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Banking Technology

Looking ……………Beyond the Obvious!


Looking Beyond the Obvious! 1

Certificate in
Banking Technology

1 Finacle in Brief
2 Features
3 Why Finacle?
4 Security in Finacle
5 Maintenance of Password
6 Structure of Finacle


1 Important Function Keys
2 Commonly Used Menu Options

1 Creation of Customer ID
2 Verification of Customer ID


1 Account Opening of SB, CA
2 Verification of Account Opening

1 Types of Transactions
2 Methods of Transactions
3 Posting of Transactions though TM
4 Verification of Transactions

1 Inventory Location Codes
2 Inventory Movement Authorisation
3 Inventory Movement Between Locations
4 Verification of Inventory Movement Between Locations
5 Inventory Split
6 Inventory Merge


1 Issuing Cheque Books to Account-Holders
2 Verification of Issued Cheque Books to Account-Holders
3 Inquiry of Cheque Books in Account


1 Stop Payment of Cheque
2 Verification of Stop Payment of Cheque
3 Revoking Stop Payment of Cheque
4 Verification of Revoking Stop Payment of Cheque


1 Account Lien Set-up
2 Verification of Account Lien Set-up
3 Removal of Account Lien
4 Verification of Removal of Account Lien
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Banking Technology


1 Account Freeze Set-up
2 Verification of Account Freeze Set-up
3 Removal of Account Freeze
4 Verification of Removal of Account Freeze

1 Types of TOD
2 TOD Set-up in Account
3 Verification of TOD Set-up in Account

1 Processing of Outward Clearing
2 Other Important Menu regarding Outward Clearing
3 Processing of Inward Clearing
4 Process of Inward Reject Cheque
5 Process of Outward Reject Cheque

1 Issuing Single DD or PO
2 Issuing Multiple DD or PO
3 Verification of Multiple DD or PO Issued
4 Printing Single DD / PO
5 Printing Mass DD / PO
6 Cancellation of DD / PO
7 Verification of Cancellation of DD / PO
8 Marking DD / PO as Lost
9 Revert the Marking DD / PO as Lost

1 Bills Maintenance – OCC: Lodgment of Cheque
2 Bills Maintenance – OCC: Realisation of Cheque
3 Bills Maintenance – OCC: Dishonor of Cheque
4 Verification of Bills Maintenance – OCC


1 Account Opening of Term Deposit
2 Verification of Account Opening of Term Deposit

1 Standing Instruction Set-up
2 Verification of Standing Instruction


1 Limit Node Concept
2 Flow-Chart of Limit Node Maintenance
3 Limit Node Maintenance Set-up
4 Verification of Limit Node Maintenance Set-up
5 Limit Tree Lookup

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Certificate in
Banking Technology


1 Account Opening of Cash Credit
2 Verification of Account Opening of Cash Credit


1 Concept and Functions of Security Register Maintenance
2 Flow-Chart of Security Register Maintenance
3 Set-up of Security Register Maintenance
4 Verification of Set-up of Security Register Maintenance


1 Account Opening of Loan
2 Verification of Account Opening of Loan

1 Classification of Bank Guarantees
2 Various Types of Registers in Finacle
3 LNM Set-up for Bank Guarantee
4 Verification LNM Set-up for Bank Guarantee
5 Issuing Bank Guarantee Set-up
6 Reversing Bank Guarantee
7 Invocation Bank Guarantee
8 Verification of Various Set-up of Bank Guarantee


1 Different Steps: Before Closure of SB / Current Account
2 Closure of an Account
3 Verification of Closure of Account


1 Closure of Term Deposit Account
2 Verification of Closure of Term Deposit Account

1 Menu Options in Finacle Version 7

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Banking Technology


Finacle in brief
A Financial Package, for Banking Solution developed by Infosys on a platform of Oracle, hence it
is called as FINACLE. Presently, many Indian Banks are having this software as banking solution
and it is highly flexible.

Prior to 1995 it was known as BANC 2000, a Total Branch Automation package with a distributed
network. After 1995 Infosys developed the same as FINACLE, a Core Banking Solution.


 Finacle is a Relational Database Management Software (RDBMS) of Oracle9i.

 It involves C and C++ programming language.
 This software runs on UNIX Operating System (OS) as this is widely used platform across
the CBS environment.
 Finacle is accessed through Browser Based Universal Client i.e. Internet Explorer.
 SQL & PL SQL uses for generating MIS or Reports or Queries at Centralized Level.
 Finacle facilitates anywhere banking
 As this is menu driven software, it is very much easy for navigation.
 Customization and parameterization are two special features of Finacle.
 Finacle provides multi-lingual support
 Finacle provides multi-level security i.e. operation, database and application level security

Why Finacle?

 Best Business Practices

 Customer driven thinking
 Convenience Banking
 Integrated Delivery Channel support through Connect 24
 Functionally Rich and Flexible
 High Level Security control and audit capabilities
 Relationship Banking


Executable Inquiry Printing
(Write access) (Read-only)

-Add Data Browse data within Printing Information

-Modify Records limited menu option -PSP – for Customer A/c
-Delete Records given to him. -ACLP – printout is
chargeable. Waiver would
mean loss to Bank
Verification Mandatory -ACLPCA- Account Ledger
Print Customer A/c
- ACLPOA - Account Ledger
Print Office A/c

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Banking Technology

Any change in default parameter is exception.

Security in Finacle:

 Multiple levels of security

 OS Level
 No access to OS
 OS and application level profile
 Direct login to application menu

 Database level
 Protection from external updating

 Application level
 Menu level
 User level
 Product level
 Account level
 Transaction level

 Dual control for all transactions

 Maker-Checker Concept

 Controlled error handling through exceptions

(1) Warning (2) Exception (3) Error

Maintenance of Password:

 User can change password through the Menu Option PWMNT

 Password length is minimum 6 characters and maximum 14 characters
 Password can contain alphabets, numbers and special characters
 While changing password, at least first 5 characters of old password are to be changed
 There is no history of previous password.
 Password to be compulsorily changed after 30 days. System prompts you to change the
password from 27th day.
 Inserting wrong password 3 times, the User Profile gets deleted
 User ID & Password are not case-sensitive and User can login from any terminal
throughout the bank.
 Never Share Your Password

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Banking Technology

Structure of Finacle in IDBI:

 Customer Master (CUMM): HCUMM under ONS

 Detail portfolio of every New Customer
 Details like name, address, date of birth, introducer, TDS, financial details, identity
proof etc.
 Details for MIS purposes
 Customer ID is generated by system and it is a 9 Digit number.
 Customer ID is universal and not Branch specific. It is generated across the bank
in a senrial order with zero padding in the beginning.
 Customer ID is basic need for opening of every type of account

 Account Master (OAAC): What does it contain?

 After creation of CID account opening procedure can be initiated.
 The Scheme Code needs to be provided
 Details of mode of operation and other general details, scheme details, nomination
details, joint account details etc.
 System generates the account number which is a 15-digit number.
 Suppose an account number reads 183104000002382, the structure could be
classified as under:
3 Digits: 183 is SOL (Service Out Let) ID
5 Digits: 10400 is GL Sub-head
6 Digits: Serial Number
1 Digit: Check Digit

 Check Digit is a randomly generated number by system to avoid transposition


 Account Ledger (ACLI): ACLI is a menu option which has the following advantage:
 System created and holds dynamic data
 It contains history of all transactions of every account
 All the details of transactions like debit, credit and balance

 Transaction: How do we make transaction in Finacle?

 Transactions entered by users and posted in the leger
 There are certain transactions which are system generated.

 General Ledger:
The General Ledger has a three Tier structure viz - GL --GL Sub Head -- Account
 Consolidation of transaction information at Branch level / GL Sub Head - currency
 No Hard coding and no conditions for defining GL or GL Sub Head
 GL information at any level I.e. branch level or cluster (Set) level
 Used for Non customer accounts
 GL report can be generated for any day
 All office accounts are same across all the branches except for variation in SOL Id

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Banking Technology

Office Accounts Numbering System:

These are the 16 digits:

First 4digits represent the SOLID

The next 5 digits represent the GL Sub head code
The next 4 digits represent the basic number of the office account
The last 3 digits represent the segment code.

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Banking Technology

Finacle Terms & Keys

After logging in to the Finacle Core following screen Appears

Menu Option Favorites Indicator
Block (User Defined)

Action Bar
Menu Block Message Bar

1) Menu Block: In this block user will find various menus of Finacle Core like
customer menu, accounts menu etc.

2) Menu Option Block: User has to type the required menu and execute the same
from this block.

3) Action Bar: User can execute the process of Finacle Operations by clicking on
various options on this bar. The Hot-Keys are also assigned for all options, which
appear on the bar.

4) Message Bar: At the time of processing of operations some messages of

warnings, exceptions or errors appear on this bar.

5) Favorites: You can put (paste) your regularly required menu under favorites by
copying from Menu Block.

6) Progress Indicator: It shows the progress of the action initiated.

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Banking Technology

Important Function Keys

Physical Key What does it do?
F1 Field level help. Like in several word processors and spreadsheet
packages, F1 displays context sensitive help messages and field
level help messages.
F2 List. This key lists the codes that may be used in a particular field.
F3 Quit/ Back. Quits and takes the user back to where he started when
in action. It can be used when the input is incorrect and the user
wants to abandon what he has been doing. It can also be used to go
back to the previous menu.
F4 Accept. After the user has completed the input, this key can be used
to accept the data.
F5 Background Menu
F6 Next Block
F8 Copy Record
F9 Display Signature
F10 Commit/ Save. This is very important key and this concludes the
transactions. This is the commit and transactions get into the General
Ledger (database) when this key is used.
F11 Next field
F12 Previous Block
TAB Go to next valid field
ENTER Go to the next field

CTRL+↓ Next record

CTRL+↑ Previous record

CTRL+← Scroll left

CTRL+→ Scroll right
CTRL+F1 Help maintenance
CTRL+F3 Show key map
CTRL+F4 Display error
CTRL+F8 Terminal lock
CTRL+F9 Memo pad look up
CTRL+F11 Context level help
CTRL+D Page down on a list
CTRL+E Explode. This key is particularly useful for the further inquiry .
CTRL+F Clear field. This key combination can be used when the user wants to
clear the field.
CTRL+J Display cookie field
CTRL+K Clear a set of field
CTRL+T Display LGI. The user ID, Terminal ID, SOL, BOD Date and language
details are displayed.
CTRL+U Page up on a list
CTRL+X Put BOD date. This key combination populates the default BOD date
in the field.
SHIFT+F1 Function key help
SHIFT+F4 Select the current item from the list. This key combination can be
used to select a value from the list of valid values listed for a
particular field.
SHIFT+F11 Transmit
SHIFT+TAB Go to the previous field

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Banking Technology

Commonly Used Menu Option:

Menu Option Description
CUMM To Add, Copy, Suspend, Inquire, List, Modify, Unsuspended,
Verify and Cancel a Customer Master.
CUMI Inquiry on customer record
CUS Inquiry on Customers based on selected criterion/ criteria
CUIR Interest Certificate for customers
CUMP Customer Master Print
CUSTBALP Balances for different accounts of a customer
OAAC For opening SB/CA/TD/Cash Credit/Loan/OD accounts
OAACAU To verify account opened under OAAC
ACM To Modify/Inquire the Account
ACLI Account ledger inquiry
ACCBAL Account balances
ACS Account Selection Criteria
INTTM For changing the interest rate
ACINT For running interest calculations
AITINQ Inquiry on interest in accounts
TDSCALC For calculating the TDS
ACMP Master print for accounts
PSP Printing statement of accounts
TM Putting through transactions
TI Inquiry on specified transactions
FTI Inquiries for financial transactions
TEI Inquiry on exceptions in transactions
IMAUM Maintain authorized users for inventory
IMC Inventory movement between locations
IMI Inquiry on inventory
ISI Inventory split merge and inquiry for inventory held by self
ISIA Inventory split, merge and inquiry for inventory held by others
ICHB Issue of cheque books to customer accounts
ICHBAU Verification of cheque books issued to customers
CHBM Inquiries relating to cheque book maintenance
SPP To input stop payments
SPPAU To authorize stop payments
INQACHQ Inquire on the basis of cheque number
AFSM For freezing/ unfreezing the accounts
ALM Account Lien (mark / unmark) Maintenance
ACTODM For granting TOD
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Menu Option Description

