GCS C Manual

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GCS-C manual.

DOC Operating manual and 01 November 2013

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Standard VFD Flomax

gascooling system

Operating Manual
Software version >=1.10

“Close the Loop”

for complete peace of mind
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0 Index
0 Index......................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Preface...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Important!.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 How to use this manual? ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Description of symbols and indications ............................................................................ 3
2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................................... 4
3 Functional description of the installation ................................................................................. 6
3.1 Function............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Visual description of the system ....................................................................................... 6
3.3 Parts of the machine .......................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Detailed description and operation of the system. .......................................................... 11
4 Controller description............................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Quick key description ..................................................................................................... 18
4.2 General guidelines menu system..................................................................................... 21
4.3 Main menu ...................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 The operating screen. ...................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Set points......................................................................................................................... 23
4.6 Usage/Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 25
4.7 System constants ............................................................................................................. 26
4.8 System setup.................................................................................................................... 32
4.9 Test & manual functions ................................................................................................. 33
5 Operating instructions ............................................................................................................ 35
5.1 First run ........................................................................................................................... 35
5.2 Starting up the installation .............................................................................................. 37
6 Safety provisions .................................................................................................................... 38
7 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 39
7.2 Warnings on the controller screen: how to handle.......................................................... 39
7.3 Faults list ......................................................................................................................... 40
8 Maintenance and cleaning...................................................................................................... 46
8.1 Weekly ............................................................................................................................ 46
8.2 Monthly ........................................................................................................................... 47
8.3 Every 3 months ............................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Each year ......................................................................................................................... 47
9 Directions of installation and transport .................................................................................. 48
9.1 Transport ......................................................................................................................... 48
9.2 Installation....................................................................................................................... 48
10 Appendix: PID control algorithm used in 2250 controller ................................................. 51
10.1 PID formula used in the 2250...................................................................................... 51
10.2 Example 1 .................................................................................................................... 51
10.3 Example 2 .................................................................................................................... 53
10.4 Cascading PID loops for VFD Gas cooling application.............................................. 54
10.5 Feed forward regulation for VFD Gas cooling application ......................................... 54
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1 Preface

1.1 Important!
This manual accompanies a machine or an installation, designed and manufactured by Autojet
This machine is produced very carefully and is tested and checked in the factory. It is designed
for use in an industrial application. However, it can be very dangerous if not used in a correct
way. Therefore, read carefully this manual and pay special attention to the safety instructions.
Beside these instructions, operators must always follow the general safety instructions in the
working area and aim to prevent accidents.
The manufacturer preserves the right to make changes in his standard
construction without preceding contact.

1.2 How to use this manual?

The intention of this manual is to serve the operator in his daily job and to help the technical
service to keep the machine in a good condition. It contains all technical information the
customer needs to operate and maintain the installation.
Important safety warnings are positioned ON the machine and repeated in this manual.
The different chapters contain references to chapters in addition. Read them carefully, they
contain important information.

1.3 Description of symbols and indications

Tip: Suggestions and advices for the user to make some tasks easier.

Attention: Supplementary information for the user, drawing attention to

possible problems
Carefully: Product, process or environment can be damaged or be in danger
if the instructions are not followed correctly.

Warning: The user can be injured (seriously) or his health can be damaged.
Or the machine can be seriously damaged
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2 Safety instructions
Each customer should establish and implement its own safety procedures and instructions and
make them known to the operators in order to assure a correct and safe operation of the
These procedures shall include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Before using the equipment, the operator has to check if the equipment is in good
condition and can be used safely. If not, the equipment cannot be used.
2. The area, in which the equipment is installed, should be sized to allow a safe operation,
and should meet all local or company safety codes.
3. Hot parts of the equipment should be insulated or guarded to prevent inadvertent contact
by personnel.
4. All required original spare parts must be readily available to the equipment at all times for
a correct and safe operation. Only genuine parts are allowed for reparation and service.
5. The utilities supply (electricity, compressed air, water …) to the equipment should meet
all company and local regulations and must be properly routed and connected to the
equipment. All utilities and connections must meet the specified requirements.
6. Equipment built for normal operation in ambient temperature between 5 and 40°C.
7. The equipment should be operated only by properly trained, qualified personnel. They
must have proven their skills in the operation of the equipment.
8. Children are not allowed to operate this installation.
9. The maintenance and operating instructions shall be rigidly observed and followed.
10. The operator should have full information on the nature and the quantity of the material to
be sprayed.
11. The safety procedures have to be posted close to the equipment and clearly visible to and
legible by the operator. Safety procedures should meet all company and local regulations,
as well as MSDS-requirements.
12. All necessary PPE must be readily available to the operator at all times.
13. A complete manual for the equipment must be available to the operator or maintenance
technician at all times.
14. Important warnings for the safe use of the equipment are indicated on the equipment.
15. The operator has to use the equipment according to this manual. The operator has to
follow the general safety prescriptions of the factory and has to anticipate in order
preventing accidents. He has to take into account the local circumstances and the presence
of other people.
16. Only qualified experts are allowed to repair or maintain the installation. They must be
familiar with this manual.
17. Before starting work at any particular component, make sure that all power supplies have
been switched off and that they cannot be accidentally switched on.
18. Filters can only be opened when the manual valves in front of and behind the filter are in
closed position. If any appliance has to be taken out of the piping, manual valves in front
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of and behind this appliance have to be in closed position. If they are reinstalled, make
sure that this happens correctly, that this apparatus is well aligned, and that all
connections are tight.
19. It is advised to drain and purge the liquid train when the equipment shall not be used for a
longer period of time.
20. Any waste product or disposal should be treated according to the prescriptions in the
MSDS data-sheets and the company and local regulations.
21. Systems including frequency drives have a risk of electric shock due to residual voltage.
It is not permissible to open the equipment neither to disconnect the system or any quick
connection until 5 minutes after the power has been removed.

Warning: It is not allowed to start the machine before it is checked if all valves are in
the correct position and if all parts are in good condition and can be used
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3 Functional description of the installation

This functional description makes reference to the P&ID. It describes the function of a full-
option gascooling system. Some of the components described here might not be installed on your

3.1 Function
This system is designed for cooling:
v a uniform flue gas stream
v with a given inlet temperature range
v and an inlet flue gas flow rate range
v to a desired gas outlet temperature range.
Inlet temperature, inlet gas flow rate and outlet temperature can vary between minimum and
maximum conditions. The system is designed to work between these minimum and maximum
conditions. In the total cooling process, the customer needs to provide an alternative means for
cooling (e.g. air cooling via an air dilution valve) when operating below the minimum conditions
(e.g. at start up or shut down).
The cooling system uses FloMax nozzles/lances for evaporating water into the gas stream. The
FloMax nozzle system can be divided into multiple zones (max 4), in order to achieve a greater
turn-down ratio or to reduce the total air consumption if necessary.

3.2 Visual description of the system

Most of the components are mounted on an encapsulated GCU (Autojet Gascooling Unit) that is
connected to the water and air supplies on one end and to the FloMax lances on the other end.
The lances are installed in the tower. The temperature measurement at the outlet of the tower is
done by 2 or 3 temperature sensors.

The system contains:

- a ‘liquid’ system, providing water to the nozzles at a dedicated pressure and a dedicated flow
- an ‘air’ system providing air at a dedicated pressure and a dedicated flow rate
- a control system, protected by a separate case and a control panel, controlling all parameters
in the system. It measures the temperature in the tower, it measures the air- and the water-
flow and pressure and it controls the water flow rate to the lances to obtain the required outlet
temperature in the tower. It also gives a visual feedback of all parameters.
- an integrated heating unit on the encapsulated GCU
- integrated cooling units on the electrical cabinets
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3.3 Parts of the machine

All components are described in their separate data sheet.
3.3.1 FloMax lances
The Spraying Systems FloMax creates a fog by means of atomizing a water flow and air flow. It
needs a minimum pressure and flow of water and air to work correctly. If the air pressure is too
low, there will be insufficient atomization and thick water drops will be created. If there is not
enough water, cooling will be insufficient.
3.3.2 Liquid system
The liquid control system contains, beside shut off valves (L*-V*), pressure gauges (L*-PI*),
flexibles (L*-S*) and piping:
· A double liquid filter (L2-F1)
· A pressure sensor in the suction line to the pumps (L3-PT1)
· Two centrifugal pumps (L3-P1/L3-P2) driven through AC frequency drives which
placed in power panel and two check valves (L3-R1/L3-R2)
· A pressure switch (L4-PS1) and a pressure indicate gauge (L4-PI4)
· A liquid flow sensor (L4-FT1)
· A a normal closed shut off Solenoid operated by-pass valve (LD-B1) and a manual
regulating valve (LD-V1) on a by-pass line.
· A liquid pressure sensor close to the lances (L6-PT1)
· motorized on/off valves for switching additional lance zones (Z*-B1)
· A liquid check valve (Z*-R1) to each individual nozzle
3.3.3 Air system
The air control system contains, beside shut off valves (A*-V*), pressure gauges (A*-PI*),
flexibles (A*-S*) and piping:
· Single air filters (A1-F1)
· an inlet pressure switch (A1-PIS1)
· A primary air line: a piloted operated pressure control valve (A2-H1) with a primary
pilot line which includes a pilot electronic pressure control valve (A2-H1a), An air
bypass pilot line which includes a manual pilot pressure control valve(A2-H2a) and
normal closed shut off valve(A2-B1), and check valve (A2-R1).
· An air pressure sensor close to the lances (A4-PT1)
· an on/off valve (Z*-B2) and a sliding valve (Z*-V3) in parallel to provide air to each
additional zone
· An air check valve (Z*-R2) to each individual nozzle
· A branch for instrument air feed to pneumatic actuated valves with pressure
regulator/filter (C1-FC1) and pressure switch (C1-PS1).

Remark: The air used here should be of instrument air quality; if not than a
separate instrument air feed is necessary
3.3.4 Control System
The system uses the AutoJet 2250 control box, which is an embedded controller, equipped with a
display and a keyboard. The set up of all of the parameters can be done on this interface.
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If something goes wrong in the system, the consequences can be very serious. However, most of
the failures will be detected by the controller and will be displayed. The machine will try to take
measures to continue cooling anyway. Nevertheless, it is very important to find the causes of the
failure to remove both the causes and the failure.

Warning: This machine controls the gas outlet temperature by spraying water into
the tower. If no water is available, or if any failure keeps active during a
period, the consequences can be very serious. The manufacturer does not
accept any insurance claims for the damage, consequence of late or
missing action of the operator.

The control panel contains the following components:

· 2250 controller with LCD system display and keyboard for visualizing process
information and for entering set points and other process parameters.

