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White Light Corporation v City of Manila (2009)

The City of Manila passed an ordinance prohibiting
POLITICAL LAW REVIEW: establishments from offering short-time admission, as well as pro-
rated or “wash up” rates for such abbreviated stays.
Whether it is a valid exercise of police power?

No. No matter how noble the goals of this ordinace, the
desirability of these ends do no sanctify any and all means of their
achievement. The prohibition does not only affected those with
illegitmate purpose but also those who has legit purpose.
Compiled by:
Nota Bene: concept of Intermediate Scrutiny Test vis-a-vis to
Rational Basis and Strict Scrutiny; relate to Equal Protection
MMDA v Trackworks Rail Transit Advertising (2009)

MRTC contracted Trackworks for the installation of
AY 2013-2014 billboards, signages and other advertising media in the structures
of MRT3. MMDA pursuant to an MMDA regulation which prohibits
the installation, posting or display of any kind or form of
advertising on any part of the road, sidewalk, center space, island,
posts, trees, parks and open spaces request Trackworks to
dismantle it. Trackword refused the request of MMDA, MMDA
proceeded to dismantle the former's billboards and similar forms
of advertisements.
Whether the MMDA has authority to prohibit the
installation of billboards, signages installed by Trackworks? Association of Small Landowners of the Philippines v DAR

Held: Facts:
No. MMDA's power were limited to the formulation, Several petitioners are the root of the case:
coordination, regulation, implementation, preparation, a) A petition alleging the constitutionality of PD No. 27, EO 228 and
management, monitoring, setting of policies, installing a system, 229 and RA 6657. Subjects of the petition are a 9-hectare and 5-
and administration. Nothing in RA 7924 (MMDA's charter) granted hectare riceland worked by four tenants. Tenants were declared full
MMDA police power, let alone legislative power) owners by EO 228 as qualified farmers under PD 27. The petitioners
now content that President Aquino usurped the legislature's power.
b) A petition by landowners and sugarplanters in Victoria's Mill Negros
Acebedo Optical Co., Inc. v CA Occidental against Proclamation 131 and EO 229. Proclamation 131
is the creationg of Agrarian Reform Fund with initial fund of P50B.
Facts: c) A petition by landowners which was placed by the DAR under the
The City Mayor of Iligan cancelled the business permit of coverage of Operation Land Transfer.
Acebedo Optical Co., Inc. for violating the special conditions (re d) A petition invoking the right of retention under PD No. 27 to owners
practice of optometry) imposed on the business permits. of rice and corns lands not exceeding seven hectares.

Issue: Issue:
Whether the imposition of special conditions is a valid Whether the aforementioned EO's PD, and RA were constitutional?
exercise of police power?
Held: The promulgation of PD 27 by President Marcos was a valid
No. The authority of city mayors to issue or grant licenses exercise of police power and eminent domain.
and business permits is beyond cavil. It is provided for by law. The power of President Aquino to promulgate Proclamation 131 and
However, the power to grant or issue licenses or business permits EO 228 and 229 was authorized under Sec. 6 of the Transitory Provisions of
must always be exercised in accordance with law, with utmost the 1987 Constitution. Therefore it is a valid exercise of police power and
observance of the rights of all concerned to due process and equal power of eminent domain.
protection of the law. The imposition of special conditions amounts RA 6657 is likewise valid. The carrying out of the regulation under
to those license to engage in the practice of a particular profession CARP becomes necessary to deprive owners of whatever lands they may
and this should be issued by the Board or Commission tasked to own in excess of the maximum area allowed, there is definitely a taking
regulate the particular profession. under the power of eminent domain for which paument of just compensation
is imperative. The taking is contemplated is not a mere limitation of the use
of the land. What is required is the surrender of the title and the physical
possession of said excess and all beneficial rights accruing to the owner in
favour of the farmer.
A statute may be sustained under the police power only if there is
concurence of the lawful subject and the method.
Subject and purpose of Agrarian Reform Law is valid, however BILL OF RIGTHS
what is to be determined is the method employed to achieve it.
Philippine Press Institute v COMELEC
Lumiqued v Exevea
Respondent COMELEC promulgated Resolution No. 2772 directing
newspapers to provide free COMELEC space of not less than one-half page
Lumiqued was the Regional Director of DAR. He was
for the common use of political parties and candidates. The COMELEC
charged for dishonesty due to questionable gas expense under his
space shall be allocated by the COMELEC, free of charge, among all
office and for unjustly removing the complainant (Zumudio) after
candidates to enable them to make known their qualifications, their stand on
filing complaints against him. The issue was referred to the DOJ
public issues and their platforms of government. The COMELEC space shall
and committee hearings were conducted on July 3 and 10, 1992
also be used by the Commission for dissemination of vital election
without the assistance of counsel. On second hearing date, he
Philippine Press Institute (PPI), an organization of newspaper and moved for its resetting to enable him to employ the services of a
magazine publisher asks the Suprement Court to declare Resolution No. counsel which was granted. Neither Lumiqued or his counsel
2772 unconsitutional and void on the ground that violates the prohibition appeared on the date he himself had chosen, so the committee
imposed by the Constitution upon the government against the taking of deemed the case submitted for resolution. The investigating
private property for public use without just compensation. The COMELEC committee recommended the dismissal of Lumiqued. DOJ Sec
claimed that the Resolution is a permissible exercise of the power of Drilon adopted the recommendation and Pres. Ramos issued OA 52
supervision (police power) of the COMELEC over the information dismissing Lumiqued from service.
operations of print media enterprises during the election period to safeguard
and ensure a fair, impartial and credible election. Issue:
Whether Lumiqued's right to due process has been violated
Issue: because he was not assisted by a counsel during the administrative
Whether the COMELEC Resolution No. 2772 is unconstitutional? proceeding?

Held: Held:
Yes. COMELEC Resolution No. 2772 compel print media No. The right to counsel, which cannot be waived unless the
companies to donate “COMELEC space” amounts to taking of personal waiver is in writing and in the presence of counsel, is a right
property without payment of just compensation required in expropriation afforded a suspect or an accused during custodial investigation. It
cases. Moreover, the element of necessity for the taking has not been is not an absolute right and may be invoked or rejected in a
established by respondent COMELEC, considering that the newspapers criminal proceeding and with more reason in an administrative
were not unwilling to sell advertising space. The taking of private property inquiry.
for public use is authorized by the Constitution, but not without payment of In the case, petitioner invoke the right of an accused in
just compensation. Also the said resolution does not constitute a valid criminal proceeding to have a competent and independent counsel
exercise of police power of the state. In the case, there is no showing of of his own choice. However, Lumiqued was no accused of any
existence of a national emergency to take private property of newspaper or crime in the proceeding below. The investigation conducted by the
magazine publisher. committee created for the purpose of determining if he could be
held administratively liable under the law for the complaints filed Government of the USA v Purganan
against him. The right to counself is not indispensible to due Sequel to Secretary of Justice v Lantion
process unless required by the Constitutional or the law.
In administrative proceedings, the essence of due process is Summary of ruling:
simply the opportunity to explain one's side. 1. The ultimate purpose of extradition proceedings is to
determine whether the request expressed in the petition,
supported by its annexes and the evidence that may be
Secretary of Justice v Judge Lantion adduced during the hearing of the petition, complies with
the Extradition Treaty and Law; and whether the person
Facts: sought is extraditable. The proceedings are intended
Mark Jumenez was charged of multiple crimes ranging from merely to assist the requesting state in bringing the
tax evasion to wire tapping to conspiracy to defraud the USA. accused -- or the fugitive who has illegally escaped -- back
Jimenez was then wanted in the US. The US government, pursuant to its territory, so that the criminal process may proceed
to RP-US extradition treaty requested to have Jimenez to be therein.
extradited there. Jimenez requested for a copy of the complaint 2. By entering into an extradition treaty, the Philippines is
against him as well as the extradition request by the USA but the deemed to have reposed its trust in the reliability or
DOJ Sec refused to provide him a copy thereof advising that it is soundness of the legal and judicial system of its treaty
still premature to give him so and that it is no prelimnary partner, as well as in the ability and the willingness of the
investigation hence he is ot entitled to received such copies. latter to grant basic rights to the accused in the pending
criminal case therein.
Issue: 3. By nature then, extradition proceedings are not
Whether the refusal of the DOJ Sec to provide him a copy of equivalent to a criminal case in which guilt or
the complaint and the extradition request violates the right of innocence is determined. Consequently, an extradition
Jimenez to due process of law? case is not one in which the constitutional rights of the
accused are necessarily available. It is more akin, if at all,
Held: to a court’s request to police authorities for the arrest of
Yes. The proceeding against Jimenez refer to an impending the accused who is at large or has escaped detention or
threat of deprivation of one's property or property right. No less is jumped bail. Having once escaped the jurisdiction of the
this true, but even more so in the present case as it involves the requesting state, the reasonable prima facie presumption is
possible deprivation of liberty, which based on the hierarchy of that the person would escape again if given the opportunity.
constitutionally protected rights (right to right, liberty and 4. Immediately upon receipt of the petition for extradition and
property. Always in that order, :D) is placed second to life and its supporting documents, the judge shall make a prima
enjoys precedence over property. While forfeited property can be facie finding whether the petition is sufficient in form and
returned or replaced, the time spent in incarceration is substance, whether it complies with the Extradition Treaty
irretrievanle and beyond recompense. and Law, and whether the person sought is extraditable.
The magistrate has discretion to require the petitioner to
submit further documentation, or to personally examine the
affiants or witnesses. If convinced that a prima facie case
exists, the judge immediately issues a warrant for the of the way, lest these summary extradition proceedings
arrest of the potential extraditee and summons him or her become not only inutile but also sources of international
to answer and to appear at scheduled hearings on the embarrassment due to our inability to comply in good faith
petition. with a treaty partner’s simple request to return a fugitive.
5. After being taken into custody, potential extraditees may Worse, our country should not be converted into a dubious
apply for bail. Since the applicants have a history of haven where fugitives and escapees can unreasonably
absconding, they have the burden of showing that (a) there delay, mummify, mock, frustrate, checkmate and defeat the
is no flight risk and no danger to the community; and (b) quest for bilateral justice and international cooperation.
there exist special, humanitarian or compelling 10. At bottom, extradition proceedings should be conducted
circumstances. The grounds used by the highest court in with all deliberate speed to determine compliance with the
the requesting state for the grant of bail therein may be Extradition Treaty and Law; and, while safeguarding basic
considered, under the principle of reciprocity as a special individual rights, to avoid the legalistic contortions, delays
circumstance. In extradition cases, bail is not a matter of and technicalities that may negate that purpose.
right; it is subject to judicial discretion in the context of the
peculiar facts of each case.
6. Potential extraditees are entitled to the rights to due Philippines Guardians Brotherhood Inc. v COMELEC
process and to fundamental fairness. Due process does not
always call for a prior opportunity to be heard. A Facts:
subsequent opportunity is sufficient due to the flight risk The COMELEC en banc issued a resolution date October
involved. Indeed, available during the hearings on the 13, 2009 deleting several party-list groups or organization from
petition and the answer is the full chance to be heard and the list of registered national, regional or sectoral parties because
to enjoy fundamental fairness that is compatible with the it failed to get 2% of the votes cast in 2004 and it did not
summary nature of extradition. participate in the 2007 elections. It is provided, however, in the
7. This Court will always remain a protector of human rights, said resolution that any national, regional, sectoral party or
a bastion of liberty, a bulwark of democracy and the organzation or coalitions adversely affected can personally or
conscience of society. But it is also well aware of the through its authorized representative file a verified opposition.
limitations of its authority and of the need for respect for
the prerogatives of the other co-equal and co-independent Issue:
organs of government. Whether PGBI's right to due process has been violated?
8. We realize that extradition is essentially an executive, not a
judicial, responsibility arising out of the presidential power Held:
to conduct foreign relations and to implement treaties. No. PGBI’s right to due process was not violated for PGBI
Thus, the Executive Department of government has broad was given an opportunity to seek, as it did seek, a reconsideration.
discretion in its duty and power of implementation. The essence of due process, we have consistently held, is simply
9. On the other hand, courts merely perform oversight the opportunity to be heard; as applied to administrative
functions and exercise review authority to prevent or excise proceedings, due process is the opportunity to explain one’s side
grave abuse and tyranny. They should not allow or the opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling
contortions, delays and “over-due process” every little step complained of. A formal or trial-type hearing is not at all times and
in all instances essential. The requirement is satisfied where the Whether the differential treatment of broadcast media is
parties are afforded fair and reasonable opportunity to explain justified?
their side of the controversy at hand. What is frowned upon is
absolute lack of notice and hearing. Held:
Yes. Differential treatment of broadcast media justified.
Petitioners complain that B.P. Blg. 881, §92 singles out radio
and television stations to provide free air time. They contend that
EQUAL PROTECTION newspapers and magazines are not similarly required as, in fact, in
Philippine Press Institute v. COMELEC, we upheld their right to
“All person or things similarly situated must be similarly treated the payment of just compensation for the print space they may
both as to rights conferred abd responsibilities imposed.” provide under §90.
The argument will not bear analysis. It rests on the fallacy
Requisites of valid classification (SNAG): that broadcast media are entitled to the same treatment under the
1. Such classification rests upon substantial distinctions; free speech guarantee of the Constitution as the print media.
2. It is not confined to existing conditions only; There are important differences in the characteristics of the two
3. It applies equally to all members of the same class; and media, however, which justify their differential treatment for free
4. It is germane to the purpose of the law. speech purposes. Because of the physical limitations of the
broadcast spectrum, the government must, of necessity, allocate
broadcast frequencies to those wishing to use them. There is no
TELEBAP v COMELEC similar justification for government allocation and regulation of the
print media.
Facts: In the allocation of limited resources, relevant conditions
Petitioners challenge the validity of §92 of BP 881 on the may validly be imposed on the grantees or licensees. The reason
ground (1) that it takes property without due process of law and for this is that, as already noted, the government spends public
without just compensation; (2) that it denies radio and television funds for the allocation and regulation of the broadcast industry,
broadcast companies the equal protection of the laws; and (3) that which it does not do in the case of the print media. To require the
it is in excess of the power given to the COMELEC to supervise or radio and television broadcast industry to provide free air time for
regulate the operation of media of communication or information the COMELEC Time is a fair exchange for what the industry gets.
during the period of election.
Petitioner claims that it suffered losses running to several
million pesos in providing COMELEC Time in connection with the People v Jalosjos
1992 presidential election and the 1995 senatorial election and
that it stands to suffer even more should it be required to do so Facts:
again this year. Petitioner's allegation that it will suffer losses Romeo Jalosjos is a member of Congress. Inspite of his
again because it is required to provide free air time is sufficient to having been charged and convicted by the trial court for statutory
give it standing to question the validity of §92. rape, his constituents liked him so much that they knowingly re-
elected him to his congressional office, the duties of which he
Issue: could not perform.
Issue: COMELEC v Cruz
Whether Jalosjos, as an re-elected member of the House of
the Representative, could be validly prevented to attend Facts:
congressional sessions, moreso, perform his duties. The constitutionality of Sec 2 of RA 9164 entitled "An Act
Providing for Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan
Held: Elections, amending RA No. 7160, as amended, otherwise known
Yes. There is a valid classification. The fact that Jalosjos is a as the Local Government Code of 1991:
convicted rapist sets him apart from other members of Congress. Sec. 2. Term of Office. – The term of office of all barangay
(Rapist din yung iba, di nga lang convicted. :D) and sangguniang kabataan officials after the effectivity of this Act
shall be three (3) years.
No barangay elective official shall serve for more than three
Biraogo v Philippine Truth Commission (3) consecutive terms in the same position: Provided, however,
That the term of office shall be reckoned from the 1994 barangay
Facts: elections. Voluntary renunciation of office for any length of time
President Aquino III found a need for a special body to shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of
investigate reported cases of graft and corruption allegedly service for the full term for which the elective official was elected.
committed during the previous administration. On July 30, 2010, The RTC granted the petition and declared the challenged
he signed EO No. 1 establishing the Philippine Truth Commission proviso constitutionally infirm. The present petition, filed by the
of 2010. Commission on Elections (COMELEC), seeks a review of the RTC
Whether or not EO No. 1 is violative of equal protection Issue:
clause of the constitution? Whether the implementation of Sec 2 (2) of RA 9164 would
violate equal protection of the law?
Yes. Executive Order No. 1 should be struck down as Held:
violative of the equal protection clause. The clear mandate of the The equal protection guarantee under the Constitution is
envisioned truth commission is to investigate and find out the truth found under its Section 2, Article III, which provides: "Nor shall
"concerning the reported cases of graft and corruption during the any person be denied the equal protection of the laws." Essentially,
previous administration" only. The intent to single out the previous the equality guaranteed under this clause is equality under the
administration is plain, patent and manifest. same conditions and among persons similarly situated. It is
equality among equals, not similarity of treatment of persons who
Nota Bene: The Court upheld the authority of the president to are different from one another on the basis of substantial
create commissions under Sec 17 of Article VI of the Constitution, distinctions related to the objective of the law; when things or
“take care clause” (also called residual powers) shall ensure that persons are different in facts or circumstances, they may be
the laws be faithfully executed. treated differently in law.
Appreciation of how the constitutional equality provision
applies inevitably leads to the conclusion that no basis exists in the
present case for an equal protection challenge. The law can treat 4. Initial Report of the Fact-Finding Team dated October 20,
barangay officials differently from other local elective officials 2011. The consolidated petitions and supplemental
because the Constitution itself provides a significant distinction petitions likewise assail the validity of the proceedings
between these elective officials with respect to length of term and undertaken pursuant to the aforesaid issuances.
term limitation. The clear distinction, expressed in the Constitution
itself, is that while the Constitution provides for a three-year term Issue:
and three-term limit for local elective officials, it left the length of
Whether the creationg of a Joint DOJ-COMELEC
term and the application of the three-term limit or any form of
Preliminary Investigation Committee and Fact-Finding Team on the
term limitation for determination by Congress through legislation.
2004 and 2007 National Elections Electoral Fraud and
Not only does this disparate treatment recognize substantial
Manipulation Cases is constitutional in light of equal protection
distinctions, it recognizes as well that the Constitution itself allows
clause of the 1987 Constitution?
a non-uniform treatment. No equal protection violation can exist
under these conditions.
Nota Bene: Compare with Biraogo v Philippine Truth Commission