ACTODMAU For verification of TOD Set-up
ACTODI Inquiry on TOD in accounts
DDPRNT Printing DD/ PO
DDLOST Marking lost DD/ PO
DDREVERT Unmarking Lost DD/PO
DDMI Mass issue of DD/PO
DDSM Status of the DD/ PO
DDII Inquiry on specific DD issued
DDIC Inquiry on credits to DD account
DDIP Inquiry on specific DD paid
DDID Inquiry on debits to DD account
DDPALL Mass DD Printing
DDC DD Cancellation
MCLZOH Opening/ regularization/ suspension of outward clearing zone
OCTM Outward clearing transactions
ICTM Inward clearing transactions
OIQ Outward clearing transaction inquiry
OPQ Inquiry on outward clearing Part -Tran
MARKPEND For marking pending instruments from being regulerised
MICZ Opening/ suspension/ validation/ closing of inward clearing zone
BM Lodging/ verifying/ realizing Bills
BI Inquiry on Bills
BRBPR Balancing Report - Bills Purchased
BRCR Balancing Report - Collection
BCSI Bills/Cheques Covering Schedule - Inter Br
BCSO Bills/Cheques Covering Schedule - Inter Branch
SIM Setting up standing instruction
SIE Execution of standing instructions
CFLM Inquire/ delete/ carry forward standing instruction List
SIETR Standing instructions execution report
SIRP Standing instructions report
SIADVC Standing instructions executed advice to the customer
LNM Limit Node Maintenance
LTL Limit Tree Lookup
LNDI Limit Node Details Inquiry
LADGEN Loan Demand Generation
ACLHM Account Limit History Maintenance
LAGI Loans General Inquiry
LALIEN Loans Lien Process
LAMOD Loan Account Modeling

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Banking Technology

Menu Option Description

LAMP Loan Account Master Print
LAOPI Loans Overdue Position Inquiry
LADSP Loan Demand Satisfaction Process
LARSH Loan Repayment Schedule Report
MAPD Marking Accounts as Past Due
MEAC Modify Effective Asset Classification
PAYOFF Loan Pay Off Process
SRM Security Register Maintenance
AINTRPT Interest Report for Accounts
GMM Issuance of Bank Guarantee
GI Guarantee Inquiry
BGPRINT Bank Guarantee Printing
CAAC Closure of accounts
CAACAU Verification of closed accounts
CACC Account Closure Charges
TDSIP TDS Inquiry / Print
TDSREP TDS reports
RMTDS TDS Remittance Capture
PWMNT Changing Password

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Banking Technology


For Creating Profile of New Customer:

Menu Option CUMM

 Go to Menu option and enter option CUMM

 Function: A (Add)

 Fill in all details of above first screen and Press F6. Ensure in CBOP the short name
should contain the first 10 letters of the customers’ name. Ex: For Gurvinder Singh
Karbhanda, the short name shall read “GURVINDERS”.

 Fill in Communication or Permanent Address of above second screen and Press F6

 The Next page appears, which contains Employer Address. If applicable fill in the same
properly and Press F6

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Banking Technology

 Input details of Community, Caste, Health Code, Tax Slab and PAN details etc. and Press

 Input the financial details, customer net worth if applicable and Press F6

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 Input the details and Press F6

 Enter Free Text. This relates to particulars which the user wishes to input

 The General details of Customer Master are now completed at this stage. Press F6 and
Press F4 for accepting the General Details

 Type ‘E’ in the OPTION block for entering Currency Details and press F4. Following
screen will appear:

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 Type INR and explode. The following screen appears:

 Press F4 twice

 In case the customer is neither Minor nor NRE nor Trade Finance Customer Press F10
for final commit, else proceed to enter the details as under:

 If customer is a minor ENTER OPTION-- M and Press F4. Following screen will

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 Input the Minor Details and Press F4:

 If the customer is a Trade Finance Customer ENTER T in the option block and Press
F4. Following screen appears:

 Input the details of Trade Finance Customer and Press F4

 If the customer is an NRI Customer ENTER N in the option block and Press F4.

 Input the appropriate details and press F4 to accept.

 Press F10 to finally Commit

 Customer ID will be generated and displayed on the screen as below:

 Note down customer ID on the Account Opening Form and send the form for
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For Verification of Customer ID

Menu Option CUMM

 Go to Menu option and enter option CUMM

 Function: V (Verify)
 Then input generated Customer ID to be verified.
 Press F4.
 Press F6 and visit all the screens and verify General Details with the AOF.
 On returning to the first page, press F4
 Go to option E – Press F4 – Explode – Press F4 twice to verify the Currency
 For Minor customers go to M option to verify the Minor Details.
 For NRI customers go to N option to verify NRI Details.
 For Trade finance customers go to T option to verify theTrade Finance Details.
 Press F10 to commit.
 The customer record stands verified.

Other Functions:

Purpose Menu Option Function

For Modification in CID CUMM M
For Cancel Created CID CUMM X
(Only possible before verification)
For Copying details of an existing CUMM C
Cust. ID
For Suspension of CID CUMM D
For Revoking Suspension CUMM U

 For every addition or modification of a Customer Master, verification is necessary.

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Account Opening: SB, CA

For any Type of Customer Account Opening

Menu Option OAAC

 This illustration is for opening of Saving Bank Account

 Go to Menu option and enter option OAAC

 Enter Customer ID & Press F11 for confirming Customer’s Name

 Enter appropriate Scheme Code & GL Sub-head Code Press F4
 For every account opening the General & Scheme Details are mandatory

 The above 1st Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like mode of
operation, location code etc.

 Press F6 for next screen

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Banking Technology

 The above 2nd Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like statement,
frequency, interest credit a/c flag etc. Press F6 for next screen

 The above 3rd Screen of General Details will appear. Now enter the details and Press F6.
Then 1st Screen will appear again. Press F4 for accepting the General Details

 Enter S in the Enter Option field and Press F4 to go in the Scheme Details – Then
following screen will appear

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 Input the details required in the fields and Press F4 for accepting Scheme Details.
 Press F10 for final commits.
 After pressing F10 the 15 Digits account number will be generated by the system
 If the customer has nominated any body, at the time of account opening, keep the
Nomination Flag ‘Y’ under Scheme Details and fill in the nomination details through
option ‘N’.
 In case of a Joint Account add the Joint Account Holders through option ‘A’ i.e.
Additional Party Details. The Customer IDs are necessary for all the Joint Account
 Now we will see Nomination Details as well as Additional Party Details in next
 If you have entered Y in the field “Availing Nomination facility” then go to option ‘N’.
The following screen will appear:

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 Input details and Press F4 for accepting Nomination Details.

 If there are Joint Account Holders - Go to option ‘A’ and Press F4

 In the option ‘A’ the details of the main a/c holder will appear, for adding joint a/c holders -

 Press DOWN ARROW keys to add more joint a/c holders and continue as explained

 Then Press F4 for accepting Additional Party Details

 Other than General and Scheme Details for every additional detail you have to accept
those details with F4 and then Press F10 for final commit.

 Note down the system generated account number for further verification

For Verification of Account Opening

Menu Option OAACAU

 Function: V (Verify)

 Input Generated A/c No. in Temporary A/c No. Field and Press F4

 For visiting all screens of General Details Press F11 continuously

 After coming on 1st Screen Press F4 for accepting General Details

 Enter option ‘S’ and press F4 of verifying Scheme Details

 Verify details and Press F4.

 If the nomination has been given then - enter option ‘N’ and press F4.

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 Verify the details and Press F4.

 If account is Joint - Enter option ‘A’ and Press F4.

 Verify the details and press F4.

 Press F10 to commit. The a/c no will be displayed.

 The account stands verified.


Add Verify Inquiry Modify Verify

Function A V I M V
Screens to be filled G, E
Minor M
Trade Finance T
Function O V I M V
Screens to be filled G, S
Nomination N
Joint Account A

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Banking Technology

Transaction Maintenance

In day-to-day banking operation various customers are making transactions in their accounts.
These transactions are either debit transactions or credit transactions. Customer makes these
transactions by the way of depositing cash, withdrawing the cash or issue the transfer from
one account to another account of himself or another customer. Finacle is having the layer for
different types of transactions.

 In Finacle there are Financial and Non-financial Transactions

 Financial transaction means the transactions made by the way of cash, transfer or
 A Non-financial transaction means every operation or process other than financial

 There are three types of transactions in banking operations.

Transaction Type Sub-type Description

Cash C NR Normal Receipt
C NP Normal Payment
C CT Cash Transfer
Transfer T CI Customer Induced
T BI Bank Induced
Clearing L O Outward Clearing
L I Inward Clearing

 Two types of Transaction ID

 User Created: DC number is generated by system. All transactions made by teller/
cashier are user created transactions. The cash or transfer transactions are mostly
user created transactions.
 System Generated: SDC number is generated by system. These types of
transactions are system-generated transactions. Clearing transactions, various
charges, commission, interest application, standing instructions etc. are some
examples of system-generated transactions.

 Status of Transaction
(1) Entered (2) Posted (3) Verified (4) Deleted


Maker Checker Status of Transaction

Method I Enter Post Verified

Method II Enter & Post Verify Verified

*The two persons must be involved in every transaction i.e. Maker & Checker

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For Adding Transaction

Menu Option TM

 Go to Menu Option and Enter TM.

 Function: A (Add) then Type/Sub-type. Press F4
 Enter A/c No., Amount, Description etc and Press F4

At this stage, just omit the transaction and a Tran id is generated which starts with M.
Example of a Tran id is = M32

 Enter ‘P’ in the specify option field

 Press F4 to post credit part of the transaction.
 Press DOWN ARROW key to go to the next part of the transaction.

 Enter ‘P’ in the specify option field

 Press F4 to post debit part of the transaction.

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 Press F10 for commit.

 Note down the transaction ID on voucher

(Which will be shown as in the above screen, here it is DC36)

For Verification: If Transaction is in Entered Stage

Menu Option TM

 Go to Menu Option and Enter TM

 Function: M (Modify) & Press F4
 Enter generated DC No. & Press F4
 Enter P in the field Specify Option & Press F4 for 1st Part-Tran
 Press DOWN ARROW key to go the next Part-Tran of and enter ‘P’ in the Specify Option
and press F4 and F10 to commit the verification.
 The transaction stands verified and the Status is verified

For Verification: If Transaction is in Posted Stage

Menu Option TM

 Go to Menu Option and Enter TM

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4
 Enter generated DC No. & Press F4
 Enter V in the field Specify Option & Press F4 for 1st Part-Tran
 Press DOWN ARROW key to go the next Part-Tran of and enter ‘V’ in the Specify Option
and press F4 and F10 to commit the verification.
 The transaction stands verified and the Status is verified

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Flow of Transaction Process in Brief:

Cash Transaction (Receipt) Cash Transaction (Payment)

Function: A--- F4 Function: A--- F4
Type/Subtype: C / NR --- F4 Type/Subtype: C / NP --- F4
Enter A/c No.: ---- F4 Enter A/c No.: ---- F4
Enter Amount: ---- Enter Amount: ----
[In case of cash receipt transaction [In case of cash receipt transaction
system takes ‘C’ Credit Flag in 1st Part- system takes ‘D’ Credit Flag in 1st Part-
Tran by default] Tran by default]
Enter Description: ----- F4 Enter Description: ----- F4
Specify Option: P ---- Down Arrow Enter Instrument Type: ------
In 2nd Part-Tran (If Cheque) Enter Instrument No: -----
Again in Specify Option: P Instrument Date: ------ F4
F10 Specify Option: P ---- Down Arrow
In 2nd Part-Tran
Again in Specify Option: P
*In case of Cash Transaction 2 Part-Tran of Transaction is auto-generated. You can
post multiple Dr/ Cr transaction in single segment through TM

Transfer Transaction
TM After Pressing F4
Function: A--- F4 2nd Part-Tran will be generated—Then:
Type/Subtype: T / CI or BI --- F4 Enter A/c No.: ---- F4
Enter A/c No.: ---- F4 Enter Amount: ----
Enter Amount: ---- Enter Description: -----
Enter Description: ----- Enter Type of Transaction: D or C
Enter Type of Transaction: D or C [Debit or Credit]
[Debit or Credit] [If Debit Enter Instrument Type/ Number /
[If Debit Enter Instrument Type/ Number / Date etc.]
Date etc.] Press F4
Press F4 Specify Option: P---F4 Up Arrow
Specify Option: E ---- F4 1st Part-Tran Specify Option: P --- F4
In case of Transfer transaction we have to create new Part-Tran as per above flow.
You can post multiple Dr/ Cr transaction in single segment through TM.

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Banking Technology

Inventory Maintenance

The concept of Inventory in Finacle mean handing of Security Items like Cheque Books, Demand
Drafts, Pay orders, Traveler’s Cheques etc. The Inventory Module is especially used for storage,
transfer of Security Items and release of security items to Front Office personnel for normal
Banking. There are various types of inventory locations as per below:

Location Code Description In Brief

ZZ – EXT External to the System Inventory receive by the branch from
Head / Administrative Office i.e. from
external location
DL - DL Double Lock It keeps in double custody of two
supervisors of branch
EM- User ID Employee Code Supervisors allot or distribute the
inventories to the front desk tellers
for issuing to the account holders

Let us see the process or flow of the inventory.

For Inventory Movement Authorisation

Menu Option IMAUM

The following screen appears:

 Select function A to add two authorised User Id’s for transfer of Inventory from External
Location to Branch’s Double Lock. The custodian and the supervisory official will put
their respective user ID’s.