· Emergency Stop button: stops immediately the complete process (no more cooling).
· Power Indicator (White): Indicates that there is power available in the control panel.
· Power Switch: Main power switch.
· Local/remote key switch: selection between local and remote control. The local start
and safety signals are disabled when working in remote control. The remote signals are
disabled when working in local control.
· Indicator Lights
o RUNNING indicator (Green): Indicates that the machine is running. This indicator
is lit when the machine is started in normal run mode or in safety mode. The indicator
is not lit when the machine is stopped.
o SAFETY indicator (Yellow): indicates that the machine is working in safety mode.
o FAULT indicator (Yellow): indicates that there is fault detected by the control
system. The fault message can be read on the LCD display of the 2250 controller.
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· Interface signals with the customer

Remark: The interface signals are optionally and must be configured in the
controller. The customer needs to inform Autojet Technologies in advance which signals
are required. When the customer uses OPC for communication with a SCADA-package,
the controller is configured so that all signals are given through OPC.
o Remote START/STOP signal: the machine can be started/stopped remotely by the
customer when the local/remote switch is put at remote.
o Remote RESET button: the customer has the possibility to reset remotely fault
messages on the 2250 controller. The signal clears the fault on the screen and resets
the alarm.
o Remote safety selection: the customer has the possibility to switch to safety mode
and remotely control the amount of water flow when the signal is high and the
local/remote switch is put at remote. When the system automatically switches over to
safety mode due to certain alarm conditions, then the customer must acknowledge the
safety mode within a certain time, otherwise the system will be stopped.
The desired amount of liquid can be set either local either remote when the remote
pump flow set point signal is present.
o remote pump flow set point: the customer has the possibility to modify remotely the
flow set point when the local/remote safety switch is high.
o remote set point: the customer has the possibility to modify remotely the outlet
temperature set point when the local/remote switch is high.
o Remote fault: the customer has the possibility to activate the switch-over to stop of
the system when a remote fault is detected (e.g. detection water tank empty)
o Feedback of temperature setpoint: feedback to the customer of the actual
temperature setpoint.
o Ready signal: feedback to the customer that the system is ready for start-up and that
there are no major faults.
o Running signal: feedback to the customer that the system is in running (in safety
mode or running mode).
o safety signal: feedback to the customer that the system is in safety mode.
o alarm signal: feedback to the customer that there is an error (warning or alarm).
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Summarized the influence of the different signals onto the behaviour of the gascooling

Without a remote set point and remote pump flow set point.
Switch Remote Remote safety Status
local/remote start/stop selection
0 0 or 1 0 or 1 Local control
0à1 1 0 or 1 Stop
1à0 0 or 1 0 or 1 Stop
1 0à1 0 or 1 Run
1 1à0 0 or 1 Stop
1 1 0à1 Safety
1 1 1à0 Run
Temperature set point and pump flow set point can be entered in the

With a remote temperature set point.

Switch Remote Local/remote Remote Remote set Status
local/remote start/stop safety selection temperature point used in
set point controller
0 0 or 1 0 or 1 4- 20 mA Not used Local
1 0 or 1 0 or 1 4- 20 mA In use Run or
1 1 0à1 4- 20 mA Not used Safety
1 0 or 1 0 0 mA (wire Signal Error Stop

With a remote pump flow set point.

Switch Remote Remote Remote Remote pump Status
local/remote start/stop safety pump flow flow set point
selection set point used in controller
0 0 or 1 0 or 1 4- 20 mA Not used Local
1 0 or 1 0 or 1 4- 20 mA Not used Run or
1 1 0à1 4- 20 mA In use Safety
1 1 1 0 mA (wire Signal Error Stop
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3.4 Detailed description and operation of the system.

Once the controller is powered up, the system can go to different states. The state diagram shows
all possible states of the control system. This diagram illustrates the behaviour of the system
when certain conditions occur. The behaviour of the system is described further on.
Starting the gascooling process can be done locally from the keyboard or remotely with the
remote start/stop signal. The system enters the “Run” state and starts controlling the liquid pump
and air pressure valves based on the measured outlet temperature.
Stopping the gascooling process can be done locally from the keyboard or remotely with the
remote start/stop signal. The system enters the “Stop” state. In this state, the system is not
spraying and no temperature control is done. Some alarm conditions can force the system to go
to ‘Stop’ (e.g. when both pumps are failing).

If certain alarm conditions occur the system will go to “Stop” or “Safety liquid”. The operator
can go to safety liquid by activating the safety mode (local or remote). In this state the nozzles
are spraying at a manually preset or remotely controlled liquid flow and the normal air pressure
control remains the same. No automatic liquid adjustment based on temperature is done. Some
alarms are disabled when the system is working in safety mode.

The system makes a difference between warnings and alarms. A message is given on the screen
and the alarm output is activated when a warning occurs. The system continues operating. Some
alarms force the system to stop, activate the alarm output and deactivates the running output.
Other alarms force the system to safety liquid and activate the alarm and safety output.

Safety mode activated


Stop signal

No alarms with serious

Certain alarm conditions
consequences and Start Safety mode
Start signal or Stop signal
signal activated

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The different components are controlled as described hereafter:

· A delay time is integrated on all warnings and alarms.
· The target temperature is set by using either the local set point parameter or the remote
set point signal input. The remote set point input signal is used when the local/remote
input switch is high. An alarm is generated and the system will stop in case of a remote
temperature set point signal error.
· The inlet water pressure to the water buffer tank is verified by the pressure switch. When
there is not enough water pressure available, then a warning is given.
· The level in the tank is verified by the level sensor measurement. A warning is generated
when the measured value is outside minimum/maximum limits or in case of a sensor
error. An alarm is generated and the system will stop when the level sensor indicates that
the tank is nearly empty.
· The inlet pressure before the pumps and after the liquid filter is measured by an absolute
pressure sensor. The contamination of the liquid filter can be verified by the pressure
gauges before and after the filter. A warning is generated when the measured value is
outside minimum/maximum limits or in case of a sensor error. An alarm is generated
and the system will stop when the measured pressure value is too low (preventing
cavitations of the pump).
· The regulation elements for controlling the temperature are the frequency driven liquid
pumps. The system has 2 liquid pumps L3-P1/L3-P2. As long as the measured
temperature differs from the target temperature, the system will adjust the speed of the
pumps in order to reach the target temperature (using a PID algorithm).
One pump is running and the other pump is in stand-by in case of pump failure. At
regular time intervals, the system will automatically switch to the other pump to ensure
that both pumps are used (time interval can be programmed to have one pump running
most of the time and the other pump only sporadic).
The proper functioning of the frequency drives of the pumps is checked by a feedback
signal of the drives. The pump stops and the system switches over to the other pump in
case of a failure.
The proper functioning of the pumps is also checked by the flow sensor L4-FT1. When
the pump is running at maximum speed and the measured flow rate stays lower than the
maximum flow then a warning is generated and the system switches over to the other
pump. If the second pump also fails, then the system stops.
A warning is also generated when the pump keeps on running at maximum speed (this
indicates that the system working at its maximum limit).
The system stores the running time of each pump. Warnings are generated when
maintenance has to be performed after a certain time.
· The liquid pressure after the pumps is verified by the pressure switch L4-PIS1. In order
to protect the pump against dry running, the pump stops and the system switches over to
the other pump if there is no pressure detected after the pumps. If there is no pressure
detected on the second pump, then the system stops.
· The liquid flow rate is measured by flow sensor L4-FT1. An alarm is generated and the
system stops in case of a flow sensor error.
When the liquid flow becomes too low, the by-pass valve LD-B1 opens in order to assure
a minimum liquid flow through the pumps.
When the system is equipped with multiple zones and the liquid flow rises above certain
values, then the other zones are activated by opening the particular air and liquid valves
to each individual zone. When the liquid flow drops under a certain value, then the other
zones are deactivated by closing the particular air and liquid valves. The manual by-pass
air valve is used when a zone is not activated in order to provide a minimum air flow to
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prevent clogging of the nozzles. When the system is purging or in "run no cooling", then
the zones are activated in order to provide sufficient purging air to all the lances.

flow rate

Flow limit zone 3


Flow limit zone 2


Liquid zone 2

Air zone 2

Liquid zone 3

Air zone 3

· The liquid pressure towards the lances is measured by a pressure sensor L6-PT1. A
warning is generated when a sensor error occurs or when the measured value is outside
minimum/maximum limits.
· The inlet air pressure is verified by the pressure switch A1-PIS1. When there is not
enough air pressure available, then an alarm is generated and the system is stopped.
· The air flow rate is measured by flow sensor A3-FT1. Warnings are generated when the
measured value is outside minimum/maximum limits or when a sensor error occurs.
· The air pressure is measured by a pressure sensor A4-PT1. Warnings are generated when
the measured value deviates too much from the set point. An alarm is generated and the
system switches over to the manual pressure controlled air by-pass in case of a sensor
error or when the atomizing air pressure stays too low.
· The regulation element for controlling the atomizing air pressure is the regulating valve
A2-H1. As long as the measured pressure differs from the target pressure, the system will
adjust the regulating valve in order to reach the target pressure. The target pressure can
be chosen in two ways : either the system uses a fix target pressure independent of the
liquid flow, either the system calculates the target pressure in function of the liquid flow.
The system uses the measured air pressure as a feedback in the PID-regulation. A
warning is generated when the valve stays fully open (indicating that the maximum limit
is reached).
To start spraying the primary air control valve A2-H1 and the liquid on-off valve L1-B1
is opened. After a short period, the liquid regulation is started. To stop spraying, the
liquid regulation is stopped immediately by stopping the pumps. After a short period the
air will be shut off with valve A2-H1 and the liquid with the liquid on-off valve L1-B1.
When the system is stopped, there is a possibility of purging the lances, in order to avoid
any clogging. The regulation valve A2-H1 is then regulated to a certain minimum
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· The instrument air pressure is verified by the pressure switch C1-PS1. When there is not
enough instrument air pressure available, then an alarm is generated and the system is
· The system uses 3 temperature sensors TT1, TT2 and TT3 for measuring the outlet gas
temperature. The system keeps working normally as long as the 2 of the 3 temperature
sensors are working well. A warning is generated when 1 temperature sensor is failing
(sensor error) or when the temperature from one sensor differs too much from the two
other sensors, and in this case the particular temperature sensor is ignored. An alarm is
generated and the system switches over to safety mode when there is a fault on 2 of the 3
temperature sensors.
Warnings are generated when the measured value deviates too much from the set point or
in case of a too high outlet temperature.
The system uses the average value of the correctly working temperature sensors for the
PID temperature control.
· The system can use 1 temperature sensor TT4 for measuring the inlet gas temperature. A
warning is generated when there is a temperature sensor or when the inlet temperature is
too low or too high.
· The temperature sensors are used in a cascaded PID algorithm, whereby the inlet
temperature can be used as a disturbance factor for feed forward control. The temperature
PID uses the measured temperature and regulates the liquid flow. The liquid PID uses the
output of the temperature PID and regulates the speed of the pumps.

When the systems is running in “safety liquid” then the system uses only the liquid PID
to regulate the speed of the pumps in order to obtain the requested liquid flow (safety
liquid flow rate set point).
For a detailed description of the PID-regulation see section 10 (appendix).
· When a start signal is given, the status of the system depends on the actual value of the
outlet temperature. The status of the system remains in “run no cooling” as long as the
outlet temperature stays below the release temperature. The release temperature is the
sum of the temperature set point and the ‘start cooling deviation’ temperature. The
system starts cooling when the temperature rises above the release temperature.
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The system stops cooling and re-enters the “run no cooling” status when the system stays
working at the minimum liquid flow rate while the outlet temperature remains below the
set point.

The pumps are restarted when the outlet temperature rises again above the release
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· In case of a no reliable temperature measurement, the system goes into “stop” or “safety
liquid” (action is configurable). When the system goes into “safety liquid”, then the
liquid flow rate is frozen, resulting in a constant liquid flow rate (equal to the liquid flow
rate at the moment the transition occurred).
When the customer confirms the “safety liquid” (within a certain time delay) by
activating the digital input “Local/remote safety selection”, then the system will keep
again the liquid flow rate constant but now the liquid flow rate value is specified by the
remote pump flow rate set point.
If the “safety liquid” is not confirmed within a certain time (safety acknowledge delay),
then the system stops and an alarm message is given.