Jose Miguel Arroyo v DOJ Held:

Facts: No. The equal protection clause is enshrined in Sec 1, Art
Before the Court are three (3) consolidated petitions and III of the Constitution which reads: Sec 1. No person shall be
supplemental petitions for Certiorari and Prohibition under Rule deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor
65 of the Rules of Court filed by Jose Miguel T. Arroyo (Mike shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Arroyo) in G.R. No. 199082, Benjamin S. Abalos, Sr. (Abalos) in The concept of equal protection has been laid down in
G.R. No. 199085 and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) in G.R. No. Biraogo v. Philippine Truth Commission of 2010: One of the basic
199118 assailing the following: principles on which this government was founded is that of the
1. Commission on Elections (Comelec) Resolution No. 9266 equality of right which is embodied in Sec 1, Art III of the 1987
"In the Matter of the Commission on Elections and Constitution. The equal protection of the laws is embraced in the
Department of Justice Joint Investigation on the Alleged concept of due process, as every unfair discrimination offends the
Election Offenses Committed during the 2004 and 2007 requirements of justice and fair play. It has been embodied in a
Elections Pursuant to Law" dated August 2, 2011; separate clause, however, to provide for a more specific guaranty
2. Joint Order No. 001-2011 (Joint Order) "Creating and against any form of undue favoritism or hostility from the
Constituting a Joint DOJ-Comelec Preliminary Investigation government. Arbitrariness in general may be challenged on the
Committee [Joint Committee] and Fact-Finding Team on the basis of the due process clause. But if the particular act assailed
2004 and 2007 National Elections Electoral Fraud and partakes of an unwarranted partiality or prejudice, the sharper
Manipulation Cases" dated August 15, 2011; weapon to cut it down is the equal protection clause.
3. Rules of Procedure on the Conduct of Preliminary Unlike the matter addressed by the Court’s ruling in
Investigation on the Alleged Election Fraud in the 2004 and Biraogo v. Philippine Truth Commission of 2010, Joint Order No.
2007 National Elections (Joint Committee Rules of 001-2011 cannot be nullified on the ground that it singles
Procedure) dated August 23, 2011; and out the officials of the Arroyo Administration and, therefore,
it infringes the equal protection clause. The Philippine Truth Petitioners were suspects of the slaying of a congressman
Commission of 2010 was expressly created for the purpose of and three of his security escorts and the wounding of another.
investigating alleged graft and corruption during the Arroyo They were initially charged with a crime of multiple murder with
Administration since Executive Order No. 1 specifically referred to frustrated murder. After conducting a preliminary investigation, a
the "previous administration"; while the Joint Committee was warrant of arrest was issued and a bail was fixed.
created for the purpose of conducting preliminary investigation of A fiscal was designated to review the case and issued a
election offenses during the 2004 and 2007 elections. While GMA resolution affirming the finding of a prima facie case against
and Mike Arroyo were among those subjected to preliminary petitioners but ruled that a case of murder for each of the killing of
investigation, not all respondents therein were linked to GMA as four victims and a physical injuries case for inflicting gunshot
there were public officers who were investigated upon in wound on the survivor. Thereafter, four separate informations to
connection with their acts in the performance of their official that effect were field with the trial court with no bail
duties. Private individuals were also subjected to the investigation recommended.
by the Joint Committee.
Petitioners moved that another hearing be conducted to
The equal protection guarantee exists to prevent undue determine if there really exists a prima facie case against them
favor or privilege. It is intended to eliminate discrimination and and a motion to order the transmittal of initial records of the
oppression based on inequality. Recognizing the existence of real preliminary investigation conducted by the municipal judge. These
differences among men, it does not demand absolute equality. It motions were denied by the court because the prosecution had
merely requires that all persons under like circumstances and declared the existence of probable cause, information were
conditions shall be treated alike both as to privileges conferred complete in form and in substance, and there was no defect on its
and liabilities enforced. face.

SEARCH AND SEIZURE Whether the judge may issue a warrant of arrest by simply
relying on the fiscal's certification and recommendation that a
Lim v Felix probable cause exists?

Nota Bene: Held:

The certification by the fiscal of the existenceof probable 1. The judge committed grave abuse of discretion. In Placer v
cause does not bind the judge. Villanueva, it was held that the judge may rely upon fiscal's
Preliminary inquiry (PI) is the process of determination of certification of the existence of a probable cause and on the
probable cause for the filing of information (by the fiscal) while basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest. However, the
Preliminary examination (PE) is conducted by a judge for the certification does not bind the judge to come out with the
determination of a probable cause for the issuance of warrant of warrant of arrest. This decision interpreted the “search and
arrest. Take note! Probable cause in PI is different in PE. seizure” provision of the 1973 Consitution.
2. In the case of Solvien v Makasiar, decided under the 1987
Constitution, the Court noted that the addition of the word
personally after the word determined and the deletion of the (Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972). On appeal, Manalili contended
grant of authority by the 1973 Constitution to issue warrant to that he was searched without warrant.
other respondent officers as to may be authorized by law does
not require the judge to personally examine the complaint Issue:
amd his witness in his determination of probable cause for the
Whether evidence seized is admissible in evidence?
issuance of a warrant of arrest. What the Constitution
underscores is the exclusive and personal responsibility of the
issuing judge to satisfy himself of the existence of probable
Yes. Generally, search and seizure to be valid must be made
cause. Following the established doctrine and procedures, he
with a previously secured judicial warrant . However, this is not
shall: (1) personally evaluate the reports and the supporting
absolute and exceptions have been contemplated by the law:
documents submitted by the fiscal regarding the existence of
1. Search incidental to lawful arrest;
probable cause and, on the basis thereof, issue a warrant of
2. Search of moving vehicle;
arrest; and (2) if on the basis thereof he finds no probable
3. Search in plain view;
cause, the may disregard the fiscal's report and require the
4. Costum search; and
submission of supporting affidavits of witnesses to aid him in
5. Consented search (waiver by the person being searched)
arriving at a conclusionas to the existence of probable cause.
In the above instances, the search and seizure may be made
3. In the case, the respondent judge relies solely on the only with probable cause as essential requirement.
certification of the prosecutor. Considering that all the Probable cause (in relation to search and seizure) – the
records of the investigation shows that he has not personally existence of such facts and circumstances which could lead
determined the existence of probable cause. The reasonably discreet and prudent man to belive that an offense has
determination was made by the provincial prosecutor. The been committed and that the item, article, or object sought in
constitutional requirement had not been satisfied. connection with said offense or subject to seizure and destruction
by law is in the place to be search.
A stop and frisk operation is another exception to the
Manalili v CA general rule. In this case, probable cause was established with
Manalili's suspicious behavior.

Facts: Nota Bene: Take note of landmark case of Terry v Ohio. Limited
Policemen were patrolling the vicinity of the Caloocan only to the frisking of the outer protective clothing and after
Cemetery due to reports of durgs addicts roaming the area. They question or inquiry. Ask first before frisk!
chanced upon a male (who turned out to be petitioner Manalili)
who seemed to be high on drugs in front of the cemetery. He was
observed to have reddish eyes ad to be walking in swaying manner. People v Sucro
When Manlili tried to avoid the policemen, the latter approached
him and asked what he as holding in his hands. Manalili tried to Facts:
resist but the policemen were persistent until he yeilded his wallet Police officers monitored activities of Edison Sucro, as the
which they examined and found to contain crushed marijuana latter was reported to be selling marijuana. Sucro was monitored
residue. The trial court convicted Manalili for violation of RA 6425 to have talked and exchanged things three times. After the next
buyer, the policemen intercepted one of the buyer and admitted his hut.
the buying of Marijuana from Scuro in front of the chapel.
Thereafter, police team intercepted and arrested Sucro and Issue:
recovered 19 sticks and 4 tea bags of marijuana, Are the marijuana plants admissible in evidence?

Issue: Held:
Whether the arrest without warrant is lawful? Yes. No. The search and seizure without warrant violated §2, Art
Whether the evidence from such arrest is admissible? Yes. III of the 1987 Constitution. Considering that the informant had
revealed the name of the accused as well as the place were the
Held: marijuana was planted and the police had at least one day to
Search and seizure supported by a valid warrant of arrest is obtain a search warrant, they had no reason not to obtain one. The
not an absolute rule. Sec 12 of Rule 126 of Rules of Criminal plain view doctrine cannot apply. The seizure of evidence in plain
Procedure provides that a person lawfully arrested may be view applies where the police inadvertently came across the
searched for dangerous weapons or anything which may be used object. In this case, the police team was dispatched precisely to
as proof of the commission of the offense without a search search for the prohibited flora.
The failure of the police officers to secure a warrant stems People v Chua Ho San
from the fact that their knowledge acquired from the surveillance
was insufficient to fulfill the requirements for its issuance. Facts:
However, the warrantless search and seizures are legal as long as In response to reports of rampant smuggling of firearms
probable cause existed. The police officers have personal and other contraband, policemen began patrolling tge coastline.
knowledge of the aactual commission of the crime from the While monitoring the coastal area, they have intercepted a radio
surveillance of the activities of the accused. As police officers were call from a baranggay captain requesting for police assistance
the ones conducting the surveillance, it is presumed that they are regarding an unfamiliar speedboat that the latter had spotted.
regularly in the performance of their duties. A vessel that looked different from the board ordinarily
used by fisherfolk of the area and eventually docked at the shore.
When the speed board landed, a male passenger (Chua Ho San)
People v Valdez alighted, carrying a multi-colored strawbag, and walked towards
the road.
Facts: Upon seeing the police officers, the man changed direction
At about 10:15 o'clock in the morning, the police was but a police officer held Chua's right arm to prevent him from
informed of the presence of a marijuana plantation. At 5:00 o'clock fleeing. Then they introduced themselves as police officers. Chua
in the morning of the following day, a police team, accompanied by did not understand what they were saying. By resorting to the use
the informer, left for the site where the marijuana plants were of sign language, a police officer motioned with his hands for the
grown. After a 3-hour uphill trek from the nearest barangay Chua to open his bag. Chua acceded to the request and the said
road,they arrived at the place and found the accused in his nipa bag was found to contain several transparent plastics containing
hut. They looked around the unfenced “kaingin” and saw 7 five- shabu. Chua was then brought to police station where he was
foot high marijuana plants planted approximately 25 meters from provided with an interpreter to inform him of his constitutional
rights. also be considered a valid search under a waived or consented
search because the accused could have not understand the sign
Issue: language.
Whether the warrantless arrest and the search and seizure
conducted by the police officers constitute a valid exemption from People v Tangliben
the warrant requirement?
Held: Police officers were conducting a surveillance at a terminal.
No. The Constitution bars the State from intrusion to a At around 9:30 pm they noticed a person, Tangliben, carrying a
person's body, personal effects or residence except if conducted by travelling bag who acted suspiciously. They confronted him,
virtue of a valid search warrant issued in accordance with the inspected his bag, and there they found marijuana leaves. The
rules. However, warrantless searches may be permitted in the accused was take into police for further reinvestigations.
following cases: Tangliben was found guilty of the Dangerous Drugs Act.
1. Search incidental to lawful arrest;
2. Search of moving vehicle; Issue:
3. Search in plain view; Whether there was an unlawful search due to lack of search
4. Stop and frisk situations (Terry search) warrant?
5. Custom search; and
6. Consented search (waiver by the person being searched) Held:
It is required that in above cases of inflagrante delicto, the No. Sec 5 Rule 113 provides that a peace officer or a
arresting officer must have personal knowledge of such facts or private person may without a warrant of arrest a person when in
circumstances convincingly indicative or constitutive of probable his presence the person to be arrested when in his presence the
cause. Probable cause means a reasonable ground f suspicion person to be arrested has committed, us committing, or is
supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to attempting to commit an offense.
warrant a cautious man's belief that the person accused is guilty of In the case, the accused was found to have been committing
the offense charged (Take note probable cause! Different na sila, possession of marijuana and can be therefore searched lawfully
PC for the issuance of warrant of arrest, PC for the issunce of even without a search warrant. Another reason is that his case
search warrant, PC for the filing of an information and PC for poses urgency on the part of the arresting public officers. It was
conducting warrantless search :D) found out that an informer pointed to the accused telling the
In the case, there are no facts on record reasonably policemen that the accused was carrying marijuana. The police
suggestive or demonstrative of Chua's participation in on going office officers had to act quickly and there was no enough time to
criminal enterprise that could have been spurred police officers secure a search warrant.
from conducting the obtrusive search. Chua was not identified as a
drug courier by a police informer or agent. The fact that the vessel
that ferried him to shore bore no resemblance to the fishing boats People v Leila Johnson
of the area did not automatically mark him as in the process of
perpetuating an offense. With these, the Court held that there was Facts:
no cause to justify a search incidental to a lawful arrest. It cannot Leila Johnson was a departing passenger bound for the
United States. While entering the gate of NAIA, she was frisked turned out to be a pouch bag containing wrap objects which
and the frsiker felt something hard on the latter's abdominal area. contains hashish, a derivative of marijuana.
Upon inquiry, Mrs. Johnson explained she needed to wear two
panty girdles as she had undergone an operation. Not satisfied by Issue:
the explanation, she was directed to the nearesr women's room for Whether the search made was legal in a absence of a
inspection. They recovered 3 plastic packs of shabu. search warrant?

Issue: Held:
Whether the search is valid? Yes. The Constitution guarantees the right of the people to
be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against
Nota Bene: Concept of “Reduced Expectation of Privacy” unreasonble searches and seizures. However, it is not without
exception. There may be instances when a search without a
Held: warrant is valid.
Yes. What is involved in this case is an arrest in flagrante Accused was searched and arrested while transporting
delicto pursuant to a valid search made on the person. prohibited drugs. A crime was actually being committed by the
Person may lose the protection of the search and seizure accused and he was caught in flagrante delicto.
clause be exposure of their persons or property to the public in a
manner reflecting a lack of subjective expectation of privacy, which
expectation society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. Such Valmonte v De Villa
recognition is implicit in airport security procedure with increased
concern over airplane hijacking and terrorism has come to an Facts:
increased security at the nation's airport. Pursuant to a letter of instruction, NCRDC installed
checkpoints in various parts ofValenzuela, Metro Manila.
Petitioner Atty. Valmonte, who is a resident of Valenzuela,
People v Malmstedt Metro Manila and the Union of Lawyers and Advocates for People's
Rights sought the declaration of checkpoints in Valenzuela and
Facts: elsewhere as unconstitutional. The residents are worried of being
A temporary checkpoint was set up at Kilometer 14, Acop, harassed and of their safety being placed at the arbitrary,
Tublay, Mountain Province for the purpose of checking all vehicles capricious and whimsical disposition of the military manning the
coming from the Cordillera Region. The order to establish a checkpoints. Petitioner contended that the checkpoints gave
checkpoint in the said area was prompted by persistent reports respondents blanket authority to make searches and seizures
that vehicles coming from Sagada were transporting marijuana without search warrant or court order in violation of the
and other prohibited drugs. Constitution.
During the inspection, a police officer noticed a buldge on
accused's waist. Suspecting the bulge to be a gun, the officer Issue:
asked the accused's passport and other identification papers. Whether military and police checkpoints violate the right of
When accused failed to comply, the officer required him to bring the people against reasonable search and seizure?
out whatever that was bulging on his waist. The bulging object
Held: Whether mandatory drug testing is not in violation of the
No. Military and police checkpoints violate the right of the constitutional right against unreasonable search and seizure?
people against unreasonable search and seizure.
Not all searches and seizures are prohibited. Those which Held:
are reasonable and not forbidden. A reasonable search is not to be Sec 36(g) of RA 9165 imposing additional qualification for
determined by any fixed formula but is also to be resolved candidates for senator in unconstitutional. The qualifications
according to the facts of each case. enumerated by the Constitution is exclusive and cannot be
expanded by enacting a statute.
Sec 36(c) of RA 9165 requiring mandatory, random, and
People v de Garcia suspicionless drug testing of students are constitutional. Sec 36(d)
covering employees of public and private office also constitutional.
Facts: The situation is entirely different in the case of persons
Sometime in 1989 during the height to the coup attempts charged before the public prosector's office with criminal offenses
against President Aquino, Rolando de Guzman was subjected to a punishable with 6 years and 1 day of imprisonment. The operative
warrantless search and seizure. Various ammunition and concepts in the mandatory drug testing are randomless and
explosives were confiscated from him. Thus, were charged with suspicionless. In the case of person charge with a crime before the
the crime of illegal possession of ammunition and explosives in prosecutor's office, a mandatory drug testing can never be random
furtherance of rebellion. and suspicionless.

