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SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION  Cells Live in a Highly Protected milieu interieur

: Claude Bernard (1878)

CHAPTER 1 FOUNDATION OF PHYSIOLOGY - 2 environments of animals:
1. Milieu exterieur that physically surrounds the whole organisms;
 What is Physiology 2. Milieu interieur, in which the tissues and cells of the organism
- the dynamic study of life; “vital” functions of living organisms and their live; (well-controlled liquid environment- ECF) “the
organs, cell, and molecules organic liquid that circulates and bathes all the anatomic
- structures perform (emanates) the functions [inextricably linked] elements of the tissues, thel ymph or the plasma.”
: Medical Physiology - deals with how the human body functions --> - isolates the organs and tissues from the vagaries of the
(depends) > how the human body function --> individual organ system external physical condition.
function --> component cells function --> interaction among subcellular - some are continuous with ME; eg. Contents of the GITract,
organelles and countless molecules. sweat ducts and renal tubules are all outside the body.
- requires integrated understanding of events at molecular, cellular 3. “fixite du milieu interieur” - (the constancy of the ECF) is the
and organ level. condition of “free, independent life.”organ differentiation is
the exclusive property of higher organisms an that each organ
 Physiological Genomics is the Link Between the Organ and the Gene contributes to “compensate and equilibrate” against
- individual organ systems must work hand-in-hand with each other; actions environmental changes.
must be interdependent
Individual cell types act in concert to support the constancy of the
- cells must act in concert to perform the proper function of the organ or internal milieu--> <-- internal milieu provides these cell w/ culture
tissue; sharing of information with cells in another organ and make decisions medium in w/c they can thrive
appropriate for the cell and the person; cell release molecule --act->
neighboring cells or enters bloodstream --> cells (distance away) 4 Fundamental Properties Distinguish the Living Body
eg. Neuron --axon(neurotransmitter mol.)--> rapid modulation of 1. Only living organisms exchange matter and energy with the
another cell/organ activity. environment to continue their existence
: Genome - (grand organizer) controls mol., cell & organs & their 2. Only living organisms can receive signals from their
interaction environment and react accordingly
3. What distinguishes a living organisms is the life cycle of growth
- Physiology intertwined with mol. Bio. Because DNA encodes the proteins and reproduction
: cloning of genes - a candidate gene (homologous to one of known
4. The living organism is able to adapt to changing circumstances
function) --> determien the fxn of the gene product
: Physiological Genomics (functional gen.) - understanding of the roles
 Homeostatic mechanisms- Operating Through Sophisticated Feedback
that genes play in physio ( from organ --> cell to Molecule --> gene)
Control Mechanisms- are Responsible for Maintaining Constancy of the
milieu interieur
- physiological parameters (eg. Blood p.) may be under the control of many
: Homeostasis- the control of a vital parameter. (eg. Arterial pressure
genes; polymorphism of genes cause cumulative effect producing results of
and blood volume)
parameters (determine potential to modulate & mechanisms of the effect)
- also occurs at the level of the single cell. Thus, cells regulates
many of the same parameters that the body as a whole regulates.

: Negative Feedback Mechanism - responsible for homeostasis; (4 elements)

system must be able to sense vital parameter, compare the input signal
with some internal reference value (set-point) thereby forming a
difference signal, multiply the error signal by some proportionality
factor to produce some sort of output signal, & the output signal must
be able to activate an effector mechanism that opposes the source of
the input signal and therby brings the vital parameter closer to the
: Positive Feedback - the body controls a parameter
: Redundancy - the more vital a parameter is, the more systems that the
body mobilizes to regulate it.

-- a stable milieu interieur is a result of many homeostatic systems controllnig

many vital parameters

-- a well-regulated parameter is generally in a steady state. When a vital

parameter is well-regulated, it is not in equilibrium. Equilibrium is a state that
does not involve energy consumption.

-- the adaptability of an organism depends on its ability to alter its response;

acclimatization; genetic factors

 Medicine is the Study of “Physiology Gone Awry”

- physiology is a reference state to know how organs and systems fxn in the
healthy person to grasp w/c components may be malfunctioning in a patient.

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