In safety mode, the FloMax nozzles will spray with a fixed liquid flow rate. This liquid
flow rate can be set either in the controller, either by using the remote pump flow set
point. An alarm is generated and the system is stopped in case of a signal error of this
remote pump flow set point (in safety mode) and when the local/remote safety selection
is activated.
During safety mode the operator is responsible for controlling the amount of water to be
sprayed in the tower since the cooling system is no longer capable of controlling the
temperature automatically.
· At start-up of the gas cooling process (temperature still too low to start cooling), it is
possible to work at a reduced air pressure set point. As long as the pumps are not running,
the system remains in “run no cooling”, no liquid will be sprayed and only air will be
applied to the nozzle at the reduced set point level (to avoid nozzle clogging and to cool
the lances).
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· The system verifies the correct functioning of the nozzles by using the measured air and
liquid flows and pressures (= system integrity). A warning is generated when the
measured flow values deviates too much from a reference value.
· The customer has the possibility to stop the system by a remote fault.
· Heating units which are installed onto the GCU or the liquid tank are not controlled by
the controller. A thermostat is integrated onto the GCU or liquid tank which switches the
heating unit on/off.
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4 Controller description

4.1 Quick key description

In addition to its numeric function, the tactile keypad with smart keys can be used to perform the
following tasks:

Arrow Up
Push to select the
previous item in Page Up
a menu list Push to view the
hidden Item at the
Reset Fault top of a menu list.
Push once to reset
the audible alarm
Push again to reset Arrow Right
the fault. Push to select a sub menu
or execute a command
when a command line is
Arrow Left selected.
Push to access
parent Menu Arrow down
Push to select the
next item in a
menu list.

Page down
Push to view the hidden
item at the bottom of
the menu list

Decimal Point Enter

Push to access a sub
menu or to accept
value when in
numeric entry mode
Push to return to
previous value when Menu
editing a parameter. Push to access the
Main Menu, or toggle
+/- when in numeric
Push to switch to
entry mode.
numeric entry
mode and begin
changing a value
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Menu key: jump to the main menu or toggle +/- when in numerical entry mode
Set key: start changing a value (entering Set mode)
Escape key: return to previous value when editing a parameter (holding this key for at least
2 seconds makes the controller jump to the operating screen). Or returns to the parent menu
when not in Set mode. Returns to the operating screen when pressed during 3 sec.
Enter key: accept a value when in Set mode, enter a sub menu or start changing a value
Decimal point
0 / Stand-by key: enter number 0
1 / Run key: enter number 1
2 / Arrow down: move to the next line in a menu list or enter number 2
3 / Page down: move to the next page in a menu list or enter number 3
4 / Arrow left: return to the parent menu or enter number 4
5: enter number 5
6 / Arrow right: enter a sub menu or enter number 6
7 / Reset fault: First press=show the alarm list, second press = reset the audible alarm, third
press=reset faults
8 / Arrow up: move to the previous line in a menu list or enter number 8
9 / Page up: move to the previous page in a menu list or enter number 9

Key combinations:
Key combination SET/ Arrow up: quickly increase the value on the current line without
going to numerical entry mode
Key combination SET/ Arrow down: quickly decrease the value on the current line
without going to numerical entry mode
Key combination SET/ 5: show software version and serial number as long as the key
combination is pressed.
Key combination SET/ 4: sets the current parameter to its default value.
Key combination SET/ enter key: returns to the previous screen.
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Screen example

Main menu
+Operating screen
+System constants
+System setup
+Test & manual functions

1 fault 2 warnings

On the right hand side of the display area there is a status bar where icons are displayed to guide
the user through the user interface.
The following symbols are used:

Status of the gun output: the system is in RUN mode and the gun is not spraying

Status of the gun output: the system is in RUN mode and the gun is spraying

This symbol is used to indicate to the user that he can enter a sub menu by pressing the key
arrow right

This symbol is used to indicate to the user that he can jump to the parent menu by pressing
the key arrow left.

This symbol is used to indicate to the user that he can enter a sub menu by pressing the key
arrow right or jump to the parent menu by pressing the key arrow left.

This symbol is used to indicate to the system is working in manual mode.

This symbol is used to indicate that you can use the Page Up key to go to the previous page
of the menu list.

This symbol is used to indicate that you can use the Page Down key to go to the next page of
the menu list.

This symbol is used to indicate that you can use the Page up or the Page Down key to go to
the previous or next page of the menu list.

This symbol is used to indicate that you can enter a decimal number (numerical entry mode).
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4.2 General guidelines menu system

· Sub menu lines are shown within '+' symbol. The sub menu can be accessed with the
key when the line is selected (flashing).
· Lines starting with "->" are actions to be executed when the line is selected with the key.
· The icons in the status bar show information about the keys that can be used to move through
the menu system.
· The key always jumps to the top level of the menu tree (this is the main menu)
· Use the and keys to move to another item in a menu list
· Use and to select a sub menu or to return to the previous menu (parent menu)
· The items displayed in a menu screen can be visible or invisible depending on the
configuration of the controller.
· Changing a numerical value on a menu line can be done as follows:
Ø first select the line with the value you want change (use , , , keys)
Ø then press on the or key to enter numerical entry mode. You will see an edit
box and the indication will be shown in the status bar to indicate that now the
numeric keys are active.
Ø enter the desired value by using the numeric keys and decimal point.
Ø press key to accept the entered value (or key to ignore the entered value and
to return to the previous value)
Ø If you only have to increment or decrement the value then you can use the quick key
combinations and without first entering numerical mode.
· Changing a non-numerical value (e.g. Yes/No selection) on a menu line can be done as
Ø first select the line with the item you want change (use , , , keys)
Ø then press on the or key. You will see an edit box around the selected item.
Ø Use the , , or keys to select another item.
Ø press key to accept the selected item (or key to ignore the selected item and
to return to the previous value)
Ø You can also change the item immediately without confimation of the key by
using the quick key combinations and .
· Special circumstances when displaying numerical values on the screen:
Ø Too large number: when the number to be displayed on the screen does not fit in the
available space then “OF” is shown (meaning Overflow). Example: when the
number ‘123456’ has to be displayed and only five digit places are available then
‘OF’ will be shown.
Ø Error number: when a certain display value cannot be calculated e.g. due to division
by zero or due to illegal sensor measurement (0.0 mA for a 4 .. 20 mA sensor) then
the controller will display “ERR”.
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4.3 Main menu

The main menu is accessed via the key and shows the top level of the menu tree. The
following sub menu's are shown (pressing the key when the line is flashing jumps to the
corresponding sub menu):
· Operating screen: normal work screen
· Set points: process set points e.g. application rate, flow rate, alarm levels…
· Usage/maintenance: pump switching …
· System constants: nozzle calibration, sensor and output calibration, paswords,
date&time, …
· System setup: system configuration
· Test & manual functions: selftest functions, toggling manual operating mode, …

4.4 The operating screen.

The normal work screen of the controller is the operating screen. This screen shows all operating
information of the system.

Temperature 1: 200.3 °C
Temperature 2: 198.8 °C
Temperature 3: 193 °C
Liquid pressure: 3.2 bar
Liquid flow: 31.1 l/min
Air pressure: 3.8 bar
Air flow: 284.8 Nm3/h
Pump suction pressure: 0.9 bara
Tank level: 65%
VFD Pump1: 45%
VFD Pump2: 0%
Air regul. valve: 38%

The user can always return to this screen by pressing and then pressing when
"Operating screen" is flashing.

· The first line shows the current working state of the control system:
o Stop: system is stopped
o Run: system is running normally
o Run (no cooling): The system is not spraying. No pumps are running and the PID
regulation for the temperature is stopped. Not enough gas temperature àno cooling
§ The system will go from ‘Run’ to ‘Run (no cooling)’ if the outlet temperature stays
lower than the temperature set point value AND the liquid PID control is working at
its minimum flow rate for a certain time.
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§ The system will return from ‘Run (no cooling)’ to ‘Run’ if the outlet temperature
rises above the release temperature value (= temperature set point + start up
o Safety: system is running in Safety liquid
o Emergency stop: The emergency stop button is pressed.
· The second line ‘MANUAL SET POINT LIQUID PID’ indicates that a manual set point for
the liquid PID is used (enable/disable this in the screen with the liquid PID parameters). This
is only used for testing the system and should not be used during normal operation.
Normally this line is not visible.
· The other lines show, depending on the installed components, the operating parameters, :
o Temperature 1: Measured outlet temperature of the gas by temperature sensor TT1,
readout in °C.
o Temperature 2: Measured outlet temperature of the gas by temperature sensor TT2,
readout in °C
o Temperature 3: Measured outlet temperature of the gas by temperature sensor TT3,
readout in °C
o Inlet temperature: Measured inlet temperature of the gas by temperature sensor TT4,
readout in °C
o Liquid pressure: Measured liquid pressure by sensor L6-PT1, readout in bar.
o Liquid flow: Measured liquid flow by sensor L4-FT1, readout in l/min.
o Table setpoint : the air pressure setpoint when the air pressure is regulated in function of
the liquid flow, readout in bar
o Air pressure: Measured air pressure by sensor A4-PT1, readout in bar.
o Air flow: Measured air flow by sensor A3-FT1, readout in Nm3/h
o Pump suction pressure: Measured pressure before the pump by sensor L3-PT1, readout in
bara (absolute pressure measurement, 0 bara means vacuum).
o Tank level: measured level of the water tank, readout in %.
o VFD pump1: the output to the frequency driven pump L3-P1, readout in %.
o VFD pump2: the output to the frequency driven pump P2, readout in %
o Air regul. valve: the output to the air regulating valve A2-H1, readout in bar

4.5 Set points

This screen is accessible for people with minimum a 3-digits password. The sub-menus start-up
set points and alarm levels are only accessible for people with minimum a 4-digits password.

· Press and use the and to go to the line “Setpoints”.

