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Table XX

The Relationship between Items

Items C4 (i) C4 (ii) C9 C10

Monthly income group -.497** -.512** -.384** -.422**

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Result showed that there was a negative, statistically significant relationship between monthly

income group with question C4 (i), a scenario’s question for respondents on the higher price

charged per night during check in, and they were asked either they still purchase the room even

though the price is different, r = -.497, p < .01. The strength of the relationship is categorical as

medium relationship. It is mean that the low monthly income significantly predicts the disagree to

still purchase the room with the higher price.

Then, there is also negative significant relationship between monthly income group with the

question C4 (ii), the continuous question from C4 (i), that asked either they still purchase the

room even if the price is getting up with RM30 difference from the actual price, r = .512, p < .01.

The strength of the relationship is categorical as high relationship. It is mean that the low

monthly income significantly predicts the disagree to still purchase the room with the higher


From the table also showed the negative significantly relationship between monthly income group

with the willingness of respondents to pay the price difference between OTA websites and actual
hotel room price, r = .384, p < .01. The strength of the relationship is categorical as medium

relationship. It is mean that the low monthly income significantly predicts the disagree on

willingness to pay the price difference between OTA websites and actual hotel room price.

Then, there was a negative, statistically significant relationship between monthly income group

with the willingness of respondents to pay the ‘excessive’ price difference between OTA websites

and actual hotel room price, r = .422, p < .01. The strength of the relationship is categorical as

medium relationship. It is mean that the low monthly income significantly predicts the disagree on

willingness to pay the ‘excessive’ price difference between OTA websites and actual hotel room


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