Whether the warrantless search and seizure is valid? Pollo v Constantino-David

Held: Right to privacy has two-fold requirement:

Yes. Search warrant can be dispensed with due to the 1. that a person has exhibited actual (subjective) expectation
exigent circumstances attendant to the case. This case still stands of privacy; and
unchallened jurisprudence wise. 2. that the expectation be one that society is prepared to
recognize as reasonable (objective).

Social Justice Society v Dangerous Drugs Board Facts:

An anonymouse letter complaint was received by the Civil
Facts: Service Commission alleging that the chief if the Mamayan Muna
In this case, the constitutionality of RA 9165 re: mandatory Hindi Mamaya Na Division of the CSC RO-IV has been lawyering
drug testing of candidates for public office, students of secondary for public officials with pending cases in the CSC. CSC
and tertiary schools, officers and employees of public and private Chairperson immediately formed a team with background in
offices, and persons charged before the prosecutor's office with information techonology and issued a memmorandum directing
certain offenses. them “to back up all the files in the computers found in the [CSC-
ROIV] Mamayan Muna (PALD) and Legal Divisions. The team
Issue: proceeded and backed up all files in the hard disk of computers.
Petitioner filed his comment denying that he is the person office computers. Under this policy, the CSC may monitor the use
referred to in the anonymous letter-complaint. He asserted that he of the computer resources using both automated or human means.
protested the unlawful taking of his computer done while he was This implies tha on-the-spot inspections may be done to ensure
on leave citing his letter dated January 8, 2007 in which he that computer resources were only used for legitimate business
informed the Director of CSC ROIV that the files in his computer purposes.
were his personal files and those of his sister, relatives friends and On the second issue, the Court answered in the affirmative.
associates and that he is not authorizing their sealing, copying, The search of petitioner's computer files was conducted in
duplicating, and printing as these would violate his consitutional connection with an investigation of work-related misconduct.
right to privacy and protection against self-incrimination and Under the facts, the Court held that the search conducted on
warrantless search and seizure. He pointed out that thought petitioner's computer was justified at its inception and in scope.
government property, the temporary used and ownership of the
computer is issued under a memorandum receipt is ceded to the
employee who may exercise all attributes of ownership, including WRIT OF AMPARO
its use for personal purposes.
Secretary of National Defense v Manalo
Did the petitioner have a reasonable expectation of privacy Facts:
in his office and computer files? No. Manalo brothers were abducted by military men belonging
Was the search authorized by the respondent CSC to the CAFGU on the suspicion that they were members and
Chairman, the copying of the contents of the hard drive on supporters of the NPA. After 18 months of detention and torture,
petitioner's computer, reasonable in its inception and scope? Yes. the brothers escaped.
Ten days after their escaped, they filed a petition for
Held: prohibition, injuction, and temporary restraining order to stop
No. Petitioner failed to prove that he had an actual military officers and agents from depriving them of their right to
(subjective) expectation of privacy in his office or government liberty and other basic rights. While the pending in court, the rule
issued computer which contrain his personal files. Petitioner did on the Writ of Amparo took effect on October 24, 2007. The
not allege that he had a separate enclosed office which he did not Manalos subsequently filed a manifestation and omnibus motion to
share with anyone, or that his office was always locked and not treat their existing petition as amparo petition.
open to other employees or visitor. Neither did he allege that he On December 26, 2007, the CA granted the privilege of the
used passwords or adopted means to prevent other employees writ of amparo. The CA ordered the Sec of National Defense and
from accessing his computer files.On the contrary, he submits that Chief of Staff of the AFP to furnish the Manalos and the court with
being in the public assistance office of the SCS, he normally would all official and unofficial assignment of two military officials
have visitors in his office. Even assuming that petitioner had at involved and produced all medical reports and records of the
least a subjective expectation of privacy in his computer as he Manalo brothers whil under military custody. The Sec of National
claims, the same is negated by the presence of policy regulating Defense and the Chief of Staff of the AFP seek to reverse and set
the use of office computers. The CSC had implemented a policy aside the decision of the CA.
that puts its employees on notice that they have no expectation of
privacy in anything they create, score, send or receive on the
Issue: ground the respondents violated petitioner's right to travel.
Whether the statements from victims themselves is Petitioner argues that the Secretary of Justice has no power to
sufficient for amparo petitions? issue HDO and the subject HDO has no legal basis.
Whether actual deprivation of liberty is necessary for the
right to security of person may be invoke? Issue:
Whether the right to travel is covered by the rule on the
Held: Writ of Amaparo?
On the first issue, it depends on the credibility and
candidness of the victim themselves in their statements. Their Held:
statements can be corroborated by other evidence such as physical No. The rights that fall within the protective mantle of the
evidence left by the torture they suffered or landmarks they can Writ of Amparo are 1) right to life; 2) right to liberty; and 3) right
identify in the places where they were detained. to security.
On the second issue, No. The right to security of person is The right to travel refers to the right to move from one
“freedom from fear”. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights place to another. As held in Marcos v Sandiganbayan, “person's
(UDHR) enunciates in that “a world in which human beings shall right to travel is subject to the usual constraints imposed by the
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and very necessity of safeguarding the system of justice. In such cases,
want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common whether the accused should be permitted to leave the jurisdiction
people. It is the right to security of person as the word security for humanitarian reason is a matter of the court's discretion.”
itself means “freedom from fear”. In the case, the restriction on petitioner's right to travel as
Deprivation of liberty is not necessary before the right to a consequence of the pendency of the criminal case filed against
security of person may be invoked. While the right to security of him was not unlawful.
person appers in conjunction with the right to liberty, under Article
9, the committee has rules that the right to security of person can
exist independently of the right to liberty. In other words, it is not RIGHT TO PRIVACY/ WRIT OF HABEAS DATA
necessarily be a deprivation of liberty for the right to security of
person may be invoke. Gamboa v Chan

Reyes v Sec Raul Gonzalez Pres. Arroyo issued an administrative order creating
Zenarosa Commission wich was formed to investigate the
Facts: existence of private army groups (PAG) in the country in view of
Petitioner was among those who were arrested in the eliminating and dismantling them permanently in the future.
Manila Peninsula Hotel seige on November 30, 2007 but was The PNP conducted surveillance operation against her and
released because the charge of rebellion against them was her aides and classified her as PAG coddler. Purportedly, without
dismissed for lack of probable cause. the benefit of data verification, PNP forwarded in the report
Despite of the dismissal of the rebellion charged against the enumeration of individuals maintain PAGs. Gamboa's association
petitioner, a hold-departure order (HDO) still subsists. with PAG was published and released in the different forms of
Petitioner filled a petition for a writ of amparo on the media, publicly tagging her as a PAG coddler.
Alleging that her right to privacy was violated, Gamboa Issue:
filed a petition for the issuance of writ of habeas data Whether the tape is admissible in evidence in view of RA
4200 (Anti-wiretapping Act)?
Whether the resort to petition for writ of habeas corpus is Held:
proper? Yes, it is admissible. The law prohibits the overhearing,
intercepting, or recording of private communications. Since the
Held: exchange between Navarro and Lingan wasnot private, tape
No. The forwarding of information by the PNP to the recording is not prohibited.
Commission was not unlawful act that violated or threatened her
right to privacy in life, liberty or security. The PNP was rationally
expected to forward or share intellignce information regarding the Ramirez v CA
PAG. The existence of the report was admitted but it is emphasized
its confidential nature. It was leaked to third parties and the Facts:
media. Gamboa failed to establish that PNP was responsible for his A civil case for damages was filed by petitioner against
unintended disclosure. There are other remedies available to her private respondent alleging that in a confrontation in the latter's
to address the purported damage to her reputation. office, she was allegedly vexed, humiliated and insulted her in a
hostile and furious mood and in a manner offensive to petitioner's
dignity and personality.
PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION In support of her claim, petitioner produced a verbatim
transcript of the events and sought damages. The transcript on
Navarro v CA which the civil case was based was culled from a tape recording of
the confrontation made by petitioner.
Lingan and Jalbuena (radio reporters) went to a police Issue:
station to report for a blotter. During the course, a heated Whether RA 4200 applies in recordings by one of the
argument arose between Navarro (a police officer) and the two parties in the conversation?
reporters. Navarro poked his firearm on the face of Jalbuena.
Lingan interfered which irked Navarro and then and thee hit Held:
Lingan with the handle of his pistol above the left eyebrow. This Yes. RA 4200 clearly and unequivocally makes it illegal for
caused Lingan to fall on the floor bloodied. any person, not authorized by all parties to any private
Navarro turned to Jalbuena and said “kita mo yan ha, buhay conversation, to secretly record such communication by means of a
kang testigo, si Ike Lingan ang naghamon.” He then poked his gun tape record or any similar device. The law makes no distinction as
at the right temple of Jalbuena and made him sign his name of the to whether the party sought to be penalized by the statute ought to
blotter. Lingan was taken to the hospital but then died because of be a party other than or different from those involved in the
the injuries. Unknown to Navarro, Jalbuena was able to record on private communication.
tape the exchange between Navarro and the deceased.
Zulueta v CA that there was a check payble to Catolico for P640.
Petitioner ordered the dismissal of Catolico for acts of
Facts: dishonesty. A labor case arose, NLRC ruled that the evidence of
Cecilia Zulueta is the wife of Alfredo Martin. On March 26, the petitioner (check from YSP) is inadmissible in evidence
1982, Cecilia entered the clinic of her husband, a doctor of because the right to privacy of communication of Catolico was
medicine, and forcibly opened the drawers and cabinet in her violated.
husband's clinic and took 157 documents consisting of private
correspondence between Dr. Martin and his alleged paramours, Issue:
greeting cards, cancelled checks, diaries and photographs. The Whether the check is inadmissible as evidence?
document and papers were seized in evidence in case for legal
separation and for disqualification from the practice of medicine Held:
which she had filed against her husband. No. In People v Marti, the constitutional protection against
unreasonable searches and seizures refers tot he immunity of
Issue: on'es person from interference by government and cannot be
Are they admissible? extended to acts committed by private individuals so as to bring it
within the ambit of alleged unlawful intrusion by the government.
Held: In the problem, it is not the government that interfered
No. The documents and papers in question are inadmissible with the privacy of communication of the respondent but the
in evidence. The constitutional injunction declaring the “privacy of petitioner who is the employer of the respondent, a private person.
communication and correspondence to be inviolable” is no less (Read article 32 of the New Civil Code, if private person, that's the
applicable simply because it is the wife who is the party against remedy) Hence, it is admissible in evidence.
whom the constitutional provision is to be enforced. The only
exception to the prohibition in the Constitution is if there is a Nota Bene:
“lawful order from a court or when public safety or order so Compare with the Zulueta case. Both are committed by
requires otherwise, as prescribed by law.” Any violation of this privated individuals. This boils down to the concept of Expectation
provision renders the evidence inadmissible “for any purpose in of Privacy.
any proceeding.”

Marquez v Desierto
Waterous Drug Corporation v NLRC
Facts: Ombudsman Desierto ordered petitioner Marquez to
Catolico was hired as pharmacist by petitioner. Catolico produce several bank documents for purposes of inspection in
sold to YSP Inc. 10 bottles of Voren Tablets at P384 when the camera relative to various accounts maintained the a bank where
normal selling price is P320 per unit. She overcharged P64 per petition is the branch manager.
unit for a total of P640. YSP sent a check payable to Catolico as a The order is based on a pernding investigation at the Office
“refund” for the jacked-up price. It was sent in an envelop of the Ombudsman against Amado Lagdameo for violation of RA
addressed to her. A clerk of petitioner opened the envelop and saw 3019. Petitioner wanted to be clarified as to how she would comply
with the orders without violating any law particularly RA 1405 concerned agencies through the use of biotechnology. (Biometry is
(Secrecy of Bank Deposits). the science of the application of statistical methods to biological
facts; a mathematical analysis of a biological data. It is the
Issue: confirmation of an individual's identity through fingerprint, retinal
Whether the order of the Ombudsman to have an in camera scan, hand geometry or facial features). The data may be gathered
inspection of the questioned account is allowed as an exception to for gainful and useful government purposes but the existence of
the law on secrecy of bank deposits? this vast reservoir of personal information constitutes a convert
invitation to misues, a temptation that may be too great for some
Held: of our authorities to resist.
No. Before an in camera inspection may be allowed, there The AO does not even provide in clear and unequivocal
must be: terms how these information gathered shall be handled. It does not
1. a pending case before a proper court; provide who shall control and access the data and under what
2. inspection is limited to the subject matter of the pending circumstances and for what purpose. These factors are essential to
case; safeguard the privacy and guaranty the integrity of the
3. account must be clearly identified; and information.
4. the bank personel and account holder must be notified to
be present during inspection. Note: If you have time. Read full text.
In the case, there is only a pending investigation before the
Ombudsman and not a pending case.

Ople v Torres Facts:

The constitutionality of Sec 90 and Sec 92 of BP 881 is
Facts: being challenged. Sec 90 requires the COMELEC to procure print
Administrative Order (AO) No. 38 entitled “Adoption of a space and magazines with payment while Sec 92 provides that air
National Computerized Identification Reference System” was time shall be procured by COMELEC free of charge.
issued and duly published. This was opposed by petitioner Ople on
constitutional grounds: Issue:
1. it is a usurpation of the power of Congress to legislate; and Re: Equal protection. - There is substantial distinction
2. it impermissibly intrudes on our citizenry's protected zone between the radio and television and print and magazines. Hence,
of privacy. there is a valid classification.
Issue: Re: Due process of law. - all broadcasting, whether radio or
Re: Right to Privacy. Whether the administrative order television, is licensed by the Government, and the franchise issued
violates the person's right to privacy? to a broadcast station is always subject to amendment, alteration
or repeal by Congress when the common good requires. (Note:
Held: franchise not protected by non-impairment clause)
Yes. The challenged AO provides for a creation of a
“common reference number to establish a linkage among Whether the procurement of air time without compenstion
is constitutional and does not restrain freedom of speech and the before an election. Petitioners challenge the constitutionality of
press? the said provision.

Held: Held:
Yes, it is constitutional. It is an exercise of the plenary It is an unconstitutional abridgement of freedom of
police power of the State to promote general welfare. expression for laying prior restraint on the freedom without any
clear and present danger to justify it.
Note: This case is rich in constitutional issues – equal protection of
the laws, due process, just compensation (power of eminent Nota Bene:
domain), locus standi. Read in full text. Take note of the O'Brien Test (US v O'Brien), governmental
regulation is valid if:
1. it is within the constitutional power of the government;
ABS-CBN v COMELEC 2. it furthers an important or substantial government interest;
3. the government interest is unrelated to the suppression of
Facts: free expression; and
COMELEC issued a resolution prohibiting the conduct of 4. the incidental restriction on the freedom is no greater than
exit polss during elections for the reason that exit polls have the is essential to the furtherance of that interest.
tendency to cause confusion.

Issue: Re: Request for Radio-TV Coverage of the Trial in the

Whether the COMELEC resolution is in violation of the Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Cases against Former
freedom of the press? President Joseph Estrada

Held: Facts:
Yes. The conduct of exit polls and reporting their results are The Kapisanan ng Broadcaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) sent a
valid exercise of freedom of speech and the press. A limititation on letter requesting the Court to allow live media coverage of the
them may be justified only by a danger of such substantive anticipated trial of the plunder case and other criminal cases filed
character that the state has a right to prevent. The concern of the against former President Estrada before the Sandiganbayan in
COMELEC cannot be justified since there is no showing that exit order to “assure the public of full transparency in the proceedinfs
polls cause chaos in voting centers. of unprecedented case in our history”.

