Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations

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Home > Qualifications > About ClPS Qualifications > Certificate in Procurement and Supply


Certificate in Procurement and Supply

Operations Related Links
The ideal qualification if you're just starting your career in
procurement or if procurement and supply are part of your role. It > Prize Winners 2017
will enable you to recognise and describe the key processes in
procurement and build your professional knowledge and

Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the

largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
supply. You can join as a mempei oniino or by downloading
a membership form. You can then bOOK your examim’ttions online or complete an enrolment
A comprehensive competency
framework to enhance individual and
Entry requirements Units Specification
organisational procurement performance.

> Find out more


Unit Title: CIPS Reference: Learning Hours:

Procurement and supply principles N01 20

Procurement and supply functions NC2 20

Procurement and supply processes NC3 20 Share CIPS

Procurement and supply administration NC4 20
Procurement and supply stakeholders N05 20

For information about the learning outcomes for each unit, please see the pi I Coirte’i: Mole.
Certificate in Procurement and Supply
Operations Related Links
The ideal qualification if you're just starting your career in
procurement or if procurement and supply are part of your role. It > Prize Winners 2017
will enable you to recognise and describe the key processes in
procurement and build your professional knowledge and
Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the
largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
supply. You can join as a member onl'ne or by downloading
a lT-rCme‘JSX'Tp fo'm. You can then took your exam'net'ons mine or complete an er‘ro “rent
A comprehensive competency
framework to enhance individual and
Entryrequirements Examinations Specification
organisational procurement performance

CIPS examinations for qualifications units are hand written and paper-based. > Find out more
The following principles are adhered to when CIPS exam papers are developed:

0 The unit content will be assessed through the use of the learning outcomes (LOs), and parts

thereof, published within the unit content guides. All LOs will be assessed within every

a All LOs within a unit are weighted equally. The coverage of each LO within an assessment is

equally weighted.

o All questions within an assessment are compulsory. There are no optional questions. All

assessments are marked out of 100%.

o The standard of the assessment is set by the LOs within the unit content.

Unit Exam format (2 hours)

NC1 60 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Select one correct answer from four

Principles options. There will be 15 MCQs testing each learning outcome.

NCZ 60 MCQs. Select one correct answer from four options. There will be 20

Functions MCQs testing each learning outcome.

N03 60 MCQs. Select one correct answer from four options. There will be 20

Processes MCQs testing each learning outcome

N04 60 MCQs. Select one correct answer from four options. There will be 20

Administration MCQs testing each learning outcome.

NC5 60 MCQs. Select one correct answer from four options. There will be 15

Stakeholders MCQs testing each learning outcome.

Examination pass marks: 75%

You must achieve 75% for each section (learning outcome) within the exam in order to pass.
For information about the learning outcomes for each unit, please see the u it co "1. quice.
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Country: Global MANAGEMENT
Chartered Institute of
Procurement & Supply Search:

Membership ‘ _; '_ Knowledge CIPS for Busmess Events Training News Community Bookshop

1’»: > 1’51 '- Wit, in, > .-, > > Certificate in Procurement and Supply

Related Links
The ideal qualification if you're just starting your career in
procurement or if procurement and supply are part of your role It My Results
will enable you to recognise and describe the key processes in
My Profile
procurement and build your professional knowledge and
competence. My Dashboard
My Accounts

Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the
largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
supply You can " :r r J!“ or by downloading
a‘ is m "'7’l u You can thenu ~ ‘ w v t' .' v-or' - r» A

Entryrequirements Specification

You don’t need any prior experience or qualifications to start your studies at thl's stage. A comprehensrve competency
framework to enhance Indlwdual and
organisational procurement perlorrnance,
Typical job titles:

Administrative assistant 'r- Find out more

Purchasing assistant
Contracts administrator
Stock controller
Share ClPS .— f-
Core skills upon completion of this qualification
Recognise and descn'be key transactional processes of procurement and supply.
WWuKu—t—rmwmrnirficmms fl Lulluxu. u)

fiCIPS Chartered Institute of

Country: Global
Procurement & Supply Search: ‘ch >

Membership Knowledge CIPS for Business Events Training News Community Bookshop

A valuable management tool for those moving into junior and

middle management procurement roles or those supervising the
Related Links
procurement function. It focusses on organisational procedures
and processes including negotiation, planning, risk management
and data analysis.
My Profile
Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the
My Results
largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
supply. You can - .4 "In x ~>ii «or by downloading My Accounts
anew ‘ Youcanthen-H x r:«"llll.‘|ly, My Dashboard

'l n. or ,

Entryrequirements Specification

This is the highest entry point to our diploma qualifications and requires a minimum of at least
two A-Ievels (or international equivalent) or a CIPS Advanced Certificate qualification.
Alternatively you need a minimum of two years' experience in a business environment.
A comprehensive competency
framework to enhance indiVIdual and
Typical job titles:
organisatlonal procurement performance.
- Buyer
- Procurement / purchasing executive > Findo

0 Procurement specialist
Contract officer
Supply chain / inventory / logistics analyst
- Supply chain / inventory / logistics planner
Share CIPS I.
Core skills upon completion of this qualification
Provision of advice and guidance to key stakeholders on the performance of organisational
procedures and processes in purchasing and supply.
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Country: Global MANAGEMENT
Chartered Institute of
Prtxurement & Supply Search: >

Membership ' ll’nowledge CIPS for Busmess Events Training News Community Bookshop

is > Advanced Certificate in Procurement and

Related Links
This qualification is designed for those in an operational role who
need the capability to carry out procurement and supply tasks. My Profile
You will develop the knowledge to understand demand
My Dashboard
management, arrange supply logistics and implement new
contracts. My Results
Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you Will join the 7% My Accounts

largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
supply. You can /v r 4 e r' . ill. a or by downloading
You can then ” “

Entry requ'.rements

ch don't need any prior experience or qualifications to start your studies at this stage. AL “hensive competency
frame», enhance i‘ndiyidual and
organisation curement penorrmance
Typical job titles:

Administrator ‘- Find out mo 9

Assistant buyer

Assistant contract officer

Contract analyst

Stock / inventory controller/ planner

Share CIPS .-
Core skills upon completion of this qualification
Capability to apply key tasks associated with procurement and supply operations.
5V5... I I\\.5IJLL1 ‘ Human...)

Chartered institute of
Country: Global
Procurement & Supply Search:

hip Qw“'li.fim.tan’.s' Knowledge CIPS for Business Events Training News Community Bookshop

Home > Qualifications > About C!Po’-‘ Qualifications > Certificate in Procurement and Supply

Certificate in Procurement and Supply

Operations Related Links
The ideal qualification if you're just starting your career in
procurement or if procurement and supply are part of your role. It > Prize Winners 2017
will enable you to recognise and describe the key processes in
procurement and build your professional knowledge and
Joining a CIPS qualification programme means you will join the
largest Institute in the world for those working in procurement and
,- 5;
supply. You can join as a member online or by downloading
a membership iorm. You can then book your examinations oniine or complete an enroument
A comprehensive competency
framework to enhance individual and
Entryrequirements Specification
organisational procurement performance.

You don 't need any prior experience or qualifications to start your studies at this stage. > Find out more

Typical job titles:

0 Administrative assistant

II 1“
0 Purchasing assistant
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0 Contracts administrator

0 Stock controller
0 Merchandiser

Core skills upon completion of this qualification

Recognise and describe key transactional processes of procurement and supply.

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