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Bill’s Moon orbits a super gas giant in a far away from Terra system. It has a deep canyon trench that circles
the moon’s equator and is the only area where humans can survive without massive support equipment. It was
under one government for several centuries but that somewhat peaceful existence has been shattered with a civil
The two sides (North and South, of course) have squared off and have fought quite pathetically for three years
with no appreciable results. Both sides have gone looking for off planet help, which they have found. The civil
war will now enter into rather new and most likely devastating phase as their backers bring their marvelous
weapons to bear. Little do they know that their new friends really do not care about them, it is just another part of
the game to control the Sector.
1. This will be a map campaign with a 6,000pt Army Roster.
A. The Roster will not be bound by normal FOC limitations, as this is the entire Expeditionary Force of
your Race/Nation/Clan/what have you.
2. Once you have your Roster, Players roll off to see who gets to go first.
A. Going first means that you get to decide what area you will attack.
1. This will be determined by many factors, including just guessing.
3. The Campaign will continue until:
A. One side is completely destroyed.
B. One side gives up, admitting total defeat before losing all their models.
C. The Campaign enters into a stalemate.
1. This is where both Players keep losing to the other repeatedly that there is no real movement across
the board (areas just keep exchanging back and forth, no one really losses anything).
4. Experience (xp).
A. After each Battle, any unit that survives (must have at least one model left, even if the unit fled the field,
Grots, for example) will receive 2 xp.
1. Once a unit accumulates 4 xp they can roll on the appropriate Experience Table (HQ, Infantry,
Vehicle, Psyker, Flyer, etc).
2. Additional rolls come at 6, 10, 16, 24, 34, 46, and continuing in the obvious progression.
5. Bill’s Moon native forces.
A. With each Battle, whatever the points, Native Forces will be present. This is, actually, their Civil War,
and the “other forces” are just assisting.
1. These forces will consist of Imperial Guard analogs, and will be 2 squads of Infantry and one
platoon HQ squad. If you can roll a 6 on a D6, you can have a Commissar.
2. All units will be bare bones, no extra choices, unless you want to pay for them out of your point
limit for the Battle.
B. These Native Forces are considered Desperate Allies in re-guards to their relationship with their off
world helpers.
1. In other words, The NF troops suffer from the Desperate Allies rules but you do not. They are
completely beneath your contempt, and any actions or movements they wish to do concern you not
at all.
C. There will be some benefits for keeping them alive (such as taking wounds for them), like extra artillery
bombardments or something.
D. There will be some bad things to happen if you do not try to keep them alive, such as there being a
chance that they change sides. The more negatives you acquire, the more of a chance that they switch
sides in a battle.
6. Terrain benefits
A. Spice Forest. A Forest of Spice trees that taste wonderful, and make it hard to feel pain.
1. Non Battle use: One destroyed non-AV value unit can be brought back to full strength after a
Battle for no point cost.
a. If you own both forests, then you can bring back two non-AV value units at no point cost.
B. Space Port: Yes, a space port.
1. Battle use: 1-3 Infantry units gain Deep Strike USR per Battle.
a. The owning Player can conduct a Heroic AirAssault Deployment (HAD). This is my famous
Deep Strike idea, which turns your Army into a Drop Pod Assault Army, kind of.
1. Every unit gains the Deep Strike USR if they do not already have it. However, any
unit that does not already have Deep Strike must take a dangerous terrain test upon
surviving its Deep Strike test (not scattering atop of something).
b. This can be done every three turns after its first use.
1. This represents the Space Port having to repair and consolidate the vehicles it used to
do the HAD and get ready for the next one.
c. If you control both Space Ports, you can give 1-3X 2 Infantry units the Deep Strike USR per
Battle and the time between HAD’s is now 2 turns.
2. Non-Battle use: Loss of a Space Port reduces your Flyer model count during a Battle to 0-2 (no
more than two Fast Attack choices can be Flyers), and no Flyer Formations.

C. Rivers/Lakes
1. Battle use: There must be a large body of water represented on the Battle terrain.
a. Rivers will be at least 4” wide with the following possibilities: roll a D6.
1. 1-4: Difficult Terrain (a fordable river), 5-6: Dangerous Terrain (unfordable river).
2. 1-5: will have two bridges, 6: No bridges.
b. Lakes will be represented by the following: roll a D6.
1. 1-4: The Attackers board edge will have at least 25% taken up by water terrain.
a. Will be Dangerous/Impassible Terrain except for skimmer, amphibious, or jet
2. 5-6: The entire top 25% the Attackers board edge will be completely represented by
water terrain.
a. There will be: 1-4: 2 bridges, 5-6: 3 bridges. All water terrain will be
considered Dangerous/Impassible Terrain except for skimmer, amphibious, or
jet bikes.
D. Roads (Super Highways/Mag Lift train lines). Are important for Campaign movement.
1. Battle use.
a. None really, unless you want to have it for a terrain piece.
2. Non Battle use, Campaign movement.
a. The Roads are used for map movement.
b. Normally forces move from one area a Game Turn.
1. Movement on the Roads does not cause any movement restrictions.
2. Armies move on the Road and then can make their one area move.
C. Losing a Road Area.
1. If you lose an Area with a Road, then you cannot use that section of Road for
Campaign movement.
E. Cities. Cities allow your units to rest and refit after battles for Areas and to reflect on their experiences.
1. Non Battle use.
a. Cities allow units to gain their TWO XP after a Battle.
b. Loss of one City causes two units (chosen randomly) that just finished a Battle to on gain
ONE XP point instead of TWO.
1. Each additional City lost causes another two units to only gain ONE XP after a battle.
2. Battle use.
a. There must be at least 60% Urban style terrain on the board for the Battle.
F. Mines. Mines and their accompanying smelters and factories are necessary for modern Mechanized
1. Non Battle use.
a. Losing a Mine does not allow you to repair or replace ONE wrecked or destroyed vehicle.

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