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Location –

Questionnaire No.

Survey on the Actual State of Health of Migrant


How are you?

We are currently carrying out studies to assess the actual state of the health and usage
of medical services by the migrant laborers residing in the region of Busan with support of
the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

As accurate surveys on the actual state of the health issues of the migrant laborer
currently residing in the region of Busan have not been carried out yet, we would like to
assess the current conditions of and problems in usage of health and medical services by
the migrant laborers, and evaluate the appropriateness of the medical resources with the
information we acquire through this survey in order to utilize them as the base data for
medium to long-term plans for securing of medical safety net.

Contents of the answers you gave in the survey will be used only for research and
development of policies for health and medical services, and the confidentiality of your
responses will be exhaustively ensured by analyzing and processing them anonymously.
Accordingly, we would appreciate if you could answer as many questions as possible
from the beginning to the end. We seek your sincere response to the questionnaire as we
are striving to pursue in-depth study on the basis of the valuable opinions you provide.

October 2010

Medical Safety Net Council for Homeless Migrant Laborers

How to answer the questions: Either check the appropriate ‘number’ or ‘box’ (□) with v, or fill in
numbers in the ‘( )’. For the questions that are difficult to make selections, please answer in accordance with
the first thought that enters your mind.

Should you have any inquiries regarding this survey, please contact us at the following

1. Lee, Min Seok, Public Health Care Project Team, Busan National University Hospital
#305 Gudeok-ro, Seo-gu, Busan Metropolitan City602-739)
( /
Tel: 051-240-7080 / Fax: 051-240-7089

2. Han, Areum, Medical Service Team, Along with Immigrants (Foundation)

4th Fl. Songgwang Bldg., Jeonpo-2-dong, Jin-gu, Busan Metropolitan City
( /
Tel: 051-802-3438 / Fax: 051-803-9630

A. Personal Information
Nationalit Date of
( ) Year Gender Male□ Female□
y birth
Status of Registe
E-9□ D-3□ H-2□Others( ) date of
Stay red
Non- Reside
Busan□ Kimhae □
체류자격 register □ ntial
Yangsan□ Others( )
ed area
Medical 부산□ 김해□
Yes □ No □ 거주지
Insurance 양산□ Others( )
① Metal/machine ② Textile/footwear ③ Rubber/ plastic ④ Manufacturing of food items⑤
Automobile⑥ Chemical⑦ Furniture/timber ⑧ Construction works
⑨ Service(restaurants, etc)
⑩ Others( )
① CNC ② Extrusion③ Grinding④ Press ⑤ Molding⑥ Others( )
nal type
Work Work Shift work between day and night
□ Only during
( ) hours per day
hours format day □ Only during night

1 Less than 1 million won② 1~1.5 million won③1.5~2.0 million won④ 2.0~3.0 million
won ⑤ more than 3 million won

B. Working Environment

1. These are questions about the hazardous environment that you may encounter at your
workplace. Please mark the corresponding answer with v regarding questions on your
experience of being exposed to the following problems, and if you have been exposed, the
extent of the seriousness of the problems.

Hazardous Factors and Conditions Exposure Extent of seriousness

Little Very Extremel
Hazardous factors and conditions Yes No serious
serious serious y serious
at all

A. Inadequate lighting (too dark to work)① ② ① ② ③ ④

B. Noise (very noisy) ① ② ① ② ③ ④
C. Dust (iron dust, sawdust, general
① ② ① ② ③ ④
dust, etc)
D. Hazardous chemical substances
① ② ① ② ③ ④
(thinner and paint odor, etc)
E. Repetitively lifting heavy objects ① ② ① ② ③ ④
F. Working for prolonged period of time
① ② ① ② ③ ④
in uncomfortable posture
G. Operating dangerous machines
① ② ① ② ③ ④
(press, cutter and extrusion device, etc)
H. Operating defective or very old
① ② ① ② ③ ④
I. Inadequate supply of protective gears① ② ① ② ③ ④
2. How satisfied are you on the following issues regarding your current employment? Or are
you unsatisfied? Please mark ‘v’ for the corresponding extent of your satisfaction.
Extent of satisfaction Highly Somewhat Somewhat Highly
with work unsatisfied unsatisfied satisfied satisfied
A. Amount of work ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
B. Meals ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
C. Safety at workplace ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
D. Accommodation ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
E. Medical benefits ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
F. Handling of
① ② ③ ④ ⑤

C. Your State of Health and How You Cope when Sick

3. Have you felt that you were sick during your stay in Korea?
(If “please answer the
following questions.)
① Yes ② No

3-1. What do you do when you feel sick?