· Then press

Main menu
Air pressure
Purge pressure
Safety flow rate
+Liquid flow/air pressure
+Start-up setpoints
+Alarm levels
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The following items are shown

· Temperature: Target outlet temperature of the gas. When the system is working local or
without a remote temperature set point, then the set point can be modified on the screen.
When the system is working remotely with a remote temperature set point, then this line
shows the actual value of the remote temperature set point signal input.
· Air pressure: Target air pressure. This pressure setpoint is used when working at a fix
air pressure, independent of the liquid flow.
· Purge pressure: the pressure to which the air regulating valve A2-H1 is regulated when
the system is stopped.
· Safety flow rate: target flow rate in safety mode. When the system is working local or
without a remote pump flow set point, then the set point can be modified on the screen.
When the system is working remotely with a remote pump flow set point, then this line
shows the actual value of the remote pump flow set point signal input.
· Liquid flow/air pressure: This table is used to calculate the target air pressure in
function of the liquid flow. The operator can enter up to 4 points in each table. Different
tables must be entered when working with multiple zones.
· Start-up set points:
When the system is operating in ‘Run (no cooling)’ state (start up conditions), then
another set point for the air pressure is used and no liquid cooling is done.
o Start regulation: time after which the liquid regulation is started when the outlet
temperature rises above sum of the temperature set point and the ‘start cooling
deviation’ temperature.
o Stop regulation: Minimum time that the liquid PID control should be working at its
minimum liquid flow rate while the temperature stays lower than the set point before
the system switches from ‘Run’ to ‘Run (no cooling)’.
o Start cooling deviation: minimum temperature difference between measured tower
outlet temperature and temperature set point before the system starts cooling e.g. a
transition from ‘Run (no cooling)’ to ‘Run’.
o Start-up air pressure: Target air pressure during ‘Run (no cooling)’.
· Alarm levels:
o Alarm start delay: When a start signal is given, some alarms will only be checked
after this start delay.
o Temp. deviation: Maximum allowed temperature difference between measured outlet
temperature and target temperature before a “temperature too low” or “temperature
too high” warning is given.
o Max. temp. deviation: Maximum allowed temperature addition above target
temperature before a “temperature too high” alarm is given.
o Max. sensor deviation: Maximum allowed difference between the different
temperature sensor measurements before a “temperature sensor difference” warning
is given.
o Min. inlet temperature: the minimum allowed inlet temperature before a “min. inlet
temperature” warning is given.
o Max. inlet temperature: the maximum allowed inlet temperature “max. inlet
temperature” warning is given
o Air pressure deviation: Maximum allowed difference between measured air pressure
and air pressure set point before a “too low air pressure” alarm is given and the
manual air by pass is opened. The same deviation parameter is also used to give a
warning when the air pressure stays too high.
o Min. air flow: Minimum limit for air flow rate before a “min. air flow” warning is
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o Max. air flow: Maximum limit for air flow rate before a “max. air flow” warning is
o Min. pump suction pressure: the minimum required pressure in the suction side of the
pump, otherwise the pump is stopped (pump cavitations protection).
o filter blocked pressure: the minimum allowed pressure value after the liquid filter,
before a “liquid filter blocked” warning is given.
o Max. pump suction pressure: the maximum allowed inlet pressure before the pump
before a “maximum pump suction pressure” warning is given
o Liq. integrity dev.: the maximum allowed deviation between the measured liquid
flow and the system integrity table, before a “nozzles worn” or “nozzles blocked”
warning is given.
o Min. dev. liq. integr.: the minimum required deviation between the measured liquid
flow and the value from the system integrity table. If the value calculated from the
liq. integrity deviation is smaller than this minimum deviation liquid integrity
parameter, then no warning is generated.
o Air integrity dev.: the maximum allowed deviation between the measured air flow
and the system integrity table before a “nozzles worn” or “nozzles blocked” warning
is given.
o Min. dev. air integr.: the minimum required deviation between the measured air flow
and the value from the system integrity table. If the value calculated from the air
integrity deviation is smaller than the minimum deviation air integrity parameter, then
no warning is generated.
o Min. liquid pressure: Minimum limit for liquid pressure to the lances before a “Min.
liquid pressure” warning is given.
o Max. liquid pressure: maximum limit for liquid pressure to the lances before a “max.
liquid pressure” warning is given.
o Tank empty: the level of the liquid tank at which the system is stopped.
o Tank low: the low level of the liquid tank at which a “low level tank” warning is
o Tank high: the high level of the liquid tank at which a “low level tank” warning is

4.6 Usage/Maintenance
This screen is only accessible for people with minimum a 4-digits password.

· Press and use the and to go to the line “Usage/Maintenance”.

· Then press

Main menu
+System start/stop

The following items are shown:

· System start/stop: here the operator can start/stop the system or go to safety mode when
the local/remote switch key is put at “local”.
· Pumps:
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o runtime pump x: shows runtime of the particular pump

o à reset runtime pump x: resets the runtime of the particular pump to 0 days (in
case a pump has been replaced by a new one).
o maintenance p x: when the runtime of the pump becomes greater than the
maintenance time of the pump, then a “maintenance pump x” warning is given for
the particular pump. After performing a pump maintenance, this time should be
increased to the next maintenance period.
· Statistics:
o liquid flow: shows the total consumed amount of liquid
o air flow: shows the total consumed amount of compressed air
o à reset liquid flow: resets the consumed liquid flow to zero
o à reset air flow: resets the consumed air flow to zero

4.7 System constants

This screen is only accessible for people with minimum a 4-digits password.

· Press and use the and to go to the line “System constants”.

· Then press

Main menu
System constants
+PID control
+PID temperature
+PID liquid
+PID air pressure
+Disturbance control
+Temperature sensors
+Inlet Temperature
+Liquid pressure
+Liquid flow
+Air pressure
+Air flow
+Pump suction pressure
+Remote temperature set point
+Tank level
+Remote safety set point
+VFD pump1
+VFD pump2
+Air regulating valve
+Flomax nozzle setup
Anticipator time
Follower time
+System integrity
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+Monitor system integrity

+System integrity zone x
Tol. liq. integrity
Tol. air integrity
Auto table fault
Air check time
Time set point = meas.
Max. deviation
Tol. air integrity
+Auto table setup
+Pump handling
+Flomax lance zones
+ Zone x
+Tolerance times
+Date/time setup
à passwords

The following items are shown:

· PID control: sub menu where the PID-parameters can be entered.
Details about PID control can also be found in section 10 “Appendix: PID control
algorithm used in 2250 controller”.
o PID parameters :
PID temperature
P-value: 0.600 P
I-value: 30.00 s Ti
D-value: 0.000 s Td
Control period: 0.5 s
Dead band: 0.00 %
Preset value: 0.00 l/min
Min. output : 10.0 l/min Minimum output value
Max. output : 300.0 l/min Maximum output value
§ Dead band: a normalized error (in %) smaller than the dead band
percentage are ignored by the PID calculation à No PID corrections for
too small errors
o PID temperature: PID which controls the outlet temperature, in cascade with the
PID liquid.
§ preset value: the output of the PID jumps immediately to this value when
the PID is started.
§ min. output: the minimum output of the PID to which the liquid flow can
be regulated. This means that the system will always spray this minimal
amount of flow rate in the tower.
§ max. output: the maximum output of the PID to which the liquid flow can
be regulated.
o PID liquid: PID which controls the liquid flow. This PID is in cascade with the
PID temperature. Here the operator has the possibility to switch between an
automatic and a manual set point. The manual set point should only be used to
test the liquid PID.
§ preset value: the output of the PID jumps immediately to this value when
the PID is started.
§ min. output: the minimum output to the pump to which the PID can
regulate the speed of the pumps.
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o PID air pressure: PID which controls the atomizing air pressure.
§ preset value: the output of the PID jumps immediately to this value when
the PID is started.
o Disturbance control: sub menu where the influence of a disturbance value can be
entered (e.g. the inlet temperature)
§ max. influence: The disturbance value is limited to the max. influence
value. The max. influence value also changes the min. and max. outlet
value of the temperature PID value.
§ disturbance factor: factor to adjust the amount of feed forward control
§ disturbance value: value that is added to the output of the temperature PID
§ Output temperature PID: Output value of the temperature PID
§ Set point liquid PID: the set point of the liquid PID, which is the sum of
the disturbance value and the output temperature PID.
· Calibration: sub menu where the different sensors and actuators can be calibrated.
o Sensors: a number of parameters can be calibrated for each particular sensor:
§ The measured value is shown and the offset and the span can be entered.
§ A tolerance time can be entered, which is the minimum time that a certain
alarm condition must be active before an alarm or warning is given. If you
enter a tolerance time of 0.5 s, then no alarms will be given if they are
shorter then 0.5 s.
§ The filter time of the particular sensor can also be modified, which
determinates how the system will react to severely fluctuating measured
values. The filter time acts as a low pass filter on the measured value.
o Actuators: a number of parameters can be calibrated for each particular actuator:
§ The offset and the span can be entered.
For the pumps 1 additional parameters can be entered:
© Tol. time max. limit: Tolerance time for the liquid regulation after
which a “liquid regulation at max. limit” warning is generated.
· Flomax nozzle setup:
o Anticipator time: Time the air goes on before there is started spraying liquid.
o Follower time: Time the air stays on after there is stopped spraying liquid.
o Liq. valve open delay : Time between opening the liquid valve L1-B1 in the
feeding line of the pumps and starting the pump.
o Liq. valve close delay : Time between stopping the pump and closing the liquid
valve L1-B1 in the feeding line of the pumps.
o System integrity: this sub menu gives the possibility to determine and monitor the
correct behaviour of the nozzles. There is also a feature built in to start an
automatic calibration sequence.
§ monitor system integrity: the measured and expected liquid and air flows
at a certain air pressure are shown.
§ system integrity zone x: the operator can enter a table for the different
© Edit point: up to 4 points can be entered for each zone
§ tol. liq. integrity: the time after which a “nozzles blocked” or “nozzles
worn” warning is given, when the measured liquid flow deviates too much
from the calculated liquid flow (see also set points/alarm levels)
§ tol. air integrity: the tolerance time after which a “nozzles blocked” or
“nozzles worn” warning is given when the measured air flow deviates too
much from the calculated air flow (see also set points/alarm levels)
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§ auto table fault: the time after which an alarm is generated and the auto
table setup is stopped. An alarm is generated if the desired liquid flow or
air pressure is not reached within this time.
§ air check time: the time that the measured air pressure needs to be equal
within certain limits to the set pressure, before the particular values (air
flow, liquid pressure, liquid flow) are stored.
§ time set point = measurement: the time that the measured liquid needs to
be equal within certain limits to the set flow, before the particular values
(air flow, liquid pressure, liquid flow) are stored
§ max. deviation: the maximum allowed deviation between measured and
set liquid flow.
§ auto table setup: the operator can start an automatic setup of the table
at the liquid flows already defined in the table of the particular zone.
Before starting an automatic table calibration sequence, the operator
should first enter the required flow rates at which the system has to be
calibrated. Also the correct air pressure set point(s) must be entered.
After that an automatic calibration can be started. This calibration should
only be started during a cold startup of the system and can not be
performed during normal operation of the gas cooling process. The
system will then start spraying water in the tower. The system will
perform a sequence where all the liquid flow rate values in the table are
generated. At the same time the air pressure control will be active just like
during normal run mode. When the liquid flow stays within the maximum
deviation limits during the “time set point = measurement”, and also the
air pressure is OK, then the relevant values are stored into the table. Then
the system regulates the liquid flow to the next point until the table is
finished. If an error occurs, the auto table setup is stopped and an alarm is
generated. This sequence is repeated for every enabled FloMax lance
· Pump handling:
o Pump usage: the operator can define which pumps are used. The operator can
select if both pumps need to be used or if only one of the two pumps need to be
used. This selection can be useful when one pump is broken and then the system
can be configured to only use the other pump, until the broken pump is repaired.
o max. pump flow: this is the minimum accepted pump flow when the frequency
drive is running at full load. When the pump is running at 100%, and the
measured liquid flow stays below this value for a certain time, then a warning is
generated and the system switches over to the other pump. The particular pump is
o Switch time P1: Time that pump L3-P1 will be used before switching to pump L3-
o Switch time P2: Time that pump L3-P2 will be used before switching to pump L3-
o Time 2 pumps: time that the 2 pumps will be running together during a switch-
over (to obtain a smooth switch-over)
o Tol. switch pumps: the time after which a pump is stopped when the pump is
running at 100% and the maximum flow is not reached.
o Tol. pump_x feedback: Tolerance time for the feedback of the pump. A warning is
generated when the feedback signal of the pump is not correct (depending on type
of feedback signal e.g. ‘follow output’ or ‘static’ type of feedback signal).
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o Tol. pres. switch: the time after which a pump is stopped when the pump is
running and no pressure is detected by the pressure switch L4-PIS1.
· Flomax lance zones
o Zone x:
§ Flow limit: Zone x will be activated if the liquid flow becomes higher than
this limit. First the air valve is opened, second (after the anticipator time)
the liquid valve is opened. The by-pass valve LD-B1 is closed when the
second zone is switched on.
§ Hysteresis: Hysteresis value to ensure zone x is not switched on and off all
the time when the actual flow rate is fluctuating around the flow limit.

