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Spanish Ranch #1 Information

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICE THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

various area restaurants.
Manager: Teresa Cruz,
Rutherford Investment Co. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the
Office address: 28400 Granada Circle SECOND TUESDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse
Phone: 510-783-5535 BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY
Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday. of each month.
Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door
(next to laundry room). MISCELLANEOUS
Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager
The Clubhouses are available to residents for
On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535
In an emergency, call 510-783-5535. SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB
Call will be directed to a pager. Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.
The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available
ORGANIZATIONS for residents to use. See the office for a key.
The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the Spanish
are to be submitted to Park Management in
Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised
WRITING and must be SIGNED.
of park residents. There are no dues.
For any complaints or suggestions concerning
MEETINGS of the residents Association are the FIRST safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the
THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse. Executive Board as well. This may be done through
LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each the website at,
month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse. RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM ON PAGE 10.
The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD Bus transportation information on page 11.

SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

President: Dawn Plaskon — 214-2199 Bingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez, 782-5183
Vice President: Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997 N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199
Secretary: Patty Little — 783-1534 N’borhood Watch. . . . Darlene Richardson, 785-8780
Treasurer: Kevin Kelly‑—‑589-8119 Spectrum Meals, Tuesdays. . . . Denise West, 264-1428


Dave Abreu, Judy Allen-Rogers, Kathi Calvert,
June Christian, Marvin Daley, Jerry Higgins,
Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the
Ruth Horton, Darlene Richardson 10th of each month for the following month.
meets the FIRST THURSDAY of the month
Rev. Charles Eldred
at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse
unless otherwise announced.
The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets on a date announced
at the general meetings (or call one of the officers) is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazines
and distributed by volunteers around the first of the
at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. month. Dates and times of activities are noted
COMMITTEES on the calendar therein. Special activities will be
Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294 announced in the regular pages.
Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies
HMOA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre, 887-1509
if you got missed) are available in the Main Clubhouse
Lunch Bunch. . . . . . . . . Judy Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894 after distribution is complete.
at the meeting of the 
SR-1 Homeowners Association

November 4,
2010 at 7:00 p.m. 
in the main clubhouse Join us for
is asked to attend  
(not just the homeowner).
First and Last
Next meeting:
THURSDAY, December 2, 2010 Saturdays
of each month,

NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Snack bar open before play
and during breaks
serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183

PARK WEBSITE! Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

RESIDENT INFO Per state law, no one under the age
of 18 is allowed in the clubhouse during Bingo
The El Toro and the Bylaws of the
Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

All the latest! Check it out! Letters to the Editor are welcome
on any subject. Send to:
Voicemail phone number for the associa-
tion is: 510-274-1771 (or 510-274-1sr1). (You MUST sign your name but we
won’t use it if you don’t want us to.)

Spanish Ranch 1
a dessert,
RESIDENTS the Meal is
and guests* FREE!


November 25, 2010

2:00-4:00 p.m.
Each family is asked to bring a DESSERT to share
Note: Buffet style dinner will be served from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
OR until the food is gone.
Turkey/Dressing and Ham
Potatoes • Vegetables • Salads • Beverages
(and the resident-supplied assortment of desserts)
Sponsored by SR-1 Association and NERT
Volunteers are needed to help. Please contact Denise 264-1428.

*A limited number of guests may accompany residents at a cost of $5.00 per guest

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! CALL Assn Message Center 510-274-1771

and leave your family name, phone number, # of adults & # kids under 12
attending, by MONDAY, November 8, 2010. NO drop-ins will be allowed.
If you find yourself in need of a home for the holiday after 11/8, please call for space availability.
Spectrum meals are available Tuesdays only at present.
Volunteers are greatly needed to continue this valuable resource. Denise West has
agreed to be in charge of Tuesdays so the need is for one or more people willing to commit a
couple hours (3-3:30pm to 5ish) on Thursday afternoon to restore our two meal schedule.
Food is fully prepared and delivered to SR-1 where the volunteer monitors the tem-
perature of the food as it arrives and is served and keeps a log as required by the govern-
ment. Mostly disposable table service is used so cleanup is minimal. Please call the Association
number 510-274-1771 to volunteer, or Denise, 264-1428. Some of our seniors depend on this
service so please come forward if you can help.

Come and Eat!!
It’s a SNAP!
(Senior Nutrition and Activities Project)

All SR-1 seniors* are eligible and invited to participate in

SPECTRUM MEALS A government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.

Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 años.

Tuesdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse (except holidays)

Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)
NOTE! Signups are required. You must call before noon the day before.
Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia antes. Llamen a Denise West, 264-1428

Call Denise West, 264-1428

for reservations or information. (Help is invited, too.)

Meal served 4 - 4:30 p.m. Come early to chat.

Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4 - 4:30 p.m.
Illegue temprano para socialisar se lon ellos.
$3.25 at door • Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 • 10 Dinner
Tickets: $30.00
$3.25 en la puerta. • Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.
Donations are always accepted.


Fall is once again upon “solar lights” but does not want to storm drains draining.
us when the nights are purchase their own. We have had Mr. G is running around like
cooler…and with cool- several residents that have theirs crazy attempting to get things
er nights, comes cooler stolen from their front yards. ready for the rainy season.
mornings and that means Work is ongoing on the perim-
that we will be using our Some one is dumping oil down
eter fencing on the West Side of the drains in the Southern Car
heaters more. Let’s set our the park as a result of the fire last
thermostats for 70ª. If your wash and causing a backup.
month. If you spy someone doing this
unit does not have an
automatic setback fea- We are working on the roof on remind them that is not allowed.
ture, you might look into the storage areas adjacent to the Mr. G has had the rear gate
getting one. It will save pool and main club house. Please repaired several times this last
money on your heating bills. drive safely on Granada Circle as month and has overseen the
there may be crews with trucks at replanting of our color at vari-
Also, check your furnace fil- the junction of Salamanca and
ters and clean or replace them. ous places within the park. Please
Granada Circle. enjoy.
Remember, the rule of thumb for
filters, is change them every 30 Hmmm…let's see... what check Please call should you have
days during the heating season goes with what lot?..... questions.
and you will save dollars. From Jeff... please provide me Jeff Stoops, SR1 Asst Mgr
You will notice that last month with some additional help. If you
our new street signs were finally are using the after hours mail drop
being installed. After several “mis- for your rent check, please put
fires” on the start date because your check with the top portion
of supplier issues installation was of your monthly statement in an
commenced during the first week envelope. An envelope is pro-
of October. We want to thank all vided with your statement AND it
of you for being courteous to the hasn't even been glued closed.
vendor that was doing the instal-
lation. The vendor said that many
Please help me.
Food Bank
people came out to visit and a
few even offered cool drinks to
Mr. G's Corner
Winter is going to be here soon
the workers digging the holes to and with that, the rains will be
coming down.
for the Alameda
hold the new signs.
We would ask you all to keep a Please insure that the gutter in- County Food
look out for an individual that just front of your home is free of leaves
and debris. This will help keep the
Bank Barrels,
loves the idea of having their own
an ongoing community

Pet Owners! Keep ’em IN! service project,

may be
Only indoor pets are allowed  
in the park. dropped off
in the office.
Don’t let your CAT out to be digging in
your neighbors' landscaping or flowers! (Due to scavenging and
theft, the barrels are kept
Walk your DOG in the conference room, but
on a leash   staff will see that all
(it’s the law) donations are collected
and it’s your  into them.)
responsibility to pick up your
dog’s waste and  
properly dispose of it. Thank you!

Are you a new resident?
We’d like to  
welcome you
to our  
Our newly reac-
COMMITTEE has gifts
and information that can help make your Grease is the #1 problem with our Park’s sewers.
introduction to mobile-home living easier and
friendlier. Fat-Free Sewers:
And you’ll have some new friends! How to prevent fats, oils, and greases from
damaging your home and the Environment.
Our friendly welcomers are anxious to hear
from you! Call Patty Little, 783-1534 or Judy Where does the grease come from?
Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894.
A by-product of cooking, grease comes from
If you’ve been here awhile and are say- meat fats, lard, oil, shortening, butter, margarine,
ing, “hey! nobody ever welcomed us when we food scraps, baking goods, sauces, and dairy prod-
moved in”, give the welcomers a call because ucts. When washed down the sink, grease sticks to
we all want to meet you too! the insides of sewer pipes (both on your property and
in the streets). Over time, it can build up and block
the entire pipe.
Come to the Main clubhouse on Caution: Home garbage disposals do not keep
grease out of the plumbing system. Products, such as
the Second Thursday, at noon! detergents, that claim to dissolve grease may pass it
down the line and cause problems elsewhere.