① I persevere ② Buy and take medicine ③ Visit hospital
④ I resort to folk medicine⑤Others( )

3-2. How long did it take for you to visit medical institution since you started feeling sick
① Within3 days ② Within 1 week ③ Within2 weeks
④ Within 1 month ⑤ Others( )

3-3. What was the attitude of the employer and manager when you informed them you are sick?
① Accompanied me to hospital ② Granted day off due to illness
③ Just buy medicine and make me work continuously
④ Make me work continuously without taking any measures
⑤ They scold me or get mad ⑥ Do not pay any attention
⑦ Others( )

4. Do you have illness you are suffering at the moment?

(If “please answer the following
① Yes ② No

4-1. What category of illness do you have?

1 Respiratory system(coughing, asthma, pulmonary disease, nasitis, etc
2 Muscular and skeletal system (lumbago, muscle ache, etc)
③ Noise induced hearing loss ④ Cardiovascular system (paralysis, angina pectoris, etc)
⑤ Skin (allergy, eczema, etc) ⑥ Headache and sleeping disorder
⑦ Eye disease ⑧ Others( )
4-2. Do you believe that this illness is related to the work you were performing?
① Yes ② No

5. Have you ever been diagnosed with disease or underwent surgery before?

answer the following questions.)
① Yes ② No

5-1. What was the disease? ( )

5-2. Did you receive appropriate treatment?
① Yes ② No

D. Health Check-up

6. Have you received health check-up before? Yes”,

(If “ please answer the following
① Yes ② No

6-1. In my home country ( ) times / In Korea ( ) times

6-2. Where do you normally receive health check-up?

① Hospital ② Public health care center ③ Workplace
④ Free medical care center
⑤ Others( )

6-3. Was health check-up helpful in assessing your state of health?

① Yes ② No

E. Actual State of Usage of Medical Institution

7. Have you visited hospital in Korea due to illness?Yes”,

(If “ please answer the following
① Yes ② No

7-1. How many times have you visited hospital? ( ) times

7-2. Which hospital did you use? (Hospital name: / Region: )

8. Do you find it difficult to use hospital in Korea ? (If “Yes”, please answer the following
① Yes ② No
8-1. What is the foremost difficulty in using hospital? Please choose 2 in the order of the importance of
the difficulties.
A. 1st ranked difficulty: ( ) B. 2nd ranked difficulty: ( )

① I have no time to go to hospital because I am overworked (prolonged period of work

② The employer and the manager are not cooperative with my treatment
③ Cost of treatment is too high for me to bear
④ I experienced difficulties in treatment due to inadequate communication arising from my
poor understanding of Korean language.
⑤ It is difficult to acquire necessary information or receive consultations
⑥ The procedures involved is too complicated
⑦ I do not know exactly where the hospital is located
⑧ Others ( )

8-2. What were the inconveniences and difficulties you experiences when you visited hospital? Please
choose 2 in the order of the importance of the difficulties.
A. 1st ranked difficulty: ( ) B. 2nd ranked difficulty: ( )
① Unjust treatment because I am a migrant laborer
② Excessive medical treatment expenditure
③ Insincere treatment by medical doctor
④ Unfamiliar with procedures in the hospital
⑤ Communication difficulties
⑥ I was afraid that my illegal status may be disclosed
⑦ Others( )

9. How did you take care of the cost of medical service if you used medical institution in the
① Fully covered by health insurance
② Fully paid by myself
③ Health insurance + payment by myself ④ Assistance from others
⑤ Used free medical care center ⑥ Others( )

10. Which medical institution do you use most often when you are sick?
① Hospital ② Free medical care center ③ Public health care center
④ Pharmacist ⑤ Oriental medical clinic

E-1. Using Free Medical Care Center

11. Have you used free medical care center during the last 1 year?
(If please
“ answer the
following questions.)
① Yes ② No

11-1. What is your monthly average number of medical service you received from free medical care
centers? ( ) time per month
11-2. Please indicate the extent of your satisfaction on various services related to free medical care

Services related to free medical Highly Somewhat Somewhat Highly

care centers unsatisfied unsatisfied satisfied satisfied
A. Treatment hours ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

B. Stand-by period ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

C. Treatment procedures ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

D. Treatment facilities ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
E. Location of free medical care
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
center (transportation)
F. Expertise of treatment of
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
medical staffs

11-3. How often would you like the free medical care center to provide medical care services to you?
① Once a week ② Once a month ③ Regularly on daily basis
④ Whenever I seek help ⑤ Others( )

11-4. In your opinion, what are the services that should be added or expanded in order to enhance
the medical services of the free medical care center?
① Supplying of sufficient medical drugs ② Health check-up
③ Linkage with other welfare institutions (education, prevention, etc)
④ Satisfy special medical demands such as industrial health care and health care for mother and
⑤ Expansion of medical examination facility⑥ Others( )

E-2. Using Public Health Care Center

12. Have you visited public health care center over the last 1 year? (If “yes”, answer the
① Yes ② No

12-1. What was the service you received at the public health care center? Please indicate 2 services
that you most frequently received.