Remark: The flow limit for zone 2 must be equal or higher than
the nominal flow rate of the pump divided by 10. The nominal flow rate
of the pump is determined by the first number of the pump type (e.g.
CRE8-XX à nominal flow rate = 8 m3/h).
· Tolerance times: the minimum time that an alarm condition must be active before an
alarm is given on a digital input. If you enter a tolerance time of 0.5 s, then no alarms will
be given if they are shorter then 0.5 s:
o safety ackn. delay: when the system switches over to “safety liquid” (by freezing
the liquid flow), an acknowledgement of the “safety liquid” should be given
within this time. The system stops if the acknowledgement is not received within
this time.
The reason for this is to make sure that the operator verifies the liquid flow rate
sprayed in the tower since in this mode no automatic correction based on
temperature can be done by the system. The operator has to decide how much
liquid flow rate should be sprayed in this condition.
· Date/time setup: the date and time of the system can be modified
· Passwords: passwords can be modified

4.7.1 Passwords
The controller can be set up to have passwords for entering certain parts of the main menu.
The controller knows 3 predefined security groups:
· All (lowest)
· Operator (have 3 digit passwords)
· Customer engineering (have 4 digit passwords)
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· Reps (have 5 digit passwords)

The default configuration of the controller is
· Operator: 000 (= password disabled)
· Customer engineering: 0000 (= password enabled)
A password containing all zeroes is used when no password is needed for that level (disable
password access for that level).
When passwords are activated then the following security levels apply for accessing items in the
main menu.

· The access to the “operating screen” is always allowed (no password will be asked here)
· The access to the “Set points” requires at least an “operator” password (3 digits)
· The access to the "Setpoints\alarm levels" and "Setpoints\start-up setpoints" requires at
least a “Customer engineering” password (4 digits)
· The access to the “System Constants” requires at least a “Customer engineering”
password (4 digits)
· The access to the “System Setup” requires at least a “Customer engineering” password (4
· The access to the “Test/Manual functions” requires at least a “Customer engineering”
password (4 digits)

Once a password is entered, the controller remembers the password until you go back to the
operating screen. Once you have returned to the operating screen and then go back to the main
menu, the password must be entered again for having access to the sub menus.
A person with a 4-digits password can change the passwords. The passwords can be changed by
the “Passwords” function under “System setup”.
The system first asks your password and then you can change your own password or the
password of a lower level (always press enter after you have entered a password). Enter a
password with all zeroes (3 or 4) when you want to disable the password of a certain level (e.g.
enter 000 if you want to disable the operator password)
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4.8 System setup

This screen is only accessible for people with minimum a 5-digits password and is only
accessible by AutoJet people. It only contains information about the configuration of the system
and about what options are present on the actual system.

· Press and use the and to go to the line “System setup”.

· Then press

Main menu
System setup
+Stop/safety on fault
+Input sensors present
+Signal polarity
+Communication setup

· configuration: sub menu where parameters are configured which determines the
behaviour of the system (air regulation, liquid regulation, interface signals …).
Depending on the configuration additional parameters are shown on different screens.
o liquid regul. type:
§ VFD pumps : VFD pumps are used (never change this parameter)
o start-up mode : selection of how the controller reacts when the power is turned
on. E.g. when "safety mode" is selected then the system starts working in safety
mode when the controller is powered on.
o air regulation :
§ open loop : used when no pressure sensor is installed
§ closed loop : used when a pressure sensor is installed as a feedback for the
PID regulation.
o air algorithm :
§ pressure : for working at a fixed air pressure value. The air pressure is
regulated to a fixed pressure.
§ table : for working with a variable air pressure. The air pressure is
regulated in function of the liquid flow (table relation)
o enable purging : selection if the system is purging when the system is stopped.
o extra zones used : determines how many zones are installed
o system integrity check : selection if system integrity is used.
o pump fuse :
§ static output : a feedback contact from the thermal motor protection is
§ follow output : a feedback contact from the motor relay is used.
o start/stop/safety : selection if the commands are given by direct wiring, OPC or
locally on the 2250 controller.
o temperature setpoint : selection if the temperature setpoint is given by direct
wiring, OPC or locally on the 2250 controller.
o safety setpoint : selection if the liquid flow rate setpoint is given by direct wiring,
OPC or locally on the 2250 controller.
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o show extra info : selection if extra info is shown on the operating screen.
· stop/safety on fault : sub menu where the operator determines if the system switches
over to stop or safety mode when some alarms occurs
· input sensors present : sub menu where the operator determines which components are
installed (e.g. tank level measurement)
· signal polarity : sub menu where the operator can change the signal polarity of digital
inputs from normally open to normally closed (or vice-versa).

Remark: The controller need to be rebooted before the controller accepts the
signal polarity change. Reboot the controller by switch the power off and on.
· communication setup : sub menu where the operator determines the port type to
communicate (RS232 or RS422).

4.9 Test & manual functions

This screen is only accessible for people with minimum a 4-digits password.
The test mode functions allow you to test the inputs and outputs of the controller. Here you can
see if a digital or analogue input/output of the controller is working properly.

· Press and use the and to go to the line “Test & manual functions”.
· Then press

Main menu
Test & manual functions
Digital inputs
Digital outputs
Analogue inputs
Analogue outputs
Manual mode functions

· Digital inputs : here the current values of the digital inputs are shown. The information
on the screen depends upon the function of the digital input :

Definition Information shown on the screen

contact in rest
input = 0 input = 1
Normally open Off on
Normally On off
Off = not activated
On = activated
· Digital outputs: here the current values of the digital outputs are shown
· Analogue inputs : here the current values of the analogue inputs are shown
· Analogue outputs: here the current values of the analogue outputs are shown
· System test: carries out a system test (for keyboard and serial communication)
· Manual mode functions: This screen is only accessible for people with minimum a 4-
digits password.
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Entering this menu sets all the outputs of the controller to their initial state and allows the
user to set all outputs manually:
o Toggle manual mode: here you can toggle between manual or automatic regulation
by pressing the button . When the toggle manual mode shows ‘AUTO’ then all
the outputs of the controller are set to their initial state when leaving the manual mode
functions. When the toggle manual mode shows ‘MAN’ then the controller freezes
controls the outputs as set in the ‘manual mode functions’ when leaving the manual
mode functions. The status ‘MAN’ is displayed in the status bar by the symbol .
In order to activate the outputs as chosen, toggle the “start manual mode”. The
symbol is shown when the “start manual mode” has been activated.

Warning: The normal operation of the controller is stopped when entering

this submenu, or when leaving this submenu in status ‘MAN’. No alarms or warnings
are generated. The operator controls the spraying process completely. Pay attention to
any possible damage to individual components or the complete process. BE VERY
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5 Operating instructions
The guarantee conditions on this machine are valid under following restrictions:
· The machine has to be used according to this manual.
· The used liquid is water, it has a minimum conductivity of >25mS/cm and is clean.
· The area where the GCU is placed is not warmer than 40°C and not colder than 5°C, is
clean and is not humid.
· The operators are educated to operate the machine and are authorized to do so.

5.1 First run

Following steps have to be executed, after positioning the installation and fitting all pipes:
· Before switching on the main power switch, verify the input voltage and check if the
phases are not short-circuited.
· Turn the power on.
· Check the electrical connection of interface signals and installed components. The signals
can be monitored onto the controller (see Test&manual functions)
· Verify the configuration of the control system according to the available sensors and
actuators in the system (can only be done by AutoJet personnel).
· Verify the calibration of all sensors and actuators in the controller. Verify especially the
calibration of the interface signals, if used (see systems setup/calibration/sensors/remote
temperature setpoint & remote safety setpoint).
· Verify the correct functioning of the interface signals and components installed on site.
· Set up all parameters (especially alarm values).
· Open the manual valves on the liquid train:
o Manual valves in front of and behind BOTH pumps
o manual valves at the inlet/outlet of the GCU
· Fill the pumps with water by opening the manual by-pass valve L1-V4 at the inlet of the
pump. Vent the pumps. Verify the correct direction of rotation of the pump. For detailed
instructions see detailed documentation of the pump.
· Execute a pressure test onto air and liquid piping between GCU and lances if not
performed yet. Check for leakages.
· When the system uses only local temperature set point and/or a local pump flow set
point: enter the values in the menu “set points”.
· Execute the steps as described in section 5.2 ‘Starting up the installation’.
· The next parameters must be set up on site :
o the max. pump flow of the pump at 100% output. This can be done by starting the
system and put the minimum output of the liquid PID at 100% (see system
constants/PID control/PID liquid). The maximum pump flow parameter (see system
constants/pump handling) should be put at e.g. 90% of the actual measured liquid
flow. This test should best be done at the highest required air pressure on the lances
(to be sure that the test is done at the maximum liquid pressure).

Remark : Don’t forget to reset the minimum output value of the liquid
PID to the original value after finishing this test.
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o Adjust the regulating valve A2-H2a to the desired air pressure. This branch (by-pass
air) is only activated when a too low air pressure has been detected or in case of an air
pressure sensor error. This can be done as follows :
§ Start the system
§ Put the liquid PID in manual mode and set the min. desired liquid flow as
setpoint. It is advised to set the desired pressure at minimum liquid flow, since air
consumption will then be the maximum.
§ Close the manual valve A2-V1 in front of the main pressure regulator, so that the
system switches over to the air by-pass
§ adjust the regulating valve A2-H2a to the desired pressure.
§ Check the air pressure at different liquid flows when using multiple zones.
o Adjust the manual air by-pass valve Z*-V3 to each individual zone, so that a small air
flow passes through each lance (e.g. measured pressure on air pressure indicator 0,2
bar). This can be done as follows :
§ Start the system
§ Put the liquid PID in manual mode and set the min. desired liquid flow as
§ Adjust the manual regulating valves Z*-V3 in order to have ± 0,2 barg at the
nozzles which are zoned.
o Part of the liquid flow returns through the by-pass line to the liquid tank. The
control of the by-pass valve is determined by the parameters "flow limit" and
"hysteresis" (see System constants/flomax lance zones/zone 2). Verify if the pump
can deliver enough liquid flow when the by-pass valve is activated. This can be done
as follows :
§ start the system
§ Put the liquid PID in manual mode and enter the "flow limit" – "hysteresis" – 5%
as setpoint (to make sure that the second zone is closed). Then increase the
setpoint to the "flow limit" value.
§ Verify if the system reaches the setpoint.
§ If not, this means that too much liquid flow is passing through the by-pass.
Adjust the system by closing the manual valve LD-V1 until the pump reaches the
required flow, or reduce the parameter "flow limit" zone 2 (see system
constants/Flomax lance zones/zone 2) when only one zone is used.

Remark: The flow limit for zone 2 must be equal or higher than the
nominal flow rate of the pump divided by 10. The nominal flow rate of the pump
is determined by the first number of the pump type (e.g. CRE8-XX à nominal
flow rate = 8 m3/h).
· Tune the regulating loop: A PID control algorithm controls the liquid flow and air
· Verify the venting of the pumps.
· Perform the auto setup for system integrity testing (see section 4.7 System
constants/Flomax nozzle setup). This should only be done during a cold start up of the
· Check for leakages during operation. Repair when necessary.

