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MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.

1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

Accident Analysis and Highway Safety

Noorliyana Omar1,*, Joewono Prasetijo1, Basil David Daniel1 , and Mohd Asrul Effendi
Department of Infrastructure and Geomatic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
Johor, Malaysia
Department of Statistics and Mathematics, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

Abstract. Since 2010, Federal Route FT050 (Jalan Batu Pahat-Kluang)

has undergone many changes, including the improvement of geometric
features (i.e., construction of median, dedicated U-turns and additional
lanes) and upgrading the quality of the road surface. Unfortunately, even
with these enhancements, accidents continue to occur along this route. This
study covered both accident analysis and blackspot study. Accident point
weightage was used to identify blackspot locations. The results reveal
hazardous road locations and blackspot ranking along the route.

1 Introduction
Road accidents have been recognised as one of the major problems in the world. In
addition, it has major impacts on the society, economy and progress of a country. Road
accidents occur when traffic conflicts between vehicular movements which can cause delay
and traffic congestion [1]. Rohani [2] mentioned that human error, traffic, vehicle and road
conditions, and the surrounding environment have been determined as key factors that
influence driving behaviour, which can in turn contribute to road accidents.
Road accidents increase relatively from year to year even though the Malaysian
government has carried out many programs. The increment is proportionate to the growth
in population, economic development, industrialisation and motorisation in the country [3].
Furthermore, road accidents are the leading cause of death in Malaysia [4].
There are many road accidents reported every day. In 2013, Malaysia recorded 477,204
accidents, which include 6,915 deaths. This resulted in an average of 19 deaths from road
accidents every day. Deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles was 2.9, which is high in
comparison to developed countries that register 2.0 deaths or less per 10,000 registered
vehicles [5].
Fig. 1 shows that in 2013, federal roads in Malaysia had the highest number of road
accidents compared to other road categories. Federal Route 50 (FT050) is a four-lane road
that runs from Batu Pahat to Kluang (Fig. 2). The road has many access points, almost one
per kilometre. The road also has a high density of private driveways and access to
properties. 1420 accidents were recorded along this stretch in 2013 alone [6]. So far, at least

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MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

five studies have been conducted along this road [6][7][8][9][10]. Seven locations at FT050
were identified as accident blackspots, which are KM posts 2, 4, 7, 23, 48, 57 and 58 [5].
The accident rate at this road is among the highest compared to other federal roads in the

Fig. 1.Accidents based on road types in 2013 [5].

Fig. 2.Study location at Federal Route FT05.

In order to achieve a “developed country” status, Malaysia needs to minimise road

accidents and increase the safety level for road users. The Malaysian Institute of Road
Safety (MIROS) was established in order to monitor and enhance road safety in Malaysia.
It acts as the main organiser in developing young minds and educating people about road
safety. In addition, the institute, through their advanced Research and Development unit,
focuses on how to minimise road accidents through road standards and design.
The location of this study is along Federal Route 50 (FT050), one of the black spot
areas in Johor [11]. Based on the road accident statistics, the accidents involved cars,
lorries, bicycles, pedestrians and mostly motorcyclists [8].

MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

2 Aims
The aim of this study is to analyse the accident data in order to identify blackspots along
Federal Route 50.

3 Method
The methodology adopted for this study involves identification of the study area, accident
data collection from the police station and blackspot identification.

3.1 Data collection

Accident data was collected from PDRM covering all police recorded accidents. The data
included; number of fatalities, number of seriousness of the injuries (i.e., serious and slight
injury) and number of accidents that did not involve any injury. A five-year accident period
was used, starting from 2010 until 2014.

3.2 Analysis of accident data

The raw data were collected from PDRM as mentioned in section 3.1 and analyzed to
determine the accident pattern at the studied area. The analysis consist of accidents
severities by year, accidents by section and black spot location.

3.3 Blackspot identification

An accident blackspot refers to a section of a road regarded as a high-risk location for
vehicle crashes. Identification of accident blackspots was carried out using the accident
point weightage method.
The accident point weightage formula was used to determine the ranking of accidents
for every kilometre. Each accident severity level has its own weightage. For accidents
involving fatalities, the numbers need to be multiplied by 6.0. For serious injury, slight
injury and not involving any injury, the numbers need to be multiplied by 3.0, 0.8 and 0.2,
respectively [12]. The equation for the above mentioned method is shown in Equation (1).

APW=X1(6.0)+ X2(3.0) + X3(0.8) + X4(0.2) (1)

where, X1 = Number of fatalities, X2 = Number of serious injuries, X3 = Number of slight

injuries, and X4 = Number of damages only

4 Results and analysis

This study was designed to analyse accident data and identify accident blackspot. The
following sections report the results of this study.

4.1 Accident severity by year

Data on accident severity was analysed from year 2010-2014. The results can be seen in
Fig. 3.

MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

Fig. 3.Accident severity from 2010 – 2014.

As observed from Figure 3, the accidents increased from 2010 to 2011. From only 1186
accidents in 2010, the number increased to 1305 in 2011. In 2012, there was a slight
decrease in the number of total accidents. This is because of the upgrading process of this
road which causes drivers to decrease their speed along the work zone. However, the total
number of accidents increased from 1136 to 1633 from 2012 to 2013. This may be due to a
sharp increase in total vehicle registration as reported by the Road Transportation
Department (2015) [13]. In 2014, the number of accidents decreased to 1470. The highest
number of recorded accidents between 2010 and 2014 occurred in the year 2013, where a
total of 1633 accidents were recorded.

4.2 Accidents by section

From the accident severity data by year, this study focused on the highest number of
accidents based on section location. The results can be seen in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.Total Number of Accidents by Section in 2013.

The highest numbers of accidents was recorded in 2013 at KM 8 (Fig. 4). Land use and
vertical alignment are amongst the factors that contribute to this figure. Along this section,
there are several buildings such as Pejabat Kaji Cuaca, Maktab Perguruan Tun Hussein Onn
and Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat. The type and functions of buildings along the road have
a considerable influence on accident risk [14].

MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

The highest number of fatalities occurred in 2010 at KM 10. The high number of
fatalities was contributed by two factors, which are land use [14] and road alignment. At
this location, there are a number of factories. Furthermore, traffic conflict occurred due to
the presence of many access points and road alignment [15].
The highest number of serious accidents occurred in 2013 at KM 9. Since this section is
near Pejabat Kaji Cuaca, Maktab Perguruan Tun Hussein Onn and Kolej Vokasional Batu
Pahat, the contributing factors to the high accident rate are land use and type of terrain. As
mentioned before, type and functions of building along the road has a considerable
influence on the accident risk [14].
The highest number of minor accidents was recorded in 2012 at KM 32. The main
factor that caused minor accidents is land use. At this location, there are shop lots along the
road. More traffic conflict occurred due to the presence of many access points [15].
The highest “damage only” accidents were recorded in 2014 at KM 1. The main factors
that caused minor accidents are land use and road alignment (roundabout). At this location,
there are roundabouts and shop lots along the road. More traffic conflict occurred due to the
presence of many access points and roundabouts [15]. Traffic conflict is “an observable
situation in which two or more road users approach each other in space and time for such an
extent that there is a risk of collision if their movement remain unchanged” [16].

4.3 Black spot

Black Spot is the simplest way of ranking sites and it is recommended to be used in
Malaysia [7]. All that is needed to be done is to shortlist the ranking of the accident
blackspot area. From the analysis, the ranking shows that the highest Accident Point
Weightage value from each section analysis of the traffic accident record by PDRM.
Fig. 5 shows the top ten accident ranking from 2010 to 2014. In 2010 and 2011,
Sharp/ROXY factory was placed in the first ranking. As mentioned previously, any
accident which occurred along the road was due to land use [14]. Besides that, many
pedestrians use this road as reported by [14, 17, 18].

Fig. 5.Accident Ranking by Location from year 2010-2014.

Masjid Jamek Seri Beroleh has the top ranking in 2012. A petrol station is located
beside this place. These locations are parallel to this route. There is driveway from the main

MATEC Web of Conferences 103 , 08002 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201710308002
ISCEE 2016

road to this place. Therefore, this situation can create conflict at this access point and affect
the number of accidents [17].
In 2013, Taman Ria Jaya was ranked 1st. Since this section is near Pejabat Kaji Cuaca,
Maktab Perguruan Tun Hussein Onn and Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat, the contributing
factors that make it at the top of the list are land use and type of terrain. Type and functions
of building along the road have a considerable influence on the accident risk [14].
Ranked 1st was Simpang Rantai in 2014. This location is an unsignalized intersection
with a roundabout thus this section had many traffic conflicts. Traffic control will affect the
number of accidents [17, 19, 20 ].

5 Conclusions
From this accident analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:
i) Since the upgrade of FT050 in 2010, the number of accidents has increased instead of
producing a safer route for the community.
ii) The authorities and government should take this issue seriously and introduce
precautionary steps to prevent more accidents from happening along this route.
iii) This study found that accident data fluctuates from year to year.
iv) This study had also established the accident point weightage to rank the accident
blackspots along the FT050 stretch (KM1.0 – KM38.0) to determine hazardous road
v) The result shows that KM 1 – KM 10 and KM 21 – KM 23 are the most dangerous
stretches along FT050. This result was supported by data obtained by the Royal
Malaysian Police [5].
vi) Further research should be conducted in order to improve information, safety
awareness and propose actions for the public or the authorities.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) for
providing financial support for the authors and to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for
providing the resources needed to complete this paper.

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