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ME-GI Gas-ready Ship


Introduction.................................................................................................. 5
Applications – Ship Types.............................................................................. 5
The ME-GI Engine......................................................................................... 6
Ship Design.................................................................................................. 7
Classification Societies.................................................................................. 7
Gas Fuelled Readiness Notation – Details...................................................... 7
Hazardous Area Designation for ME-GI.......................................................... 8
LNG Bunker Station...................................................................................... 8
LNG tanks.................................................................................................... 9
Fuel Gas Supply System............................................................................. 11
Inert gas system.......................................................................................... 13
Gas piping ................................................................................................. 13
Single-wall pipe system............................................................................... 13
Double-wall pipe system............................................................................. 13
Ventilation and leakage monitoring............................................................... 14
Gas Valve Train........................................................................................... 14
Gas Valve Units........................................................................................... 15
Vent Mast................................................................................................... 15
Retrofit........................................................................................................ 15
ME-GI gas-ready ship

Introduction However, the investment required to Applications – Ship Types

Given the volatile nature of today’s fuel allow for bunkering of LNG on board With the exception of LNG tankers, the
prices combined with the introduction and consequent use of natural gas fundamental reasons for selecting gas
of a more stringent emission regulation for propulsion can be prohibitively ex- operation on the vessel are essentially
in emission control areas, it has never pensive, and as the volatile fuel prices the same whether the vessel is gas
been more difficult to mitigate the eco- dictate, any business case can be bro- ready or a fully prepared gas vessel.
nomic risk associated with operating a ken down. Therefore, a compromise is The key factor for differentiating the two
vessel. Heavy fuel oil has unquestion- emerging in the marine industry where- lies in the availability of the LNG bun-
ably been the cheapest option for ves- by the vessel can be considered “gas ker. If the LNG bunker station on the
sel operation, and although there have ready” without requiring full investment vessel’s route is expected only after five
always been price fluctuations, it has in LNG bunkering or gas operation, but years of the vessel entering service, it is
been possible to compensate for these still allowing the owner or operator the likely to be more economically feasible
fluctuations during the lifetime of the opportunity to upgrade the vessel to to have the vessel “gas ready” rather
vessel with relatively simple operational operate on gas by implementing all the than have the investment cost installed
or technical measures. relevant requirements for gas operation on board by lying idle in the period until
at the design stage. the LNG bunker station is completed.
The implementation of MARPOL Annex In this case, the full conversion to gas
VI (14.8) from 1 January 2015 for oper- operation could take place at the first
ation on fuels containing less than 0.1% major docking.
in ECAs has now forced many owners
and operators to make their own inves- As many of the charters are for short-
tigations into economic feasibility of al- term variable routes, it makes it rather
ternative fuels. This, in turn, has given difficult to predict the availability of the
rise to a renewed interest in alternative fuel. Given that most of the LNG bunker
fuels, particularly natural gas, which has stations are currently under construc-
been reduced somewhat in cost due to tion, and not available within the next
increased global production and has 5 years, it is easy to see the attractive-
become increasingly available in the ness of the gas-ready solution.
form of LNG, mainly due to political and
financial initiatives for increased funding For LNG tankers, where the gas is al-
of the construction of LNG bunker sta- ready available on board, there are no
tions within ECAs. conceivable benefits of a “gas-ready”
vessel contra a full gas installation new-
building; therefore, this is not described
further in this article.

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 5

The ME-GI Engine Typically for a standard conversion they have at least basic knowledge of
The ME-GI engine is capable of op- from ME-C to ME-C-GI, the mechanical the details of the ME-GI hardware and
erating on conventional fuel oil or gas components required for a six-cylinder software. With respect to the practi-
fuel, depending on the operator’s fuel engine would be are shown in Table 1: cal aspects, it is important to obtain
preference. Thus providing an unprec- the outline drawings, pipe connection
edented degree of flexibility for the op- In order to prepare the vessel design for drawings and GI capacities require-
erator, accommodating the economic the ME-GI engine, it is recommended ments of the ME engine that is to be
advantages of choice of fuel type, envi- that the vessel designers study the ME- installed, so that the designers can
ronmental benefits of gas fuel operation GI documentation carefully, especially consider all the design aspects into the
and accessibility of fuel oil. the ME-GI project guide, to ensure engine room at this early stage.

