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A pregnant mother was on her 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

On her last prenatal check- up, she revealed

that she has been taking care of her 2 cats including their litter since her 1st trimester.

1. Explain the life cycle of the parasite. How can the fetus become infected and what is/are the
infective stage/s to the fetus? The mother asked how she could possibly become infected.
Explain to the mother how she can become infected.
2. If the mother already got infected prior to the pregnancy, what is the outcome to the baby?
How about if the mother got pregnant during the pregnancy, what is the outcome to the
baby? Discuss the expected outcomes for the mother and her newborn if recently infected
and if the infection was prior to pregnancy.
3. Give and explain at least three differential diagnoses for the baby that may have the same
outcome or manifestations. In tabulated form, briefly explain how you ruled in and ruled out
your differentials.
4. The mother wants to know immediately if she and her baby are infected. What diagnostic
work-up/s can be requested for the mother? For the baby? Explain the reason/s why that or
those work/ups were chosen.
5. How will you know if a mother’s infection is a recent or past infection?
6. If the mother is recently infected, how will the case be managed? Give the drug of choice
and other forms of management necessary.
7. How about if the mother has been infected prior to pregnancy, how will the case be
8. The mother asked if the medication will affect the baby. Explain.
9. The mother asked how she can prevent future infection. Explain or discuss the preventive
measures to the mother.
10. The mother asked if she should get rid of her cats now. Explain.

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