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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

55:489-494, 1997

An In Vitro Comparison of the Mechanical

Characteristics of Three Sagittal Ramus
0s teo tomy Fixation Techniques

Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro investigation was to compare the me-
chanical characteristics of three techniques for the rigid internal fixation of
simulated sagittal ramus osteotomies in terms of their ability to resist vertical
loads resembling masticator-y forces.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen bovine ribs of similar size and shape were
subjected to uniform osteotomies resembling a sagittal ramus osteotomy. They
were divided into three groups and fixed with three 2.0-mm bicortical positional
screws in an inverted L-pattern, eight monocortical screws and a sagittal strut
plate, or a hybrid system using three 2.0-mm bicortical positional screws, five
2.0-mm monocortical screws, and a sagittal strut plate. The repaired ribs were
secured in a jig, subjected to vertically deforming forces, and evaluated for
yield load, yield point, maximum load, displacement at maximum load, load
at 3.0 mm displacement, and stiffness. The various groups were compared
statistically with a Scheffe multiple comparison test.
Results: No statistically significant differences existed between the positional
screw group and the hybrid group (P > .05). No statistically significant differ-
ences were noted in yield displacement, yield load, displacement at maximum
load, for any of the groups (f > .05). There were differences noted between
the monocortical strut group and other groups in maximum load, load at 3.0
mm displacement, and stiffness (P > .05).
Conclusions: The monocortically fixed sagittal strut plate offers less resis-
tance to maximum load and loads at 3.0 mm displacement and is less stiff
than either a three-positional screw system or a hybrid system. No differences
existed between the three positional screw systems and the hybrid system.
However, given the low yield loads and yield displacements, these differences
may not be clinically important.

The bilateral sagittal ramus osteotomy (BSRO) has suggestions for fixation have been proposed.“’ Rigid
been performed for the correction of mandibular internal fixation is now among the preferred techniques
growth deformities and malocclusion since the late for stabilization because it affords a rapid return to
195Os.‘,* Since that time, numerous modifications and presurgical function, better nutritional support, easier
airway maintenance, and reduced relapse.”
* Chief Resident, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bicortical positional screws are among the most crit-
MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH.
f Director, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Met- ically evaluated of the rigid internal fixation tech-
roHealth Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Case West- niques, and these have become the standard by which
ern Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH. other techniques are compared.‘0m21 Although relatively
$ Research Assistant, Department of Orthopedics, MetroHealth
Medical Center, Cleveland, OH.
simple and stable, they have been associated with risk
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Haug: Division to the neurovascular apparatus and imprecise condylar
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MetroHealth Medical Center, positioning.” With these disadvantages in mind, mono-
2500 MetroHealth Dr, Cleveland, OH 44140.
cortically fixed sagittal strut plates have been de-
0 1997 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons signed.‘* Proponents of this device claim easier condy-
0278-2391/97/.5505-0010$3.00/O lar positioning and no risk to the neurovascular bundle.

FIGURE 1. Positional screw system. A, lateral view. B, medial view.