The ME-GI engine has similar, if not Quantity

improved, performance in gas opera- Cylinder cover* 6
tion compared to fuel oil operation. Gas block (including adaptor block)* 6
The fundamental design of the engine Gas injectors* 12
is unchanged when compared to ME Gas dummy injectors* 12
engines, meaning that the application Control oil high pressure pipes* 6
potential for the ME-GI engine applies Fuel oil high pressure pipes* 6
to the entire ME engine programme. Exhaust valve high pressure pipes* 6
Further, as the GI concept is already Gas chain pipes* 12
class approved, all ME engines can Gas helix pipes 2
be considered “gas ready”, as the GI Sealing oil pump unit 1
is simply an add-on to the existing en- Various pipes & cabling 1
gine. In order to convert an ME engine GI Engine Control System & Instrumentation 1
to an ME-GI engine, both the mechani- Starter cabinets* 2

cal and electrical components for gas Gas system wiring, incl.remote 1

operation need to be installed and the Tools 1

software enabled. The conversion of PMI online 1

the engine itself can be performed by (note that the quantity of components with * are cylinder dependent)

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s PrimeServ or-

ganisation during a docking period. Table: 1

6 The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship

Ship Design It should be noted that any vessel with
The majority of the aspects required for an ME-C engine installed is ready for
a “gas-ready” vessel will be related to conversion to gas operation, thereby
all the auxiliary equipment required for inherently “gas ready”. Examples of gas
gas operation. This starts at the LNG readiness notations from the classifica-
bunker station and follows the whole tion society LR.
process to the gas inlet on the main
engine. Every detail in this chain must Gas Fuelled Readiness
be considered when designing the ves- Notation – Details
sel. Furthermore, at the 95th MSC, IMO GR Assigned to ships other than LNG
has formally adopted the international carriers, detailing the aspects of design
code of safety for ships using gases or and construction that are prepared for
other low flashpoint fuels (IGF code). A gas-fuel operation in accordance with
careful study of these requirements is the Lloyd’s Register Rules and Regula-
necessary in order to ensure that the tions.
gas-ready design will be in compliance.
Some of the relevant sections from the The level of gas fuelled readiness is
IGF code are referenced in this descrip- structured in a flexible manner through
tion; however, it is ultimately the ship the following associated characters de-
designer’s responsibility to ensure full noting:
compliance with the IGF code and any
additional classification society require- A That approval in principle has been
ments. achieved for the basic design.
S Necessary structural reinforcement
Classification Societies and materials have been installed.
Depending on the class of the vessel, T Gas storage tank is in place.
the specific rules must be examined. P The gas fuel piping arrangements
There is typically a conceptual design are installed.
approval, and then a detailed design E Those engineering systems (main
approval where the vessel is granted engine(s), auxiliary engines, boiler,
a state of gas readiness of equivalent etc.) being also gas fuelled.
status denoting compliance of design
and construction with their own design The level of documentation required dif-
guidelines for gas fuelled vessels. Ad- fers slightly depending on the class of
ditionally, there are various notations, the vessel; however, it is expected as a
which indicate that there may already minimum to have a vessel GA, includ-
be gas equipment approved and in- ing a gas system plan, arrangements of
stalled on the vessel prior to entering LNG equipment, hazardous area clas-
service. sification of the vessel, design of LNG
handling equipment, fuel gas supply
and handling system arrangements,
including piping, GVU’s, engine room,
vent masts, gas management plan and
concept safety assessment.

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 7

Hazardous Area Designation for HP vent mast

Ventilation inlet Ventilation outlet Deck House
Classification societies will typically re-
quire arrangement drawings indicating Main Deck GVT_SL FGS

all the hazardous areas on the vessel.