DIME BINGO The results can be:

• Raw sewage overflowing in your home or your
Ladies! Bring your lunch and let’s get neighbor’s home;
together. Dessert provided. • Raw sewage overflowing into parks, yards, and
Costs only a dime a game, winner take all! • Potential contact with disease-causing organisms;
+ .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to some-
• An expensive and unpleasant cleanup that often
body at the first gathering in January. must be paid for by you, the home or business
For more information call owner; and
Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294 • An increase in operation and maintenance costs
for local sewer departments, which causes higher
Dime Bingo 2010 Dessert Schedule: sewer bills for customers.
November: Bridgette
December: Party What you can do to help;
Help prevent sewer overflows by
LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULE • Never pouring grease down sink drains or into toi-
The Lunch Bunch meets on the third • Scraping grease and food scraps into a can or
THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of the trash for disposal (or recycling where avail-
each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to able);
join us as we visit area restaurants. • Putting baskets/strainers in sink drains to catch
food scraps, and other solids, and emptying them
2010 Nov 18 Mimi’s into the trash; and
December, Christmas Party • Speaking with your friends and neighbors about
how to keep grease out of sewers.
Coordinator: For more information, please contact:
City of Hayward Water Pollution Source Control,
Judy Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894
For emergencies dial
Southern District HPD
Tuesday, Lt. Sheryl Boykins,
Commander … 793-7296
November 9, 2010 PROGRAM

Gail Bleth … 293-7151
7:00 p.m. Neighborhood Issues/Volunteer
Programs/Crime Prevention/Crime
in the Clubhouse Free Coordinator

Neighborhood Watch REWARD

Be Aware – Notice – Call police – Notify the office
– Call Neighborhood Watch For information that leads to the
arrest and conviction of graffiti
Reported Crime: reet butts on the property as if vandals in Hayward.
A bag of clothes was stolen someone was sitting there smok- Para información que dará lugar a la
off of a property on Salamanca ing, they also noticed rocks hav-
detención y a la convicción de los
the night before the pick up by ing been moved. This happened
delincuentes de graffiti en Hayward.
PARA. The person came on to the sometime during the night so be
resident’s property, took the bag
and walked back toward the visi-
Management report:
tor parking area.
A brick was thrown through the
The police were called on the
English & Español
office window.
non emergency number and 2
squad cars showed up. There was a break in at the RV
Car parts were stolen off of a
storage and articles were stolen. More info:
porch on Miranda. Graffiti was found on some www.hayward-ca-gov
street signs.
A resident on Avila found ciga-


Darlene Richardson 785-8780
Are weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants
(file a complaint, too, or call the police, 293-7000.)
on your lot a cause for concern? Is your
home in need of sprucing up with washing
or painting? We’re here to help!
Give Dave or Marvin SPEED LIMIT
a call, and we’ll see WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES
what our team can do to OF
extend a helping hand.
Call us, or park manage-
ment, to schedule a lot IS

15 MPH
assessment. w !
510-274-1771 a tchut! SloDown
(Association voicemail)
Association Board meeting, 9/30/2010 HMOA
Meeting called to order at Day if it looks to be necessary. If Information about the
7:05pm. so, we'll put signs up.
Hayward Mobilehome
Attending: Ruth Horton, Judy Halloween: Darlene will hold Owners Association, a
Rogers, Kevin Kelly, Jerry Higgins a meeting for Halloween plan-
coalition of residents of
and wife, Marvin Daley and guest ning committee on October 5.
Faye Hickes, Patty Little, Dawn We need to find out if manager’s Hayward's nine mobile-
Plaskon, Jeanie Schultz, Darlene plan to man a table at the front home parks is available
Richardson. gate for children from outside the at
Open Forum: There were no park. Note: They will, Kenny and HMOA Representa­tive for
resident concerns brought before Sharie will man it with help from Spanish Ranch I:
the board. volunteers. Fran La Torre, 510-887-1509
A note was made that sec- Thanksgiving Dinner for resi-
retary needs to contact board dents: Committee meeting set
for October 14, a flyer must go out
members the Monday before the
meeting. Next board meeting will asking that residents reserve their

Suggestions or
be October 21, chaired by Jeanie space by November 1. Dinner will
as Dawn will be out of town. be free for residents, but $5.00 for