Recently, hybrid systems have been proposed to take that were 4.0 mm in length were placed in the re-
into consideration the advantages of each technique.23 maining holes. This assured bicortical fixation between
The purpose of this in vitro investigation was to the proximal and distal segments, as well as fixation
evaluate the ability of a three-positional screw system, to the sagittal strut plate.
monocortical strut system, and a hybrid system to resist The ribs were secured in a custom-fabricated jig and
vertical loads resembling masticatory forces in simu- subjected to vertical loads using an Instron 8511.20
lated BSROs. Common engineering standards, includ- (Ins&on Corp, Canton, MA) mechanical testing unit
ing yield load, yield displacement, maximum load, dis- and a cantilever beam design. They were loaded 30.0
placement at maximum load, and stiffness, were mm from the medial osteotomy (90.0 mm from the
evaluated, along with load at 3.0 mm displacement. polymethylmethacrylate/jig interface) at a rate of 1.0
mm/set. Data were acquired at a rate of 10 points/
Materials and Methods second and stored using the Instron software. The pa-
rameters evaluated were yield displacement, yield
Fifteen ribs from recently killed cows were selected point, maximum load, displacement at maximum load,
for uniformity in shape and dimension. They ranged stiffness, and load at 3.0 mm of displacement. Yield
between 25.0 and 35.0 mm in height, 12.0 to 16.0 mm displacement is that distance at which the system be-
in width, and 10.0 to 13.0 cm in length. They were gins to permanently deform. Yield load is that load
stripped of soft tissues and then frozen until used. At at which the system begins to permanently deform.
the time of experimentation, the ribs were thawed and Maximum load is the peak of the stress strain (load/
4.0 cm was embedded in a polymethylmethacrylate displacement) curve. Displacement at maximum load
receptacle (Fast Tray, Sybron/Kerr Romulus, MI). Os- is the distance at which maximum load is achieved.
teotomies resembling BSROs were created with a band Stiffness is defined at the rate of change of strain as a
saw, using a customized jig to ensure uniformity. The function of stress and is expressed as kilograms force
lateral osteotomy was created 35.0 mm from the poly- per millimeter (kgf/mm). The load at 3.0 mm displace-
methylmethacrylate interface and the medial osteot- ment was originally chosen by Frost et alr”-r2 as an
omy was created 25.0 mm from the lateral osteotomy. arbitrary value to evaluate sagittal ramus osteotomy
The rib was then split with a chisel. fixation failure. It continues to be used as a standard
Five of the ribs were lengthened 1.0 cm and then for BSRO comparison.20
fixed in an inverted-L pattern with 2.0-mm x 1%mm After testing was performed, means and standard devi-
titanium screws (Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA) ations of the data were derived and compared for statisti-
(Fig 1). The 18.0-mm length assured bicortical fixa-
tion. The sagittal strut plate was used as a template to
assure uniform screw pattern and placement. Five bo-
vine ribs with BSROs were advanced 1.0 cm in the
same manner as the first group and fixed with a sagittal
strut plate (Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA) with
eight 2.0-mm x 4-mm titanium monocortical screws
(Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA) (Fig 2). The re-
maining five ribs were advanced 1.0 cm in the same
fashion and fixed with three 2.0-mm X 1S-mm diame-
ter titanium screws placed in the same inverted-L pat-
tern as the first group, through the sagittal strut plate
(Fig 3). Five 2.0 mm diameter monocortical screws FIGURE 2. Monocortical strut system (lateral view).

FIGURE 3. Hybrid system. A, lateral view. B, medial view.

cal significance using a Scheffe multiple comparison test. groups in displacement at maximum load (FC2,i2)=
An F-probability of >.05 was considered significant. 1.92, P = .19) (Fig 7). Displacement at maximum load
occurred at distances as great as 22.54 mm, which is
Results well beyond any clinically accepted value for displace-
ment with BSRO fixation. Failure at maximum load
A summary of the results appears in Table 1. Al- and displacement occurred in distinct patterns. In all
though the sagittal strut plate with monocortical fixa- casesof the monocortically fixed sagittal strut plates,
tion had the highest yield displacement, no significant the titanium struts deformed. With the positional screw
differences existed between the three groups (F~z,lz~ = system, the screws sheared, the bone/screw interface
0.86, P = .45) (Fig 4). Permanent deformation began fractured, or both occurred. The hybrid system failures
to occur at less than 1.0 mm of displacement. No sig- included various combinations of strut deformation,
nificant differences were noted between groups for screw shear, and bone/screw interface fractures.
yield load (Fc2,,2j = 0.83, P = .46) (Fig 5). Permanent Statistically significant differences were found be-
deformation began to occur at loads less than 2.0 kg. tween groups in load at 3.0 mm displacement (FC2.12j
The greatest maximum load was achieved by the three- = 9.98, P < .003). Although no difference was noted
positional screw system (14.22 + 4.59 kg), followed between the positional screw and hybrid group (Fig
by the hybrid (10.07 +- 1.39 kg) and monocortical S), differences were found between these groups and
systems (6.17 + 0.92 kg) (Fig 6). Statistically signifi- the monocortical strut system. Similarly, statistically
cant differences were found between groups in maxi- significant differences existed between the groups in
mum load (Fc2,12j = 10.19, P < .003). Based on the stiffness (FC2,i2)= 9.98, P < .003). No significant dif-
Scheffe multiple comparison test at the .05 significance ference existed between the positional screw and hy-
level, a difference was found between the positional brid system for stiffness, but did exist between these
screw and the monocortical system. However, no sta- two groups and the monocortical system (Fig 9).
tistically significant difference was found between the
hybrid system and the other two groups.
No significant differences were noted between With the development of titanium plates and screws,
rigid internal fixation of the BSRO has become the

