherm, the standard free energy of adsorption
polymerization of monomers, the fact that they are derived from (DGu), and the apparent activation energy.

2 Experimental
R. Cui, N. Gu, C. Li
Department of Chemistry, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 2.1 Synthesis of the inhibitor (PASP)
050016 (P.R. China)
L-Aspartic acid and H2SO4 were of analytical grade acquired from

R. Cui Sigma. They were used without previous purification. Distilled

Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Changshu and deionized water was used for solution preparations. PASP
Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500 (P.R. China) was prepared starting from thermal condensation reaction of

ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 4 Polyaspartic acid as a green corrosion inhibitor 363

L-aspartic acid [23–26]. L-Aspartic acid was baked at 250 8C in a

forced convection oven for 6 h resulting in the formation of PSI,
and sodium polyaspartate was obtained by titrating the weighed
PSI with 2 M NaOH. PASP can be formed when adding a certain
amount of sodium polyaspartate to 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. For the
convenience of calculation, in this paper, PASP concentration is
represented by the amount of PSI used. The synthesized PASP
was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). All FTIR
spectroscopic measurements were performed on a Bruker model Figure 1. Structure of a_ aspartic acid and b_ aspartic acid
VECTOR22 Fourier transform spectrometer using KBr pressed
disks. specimen was carefully scraped and collected. While for SEM
examination, the polished electrode was exposed in 0.5 M H2SO4
2.2 Electrodes preparation for 2 h at 20 8C with PASP.

Working electrodes were cut from a carbon steel sheet (C: 0.49, Si: 3 Results and discussion
0.17, Mn: 0.50, Cr: 0.25, S: 0.035, Fe: balance; wt%). Measure-
ments were carried out on carbon steel electrode molded in 3.1 PASP characterization by FTIR
polyester leaving an exposed area of 0.28 cm2. The tests were
performed in a standard water-jacketed electrochemical cell with The viscosity average molecular weight (Mw) of PASP was
constant temperature control. The counter electrode was a determined to be 3100. In contrast to the linkage of aspartic acid
platinum electrode and the reference electrode was a saturated in native materials, PASP was obtained by the thermal
calomel electrode (SCE). The electrode surface was polished with polycondensing process containing a_ and b_ linked moieties
abrasive paper up to 1200 grade, degreased with acetone, washed in a constant molar ratio of 30:70 [27–29]. Figure 1 shows the
with double-distilled water, dried under compressed air, and structure of a_ aspartic acid and b_ aspartic acid.
placed in the test solution for 90 min prior to each experiment. All Proof of the sample’s nature was provided by FTIR spectra
potentials were referred to the SCE. shown in Fig. 2. In the spectra of PASP, the characteristic peaks at
1190 and 3411 cm1 correspond to the C–O and O–H stretching
2.3 Weight loss determinations of the –COOH, peak at 1390 cm1 is related to the C–N stretching
mode of the acylamide group, the peak at 1600 cm1 is assigned
Carbon steel specimens (50  25  2.0 mm3) were used for the to the bending of N–H. The band at 1793 cm1 is ascribed to the
weight loss experiment. Carbon steel specimens in triplicate were stretching vibration C – – O. Additionally, the wave number
immersed in 1600 mL of 0.5 M aerated H2SO4 containing various 3000 cm1 is assigned to the C–H stretching vibration. It is
concentrations of PASP at 20 8C. The weight of specimens was evident that the PASP is successfully synthesized.
determined before and after immersion. The immersion
experiments lasted 48 h. 3.2 Weight loss experiment

2.4 Electrochemical techniques Weight loss method can provide the reliable information toward
the inhibitory effect of a given compound. In this part of
Potentiostatic polarization measurements were carried out using experiment, corrosion parameters such as corrosion rate and
CHI660B electrochemical workstation (Chenhua Instrument, inhibitor efficiency were calculated for carbon steel in 0.5 M
Inc., Shanghai, China). The polarization curves were obtained aerated H2SO4 in absence and in the presence of different
from the corrosion potential (Ecorr) up to 300 mV at a potential
scan rate of 2.0 mV/s at 20 8C constant temperature. Impedance
measurements were carried out using AC signals of amplitude
5 mV peak to peak at open circuit potential in the frequency
range 0.05–105 Hz by a PAR potentiostat (EG&G, model 283) and
a PAR lock-in amplifier (EG&G, model 5208). The test was
performed at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 8C, respectively.