As a guideline for ME-GI type engines,
Gas outlet
the following illustration shows a typical
installation and designation of hazard- Gas inlet
Hazardous area zone 2

Hazardous area zone 1

ous areas.
Hazardous area zone 0

Non-hazardous area
LNG Bunker Station
Typically, the location and arrange-
ment of the bunker station will need to Fig. 2: Hazardous area designation scheme

be included in the ship design. Further,

it may be required to specify in detail
all the piping and equipment used in
the bunker station. When designing Containment
Atmosp heric system technology
the bunker station, one of the key fac-
tors is the filling capacity requirement.
This needs to be matched with both Pressurised
the bunker barge or terminal and the
amount of time the vessel has to bun-
More than Flow rate
ker. Moreover, it is important to con-
sider the allowable LNG tank pressures
on board the vessel, and how this will
affect the LNG bunkering process. It Less than
is certainly recommended to have an
LNG bunkering procedure in place at
this stage, so it is already factored in at More than 6” Pipe diameter
the design stage. As an example, the
bunker checklist found here (lngbun- can be followed, and the Less than 6’’

LNG bunker delivery note in the Annex

of the IGF Code can be considered for
Yes Vapour return
implementation into the bunkering pro-
Further the Society for Gas as a Marine
Fuel (SGMF) has issued comprehensive
safety guidelines for bunkering. ANSI flange Quick connector
+ based on
Mechanical connector NATO standard

Fig. 3: Courtesy of ESSF LNG subgroup recommendation for LNG bunker connections

8 The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship

The capacity of the bunkering station
will also have an effect on the type of HFO (tonnes requirement) * LCV ratio /0.42 = LNG m3
bunker connection to be used. The LCV ratio has 5% tolerance, and 5% tolerance on SFOC
current recommendation is split into
two different connector types based on 5% heel and max. 91% filling
the bunkering flow rate. The flow chart
below illustrates the methodology for (double check with IGF 6.8 for actual bunkering temperature condition and
choosing the correct bunker connec- impact on loading limit)
LNG tanks Calculated HFO capacity for ECA sailing per round trip is
As the most expensive item in the LNG 250tonnes = 250*1.05 = 263 tonnes
package, it is not expected that the
LNG tanks will be installed in the new- LCVhfo = 40600kJ/kg, LCVlng = 48500 kJ/kg,
building, but rather that the vessel con- LCVratio = 40.6/(48.5*.95) = 0.883
struction is made ready for tank installa-
tion, including a plan for installation at a LNG requirement = 263 * 0.883 / 0.42 = 552 m3
later stage. The LNG tank will have the
biggest influence on the vessel design Then add on 14% for heel and filling limit = 630 m3
and will require some relatively detailed
investigation as to the size, arrange- Fig. 4: LNG tank dimensioning

ment and location of the tank/s at this

early stage. This is perhaps the most A fundamental aspect of choosing an
difficult factor to estimate for the “gas- LNG tank is the expected holding time
ready” vessel, as it is unlikely that the required. This will impact both the price
route of the vessel in 5-10 years’ time and size of the LNG tank significantly
is well known. If the vessel is primar- depending on the requirements. In this
ily sailing outside ECAs, then the LNG respect, it is recommended to make a
tank size could be estimated based on realistic evaluation of the holding time
a reduced sailing time in ECAs. For cor- in order to avoid the introduction of po-
rect dimensioning of the LNG tank, see tentially unnecessary expense into the
the recommendation in Fig. 4. LNG tank system. It is expected that
for the “gas-ready” vessel, tank type C
will be applied as this does not involve
design integration into the actual vessel
design form itself, and it can be pres-
surised to a certain extent, giving the
longest holding times. Other tank types
could be considered, but these may re-
quire significantly more expense at the
retrofit stage, unless already construct-
ed into the new building.

