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List of abbreviations

[anim] animate (as semantic feature)

[def] definite (as semantic feature
[hum] human (as semantic feature)
1st first person
2nd second person
3rd third person
abl. ablative
acc. accusative
AcI Accusativus cum Infinitivo
adj. adjective
AG adjective-genitive (order)
ALat. Archaic Latin
AN adjective-noun (order)
BCE before the common era
Catal. Catalan
CE in the common era
Celtiber. Celtiberian
CLat. Classical Latin
coord. coordinating
cop. copula
dat. dative
decl. declension
deict. deictic
det. determiner
DG determiner-genitive (order)
ELat. Early Latin
Eng. English
Fr. French
fut. future
Gaul. Gaulish
gen. genitive
Ger. German
Gk. Greek

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xx List of abbreviations

GN genitive-noun (order)
Goth. Gothic
Heb. Hebrew
Hitt. Hittite
IE Indo-European
IG Inscriptiones Graecae
imperat. imperative
impf. imperfect
Ind. Indic
indic. indicative
infin. infinitive
instr. instrumental
Ir. Irish
It. Italian
Lat. Latin
Lep. Lepontic
LLat. Late Latin
loc. locative
Med. Medieval
MFr. Middle French
ModRum. Modern Rumanian
N noun
NA noun-adjective (order)
NcI Nominativus cum Infinitivo
NG noun-genitive (order)
nom. nominative
NP noun phrase
num. numeral
OFr. Old French
OIr. Old Irish
OIt. Old Italian
ord. ordinal
OSard. Old Sardinian
Osc. Oscan
OSp. Old Spanish
OSV object-subject-verb (order)

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List of abbreviations xxi

OV object-verb (order)
OVS object-verb-subject (order)
Paelign. Paelignian
perf. perfect
pers. person
PIE Proto-Indo-European
pl. plural
Port. Portuguese
PP prepositional phrase
pred. predication
pres. present
pron. pronoun
Prov. Provencal
Rom. Romance
Rum. Rumanian
Russ. Russian
Sard. Sardinian
sg. singular
Skt. Sanskrit
SLat. Silver Latin
SOV subject-object-verb (order)
Sp. Spanish
Spec specifier
subj. subject
SVO Subject-verb-object (order)
Sw. Swedish
Umbr. Umbrian
V verb
v.l./vv.ll. varia lectio (alternate reading)
VO verb-object (order)
voc. vocative
VOS verb-object-subject (order)
VSO verb-subject-object (order
W. Welsh

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xxii List of abbreviations

Special signs

:: indicates speaker switch in dialogue

← is replaced by
< develops from
> develops into

Other abbreviations

* indicates a reconstructed form (acc. to context)

* indicates an ungrammatical sentence (acc. to context)
cod./codd. codex
BTL Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina
→ onwards
ed. princ. editio princeps
Lex XII tab. Lex XII Tabularum
ms/mss manuscript/manuscripts
OLD Oxford Latin Dictionary
sc. scilicet (that is to say)
S. C. de Bacch. Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus
s.v./s.vv. under the word/s
ThLL Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (textual citations follow
ThLL conventions)

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