Table 1. Summary of Results (Mean i- SD)

175 I T

Strut System
Yield displacement
(mm) 0.19 5 0.22 0.73 2 1.11 0.39 t 0.09
Yield load (kgf) 1.31 2 0.51 1.25 + 1.17 1.81 -t 0.29
Displacement at
maximum load
md 14.99 % 6.19 9.00 i- 3.39 14.70 i 6.28
Maximum load
Cdl 14.22 -c 4.59 6.17 & 0.92 10.07 i 1.39
Load at 3.0 mm
Pos~t~onai Screw System Monacortical Strut System tlybr~d System
Cd-l 6.59 t 1.68 3.58 i- 0.44 6.35 k 1.10
Stiffness (kgf/mm) 3.40 -t- 0.86 1.82 i 0.45 3.23 i 0.39
FIGURE 4. Yield displacement (mm ?SD).

Positional Screw System mn~~oma~ strut system Hybrid System Pwtional Screw System Monocorbcal Strut System Hybrid System

FIGURE 5. Yield load (kgf ?SD). FIGURE 7. Displacement at maximum load (kgf *SD).

rule rather than the exception. Numerous in vitro inves- Although this may be of value in determing failure in
tigations have been conducted that evaluated screw engineering or architectural design, it is of limited
size and pattern in assessing optimal resistance to de- value in assessing failure of BSRO fixation. Maximum
formation.“-*’ Most indicate that the inverted-L pattern load is achieved at maximum displacement. It was
is the superior fixation design.11~13~16~18~‘9~z1 noted in our investigation that maximum displacement
Numerous authors have compared bicortical screw ranged from a low of 4.45 mm to a high of 22.54 mm,
fixation with monocortical plate fixation, with varying with small differences between each of the experimen-
conclusions as to which is the superior tech- tal groups. It is obvious that displacements of this mag-
nique. 12,16~17~19With the recent appearance of hybrid nitude are unacceptable when considering stability and
systems using both bicortical and monocortical fixa- relapse in the healing BSRO patient. Thus, maximum
tion, the possibility of an even more rigid system has load and displacement at maximum load should not be
been proposed.23 Our study investigated this system considered satisfactory end points in assessing fixation
and noted some very significant observations and prob- technique failure.
lems associated with traditional concepts in mechani- Foley et al and others have suggested a failure value
cal testing of fixation devices. of load at 3.0 mm of displacement.5’24 This is an arbi-
Maximum load (or ultimate load) is an engineering trary value based on clinical beliefs as to when dis-
standard that has been used in the evaluation of fixation placement becames important in healing, without con-
systems. ‘5,‘6,20It represents the peak of the stress/strain sideration of the factors that affect healing.24 Because
(or load/displacement) curve. Theoretically, this value of the many valuable contributions to the evaluation
should indicate the maximum amount of force that of BSRO fixation by Foley’s group, this value has
could be resisted by the system until the breaking point. become a standard for comparison and continues to be

Positional Screw System Mrmocortical Strut System Hybrid System Positional Screw System Monocortical Strut System Hybrid System

FIGURE 6. Maximum load (kgf *SD). FIGURE 8. Load at 3.0 mm displacement (kgf *SD).

1 tively.26,27 The yield load (and thus yield point) in our
in vitro investigation using human bone substitutes
(bovine rib) approached these values.
This investigation suggests that maximum load, dis-
placement at maximum load, and load at 3.0 mm of
displacement are of no value in the interpretation of
the effectiveness of rigid fixation systems when in clin-
ical use; yield point and stiffness are more valuable
end points. These values need to be interpreted with
serious consideration given to accurate postsurgical
bite force measures when evaluating the favorability
or unfavorability of a fixation technique.