SWS v COMELEC Whether the live media coverage of the trial should be
permitted by the court?
Sec 5.4 of RA 9006 provides that “surveys affecting national Held:
candidates shall not be published 15 days before an election and The right to impartial trial of accused prevails over freedom
surverys affecting local candidates shall not be published 7 days of the press. Live TV coverage may be prohibited since the right of
the accused must prevail over the right of the public to information or other forms of expression in advance of actual publication or
and freedom of the press. dessimination.

Note: in its resolution on the motion for reconsideration, the Court Nota Bene:
ordered audio-visual recording of the trial for documentary Prior Restraint v. Subsequent Punishment; Content-Based
purposes, not for live or real time boardcast. Only later they will Regulations v Content-Nuetral Regulations
be made available to the public. :D

Hector Villanueva v PDI

New Sound Broadcasting Network Inc v Dy
Facts: Villanueva was one of the mayoralty candidates of Bais,
Petitioner are radio stations operators of DZNC Cauayan Negros Oriental during the May 1992 elections. Two days before
and Star FM DWIT Cauayan airing out of Cuauyan City and some the elections, repondent Manila Daily Bulletin Publishing
part of Cordillera Region. The only other station operating in Corporation (Manila Bulletin) published a story that COMELEC
Cuauyan City is owned by the family of respondent Dy. has disqualified Villanueva as Lakas-NUCD candidate for mayor of
In 2002, petitioner applied for the renewal of Mayor's Bais for having been convicted in three administrative cases for
permit. Thereafter, the municipal officials padlocked the radio grave abuse of authority and harassment while he was an officer-
stations based on the ground that the petitioners failed to submit in-charge of the mayor's office, and a day before the election, the
the required zoning clearance needed for the issuance of the same story was published by respondent Philippine Daily Inquirer
mayor's permit. (PDI). On the scheduled election date, petitioner failed in his
In the case, it was shown that in 2001 Bombo Radyo was mayoralty bid. Believing that his defeat was cause by the
aggressive in exposing the widespread election irregularities in publication, petitioner sued the repondents PDI and Manila
Isabela to have favored respondent Dy and other members of the Bulletin as well as their publishers and editors for damages.
Dy political dysnasty. Respondent Cesar Dy is the brother of
Faustino Dy Jr, governor of Isabela until he was defeated in 2004 Issue:
re-election bid by Grace Padaca, a former assistant station Whether the said reports are covered under freedom from
manager of petitioner's own DZNC. subsequent punishments?

Issue: Held:
Whether the closure of the petitioner's radio station is No. In Policarpio v Manila Times, the news items that
constitutional? lacked truth and fairness were not privileged communications.

No. There is undeniable political color. The bare acts of GSIS v Villaviza
closing the radio stations or preventing their operations as an act
of prior restraint against speech, expression or of the press. Prior Facts:
restraint refers to official governmental restrictions on the press Villaviza, together with other employees of the GSIS, wore
red shirts as sign of protest. GSIS President and General Manager
Garcia filed charges against respondents for grave misconduct Held:
and/or prejudicial to the best interest of the service. No. Under the circumstances obtaining in this case and
consid the adverse effect of petitioner's utterances on the viewer's
Issue: fundamental riight as well as petitioner's clear violation of his duty
What are public concern speeches? as a public trustee, MTRCB properly suspended him.
Are these constitutionally protected? It cannot be properly asserted that petitioner's suspensent
was an undue curtailment of his right against free speech either as
Held: a prior restraint or as subsequent punishment.
Public concern speeches is defined as speech that relates to It is MTRCB's mandate to regulate broadcast media, his
a matter of political, social, or other concern to the community. utterances were not suitable for general patronage.
Yes, these are protected speech. In Scott v Meters, it was
held that though government's right to impose reasonable
restrictions is recognized, it must not be “unconstitutionally Southern Hemisphere v Anti-Terrorism Council
overboard”. The wearing of read shirts by the respondent did not
amount to a prohibited concerted activity or mass action rather it Facts:
constituted speech on a matter of public concern ad is protected This case is a consolidated petitions challenging the
by the constitution. constitutionality of RA 9372 (Human Security Act of 2007).
Petitioner claims that Sec 3 of RA 9372 is unconstitutional as it
Relate to: rights of workers to concerted peaceful activities (for provides- the following are elements of the crime of terrorism:
government employees, limited) 1. offender commits an act punishable by the RPC and the
enumerated special penal laws;
2. commission of the predicate crime sows and creates a
Soriano v Laguardia condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic
among the populace; and
Facts: 3. the offender is actuated by the desire to coerce the
Petitioner as host of the program “Ang Dating Daan” government to give into an unlawful demand*.
uttered obscene remarks against Michael Sandoval, Iglesia Ni
Cristo's minister and regular host of the TV program “Ang Tamang Issue:
Daan”. Two days after, several affidavit-complaints were lodged by Petitioner contend that the element of unlawful demand in
private respondents, all members of INC, against petitioner in the definition of terrorism must necessarily be transmitted through
connection with the broadcast. MTRCB suspended him from some form of expression protected by the free speech clause. Is
appearing in Ang Dating Daan program for three months. the contention correct?
Petitioner claims that his right to free speech has been
violated. Held:
No. What RA 9372 seeks to penalize is the conduct and not
Issue: the speech.
Whether petitioner's contention is correct?
Note on the ruling that is related to free speech: Held:
• The doctrines of void-for-vagueness and overbreath No. While this right is sacrosanct, it is not absolute. The
doctrine is applicable only to cases involving free speech. right to freedom of speech, and to peacefully assemble and
RA 9372 regulates the conduct and not the speech. petition the government for redress of grievances, are
• Take note of void-for-vagueness and overbreath doctrine in fundamental personal rights of the people recognized and
relation to the “chilling effect” to mass media. guaranteed by the constitutions of democratic countries. This
right, however, may be regulated by the State for the promotion of
the general welfare through police power. This sovereign police
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY power is exercised by the government through its legislative
branch by the enactment of laws regulating those and other
BP 880 – Public Assembly Act of 1985 constitutional and civil rights, and it may be delegated to political
subdivisions, such as towns, municipalities and cities by
Note: Read full text. Salient provisions – regulation not authorizing their legislative bodies called municipal and city
prohibition. Exceptions to requirement of permit: private property, councils to enact ordinances for the purpose.
freedom parks. It is very clear, therefore, that B.P. No. 880 is not an
absolute ban of public assemblies but a restriction that simply
Bayan Karapatan v Ermita regulates the time, place and manner of the assemblies. This was
adverted to in Osmeña v. Comelec, where the Court referred to it
Facts: as a "content-neutral" regulation of the time, place, and manner of
In the series of rallies conducted by petitioners during the holding public assemblies.
period September 26 – October 6, 2005 (they have engaged in A fair and impartial reading of B.P. No. 880 thus readily
public assemblies without the required permits) where their shows that it refers to all kinds of public assemblies that would use
protests were forcibly and illegally dispersed that causes injuries public places. The reference to "lawful cause" does not make it
among some of their members as well as arrest. Police officers content-based because assemblies really have to be for lawful
have prevented them from proceeding further. causes, otherwise they would not be "peaceable" and entitled to
Petitioners assails BP 880 as well as the calibrated protection.
preemptive response or the “CPR policy”. They seek to sop violent
dispersals of rallies underthe “no permit, no rally” policy and the
CPR policy recently announced. IBP v Hon. Atienza

Issue: Facts:
Whether or not the citizen's right to enagage in peaceful On June 15, 2006, IBP filed with the Office of the Mayor a
assembly and to exercise the right of petition, as guaranteed by letter application for a permit to rally at the foot of Mendiola
the Constitution, is directly affected by BP 880 which requires a Bridge on June 22, 2006 to be participated in by IBP members and
permit for all who would publicly assemble in the nation streets officers, law students and multi-sectoral organizations.
and parks? Respondent issued a permit dated June 16, 2006 allowing
Whether or not the CPR policy valid? IBP to stage a rally on the given date but indicated therein Plaza
Miranda as the venue, not Mendiola Bridge, which permit received
on June 19, 2006. Aggrieved, petitioner filed before the CA a FREEDOM TO RELIGION
certiorari. The petition having not resolve in 24 hours, petitioner
filed a certiorari before the SC. While the petition is pending, the Estrada v Escritor
rally pushed through at the Mendiola Bridge.
Issue: Escritor is a court interpreter since 1999 in the RTC of Las
Pinas City. She has been living with Quilapio, a man who is not her
Whether or not the Mayor of City of Manily committed husband, for more than twenty five years and had a son with him
grave abuse of discretion in modifyig the venue in IBP's rally as well. Respondent’s husband died a year before she entered into
permit? the judiciary while Quilapio is still legally married to another
HELD: Complainant Estrada requested the Judge of said RTC to
Yes. Freedom of assembly connotes the right of the people investigate respondent. According to complainant, respondent
to meet peaceably for consultation and discussion of matters of should not be allowed to remain employed therein for it will
public concern. It is entitled to be accorded the utmost deference appear as if the court allows such act.
and respect. It is not to be limited, much less denied, except on a Respondent claims that their conjugal arrangement is
showing, as is the case with freedom of expression, of a clear and permitted by her religion—the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watch
present danger of a substantive evil that the state has a right to Tower and the Bible Trace Society. They allegedly have a
prevent. In juxtaposing Sections 4 to 6 of the Public Assembly Act ‘Declaration of Pledging Faithfulness’ under the approval of their
with the pertinent portion of the Reyes case, the Court elucidated congregation. Such a declaration is effective when legal
as follows: x x x [The public official concerned shall] appraise impediments render it impossible for a couple to legalize their
whether there may be valid objections to the grant of the permit or union.
to its grant but at another public place. It is an indispensable
condition to such refusal or modification that the clear and present Issue:
danger test be the standard for the decision reached. If he is of the Whether or Not the State could penalize respondent for
view that there is such an imminent and grave danger of a such conjugal arrangement.
substantive evil, the applicants must be heard on the matter.
Thereafter, his decision, whether favorable or adverse, must be Ruling:
transmitted to them at the earliest opportunity. Thus if so minded, No. The State could not penalize respondent for she is
they can have recourse to the proper judicial authority. exercising her right to freedom of religion. The free exercise of
In modifying the permit outright, respondent gravely religion is specifically articulated as one of the fundamental rights
abused his discretion when he did not immediately inform the IBP in our Constitution. As Jefferson put it, it is the most inalienable
who should have been heard first on the matter of his perceived and sacred of human rights. The State’s interest in enforcing its
imminent and grave danger of a substantive evil that may warrant prohibition cannot be merely abstract or symbolic in order to be
the changing of the venue. The opportunity to be heard precedes sufficiently compelling to outweigh a free exercise claim. In the
the action on the permit, since the applicant may directly go to case at bar, the State has not evinced any concrete interest in
court after an unfavorable action on the permit. enforcing the concubinage or bigamy charges against respondent
or her partner. Thus the State’s interest only amounts to the
symbolic preservation of an unenforced prohibition. Held:
Furthermore, a distinction between public and secular No. Under the circumstances obtaining in this case,
morality and religious morality should be kept in mind. The therefore, and considering the adverse effect of petitioner’s
jurisdiction of the Court extends only to public and secular utterances on the viewers’ fundamental rights as well as
morality. petitioner’s clear violation of his duty as a public trustee, the
The Court further states that our Constitution adheres the MTRCB properly suspended him from appearing in Ang Dating
benevolent neutrality approach that gives room for Daan for three months. Furthermore, it cannot be properly
accommodation of religious exercises as required by the Free asserted that petitioner’s suspension was an undue curtailment of
Exercise Clause. This benevolent neutrality could allow for his right to free speech either as a prior restraint or as a
accommodation of morality based on religion, provided it does not subsequent punishment. Aside from the reasons given above (re
offend compelling state interests. Assuming arguendo that the the paramount of viewers rights, the public trusteeship character
OSG has proved a compelling state interest, it has to further of a broadcaster’s role and the power of the State to regulate
demonstrate that the state has used the least intrusive means broadcast media), a requirement that indecent language be
possible so that the free exercise is not infringed any more than avoided has its primary effect on the form, rather than the content,
necessary to achieve the legitimate goal of the state. Thus the of serious communication. There are few, if any, thoughts that
conjugal arrangement cannot be penalized for it constitutes an cannot be expressed by the use of less offensive language.
exemption to the law based on her right to freedom of religion.

Note: Attack is on free exercises clause. Benevolent Neutrality. Pastor Austria v NLRC
How about Compelling State Interest? It is promoting common law
relationships. Facts:
Private respondent is a religious corporation under
Philippine law and is represented by the other private
Soriano v Laguardia respondents. Petitioner was a pastor of SDA until 1991, when his
services were terminated.
Facts: Austria worked with SDA for 28 years. He started as a
Petitioner as host of the program “Ang Dating Daan” literature evangelist in 1963 then got promoted several times. He
uttered obscene remarks against Michael Sandoval, Iglesia Ni became the assistant Publishing Director in the West Visayan
Cristo's minister and regular host of the TV program “Ang Tamang Mission of the SDA in 1968 and Pastor in the West Visayan Mission
Daan”. Two days after, several affidavit-complaints were lodged by in 1972. Finally in February 1989, he was promoted as District
private respondents, all members of INC, against petitioner in Pastor of the Negros Mission of the SDA. Austria's services were
connection with the broadcast. MTRCB suspended him from terminated on the grounds of misappropriation of denominational
appearing in Ang Dating Daan program for three months. funds, willful breach of trust, serious misconduct, gross and
habitual neglect of duties, and commission of an offense against
Issue: the person of employer's duly authorized representative.
Whether or not Soriano’s statements during the televised
“Ang Dating Daan” part of the religious discourse and within the Issue:
protection of Section 5, Art.III? Whether or not termination of the services of petitioner is
an ecclesiastical affair, and if, as such, involves the separation of implementation. Under the EO, respondent OMA has the exclusive
church and state? authority to issue halal certificates and perform other related
regulatory activities. Petitioner contends that the subject EO
Held: violates the constitutional provision on the separation of Church
No. The case at bar does not concern an ecclesiastical or and State and that it is unconstitutional for the government to
purely religious affair as to bar the State from taking cognizance formulate policies and guidelines on the halal certification scheme
of the same. An ecclesiastical affair is “one that concerns doctrine, because said scheme is a function only religious organizations,
creed, or form of worship of the church, or the adoption and entity or scholars can lawfully and validly perform for the Muslims.
enforcement within a religious association of needful laws and
regulations for the government of the membership, and the power ISSUE:
of excluding from such association those deemed unworthy of Whether the EO is violates the constitutional provision as to
membership. Examples of this so called ecclesiastical affaits are freedom of religion?
proceedings for excommunication, ordinations of religious
ministers, administration of sacraments and other activities with RULING:
attached religious significance. The Court grants the petition. OMA deals with the societal,
The case at the bar does not even remotely concern any of legal, political and economic concerns of the Muslim community as
the given examples. What is involved here is the relationship of the a "national cultural community" and not as a religious group. Thus,
church as an employer and the minister as an employee. It is bearing in mind the constitutional barrier between the Church and
purely secular and has no relation whatsoever with the practice of State, the latter must make sure that OMA does not intrude into
faith, worship or doctrines of the church. The matter of purely religious matters lest it violate the non-establishment
terminating an employee, which is purely secular in nature, is clause and the "free exercise of religion" provision found in Article
different from the ecclesiastical act of expelling a member from III, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution. Freedom of religion was
the religious congregation. accorded preferred status by the framers of our fundamental law.
And this Court has consistently affirmed this preferred status, well
aware that it is "designed to protect the broadest possible liberty
Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines v Executive of conscience, to allow each man to believe as his conscience
Secretary directs, to profess his beliefs, and to live as he believes he ought to
live, consistent with the liberty of others and with the common
Facts: good." Without doubt, classifying a food product as halal is a
Petitioner IDCP, a corporation that operates under DSWD, is religious function because the standards used are drawn from the
a non-governmental organization that extends voluntary services Qur'an and Islamic beliefs. By giving OMA the exclusive power to
to the Filipino people, especially to Muslim communities. Among classify food products as halal, EO 46 encroached on the religious
the functions petitioner carries out is to conduct seminars, orient freedom of Muslim organizations like herein petitioner to interpret
manufacturers on halal food and issue halal certifications to for Filipino Muslims what food products are fit for Muslim
qualified products and manufacturers. On October 26, 2001, consumption. Also, by arrogating to itself the task of issuing halal
respondent Office of the Executive Secretary issued EO 46 5 certifications, the State has in effect forced Muslims to accept its
creating the Philippine Halal Certification Scheme and designating own interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah on halal food. Only
respondent Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA) to oversee its the prevention of an immediate and grave danger to the security
and welfare of the community can justify the infringement of Corollarily, may they be banned from campaigning against said
religious freedom. If the government fails to show the seriousness candidates? (Not answered in the affirmative)
and immediacy of the threat, State intrusion is constitutionally
unacceptable. In a society with a democratic framework like ours, Held:
the State must minimize its interference with the affairs of its It is not legally possible to take up, on the merits, the
citizens and instead allow them to exercise reasonable freedom of paramount question involving a constitutional principle. It is a
personal and religious activity. There is no compelling justification time-honored rule that the constitutionality of a statute or act will
for the government to deprive Muslim organizations, like herein be passed upon only if, and to the extent that, it is directly and
petitioner, of their religious right to classify a product as halal, necessarily involved in a justiciable controversy and is essential to
even on the premise that the health of Muslim Filipinos can be the protection of the rights of the parties concerned. (Anu savee?
effectively protected by assigning to OMA the exclusive power to Nganga! I invoke my right. Napoles ang peg.)
issue halal certifications. The protection and promotion of the
Muslim Filipinos' right to health are already provided for in
existing laws and ministered to by government agencies charged Taruc v Bishop dela Cruz
with ensuring that food products released in the market are fit for
human consumption, properly labeled and safe. Unlike EO 46, Facts:
these laws do not encroach on the religious freedom of Muslims. Respondent Bishop de la Cruz expelled/excommunicated
With these regulatory bodies given detailed functions on how to the petitioner from the Philippine Independent Church for
screen and check the quality and safety of food products, the disobedience to duly constituted authority in the Church; inciting
perceived danger against the health of Muslim and non-Muslim dissension, resulting in division in the Parish of Our Mother of
Filipinos alike is totally avoided. The halal certifications issued by Perpetual Help, Iglesia Filipina Independiente, Socorro, Surigao
petitioner and similar organizations come forward as the official del Norte when they celebrated an open Mass at the Plaza on June
religious approval of a food product fit for Muslim consumption. 19, 1996; and for threatening to forcibly occupy the Parish Church
causing anxiety and fear among the general membership reasons
Petitioners filed a complaint contending that their expulsion was
Velarde v Social Justice Society illegal because it was done without trial thus violating their right
to due process of law.
SJS, a registered political party, sought the interpretation of Issue:
several constitutional provisions, specifically on the separation of Whether or not the courts have jurisdiction to hear a case
church and state; and a declaratory judgment on the involving the expulsion/excommunication of members of a religious
constitutionality of the acts of religious leaders endorsing a institution.
candidate for an elective office, or urging or requiring the
members of their flock to vote for a specified candidate. Held:
The case at bar is purely ecclasiastical matters which is
Issue: considered to be outside the providence of the court due to the
May religious leaders like herein petitioner, Bro. Mike form of government where the complete separation of civil and
Velarde, be prohibited from endorsing candidates for public office? ecclesiastical authority is insisted upon. Hence, the civil courts
must not allow themselves to intrude unduly in matters of an guarantee of access to information?
ecclesiastical nature.
Civil courts will not interfere in the internal affairs of a Held:
religious organization except for the protection of civil or property
rights. Those rights may be the subject of litigation in a civil court, Yes. Considering the intent of the framers of the
and the courts have jurisdiction to determine controverted claims Constitution, it is incumbent upon the PCGG and its officers, as
to the title, use, or possession of church property. well as other government representatives, to disclose sufficient
Those who unite to an ecclasiastical body do so with public information on any proposed settlement they have decided
implied consent to submit to the Church government and they are to take up with the ostensible owners and holders of ill-gotten
bound to submit to it. The power to exclude membership from the wealth. Such information, though, must pertain to definite
church of those considered unworthy lies solely to the Church thus propositions of the government, not necessarily to intra-agency or
it is outside the province of the civil court. inter-agency recommendations or communications during the
The expulsion of membership of the petitioners was legally stage when common assertions are still in the process of being
made. They have not violated the due process of law because they formulated or are in the “exploratory” stage. There is a need, of
were given apportunity to be heared when they were also warned course, to observe the same restrictions on disclosure of
of the consequences of their actions. information in general -- such as on matters involving national
security, diplomatic or foreign relations, intelligence and other
classified information.