Old business:
non-resident guests.
Neighborhood Watch: Kevin
The storage cabinets have reported that management has must be submitted to Park
been returned to the association. not been providing Neighbor­hood Management in WRITING
Jeanie spent a Saturday sorting Watch with copy for their newslet-
through the materials and reorga- ter. Jeanie will send a reminder and must be SIGNED.
nizing the space. We have new to everyone of deadlines for El Only the person with the
padlocks on all of our cabinets, Toro submissions, including the problem or concern may file
keys have been issued to all offi- requested copy for Neighborhood
the complaint. None will be
cers of the association. Watch.
accepted from third parties
Small claims case has been Welcome: Judy has prepared
on behalf of someone else.
filed for $1722.00. Court date is packets for new residents. Teresa
11/19/2010 at 1:00, Dept. 522. has agreed to distribute them to
Forms are available in a bin
new residents. It was suggested on the wall next to the bul-
Spectrum: Denise West got stu-
dents to help on Tuesday, but that we ask realtors to give them letin board in the main club-
we have no resident adult who out or to notify us when a sale is house AND in almost every
has committed to Thursday. The made. issue of the El Toro.
students have been a great help Miscellaneous:

and are willing to help at other Patty reported a vacant house
functions too. with a lot of weeds. She will submit
Improvement: Pool heater was a complaint and fax it to Greg.
is NOV. 2, 2010

out of service for 19 days. This is It was suggested that we hold
reported to have been caused by a chili cook-off for next spring’s
issues with the heating contrac- pool party instead of hot dogs.
tors. It was agreed that Dawn
It was decided that an Arts
would draft a letter formally
& Crafts Fair which would also
requesting that the pool be kept
include new items suitable for gifts
open longer to make up for the
discussed to be held in the spring
days when most residents were
would be better held in the late
unable to use it. The letter will be
fall and would be marketed as an
signed by the board members
opportunity for holiday shopping.
and a copy forwarded to the City
Attorney’s office. A regular flea market may be
scheduled for the spring and will
Cleanup: The creek has water
be discussed at a later date.
flowing again, but junk is already
accumulating. Propose to have Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
a clean up day on October 23, Respectfully submitted,
which is also Make a Difference Patty Little, Secretary
Spanish Ranch I Association meeting, 10/7/2010
The meeting was opened by packets to new residents and has El Toro: Two new volunteers
VP Jeanie at 7 p.m. with the been provided with 10 packets. have been added to the delivery
Pledge of Allegiance. Another 15-20 are available. The routes. Please be sure to check
Lisa Brunner, candidate for suggestion was made that if we the days and dates of any mate-
HUSD board spoke to the assem- see a new resident, we ask if they rial returned to you for approval.
bly about Hayward schools and received the welcome packet. Several dates were in error in the
provided us with her positions This will provide an opportunity to recent El Toro in part, because the
regarding the issues confronting meet and talk to new residents. final proof was not done.
parents, students, teachers and Improvement: There has been Old Business:
administrators. no meeting with management in Small claims suit will be on
President Dawn resumed the the last month. During a phone November 19th at 1:00, depart-
chair and the minutes of the call, the subject of a large over- ment 522.
September 2, 2010 meeting were grown tree between Avila and Halloween Party: Committee
approved. Manuel was raised. It was report- met on Tuesday, October 5. There
Committee Reports ed that the office agreed to trim will be arcade style games, food
the tree. It was also suggested and a costume contest. Volunteers
Treasurer: Balance on hand:
that the affected residents should are needed to serve food, help
$656.68 Expenditures: 10.00 reim-
file an independent tree trim- out with games and judge the
bursement to Judy Allen-Rodgers
ming request. Management was costume contest. We may seek
for printing of Welcome packet
asked to extend the pool close volunteers from the local high
materials. $50.00 filing fee for
date due to the 19 days dur- schools. Helpers can show up at
small claims case against past
ing which the pool heater was 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, October
broken. Management reported 30. Next committee meeting,
Helping Hand: The committee that they would consider this and
made a minor window repair for Tuesday October 12, 7:00pm.
mentioned that there is a con-
one resident, helped another to Thanksgiving: Denise has
tract with the pool service com-
tear down an illegal porch enclo- spoken with Safeway regarding
pany, which would have to be
sure, and have a call from a resi- donations. We need to get a
dent looking for help with weed head count and provide them
Street sign installation is under- with tax-payer identification num-
way, they are slow but do a very bers for donations. They may be
Disaster Committee: Still wait- neat job.
ing to hear from management. willing to provide already cooked
Neighborhood Watch: The next turkey and fixings. Planning meet-
Stacia will follow up with Greg
meeting will be on October 12th at ing on Thursday, October 14 at
from Rutherford regarding com-
7:00pm. Please watch for speed- 7:00pm.
pletion of the disaster manual.
ers in the park. Additionally, a flyer New Business:
Welcome Committee: A was passed out that described a
booklet, flyer and emergency No New Business was raised.
recent rash of burglaries involv-
response materials were copied Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m..
ing a late 80s white car and two
and assembled into packet. The males. Be on the lookout, protect Respectfully submitted,
office has agreed to provide the yourself and your neighbors. Patty Little, Secretary