If the first run causes problems: take contact with AutoJet Technologies.
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Remark: The gascooling system is a part from a complete process installation. The
behaviour of the gascooling system depends on the behaviour of the complete process
installation. All parameters and alarm levels must be verified and set in function of the
complete process. PID tuning and setting should be verified and tuned in function of the
complete process during start-up, shut-down and normal operation. It is the customer’s
responsibility to check and fine-tune the behaviour of the gascooling system (alarm levels,
PID-settings …) in function of the complete process.

5.2 Starting up the installation

To start the machine, act as follows:
· Check the air and liquid filters in the system
· Close drain valves L3-V6 and L3-V5.
· Open the manual valves:
o on the air train:
§ Filter valves
§ Manual valves on the air regulation unit
§ manual valves at the inlet/outlet of the GCU
§ Manual valves for the nozzles
o on the liquid train:
§ Manual valves in front of and behind BOTH pumps
§ manual valves in front of and behind the on/off valve L1-B1
§ manual valves at the inlet/outlet of the GCU
§ Manual valves for the nozzles
o NOTE: In fact all valves must be opened, except L3-V5, L3-V5, these must be
· Check the pressures in the air supply
· Check if there is water available.
· Check if the emergency stops are out. If they are activated, check why they are activated
and by whom. Make sure that it is safe to deactivate the emergency stop.
· Turn the power on. The green light on the control panel is on.
· Start the system by activating the START signal (locally via the ‘Usage/Maintenance’
sub menu on the 2250 keyboard or remotely via the remote start/stop input signal).
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6 Safety provisions
· Emergency stop: The system has an emergency stop button on the electrical cabinet. If
the button is pressed:
o The pumps will be shut off completely
o The nozzles will stop spraying (no air and no liquid)
o All regulations will be stopped.

Warning: This machine controls the gas outlet temperature by spraying water into
that tower. If the spraying is stopped, cooling stops immediately. USE

· There are no moving parts on the GCU and all components have a CE label.
· The critical valves must be sealed, in that way they are always in their same position.
· All critical components have a parallel circuit. In case of a failure of one of the
components, the system switches automatically to a “safe mode” and uses the parallel
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7 Troubleshooting

7.1 General
Most of the possible faults in the system are detected automatically by the controller and
displayed on the screen. See further for detailed information.
In case of other problems, i.e. no power on the control panel, check:
· Power supply: Are all fuses OK? Are all wirings OK? Are all connections OK?
· Water supply: Is there water available? No air inclusions? Enough pressure? Tank
· Compressed air supply: is there compressed air available? Enough pressure?
· Components : is cabling still OK ? Are the electrical connections still OK ?

7.2 Warnings on the controller screen: how to handle

An example of the screen of the controller with a fault message is shown below. The shown
message is “Emergency stop pressed”.
“Fault 1 of 3” means that there are 3 fault messages and that the first fault message is shown at
the moment.

Main menu
+Operating screen
+Set points
16h19 1 Fault of 3
Emergency stop

If there is more than 1 fault message, you can skip to the next / previous message by pressing the
keys and .
When you have seen all fault messages, they can be removed by pressing key twice or the
RESET button.
If you do not want to remove the messages, you can also minimize the fault screen to only one
line at the bottom of the screen by pressing the key.
(this also happens automatically if the key is pressed).
If you want to review the fault messages, then pres key .

Fault messages can be classified into 3 categories. Each category will control the alarm output.
The first category contains the warnings and alarms that do not stop the machine when the alarm
A second category of faults force the control system to go to the ‘safety’ state. (e.g. unreliable
temperature sensors). Then the safety output will be activated.
A third category of faults force the control system to go to the ‘stop’ state to prevent damage to
the system. (e.g. emergency stop pressed). Then the feedback "running" is deactivated.
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7.3 Faults list

Type: A = Alarm, W = Warning
Stop system?: A = always, N = never, S = switch to safety mode, C=configurable

Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

Air flow W Measured air flow A3-FT1 stays lower Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient N
xxx Nm³/h < xxx Nm³/h than the minimum air flow level. nozzles. The produced air supply.
lower than minimum. The minimum allowed flow is specified droplet size can be too Check air pressure circuit
by the ’minimum air flow’ parameter high, resulting in for leakage or blockages
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub incomplete evaporation (check operation of air
menu). (wet system). valves, filters …).
Check proper functioning of
air flow sensor.
Air flow W Measured air flow A3-FT1 stays higher Bad operation of the spray Check air pressure circuit N
xxx Nm³/h > xxx Nm³/h than the maximum air flow level. nozzles. Possibly too much for leakage (check operation
higher than maximum. The maximum allowed flow is specified air consumption. of air valves, filters …).
by the ‘maximum air flow’ parameter Check for nozzle wear.
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub Check proper functioning of
menu). air flow sensor.

Air flow W Bad signal from the air flow sensor A3- No flow measurement Check wiring connections N
sensor error. FT1 (e.g. below 4mA). possible. Possible bad between sensor and
operation of the spray controller. Replace the
nozzles. sensor if needed.
Air pressure W Measured air pressure A4-PT1 stays Wrong operation of the Check air pressure circuit N
xxx bar > xxx bar higher than the sum of air pressure set spray nozzles. Possibly too for leakage or blockages
too high. point and air pressure deviation. much air consumption. (check operation of air
The maximum allowed deviation is valves, filters …).
specified by the ‘air pressure deviation’ Check PID parameters for
parameter (under Set points – Alarm air regulation.
levels sub menu).

Air pressure W Bad signal from the air pressure sensor The system automatically Check wiring connections N
sensor error. A4-PT1 (e.g. below 4mA). switches to the air by-pass between sensor and
by opening valve A2-B1. controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
Air pressure W Measured air pressure A4-PT1 stays Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient N
xxx bar < xxx bar lower than air pressure set point minus air nozzles. The produced air supply.
too low. pressure deviation. droplet size can be too Check air pressure circuit
The maximum allowed deviation is high, resulting in for leakage or blockages
specified by the ‘air pressure deviation’ incomplete evaporation (check operation of air
parameter (under Set points – Alarm (wet system). valves, filters …). Check for
levels sub menu). nozzle wear.
Check PID parameters for
air regulation.
Air pressure stays too W Measured air pressure A4-PT1 stays Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient N
low lower than air pressure set point minus air nozzles. The produced air supply.
xxx bar < xxx bar pressure deviation. droplet size can be too Check air pressure circuit
Air bypass valve The maximum allowed deviation is high, resulting in for leakage or blockages
opened. specified by the ‘air pressure deviation’ incomplete evaporation (check operation of air
parameter (under Set points – Alarm (wet system). valves, filters …). Check for
levels sub menu). The system automatically nozzle wear.
switches to the air by-pass Check PID parameters for
by opening valve A2-B1. air regulation.
Air pressure stays too W Measured air pressure A4-PT1 stays Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient N
low lower than air pressure set point minus air nozzles. The produced air supply.
xxx bar < xxx bar pressure deviation, while the air by-pass droplet size can be too Check air pressure circuit
too low. valve A2-B1 is opened. high, resulting in for leakage or blockages
after opening bypass The maximum allowed deviation is incomplete evaporation (check operation of air
valve specified by the ‘air pressure deviation’ (wet system). valves, filters …). Check for
parameter (under Set points – Alarm nozzle wear.
levels sub menu). Check correct functioning of
the manual regulating valve
A2-H2 and valve A2-B1.
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Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

Air regulation W Air regulating valve A2-H1 too long at Possible bad operation of Check if there is sufficient N
at max limit maximum capacity. the spray nozzles due to air supply.
insufficient atomizing air Check air pressure circuit
pressure. for leakage or blockages
(check operation of air
valves, filters …). Check for
nozzle wear.
Check PID parameters for
air regulation.
Automatic table fault A Measured liquid flow or air pressure The system automatically Check for liquid and air A
Too large deviation deviates too much from set point during stops. blockages or leakages
between set point and an automatic table setup for system No table setup. No correct (filters, manual valves,
measured flow integrity. system integrity regulating valves…).
The maximum allowed liquid flow monitoring. Check PID parameters
deviation is specified by the ‘max. (under system constants –
deviation’ parameter (under system PID).
constants – FloMax nozzle setup –
system integrity). The maximum allowed
air pressure deviation is specified by the
‘air pressure deviation’ parameter (under
Set points – Alarm levels sub menu).
The times are specified by the "auto table
fault ", "Time verif. air" and "Time
setpoint = mes" (under system constants
– FloMax nozzle setup – system
Emergency stop A The emergency stop button is pressed. The controller goes to After the system is safe A
pressed! ‘stop’ and all outputs are again, the emergency stop
set in their ‘safe state’. can be unlocked.
Inlet temperature higher W The measured inlet gas temperature is Possible bad functioning of Check if inlet gas conditions N
xxx°C > xxx°C higher than the maximum inlet the system or damage to are within design limits
than maximum. temperature. system components in or (inlet temperature, inlet gas
The maximum inlet temperature is behind the cooling tower. flow rate).
specified by the ‘Max. inlet temp.’
parameter (under Set points – Alarm
levels sub menu).
Inlet temperature lower W The measured inlet gas temperature is Possible bad functioning of Check if inlet gas conditions N
xxx°C , xxx°C lower than the minimum required the system or damage to are within design limits
than minimum. temperature. system components in or (inlet temperature, inlet gas
The maximum inlet temperature is behind the cooling tower. flow rate).
specified by the ‘Min. inlet temp.’
parameter (under Set points – Alarm
levels sub menu).
Inlet temperature sensor W Bad signal from Temperature sensor TT4 The system ignores the Check wiring connections N
error (below 4 mA). particular sensor. The between sensor and
disturbance value is controller. Replace the
ignored. sensor if needed.
Internal temperature AThe internal temperature of the controller The controller can be Check ambient temperature. A
2250 is too high for proper functioning of the damaged internally. The Check cooling of the
too high! controller. system automatically stops. controller cabinet.
Liquid filter blocked W Measured liquid pressure L3-PT1 after Limited water flow. Check for liquid blockages N
x.xx bara < x.xx bara the filter stays too low indicating a too (filters, manual valves …).
Select other filter. big pressure drop over the liquid filter. Check if the inlet gas
The minimum pressure is specified by the conditions are not above the
‘filter blocked pr.’ parameter (under Set design specifications, which
points – Alarm levels sub menu). can lead to excessive liquid
Liquid flow A Bad signal from the liquid flow sensor The system automatically Check wiring connections A
sensor error. L4-FT1 (e.g. below 4mA). stops. between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
Liquid pressure W Bad signal from the liquid pressure No pressure measurement Check wiring connections N
sensor error. sensor L6-PT1 (e.g. below 4mA). possible. between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
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Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