Chavez v PCGG Chavez v Public Estates Authority

Facts: Facts:
Chavez v. PCGG, 299 SCRA 744 The petition seeks to compel the Public Estates Authority
("PEA" for brevity) to disclose all facts on PEA's then on-going
FACTS: renegotiations with Amari Coastal Bay and Development
Petitioner asks this Court to define the nature and the Corporation ("AMARI" for brevity) to reclaim portions of Manila
extent of the people’s constitutional right to information on Bay. The petition further seeks to enjoin PEA from signing a new
matters of public concern. Petitioner, invoking his constitutional agreement with AMARI involving such reclamation. PEA asserts
right to information and the correlative duty of the state to that in cases of on-going negotiations the right to information is
disclose publicly all its transactions involving the national interest, limited to "definite propositions of the government." PEA
demands that respondents make public any and all negotiations maintains the right does not include access to "intra-agency or
and agreements pertaining to PCGG’s task of recovering the inter-agency recommendations or communications during the
Marcoses’ ill-gotten wealth. stage when common assertions are still in the process of being
formulated or are in the 'exploratory stage'."
Are the negotiations leading to a settlement on ill-gotten Issue:
wealth of the Marcoses within the scope of the constitutional Are negotiations leading to a settlement with PIATCO
within the scope of the constitutional guarantee of access to questions on:
information? 1. whether or not President Arroyo followed up the NBN
Held: 2. whether or not she directed him to prioritize it, and
Yes. Section 7, Article III of the Constitution explains the 3. whether or not she directed him to approve.
people's right to information on matters of public concern: “… He later refused to attend the other hearings and Ermita
Access to official records, and to documents, and papers sent a letter to the senate averring that the communications
pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to between GMA and Neri are privileged and that the jurisprudence
government research data used as basis for policy development, laid down in Senate vs Ermita be applied. He was cited in
shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be contempt of respondent committees and an order for his arrest
provided by law." Further, the State policy (Sec 28, Art II) of full and detention until such time that he would appear and give his
transparency in all transactions involving public interest reinforces testimony.
the people's right to information on matters of public concern.
These twin provisions of the Constitution seek to promote Issue:
transparency in policy-making and in the operations of the Are the communications elicited by the subject three (3)
government, as well as provide the people sufficient information to questions covered by executive privilege?
exercise effectively other constitutional rights.
Information on on-going evaluation or review of bids or Held:
proposals being undertaken by the bidding or review committee is The communications are covered by executive privilege
not immediately accessible under the right to information. While The revocation of EO 464 (advised executive officials and
the evaluation or review is still on-going, there are no "official acts, employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing laws
transactions, or decisions" on the bids or proposals. However, once and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case of Senate v.
the committee makes its official recommendation, there arises a Ermita when they are invited to legislative inquiries in aid of
"definite proposition" on the part of the government. legislation.), does not in any way diminish the concept of executive
privilege. This is because this concept has Constitutional
Neri v Senate Committee on Accountability The claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in
cases where the subject of inquiry relates to a power textually
Facts: committed by the Constitution to the President, such as the area of
Petitioner Neri was to testify before the Senate Blue Ribbon military and foreign relations. Under our Constitution, the
Committee on their investigation regarding the NBN-ZTE President is the repository of the commander-in-chief, appointing,
controversy. Neri admitted that the COMELEC Sec Abalos tried to pardoning, and diplomatic powers. Consistent with the doctrine of
bribe him with P200M. He further narrated that he informed separation of powers, the information relating to these powers
President Arroyo about the bribery attempt and she instructed not may enjoy greater confidentiality than others.
to accept the bribe. The right to public information, like any other right, is
However, when probed further on what they discussed subject to limitation. Section 7 of Article III provides: The right of
about the NBN Project, petitioner refused to answer, invoking the people to information on matters of public concern shall be
“executive privilege”. In particular, he refused to answer the recognized. Access to official records, and to documents, and
papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as Held:
well as to government research data used as basis for policy The pertinent portion of Section 12 of R.A. 9369 is clear in
development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such that "once an AES technology is selected for implementation, the
limitations as may be provided by law. Commission shall promptly make the source code of that
technology available and open to any interested political party or
Note: Privilege communication (state interest, Sec 24 of Rule 130 groups which may conduct their own review thereof." The
of Revised Rules on Evidence) is an exception to right of COMELEC has offered no reason not to comply with this
information. requirement of the law. Indeed, its only excuse for not disclosing
the source code was that it was not yet available when CenPEG
asked for it and, subsequently, that the review had to be done,
Center for People Empowerment v COMELEC apparently for security reason, "under a controlled environment."
The elections had passed and that reason is already stale.
Petitioner CenPEG wrote respondent COMELEC, requesting
a copy of the source code of the PCOS programs, BOC CCS RIGHT TO FORM ASSOCIATION
programs, COMELEC server programs and the in house
COMELEC program called DCS utilities. In Re: Edillon
CenPEG invoked the following pertinent portion of Section 12 of
Republic Act (R.A.) 9369, which provides: Once an AES technology Facts:
is selected for implementation, the Commission shall promptly Respondent Marcial Edillon is a duly licensed practicing
make the source code of that technology available and open to any attorney in the Philippines. The IBP Board of Governors
interested political party or groups which may conduct their own recommended to the Court the removal of his name from the Roll
review thereof. of Attorneys for “stubborn refusal to pay his membership dues” to
The COMELEC granted the request for the source code of the IBP since the latter's constitution despite of due notice.
the PCOS and the CCS, but denied that for the DCS, since the DCS Edillon contends that the provision providing for the IBP
was a "system used in processing the Lists of Voters which is not dues constitute an invasion of his constitutional rights in the sense
part of the voting, counting and canvassing systems contemplated that he is being compelled to be a member of the IBP and to pay
by R.A. 9369." According to COMELEC, if the source code for the corresponding dues.
DCS were to be divulged, unscrupulous individuals might change
the program and pass off an illicit one that could benefit certain Issue:
candidates or parties. Whether the contention is correct?
COMELEC apparently did not release even the kinds of
source code that it said it was approving for release. Held:
No. Legislation directing the integration of the Bar have
Issue: been uniformly and universally sustained as a valid exercise of
Whether the source code of the programs for the PCOS police power over an important profession.
machines is covered with the right to information? Bar integration does not compel a lawyer to associate with
anyone. He is free to attend or not to attend meetings of his
Integrated Bar Chapter or vote or refuse to vote in its election as Their exercise to discuss matter affecting their welfare or
he chooses. The only compulsion to which he is subjected is the involving public interest is not subjected to previous restraint or
payment of annual dues. The Supreme Court, in order to further subsequent punishment unless there be a showing of a clear and
the State's legitimate interest in elevating the quality of present danger to a substantive evil that the state has the right to
professional legal services, may require that the cost of improving protect. This of course is without prejudice to the right of takinf
the profession in this fashion be shared by the subjects and disciplinary action for the conduct which “materially distrupts
beneficiaries of the regulatory program – the lawyers. classworkds or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the
right of others.”

Malabanan v Ramento
United Pepsi-Cola Supervisory Union (UPSU) v Hon.
Facts: Bienvinido Laguesma
Petitioners were officers of the Supreme Student Council of
the respondent University. They soght and were granted by the Facts:
school a permit to hold a meeting from 8 am to 12 nn on August Petitioner is a union of supervisory employees of Pepsi Cola.
27, 1982. Pursuant to such permit, along with other students, they It appears that the union filed a petition for certification elecction
held a general assembly at the place indicated in such permit. At on behalf of the route managers. The petitioner, however, was
the gathering, they manifested in vehement and vigorous language denied by the med-arbiter on the ground that route managers are
their opposition to the proposed merger of the Institute of Animal managerial employees and therefore are ineligible for union
Science with the Institute of Agriculture. They marched towards membership under the labor code.
the Life Science Building and continued their rally. They rallied Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration contending
outside the area covered by the permit and beyond the time that the said provision in the labor code contravenes the
allowed. constitution.
On the same day, they were asked to explain why they
should not be held liable for the illegal assembly. On their failure Issue:
to explain, they were notified that they are preventively suspended Is the contention valid?
. They challenged the validity of their suspension on the ground of
right to peaceble assembly and free speech. Held:
No. The real intent of Art III, Sec 8 of the Constitution is the
Issue: absolute right to organize of government employees, workers,
Is there an infringement of the right to peaceable assembly supervisory employees, and security guards to be constitutionally
and its cognate right of free speech? guaranteed. By implication, no similar absolute constitutional right
to organized to labor purposes should be deemed granted to top
Held: and middle level managers.
Yes. Students does not shed their constitutional right of free There is a rational basis for prohibiting managerial
speech and peaceable assembly when they are in the premises of employees from forming or joining labor organizations – evident
their respective university. The rights to peaceable assembly and conflict of interest.
free speech are guaranteed to students of educational instituion.

Facts: Pacific Wide Realty and Development Corporation v Puerto

Petitioners are teachers from different public schools in Azul Land, Inc.
Metro Manila. On various dates in September and October 1990,
they did not report to work and instead participated in mass Facts:
actions by public schools teachers at the Liwasang Bonifacio for Puerto Azul Land, Inc. (PALI) is the owner and developer of
the purpose of petitioning the government for redress of their the Puerto Azul Complex situated in Ternate Cavite. PALI's
grievances. business did very well until 1997 during the Asian financial crisis
Petitioners were administratively charged and was found and the decline of the real estate market. Consequently, PALI was
guilty of the charges and were dismissed from services. unable to keep up with its obligations, both current and those
about to fall due. PALI filed a petition for suspension of payments
Issue: and rehabilitation.
Whether petitioner's participation in the mass action was
an exercise of their constitutional right to peaceably assembly and Issue:
petition the government for redress of grievances? Whether the rehabilitation plan are violation of the non-
impairment clause?
No. These “mass actions” were to all intents and purposes a Held:
“strike”. They constitute a concerted activity and unauthorized No. There is no violation of the impairment clause because
stoppage of, or absence from work which was the teacher's sworn this case does not involve a law or an executive order declaring
duty to perform. the modification of the contract among debtor PALI and its
The ability to strike is not essential to the right of creditors and accomodation mortgagors.
association. In the absence of statute, public employees do not Rehabilititaion contemplates a continuance of corporate life
have the right to engage in concerted work stoppages for any and activities in an effort to restore and reinstate the corporation
purpose. It is not the exercise by the petitioners of their to its former position of succesful operation and solvency. The
constitutional right to peaceable assembly that was punished, but purpose of rehailitation proceedings is to enable the company to
the manner in which they exercised such right which resulted to gain a new lease on life and thereby allow creditors to be paid
temporary stoppage or distruption of public service in various their claims from their earnings. The rehabilitation of a financially
public schools in Metro Manila. There are efficient and non- distressed corporation benefits its employees, creditors,
disruptive avenues, other than the mass actions in question, stockholders, and in a larger sense, the general public.
whereby petitioners could petition the government for redress of
Alvarez v PICOP Resources, Inc.

