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Good morning everyone, i would like to present our project given by umi el and
buk ade in the last week

Slide 2
in this slide, i’ll show you our area. We start in 3°52’25’’ and finished in
3°53’00”, and we’ll do search for 60 feet. Can you see, on the left of the yellow
line is elevations lower than 60 feet and the right of the line is elevations higher
than 60 feet. We found the shelter is higher than 60 feet, such as SMP N 16
Bengkulu, BASARNAS Government Office, and then Betungan’s Terminal.

Slide 3
this slide shows the route to the shelter from every directions.

Slide 4 & 5
this slide shows the route to the shelter. This yellow line is the main road to the 3
shelters from coast.

Slide 6
this is one of the buildings we thought could be shelter. The buliding has a height
of about 8 meters. This place is the closest place to the coast.

Slide 7
different from the previous buliding, the buliding’s has not been used. However,
we expect to be able to shelter under the conditions of the buliding. Can you see,
this place can hold many people and has a height of about 7 meters.

Slide 8
and the last, we anticipated this is the safest place for all the shelter, because it has
the highest elevation of the previous shelter’s elevation and can hold many

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