2.5 Surface analysis

Surface analysis on the carbon steel electrode of the formed

adsorbed film was accomplished by both FTIR (FTIR-8900,
SHIMADZU) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Hitachi
S-570, Hitachi). The adsorbed film sample for FTIR test was
obtained after exposing carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution
along with 5.0 g/L PASP for 12 h. Then the electrode was gently
rinsed with double-distilled water and air-dried, and the film Figure 2. FTIR spectra of synthesized PASP ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

364 Cui, Gu and Li Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 4

Table 1. Calculated corrosion rate and inhibitor efficiency by weight

loss measurement in 0.5 M aerated H2SO4 in absence and in the
presence of PASP at 20 8C

System Corrosion rate Inhibition

(mm/year) efficiency (%)

0.5 M H2SO4 27.45 –

0.5 M H2SO4 þ 0.1 g/L PASP 16.85 39
0.5 M H2SO4 þ 0.5 g/L PASP 11.04 60
0.5 M H2SO4 þ 1.0 g/L PASP 8.57 69
0.5 M H2SO4 þ 2.0 g/L PASP 6.04 78
0.5 M H2SO4 þ 4.0 g/L PASP 5.52 80

concentrations of PASP at 20 8C based on the weight loss data

collected. The immersion time lasted for 48 h. The inhibition
efficiency (h%) was calculated using equation [30–32]: Figure 3. Typical polarization curves of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 in
the presence of different concentrations of PASP at 20 8C
h% ¼ 1  100 (1)
and the obvious decrease of the anodic current density with the
increasing of PASP concentration, PASP is considered as an
where WLo and WL are the weight losses of specimens without inhibitor of predominant anodic effect to protect carbon steel in
and with inhibitor. 0.5 M H2SO4 [35, 36]. This means that the addition of PASP
The results are summarized in Table 1. reduces mainly the anodic dissolution and also slightly retards the
From Table 1, it can be seen that with the increase of PASP hydrogen evolution reaction.
concentration from 0.1 to 4.0 g/L, the corrosion rate of carbon Secondly, comparing the anodic curves of carbon steel in the
steel further decreases from 16.85 to 5.52 mm/year, and the absence and presence of PASP, it is obvious that when
corresponding PASP inhibition efficiency increases from 38.61 to E > 367 mV, the anodic curves with PASP all shift close to
79.79%. This trend may result from the fact that adsorption and that in H2SO4 solution only. This is the reflection of the enhanced
surface coverage increases with the increase of PASP concentra- reverse dissolution process leading to the desorption of the
tion and thus the surface is efficiently separated from the formed inhibitory adsorption film on the carbon steel surface.
medium [33, 34]. Therefore, PASP owned the inhibitory effect to Therefore, like most organic inhibitors, PASP functions by
retard the corrosion process on carbon steel in H2SO4 solution. adherence to the corroding metal surface to retard dissolution by
Additionally, the inhibition efficiency was enhanced in the virtue of adsorption [37–39]; and the desorption–adsorption
presence of different concentrations of PASP from 0.1 to 4.0 g/L. process is also observed reflected from the featured ‘‘platform’’
When the PASP concentration was 2 g/L, the optimum inhibition part of the anode polarization curves in 0.5 M H2SO4 with the
efficiency 78.00% was reached. No significant inhibition addition of PASP (Fig. 3).
efficiency increase was observed with PASP concentration higher Additionally, the corrosion current densities (icorr) were
than 2 g/L. determined from the intersection of linear parts of cathodic and
anodic curves. The inhibition efficiency (h) at each concentration
3.3 Polarization measurements was calculated using the following equation [40]:

In order to classify PASP as an anodic-, cathodic-, or mixed-type  

inhibitor and its effect on the kinetics of the anodic and cathodic h¼ 1 o  100% (2)
reactions, the polarization behavior of carbon steel in
0.5 M H2SO4 at 20 8C in the absence and presence of PASP
was investigated. The corrosion potential (Ecorr) was obtained by where iocorr and icorr are the corrosion densities in the absence and
measuring the open circuit potential as a function of time. the presence of inhibitor, respectively. Table 2 shows the effect of
Figure 3 presents the typical anodic and cathodic potentiody- PASP concentration on corrosion kinetics parameters such as
namic polarization curves of carbon steel in the presence of corrosion potential (Ecorr), corrosion current density (icorr), ba
different concentrations of PASP along with no adding of PASP (anodic Tafel slope), bc (cathodic Tafel slope), and h obtained from
as the control. polarization measurements.
The following conclusions can be deduced by interpreting It is observed from Table 2 that the presence of PASP lowers
the data obtained from Fig. 3. Firstly, the anodic reaction is ic significantly at all the studied concentrations indicating the
markedly affected upon introducing PASP to the H2SO4 solution, effectiveness of PASP as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in
and the cathodic one is lightly shifted toward lower current 0.5 M H2SO4; the same conclusion as that deduced from the
densities. Based on the positive shift in the corrosion potential weight loss experiments.

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Table 2. The electrochemical parameters (Ec, bc, ba, ic, and h) associated with polarization measurements of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 in the
presence of different concentrations of PASP

System (g/L) Ecorr (mV) bc (V/decade) ba (V/decade) icorr (mA/cm2) h (%)

0 509 0.8239 1.228 0.5382 –

0.1 489 0.9934 1.080 0.3754 30.26
1.0 477 1.239 1.144 0.2620 51.32
2.5 473 1.206 1.498 0.1441 73.22
5.0 468 1.232 1.107 0.1407 73.86
10 460 1.014 1.279 0.1609 70.10

Figure 4. Nyquist plots of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 (a) with different concentrations of PASP at 10 8C, (b) without PASP at different temperatures,
and (c) with 2.5 g/L PASP at different temperatures

3.4 Impedance measurements Mathematically, the impedance of a CPE can be defined as [40]:

Impedance measurements on carbon steel electrode in ZCPE ¼ ðQ ðjvÞn Þ1 (3)

0.5 M H2SO4 alone and in the presence of different concentra-
tions of PASP were performed at the open circuit potential at the where the coefficient Q is a reflection of the electrode’s combined
temperature range of 10–50 8C. properties related to both the surface inhomogeneity and the
Presented as Nyquist plots, Fig. 4a shows the influence of electrochemical reactivity. The value of exponent n varies between
PASP concentration on impedance spectra at 10 8C. The Nyquist 1 and 1 [43]. For a perfect capacitor n ¼ 1, for a resistor n ¼ 0,
plots in Fig. 4b and c illustrate the temperature influence on and n ¼ 0.5 represents a Warburg element, while n ¼ 1 means
carbon steel impedance spectra in 0.5 M H2SO4 only and along an inductance electrode. Given an example, a rough or porous
with 2.5 g/L PASP, respectively. Figure 5a and b are the Bode surface can cause a double-layer capacitance to have a CPE with n
plots. value between 0.9 and 1 [44].
The Nyquist plots show the depressed semi-circle pattern The polarization resistance can be defined according to the
under all the cases described above (Fig. 4). And it can be seen impedance data by using the following equation [45]:
from Fig. 5a and b that the slopes of log (Z) against log f curves are
not 1 in the Bode plots. This kind of deviations is often referred
Rp ¼ lim RefZf g (4)
to as frequency dispersion, largely attributed to roughness and v!0
inhomogeneities of the tested solid surfaces [41, 42]. Often a
constant phase element (CPE) is used in a model in place of a where Re{Zf } denotes the real part of the complex faradic
capacitor to compensate for non-homogeneity in the system. A impedance Zf and v corresponds to the frequency of the AC
practical way to describe the distribution processes such signal (v ¼ 2pf).
as corrosion on a rough and inhomogeneous electrode The equivalent circuit used to fit the experimental data
surface is possible with CPE that meets this circumstance. consisted of resistor Rt (electrolyte resistance) in series with the ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