PICOP filed with the DENR an application to have its
Timber License Agreement (TLA) converted into IFMA but was
denied. PICOP filed before the RTC a petition for mandamus
against the DENR for unlawfully refusing and/or neglecting to sign Held:
and execute the IFMA contract of PICOP even as the latter has Petitioner has no personality to invoke the non-impairment
complied with all the legal requirements. The cause of the petition of contract clause on behalf of private investors in the tollway
of PICOP is that – the government is bound by contract, a 1969 projects. She will neither be prejudiced by nor be affected by the
document signed by the then President Marcos, to enter into and alleged dimunition in the return of investment that may result
IFMA (Integrated Forest Management Agreement) with PICOP. from the VAT imposition. She has no interest at all in the profits
earned under the Tollways Operation Agreement. The interest and
Issue: the right to recover investments solely belongs to the private
Whether the IFMA is recognized under the non-impairment investors. Her allegation that private investor's rate of recovery
clause by which the government may be bound? will be adversely affected by imposing VAT on tollway operations is
purely speculative.
No. IFMA is a timber license. In Oposa v Factoran it was
held that timber license is not a contract within the purview of the FREE ACCESS TO COURTS
non-impairment clause . All licenses may be revoked or rescinded
by an executive or legislative action. It is not a contract, property Re: Request of the National Committee on Legal Aid to
or a property right protected by the due process clause of the Exempt Clients from Paying Filing, Docket, and other Fees
Note: Supreme Court granted petition and commend the efforts of
the National Committee on Legal Aid.
Diaz v Secretary of Finance


Petitioner Diaz filed a petition for declaratory relief
assailing the validity of the impending imposition of the value-
added tax (VAT) by the BIR on the collections of tollway operators. UN Convention Against Torture
Petitioner hold the view that Congress did not, when it
enacted the NIRC, intend to include toll fees within the meaning of Note: Read full text.
“sales of services” that are subject to VAT; that a toll fee is a “user
tax”, not a sale of services; that to impose VAT on toll fees would
amount to a tax on public service; and that since VAT was never RA 9745 – Anti-Torture Act of 2009
factored into the formula for computing toll fees, its imposition
would violate the non-impairment clause of the Constitution. Note: Read full text. Anti-Torture Act was a product of our
international commitment, being a signatory to the UN Convention
Issue: Against Torture the Philippine Congress enacted it.
Whether the petitioner has the personality to invoke the
non-impairment clause?
RA 7438 – Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained or Under see to it that this is accomplished. No custodial investigation shall
Custodial Investigation be coducted unless it be in the presence of counsel engage by the
person arrest, by any person on his behalf or appointed by the
Note: Sec 2(d) has been declared unconstitutional. Extrajudicial court. The right to counseld may be waived but the waiver shall
confession must be in writing and signed by the accused with the not be valid unless with the assistance of counsel. Any statement
assistance of a counsel. obtained in violation of the procedure harein laid down, whether
exculpatory or inculpatory, in whole or in part, shall be
inadmissible in evidence.
New Rules of Inquest Proceedings Subch a long question followed by a monosyllabic answer
does not satisfy the requirementd of the law that the accused be
Note: Inquest v Preliminary Investigation informed of his rights under the Constitution and laws. Instead
there should be several short and clear questions and every right
explained in simple words in a dialect or language known to the
People v Galit person under investigation. Accusedd is from Samar and there is
no showing that he understands Tagalog. Moreover, at the time of
Facts: his arrest, accused was not permitted to communicate with his
Francisco Galit was arrested for the killing of Natividad lawyer, a relative or a friend. In fact, his sister and other relatives
Fernando on the occasion of a robbery. He was detained and did not know that he has been brought to te NBI for investigation
interrogated almost continuously for 5 days. He consistently and it was only about 2 weeks after he had executed the Salaysay
maintained his innocence. The was no other evidence to link him that his relative were allowed to see him. His statement does not
to the crime. The interrogating officers began to maul and torture even contain any waiver of right to counself and yet during
him physically. Thereafter he admitted what the investigating investigation he was not assisted by one. At the supposed re-
officers wanted him to admit. He then signed the confession they enactment, again the accused was not assisted by counsel of his
prepared. choice. These constitute grave violations of his rights.
The alleged confession and the pictures of the supposed re-
Issue: enactment are inadmissible as evidence because they were
Whether confession is admissible in evidence? obtained in a manner contrary to law.

No. At the time a person is arrested, it shall be the duty of People v Ordoo
the arresting officer to inform him of the reason for the arrest and
he must be shown the warrant of arrest, if any. He shall be Facts:
informed of his constitutional rights to remain silend and to Ordoo and Medina went to the police station to confess for
counsel, and that any statement he might make could be used the crime of rape with homicide they have committed. The
against him. The person arrested shall have the right to investigators however could not at once get the services of a
communicate with his lawyer, a relative, or anyone he chooses by lawyer to assist the two (2) accused in the course of the
the most expedient means – by telephone if possible or by letter or investigation because there was no practicing lawyer in the area
messenger. It shall be the responsibility of the arresting officer to because it was a remote town in La Union. Despite of the absence
of counsel, statements were taken from the accused after they the crime. After vice-mayor attended the funeral of the child, he
have been informed, in their own dialect, of their right to remain visited the accused where the latter allegedly confessed the
silent and to be assisted by a competent and independent counsel commission of the offense.
of their own choice. The said investigation was conducted with the
parish priest, the municipal mayor, the chief of police and other Issue:
police officers. Whether Lugod's alleged confession to the mayor and vice
The accused however made an admission to an interview mayor can be used against him?
taken by the DZNL radio announcer.
Issue: No. Confession must be categorical. The records do not
Whether the extrajudicial confession is admissible in support the confession allegedly made by Lugod to the mayor and
evidence? the vice mayor. The mayor did not testify in the trial while the vice
Whether the admission of the accused to the radio mayor's testimony with respect to the alleged confession made by
announcer is admissible in evidence? Lugod is not conclusive. Lugod merely responded to the
ambiguous questions that the vice-mayor propounded to him. He
Held: did not state in certain and categorical terms that he raped and
No. The extrajudicial confession is inadmissible in evidence killed the child.
because it was taken without the presence of the accused's
counself. Custodial investigation began when the accused Ordoo
and Medina went to the police station to confess and the People v Taboga
investigating officer started asking questions and/or confession
from them. From that point, the right of the accused to counsel Facts:
automatically attached to them. Taboga was charged with Robbery with Homicide and
Yes. Admissions or confessions made before radio/tv Arson. He admitted the killing of Tubon and set the tobacco stored
reporter is admissible in evidence except it can be shown that the inside her house on fire, causing the whole house to be burned.
police officer and radio/tv reporter collude with police officer in Police officers prepared a written extajudicial confession for
order to obtain confession or admission. Taboga, but the latter refused to sign the confession upon the
advice of his lawyer. The following day, a radio reporting of DZNA
went to the police station to interview the accused. Taboga
People v Lugod admitted the killing of the deceased and setting her and her house
on fire over the radio taped.
On September 15, 1997, Naribe Ramos was found missing Issue:
in their house. The police officer made search to look for the child. Whether the extrajudicial confession made by the accused
While on search, they found a shit hanging on a guava tree. On the to the radio reporter is admissible in evidence?
basis of a shirt and a pair of slippers, police officers arrested
Lugod. At first Lugod denied that he raped and killed the child but Held:
threafter admitted it but refused to make a statement regarding Yes. Such confession did not form part of custodial
investigation. It was not given to police officers but to a media man admissiosn or confessions made by a suspect in the commission of
in an apparent attempt to elicit sympathy. The record even a crime before he is placed under investigation. What the
discloses that accused admitted to the barangay capatin the he Constitution bars is the compulsory disclosure of incriminating
clubbed and stabbed the viicted even before the police started facts or confessions. In the case, Juanito voluntarily narrated to the
investigating him at the police station. barangay captain that he raped and killed the victim. This
There is nothing in the record to show that the radio narration was spontaneous answer, freely and voluntarily given in
annoucer colluded with the police officer to elicit inculpatory an authority given in an ordinary manner. It was before he was
evidence against the accused. He was informed at the outset by arrested or placed under the custody for investigation in
the radio announcer that he was a reported who will be connecttion with the commission of the offense.
interviewing him to het his side of the incident. No. There is merit in the accused's claim that his
constitutional rights during custodial investigation were violated
by Judge Dicon when the latter propounded to him incriminating
People v Baloloy qusetions without informing him of his constitutional rights. It is
settled that at the moment the accused voluntarily surrenders to,
Facts: or is arrested by, the police officers, the custodial investigation is
On August 3, 1995 at the waterfalls, a dead body of a girl deemed to have started. He could not henceforth be asked about
was found. The one who cause the discovery of the body was the his complicity in the offense without the assistace of counsel.
accused Baloloy who claimed to have found the body while he was
catching frogs in a nearby creek. At the wake, accused Baloloy
confessed to the barangay captain that he only wanterd to frighten
the girl but ended up raping and throwing her body in the ravine. PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE
While in the custody of the authorities, he was asked incriminating
questions by Judge Dicon. Judge Dicon justified his actions saying Agullo v Sandiganbayang
that accused was not yet in custodial investigation.
Issues: Petitioner was charged of malversation as a result of an
Whether Baloloy's extrajudicial confessioin before the audit conducted which resulted a cash shortage. During trial,
barangay captain is admissible in evidence against him? petitioner conceded the fact of audit and admitted the findings in
Whether Baloloy's extrajudicial confessioin before the Judge the Report of Cash Examination. In effect she admitted the fact of
Dicon is admissible in evidence against him? shortage. Notwithstanding, she, at all stage of the trial,
persistently professed her innocence of the charge and
Held: categorically denied having malversed or converted the public
Yes. As to his confession with the barangay captain, it has funds in question for her own personal use or benefit. With
been held that the constitutional provision of custodial petitioner’s admission of the fact of cash shortage, the prosecution
investigation but does not apply to spontaneous statement, not then rested its case. The Sandiganbayan convicted her of the
elicited through questioning by the authorities but given in an crime charged
ordinary manner wehreby the suspect orally admits having
committed the crime (res gestae). Neither can it apply to Issue:
Whether there is a violation of her right to be presumed is accordingly vested on the prosecution. In acquitting the herein
innocent? appellant, this Court is not decreeing that he did not participate in
the killing. It is merely ruling that the state failed to present
Held: sufficient evidence to overturn the constitutional presumption of
Yes. Upon thorough scrutiny of the evidence, petitioner has innocence.
satisfactorily overcome and rebutted by competent proof the prima
facie evidence of conversion as to exonerate her from the charge.
The Sandiganbayan, in convicting petitioner, obviously relied more People v Ronaldo de Guzman
on the flaws and deficiencies in the evidence presented by the
defense, not on the strength and merit of the prosecution’s Facts:
evidence. In a case for violation of RA 9165 (Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), Rolando de Guzman was found
guilty by the RTC and his conviction was affirmed by the CA.
People v Bato On appeal, he argued that the prosecution failed to show
that the police officers complied with the mandatory procedures
Facts: under R.A. No. 9165. In particular, he points to the fact that the
Sergio and Abraham Bato were indicted of the crime of seized items were not marked immediately after his arrest; that
murder and was sentence a penalty of reclusion perpetua. They the police officers failed to make an inventory of the seized items
appealed. their conviction and maintained that their identification in his presence or in the presence of his counsel and of a
as the alleged perpetrators of Ernesto’s murder is merely an representative from the media and from the Department of Justice
afterthought, necessitated by a death of strong evidence on the (DOJ); and that no photographs were taken of the seized items and
part of the prosecution. of appellant. Appellant also claims that the unbroken chain of
custody of the evidence was not established.
Whether there is a violation of his right to be presumed Issue:
innocent? Presumption of innocence v presumption of regularity?

Held: Held:
The circumstantial evidence adduced by the prosecution The presumption of regularity in the performance of official
fails to evoke moral certainty that appellants are guilty. The duty cannot by itself overcome the presumption of innocence nor
totality of the prosecution evidence does not constitute an constitute proof beyond reasonable doubt. Moreover, the failure to
unbroken chain leading beyond reasonable doubt to the guilt of observe the proper procedure negates the operation of the
the accused. The Constitution mandates that an accused shall be presumption of regularity accorded to police officers. As a general
presumed innocent until the contrary is proven beyond reasonable rule, the testimonies of the police officers who apprehended the
doubt. Where the State fails to meet the quantum of proof required accused are accorded full faith and credit because of the
to overcome the constitutional presumption, the accused is presumption that they have performed their duties regularly. But
entitled to an acquittal regardless of the weakness or even the when the performance of their duties is tainted with failure to
absence of his defense. By constitutional fiat, the burden of proof comply with the procedure and guidelines prescribed, the
presumption is effectively destroyed. Thus, even if the defense Held:
evidence is weak, the prosecution’s whole case still falls. The Yes. The Supreme Court ruled that the desire to speed up
evidence for the prosecution must stand or fall on its own weight the disposition of cases should not be effected at the sacrifice of
and cannot be allowed to draw strength from the weakness of the the basic rights of the accused. Citing People vs. Domingo (55
defense. SCRA 243-244): the trial courts should exercise solicitous care
before sentencing the accused on a plea of guilty especially in
capital offenses by first insuring that the accused fully
RIGHT TO BE HEARD understands the gravity of the offense, the severity of the
consequences attached thereto as well as the meaning and
People v Magsi significance of his plea of guilty; and that the prudent and proper
thing to do in capital cases is to take testimony, to assure the court
Facts: that the accused has not misunderstood the nature and effect of
Soon after appellant was apprehended on August 20, 1970, his plea of guilty. Mere pro-forma appointment of de officio
his arraignment was scheduled before the Criminal Circuit counsel, who fails to genuinely protect the interests of the
Court of San Fernando, La Union. The case was actually set accused, resetting of hearing by the court for alleged reception of
and rescheduled for six (6) times, first of which was on August 1, evidence when in fact none was conducted, perfunctory queries
1970. On that date, despite appointment by the court of Atty. addressed to the accused whether he understands the charges and
Mario Rivera as de officio counsel for the accused, hearing was re- the gravity of the penalty, are not sufficient compliance.
set to September 8, 1970 on motion of Atty. Rivera, who was
prompted to ask for it because of accused desire to be represented
by a de parte counsel. Prior to the next hearing, Atty. Rivera moved People v Rivera
to withdraw as de officio counsel and it was favorably acted on by
the court on September 7, 1970. At the second hearing on Facts:
September 8, 1970, for failure of the de officio and de parte Accused was charged of the crime of rape and was found
counsels to appear, despite a second call of the case, the hearing guilty of the charged. Aggrieved he appealed his conviction and
was re-set for the next day and the court appointed Atty. claims that claims that he was denied the same because: (a) the
Dominador Cariaso de officio counsel for the accused. On the third trial judge disallowed his lawyer from cross-examining Erlanie
hearing date, neither the de parte nor the de officio counsel was in Rivera concerning the latter’s sworn statements on the ground of
Court, so Atty. Rivera was reappointed that day as de officio irrelevance and immateriality; (b) the trial court denied the motion
counsel for arraignment purposes only. The accused del Rosario made by accused-appellant’s counsel de oficio to postpone the
entered a plea of guilty but qualified it with the allegation that he cross-examination of Dr. Barin, the examining physician, because
committed the crime out of fear of his co-accused Eloy Magsi and of which the said counsel consequently waived the cross-
the other coaccused. Appellant was found guilty if murder and examination of Dr. Barin; (c) the judge propounded numerous
made to suffer the death penalty. questions to accused-appellant during his cross-examination by the
prosecutor; and (d) the trial court’s decision was promulgated just
Issue: one day after accused-appellant submitted his memorandum.
Whether his right to be heard was violated?
Whether his rights has been violated? With leave of court (permission of court), if demurrer is
then denied, accused may proceed with presenting his evidence.
Held: Without leave of court, if demurrer is denied, constitute a waiver
Procedural due process simply means that a person must be of the accused's right to present evidence.
heard before he is condemed. The Supreme Court held that they
find no merit in accused-appellant’s argument that he was denied
due process considering the speed with which the trial court RIGHT TO BE INFORMED
rendered judgment against him, which judgment was promulgated
one day after he filed his memorandum. The decision rendered by People v Bayya
the trial court gives a clear account of the facts and the law on
which it is based. It discusses in full the court’s findings on the Facts:
credibility of both the prosecution and defense witnesses and its Accused was charged of the crime of rape committed
evaluation of the evidence of both parties. against his 12 year-old daughter. The trial court rendered the
judgment of conviction sentencing the accused to suffer the
ultimate penalty of death under RA 7659 (Heinous Crime Law).
People v Alcanzado The accused, on appeal, questioned the penalty imposed
considering that the Information is silent about the applicability of
Facts: the same. He alleged that he was denied of his right to be
Accused was charged of the crime of murder. During trial, informed of the nature and the cause of accusation against him.
the defense filed a motion for demurrer of evidence upon prior
leave of court. The motion was denied and promulgated judgement Issue:
without first giving appellant the opportunity to present his Whether he has been denied of his right?
Issue: The objectives of the defendant's right to be informed are:
Whether accused's right to tbe heard was violated? (1) to furnish the accused with such a description of the charge
against him as will enable him to make the defense; (2) to avail
Held: himself of his conviction or acquittal for protection against further
Yes. The trial court violated Sec 15 of Rule 119. Appellant prosecution for the same cause; and (3) to inform the court of the
had filed a motion for leave to file a demurrer to evidence which facts alleged, so that it may decide whether they are sufficient in
was granted by the RTC and therefore upon denial of his demurrer, law to support a conviction, if one should be had.
if indeed it was denied, the trial court should have given appellant The Information does not allege the minority of the victim
the opportunity to present his evidence. Equally astonishing is the although the same was proven during trial as borne by the
fact that appellant’s counsel did not raise said irregularity as an records. It matters not how conclusive and convincing evidence of
issue in the RTC or in this Court. In effect, appellant has not been guilt may be, but an accused cannot be convicted of any offense
accorded due process. not charged in the Complaint or Information on which he is tried
or therein necessarily included.
Nota Bene: Criminal procedure The Information charges nothing more than simple rape as
absent is the special qualifying circumstances of relationship and =D
minority which had the capacity of increasing the penalty by
degrees. Held:
Minority as a qualifying circumstance, it must be proved
with equal certainty and clearness as the crime itself.
People v Malansing