Attention All Residents you have put in to help all park that was needed for health and
It is with great sadness we residents since 2005 while joining safety issues. Many residents have
announce our premiere Resident the board. We are thankful you expressed thir concern with your
Advocate, Norma Moore, has and Mary Dimsdale, who has also moving on, they aren't sure whom
sold her home and will be mov- sold her home, worked together they will reach out to for help.
ing. John and Norma have lived as a dynamic team. Although we ourselves are advo-
her for over eight years and we Your Presidency of the cates, we find it hard to believe
wish to thank both of them for Homeowners Association result- anyone could fill your shoes. We
their contribution to our commu- ed in more positive changes for wish you and your family happi-
nity. John gave Norma the time our community than has ever ness with your new adventures in
and space to help all the resi- been seen in the past or will most life. Thanks agan for all your great
dents, at a sacrifice for their time likely be seen in the future. You work! You will be missed.
together. We will greatly miss you, stood up for the residents and Sincerely, June Hart,
Norma. Thank you for all the work took steps that were needed in for all former board members
order to provide us with attention
From the Editor
Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented Clubhouses available for your events!
as an informational service to the residents. Contents Both the main clubhouse and the small clubhouse
are the option of the editor but do not necessarily may be reserved by residents for private events.
represent the opinion of the editor, the homeowners Call the office, 783-5535, for information.
association or management.
Reader response is welcome. Your article must
be in my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or
posted to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th Plumbing
of the month. All submissions must be signed with
your name/phone number included, as any article
must be verified. Your name will not appear, if you so
request. Please do not flush:
Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. • baby wipes • disposable diapers
Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed. • feminine supplies • Depends®
Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set or large amounts of rice, potatoes or GREASE!
forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines.
If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to

Come Get a Book!

you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window
to send to us:
Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are avail-
able for the free exchange of books by park
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR residents. Stop by and browse any time the
clubhouse is open.
Letters to the Editor are welcome
on any subject. Send to:
(You MUST sign your name but we
won’t use it if you don’t want us to.)


Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2- Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse
directional circular route, services both the South at 10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and
Hayward BART station, as well as the Union Landing arrive at Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05,
Shopping Center. 12:50, 1:35, and 2:20pm. NOTE – The last trip leaving
Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board Spanish Ranch at 1:55pm which arrives at Southland
the bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where Mall at 2:20pm has no direct return trip back to
the park is) hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving Spanish Ranch.
at BART at 6:46am until 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am,
service is from 6:32am until 6:32pm. 12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish
Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, Ranch at 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm.
board the “counter-clockwise”, Tampa directional
Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from
bus hourly from 6:30am until 8:30pm, arriving Spanish
Tennyson Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to the
Ranch at 6:42am until 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays,
service is from 6:00am until 6:00pm. South Hayward BART station every 30 minutes from
6:22am until 11:22pm weekdays, and hourly on week-
Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the ends and holidays from 6:22am until 11:22pm. From the
bus at the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa
South Hayward BART station going down Tennyson
/ Folsom hourly from 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at
will leave every 30 minutes from 6:04am until 11:04pm
Union Landing at 6:54am until 8:54pm. On Weekends/
Holidays, service is from 6:37am until 6:37pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays
from 6:17am until 11:17pm.
Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board
the “clockwise”, Tampa directional bus hourly from Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson,
6:22am until 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am Hesperian (both Chabot College and Southland
until 8:39pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from Mall), Winton, and both Hayward and South Hayward
6:22am until 6:22pm. BART stations along Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transit’s web
Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as site at for more information.
opposed to every 1-2 hours) has been added to the AC TRANSIT FARES — $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17
“Tuesday & Friday” shopper’s shuttle (Spanish Ranch and 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an
to Southland – Route 391). additional 25¢.
OCT 31 1 2 3 4 5 6
Day SR-1
DINNER 7:00 p.m.
4 p.m.


10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to 12-3
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Savings Time 4 pm Deadline DAY
Ends Neighborhood
7 p.m.
BUS noon BUS
10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
4 p.m. 10 a.m.

10:10 a.m. to noon 10:10 a.m. to
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
21 22 230 241 25 26 27
4 p.m. DINNER


10:10 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. to 12-3
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.
28 29 30 DEC 1 DEC 2 DEC 3 DEC 4
4 p.m.

10:10 a.m. to
10:10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 12-3
1:55 p.m. 1:55 p.m.

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