366 Cui, Gu and Li Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 4

Figure 5. (a) and (b) represent bode plots of carbon steel electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 with 2.5 g/L PASP at different temperatures

parallel combination of CPE (Q) and Rp (polarization resistance). For example, an inhibitor’s apparent activation energy can be
For each set of experimental data the parameters Rt, Q, and Rp expressed as [46]:
were evaluated using a nonlinear least square fit procedure as
shown in Table 2. The data are found to be sufficiently well Ea
jcorr ¼ A exp (7)
fitted by a given equivalent circuit within the limits of RT
experimental error. Inhibition efficiency, represented by h(%)
[h ¼ (i0i/i0)  100%], can be determined by performing the where Ea is the activation energy. Taking the logarithm form of
calculation: Equation (7) and substituting jcorr with the well-known Stern–
Geary equation: jcorr ¼ ba bc 2:3ðba þ bc ÞRp , where ba ¼ 2:3 RT=
i Rp aa F and bc ¼ 2:3 RT=ac F, the following equation can be
from ¼ 0 (5)
i0 Rp deduced:

Rp Ea
the following equation is obtained [44, 45]: ln ¼ þ constants (8)

Rp0 This depicts that in acid solution, the logarithm of the

h¼1  100% (6)
Rp corrosion rate is a linear function of 1/T [47–49]. The constants
include A, R, F, aa, and ac. Therefore, a plot of ln Rp/T against
in which Rp0 and Rp are the polarization resistance without 1/T will give a straight line from which Ea can be calculated based
and with inhibitor in the system, respectively. Table 3 is the on its line slope. Table 4 lists the Ea values at the tested different
summarization of Rt, h, and ln(Rt) of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 PASP concentrations. It can be seen from this table that Ea always
with the existence of different concentrations of PASP at the has a higher value in the presence of added PASP than that
designed temperatures. These data indicate that (i) Rp increases without it. It is obvious that this type of inhibitor retarded the
along with the increasing of PASP concentration up to 2.5 g/L at corrosion process at the designed experimental temperatures.
the given temperatures; which confirms the conclusion of the
inhibitory effect of PASP obtained from weight loss and 3.4.2 Adsorption isotherm
potentiodynamic polarization measurements. (ii) Under the Organic inhibitors establish their inhibition via the adsorption of
same PASP concentration, Rp shows a decreasing trend when the inhibitor onto the metal surface. The adsorption processes of
raising the reaction system temperature; apparently this inhibitors are influenced by the chemical structures of
demonstrates the enhancing corrosion reaction at higher compounds, the nature and surface charge of metal, the
temperature and the consequent weakened protective ability of distribution of charge in the molecule, the type of corrosive
PASP in retarding this aggressive progress. (iii) When setting up media and the temperature [50, 51].
the reaction condition at 6.0 g/L PASP and 10 8C, PASP achieves The inhibition efficiency of PASP is determined by its
the best inhibition performance on carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 molecular absorbability on the carbon steel surface. At constant
solution. potential, the degree of surface coverage (u) of carbon steel by
adsorbing PASP can be calculated using the following equation
3.4.1 Activation energy of carbon steel in the dissolution process [52]:
It is important to elucidate the temperature influence on an
inhibitor’s performance in retarding the corrosion process in a Rp0
u ¼1 (9)
certain reaction system. Rp

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Table 3. Rt and h of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 with the existence of different concentrations of PASP at the designed temperatures

T (K) r (g/L) Q  106 (V) n Rt (V) h (%)

283 0.0 453.64 0.77 151.24 –

0.1 451.88 0.76 284.09 46.76
1.0 277.78 0.78 441.80 65.77
2.5 270.42 0.78 553.39 72.67
5.0 273.18 0.75 633.36 76.12
6.0 226.86 0.76 768.98 80.33
8.0 262.58 0.76 746.93 79.75
10.0 239.88 0.75 703.11 78.49
293 0.0 316.65 0.80 118.25 –
0.1 300.81 0.76 211.32 43.89
1.0 324.32 0.74 290.49 59.29
2.5 341.87 0.72 305.60 61.30
3.0 296.95 0.75 332.42 64.42
4.0 273.44 0.74 356.20 66.80
5.0 250.84 0.76 399.83 70.42
6.0 261.35 0.73 388.50 69.56
8.0 232.02 0.76 416.62 71.62
303 0.0 352.27 0.81 76.196 –
0.1 354.43 0.78 84.192 9.50
1.0 433.49 0.77 113.84 33.07
2.5 270.07 0.78 136.63 44.23
5.0 704.89 0.588 167.23 54.43
8.0 441.56 0.76 148.51 47.74
313 0.0 459.46 0.83 37.086 –
0.1 336.17 0.78 40.195 7.74
1.0 508.11 0.78 63.378 41.48
2.5 485.45 0.76 71.614 48.21
5.0 516.76 0.74 82.314 54.95
6.0 500.68 0.76 80.787 54.09
8.0 465.58 0.72 91.913 59.65
10.0 511.66 0.71 86.504 57.13
15.0 533.94 0.72 96.125 61.24
323 0.0 134.74 0.75 12.491 –
0.1 885.96 0.79 19.381 35.55
1.0 761.33 0.74 33.563 62.78
2.5 852.65 0.73 42.68 70.73
5.0 679.37 0.77 50.094 73.00
8.0 715.54 0.75 46.002 72.85