For Inventory Movement Between Locations

Menu Option IMC

This menu option IMC is used for movement of inventory between different locations:
 From ZZ-EXT to DL-DL
 From DL-DL to EM- USER ID

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 The menu option for transfer of Inventory from one location to another (from External to
branch’s Double Lock and from Double Lock to Employees) is done through Option IMC.
The screen is as under:

 Function A for transfer of Inventory from ZZ (External) to DL (Double Lock)

 Verification is required for above step (the screen shot and process on next page)

 Then Function A for transfer of Inventory from DL to Employees based on everyday


 Verification is required for above step (the screen shot and process on next page)

 The steps involved for the same are as under:

 F2 help available for first two columns leave 3rd column blank and enter the Serial
No. From *** to ----keep blank then put total quantity & press down arrow end Sr.
No. automatically generated by system & Press F10 to commit.

 The Inventory Transaction number will be generated. Note down the number for
further verification.

For Verification of Inventory Movement Between Locations

Menu Option IMC

 Go to the menu option IMC and enter.

 Function: V (Verify) and Enter Inventory Transaction Number & Press F4.

 The Details of inventory movement will appear. Again Press F4 for accepts the same. The
following screen will appear.

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 After populating above screen two Auth. Users are to be entered their password in given
block in case of ZZ-EXT to DL-DL movement. And in case of DL-DL to EM-USER ID, two
supervisors as well as the Employee to whom the inventory is allotted has to enter the

For Inventory Split

Menu Option ISI

 Function: S (Split) Press F4 then Select Employee Code from Location Class / Code

 Select Inventory Class / Type & Press F4.

 Various ranges of inventory are appeared on screen. Choose appropriate range, which
you want to split by Shift + F4. Then following screen will appear

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 Enter Start serial no. of the inventory in Start Serial No. Field

 Enter Items Per Units required in one book in Items Per Unit Field.

 Enter No. of Units in which total inventory is to be divided, in No. of Units Field.

 Press F10 to commit and you will get the message ‘Records Split Successful’.

For Inventory Merge

Menu Option ISI

 Function: M (Merge) & Press F4

 Input the Location Class / Code, Inventory Class / Type

 Then input the Start Serial No., which do you want to merge and the quantity you want the
system to merge.

 Then press F4 to get the details of merger, then Press F10.

IMP: The Employee himself can do Splitting as well as Merging of Inventory. No needs of
verification for split and merge option.

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Issue of Cheque Book

For Issuing Cheque Books to Account-Holders

Menu Option ICHB

 Go to the menu option ICHB. The following screen will appear.

 Function: I (Issue) & Press F4

 Enter Account No. Press F4

 Select Cheque Type i.e. CA Cheques, SB Cheques etc. & Press F4

 Following screen will appear

 Scroll down to the appropriate cheque book by using Down Arrow Key ↓

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 Select the cheque book by using SHIFT + F4 then Press F10 for commit
For Verification - Issued Cheque Books to Account-
Menu Option ICHBAU

 Go to the menu option ICHBAU. The following screen will appear.

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Enter Account No. Press F4

 The details of the cheque books issued to this account will be shown.

 Verify the details. Press F4 twice and then Press F10.

 The cheque book issue stands verified.

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For Inquiry of Cheque Books in Account

Menu Option CHBM

 Go to the menu option CHBM. The following screen will appear.

 Function: I (Inquire) & Press F4. Then Enter Account No. Press F4

 For Viewing further status of each cheque of particular series Press Ctrl+ E

It is necessary that the inventory should be available either at the issuer’s location or at the
verifier’s location, without which system will not permit cheque book issue.

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Stop Payment of Cheque

For Stop Payment of Cheque

Menu Option SPP

 Go to the menu option SPP. The following screen will appear.

 Function: S (Stop) & Press F4 then Enter Account No. Press F4

 Enter Begin Cheque No. and No. of Leaves and Press F4

 After pressing F4 the Date & Time automatically comes

 Enter Payees Name, Cheque Date (if known), Cheque Amount (if known)

 Select Reason Code and Press F4 for accepting General Details

 In Option enter ‘C’ for collecting charges and Press F4

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 The screen shows default charges. You may change the charges if required.

 For accepting charges Press F4

 Press F10 for commit

 Stop payment is registered.

For Verification of Stop Payment of Cheque

Menu Option SPPAU

 Go to the menu option SPPAU. The following screen will appear.

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4 then Enter Account No. Press F4

 Enter Begin Cheque No. and Press F4

 Verify the General Details & Press F4 for accepting General Details

 In Option enter ‘C’ for verifying charges and Press F4

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 Verify the charges and Press F4 for accepting charges and Press F10 for commit.

 After verifying SDC will be generated by system. This SDC is for Stop Payment

 Inquire the same through TM menu, whether it is posted or not. If not, post it through

 The Stop Payment instruction stands verified.

For Revoking Stop Payment of Cheque

Menu Option SPP

 Go to the menu option SPP

 Function: R (Revoke) & Press F4 then Enter Account No. Press F4

 Enter Begin Cheque No. and Press F4

 Stop Payment Details will appear then Press F4 for accepting the same

 Now Press F10 for commit

For Verification of Revoking Stop Payment of Cheque

Menu Option SPPAU

 Go to the menu option SPPAU

 Function: V (Verify) then Enter Account No. Press F4

 Enter Begin Cheque No. and Press F4

 Stop Payment Details will appear then Press F4 for accepting the same

 Now Press F10 for commit

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Account Lien Maintenance

In order to earmark funds for any reason the same needs to be blocked and not made available
for the account holder. To achieve this objective a lien for the purpose needs to be done. The
process of marking lien for an account can be done through menu option ALM.
Now we will see how to mark lien on account in Finacle:

For Account Lien Set-up

Menu Option ALM

 Go to the menu option ALM and enter. Following screen will appear:

 Function: A (Add) & Press F4

 Then Enter Account No. and Press F4

 Then enter Lien Amount, expiry date of Lien and select appropriate Lien Reason Code

 Input remark, if any in Lien Remark field and Press F10 for commit

 Lien Set-up is over now.

For Verification of Account Lien Set-up

Menu Option ALM

 Go to the menu option ALM and enter.

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Then Enter Account No. and Press F4

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 Details of lien will appear. Verify it and Press F10 for commit.

 Account Lien Set-up stands verified.

Now, we will see the procedure of removing the lien of account in Finacle:

For Removal of Account Lien

Menu Option ALM

 Go to the menu option ALM and enter. Following screen will appear:

 Function: M (Modify) & Press F4

 Then Enter Account No. and Press F4

 Then modify Lien Amount as ‘ZERO’

 Input remark, if any in Lien Remark field and Press F10 for commit

 Removal of Lien is over now.

For Verification of Removal of Account Lien

Menu Option ALM

 Go to the menu option ALM and enter

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Then Enter Account No. and Press F4

 Details of lien will appear. Verify it and Press F10 for commit.

 Removal of Account Lien stands verified.

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Account Freeze Maintenance

Bank need to freeze the account for various purposes as per the freezing orders by different
types of authorities. Bank itself also freeze the account of customer, if he/she would be a
defaulter. In the Lien marking, we have to put the same on amount, as it is amount specific.
Hence, in case of Freeze Set-up it is event specific mean we will restrict transactions i.e. debit
only, credit only or total freezing.

Now we will see the procedure of freezing the account:

For Account Freeze Set-up

Menu Option AFSM

 Go to the menu option AFSM and enter. Then following screen will appear:

 Function: F (Freeze) & Press F4

 Then Enter Customer ID No.

 Then select Freeze Reason Code & Freeze Code. Press F4.

 All accounts, which are linked to the given Customer ID would be appeared on screen.
Select account numbers by Shift + F4 one by one and Press F10 for commit

 Account Freeze Set-up is over.

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For Verification of Account Freeze Set-up

Menu Option AFSM

 Go to the menu option AFSM and enter.

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Then Enter Customer ID No. & Press F4

 All details of freeze will appear. Now verify it and Press F10 for commit.

 Account Freeze Set-up stands verified.

Now we will see the procedure of removal the freeze of account:

For Removal of Account Freeze

Menu Option AFSM

 Go to the menu option AFSM and enter. Then following screen will appear:

 Function: U (Unfreeze) & Press F4

 Then Enter Customer ID No. & Press F4

 All details of freeze will appear. Now Press F10 for commit.

 Now Account stands Unfreeze.

For Verification of Removal of Account Freeze

Menu Option AFSM

 Go to the menu option AFSM and enter.

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Then Enter Customer ID No. & Press F4

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 All details of freeze will appear. Now Press F10 for commits

 Now Unfreezing of Account stands verified.

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TOD Maintenance

TOD means Temporary Overdraft, which is a credit decision and naturally, is normally
conscious. In contingencies Customer request to branch head for overdrawing his account for
temporary period.

As the events for TOD in the diagram shows, there can be 5 occasions for granting system
generated TOD. However only the following two system generated TODs and one User
Generated TOD are enabled in Finacle. Those are as follows:

Type Event Mode

IC Interest Calculation Single
DL Drop In Limit Single
UG User Generated Single / Running / Ad-hoc

Examples of Mode

Mode How Operates

Single (S) Applicable for specific Purpose and of use once only

Running Allows the client to operate within the TOD Limit for the defined
Ad-hoc Allows those client, who is having their existing credit limit like
OD Limit or CC Limit etc. to operate within the TOD for the
defined period i.e. it is temporary extension of limit.

If both Running and Ad-hoc serves the same purpose, why both are necessary?

The system counts the number of TODs in an account. In case the cumulative number is
higher than predefined number (which is 1 per day at present), the system displays
exception. All TODs under ‘Single’ and ‘Running’ type are eligible for counting. However,
Ad-hoc is not included for this purpose.

Now we will see the procedure to set-up of TOD in the account:

For TOD Set-up in Account

Menu Option ACTODM

 Go to the menu option ACTODM and enter. The following screen will appear:

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 Function: M (Modify) & Press F4

 Enter Account No. and Press F4 twice

 In option field enter A (Add) the details of TOD & Press F4 the following screen will

 Enter the Grant Date. (Current Date or it can be Future Date)

 Enter Advance Amount (Amount of Granted TOD) and Press F4

 Enter Expiry Date and Press F11 the Penalty Date automatically appears

 Select appropriate Advance Type (A- Ad-hoc, S-Single, R-Running)

 Select the appropriate USER ID is the field of Permitted By

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 Enter the Remark, if any, in the field of Remark

 Then Press F4 for accepting the details

 Again we will find you on 1st screen and curser is blinking in option A then Press F10
for commit.

For Verification of TOD Set-up in Account

Menu Option ACTODMAU

 Go to the menu option ACTODMAU and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: V (Verify) & Press F4

 Enter Account No. and Press F4

 The details in single line will appear

 In option field enter I (Inquire) for inquiring the details of TOD & Press F4 the following
screen will appear:

 Verify the details of TOD from above screen and Press F10 for commit.

 Then following screen will appear:

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 After appearing above screen with exceptions accept with Pressing F4

 Now TOD set-up stands verified

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There are two types of clearing in the Bank.

1. Outward Clearing
2. Inward Clearing

First we will see the procedure of Outward Clearing

In the branch, regularly customers are lodging the cheques for collection, which are
sending through the outward clearing. Initially, we need to open Outward Clearing zone for
lodgment of cheues. Following are some zones in outward clearing.

Clearing Zone Code Description

HV High Value
IB Inter-Bank
DW Dividend Warrant
NMICR Non MICR Clearing

*Note: these Codes are User Defined.

For Outward Clearing activity the process is as follows:

Menu Option Function Description

MCLZOH O Open Zone
OCTM A Lodge Cheques
OCTM V Verify Lodged Cheques
MCLZOH S Suspend Zone
V Revoke Suspended Zone (if re-open of zone is
MCLZOH required
MCLZOH R Release to Shadow Balance
*At this stage Outward Return Clearing process is to be done through Inward
Clearing Zone.
MARKPEND Withhold the Clearing
REVPEND Revoke withheld clearing
MCLZOH G Regularise Zone

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Now we will see Outward Clearing process step-by-step in following manner:

STEP 1: Open Zone of O/W Clearing

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: O

 The above screen of Maintenance of Clearing Zone will always displays at the time of
execution of MCLZOH option.

 After appearing of above screen Function: O (Open Zone) & Press F4

 In Zone field: 1st Field enter Date & 2nd Field Zone ID, in which you are going to lodge
the clearing. Press F4 and Press F10 for commit.

 Clearing Zone gets opened at this stage.

 Now you have to lodge or enter the cheques in this Zone for that you have to go
through following step:

STEP 2: Adding the Cheques for lodgment

Menu Option OCTM Function: A

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 Function: A (Add), enter Date & Zone Code then Press F4. Then screen will appear as

 Set number will auto-generated

 Then enter Account No. Press F11

 Enter Amount and Press F6 for next block of Instrument Details

 Then enter Instrument No., Sort Code, Transaction Code, Amount and Press F10 for

 Note Set No. Reverse side of Cheque as well as on Pay-in-slip.

 Again start the lodgment of 2nd set from ‘enter Account No. Press F11’

 After completion of entire lodgment send the instruments for verification.

Note: (1) If there are multiple pay-in-slips and single instrument, so after entering amount in 1st
Screen put down arrow for entering details of next pay-in-slip and so on.
Then after entering last details press F6 for going to next block for entering instrument details.