Positional Screw System Monocortical Strut System Hybrid System References

FIGURE 9. Stiffness (kgf/mm -tSD)

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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

55:494-495, 1997

An In Vitro Comparison of the Mechanical table comparison of the key parameters.’ By minimizing
Characteristics of Three Sagittal Ramus potential interactions, such a model would help isolate the
mechanical abilities of the fixation systems tested and clarify
Osteotomy Fixation Techniques whether any differences or similarities reported represent
genuine trends.
Vivek Shetty, BDS, Dr Med Dent In a mechanistic sense, the mode of deformation used by
University of California, Los Angeles, California the authors for testing may not be the most clinically rele-
vant. Vertical loading of a simple cantilever beam model
The advantages implicit to the rigid internal fixation of captures the relationship between load and displacement in
surgically reconfigured mandible segments derive largely only one plane; actual clinical situations produce much more
from the characteristics of the fixation device used. Unlike complex stress-strain relationships in even the simplest three
the load sharing between implant and bone that contributes dimensional representations of a mandible. Though bending
to the fixation stability of well-reduced fractures, the inter- is the most commonly reported data using the cantilever
fragmentary diastema produced by mandibular repositioning beam model, the major load transferences across an osteot-
requires the load transfer between the segments to occur
omy site occur through a combination of tension, shear,
mainly through the fixation device. Hence, a critical property torsion, or bending. Each of these forces produces its own
of any fixation system is its ability to withstand the various
unique load-deformation characteristics depending on the
mechanical forces placed on it during function. Murphy et
properties of the fixation device. Correspondingly, the rela-
al use standard engineering parameters to characterize and
tive ranking of mechanical properties may change in various
compare the mechanical capacity of the individual systems.
loading modes, with a system superior in bending proving
Given the implications of their study, it would be useful to
discuss key aspects of the test methods and how they relate to be weak in torsion. For example, the bending stiffness of
to the clinical situation. the thin monocortical strut plates is much greater when the
Conventional models using bovine rib, although popular plates are stressed edgewise rather than flat.2 Subject to bend-
because of their accessibility, are burdened by the large var- ing loads in only one plane, their cross-sectional shape and
ability in the properties and structure of natural bone. A stiffness may compare favorably to screw fixation, yet, the
degree of diversity in the configuration of the specimens and low lateral flexibility and torsional stiffness of these plates
simulated osteotomies is inherent to even closely matched render them vulnerable to the more complex deformations
samples. By implication, the neutral axis changes from speci- developing at the osteotomy site during function in a curved
men to specimen and results in a varying response to the beam structure such as the mandible.3 The large standard
same bending moment. To complicate matters further, the deviations (Fig 4, 5) most likely represent the sensitivity of
anisotropic nature of natural bone results in regional varia- the mechanical properties of the strut plates to small changes
tions in mechanical properties within the same specimen in the alignment of the osteotomy sites relative to the plane
and between specimens. This confounding effect may be of loading.
reflected in the data reported by the authors. The maximum The concerns expressed by Murphy et al about the conven-
displacements ranged from 4.45 mm to a high of 22.54 mm, tional choice of load at 3.0 mm displacement as failure raises
with small differences between the experimental groups. Be- several important issues. Inceptive studies by Foley’s group
cause of the inability to separate the relative contributions of used porcine rib models and arbitrarily selected a 3.0 mm
bone and specimen configuration, the underlying assumption deflection at the point of loading as fixation failure.4 The
that the experimental data represents the mechanical charac- boundary conditions used in the initial study included a
teristics of the individual systems may not be valid. The crosshead speed of 10 mm/min and a moment arm of 28
instances of bone/screw interface fractures in the positional mm (distance of loading site from embedded end of test
screw and hybrid systems corroborates this suspicion. The specimen). Although the failure criterion used by Murphy
use of a reproducible model system with consistent material et al parallels that proposed by Foley’s group, the testing
and physical parameters would have permitted a more equi- conditions were actually quite different. Specifically, bovine

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