15 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Krishna PDF

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15 Life Changing Lessons To Learn

From Krishna

Krishna, the Teacher

Almost anyone who has read the Mahabharata knows how pivotal a gure Lord Krishna is.

In fact, an entire book has been written on his teaching as he and Arjuna engaged in “Dharma
Yuddh” or a righteous war with the Kauravas, and it happens to be the most popular book in

The Bhagavad Gita.

While the conversation between Arjuna (the greatest archer of all) and Krishna is in the
context of the war, Krishna had many lessons that can be easily applied to our daily lives.

So, without further ado, here are 15 changing lessons that we can all learn from Krishna:


SEE ALSO: How You Can Improve Your Relationships With Meditation

Lesson #1: Never give up on what you love

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Hobbies and passions can breathe new life into us when we’re overwhelmed.

Lesson #2: Being of service to our fellow man

There are times when Krishna saved the people of Vrindavan from being poisoned. While they
might have not been close to him, he was still drawn to being of service to them.

No matter what, being of service to mankind is considered as being of service to God.

Lesson #3: Sel ess, unconditional love is the


Not only did he bless those that o ended him but he also practiced unconditional love while
o ering ‘mukti’ (enlightenment) to his devotees. His Life was all about divine love.

This is something that we can take and practice in our own lives.

Lesson #4: Taking One Day at a Time

Krishna was conscious of the future, but chose to live in the moment without worrying. Even if
he knew what was going to happen, he still took one day at a time.

It’s easy to get bogged down by challenging circumstances, but staying mindful and present
can make things much easier.
Lesson #5: Help people change with your
spiritual knowledge

At one point, the god Indra was o ended by those worshipping Krishna and sought to destroy
them. But Krishna intervened and saved them. Seeing his folly, Indra begged forgiveness, and
Krishna gave it.

Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes terrible ones. Don’t be a doormat, but give the space
for other people to change. They might surprise you.

Lesson #6: Stay humble no matter what

Even if he was the Lord of all creation, he was still humble and showed respect to his elders-
whether it was his parents or teachers. He was always eager to please them. Because of this,
people were willing to help him everywhere he went.

Show respect to everyone, and they will show respect to you.

Lesson #7: Krishna smiled always

Right from his birth, Krishna faced a number of adversities. Yet he dealt with each and
everyone of them with a smile on his face. In other words, he was living a Life of perpetual
bliss. It’s probably the simplest lesson of all.

Happiness comes from within- your circumstances don’t de ne you.

Lesson #8: Generosity was his middle name

When Krishna’s friend Sudama o ered him rice (that he himself could not a ord), Krishna
accepted the gift with great joy. Sudama’s wife had to beg in order to obtain this gift. In return,
he turned Sudama’s house into gold with streams of precious stones and other trinkets
owing freely into his home.

Give freely, and fortune will smile upon you.

Lesson #9: Performed his duties diligently

Even if he was the Lord of the Universe, he still never shirked from his duties. Despite living a
Life lled with di culties, he never stopped performing them.

When it came to pleasing all his devotees, he assumed various forms to attend to all of them
at the same time if need be- and for that, he is remembered even to this day.

Give freely and ful ll your obligations, and people will never forget you.

Lesson #10: He did not di erentiate between

people based on their upbringing or stature in

It did not matter whether it was the gopikas, cowherd folk or even learned men, he made sure
that they were treated equally. In fact, he treated animals with great kindness too.

Spiritually speaking, there isn’t any di erence between anyone. We are all one.

Lesson #11: Valued his friendships

As mentioned earlier, the way he treated Sudama, his childhood friend, showed how much he
valued friendships. Apart from this, he also did not di erentiate between rich or poor friends

Lifelong friendships are built upon respect and love. Treat others this way and you will always
be surrounded by love and laughter.

Lesson #12: Did his duty in particular to his

As a child, his parents were captured by the evil King Hamsa. When he matured into a man, he
defeated the king and released his parents. One must never forget their parents especially as
they age. No matter what, he did his duty towards them.

Parents sacri ce a lot to raise children…helping them in old age is a beautiful way of saying
thank you.

Lesson #13: Remained calm and composed

Regardless of being in a number of unpleasant situation throughout his Life, Lord Krishna
always stayed calm and composed.

There was never a time he panicked either. We can truly learn this from him as we go through
ups and downs in Life.

Lesson #14: An astute strategist

When the Kauravas fought the Pandavas, he knew that the latter wouldn’t stand a chance
against the mighty Kaurava army. Moreover, he also realized the evil Kauravas wouldn’t have a
problem breaking the rules. So in response, he did bend the rules but not break them
whenever faced with an ‘unfair’ situation.

Be aware of your situation, and be practical. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.

Lesson #15: Upheld dharma

Throughout the ‘Dharma Yuddh’, he stayed by the side of the Pandavas and kept them safe
until the end of the war. Moreover, he was the person to cover Draupadi with a saree when
she was stripped o her clothes. He upheld Dharma when the need for it arose throughout
his Life.

Do the right thing, even if it’s challenging! This is the lesson and meaning of Dharma.
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In Closing

As you can see, these lessons have been drawn from various points of time in his Life. So, it
should be plain to see that his entire Life was lived virtuously even if there’s no doubt that he
was the divine embodiment of love.

Having said that, are there any other lessons that can learned from Krishna’s Life? If so, feel
free to share them in the comments section below.

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