(2) If there are single pay-in-slip and multiple instruments, so after entering account no. and
amount in 1st Screen press F6 for going in next block
Then in next block enter instrument details upto amount and press down arrow for entering further
details of another instruments.

STEP 3: Verification of Lodged Cheques

Menu Option OCTM Function: V

 Verification of lodged cheques in O/W Clearing Zone is necessary for that

 Function: V (Verify) and Enter Set ID No. Press F4. Then following screen will appear.
 You have to verify each cheque individually.

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 After verifying details from cheque Press F10 for commit.

 Again put next Set ID and Press F4 for verifying next instrument and so on.

 Before suspension of Zone you have to inquire for verification of entire instruments i.e.
whether all instruments are verified or otherwise?

*Note: Any instrument once verified cannot be modified or deleted.

For that purpose following inquiry is there:

STEP 4: Inquire on Clearing Transactions Sets

Menu Option IOCLS Function: I

 Go to the menu option IOCLS and enter then the following screen will appear:

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 Then enter Zone Date / Code in appropriate field

 Enter Start Set No. & End Set No and Press F4. The following screen will appear:

 Confirm that the status of all sets should be verified then go for suspending the Zone.

Note: In 1st Screen, if you enter Verified Status as ‘N’ (NO) so in 2nd Screen only unverified
instruments would appear.

 Now we will move on next step i.e. Suspend the Zone.

STEP 5: Suspend the Zone

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: S

 Go to the menu option MCLZOH and enter. Then the following screen will appear:

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 Now hereinafter the above screen will appear at every stage of MCLZOH menu option.

 Function: S (Suspend Zone) then enter Zone Date and Zone Code and Press F4.

 Details will appear then Press F6 two times and confirm that total number of instruments.
It should be tallied with physical instruments. Then Press F10 for commit.

 The Zone Status is changed as Suspended.

 After suspending the Zone you cannot add any instruments in this Zone. If you want so
please go through following step.

STEP 6: Revoking the Suspended the Zone

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: V

 Function: V (Revoke the Suspended Zone) then enter Zone Date and Zone Code and
Press F4.

 Details will appear then Press F10 for commit.

 The Zone Status is changed as Open Zone. Now you are able to enter the cheques in
the opened zone through OCTM.

STEP 7: Release to Shadow Balance

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: R

 Function: R (Release to Shadow Balance) then enter Zone Date and Zone Code and
Press F4.

 Details will appear then Press F10 for commit.

 The Zone Status is changed as Release to Shadow balance.

*Note: Financial Transactions happens at this stage.

STEP 8: Mark Pending Cheques

Menu Option MARKPEND Function: -----------

 Go to the menu option MARKPEND and enter. Then the following screen will appear:

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This option is very important and useful when information of lodged cheques being late
returned / bounced in clearing are received. The system withholds transfer from unclear
balance to clear balance of those cheques, which are selected under MARPEND. Such
withholding can be done on the basis of various criteria like Zone code or Instrument no. or
Bank Code or Amount etc. The system throws up all relevant entries based on the input
criteria. The user has to choose the relevant entry and MARKPEND the item by  Pressing
Shift + F4 (after which a small * appears on the selected item) and then  Press F10 to
commit the selection.

STEP 9: Regularise the Shadow Balances

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: G

 Function: G (Regularise the Shadow Balance) then enter Zone Date and Zone Code and
Press F4.

 Details will appear then Press F10 for commit.

 *The Zone Status is changed as Partially Regularised in case of MARKPEND

*Note: If there are any O/W Returned Cheques, which marked through MARKPEND option
and then you have execute above option of regularisation so Zone Status will be changed as
‘Partially Regularised’. Where MARKPEND cases have to be reversed do it through menu
option REVPEND and again regularise the zone. The status of the zone will be ‘Closed’.

Revoke the MARKPEND

Menu Option REVPEND Function: ------------

This menu option using for revokes the MARKPEND instruments.

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• The Partial Regulerised Zone will be changed as Closed only after posting of O/W
Returned cheques through I/W Clearing.
• Once you execute the MCLZOH- ‘G’ for regularisation the Zone will be automatically
closed, if no one cheques are returned in O/W Clearing Zone.

Other Important Menu Option

Transfer of Lodgment Sets

Menu Option MCLZOH Function: T

It may so happen that due to a sudden strike or non-participation by Banks, the clearing
operations would have been suspended at the clearing house. But till then branches may
have lodged cheques in a zone. It would be impractical to delete the cheques and re-lodge
them all over again. Hence by using the above option, all instruments which are lodged for
that days clearing under a particular zone can be moved to the next days clearing zone.

 Initially, you have to open new zone before execution of above menu option

 Then Function: T & Press F4

 Then system asked you that: - From which Zone you have to transfer the sets and To
which Zone you need to lodge the cheques.

 Fill appropriate information and Press F10 for commit.

Inquiry of Zone
Menu Option MCLZOH Function: I

This option gives details on the status of a zone, what amount is under shadow balance etc,
whether regularized or not.

There are some option for inquiry as well as Printing Reports. Now, we will see the same:

 ACSBIO: Inquiry / Components of the shadow balance of an account

 OPQ – Inquiry on the basis of Part Transactions.
 OIQ: Instrument wise Inquiry
 PCLSO: Print Clearing Schedule
 PWO: Print Clearing Waste.
 VALDRPT: Outward Clearing Value date Report

Inquiry / Components of the shadow balance of an account

Menu Option ACSBIO Function: -------

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 This option gives the following details

Inquiry on the basis of Part Transactions

Menu Option OPQ Function: -------

 This option gives the following details

Instrument wise Inquiry

Menu Option OIQ Function: -------

 This option gives the following details

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Print Clearing Schedule

Menu Option PCLSO Function: -------

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Print Clearing Waste

Menu Option PWO Function: -------

Outward Clearing Value Dated Report

Menu Option VALDRPT Function: -------

The branch customers are regularly issuingcheques as payments to third parties.
Those collecting banks also lodged these chques through their outward clearing to
Clearing House. On daily basis Clearing House distributes these collected cheques to
all Bank-Branches. Every Bank-branch receives the cheques of their customer for
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payment from RBI through Inward Clearing. There are also some Zones in Inward

Apart from that every Bank-branch gets Outward Return cheques with this
Inward Clearing. These cheques are also debited to customer’s accounts through
Inward Clearing Zone i.e. Outward Reject Zone.
Clearing Zone Code Description
MICR MICR I/W Clearing
NMICR Non MICR I/W Clearing
MIRTN MICR Outward Reject
NMIRTN Non-MICR Outward Reject

For Inward Clearing activity the process is as follows:

Menu Option Function Description

MICZ O Open Zone
ICTM A Add Cheques
ICTM V Verify Added Cheques
MICZ S Suspend Zone
MICZ R Revoke Suspended Zone
MICZ V Validation Run
MICZ P Post Run
MICZ Z Close Zone
MICZ T Validation Report

Now we will see Inward Clearing process step-by-step in following manner:

STEP 1: Open Zone of I/W Clearing

Menu Option MICZ Function: O

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 The above screen of Maintenance of Inward Clearing Zone will always displays at the
time of execution of MICZ option.

 After appearing of above screen Function: O (Open Zone) & Press F4

 In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date, in which you are going to lodge
the clearing. Press F4.

 Then enter Total Instruments Received in the Field ‘Tot Inst BAR’ and Total Amount of
Instruments Received in the Field ‘Tot Amt BAR’

 Now Press F10 for commit

 Clearing Zone gets opened at this stage.

Note: The cursor shifts to the option box where you have the choices as under:
 G - General details. (The default screen)
 S - Statistics (gives break up of postings into various a/c’s, useful after Posting
 T – Transaction Details

 Now you have to lodge or enter the cheques in this Zone for that you have to go
through following step:

STEP 2: Add Instruments

Menu Option ICTM Function: A

 Go to the menu option ICTM and enter then following screen will appear:

 Function: A then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date, in which you
are going to lodge the clearing. Press F4. Then following screen will appear:

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 Enter Account No. & Press F11

 Enter Cheque No. Press <enter>
 Enter Amount Press <enter>
 Enter Payees Name Press <enter>
 Press F9 for Viewing Signature of the Account Holder
 If you would like to enter the other optional fields like Inst. date (systems validates chq
being stale / post dated if entered), bank code etc. Press F11 after inputting payees
 If you do not want to enter the optional fields  press F4 directly after entering Payee
details. The record gets added in the system if there are no exceptions else the system
will flash a message showing exceptions like cheque not issued to the account or
insufficient balance.

 If you would like to return a particular cheque for whatever reason, enter the cheque as
usual but modify the following fields to:

Carve: ‘N’ and Reject: I (Inward Reject)

 Press F6. Then the system will prompt you to enter certain details which
have been explained later under Inward Rejects

 You will also notice that the following fields values are default populated:

 Transaction Code: Cheque transaction code is picked up by default depending

upon the account type i.e. Saving’s 10, Current 11 and so on.

 Instrument Type: Cheque is by default

 Carve: Defaulted to Y. Under carving the system keeps on

apportioning the amount of the cheque as and when it is entered and reduces
the available balance to that extent from the clients account.

 Reject: Defaulted to N (i.e. the cheque is not to be returned).

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(1) After all cheques have been entered or if you want to quit the data entry and perform
other tasks you can either  press F3 or F10.
(2) If there are any further cheques to be entered after you have quit, then use the ICTM
(A) option and continue with the data entry of the additional cheques.
(3) If you wish to modify any particulars of previously entered cheques use the ICTM (M)
(4) In case of Demand Drafts and Pay orders additional details screen will have to be
visited wherein details like Issuing Bank/ Branch etc. will have to be input.

In case the account no. is repetitive (same) over a number of postings and the chq amount
may or may not be the same then instead of pressing F4 after entering the payees name
you should  press F8. You will notice that the previous entry gets updated in the system
and the same line gets repeated again. You may now change only the instrument no. or
the payees name as applicable.

STEP 3: Verify the Added Instruments

Menu Option ICTM Function: V

 Go to the menu option ICTM and enter then following screen will appear:

 Function: V (Verify) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date and
Press F4.

 The details of entered cheque are appear serially and system would have selected all
records for verification by default (* mark in the beginning).

 In case you would not want to verify a particular record take the cursor to that record
by  pressing <Down Arrow> and then deselect it by pressing Shift + F4.

 All * marked records will be verified on  pressing F10.

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The ICTM option I (inquiry) and V (verify) are very powerful search tools. While verifying /
inquiring you can narrow down the selected records based on the criteria entered in the
above screen. For e.g. you would like to view all cheques debited / carved in inward
clearing for a particular account only, then use the Account no. Criteria. If you would like to
view / verify records with exceptions only use the Select All – X (option), without
exceptions – E (option). Only the relevant records will be displayed/selected.

STEP 4: Suspend Zone

Menu Option MICZ Function: S

After all records are entered and verified, the user has to suspend the zone by using the
above option. This step is mandatory and is done to prevent any unauthorized
modification/additions into the zone and to enable further process to take place as explained

 Go to the menu option MICZ and enter

 Function: S (Suspend Zone) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date
and Press F4 twice.

 In option type S for Statistics and see whether accounting has made properly or not. If
yes, Press F3 for come on 1st General Screen and Press F10 for commit.

 Clearing Zone gets Suspended at this stage.

STEP 5: Revoke of Suspended Zone

Menu Option MICZ Function: R

If you need to re-open the suspended zone for entering the cheques or any
modification you have to execute the above menu option. For that purpose take the
following steps.

 Go to the menu option MICZ and enter

 Function: R (Revoke Suspended Zone) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd
Field Date and Press F4.

 Then Press F10 for commit.

 Clearing Zone gets Open at this stage. Now you can make necessary changes
through ICTM menu. Verification is also necessary and for further process you have to
take Step-3 again i.e. Suspend Zone.

STEP 6: Validation Run

Menu Option MICZ Function: V

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This process is to be exercised by the user before initiating the process of posting the
cheques into the account. This process generates a report, which indicates all the possible
errors/ exceptions, which the system is going to meet when trying to create transactions
and post the same into the various accounts .The user has to carefully go through the
report and take appropriate actions to overcome the errors/exceptions without which the
transactions cannot be posted. Such exception transactions will be in entered status only
and the user has to initiate the transaction maintenance screen and post it separately.
The validation run can be run any number of times. The report file is available in the
background menu option (F5).
 Go to the menu option MICZ enter and

 Function: V (Validation Run) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date
and Press F4. Then following screen will appear:

 Press F4 then Printing screen will appeared in the field Background/ Foreground put ‘F’
then Print ‘Y’ and Press F10. The report validation will be generated.

 Press F5 for Background Menu and Select Print Queue Inquiry or (Menu Option PR).
Press F10. Now you can view / print the report.