Liquid pressure W Measured liquid pressure L6-PT1 stays Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient N
xxx bar < xxx bar lower than the minimum liquid pressure nozzles. Unequal liquid supply.
lower than minimum. level. distribution to the lances. Check liquid pressure circuit
The minimum pressure is specified by the for blockages or leakages
‘minimum liquid pressure’ parameter (check manual valves,
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub flexible, nozzles …).
Liquid pressure W Measured liquid pressure L6-PT1 stays Bad operation of the spray Check liquid pressure circuit N
xxx bar > xxx bar higher than the maximum liquid pressure nozzles. Unequal for blockages (check manual
higher than maximum. level. distribution to the lances. valves, flexible, nozzles …).
The maximum pressure is specified by Increased electrical power
the ‘maximum liquid pressure’ parameter consumption.
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub
Liquid regulation W Pump L3-P1 or L3-P2 stays too long at The system is working at Check if inlet gas conditions N
at max limit 100% capacity. maximum conditions, are within design limits
possibly resulting in (inlet temperature, inlet gas
insufficient cooling. flow rate).
Check liquid circuit (valves,
filters …) for leakage and
Check correct functioning of
the pump.
Maintenance time pump W Maintenance on pump x required. Possible damage to the Perform maintenance. N
xx.x days > x.x days The maintenance interval is specified by pump. Modify “maintenance Px’
exceeded the ‘maintenance Px’ parameter (under parameter after performing
usage/maintenance – pumps) maintenance.
No inlet air pressure A Measured compressed air pressure A1- Bad operation of the spray Check if there is sufficient A
available. Check air PIS1 stays too low. nozzles. The produced air supply.
filter droplet size can be too Check air pressure circuit
high, resulting in for leakage or blockages
incomplete evaporation (check operation of manual
(wet system). valves, filters …).
Check setting and correct
functioning of the pressure
Check wiring connections
between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
No inlet liquid pressure W Measured inlet liquid pressure L0-PS1 at No or insufficient water Check if there is sufficient N
available. the tank stays too low. available. liquid supply.
Check liquid supply circuit
for leakage or blockages.
Check setting and correct
functioning of the pressure
Check wiring connections
between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
No instrument air A Measured instrument air pressure C1-PS1 Bad or no operation of the Check if there is sufficient A
pressure available. stays too low. air driven regulating air supply.
valves. Check instrument air
pressure circuit for leakage
or blockages (check
operation of instrument air
regulating valves, filters …).
Check setting and correct
functioning of the pressure
Check wiring connections
between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
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Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

No reliable temperature A The fault is given when the available The system switches Check the operation and the S
sensor available temperature sensors are not measuring the automatically to ‘safety’ positioning of the sensors. or
same temperature or when there are too mode or stops. Check gas distribution in the A
many sensor errors. The maximum measurement pipe. or
allowed deviation between different C
sensors is specified by the ‘Max. sensor
deviation’ parameter under the ‘Set
points’ – ‘Alarm levels’ sub menu.

Nozzle deviation liquid W Measured liquid flow L4-FT1 deviates Nozzles blocked. Possible Check for liquid blockages N
0.0 % too low too much from the liquid flow out of change of spray pattern and (manual valves, flexible …).
Nozzles blocked. system integrity table. droplet size. Check the correct
The system integrity table is specified functioning of the nozzles.
under system constants –flomax nozzle
setup – system integrity zone x.
The maximum deviation is specified by
the ‘Min. dev. liq integ’ and ‘Liq.
integrity perc ‘parameter (under Set
points – Alarm levels sub menu).

Nozzle deviation air W Measured air flow A3-FT1deviates too Nozzles blocked. Possible Check for air blockages N
0.0 % too low much from air flow out of system change of spray pattern and (manual valves, flexible …).
Nozzles blocked. integrity table. droplet size. Check the correct
The system integrity table is specified functioning of the nozzles.
under system constants –FloMax nozzle
setup – system integrity zone x.
The maximum deviation is specified by
the ‘Min. dev. air integ’ and ‘Air.
integrity perc ‘parameter (under Set
points – Alarm levels sub menu).
Nozzle deviation liquid W Measured liquid flow L4-FT1 deviates Nozzles worn. Possible Check for liquid leakages N
0.0 % too high too much from the liquid flow out of change of spray pattern and (manual valves, flexible …).
Nozzles worn. system integrity table. droplet size. Check the correct
The system integrity table is specified functioning of the nozzles.
under system constants –FloMax nozzle
setup – system integrity zone x.
The maximum deviation is specified by
the ‘Min. dev. liq integ’ and ‘Liq.
integrity perc ‘parameter (under Set
points – Alarm levels sub menu).

Nozzle deviation air W Measured air flow A3-FT1deviates too Nozzles worn. Possible Check for air leakages N
0.0 % too high much from the air flow out of system change of spray pattern and blockages (manual valves,
Nozzles worn. integrity table. droplet size. flexible …).
The system integrity table is specified Check the correct
under system constants –FloMax nozzle functioning of the nozzles.
setup – system integrity zone x.
The maximum deviation is specified by
the ‘Min. dev. air integ’ and ‘Air.
integrity perc ‘parameter (under Set
points – Alarm levels sub menu).
Outlet pressure pump x A The pump is running while there is no The system first tries to Check the pump circuit: e.g. A
too low pressure detected by the pressure switch start the other pump. If the is there water available?
L4-PIS1 after the pumps. other pump was already in Check liquid pressure circuit
failure then the system for blockages (check manual
stops. Both pumps are valves, flexible, nozzles …).
switched off. Check the power to the
pump (check fuses). Check
the correct functioning and
wear of the pump.
Check the correct
functioning and wiring
connections between
pressure switch and
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Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

Pump suction pressure W Bad signal from the liquid pressure No pressure measurement Check wiring connections N
sensor error. sensor L3-PT1 (e.g. below 4mA). possible. between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
Pump suction pressure A Measured liquid pressure L3-PT1 at the Risk for cavitations in the Check for liquid blockages A
x.xx bara < x.xx bara suction of the pump stays too low. pump. (filters, manual valves …).
lower than minimum. The minimum pressure is specified by the System stops automatically. Check if the inlet gas
‘min. pump suct. pr.” parameter (under conditions are not above the
Set points – Alarm levels sub menu). design specifications, which
can lead to excessive liquid
Pump suction pressure W Measured liquid pressure L3-PT1 after Excessive outlet pressure of Check inlet pressure. N
x.xx bara > x.xx bara the filter stays too high. the pump. Damage to the
higher than maximum. The maximum pressure is specified by pump or individual
the ‘max. pump suct. pr.” parameter components.
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub
Pump x fault. A The pump is running at 100% while the The system first tries to Check the pump circuit: e.g. A
Not enough flow max. flow is not obtained. start the other pump. If the is there water available?
detected. The maximum pump flow is specified by other pump was already in Check liquid pressure circuit
the ‘max. pump flow’ parameter (under failure then the system for blockages (check manual
System constants pump handling). stops. Both pumps are valves, flexible, nozzles …).
switched off. Check the power to the
pump (check fuses). Check
the correct functioning and
wear of the pump.
Pump x A Feedback VFD of the pump stays low. The system first tries to Check the motor fuse. A
feedback error start the other pump. If the
other pump was already in
failure then the system
stops. Both pumps are
switched off.
Pump x not switched off W Feedback VFD of the pump remains high Incorrect operation of the Check the correct N
Check motor while the pump is not running. system. functioning of the pump.
Pump x not switched on A Feedback VFD of the pump stays low The system first tries to Check the correct A
Check motor while the pump is running. start the other pump. If the functioning of the pump.
starter/fuse. other pump was already in
failure then the system
stops. Both pumps are
switched off.
Remote fault A Remote fault of the customer detected via Warning or system stops. C
digital input.
Remote safety set point A Bad signal from the remote safety set The system automatically Check wiring connections. A
sensor error. point sensor (below 4 mA). stops. Switch-over to local control
of the system when
Remote temperature set A Bad signal from the remote temperature The system automatically Check wiring connections. A
point sensor error. sensor (below 4 mA). stops. Switch-over to local control
of the system when
System stopped. A The system has been switched to safety The system automatically Check the correct A
Safety acknowledge mode while the liquid regulation has been stops. functioning and wiring of
Not received frozen. The system did not receive an the digital input ‘remote
acknowledgement of the safety mode safety’.
within a certain time. Switch-over to local control
The time is specified by the ‘Safety ackn. of the system when
delay” parameter (under System necessary.
constants – tolerance time).
Tank empty A The liquid tank is empty. Pumps can run dry. Check if there is sufficient A
x.xx% < x.xx% The empty level is specified by the ‘Tank No water available for liquid supply.
empty %’ (under Set points – Alarm cooling. The system Check liquid supply circuit
levels sub menu). automatically stops. for leakage or blockages.
Check correct functioning of
the level sensor.
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Stop system ?
Screen message Description Consequences Remedy

Tank level W The liquid tank level is too low. Limited time for further Check if there is sufficient N
x.xx% < x.xx% The low level is specified by the ‘Tank cooling since water buffer liquid supply.
too low low %’ (under Set points – Alarm levels tank is not filling fast Check liquid supply circuit
sub menu). enough. for leakage or blockages.
Check correct functioning of
the level sensor.
Tank level W The liquid tank level is too high. Spillage of water. Check liquid supply circuit N
x.xx% > x.xx% The high level is specified by the ‘Tank for blockages (float valve).
too high high %’ (under Set points – Alarm levels Check correct functioning of
sub menu). the level sensor.
Tank level sensor error. W Bad signal from the level sensor L0-LT1 No level measurement Check wiring connections N
(e.g. below 4mA). possible. between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
Temp. sensor difference W The deviation between these two Unreliable temperature Check the operation and the N
xxx°C > xxx°C temperature sensors stays too high. measurement, possible positioning of the sensors.
Temp. x and temp x The maximum allowed deviation is resulting in a wrong outlet Check gas distribution in the
specified by the ‘Sensor dev.’ parameter temperature. One of the measurement pipe.
(under Set points – Alarm levels sub sensors is ignored.
Temperature W Outlet temperature stays below target Possible bad functioning of Check if inlet gas conditions N
xxx°C < xxx°C temperature minus allowed temp. system components behind are within design limits
too low. deviation. the cooling tower. (inlet temperature, inlet gas
The maximum allowed deviation is flow rate).
specified by the ‘Temp deviation’ Check PID control loop
parameter (under Set points – Alarm settings.
levels sub menu).
Temperature W Outlet temperature stays higher than Possible bad functioning or Check if inlet gas conditions N
xxx°C > xxx°C target temperature plus allowed temp. damage to system are within design limits
too high. deviation. components behind the (inlet temperature, inlet gas
The maximum allowed deviation is cooling tower. flow rate).
specified by the ‘Temp deviation’ Check PID control loop
parameter (under Set points – Alarm settings.
levels sub menu). Check ‘max. output’
parameter for the liquid flow
(under system constants –
PID – PID temperature).
Temperature W Bad signal from Temperature sensor TTx The system ignores the Check wiring connections N
sensor x error. (below 4 mA). particular sensor. between sensor and
controller. Replace the
sensor if needed.
Temperature higher W The measured outlet gas temperature is Possible bad functioning or Check if the inlet gas N
xxx°C > xxx°C higher than the sum of target temperature damage to system conditions are not above the
than maximum and safety temp. deviation. components behind the design specifications.
temperature. The maximum allowed deviation is cooling tower. Check the complete
specified by the ‘Max. Temp. dev.’ functionality of the cooling
parameter (under Set points – Alarm system + lances.
levels sub menu). Check PID control loop
Check ‘max. output’
parameter for the liquid flow
(under system constants –
PID – PID temperature).
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8 Maintenance and cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the machine is very important to make sure the machine
will always operate correctly.
Check also detailed maintenance information in the separate instructions of each part.

8.1 Weekly
· Check filters in air supply and water supply
· Check if water is collected in the air filters. If yes: remove
· Check if the nozzles are free of dirt and function correctly. This has to be checked while
the installation functions.
· Some of the systems have an integrated cooler on the electrical cabinet or a cabinet with
separate VFD's. Check the filter of the cooler and clean when necessary. The filter can
be cleaned by blowing with compressed air.

cooling unit

· Some of the systems have an integrated heating unit. Clean the heating unit of the
encapsulated GCU by using compressed air so that all dust is removed from the fins of
heating unit.