Substituting u with h (data shown in Table 1), the coverage The free energy of adsorption, DG0ads , can be determined
degree of u is found to increase with the increasing concentration with the help of adsorption constant K:
of the additive at the same temperature. Table 2 shows that the
experimental data can be well illustrated by the Freundlich 1 DG0ads
K¼ exp  (11)
adsorption isotherm: 55:5 RT

log u ¼ log K þ n log C (10)

where 55.5 is the water concentration in solution expressed
in molar. The free energy of adsorption obtained from the
where K is the equilibrium constant of the adsorption process, C
Freundlich adsorption isotherm at 10 -C is DG0ads ¼ 21.43 kJ/
(mol/L) is the PASP concentration in the electrolyte. The graphs
mol, which means the spontaneous adsorption of PASP at the
of the Freundlich adsorption isotherms at 10 -C are depicted in
carbon steel surface [53].
Fig. 6. Additionally, the data collected at the other tested
temperatures also follows the Freundlich adsorption isotherms
3.5 Surface analysis
(data not shown).

Table 4. Activation energy (Ea) of carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution The formation of the protective surface film of PASP on the
with the existence of different concentrations of PASP electrode surface was further confirmed by SEM observations of
the electrode surface. Figure 7a shows the SEM image of carbon
r (PASP) (g/L) 0.0 1.0 2.5 5.0 8.0
steel specimen before immersion, and Fig. 7b–d show the SEM
Ea (kJ/mol) 46.60 51.25 50.61 52.33 54.48
images for carbon steel samples exposed in 0.5 M H2SO4 ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

368 Cui, Gu and Li Materials and Corrosion 2011, 62, No. 4

carbon steel surface is confirmed by both SEM examination and

the inhibition efficiency measurement using chemical and
electrochemical methods.

4 Conclusions

PASP was synthesized by a simple thermal condensation reaction

method starting from L-aspartic acid and was confirmed by FTIR
analysis to detect the existence of characteristic functional groups.
PASP as the carbon steel corrosion inhibitor in 0.5 M H2SO4
solution plays the predominantly anode effect on corrosion
mechanism and the inhibition efficiency was found to increase by
increasing the PASP concentration; the best performance
efficiency of PASP on carbon steel was 80.33%, which took
place in 6 g/L concentration at 10 8C. The same result was
obtained as that deduced from the weight loss experiment. The
Figure 6. Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm on carbon steel in inhibition process on carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at
0.5 M H2SO4 at different concentrations of PASP at 10 8C different temperatures was found to obey the Freundlich
adsorption isotherms; the free adsorption energy indicates the
spontaneous adsorption of PASP on the carbon steel surface. The
solutions for 2 h at 20 8C with and without PASP. The morphology corrosion energy is higher in the presence of the additive than
of specimen surface reveals that the rate of corrosion is that without PASP, which means the adding of PASP retards the
suppressed in the presence of PASP (images b–d), as can be corrosion process at the designed experimental temperatures.
seen from the decrease of the areas of localized corrosion with
increase of PASP concentration. Comparing images b–d, it is
obvious that the higher the PASP concentration, the more even Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the Natural
and thicker the formed adsorptive film of PASP on the electrode Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Contract No.
surface. Therefore, the protective nature of the film formed on the B200600031), the Scientific Research Project of Hebei Province
(Contract No. 20052022), and the Scientific Research Project of
Hebei Normal University (Contract No. L2004Y05).

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(Received: September 8, 2009) W5511

(Accepted: October 15, 2009) ß 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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