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LotFP: Gothic Career Path System (part 2)

The second half of yesterday's random Career Path Table:

51- Mesmerist – You made use of your powers of persuasion to live off of others as a grifter.
52 You gain a level in: Magic-User (at least one of your beginning spells must be Charm Person)
Leading question: You've used your powers for questionable ends; what is the worst thing you've done using
your powers of mesmerism?

53- Monk/Nun – You once took a vow to pursue the life of a cloistered devotee of the Church.
54 You gain a level in: Cleric
Leading question: What temptation led you to abandon your vow?

55- Occultist – You have pursued a life amongst dusty tomes of eldritch lore and made a career of learning
56 forbidden secrets.
You gain a level in: Magic-User
Leading question: You have immersed yourself in unholy lore, but there is one text that even you are afraid
to peruse; what is the grimoire you fear most?

57- Physician – You have made a study of the human animal and are a qualified anatomist or surgeon.
58 You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Tinkering, Search, and Languages
Leading question: The human body possesses many unsolved mysteries; who was the most uncanny
patient you've ever treated?

59- Priest – You are an ordained minister of your faith.

60 You gain a level in: Cleric
Leading question: A life of faith is a life plagued by doubt; what unholy urge tempts you to stray from the
path of your God?

61- Prisoner – You were incarcerated for a crime you may or may not have committed.
62 You gain a level in: Fighter or Specialist—focusing on Search, Tinkering, Sleight of Hand
Leading question: The justice system is full of abuses; what is the most egregious abuse you witnessed
while a prisoner?

63- Procurer – You earned your bread off the labor of prostitutes—your role was either to direct prostitutes to
64 house of ill repute or you were the outright owner of a seraglio.
You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Sleight of Hand, Architecture
Leading question: Some clients possess very specific tastes; what is the most inhuman or blasphemous acts
you've seen visited upon a woman of the night or rent boy?

65- Rat Catcher – Your lowly task was to hunt down and destroy vermin; you were your home's first line of
66 defense against disease.
You gain a level in: Fighter or Specialist—focusing on Stealth, Bushcraft, Climbing
Leading question: Some say that there are more than rats in the sewers and back alleys of the world; what
horrors have you seen while fulfilling your duties?

67- Revolutionary – You were a rebellious agitator who pushed for violent revolution.
68 You gain a level in: Fighter or Specialist—focusing on Sneak Attack, Tinkering, Languages
Leading question: Who did you wish to overthrow?

69- Sailor – Whether a pirate, privateer, or marine, you made you living traveling upon the high seas.
70 You gain a level in: Fighter or Specialist—focusing on Climbing, Open Doors, Tinkering
Leading question: They say that monstrous things prowl the depths of the world's oceans; what terrors have
you seen in your journeys?
71- Scholar – You have made your life a life of study, contemplation, and the pursuit of knowledge.
72 You gain a level in: Magic-User or Specialist—focusing on Languages, Search, Architecture
Leading question: The halls of academia are home to some truly bizarre characters; who is the most
disquieting scholar you know in your field?

73- Scribe – You earn your meager coin by working as a cleric and copyist.
74 You gain a level in: Cleric or Specialist—focusing on Languages, Search
Leading question: In your duties you have been asked to copy rare texts; what is the most blasphemous text
you've ever dealt with?

75- Scout – You worked as a ranger for a standing army or mercenary company.
76 You gain a level in: Fighter or Specialist—focusing on Bushcraft, Climbing
Leading question: As the advance scout for an army you've seen many a trap laid before you; what
happened the one time you missed the tell-tale signs of an ambush?

77- Sellsword – You once lived by the sword as a member of a mercenary band.
78 You gain a level in: Fighter
Leading question: The screams of the slaughtered still resound in your ears; what happened?

79- Servant – You formerly led a life of service as a butler, maid, footman, or page to a person of wealth and
80 prominence.
You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Open Doors, Search, Stealth
Leading question: What scandal forced you to resign your position?

81- Smuggler – You worked for a criminal organization sneaking in illicit or banned goods past border agents
82 and watchmen.
You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Stealth, Climbing, Architecture
Leading question: What was the most mysterious item you were asked to smuggle past the authorities?

83- Soldier – You were an enlisted warrior attached to a standing army.

84 You gain a level in: Fighter
Leading question: What order were you given that your conscience forced you to disobey?

85- Spy – You lived the life of a professional intriguer and secret agent.
86 You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Search, Stealth, Languages
Leading question: What is the one secret you discovered that you wished that never come to your attention?

87- Thug – You were no dextrous thief or dashing rogue; you mugged people using only brute force and
88 intimidation.
You gain a level in: Fighter
Leading question: You once picked a fight you could not finish; what unnatural event had you mistakenly
stumbled into?

89- Tomb Raider – You were a freelance archeologist who delved into the ruins of the past age in search of
90 precious artifacts and the glory of discovery.
You gain a level in: Specialist—focused on Architecture, Tinkering, and Stealth
Leading question: What is the one tomb whose threshold you wish you had never crossed?

91- Vagabond – Rather than hold any form of gainful employment, you once lived as an aimless wanderer.
92 You gain a level in: Specialist—focusing on Architecture, Search, Bushcraft
Leading question: The traveling life made you privy to many wondrous sights; what is the most miraculous
thing that has unfolded before your very eyes?

93- Vampire Hunter – You were a professional hunter of the creatures of the night.
94 You gain a level in: Fighter or Cleric
Leading question: Why are you such a tireless pursuer of the undead?
95- Watchman – You were once a member of the town watch or a member of the local constabulary.
96 You gain a level in: Fighter
Leading question: Who was the most violent criminal that ever evaded your reach?

97- Wiccaman/Wiccawoman – You once lived as an isolated hermit; villagers would come to you for guidance
98 and your ability to work magical charms.
You gain a level in: Cleric or Magic-User
Leading question: What supernatural even led you down the path of magic and witchcraft?

99- Witch Hunter – You once worked as an operative of the Inquisition; you were charged with rooting out and
100 destroying any instances of witchcraft and heresy.
You gain a level in: Fighter or Cleric
Leading question: What happened the last time your righteous fury dominated and consumed your mind?

Thanks for all the great feedback on my Gothic hacks for LotFP so far; I take it as a majot compliment that folks are
already excited about using this stuff in their games.

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