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 9

Once the tank capacity and type have If a long holding time is necessary, it There may also be some design and
been determined, the location and ar- can also be considered whether a boil PID requirements for the tanks, in
rangement of the LNG tank/s can be off gas (BOG) compressor can be ap- which case some of the factors to con-
analysed. In order to find the optimum plied. There are various possibilities for sider are:
solution, the following factors can be system arrangements, but a low-pres- „„ Tank safety valves
considered: sure BOG compressor can be applied „„ Max. pressure alarm, max. level
„„ Locations, foundations for LNG stor- to supply the gensets or DF boiler or a alarm (95% and 98%), level meas-
age tanks higher pressure BOG compressor can urement (radar or microwave type),
„„ Locations, deck houses for LNG be applied to deliver gas directly into temperature measurement, pressure
equipment including foundation the high-pressure gas piping supply measurement
„„ Routing of deck pipes, electrical ca- to the main engine. The application of „„ Spray line to reduce the pressure
ble pipes and pipe foundations such a BOG compressor has the ad- during loading
„„ Grating, platforms and ladders of vantage that it will be more feasible for „„ Foundations for in-tank installation of
LNG storage tanks the crew to control the LNG tank pres- pump
„„ Foundations for LNG pipe system sure during sailing and waiting condi- „„ Access to tank (manholes)
„„ Additional masses, effect on CoG, tions, and for example prior to bun-
trim kering, the LNG tank pressure can be
„„ Fire management in tank room reduced somewhat in order to speed
up the bunkering process.

Tank type Concept Pressure Partial Filling Second Barrier Dis-Advantages Adventages
Membrane Integrated in hull <0.25 barg No Yes Very sensitive Can be adapted to hull
Semi-membrane (max. 0.7) against variations;
Pressure holding
necessary; Not

Independent type
A Prismatic with < 0.7 barg Yes Yes Pressure holding Can be approx.
straight planes, necessary; very adapted to hull shape
adapted to hull voluminous vent.
shape system due to low
B Prismatic with < 0.7 barg Yes Partly Pressure holding Can be approx.
straight planes, necessary; very vo- adapted to hull space
adapted to hull luminous vent sys-
shape tem due to the low

Spherical (Moss) < 0.7 barg Yes Yes Pressure holding Very reliable system
recessary Space
C Independent > 0.2 bar Yes No Space requirements - very solid design
pressure vessels - flexible pressure
- easy installation
- no leakages occured
- no maintenacne

Table 5: LNG tank types summary. Courtesy of TGE

10 The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship

Through consultation with the LNG
tank or gas system supplier, it may be Tank pressure [bar/g]
9.0 Pressure increase estimation for type C tanks
possible to estimate the pressure rise
in the LNG tank based on gas quality, 8.0
8 barg design
max. level: 86.0%
LNG tank size and design, and environ-
mental conditions. This is a useful tool
when considering how long the vessel 6.0

will be stationary, and the necessary

measures for BOG handling that will be LNG composition: 4 barg
N2: 2% max. level: 90.3%
required. 4.0 CO2: 0%
C1: 89%
C2: 5.5%
Further design requirements of the C3: 2.5%
C4: 1% Tank volume: 2 x 350 m3
tanks can be found in IGF Chapter 6 2.0 Insulation: 300 mm PS/PU
Initial pressure: 140 mbarg/g
and in the classification society rules.

Fuel Gas Supply System 0.0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The second most costly item is the Sailing time [days]
FGS system; therefore, it is expected
that this will also be installed at a later Fig. 6: LNG holding tank pressure vs duration. Courtesy of TGE

stage. The typical layout of the FGS

system will be similar regardless of sup-
plier, as the delivery conditions are al-
ready specified by MAN Diesel & Turbo.
A list of potential suppliers is available
on request.


LNG tank

HP pump LNG vaporiser

Gas condition at engine inlet:
Pressure: 250-300barg (engine load dependent)
Temperature: 45±10°

Fig. 7: Basic gas system diagram

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 11

The FGS is typically delivered on skid
modules, which vary in size, mass and
contents, depending on the FGS sup-
plier. However, the principal compo-
nents of the FGS system comprise of
the HP pump, HP vaporiser and glycol
water system, so 1-3 skids can be ex-
pected. Additional low-pressure gas
supply equipment for DF gensets will
typically be included in the FGS sup-
plier scope of supply and can be some-
what integrated into the skids. The
following example is given by Hyundai
Heavy EMD for a 24 MW vessel and is
typically delivered on one skid or two
skids (9 m x 1.5 m x 1.25 m and 9 m
x 3.5 m x 2 m), depending on vessel
design requirements.