STEP 7: Post Run

Menu Option MICZ Function: P

When all the above processes are over, the user can initiate posting of the zone. Please
note this process creates transactions into the account i.e. it debits the customer accounts
and credits system interim inward clearing account (dummy suspense a/c). Posting of
transactions depends on the availability of funds, exceptions encountered etc. This

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process also generates a report of the transactions posted, failed etc. The file will be
available in the background menu (F5). Post run also can be initiated any number of

 Go to the menu option MICZ and enter

 Function: P (Post Run) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date and
Press F4.

 Then Press F10 for commit. Then posting process will start.

 Status of Clearing Zone changed as Posted at this stage.

 In case of I/W Clearing Zone you have to close the Zone after posting.

STEP 8: Close Zone

Menu Option MICZ Function: Z

This is the last step in the inward clearing process. The user has to close the zone to
ensure that no further operation is initiated on that zone. By exercising this option the
system reverses the amount lying in the Interim System Inward Clearing a/c by debiting
the System Interim Inward Clearing account and crediting the branch Inward Clearing

 Go to the menu option MICZ and enter

 Function: Z (Close Zone) then In Zone field: 1st Field enter Zone ID & 2nd Field Date
and Press F4.

 Then Press F10 for commit.

 Status of Clearing Zone changed as Close Zone at this stage.

 Inward Clearing Process end at this stage.

 Short Claim: (Cheques received unlisted).

 In the event of cheques being received in excess of the RBI control figure (i.e. total
debits to the client is more than the bar amount under Finacle) then:

 Modify the Tot Inst BAR and Tot Amt Bar in MICZ – M option to include the totals
of unlisted cheques.

 In the ICTM option A screen debit the cheques and after inputting the payees
name  press F11 and then F6 and go to the next screen

 Modify the fields to listed = N and received as Y (defaulted).

 (As shown in the screen below)
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 Press F6 twice to come back to the original screen

 Press F10 to commit. Then:
 Verify the instrument ICTM [V].

 Suspend the zone MICZ [S]

 Run the validation MICZ [V]

 Run the posting MICZ [P]

 Close the zone MICZ [Z]

 The system will automatically debit the client and park the amount in your Clearing
Payable account.

 Excess Claim: (Cheques received less than RBI listing)

In the event of cheques being received less than the RBI control figure (Bar amount is
greater than the total debits to clients) then on closure of the zone the system will
automatically debit your clearing receivable with the shortfall.

 INWARD REJECT: (Return of cheques issued by your customer)

• Cheques which are received in Inward Clearing and are to be returned due to
reasons like post dated, signature differs etc. are termed as Inward Rejects.

• In the ICTM option A when you are inputting details of the cheque (as explained
earlier) modify the field Carve = N and the field Reject = I (i.e. Inward Reject) 
press F4.

 The system automatically goes to the next screen

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 Then input the reason code (press F2 for the various return codes) press F4.

 The next screen flashes showing the charges recovered for the return  press
F4 and  press F6

 Then input the presenting Bank / Branch details press F4 and  F10 to

 OUTWARD REJECTS: (cheques deposited by our clients returned)

Cheques, which have been lodged in Outward Clearing (i.e. cheques deposited by your
clients) if returned by the Drawee Banks, are called as Outward Reject. These returns are
processed in the Inward Clearing Module for which separate Return Zones have been

 The creation of Zone and process is same as per Inward Clearing Process.

 Before Staring the process you have to unmark the unregularised cheques if any,
which we have marked as pending through MARKPEND option.

 For unmarking the cheque the menu option is REVPEND.

 Open the concerned return zone by using the option MICZ [O].

 Input only the cheque no. and Reject field as O (i.e. outward reject)  press F6.

 The system will automatically pick up the relevant cheque based on the information
input and flash all the details as regards the drawee Bank / branch /client a/c no.
etc. press F6

 Input the return reason code (of the other Bank)  press F6 to return to the main
screen and  press F10 to commit.
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 Run all the processes applicable under the Inward Clearing module.

 The system automatically debits the client and credits the branch Outward Reject
account and also deducts the necessary charges.

 Inquiries and Reports are available for Inward Clearing

Menu: PICS Menu: PICW

Tran Code, Chq No. Print Display / Media
Amount List

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Issue of DD / Payorder

The banks provides ancillary services like remittances, safe deposit locker, credit card services
etc. The remittances services are most important ancillary services in Banking Industries. There
are different types of remittances like Demand Draft, Payorders, Telegraphic Transfer, Mail
Transfer, and Travelers Cheques etc.

Now we will see the entire procedure regarding issuing Demand Draft / Payorder in Finacle.

For Issuing Single DD or PO

Menu Option TM

 Go to the menu option TM enter then following screen will appear:

 Function: A (Add) and Press F4

 Enter DD Issued Account no. & Press F11

 Enter Amount, then ‘C’ as Credit Part-Tran and description and Press F4

 After pressing F4 following screen will appear:

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 In above screen make entry as under:

 Create Part-Tran: Y (only applicable in case DD/PO transaction is done first)
 Drawn on: in 1st Field Bank Code is by default then in 2nd Field select the
Branch code, on which you want to draw the draft.
 Enter Payee Name
 Enter Purchaser’s Account No. & Press F11 then Press F4
 In Print Option put ‘L’ and Press F4
 Then the screen of commission on DD/PO will appear. Accept the same by
pressing F4.
 Then you will appear on 1st Screen of TM. In specify option press down arrow
and go in debit part-tran of customer account then following screen will

 In specify option put ‘M’-Modify & Press F4 then insert Instrument Type, number and
date. Press F4 again. Then put ‘P’-Posting Requested in specify option & Press F4 in
every part-tran. Finally, Press F10 for commit.

 Now, DD Set-up is over. Send the transaction for verification.

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For Issuing Multiple DD or PO

Menu Option DDMI
 Go to the menu option DDMI and enter then following screen will appear:

 In above screen make entry as under:

 Function: A (Add) Press F4

 Then Enter Transaction Type/ Sub-type
 Enter DD Issued Account Number
 Enter Purchaser Account in Purch. And Comm. Fields and Press F4
 Then in DD details enter Amount, Drawee Branch Code, Payee Name and
Press <Down Arrow>
 After that all details appears upper side. Again start to enter DD details of 2nd
 Continue this process upto last DD and Press F10 for commit
 The Transaction Id would be generated by system.

For Verification of Multiple DD or PO Issued

Menu Option DDMI

 The same screen as above will appear then do the process as under:
 Function: ‘P’ (Post) enter Transaction ID and Press F4
 Verify the details of all DDs one-by-one by pressing Down Arrow continuously.
 After verifying all details Press F10 for commit.

For Printing Single DD / PO

Menu Option DDPRNT

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 Go to the menu option DDPRNT and enter then following screen will appear:

 The same screen as above will appear then do the process as under:

 Enter Part-Tran ID of DD and Date of Issue. Press F4

 All the details of the DD would appear on the screen along with the DD No.,
which will be generated by the System, however you can change the DD No.
Press F10 & DD will be printed.
 After printing of DD at place of Print? It will change as Print OK – Y. Press F10
again. Then you can go for next DD Printing.

For Printing All DD / PO

Menu Option DDPALL

 Go to the menu option DDPALL and enter

 The screen appears with date only. You can input the date and Press F4.
 The system shows you all DD details. The procedure of printing is like above. Only the
thing you have to Press F10 directly at Print? – Y.
 After printing of one DD at place of Print? It will change as Print OK – Y. Press F10
 The remaining unprinted DD details are appears. For printing all DDs follow above

For Cancellation of DD / PO
Menu Option DDC

 Go to the menu option DDC and enter. The following screen will appear:

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 Then do the procedure as under:

 Function: C (Cancellation) and Press F4

 Enter The DD no. DD issue date and press F4.
 Enter the Enter “ C “ for Cash & “ T “ For transfer
 “ Y ” to be entered for taking cancellation Charges
 Amount of the DD should be entered
 Enter DDD and DD Number to be entered
 Name of the Drawee Branch and Date of the instrument
 Account No of the DD
 The account No of the Purchaser. Not applicable in case of cash.
 Press F10 to commit. The Transaction ID will be generated by system.

For Verification of Cancellation of DD / PO

Menu Option DDC

 Go to the menu option DDC and enter. The same screen as above will appear then do
the process as under:

 Function: ‘P’ (Post) enter Transaction ID and Press F4

 Verify the cancellation details of DD
 After verifying all details Press F10 for commit.
 Cancellation of DD stands verified.

For Marking DD / PO as Lost

Menu Option DDLOST

 Go to the menu option DDLOST and enter.

 The same screen as above will appear then do the process as under:

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 Enter DD No. and Date of Issue. Then Press F4.

 Enter Non-Payment Advice Required. ‘Y’ or ‘N’ as case may be.

 Press F10 for commit.
 The DD Tran Status will be changed as Lost.

For Revert the Marking DD / PO as Lost

Menu Option DDREVERT

 Go to the menu option DDREVERT and enter.

 The same screen as above will appear then do the process as under:

 Enter DD No. and Date of Issue of that DD, which you had marked as LOST.
Then Press F4.
 All details appeared as above then Press F10 for commit.
 The DD Tran Status will be changed as Issued.

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Bills Maintenance

For Every Bills Maintenance (OCC, OCP, BD, BD under LC)

Menu Option BM

Now we will see the procedures of lodgment, realization and dishonor of Outward Cheques
for Collection (OCC).

Lodgment of Chaque:

 Go to Menu option and enter option BM. The following screen will appear:

 Function: G (Lodge) and Press F4

 Enter Register Type IOCC (Inland Outward Cheque for Collection)
 Enter Register Sub-Type as CHQOU – If cheque would be sent for collection to Our
Bank’s Branch and CHQOT – If cheque would be sent for collection to Other Bank’s
Branch. Then Press F4.
 The Bill ID will be generated by system. Then go through as follows:
 Enter Lodger Account no. and Press F11
 Enter Bill Amount
 Enter Drawee Bank / Branch Details
 Enter Collecting Bank/ Branch Details
 Enter Drawer Name and Address if known
 In Lodger Ref. Enter Instrument / Cheque No.
 Press F4 for accepting General Details of Bills
 Press F10 for commit.

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Realisation of Cheque:

 Go to Menu option and enter option BM. The following screen will appear:

 Function: R (Realise) and Enter Bill ID then Press F4

 In option input ‘R’ and Press F4. Following screen will appear:

 In above Transaction Screen if, the cheque is Register Sub-Type as CHQOU so

Press F4 and go to next screen. But the cheque is Register Sub-Type as CHQOT,
so enter Other Bank Charges and Press F4
 Then in next screen input ‘L’ –List then transactions of realisation will be listed as

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 See the transactions and Press F3 for quitting from inquiry

 Then following screen will appear:

 In option input ‘A’ –Accept & Quit. Press F4

 We will be back on 1st Screen then Press F10 for Commit.
 Bill realisation process is over.

Dishonor of Cheque:

 Go to Menu option and enter option BM. The following screen will appear:
 Function: N (Dishonor) and Enter Bill ID then Press F4
 In option input ‘N’ and Press F4. Following screen will appear:

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 Again Press F4 and go to next screen.

 Then in next screen input ‘L’ –List then transactions of dishonour will be listed as

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 See the transactions and Press F3 for quitting from inquiry

 Then following screen will appear:

 In option input ‘A’ –Accept & Quit. Press F4

 We will be back on 1st Screen then Press F10 for Commit.
 Bill dishonoured process is over.

For Verification of Bills Maintenance (OCC)

Menu Option BM

Now we will see the verification process of OCC lodgment, realisation and dishonour.

 Function: V (Verify) for all types of above activities.

 Go through the process of lodgment, realisation and dishonour and Press F10 at
final stage for verified status.

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Account Opening – Term Deposit

For Every Type of Account Opening

Menu Option OAAC

 Go to Menu option and enter option OAAC. The following screen will appear:

 Enter Customer ID & Press F11 for confirming Customer’s Name

 Enter appropriate Scheme Code & GL Sub-head Code Press F4. Then following screen will
 For every account opening of Term Deposit the General, Scheme and Flow Details are

 Function: O (Open) and Press F4. Then following screen will appear:

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 The above 1st Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like mode of
operation, location code etc. Then Press F6 for next screen.

 The above 2nd Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like Interest
Credit Account No. The Deposit Receipt field is by default in case of Term Deposit. Press
F6 for next screen.

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 The above 3rd Screen of General Details enter the TDS Operative Account if applicable.
Press F6 again. Then you will come on 1st Screen of General Details.

 Now Press F4 for accepting General Details.

 In Enter Option input ‘S’ for filling Scheme Details and Press F4. Then following Screen
will appear:

 Enter Deposit Amount. Then enter Period of Deposit- 1st Field for Months and 2nd for Days.
Fill appropriately.

 In Value Date the current date is displayed by default, but in case of back-dated effect you
may input effective date.

 Enter Repayment Account no. If given by customer.

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 If customer have appointed nominee at the time of account opening, so you have to make
the Nomination Flag ‘Y’ in the Scheme Details and fill the details of nomination from the
option ‘N’.

 Press F6 for next screen. Then following screen will appear:

 Enter Auto Closure –‘N’ (No) or ‘Y’ (Yes), as applicable and another concerned field like
Auto Renewal / Max. Auto Renewal etc. Press F4 for accepting Scheme Details.