A. 1st priority ( ) B. 2nd priority ( )

② Vaccination (infection, typhoid fever,
① Health check-up
cholera, etc)
③ Vaccination and regular health check-up
④ Internal medical treatment
for infants
⑥ Medical diagnosis and check-up of
⑤ Dental treatment
pregnant woman
⑦ Health education ⑧ Physiotherapy
⑨ Specialization center ⑩ House-call service
⑪ Others ( )

12-2. When compared to usage of other medical institutions, what were the inconveniences and
difficulties you experienced when using
public health care center
① Inconvenient due to its distance from where I live or work
② Limited range of treatment services rendered
③ Low quality of medical services
④ Difficult to use the center due to my lack of time
⑤ Staffs are unkind and do not explain in detail
⑥ I have no difficulties
⑦ Others( )

13. What is your reason for not havingused public health care center in the past,?
① I do not have money ② Public health care center is too far from where I am
③ I do not know where it is or unfamiliar with services being provided
④ I thought the quality would be too low
⑤ It did not provide service I needed
⑥ Others( )

G. Anxieties and Mental Health

14. Following are questions on your recent state of mind. Please indicate the answer with ‘v’
that corresponds to your state.

Attitude Never in a Frequently Always
A. I cannot sleep soundly due to worries and anxiety ① ② ③ ④

B. I am losing faith in myself ① ② ③ ④

C. I cannot concentrating on what I am doing ① ② ③ ④

D. I am in charge of playing useful role at the moment ① ② ③ ④

E. I feel that I can make decision on issues and affairs ① ② ③ ④

F. I feel that I am living in the midst of tenseness ① ② ③ ④

G. I feel that I cannot overcome the difficulties confronted ① ② ③ ④

H. I feel that I am struggling for existence ① ② ③ ④

I. I can solve the problems I am confronted with ① ② ③ ④

J. I feel that I am unfortunate and depressed ① ② ③ ④

K. I feel that I am an valueless person ① ② ③ ④

L. In consideration of everything, I feel happy ① ② ③ ④

15. Following are questions related to state of your emotion and mentality. Please indicate the
answer with ‘v’ that corresponds to your state.

Attitude Never in a Frequently Always

A. I am more highly strung and disturbed that before ① ② ③ ④

B. I become fearful without particular reason ① ② ③ ④

C. I become confounded and do not know what to do
① ② ③ ④
even in the event of occurrence of trivial matter
D. I have difficulty in keeping my body and mind
① ② ③ ④
steady due to extreme weakening of my nerves
E. I feel that everything will work out harmoniously ① ② ③ ④

F. My hands shakes and become fidgety ① ② ③ ④

G. I have headache, experience heaviness in the neck
① ② ③ ④
or pain in my back
H. I experience feebleness and fatigue without reason ① ② ③ ④

I. My mind is in tranquil state and I can sit for long time ① ② ③ ④

J. My heart pounds ① ② ③ ④

K. I suffer from dizziness ① ② ③ ④

L. I faint or feel like fainting ① ② ③ ④

M. I do not experience feeling of congestion of chest ① ② ③ ④

N. I suffer from numbness of hand ① ② ③ ④

O. I have difficult time due to indigestion ① ② ③ ④

P. I urinate frequently ① ② ③ ④

Q. My hands are normally warm but does not sweat ① ② ③ ④

R. My face easily gets red and flushes ① ② ③ ④

S. I easily fall asleep and sleep soundly ① ② ③ ④

T. I have nightmare ① ② ③ ④

F. Communication

16. How do you communicate with the medical staff when using medical institution?

① I personally speak and listen in Korean language

② I speak and listen in English
③ A friend who is fluent in Korean language or interpreter assists me with interpretation in my native
④ Although I go with a Korean fellow worker, communication is not possible
⑤I have difficulties in communication as I cannot speak Korean language

17. When do you need

interpretation ortranslation the most

① When using medical centers(when I am sick)

② When using immigration office or department of labor
③ In the event of occurrence of problem with employer during my work
④ When collecting various information necessary in daily life
⑤ Others( )

18. If interpretation service is available, what format would you prefer?

① Interpretation through telephone② Accompaniment by interpreter

③ Document translation service ④Others( )

Thank you very much for your response to the interview

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