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Joseph Kern


Long Term Plan Elementary:

- Houses project
- They will be creating houses from collage materials
- Focus will be put on the idea that houses can be of any shapes and sizes
- Students will be encouraged to make houses that are fantasy.
- Look up interesting architecture pictures.
1 grade:
- Collage piece working on making the face
- Previously they have done clown collages which can help with patterns (clown
- Think of possible alternatives as children can be afraid of clowns (it has happened
- Cut paper collage
2 grade:
- Ceramics lesson
- Using ceramics to create chimera animals
o Two animals into one which will be placed on a piece of paper for a base
which the students will decorate to represent that animal’s habitat.
- Written portion being writing about their animal/explaining it.
- Pinch/pull method
3rd grade:
- Possible radial weaving… I will need to look into radial weaving, though we are
working on a backup plan if this falls by the wayside, working on patterns.
4th grade:
- Andy Warhol pop art printmaking
o EZ Cut blocks using linoleum cutter tools
 Big safety talk needed
- Multiple color inks on multiple color sheets of paper to create the Warhol look
o A 3x3 grid, 9 total final prints.
5th grade:
- Papier Mache Keith Harring figure project
o Personal identity being the main idea
- Students will be asked to create figures out of papier Mache that imitate the style of
Keith Harring’s figures, focusing on their gestural nature and how they look like they
are in motion.
o Students will pose/be asked to pick from poses that reflect their own
 Even “stationary” interests have specific poses associated with them,
so this will be pointed out to students who think they can’t do this.

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