Facts: Teves v Sandiganbayan

Accused was charged of two counts of murder. The trial
court rendered judgment imposing a penalty of death appreciating Facts:
the aggravating circumstances of superior strength and nocturnity. Teves, former Mayor of Valencia, Negros Occidental was
None of the aggravating circumstances were alleged in the charged for violation of Sec 3(j) of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and
Information. Corrupt Practices Act). They were convicted of having a direct
financial or pecuniary interest in the Valencia Cockpit and
Issue: Recreation Center prohibited under Section 89(2) of the LGC of
Whether the accused's right to be informed has been 1991, which is essentially different from the offense with which
violated? they were charged. Thus, the petitioners insist that their
Held: constitutional right to be informed of the nature and cause of the
Yes. The Supreme Court ruled that none of the aggravating accusation against them.
circumstances were alleged in the informations nor in the
amended informations with specificity as a qualifying circumstance Issue:
elevating either killing to murder. Thus, the offenses committed by Whether his right to be informed has been violated?
accused only constitute two counts of homicide and not murder.
Held: Variance doctrine.
Nota Bene: What has not been alleged, even if proven, may not be No. The Supreme Court held that petitioners can be
appreciated. convicted of second mode of violation of Section 3(h) of the Anti-
Graft Law, which is possession of a prohibited interest considering
that it was not charged in the information.
People v Alvarado It is clear that the essential ingredients of the offense
proved constitute or form part of those constituting the offense
Facts: charged. Put differently, the first and second elements of the
Accused was charged of the crime of rape committed offense charged, as alleged in the information, constitute the
against his 14-year old daughter, Arlene. The Information alleged offense proved. Hence, the offense proved is necessarily included
that on the date of the rape, Arlene was 14-years old. The accused in the offense charged, or the offense charged necessarily includes
confirmed that but Arlene's mother testified that she was just 13. the offense proved. The variance doctrine thus finds application to
this case, thereby warranting the conviction of petitioner Edgar
Issue: Teves for the offense proved.
Uhmm... Daw wala man xa relationship sa right to be hear..
of publicity. Indeed, their 26-page Resolution carries no
indubitable indicia of bias for it does not appear that they
RIGHT TO SPEEDY, IMPARTIAL AND PUBLIC TRIAL considered any extra-record evidence except evidence properly
adduced by the parties. The length of time the investigation was
RA 8493 – Speedy Trial Act conducted despite its summary nature and the generosity with
which they accommodated the discovery motions of petitioners
Note: Read the text. Take note of the salient features e.g. time speak well of their fairness. At no instance, we note, did
prescribed, fines and sanctions. petitioners seek the disqualification of any member of the DOJ
Panel on the ground of bias resulting from their bombardment of
Estrada v Desierto prejudicial publicity.

After his depose to power, several investigations were Re: Petition for Radio and and Television Coverage of the
conducted by the Ombudsman. Estrada contends that respondent Ampatuan Massacre
Ombudsman should be enjoined from conducting investigation of
cases filed against him due to barrage of prejudicial publicity of his Facts:
guilt. Following the Maguindanao Massacre, Petitioner seek the
lifting of the absolute ban on live television coverage of court
Issue: proceedings.
Public trial v. Publicity trial?
Held: Grant or not? Public trial is different from publicity trial.
The Court recognize that pervasive and prejudicial publicity
under certain circumstances can deprive an accused of his due Held:
process right to fair trial. Thus, in Martelino, et al. vs. Alejandro, et The Court partially grants the petitioner's prayer for a live
al., we held that to warrant a finding of prejudicial publicity broadcast of the trial court proceeding, subject to guidelines.
there must be allegation and proof that the judges have “Totality of circumstances” test – the right of an accused to
been unduly influenced, not simply that they might be, by the a fair trial is not incompatible to a free press, that pervasive
barrage of publicity. In the case at bar, we find nothing in the publicity is not per se prejudicial to the right of an accused to a
records that will prove that the tone and content of the publicity fair trial, and that there must be an allegation and proof of the
that attended the investigation of petitioners fatally infected the impaired capacity of a judge to render a bias-free decision.
fairness and impartiality of the DOJ Panel. Petitioners cannot just
rely on the subliminal effects of publicity on the sense of fairness
of the DOJ Panel, for these are basically unbeknown and beyond
knowing. To be sure, the DOJ Panel is composed of an Assistant RIGHT TO MEET THE WITNESSES FACE TO FACE
Chief State Prosecutor and Senior State Prosecutors. Their long *Right to Cross-Examine the Witnesses
experience in criminal investigation is a factor to consider in
determining whether they can easily be blinded by the klieg lights Carriaga v CA
presented as a witness. SPO1 Gonzales had no personal knowledge
Facts: of the same and thus, his testimony is hearsay. It cannot be given
Jonathan Carriaga was charged of qualified theft for any probative value unless it can be shown that it falls within the
stealing electrical wires (company property). The trial court exception to the hearsay rule. To rule otherwise, would render the
admitted in evidence the testimony of Ricardo Carriaga who did constitutional right of an accused to confront his witnesses face to
not testify in open court during the criminal proceedngs. face.

Issue: Nota Bene: It is case to case basis. Read it with People v Ricardo
Whether the right of the accused to meet the witnesses face and compare the two. Spoiler alert! In Ong the confidential
to face has been violated? informant acted as posuer buyer and no one else could testify on
the alleged illegal sale but in Ricardo, the confidential informant
Held: went to the police station, tipped police officers. A police officer
Yes. The testimony of a witness who has not been submitted acted as poseur buyer, hence the presentation of the confidential
himself to cross-examination is not admissible in evidence. The informant is not indespensable.
affidavits of witnesses who were not present during trial – thus,
were not subjected to cross-examination – are inadmissible in
evidence because they are hearsay. This rules is an People v Ricardo Bohol
implementating translation of the constitutional right of an
accused to meet the witnesses (against him) face to face. Facts:
A confidential informant came to the police station and
People v Ong tipped a police officer that certain Ricardo is engaged in illegal
drug trade. A team was created to verify the tip and was found
Facts: positive. Thereafter, they launch a buy-bust entrapment. PO2
Accused was charged with violation of RA 6425 (Dangerous Estrada was assigned to act as posuer buyer.
Drugs Act of 1972). During trial, the prosecution did not present The accused was found guilty of the crime charge.
the confidential informant who acted a poseur buyer. Instead they Aggrieved, he appeal his case. He contends that his right to meet
presented the testimony of SPO1 Gonzales. his witnesses face to face has been violated because the
confidential informant was not presented in court.
Whether the non-presentation of the confidential informant Issue:
who acted as poseur buyer during the buy-bust and the admission Whether the accused's right has been violated?
in evidence of the testimony of SPO1 Gonzales violated the
accused's right to meet his witnesses face to face? Held:
No. Ricardo cannot insist on the presentation of the
Held: informant in court as informant's presence is no a requisite in the
Yes. In the case, the confidential informant acted as the prosecution of drug case. The police officers were able to testify
posuer buyer and had the sole knowledge of how the alleged postively and categorically that the transaction or sale actually
illegal sale of shabu started and how it was perfected was not tookplace and that the subject shabu could be likewise identified
by the prosecution when presented in court.
People v Malimit


Accused was charged and convicted of the special complex
People v Chua crime of robbery with homicide and was meted the penalty of
reclusion perpetua.
Facts: On appeal, appellant assigned several errors, among others
Alicia Chua was found guilty of the charged of illegal – in admitting as evidence the wallet and its contents although the
recruitment committed in large scale and 8 counts of estafa. circumstances which lead to its production was obtained in
On appeal, Chua anchors her defense on the approval of her violation of his constitutional rights as an accused.
application for a license to recruit on April 13, 1993, which
according to her, rendered her a genuine holder of authority. She Issue:
also claimed that she was denied of her right to compulsory Whether his right to against self-incrimination has been
process. violated?

Issue: Held:
Whether she has been denied of her right to compulsory No. The right against self-incrimination applies only to
processes? testimonial compulsion. It does not apply to the instant case
where the evidence sought to be excluded is not an incriminating
Held: statement by an object evidence.
No. The 1973 and 1987 Constitution expanded the right to
compulsory process which now includes the right to secure the
production of evidence in one's behalf. By analogy, US v Ramirez People v Rondero
which laid down the requisites for compelling the attendance of
witnesses, may be applied to this expanded concept. Thus, the Facts:
movant must show: a) evidence is really material; b) that he is not Rondero was charged with special complex crime of rape
guilty of neglect in previously obtaining the production of such with homicide. While in the custody of the police officers, some of
evidence; c) that the evidence will be available at the time desired; his hair strands were taken from him without his consent amd was
and d) that no similar evidence could be obtained. submitted to NBI for DNA testing.
In the case, the trial court correctly denied Chua's motion Accused alleged that his right against self-incrimination has
for the production of the records which were the basis of issuing been violated.
the POEA Certification dated February 3, 1994, as the same would
not in an way alter the undisputed fact that the appellant was not Issue:
issued a license until then. Whether his right has been violated?

RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION No. Sec 12 and Sec 17 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution
recognizes the fact that the psychological if no physical Query: But does the affixing of signature signify owning to the
atmosphere of custodial investigation in the absence of procedural possession of pifered materials. Hence, implied admission of guilt?
safeguards is inherently coercived in nature. However, compulsion
does not necessarily connote the use of violence, it may be a
product of unintentional statements. Pressure which operates to Bengzon v Senate Blue Ribbon Committee
overbear his will, disable him from making a free and rational
choice or impair his capacity for making rational judgment would Facts:
be sufficient. So is moral compulsion tending to force testimony The Republic of the Philippines, represented by the
from the unwilling lips of the defendant. Presidential Commission on Good Governance (PCGG), filed a
What was actually proscribed is the use of physical or moral complaint with the Sandiganbayan against petitioners in this case
compulsion to extort communication from an accused and not the on the alleged having engaged with former preseident Marcos in
inclusion of his body in evidence when it may be material. schemes and strategems to unjustly enrich themselves at the
expense of the Filipino people.
The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee (SBRC) started its own
Marcelo v Sandiganbayan investigation through a hearing and invited Lopa and Bengzon to
testify to which they declined. Petitioner claims that the SBRC in
Facts: requiring his attendance and testimony acted in excess of its
After being arrested by the NBI for pilferage of mail matter jurisdiction and legislative purpose.
in the post office, the petitioner and his companions were asked to
affix their signatures on the evelops of the letters, which
constitutes the corpus delicti of the crime. Issue:
Appealing his conviction for qualified theft by the Whether the right to remain silent extends to administrative
Sandiganbayan, the petitioner invokes the Beltran v Samson ruling investigations?
in arguing that the signing of his name was not a mere mechanical
act but one which required the use of intelligence and therefore Held:
constitute self-incrimination. Yes (with qualification), the right of an accused to remain
silent in criminal cases also extends to respondent in
Issue: administrative investigation but only if they partake of the nature
Whether the act of signing constitutes self-incrimination? of a criminal proceeding. This is not so in this case. (Note: The
Court already held that the inquiry is not in aid of legislation, the
Held: petitioner therein cannot be compelled to testify.)
No. The use of specimen handwriting in Beltran is different
from the use of petitioner's signature in this case. In that case, the
purpose was to show that accused was the author of the crime People v Gallarde
(falsification) while in this case the purpose for securing the
signature of petitioner on the evelops was merely to authenticate Facts:
the evelops as the one seized from him. Gallarde was charged with the special complex crime of
rape with homicide. Right after the incident, he was apprehended
by the police men who took photos of him without the assistance of Whether the imposition of death penalty is unconstitutional
a counsel. for violating prohibition agaisnt cruel, degarding and inhuman
Whether the accused's right against self-incrimination has Held:
been violated? No. Death penalty is not per se cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment. In the oft-cited casse of Harden v Director, it was held
Held: that “punishment are cruel when they involved torture or a
No. The constitutional right of the accused against self- lingering death; but the punishment of death is not cruel, within
incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral compulsion o the meaning of that word used in the constitution. It implies
extort communication from the accused and not the inclusion of something inhuman and barbarous, something more than mere
his body in evidence when it may be material. Purely mechanical extinguishment of life.
acts are not included in the prohibition as the accused does not
thereby speak his guilt, hence the assistance and guidinghand of a
counsel is not required. People v Mercado
The essence of the right against self-incrimination is
testimonial compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against Facts:
himself through a testimonial act. Accused were charged of the crime of kidnapping with
murder and meted a penalty of death. Accused assails the
constitutionality of RA 8177 (Death by Lethal Injections) and RA
RIGHT AGAINST CRUEL, DEGRADING AND INHUMAN 7659 (Imposition of Death Penalty in Heinous Crimes).
Whether RA 8177 (Death by Lethal Injections) and RA 7659
RA 9745 – Anti-Torture Act of 2009 (Imposition of Death Penalty in Heinous Crimes) are
Note: Read full text. Take note of salient features e.g. prohibit acts,
offenders, definitions. This law was passed, like others, because of Held:
our international commitment. No. It is settled that death penalty is no per se cruel,
degrading or inhuman punishment. In the oft-cited casse of
Harden v Director, it was held that “punishment are cruel when
People v Echegaray they involved torture or a lingering death; but the punishment of
death is not cruel, within the meaning of that word used in the
Facts: constitution. It implies something inhuman and barbarous,
Echegarary was charged of raping his 10-year old daughter something more than mere extinguishment of life. The lack of
and was meted a penalty of death. particularity as to the details involve in the execution by lethal
injection does not render the said law cruel, degrading or
Issues: inhuman.
(3) the second jeopardy must be for the same offense, or the
second offense includes or is necessarily included in the offense
RIGHT AGAINST DOUBLE JEOPARDY charged in the first information, or is an attempt to commit the
same or is a frustration thereof
Cuizon v CA And legal jeopardy attaches only:
(a) upon a valid indictment;
Facts: (b) before a competent court;
Cuizon was charged of the crime of double homicide and (c) after arraignment;
was meted a penalty of imprisonment and was ordered to (d) [when] a valid plea has been entered; and
indemnify the heirs of the victims in the amount of P30,000 each. (e) the case was dismissed or otherwise terminated without the
On appeal, the CA affirmed the decision with modification as to the express consent of the accused
amount of civil indemnity. It was increased to P50,000 each. As a rule, a criminal prosecution includes a civil action for
Accused petitioned for review but the SC denied the said the recovery of indemnity. Hence, a decision in such case disposes
petition and remanded the case to the trial court. The respondent of both the criminal as well as the civil liabilities of an accused.
court promulgated the decision of the CA only with the respect to Here, trial court promulgated only the civil aspect of the case, but
the modified civil liability of the accused but did not commit the not the criminal.
accused to jail to commence service of his sentence. The promulgation by Judge Ramos of the Respondent’s
The Solicitor-General filed a motion for clarity of decision. court decision on April 4, 1995 did not terminate the criminal
The CA Appeals simply modified the appealed decision of the court cases against the petitioner. The first jeopardy did not attached at
a quo in one respect only - the increase of the indemnity to be paid that point.
by the appellant to the heirs of the victims from P30,000.00 to The promulgation of the CA Decision was not complete and
P50,000.00 as ruled in various cases. The penalty imposed by the void. In excess of its jurisdiction, the trial judge rendered a
lower court was not touched on at all by this Court. substantially incomplete promulgation on April 4, 1995, and he
Acting on the motion to clarify decision the Court had repeated his mistake in his April 12, 1996 Order. We emphasize
affirmed the decision of the trial court with regard to the penalty that grave abuse of discretion rendered the act of the trial court
of imprisonment imposed. This clarification is not an amendment, void. Since the criminal cases have not yet been terminated, the
modification, correction or alteration to an already final decision. first jeopardy has not yet attached. Hence, double jeopardy cannot
It is conceded that such cannot be done anymore. prosper as a defense.
We must stress that Respondent Court’s questioned
Issue: Decision did not modify or amend its July 30, 1991 Decision. It
Whether the accused's right against double jeopardy has merely ordered the promulgation of the judgment of conviction
been violated? and the full execution of the penalty it had earlier imposed on
No. To substantiate a claim of double jeopardy, the
following must be proven: Almario v CA
(1) a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the second;
(2) the first jeopardy must have been validly terminated; Facts:
Petitioner was one of the accused for estafa thru counsel for petitioner moved for dismissal of this case, because of
falsification of public document and for estafa. When the case was the absence of the private prosecutor due to a severe attack of
called for hearing, private complainant was not present despite of gout and arthritis, although he had sent his associate lawyer
notice. The counsel for the accused moved for the dismissal of the acceptable to the court.
case on the ground of violation of the right to speedy trial. The There being no oppressive delay in the proceedings, and no
case against the accused was dismissed pursuant to an order postponements unjustifiably sought, the right of the accused to
dated September 8, 1995. The respondent court in its order dated speedy trial had not been violated. For this reason, private
October 25, 1995 reconsidered and set aside the order dated respondents cannot invoke their right against double jeopardy.
September 8, 1995. Petitioner sought for reconsideration but it
was denied. Nota Bene: When confronted with a problem involving right to
Petitioner filed before the CA a petition for certiorari, speedy trial, it is case to case basis and factual. Study the facts
prohibition and mandamus with preliminary injunction against the carefully and decide whether there has been an undue delay. =D
presiding judge of RTC. However it was denied and sustained the
trial court. Hence, this instant petition. Manantan v CA