Again, depending on the FGS system

supplier, the actual component delivery
and operating philosophy may differ
slightly. It is also necessary to commu-
nicate with the potential FGS supplier
at the vessel design stage to obtain an
understanding of the PID and operat-
ing philosophy of the supplier in order
to incorporate their philosophies into
the vessel alarm and monitoring sys-
tem and to ensure that when the time
comes, the vessel’s alarm and moni-
toring system is prepared for the FGS
control system signals and will take
action accordingly. This is a vital part Fig. 8: Hi-Gas FGS skids developed by HHI-EMD

of the approval process and should al-

ready be considered in the FMEA, HAZ-
ID and HAZOP of the gas handling and
supply systems. The vessel designer
must also check that the FGS control
system will deliver the safety require-
ments as specified in Chapter 15 of the
IGF Code.

12 The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship

Inert gas system Gas piping Double-wall pipe system
Some vessels may already have an inert It is strongly recommended to consider Once the gas pipes enter enclosed
gas system installed, in which case it is routing of all gas piping from LNG bun- spaces, typically as they go below main
recommended to incorporate the addi- ker stations to LNG tanks, from LNG deck, double-wall piping is required.
tional volume required from the ME-GI, tanks to FGS, and from FGS to main Design of the double-wall piping is
the gas piping and the FGS into the in- engine, and if relevant, gensets. Fur- slightly more complex, as the designer
ert gas system at the time of newbuild- ther material and safety requirements must consider stress and vibrations for
ing. The capacity is likely to be small if should also be considered in the PID. both the inner and outer pipe simulta-
compared to the inert gas system for Whilst it may not be strictly necessary neously and incorporate flexible or fixed
tank inerting, for example. Therefore, to complete a detailed design of the support accordingly. The inner pipe
it will not significantly impact the cost piping, including placement of fixed can be supported by means of fixed
of the newbuilding, and a connection or flexible supports and a full stress or flexible supports according to MAN
to the inert gas system can easily be analysis, it is recommended that these Diesel & Turbo’s guidelines, within the
made at the newbuilding stage. design requirements are considered at outer pipe. The outer pipe can also be
this stage, as it will also influence the supported by means of fixed or flexible
Purging of the main engine and piping routing of the piping and will save both supports onto the hull as per standard
to the main engine take place after eve- time and money at the retrofit stage if shipyard designs for any other type of
ry gas stop and before every gas start. these items are already designed into piping.
The purpose of purging is to inert the the piping.
gas pipes and to ensure that there is
no possibility for a combustible mixture Single-wall pipe system
present in any gas piping or compo- All piping in non-enclosed spaces can
nents at any point in time. The volume be single-wall type, this will typically be
of inert gas required for the main engine all piping on deck, any deckhouses or
is available from a CEAS report, and the rooms designed as hazardous areas.
MAN Diesel & Turbo recommendation During planning of the routing, fixed
to calculate the inert gas volume and and flexible supports should be consid-
further system requirements are avail- ered, as well as any insulation require- Fig. 9: Double-wall piping in production

able in the project guide or installation ments.

section of the design specification,
which is available on MAN Diesel & Tur- The shipyard must also consider allow- The double-wall connection to and from
bo’s extranet, Nexus: able pressure drop in the single-wall or the main engine is supplied with the inner piping from the FGS to the M/E, gas pipes on the main engine as part
jects/Teamwork/ME-GISpecification/ as this will influence the piping diam- of the GI component delivery. However,
Pages/default.aspx eter. A large pressure drop is not de- there may be some reduction pieces
sirable, and MAN Diesel & Turbo’s rec- required to connect the gas supply pip-
For access, please submit the form ommendation is less than 5 bar in total. ing to the M/E connection, depending
found at the link below; write “ME- The single-wall and inner piping should on the dimensions of the gas supply
GIspec” in the “Applications/projects then be dimensioned accordingly. piping chosen by the designer. This is
that you want access to” field: decided by the desired pressure drop in the inner piping from which the outer
outs/RequestForms/Open/CreateUser. pipe dimension can also be chosen ac-
aspx cording to MAN Diesel & Turbo’s rec-