Attention: The control of the filters can only be done if the filter is shut off. First
close the 2 manual valves in front of and after the filter, before you
remove the filters.

Attention: Do not forget to open the valves again after cleaning the filters.
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8.2 Monthly
When the system is not in service:
· check if the temperature sensors are free of dirt and in good condition
· check if the lances are free of dirt and in good condition

8.3 Every 3 months

When the system is not in service; actuate all valves manually once. This prevents them from not
opening and closing at all after a period of not using them.
Please take care of positioning the valves in the same way as they were before.
Verify the settings of the installation according to the technical specifications. If any difference
should occur, detect the cause, and if necessary, adjust the installation.

When the installation is in service; switch the controller to safety mode

Warning: If the controller is in safety mode: check if cooling and atomizing is


8.4 Each year

Verify the proper working of all individual components (valves, pressure regulator, pressure
switches, sensors …). Clean and dedust the installation.
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9 Directions of installation and transport

9.1 Transport
Transportation of the GCU should only be executed by skilled professionals. There are openings
provided at the bottom of the GCU to transport the GCU by means of a fork-lift.

Warning: Never lift the GCU by strapping it at one of the components! Leave the
GCU in the wooden packing and lift it by appropriate lifting devices when
the GCU has to be moved to a higher level.

9.2 Installation

Following steps have to be executed :

· Install the water buffer tank and compressed air buffer tank on the appropriate position.
They must be handled with an appropriate lifting device.
· Install the GCU horizontal on the appropriate position. The GCU must be handled with
an appropriate lifting device.
· Fix the GCU and buffer tanks by means of anchor bolts.
· Connect the electrical power supply, water supply and compressed air supply according
to the required specifications.

outlet liquid and

inlet/outlet air

inlet liquid

bypass pumps
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· Install the components which are not installed on the GCU, as close as possible to the
lances. Each individual component is identified according to the P&ID and bill of
materials enclosed:
o pressure measurements A4-PT1 and L6-PT1
o on/off valves Z*-B1, Z*-B2 and globe valve Z*-V3 to the particular zones
o manual valves (Z*-V1, Z*-V2), flexibles (Z*-S1, Z*-S2), non-return valves (Z*-R1,
Z*-R2), and pressure indicators (Z*-PI1, Z*-PI2) to each individual lance.
· Install the accessories of the buffer tanks. Each individual component is identified
according to the P&ID and bill of materials enclosed
· Install the thermocouples at an appropriate position after the outlet of the tower.
· Install the piping between buffer tanks and GCU. The pressure drop across the piping at
max. flow should be minimized.
· Install the piping between the GCU and the lances. The pressure drop across the piping at
max. flow should not exceed the values as described under ‘Process design data’ (see
attachment). At the lances it is advised to use a closed loop onto which each lance is
connected. The pressure drop in the loop should be minimized, so that each lance is
working at the same air and liquid pressure.
· Install the recirculation piping between GCU and storage tank.
· Connect the drain valves of the GCU (L3-V6 and L3-V5) and liquid buffer tank (L0-V4)
and the overflow of the buffer tank.
· Purge and clean the piping between the GCU and the lances, as well as between GCU
and buffer tank.
· Connect the electrical components (thermocouples, pressure measurements, on/off
valves) to the control panel according to the electrical drawings. Use shielded cable
between panel and components for analogue signals. Use an appropriate wire size
depending on the distance between control panel and particular component. Close the
unused cable glands with blank plugs.

opening at the
top for cable


· Connect the interface signals according to the electrical drawings.

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· Execute a pressure test onto air and liquid piping between GCU and lances. Check for

See also section C which includes a drawing with installation instructions.

Warning: The customer needs to provide heating and/or insulation when the system
(GCU and piping) need to work below 5°C!

Warning: The system is designed for indoor installation. When the system is
installed outdoors, it should be installed under a roof or other protection in
order to protect the system against direct sunlight.
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10 Appendix: PID control algorithm used in 2250 controller

10.1 PID formula used in the 2250

æ 1 De ö
Output = P ´ ç e + å e ´ Dt + Td ´ ÷ + PresetValue
è Ti Dt ø
Output = normalized output value to be sent to the actuator
Output Range = range of the actuator
OutputRange = MaximumOutputValue - MinimumOutputValue
Output Value = real value used to drive the actuator
OutputValue = Output ´ OutputRange + MinimumOutputValue
P = P-value (dimensionless number)
Ti = I- value (in seconds)
Td = D- value (in seconds)
e = normalized error or normalized difference between setpoint and measurement
Measurement - Setpoint Setpoint - Measurement
e= or e =
MeasurementRange MeasurementRange
(direct or indirect process)
Measurement Range = range of the sensor used for the measurement.
MeasurementRange = MaximumMeasurementValue - MinimumMeasurementValue
Dt = control period (in seconds), the PID equation is recalculated every Dt
De = difference of the normalized error value between two successive PID calculations
Preset Value = Normalized output start value when the PID calculation is started.

10.2 Example 1
Temperature PID loop used in the gas cooling application (cascaded PID loop). Here
this PID loop determines the required liquid flow rate to be sprayed in the tower.
Another PID control loop will then take care to drive the pumps to obtain the required
flow rate.

Output Value = required liquid flow rate to be sprayed in the tower in l/min
Output Range = range of the liquid flow rate in l/min (usually the range of the liquid flow
sensor or the flow rate capacity of the pump system)
Measurement = temperature measurement at the outlet of the cooling tower in ºC
Measurement Range = range of the temperature sensor at outlet of tower in ºC
Setpoint = required target temperature at the outlet of the cooling tower in ºC

· P = P-value = 2
· Ti = I-value = 60 s
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· Td = D-value = 0 s (Derivative not used)

· Output Range = 300 l/min (cooling system can work between minimum 0 l/min
and maximum 300 l/min)
· Measurement = 220 ºC (actual measured temperature at the outlet of the tower)
· Measurement Range = 500 ºC (the temperature sensor can measure from 0 ºC
till 500 ºC)
· Setpoint = 200 ºC
· Dt = 1 s (control period, calculate PID formula every second)
· Preset Value = 0 l/min, PID calculation starts working with 0 l/min output value.

Measurement - Setpoint 220 - 200

e= = = 0.04
MeasurementRange 500

æ 1 De ö æ 1 ö 0.08
Output = P ´ ç e + å e ´ Dt + Td ´ ÷ = 2 ´ ç 0.04 + å 0.04 ´ 1÷ = 0.08 + å
è Ti Dt ø è 60 ø 60
æ 0.08 ö
OutputValue = Output ´ OutputRange = ç 0.08 + å ÷ ´ 300 = 24 l/min + å 0.4 l/min
è 60 ø

Interpretation of this result

The output value is the sum of two components, one is the result of the P-action and the
second is the I-action.
· The P-action = 24 l/min, which means that with the given values above, a
temperature difference of 20 ºC results in an immediate increase of spray volume
in the tower of 24 l/min.
· The I-action = 0.4 l/min, which means that with the given values above, the
system will increase the spray volume in the tower with 0.4 l/min every second as
long as the temperature difference of 20 ºC remains between set point and
measurement. This also means that if this difference stays the same, the spray
volume will increase with 60*0.04 = 24 l/min.

As you can see from the formula, changing the P-factor has an effect on both the P-
action and the I-action.
Changing the I-factor (Ti) only changes the I-action. Increasing the I-factor (Ti) results in
a smaller I-action or a slower response.

Parameters in the 2250 gascooling application

PID temperature
P-value: 0.600 P
I-value: 30.00 s Ti
D-value: 0.000 s Td
Control period: 0.5 s
Dead band: 0.00 %
Preset value: 0.00 l/min
Minimum value: 10.0 l/min Minimum output value
Maximum value: 300.0 l/min Maximum output value

Dead band: a normalized error (in %) smaller than the dead band percentage are
ignored by the PID calculation à No PID corrections for too small errors.
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10.3 Example 2
Flow PID loop used in the gas cooling application (cascaded PID loop). This PID loop
determines the required pump rpm to obtain the required liquid flow rate.

Output Value = required pump rpm percentage in %

Output Range = range of the pump rpm percentage (typically 0...100%)
Measurement = liquid flow rate measurement in l/min
Measurement Range = range of the liquid flow rate range (difference between
maximum and minimum liquid flow rate, usually this corresponds with the flow rate
range of the flow sensor)
Setpoint = required liquid flow rate in l/min

· P = P-value = 1.5
· Ti = I- value = 2 s
· Td = D- value = 0 s (Derivative not used)
· Output Range = 100% (pumps can work between minimum 0 % and maximum
100% pump rpm signal)
· Measurement = 120 l/min (actual measured liquid flow rate with the flow sensor)
· Measurement Range = 300 l/min (the liquid flow rate can range from minimum 0
l/min till maximum 300 l/min).
· Setpoint = 150 l/min
· Dt = 0.5 s (control period, calculate PID formula two times a second)
· Preset Value = 0 %, PID calculation starts working with 0 % output value.

Setpoint - Measurement 150 - 120

e= = = 0.10
MeasurementRange 300

æ 1 De ö æ 1 ö 0.05
Output = P ´ ç e + å e ´ Dt + Td ´ ÷ = 1.5 ´ ç 0.10 + å 0.10 ´ 0.5 ÷ = 0.15 + å
è Ti Dt ø è 2 ø 2
æ 0.05 ö
OutputValue = Output ´ OutputRange = ç 0.15 + å ÷ ´ 100 = 15 % + å 2.5%
è 2 ø

Interpretation of this result

The output value is the sum of two components, one is the result of the P-action and the
second is the I-action.
· The P-action = 15%, which means that with the given values above, a flow rate
difference of 30 l/min results in an immediate increase of the pump rpm of 15%.
· The I-action = 2.5%, which means that with the given values above, the system
will increase the pump rpm with 2.5% every 0.5s as long as the flow rate
difference of 30 l/min remains between flow rate set point and flow measurement.
This also means that if this difference remains the same, the pump rpm will
increase with 10*2*2.5% = 50% every 10 seconds.
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10.4 Cascading PID loops for VFD Gas cooling application

The 2250 uses a cascaded PID algorithm to control the liquid to the cooling tower. The first PID
loop (temperature PID) calculates how much water (in l/min) is needed to do the cooling and
then this information is sent as a set point to another PID loop (liquid flow PID). The liquid flow
PID will then control the RPM of the VFD pump to achieve the required flow rate.

Temperature Flow
Set point 300 l/min
200C PID

210C I-factor
Flow rate
D-factor Set point
Flow 120 l/min PID Pump RPM
10 l/min Liquid Flow Percentage

Flow rate
110 l/min I-factor

10.5 Feed forward regulation for VFD Gas cooling application

The 2250 can use a feed forward algorithm to deal with temperature changes when an inlet
temperature sensor is used. A disturbance value is added to the output of temperature regulation.
Disturbance value = Disturbancefactor ´ PIDmaxout ´
(Tin - Tsetpoint )
Tin = actual inlet temperature
Tsetpoint = setpoint temperature
Tmeas = measuring range of the inlet temperature

This results in a feed forward action to the regulation. The disturbance value is limited to the
max. influence value. (System constants->PID control -> Disturbance control).
The max. influence value also changes the min. and max. outlet value of PID1.
· Min output of PID1 = (Min. output temp pid - max. influence)
· Max output of PID1 = (Max output temp pid + max. influence)
If there is an inlet temperature sensor fault, the disturbance value and max. influence will be set
to zero. If the alarm is cleared, the values will be set again to the values before the sensor fault

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