Issue: Facts:
Whether or not there was a violation of the doctrine of When Manantan was driving a Toyota car going home with
double jeopardy, as the criminal cases were initially dismissed for his friends (Ambrocio, Tabangin, Nicolas), there was a jeepney
an alleged violation of petitioner’s constitutional right to a speedy suddenly came from the opposite direction hit the driver side of
trial? the car. Consequently, Nicolas, Manantan’s friend, died. Trial
Held: The lower court acquitted the accused of the crime of
The order of dismissal based on a violation of the right to reckless imprudence resulting to homicide. The respondents filed
speedy trial was made upon motion by counsel for petitioner their notice of appeal on the civil aspect of the lower court’s
before the trial court. It was made at the instance of the accused judgment. Even if the accused was acquitted from his criminal
before the trial court, and with his express consent. Generally, the liability, the appellate court held him civilly liable and ordered him
dismissal of a criminal case resulting in acquittal made with the to indemnify the aggrieved party for the death of Nicolas
express consent of the accused or upon his own motion will not
place the accused in double jeopardy. Issue:
However, double jeopardy may attach when there is: Whether or not Manantan was placed on double jeopardy?
1.)insufficiency of evidence; and 2.)denial of the right to speedy
trial Held:
As observed by respondent appellate court, delay in the Manantan claimed that he was placed on double jeopardy
trial was due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties but the courts did not give merit to this contention. The following
and of the trial court. The first and third postponements were elements must be present for double jeopardy to exist: (1) A first
clearly justified on the ground of lack of notice to accused, co- jeopardy must have attached prior to the second; (2) The first
accused, and/or counsel. Another was made without objection jeopardy must have terminated; and (3) the third jeopardy must be
from petitioner’s counsel. However, on September 8, 1995, for the same offense as the first.
The records clearly show that no second criminal offense in double jeopardy.
was being imputed to petitioner on appeal. In modifying the lower The rule, of course, is not absolute. In an instance where
court’s judgment, the appellate court did not modify the judgment the discharged accused fails to fulfill his part of the bargain and
of acquittal. Nor did it order the filing of a second criminal case refuses to testify against his co-accused, the benefit of his
against petitioner for the same offense. Obviously, therefore, there discharge can be withdrawn and he can again be prosecuted for
was no second jeopardy to speak of. Petitioner’s claim of having the same offense.
been placed in double jeopardy is incorrect.

Marciales v CA
People v Feliciano
Facts: A criminal case for rape with homicide, in connection with
the death of one Maritess Ricafort Merciales, was filed against the
Rodel de la Cruz and Carlos Feliciano were the accused for private respondents. The said cases were consolidated in Branch
the death of a particular Teresita Fuentes. Carlos Feliciano and 8, presided over by the respondent judge.
Rodel de la Cruz were arraigned and the two accused entered a During the trial, after presenting seven witnesses, the
plea of not guilty. However, upon the motion of the prosecution, public prosecutor filed a motion for the discharge of accused
Rodel de la Cruz,an accused, turned as a state witness and was Joselito Nuada, in order that he may be utilized as a state witness.
immediately stricken off from the Information. Consequently, the respondent judge denied the motion for
The Regional Trial Court pronounced accused Carlos discharge, for failure of the prosecution to present evidence.
Feliciano guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Robbery The trial court decided that all the accused in all these cases are
with Homicide and sentenced him to suffer the extreme penalty of acquitteed and the cases filed against them are hereby dismissed.
death. Petitioner Leticia Merciales, who is the mother of the victim in the
said criminal cases, filed before the respondent Court of Appeals a
Issue: petition to annul the foregoing Order of the trial court. However,
Whether the further prosecution of an accused who become the Court of Appeals dismissed the petition.
a state witness would place the state witness in double jeopardy? Hence this appeal.

Held: Issue:
Yes. It is widely accepted that the discharge of an accused Whether the reopening of the criminal case will violate the
to become a state witness has the same effect as an acquittal. The accused's right against double jeopardy?
impropriety of the discharge would not have any effect on the
competency and quality of the testimony, nor would it have the Held:
consequence of withdrawing his immunity from prosecution. A By contending that the challenged Decision is void for
discharge, if granted at the stage where jeopardy has already having been issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
attached, is equivalent to an acquittal, such that further lack or excess of jurisdiction, the petition does not violate the right
prosecution would be tantamount to the state reneging on its part of the accused against double jeopardy. It is elementary that
of the agreement and unconstitutionally placing the state witness double jeopardy attaches only when the following elements
concur: (1) the accused are charged under a complaint or same case?
information sufficient in form and substance to sustain their
conviction; (2) the court has jurisdiction; (3) the accused have Held:
been arraigned and have pleaded; and (4) they are convicted or A judgment of conviction may, upon motion of the accused,
acquitted, or the case is dismissed without their consent. be modified or set aside before it becomes final or before appeal is
Thus, even assuming that a writ of certiorari is granted, the perfected. Except where the death penalty is imposed, a judgment
accused would not be placed in double jeopardy because, from the becomes final after the lapse of the period for perfecting an
very beginning, the lower tribunal had acted without jurisdiction. appeal, or when the sentence has been partially or totally satisfied
Precisely, any ruling issued without jurisdiction is, in legal or served, or when the accused has waived in writing his right to
contemplation, necessarily null and void and does not exist. appeal, or has applied for probation. Only the accused may ask for
a modification or setting aside of a judgment of conviction. And
this he must do before the said judgment becomes final or before
Potot v People he perfects his appeal. Such judgment becomes final in any of the
following ways: (a) when no appeal is seasonably filed by the
Facts: accused, except in case of automatic review of the decision
Potot was charged with homicide. He pleaded guilty during imposing the capital penalty; (b)when he has partially or totally
arraignment and thereupon, the trial court convicted him of the served his sentence; (c) when he expressly waives his right to
crime charged. The petitioner filed a manifestation that he will not appeal the judgment, except when the death penalty is imposed; or
appeal his conviction. (d) when he applies for probation. When one of these
However, the wife of the victim, filed a motion for circumstances is present, the trial court which rendered the
reconsideration/retrial praying that the decision be set aside and judgment of conviction loses jurisdiction to alter, modify or revoke
that the case be heard again because allegedly there were it. In this case, petitioner filed a manifestation expressly waiving
irregularities committed before and during the trial which caused his right to appeal therefrom. Such waiver has the effect of
miscarriage of justice. causing the judgment to become final and unalterable.
The trial court granted private complainant's motion and Thus, it was beyond the authority of the trial court to issue
set aside its decision and ordered that the records of the case be the order setting aside its Decision which had attained finality. A
remanded to the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor for re- judgment which has acquired the status of finality becomes
evaluation of the evidence and to file the corresponding charge. immutable. Any error, assuming one was committed in the
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration contending that the judgment, will not justify its amendment except only to correct
trial court has no jurisdiction to issue the order as the decision had clerical errors or mistakes. The assailed orders would violate the
become final, and that the said order “would place the accused in constitutional right of the petitioner against double jeopardy.
double jeopardy.” This was denied for the reason that the State is Such right prohibits any subsequent prosecution of any
not bound by the error or negligence of its prosecuting officers, person for a crime of which he has previously been acquitted or
hence, jeopardy does not attach.” convicted. The objective is to set the effects of the first prosecution
forever at rest, assuring the accused that he shall not thereafter be
Issue: subjected to the peril and anxiety of a second charge against him
Whether the judgment has become final that the accused for the same offense. To invoke the defense of double jeopardy, the
right against double jeopardy will be violated upon re-trial of the following requisites must be present: (1) a valid complaint or
information; (2) the court has jurisdiction to try the case; (3) the this appeal.
accused has pleaded to the charge; and (4) he has been convicted
or acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or otherwise Issue:
terminated without his express consent. Whether or not the trial court can appreciate the qualifying
circumstance of treachery in its amended decision?
Whether or not double jeopardy can be invoked when the
People v Astudillo accused himself files or consents to the filing of a motion for
reconsideration or modification to correct a manifest substantial
Facts: error?
This is a criminal case against Astudillo, Crisanto Astudillo
and Hilario Astudillo for the crime of Murder. On March 16, 1998, Held:
the trial court rendered a decision convicting appellants of the The trial court cannot validly appreciate treachery in its
crime of Murder qualified by abuse of superior strength. amended decision because it was not one of the issue raised in
Appellants filed a motion for reconsideration contending that the their motion for reconsideration.
prosecution failed to prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt Under Rule 121, Section 1 of the Revised Rules on Criminal
and, assuming that it did, the qualifying circumstance of abuse of Procedure,a motion for reconsideration of a judgment of conviction
superior strength, not having been alleged in the information, may be filed by the accused, or initiated by the court, with the
cannot be appreciated against them. Appellants’ motion for consent of the accused. Likewise, under Rule 120, Section 7, a
reconsideration was denied in an Order dated July 13, 1998. judgment of conviction may be modified or set aside only upon
However, an Amended Decision was rendered where the motion of the accused. These provisions changed the previous
phrase “abuse of superior strength” was replaced with rulings of the Court to the effect that such modification may be
“TREACHERY” in the body of the Decision and in the decretal made upon motion of the fiscal, provided the same is made before
portion which states that the court found all the accused guilty a judgment has become final or an appeal has been perfected. The
beyond reasonable doubt of murder, defined and penalized under requisite consent of the accused to such motion for
Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by Rep Act No. reconsideration or modification is intended to protect the latter
7659, qualified by treachery and for having conspired together and from having to defend himself anew from more serious offenses or
helping one another to kill Silvestre Aquino, Jr., with the penalties which the prosecution or the court may have overlooked.
aggravating circumstance of use of motor vehicle, however, offset Accordingly, once the judgment has been validly
by the ordinary mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender promulgated, any reconsideration or amendment to correct a
and sentences them to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and manifest substantial error, even if unwittingly committed by the
to pay jointly and severally the heirs of Silvestre Aquino, Jr., the trial court through oversight or an initially erroneous
amount of P65,288.50 actual damages, P50,000.00 for his death comprehension, can be made only with the consent or upon the
and suffering plus P500,000.00 moral and exemplary damages and instance of the accused. Errors in the decision cannot be
to pay the costs of this suit. corrected unless the accused consents thereto, or himself moves
Subsequently, they interposed the instant appeal, raising for reconsideration of, or appeals from, the decision.
that the trial court erred when it convicted the accused-appellants The protection against double jeopardy in the foregoing
of murder and committed a reversible error and acted with grave rules may be waived by the accused. Thus, when the accused
abuse of discretion when it rendered the second decision. Hence himself files or consents to the filing of a motion for
reconsideration or modification, double jeopardy cannot be employment and public office during trial shall not be considered
invoked because the accused waived his right not to be placed as a penalty. It is not a penalty because it is not a result of a
therein by filing such motion. His motion gives the court an judicial proceeding. In fact, if acquitted the official who is
opportunity to rectify its errors or to reevaluate its assessment of suspended shall be entitled to reinstatement and the salaries and
facts and conclusions of law and make them conformable with the benefits which he failed to receive during suspension.
statute applicable to the case in the new judgment it has to render.
The reason is to afford the court a chance to correct its own
mistakes and to avoid unnecessary appeals from being taken. In People v Ferrer
effect, a motion for reconsideration or modification filed by or with
consent of the accused renders the entire evidence open for the Facts:
review of the trial court without, however, conducting further RA 1700 or Anti-Subersive Act of 1957 was enacted June
proceedings, such as the taking of additional proof. 20, 1957. It is an act to outlaw the CPP and similar associations
penalizing membership therein and for other purposes.


ATTAINDER Whether RA 1700 is constitutional?

Bayot v Sandiganbayan Held:

A bill of attainder is solely legislative act and it punishes
Facts: without the benefit of the trial. It is the substitution of judicial
Bayot was accused with others in more than 100 counts of determniation to a legislative determination of guilt. In order that
estafa thru falsification of public documents before the a statute be measured as a bill of attainder, the following must be
Sandiganbayan. The first 32 cases were filed on July 25, 1977 present: 1) the statute specifies persons or groups; 2) the statute is
while Bayot ran for municipal mayor and was elected on Janaury applied retroactively and reach past conduct. (A bill of attainder is
1980. The Sandiganbayan promulgated a decision convicting the also an ex post facto law)
accused on all but one of the 32 cases filed against him. In the case, the statute simply declares the CPP as an
While other charged of estafa is still pending before the the organization organized to overthrow the government. The Act
trial court, BP 195 amending RA 3019 was enacted. applies not only to the CPP but also to other organizations having
the same prupose and their successors. The Act's focus is on the
Issue: conduct not on the person.
Whether BP 195 which amends RA 3019 is an ex post facto
Republic v Katigbak
No. The inclusion of the crime of estafa thru falsification of Facts:
public document as among the crimes subjecting the public officer RA 1379 was enacted by Congress providing for the
charged therewith with suspension from public office peding forfeiture in favor of the State of any property found to have been
action in court is not an ex post facto law. The suspension from unlawfully acquired by any public officer. In a proceeding, the
court rule that the properties of the Katigbaks acquired during Senate in accordance with Sec 21, Article VI of the 1987
1953-1955 shall be enforced a lien in favor of the government in Constitution.
the sum of P100,000. Petitioner assails the constitutionality of the treaty giving
The Katigbaks assails the constitutionality of RA 1379 retroactive effect to the extradition treaty alleging that it amounts
contending that it is an ex post facto law because it imposes the to an ex post facto law.
penalty of forfeiture on a public officer and employees unlawfully
acquiring properties at a time that a law that had not been Issue:
enacted. Can an extradition treaty be applied retroactively?

Issue: Held:
Whether RA 1379 is an ex post facto law? Yes. In applying the constitutional principle, the prohibition
applies only to crminal legislation which affects the substantial
Held: rights of the accused. A treaty is neither a piece of criminal
Yes. The forfeiture of the State of the property of a public legislation nor a criminal procedural statute.
officer which is manifestly out of proportion to his salary, other
lawful income and the income from legitimately acquired property
has been held to partake of the nature of a penalty and that Lacson v Executive Secretary
proceedings for forfeiture of property although technically civil in
form are deemed criminal or penal. Hence, the law cannot be Facts:
given retroactive effect because of the constitutional prohibition Eleven persons believed to be members of the Kuratong
against the enactment of an ex post facto law (applicable only to Baleleng gang, an organized crime syndicate involved in bank
criminal statute). robberies, were slain by elements of the Anti-Bank Robbery and
Penalty of forfeiture cannot be applied to acquisition prior Intelligence Task Groupd (ABRITG). After investigation, the
to its enactment without running afoul of the constitutional Ombudsman filed an information before the Sandiganbayan where
provision condemning an ex post facto law because (1) it makes petitioner was charged only as an accessory.
criminal an act before the passage of the law and which was The accused filed a motion questionining the jurisdiction of
innocent when done and punishes the act; and (2) assuming to the Sandiganbayan, contending that Sec 2 of RA 7975 limits the
regulate civil rights and remedies only, in effect imposes a penalty jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan to cases where one or more of
or deprivation of a right for something which when done was the principal accused are government officers with Salary Grade
lawful. (Therefore, WAGI si Mr. and Mrs. KATIGBAK!) 27 and higher, or PNP officials with rank of chief superintendent or
higher. While the motion is still pending for resolution, RA 8294
was approved amending the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan by
Wright v CA deleting the word “principal” from the phrase “principal accused”
in Sec 2 of Ra 7975.
Facts: Petitioner questions the constitutionality of Sec 4 of RA
The Australian Government and the Government of the 8249, including Sec 7 which provides that the said law shall apply
Philippines entered into an extradition treaty on March 7, 1988 in to all cases pending in any court over which trial has not begun as
order to suppress crimes. The said treaty was ratified by the the approval hereof.
Whether RA 8249 may be considered as an ex post facto

No. There is nothing ex post facto in RA 8249. Ex post facto
law, generally provides retroactive effect of penal laws. RA 8249 s
not a penal law. It is a substantive law on jurisdiction which is no
penal in character. Penal laws are those acts of the legislature
which prohibit certain acts and establish penalties for their
violations or those that define crimes and provide for their
punishment. RA 7975, as regards the Sandiganbayan's jurdiction,
its mode of appeal and other procedural statute, one which
prescribes rules of procedure by which courts applying laws of all
kings can be properly administer justice. Not being a penal law,
the retroactive application of RA8294 cannot be challenged as

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