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 13

Ventilation and leakage monitoring Gas Valve Train a hazardous area), depending on GVT
The annular space between the inner The gas valve train (GVT) is MAN Die- type. The electrical and pneumatic con-
and outer pipe is ventilated. In case of sel & Turbo’s designation for the high- nections should also be considered.
any gas leakage, the ventilation air will pressure gas valve unit, familiar to
contain gas, which will be detected by low-pressure gas systems. MAN Diesel For the control and monitoring require-
the leakage monitoring system, lead- & Turbo has worked closely with sub- ments specified in Chapter 15, Table 1
ing to a gas shutdown. Therefore, the suppliers to develop a novel solution, of the IGF code, MAN Diesel & Turbo
ventilation outlet must be installed in which is both compact, easy to main- has incorporated these requirements
an otherwise non-hazardous zone. The tain and flexible with regard to the ves- into the GVT, so the component can
installation of a ventilation inlet creates sel design requirements. Space must be supplied from MAN Diesel & Turbo,
a zone 1 area within 1.5 m of the inlet, be allocated on board for the GVT and combined with the main engine,
and the ventilation outlet a zone 1 area (1300mm x 970mm x 1500mm), which thereby automatically fulfilling these re-
within 3 m of the outlet. Additionally, a can be installed in either hazardous or quirements.
hazardous zone 2 will be applied a fur- non-hazardous areas (without creating
ther 1.5 m from the zone 1 area.

To prevent possible condensation in the

ventilation air, which could lead to cor-
rosion, and failure of the high-pressure
inner pipe, there are two options:
1. Installation of a drying system
based on start air.
2. Installation of an air dryer at the air

It is MAN Diesel & Turbo’s recommen-

dation to consider design option 1 at
the newbuilding stage and already in-
stall the necessary pipework from the
start air receiver to the ventilation inlet.
This will save considerable time and
money at the retrofit stage.

Fig. 10: Assembled gas valve train

14 The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship

Gas Valve Units Vent Mast For the high-pressure gas purge line
If applying DF gensets, the installation Typically, the requirements for the vent from the ME-GI engine, a silencer is
of the GVUs must also be considered. mast can be found in the IGF codes also required upstream of the vent mast
For the low-pressure gas supply piping, and 12.5.2. The vent to reduce the noise during gas blow-off
from the FGS to the gensets, it is rec- location must be at least 10 m from any and the subsequent decompression of
ommended to check the MAN Diesel & air inlet or exhaust outlet, 6 m above the gas. Gas detectors can be mounted
Turbo recommendation specified in the any walkways or working areas and B/3 in or just after the silencer, which gives
“Safety Concept” documentation for or 6 m (whichever is greatest) above the feedback to the GI ECS to detect when
the specific gensets considered, as the weather deck. Further, there is a 3-me- the gas purge is complete. For this rea-
requirements are slightly different when tre hazardous zone 1 around the vent son, it is not recommended to join the
compared to the ME-GI type engine. mast outlet, and a 1.5-metre hazard- piping after the silencer with any other
ous zone 2 beyond the zone 1 area. As pipes leading to the vent mast, as this
In addition to the gas valve units, there MAN Diesel & Turbo’s recommendation could lead to back flow of gases to the
are additional valve installations recom- is to have a separate HP vent mast for gas detectors, which could give false
mended by MAN Diesel & Turbo for the ME-GI application, it is recommended positives to the GI ECS for gas detec-
system arrangement. This is extremely to plan the location of at least two vent tion.
important for locating gas leakages in masts (1x HP and 1xLP) already at the
the high-pressure gas piping and com- new-building stage. Retrofit
ponents, as this can be time consum- MAN Diesel & Turbo’s PrimeServ or-
ing during the commissioning stage. ganisation can be contracted to per-
Therefore, it is recommended to in- form such a retrofit whether it is just
clude the MAN Diesel & Turbo arrange- a main engine upgrade to gas or for a
ment into the PID already at the design turnkey contractor. Please contact your
stage. nearest PrimeServ representative for
more information.

Fig. 11: HP gas silencer from ME-GI

The ME-GI Gas Ready Ship 15

All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo.
5510-0176-00ppr Aug 2015 Printed in Denmark

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Teglholmsgade 41
2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Phone +45 33 85 11 00
Fax +45 33 85 10 30

MAN Diesel & Turbo – a member of the MAN Group

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