 In Enter Option input ‘F’ for filling Flow Details and Press F4. Then following Screen will

 Press CTRL+E to explode the flow –

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 Press F4 twice for accepting Flow details.

 After pressing F10 the 15 Digits account number will be generated by system

 If you have entered Y in the field “Availing Nomination facility” then go to option ‘N’.
The following screen will appear:

 Input details and Press F4 for accepting Nomination Details.

 In case of Joint Account you have to add Joint Account Holders from the option ‘A’ i.e.
Additional Party Details. The Customer IDs are necessary for all the Joint Account

 If there are Joint Account Holders - Go to option ‘A’ and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

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 In the option ‘A’ – Additional Party Details the details of the main a/c holder will appear, for
adding joint a/c holders - Press DOWN ARROW KEY.

 Press DOWN ARROW keys to add more joint a/c holders and continue as explained

 Then Press F4 for accepting Additional Party Details

 Note down the system generated account number for further verification

 If you have chosen any Flexi Fixed Deposit (FFD) Scheme, so you have to fill one more
screen i.e. FFD Link Details - Go to option ‘B’ and Press F4.

 Enter Operative Account No. In which Auto-Sweep of Fund need to be transferred.

 Sweep-Out In Steps of: Enter the required amount.

 Press F4 for accepting FFD Details

 Other than General and Scheme Details for every additional detail you have to accept
those details with F4 and then Press F10 for final commit.

For Verification of Account Opening of Term Deposit

Menu Option OAACAU

 Function: V (Verify)

 Input Generated A/c No. in Temporary A/c No. Field and Press F4

 For visiting all screens of General Details Press F11 continuously

 After coming on 1st Screen Press F4 for accepting General Details

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 Enter option ‘S’ and press F4 for verifying Scheme Details

 Verify details and Press F4.

 Enter option ‘F’ and press F4 twice for verifying Flow Details

 If the nomination has been given then - enter option ‘N’ and press F4.

 Verify the details and Press F4.

 If account is Joint - Enter option ‘A’ and Press F4.

 Verify the details and press F4.

 If account is FFD Type - Enter option ‘B’ and Press F4.

 Verify the details and press F4.

 Press F10 to commit. The account number will be displayed.

 The account stands verified.

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Standing Instructions

Banks render services to their customers by complying with given standing instructions. Customer
gives these instructions to their banker, which relates to certain financial dealings like transfer of
funds. These instructions are meant either for a specific period mentioned by the customer or until
further instructions from the customer in the matter.

Now we will see the procedure to maintain the Standing Instructions in Finacle:

For Creation of Standing Instructions

Menu Option SIM

 Go to the menu option SIM and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: A (Add) Press F4. Then enter the details as below:

 In SI Class input ‘C’ for Customer Induced or ‘B’ for Bank Induced
 Input Customer ID and Enter SI Frequency i.e. D-Daily, W-Weekly, F-Fortnightly,
M-Monthly, Q-Quarterly, H-Half Yearly and Y-Yearly.
 Enter Execution Time i.e. B-Beginning of Day, D-Anytime during Day, A-After
business hours and E- Every time
 Specify Next Execution Date of SI. Enter in Auto Post- Y. Then End date of SI.
 Delete Transaction if not posted? - Y for deleting. Then Carry Forward –Y and
Max. Time for such carry forward.
 After filling all details Press F4

 After Pressing F4 the following Screen will appear:

 In Option curser is blinking. Press F4 again

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 Then enter the details as below:

 Enter Amount Indicator – as applicable. Part-Tran Type – ‘D’ Debit

 Enter Amount and Press F4

 Then above screen will appear. Enter details as below:

 Enter Amount Indicator – as applicable. Part-Tran Type – ‘C’ Credit

 Enter Amount and Press F4
 Then you will come on 1st Screen then Press F10 for commit.
 SI ID will be generated by system.

For Verification of Creation of Standing Instructions

Menu Option SIM

 Go to the menu option SIM and enter.

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 Function V (Verify) and Input SI Srl. No. Then Press F4

 Accept General Details with pressing F4

 1st Debit Part-Tran Screen will appear verify and accept with F4

 2nd Credit Part-Tran Screen will appear verify and accept with F4

 Press F10 for commit.

 SI stands verified.

Note: In cases where for credits to say Recurring Deposit type of account then the user has to
visit additional screen for Flow ID by pressing of F6 key, before final commit by F10 key.

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Limit Node Maintenance

Limit Nodes In Finacle

Credit Limits can be set at Account Level as well as at Node Level for deriving the Drawing Power
for a customer. In case the limits are set at Node Level then the following are the advantages:

 Managing two or more accounts with drawing power deriving from the same

 Interchangeability of limits among different accounts.

 Monitoring the overall exposure to a single client / group of clients.

 Exposure to a select commodity / security.

Limit Node Maintenance helps you to build these requirements in the limit management

Limit Node Concept

Limit nodes are used to group accounts under one node to enable easy monitoring and
organization. A limit node can be linked to a security for deriving drawing power. Distribution of
overall group (group may be a group of clients or a group of accounts) limits to individual
members (members may be accounts or clients) is possible through creation of Parent Node and
Child Nodes. It would be interesting to note that limits of every child node can further be
distributed to group of accounts or clients. This is diagrammatically explained below.

The diagram represents the limits sanctioned to a client with the following conditions

Facility Particulars Limit (Rs.Lakhs) Remarks

Funded 1 Term Loan 200 Total of 1 to 4 not to exceed Rs.
2 WCDL 100 500 Lakhs & 2 to 4 not to
3 CC 150 exceed Rs.300 Lakhs
4 BP 150
Total Funded Facilities 500
Non-Funded 1 LC 300 Total Non Funded not to exceed
2 BG 300 Rs. 500 Lakhs
Total Non- Funded Facilities 500

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Rs.50,00,000/- Rs.50,00,000/-


WCDL Rs.30,00,000/-


Note: In the above chart every node is having the upper limit. The Company Exposure Limit
Node is Parent Limit for Fund Based and Non-Fund Based Limit Node. Then the Fund Based
Limit Node is Parent Limit for TL, WCDL, CC and BP Limits, which are child limits. And Non-
Fund Based Limit Node is Parent limit for LC and BG Limits, child limits.
Limit Node Set-up in Finacle:

In case of following set-up in Limit ID 1st Block enter Customer ID and in 2nd Block put the
Code as under:

 Main Parent Limit i.e. Company Exposure: COEXP

 Fund Based Limit Node: FBEXP
 The Code for Child Lines of above is as CC, BP, BD, TL, and WCDL etc.
 Non-Fund Based Limit Node: NFEXP
 The Code for Child Lines of above is as LC, BG etc.

For Limit Node Maintenance Set-up

Menu Option LNM

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 Go to Menu option and enter option LNM. The following screen will appear:

 Function: A (Add) and Press F4

 Enter Limit ID as in 1st Block enter ‘Customer ID’ and in 2nd Block enter the Code as
above i.e. COEXP, FBEXP, NFEXP with a valid Limit Suffix. Then Press F4.
 Enter Description as the case may be.
 Enter Currency Code as applicable for the Node.
 Enter Customer ID
 Enter Parent Limit ID as COEXP in case of FBEXP & NFEXP and
 Enter Parent Limit ID as FBEXP or NFEXP in case of their concerned Child Limits.
 Enter Sanction Limit amount
 Enter Drawing Power Indicator
 Enter Limit Sanction and Limit Expiry Date
 Select appropriate Sanction Level and Sanction Authority Code
 Enter Single Transaction field ‘N’ – No for Running Limits Exposure.
 Then Press F10 for Commit

For Verification of Limit Node Maintenance Set-up

Menu Option LNM

 Function: V (Verify) and Press F4

 Enter Limit ID as in 1st Block enter ‘Customer ID’ and in 2nd Block enter the Code as
above i.e. COEXP, FBEXP, NFEXP with a valid Limit suffix.
 Then Press F4.
 Verify the details and Press F10 for Commit
 The LNM stands verified.

For Inquire LNM Summery i.e. Limit Tree Lookup

Menu Option LTL

 Go to Menu option and enter option LTL.

 Enter Limit ID as in 1st Block enter ‘Customer ID’ and in 2nd Block enter the Code as
above i.e. COEXP.

 You can be viewed entire Company Exposure with Total O/S Liabilities.

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Account Opening – Cash Credit

For Every Type of Account Opening

Menu Option OAAC

 Go to Menu option and enter option OAAC. The following screen will appear:

 Enter Customer ID & Press F11 for confirming Customer’s Name

 Enter appropriate Scheme Code & GL Sub-head Code Press F4. Then following screen
will appear
 For every account opening of Cash Credit the General, Scheme, Limit Details and MIS
Details are mandatory.

 The above 1st Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like mode of
operation, location code etc. Then Press F6 for next screen.

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 The above 2nd Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like statement
frequency, interest credit a/c flag etc. The most important field in this screen is Interest
Rate Code. Please choose appropriate one. Press F6 for next screen

 In the above 3rd screen important fields are as follows: -

 Interest Calculation Freq Dr: Please select the applicable value.
 Next Int. Calc. Date Dr: Please select the applicable value.

 Then Press F6 and will come on 1st screen. Now Press F4 for accepting General Details.
 In Option field enter ‘S’ for entering Scheme Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

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 In the above screen of Scheme Details fill the following fields as:
 Dr. Balance Limit: Enter Sanctioned Amount
 Max. Allowable Limit: It can be lower than limit or equal to limit
 Credit File No.: Enter the number of Credit File of Customer
 Debt Acknowledgement Date: Enter the date of loan documents / revival letter, whichever
is latter
 All other mandatory fields needs to be filled. Then Press F6 for next screen

 Keep Account Health Code as 001 for Regular. Press F4 accepting Scheme Code.
 In Option field enter ‘H’ for entering Limit Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

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 In the above screen of Sanction Details fill the following fields as:
 Sanction / Expiry / Document / Review Date
 Sanction Level / Authority / Ref. No. and Security Description. Then Press F4. Following
Drawing Power Details screen will appear:

 In the above screen of Drawing Power Details fill the following fields as:
 Drawing Power Indicator: Enter applicable value.
 A/C Recalled: ‘N’ and then Press F4 for accepting DP details.

 In Option field enter ‘V’ for entering MIS Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

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 In above screen of MIS select appropriate codes. After completion of the same Press
F4 for accepting MIS Details.
 Again you will back in option field. Press F10 for commit.
 The account number will be generated by the system as per following screen:

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For Verification of Account Opening of Cash Credit

Menu Option OAACAU

 Function: V (Verify)

 Input Generated A/c No. in Temporary A/c No. Field and Press F4

 For visiting all screens of General Details Press F11 continuously

 After coming on 1st Screen Press F4 for accepting General Details

 Enter option ‘S’ for verifying Scheme Details and press F4

 Press F11 for visiting next screen of Scheme Details

 Verify details and Press F4.

 Enter option ‘H’ and press F4 for verifying Sanction and DP Details

 First, Sanction Details will appear. Verify and accept with Pressing F4.

 Then, DP Details will appear. Verify and accept with Pressing F4.

 Enter option ‘V’ and press F4 for verifying MIS Details

 After appearing MIS Details verify and Press F4 for accepting the same.

 Press F10 to commit. The account number will be displayed.

 The account stands verified.

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Security Register Maintenance

Now we need to make the Set-up of Security Register Maintenance (SRM) for linking to Cash
Credit Account. The availability of funds in CC Account is depending upon the Drawing Power.
The Drawing Power calculation can be derived from Security linked to that account.


SRM is used for maintenance of security and drawing power allocation in respect of all
advance accounts where drawing power is derived from securities.


The Security Register Maintenance (SRM) has two important functions –

(a) Maintenance of particulars of the securities submitted by a client and

(b) Allocation of drawing power to an account
(c) Other utilities include: -

1. Stipulation of maximum drawings allowable against security to the relative account.

2. Classification of the security as Primary / Collateral.

3. Maintenance of the Market Value, Repurchase Value, Face Value with options to specify
which is to be used, Margin to be retained, whether additional details like Insurance,
Charges, Income and Expenses are required or not.

4. The system provides linkage to Interest Computation for computing additional interest for
non-submission of Stock.

5. If the security is a Deposit Account, a lien is marked on the account for the value of the
Advance Amount / Limit Sanctioned and the component of available balance is updated

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In the ensuing paragraphs, steps involved are explained in detail.

Type SRM in Select
the Menu Option-C and
and Add
Option and enter Charge
enter Details

1(start) 2 3
Commit Select Select
the record Option-P and Option N
by Pressing enter and enter
F10 Inspection Insurance
Details Details

6 5 4

Verification of the Account gets

Record by Authorized Drawing Power

7 8 (END)

For Set-up of Security Register Maintenance

Menu Option SRM

 Go to Menu option and enter option SRM.

 Function: A (Add) and Linkage Type ‘A’ – Linked to Account (If there is Limit Node for
this account so, choose ‘N’ if so, put Node ID). For A you have to enter Account No.
and Press F4.
 Select appropriate Code for: Security code, Security Group, Security Class.
 Enter Ceiling Limit of Security
 Enter Margin Percentage as per sanction letter
 Nature of Charge:
 Pledge – If Securities are Shares, NSC, Car, Bank’s Term Deposit etc.
 Hypothecation - If Securities are Stock, Book Debts etc.
 Mortgage – If Securities are Building, Plot, Flat etc.
 Assignment - If Security is Insurance Policy

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 Enter Received Date i.e. Stock Statement Date (If Security is Stock, Book Debts etc.)
and enter Due Date of the same.
 Frequency: This frequency is pertains to Stock Statement Frequency, which submits
by the borrower in future.
 Unit Value is for the Securities like Shares, Term Deposit Receipts, NSC etc.
 If you have entered Unit Value, so enter No. of Unit also.
 Security Value: In case of securities like Stock, Book Debts, Car, House put the total
value in the filed
 Primary / Collateral: Enter ‘P’ for Primary Security and ‘C’ for Collateral Security.
Important aspect is drawing power is only derived from Primary Security.
 After completion of the information Press F4 for accepting Security Details.

 In Option filed enter ‘C’ and Press F4 for filling Details of Charge on Security.
 Again in Charge Details enter ‘A’ (Add) in Option and Press F4 then following screen
will appear:

 Fill all the Charge Details appropriately and Press F4 for accepting Charge Details.
 In Enter Option put ‘S’ and Press F4 for go back in Security Screen.
 In Option filed enter ‘N’ and Press F4 for filling Details of Insurance
 Again in Insurance Details enter ‘A’ (Add) in Option and Press F4 then following
screen will appear:

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 Fill all the Insurance Details appropriately and Press F4 for accepting Insurance
 In Enter Option put ‘S’ and Press F4 for go back in Security Screen.
 In Option filed enter ‘P’ and Press F4 for filling Details of Inspection.
 Again in Inspection Details enter ‘A’ (Add) in Option and Press F4 then following
screen will appear:

 Fill all the Inspection Details appropriately and Press F4 for accepting Inspection
 In Enter Option put ‘S’ and Press F4 for go back in Security Screen.
 Press F10 for commit.

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For Verification of Set-up of Security Register Maintenance

Menu Option SRM

 Function: V (Verify) and Press F4

 Then Verify all the above screen i.e. Security, Charge, Insurance and Inspection one-
by-one as per the procedure of above only instead of ‘A’ – Add in option at every
screen input for ‘I’ – Inquiry.
 After completion of all Press F10 for commit.

Note: The SRM activity is to be done after every account opening of Cash Credit, Loan
against FDR / Shares/ NSC/ LIC etc., Housing Loan, Two / Four Wheeler Loan or any other
loan against security.

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Account Opening – Loans

For Every Type of Account Opening

Menu Option OAAC

 Go to Menu option and enter option OAAC. The following screen will appear:

 Enter Customer ID & Press F11 for validating Customer’s Name

 Enter appropriate Scheme Code & GL Sub-head Code Press F4. Then following screen
will appear
 For every account opening of Loans the General, Scheme, Limit Details, Interest, MIS and
Repayment Schedule Details are mandatory.

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 The above 1st Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like mode of
operation, location code etc. Then Press F6 for next screen.

 The above 2nd Screen of General Details will appear then enter the details like statement
frequency, interest credit a/c flag etc. The most important field in this screen is Interest
Rate Code. Please choose appropriate one. Press F6 for next screen.

 In the above 3rd screen important fields are as follows: -

 Interest Calculation Freq Dr: Please select the appropriate value.

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 Next Int. Calc. Date Dr: Please select the appropriate value.
 Then Press F6 and will come on 1st screen. Now Press F4 for accepting General Details.
 In Option field enter ‘S’ for entering Scheme Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

 In the above screen of Scheme Details fill the following fields as:
 Enter Loan Amount: Sanctioned Amount
 Loan Period: Enter total months in 1st Field
 Enter Credit File No.
 Holder In Operative A/C For Amount Due: ‘Y’ – Yes or ‘N’ – No
 Repayment Method: If above field value is ‘Y’, so Put here ‘E’, else put ‘N’
 Operative A/c No. above value is ‘Y’, so put appropriate SB, CA Account No.
 Debt Acknowledgement Date: Enter the date of loan documents / revival letter, whichever
is latter
 All other mandatory fields needs to be filled. Then Press F6 for next screen
 Put appropriate information as per sanction letter and Press F4 for accepting Scheme
 In Option field enter ‘H’ for entering Sanction and DP (Drawing Power) Details and Press
F4. Then following screen will appear:

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 In the above screen of Sanction Details fill the following fields as:
 Sanction / Expiry / Document / Review Date
 Sanction Level / Authority / Ref. No. and Security Description. Then Press F4. Following
Drawing Power Details screen will appear:

 In the above screen of Drawing Power Details fill the following fields as:
 Drawing Power Indicator: Enter ‘D’ Derived from Security in Case of CC Account
 A/C Recalled: ‘N’ and then Press F4 for accepting DP details.
 In Option field enter ‘I’ for entering Interest Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

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 Accept above details with Pressing F4 after valid values being filled.
 In Option field enter ‘V’ for entering MIS Details and Press F4. Then following screen
will appear:

 In above screen of MIS select appropriate codes. After completion of the same Press
F4 for accepting MIS Details.
 In Option field enter ‘E’ for entering Repayment Schedule Details and Press F4. Then
following screen will appear:

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 In the above screen of Repayment Schedule Details fill the following fields as:
 Flow ID is system generated as per selection of Scheme Code. Those are PRDEM
and EIDEM. Enter Nos. of Installments
 Enter Principal Demand Date and then the Frequency.
 Then enter Interest Demand Date and frequency.
 Press F4 for accepting Repayment Schedule Details.
 Now Press F10 for commit. The Account No. will be generated by system as below:

For Verification of Account Opening of Loan

Menu Option OAACAU

 Function: V (Verify)
 Input Generated A/c No. in Temporary A/c No. Field and Press F4
For visiting all screens of General Details Press F11 continuously
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 After coming on 1st Screen Press F4 for accepting General Details

 Enter option ‘S’ for verifying Scheme Details and press F4
 Press F11 for visiting next screen of Scheme Details
 Verify details and Press F4.
 Enter option ‘H’ and press F4 for verifying Sanction and DP Details
 First, Sanction Details will appear. Verify and accept with Pressing F4.
 Then, DP Details will appear. Verify and accept with Pressing F4.
 Enter option ‘I’ and press F4 for verifying Interest Details
 After appearing Interest Details verify and Press F4 for accepting the same.
 Enter option ‘V’ and press F4 for verifying MIS Details
 After appearing MIS Details verify and Press F4 for accepting the same.
 Enter option ‘E’ and press F4 for verifying Repayment Schedule Details
 After appearing Repayment Schedule Details verify and Press F4 for accepting the
 Press F10 to commit. The account number will be displayed.
 The Loan Account stands verified.

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Bank Guarantee

Bank Guarantee is an instrument issued by the Banks in which the Bank agrees to stand
against the non-performance of some action of a party. The quantum of guarantee is called
the ‘Guarantee amount’. The guarantee is issued upon receipt of a request from ‘applicant’
for some purpose/transaction in favor of a ‘Beneficiary’. The ‘issuing bank’ will pay the
guarantee amount to the ‘beneficiary’ of the guarantee upon receipt of the ‘claim’ from the
beneficiary. This results in ‘invocation’ of the Guarantee.

The guarantees issued by the banks have been classified into:

 Advance Payment Guarantee
 Bid Bond Guarantee
 Financial Guarantee
 Performance Guarantee
 Shipping Guarantee
 Deferred Payment Guarantee

There will be further classification of guarantees, such as: Inland Bank Guarantee and Foreign
Bank Guarantee. Guarantees issued favoring Government and Others than Government

Following types of registers have been defined: -

Codes Type of Registers

FBGA Foreign Guarantee – Advance payment
FBGB Foreign Guarantee – Bid Bond
FBGF Foreign Guarantee – Financial
FBGP Foreign Guarantee – Performance
FBPG Foreign Guarantee – Deferred Payment
IBGA Inland Guarantee – Advance payment
IBGB Inland Guarantee – Bid Bond
IBGF Inland Guarantee – Financial
IBGP Inland Guarantee – Performance
IBPG Inland Guarantee – Deferred Payment

 Now we will see the procedures in Finacle for:

 Issuing of Inland Bank Guarantee

 Reverse of Bank Guarantee
 Invoke of Bank Guarantee

IMP: For Set-up Bank Guarantee (BG) the Set-up of LNM (Limit Node Maintenance) for
Bank Guarantee.

 1st Step For Set-up of BG is Setting up of LNM i.e. Limit Node Maintenance.

For Limit Node Maintenance Set-up

Menu Option LNM

 Go to Menu option and enter option LNM. The following screen will appear:

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 Function: A (Add) and Press F4

 Enter Limit ID as in 1st Block enter ‘Customer ID’ and in 2nd Block enter ‘BG’
 Then Press F4
 Enter Description as Bank Guarantee
 Enter Currency Code as INR (Indian Rupee)
 Enter Customer ID
 Enter Sanction Limit amount
 Enter Drawing Power Indicator
 Enter Limit Sanction and Limit Expiry Date
 Select appropriate Sanction Level and Sanction Authority Code
 Enter Single Transaction field ‘Y’ – Yes for Single BG Transaction and ‘N’- No for
Running Limit of BG
 Then Press F10 for Commit

For Verification of Limit Node Maintenance Set-up

Menu Option LNM

 Function: V (Verify) and Press F4

 Enter Limit ID as in 1st Block enter ‘Customer ID’ and in 2nd Block enter ‘BG’ and Press
 Verify the details and Press F10 for Commit
 The LNM stands verified.

For Issuing Bank Guarantee Set-up

Menu Option GMM

 Go to Menu option and enter option GMM. The following screen will appear:

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 Function: A (Add) and Press F4

 Enter Guarantee Type and Currency Code. Then Press F4.
 Enter Customer ID
 Enter Guarantee Class and Guarantee Amount
 Enter Issue / Effective Date: Current Date (It may be future date also)
 Enter Limit ID of BG
 Enter Operative Account number of Customer
 Enter Expiry Period: 1st Field for Months and 2nd for Days and Press F11 then Expiry
Date will automatically appear
 Enter Claim Period: 1st Field for Months and 2nd for Days and Press F11 then Claim
Date will automatically appear
 After completion of the above Press F4 for accepting General Details
 Then you will appear following screen for filling of Beneficiary Details:

 Enter Beneficiary Type: ‘G’ for Government and ‘O’ for Others

 Enter Beneficiary Name and Address. Enter City Code, State Code, Country Code
and PIN Code and Press F4 for accepting Beneficiary Details
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 You will appear on 1st Screen of BG. In Option enter ‘C’ for Commission / Charges
Details and Press F4 then following Screen will appear.

 Press F4 for accepting Charge Details

 You will appear on 1st Screen of BG. In Option enter ‘K’ for Margin Details and
Press F4 then following Screen will appear.

 Function: C (Collect) and Press F4

 In Type C/L [C-Cash Margin / L -Lien]: Choose appropriate
 By default ‘C’ and Cash Margin Account is on screen.

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 In case of ‘L’ you have to enter Lien Account i.e. any Term Deposit account, which
has taken as Margin Money for BG.
 In collected amount enter the figure, which you have taken as Margin Money
 In case of ‘C’ you have to enter Operative / Transfer Account No. in the field
 After completion Press F4 to accept
 Curser will blink in Function field. Enter ‘A’ – Accept & Quit then Press F4
 You will appear on 1st Screen of BG. Now Press F10 for Commit.
 Bank Guarantee Number will be generated by System.

For Reversing Bank Guarantee

Menu Option GMM

Any expired guarantee can be reversed. Reversal of guarantee will reverse the contingent
transactions already put through at the time of issue. The transactions are created as a
part of verification process.

 Go to Menu option and enter option GMM. The following screen will appear:

 Function: R (Reverse) and Guarantee Number. Then Press F4.

 Guarantee Details will appear. In Option enter ‘K’ for Margin Details and Press F4.
Then following screen will appear:

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 Function: R (Release) and Press F4.

 Enter Operative Account No. and Press F4 for accepting Margin Details
 In Function: A (Accept & Quit) and Press F4
 You will appear on 1st Screen of BG. Now Press F10 for Commit

For Invocation Bank Guarantee Set-up

Menu Option GMM

 Step 1:

Mark Guarantee for Invoke

Before actually marking the guarantee as invoked, the user has to mark the guarantee for
invoking. This is only a status change event and no transactions are created as part of
‘marking the BG for invocation’. This process also needs verification. Once the guarantee
is marked for invoking, invoke process can be initiated.

 Go to Menu option and enter option GMM.

 Function: G (Mark Invoke) and Guarantee Number. Then Press F4.
 Now Press F10 for commit

 Then Verify the Mark Invoke through GMM

 Function: V (Verify) and Guarantee Number. Then Press F4.
 Guarantee Details appears
 Now Press F10 for commit.
 Marking of Invocation stands verified

 Step 2:

Invoking the Guarantee

Once the record is marked for invoking, the user can invoke the guarantee. He has to use
function “N” of menu GMM. The user will be taken to the screen directly shown under
“invoke” sub option. The user has to indicate the operative account and also the loan
account. The loan account would be used for debiting the claim amount. The system uses
the loan account and creates the transaction as under

Debit Loan account to the extent of claim amount

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Credit Invocation credit account derived by system

From Invocation Cr. a/c place holder

As part of invocation, system also reverses the contingent liability amount and reduces the
liability amount in the limit node.

 Go to Menu option and enter option GMM.

 Function: N (Invoke) and Guarantee Number. Then Press F4.
 Guarantee Details appears
 In option enter ‘K’ for Margin Details
 Function: R (Release) and Press F4.
 Enter Operative Account No. and Press F4 for accepting Margin Details
 In Function: A (Accept & Quit) and Press F4
 You will appear on 1st Screen of BG. Now Press F10 for Commit

For Verification of All Steps of Bank Guarantee

Menu Option GMM

 Then Verify the Mark Invoke through GMM

 Function: V (Verify) and Guarantee Number. Then Press F4.

 Now Press F10 for commit.

 Marking of Invocation stands verified

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Closure of SB / Current Account

For Closing an Account, following steps are to be taken:

Step 1:
 Inquire following contents from ACCBAL:

For Components of Account Balance Inquiry

Menu Option ACCBAL

 Go to the menu option ACCBAL and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Ensure that Effective Available Balance in the account.

 In the above screen no balances in any components should be there e.g. Funds in
Clearing, Float Balance, Any type of TOD limit, Lien Amount and System Reserved
Amount etc.

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Step 2:
 Ensure some Other Inquiries as follows:

i. Account is not having any Standing Instructions.

ii. No Bills has been lodged in the account
iii. Account has not linked with any Loan Account for EMI payments.

Step 3:
 Modify the ATM / Debit Card Linkage:

For Modification of ATM / Debit Card Linkage Flag

Menu Option ACM

 Go to the menu option ACM and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: M (Modify) and enter Account No. and Press F4

 In Option, enter ‘0’ (Zero) for modifying General Details. By pressing F6 go to the
next screen (2nd Screen).
 In the field ‘Download to PBF’ the existing value is ‘Y’. Delete ‘Y’ and enter ‘N’ –No
then Press F4 for accepting General Details.
 Finally, Press F10 for commit.
 Verify above details first.

Step 4:
 Verify the modification in ATM / Debit Card Linkage:

For Verification of Modification of ATM / Debit Card Linkage

Menu Option ACM

 Go to the menu option ACM and enter. The Account Maintenance screen will
 Function: V (Verify) and enter Account No. and Press F4
 In Option, enter ‘0’ (Zero) for modifying General Details. By pressing F6 go to the
next screen (2nd Screen). Verify details and Press F4 for accepting General Details.
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 Finally, Press F10 for commit. At this stage verification is over.

Step 5:
 Destroy the Unused Cheque Books’ Leaves (If Cheque Book facility had
given to Customer):

For Destroying Unused Cheque Book Leaves

Menu Option CHBM

 Go to the menu option CHBM and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: D (Destroy) and enter Account No. and Press F4

 Enter the Begin Cheque No. and No. of Leaves of existing Cheque Book Series.
Then Press F4.
 The Current Status ‘UNUSED’ of every leaf coverts in New Status as
‘DESTROYED’ (as shown in above screen).
 Finally, Press F10 for commit.
 Verify above details first.

Step 6:
 Verify Destroying Unused Cheque Book Leaves

For Verification of Destroying Unused Cheque Book Leaves

Menu Option CHBMAU

 Go to the menu option CHBMAU and enter.

 Function: V (Verify). Enter Account No. / Begin Cheque No. and Press F4.
 The screen as above will appear.
 Finally, Press F10 for commit. At this stage verification is over.

Step 7:
 Calculate Account Closure Charges:

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For Calculation of Account Closure Charges

Menu Option CACC

 Go to the menu option CACC and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: Z (Close) and enter Account No. and Press F4

 In the field Trial/ Actual, if you put ‘T’- Trial and Pressed F4, so you can view how
many charges will be towards account closure. And, if you put ‘A’-Actual and
Pressed F4, so the system calculates the closure charges.
 Finally, Press F10 for commit.
 Verify above details first.

Step 8:
 Verify Calculated Account Closure Charges:

For Verification of Calculated Account Closure Charges

Menu Option CACC

 Go to the menu option CACC and enter.

 Function: V (Verify). Enter Account No. and Press F4.
 The screen as above will appear.
 Finally, Press F10 for commit. At this stage verification is over.

Step 9:
 Closing an Account:

For Closing an Account

Menu Option CAAC

 Go to the menu option CAAC and enter. The following screen will appear:

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 Function: Z (Close) and enter Account No. Then Press F4

 In the field ‘Run Int. Calc. Now?’ – enter ‘Y’ for Interest Calculation and Press F4.
The following screen will appear:

 In the above screen enter closure remark and Press F4

 In Close Option enter ‘P’ for posting the closure transaction and Press F4.
 Then Transaction Maintenance Screen will appear.
 Function: A (Add) and Press F4
 Type/ Sub-type: C-NP or T-CI as case may be and Press F4
 Enter Closure Account No. and Press F11, then the account balance will appear.
 Enter the whole amount of balance as payment.
 Enter Instrument Type, Number and Date and Press F4
 Post the transaction (both debit and credit part-tran) and Press F10 for commit
 The DC number appears on screen.

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 Now, Press F3 twice for quitting the TM screen.

 You will appear on the ‘Close Option’ again of CAAC screen.
 Now, Press F10 again for ‘Close the Account’.
 Account stands closed at this stage.

Step 10:
 Verification of Closure of Account:

For Verification of Closure of Account

Menu Option CAACAU

 Go to the menu option CAACAU and enter.

 Function: Function: V (Verify) and enter Account No. Then Press F4
 The details screen of closure will appear.
 Press F4 twice for accepting details
 In close option the curser will blink. Now Press F10 for commit
 At this stage the closure of account stands verified.
 Then verify the DC No. of closure transaction through TM.

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Closure of TD Account

For Closing Term Deposit Account

Menu Option CAAC

 Go to the menu option CAAC and enter. The following screen will appear:

 Function: Z (Close) and enter Account No. Then Press F4

 After appearing above details again Press F4. Then following Screen will appear:

 Your curser will appear in Function: Z (Close). Now, Press F4 again.

 Then following Screen will appear:

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 Enter Repayment Account No., if given by customer else keep it blank.

 Press F4 for accepting the details. Then following screen will appear:

 After appearing above screen Press F4. Your curser will appear in Close Option.
Now Press F10 for commit.
 The account stands closed here.
 Now do the closure transaction through TM.

For Verification of Closure of Term Deposit Account

Menu Option CAACAU

 Go to the menu option CAACAU and enter.

 Function: V (Verify) and enter Account No. Then Press F4
 After appearing the 1st Screen accept the details by Pressing F4.
 Then Next Screen will appear.

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 Verify the entered Repayment Account No. as per given by customer and Press F4
accepting details.
 Then Next Screen will appear.
 After appearing above screen Press F4. Your curser will appear in Close Option.
Now Press F10 for commit.
 The closure of account stands verified.
 Now do the verification of closure transaction through TM.

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Banking Technology


Menu Options in Finacle Version 7

Following are the menu options for Version 7 (Only Changes are enlisted herewith)

HACCBAL Balance details of an Account

HACCDET General Details
HACIMU CRV - Account Level Menu
HACLHI Limit Details
HACLHM Account Limit History Maintenance
HACLI Transactions Inquiry
HACM Customer Accounts Maintenance
HACMLA Customer Accounts Maintenance
HACMTD Customer Accounts Maintenance
HACS Account Selection
HACTI Account turnover details
HACTODM Account TOD Maintenance
HADVC Print DR/CR Advice to Customer
HAITINQ Account Interest Details Inquiry
HALM Account Lien Maintenance
HASSET Asset classification
HASTM Amount-slab Table Maintenance
HBKQRY Bank Level Query Option
HBKTM Bank Table Maintenance
HBRTM Branch Table Maintenance
HCAAC Close an Account
HCAMC Change Account Manager of Customer
HCASHDEP Cash Deposit
HCASHWD Cash Withdrawal
HCCA Change Customer Id of Account
HCELI Collateral Entity Linkage Inquiry
HCHBM Cheque book Maintenance
HCLM Collateral Linkage Maintenance
HCLZCM Clearing Zone Code Maintenance
HCNCM Cross Currency Table Maintenance
HCOLA Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account
HCRNPOS Position of Currency
HCRT Create and Update Reversal Transaction
HCRVMU Customer Relationship View- Main Menu
HCSM Combined Statement Detail
HCUACC Accounts of Customer
HCUCA Current Account of Customer
HCUCC Cash Credit of Customer
HCUDET General details of Customer
HCUIMU CRV - Customer Level Menu
HCULA Loan Accounts of Customer
HCUMAT Forthcoming Maturities of Customer
HCUMM Customer Master
HCUOD Overdraft Accounts of Customer
HCUPSD Portfolio details of Customer
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HCUS Customer Selection

HCUSB Savings Account of Customer
HCUSEL Customer Selection
HCUSUM Summary details of Customer
HCUSWP Sweep details of Customer
HCUTD Term Deposits of Customer
HCUTI Turnover Summary of Customer
HCYCM CYC Table Maintenance
HDAM Deposit Accounts Maintenance
HDCDET Delivery Channel transaction details
HDDC DD Cancellation
HDDD Issue of Duplicate DD
HDDMI Mass Issue Entry
HDDMP Mass Payment Entry
HDDP Reports Parameters
HDDREM DD Reminder
HDDSM DD Status Maintenance
HDTE Delete Transactions in Entered Status
HFTI Financial Transactions Inquiry
HGCHRG General Charges
HHIM Hot Items Maintenance
HICI Inward Cheques Inquiry
HICTM Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance
HICZCM Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint
HIGHTRAN DSA Report on High value Transaction
HII Hot Items Inquiry
HIM Hot Items Maintenance
HINTCI Interest Table Code Inquiry
HINTTI Interest Rate Details Inquiry
HIOGLT Inquire on GL Transactions
HIOT Inquire on Transactions
HIVSM Interest Version Slab Maintenance
HLADISB Loan Disbursement
HLAFACR Loans Fee Assess and Collect and Refund
HLAGI Loan Account General Inquiry
HLAI Loan Inquiry
HLAMATP Loan Payment Menu
HLAMOD Loan Modelling
HLANM Loan Account Notice Maintenance
HLAOPI Loans Overdue Position Inquiry
HLAPSP Loan Account Pass Sheet Print
HLARA Loan Amendment and Rescheduling
HLARSH Loans Repayment Schedule Report
HLASPAY Loan Payment Menu
HLAUPAY Loan Payment Menu
HLAWFAI Loans Waiver of Fee and Interest
HLNM Limit Node Maintenance
HLVSM Loan Interest Version Slab Maintenance
HM Help Maintenance
HMARKPEN Mark Pending
HOAACCA CA Account Opening
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HOAACCC CC Account Opening

HOAACLA Loan Account Opening
HOAACOD OD Account Opening
HOAACSB SB Account Opening
HOAACTD Open an TD Account
HOAACVCA CA Account Opening Verify
HOAACVCC CC Account Opening Verify
HOAACVLA Loan Account Opening Verify
HOAACVOD OD Account Opening Verify
HOAACVSB SB Account Opening Verify
HOAACVTD Open an TD Account
HOCI Outward Cheques Inquiry
HOCIP HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print
HOCMU New Head Office (HOC) Functions Menu
HODBCH Bill and Collection History Details
HOIQ Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry
HOPQ Outward Clearing Ptran Inquiry
HOS HO Schedules Print
HOSUMF HO Summary in File
HOSUMP HOC Summary Print
HOTCE Over the Counter Transaction
HPARTINQ Inquiry on Partitioned Account
HPAYOFF Loan Pay Off Process
HPBP Passbook Print
HPDCZM Post Dated Cheque Zone Maintenance
HPSP Pass Sheet Print
HPTTM Part Tran Template Maintenance
HRACO Recovery After Charge Off
HRENHIST Renewal History of TD Account
HRRCDM Reference Code Maintenance
HRTGS Real Time Gross Settlement System
HRTHQRY Rate list History Query
HSCFM System Control File Maintenance
HSSIM Standing Instruction Maintenance
HSWEEPS Pool of Funds Maintenance
HTD Term deposit transaction details
HTDINT Term deposit interest details
HTDSIP TDS Inquiry & Printing
HTDSPROJ Projection of Customer Level Tax
HTDTAX Term deposit tax deduction details
HTFIN Customer Trade Finance Inquiry
HTINQ Hot Items Lookup
HTODCS TOD Criteria and Selection
HTVSM TD Interest Version Slab Maintenance
HUCS Update Cheque Status
HUPM User Profile Maintenance
HXFER Transfer Transaction
OCLODGE Outward Clearing set lodge

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