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Arranged by :
Adam Laksmana (16522088)
Afif Al Akbar (16522121)
Afian Cavin Widiatama (16522007)
Fauzan Mahdy (16522177)
Pandu Ekoyudho (16522234)
Rahma Alrosdi Wira Putri (16522042)
Rayhan Alfathrizi (16522256)



1.1 Tutorial Objective

1. Able to balance the assembly lines to improve assembly line performance.
2. Understand the process of balancing the assembly lines.

1.2 Tutorial Task

Calculate and analyze the process of balancing assembly lines from predetermined cases.

1.3 Output
1.3.1 Initial Conditions of Assembly Line

Picture 1: Precedence Diagram Chart

1.3.2 Data
Timax = 1.1 minutes and the T/D = 360/120 = 3 minutes, therefore 1.1 ≤ CT ≤ 3.
First Assembly Design
Table 1: First Assembly Design Table
WS Element TI ST CT-ST

1 1 0.98 0.18
2 0.07

3 0.79

4 0.98

2 5 0.33 0.11
6 1.1

7 0.73

8 0.22
9 0.08

10 0.28

11 0.15

Second Assembly Line Design

CT = 1.5
Table 2: Second Assembly Design Table
WS Element TI ST CT-ST

1 1 0.98 0.45
2 0.07

2 3 0.79 0.79 0.71

3 4 0.98 0.19
5 0.33

4 6 1.1 1.1 0.4

5 7 0.73 0.04
8 0.22

9 0.08

10 0.28

11 0.15
Third Assembly Design
CT = 2
Table 3: Third Assembly Design Table
WS Element TI ST CT-ST

1 1 0.98 0.16
2 0.07

3 0.79

2 4 0.98 1.31 0.69

5 0.33

3 6 1.1 0.17
7 0.73

4 8 0.22 1.27
9 0.08

10 0.28

11 0.15

Fourth Assembly Design

CT = 2.5
Table 4: Fourth Assembly Design Table
WS Element TI ST CT-ST

1 1 0.98 0.66
2 0.07

3 0.79
2 4 0.98 0.09
5 0.33

6 1.1

3 7 0.73 1.04
8 0.22

9 0.08

10 0.28

11 0.15

1.3.3 Calculations
Below is the calculation of efficiency value (EL), smoothness index (SI), balance
delay (BD) and the idle time (IT) for the four solutions.
a. Solution 1
LE=(2.82+2.89)/(x 3)= 0.95
SI = √((2.82)^2 + (2.89)^2 )√16.3045 = 4.03
Table 5: Solution 1 Calculation Results

Parameter Value

LE 95%

SI 4.03

BD 0.05

IT 0.29
b. Solution 2
Table 6: Solution 2 Calculation Results

Parameter Value

LE 76 %

SI 2.6

BD 0.24

IT 1.79

b. Solution 3
Table 7: Solution 3 Calculation Results

Parameter Value

LE 71 %

SI 2.99

BD 0.29

IT 2.29

d. Solution 4
Table 8: Solution 4 Calculation Results

Parameter Value

LE 76%

SI 3.36

BD 0.24

IT 1.79
Table 9: Solution Comparison Table

Solution 1

CT 3 ∑Ti 5.71

K 1.903333333 Aprox = 2

Solution 2

CT 1.5 ∑Ti 5.71

K 3.806666667 Aprox = 4

Solution 3

CT 2 ∑Ti 5.71

K 2.855 Aprox = 3

Solution 4

CT 2.5 ∑Ti 5.71

K 2.284 Aprox = 3
1.3.4 Comparison chart of workload for each solution (1,2,3,4)

Chart 1: Workload Comparison Chart

Chart of Workload for Every Workstation





1 2 3 4 5

Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution3 Solution 4

Table 10: Workstation Time Table

Solution Solution Solution Solution
1 2 3 4
1 2.82 1,05 1.84 1,84
2 2.89 0.79 1.31 2,41
3 1.31 1.83 1,46
4 1.1 0.73
5 1.46
1.4 Analysis
1.4.1 Comparison analysis of LE, SI, BD, IT
Table 11: Comparison Table of Each Solution

Parameter Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3 Solution 4

LE 95% 76 % 71 % 76%

SI 4.03 2.6 2.99 3.36

BD 0.05 0.24 0.29 0.24

IT 0.29 1.79 2.29 1.79

Line efficiency is the ratio of the number of hours during which a high-volume
pick-and-place machine actually places parts on the PCB divided by the number of
hours during which the SMT assembly lines are staffed. The highest LE value is the
first solution with 95%, and after that, there is a second and fourth solution both with
76% and the last is the third solution with 71%.
SI or Smooth Index is a way to measure the level of the relative waiting time
of an assembly line or an index that shows the smoothness of a particular assembly
line. A good smooth index is a value close to 0, which means that the path is smooth
and has no idle time. From the table, the highest Si value is the first solution and the
lowest value which is good is the second solution.
BD or Balance Delay is a measure of the inefficiency of the trajectory that
results from the actual idle time caused by imperfect allocation between workstations
(Baroto, 2002). A good BD value is a value close to 0. the lowest BD value is the first
solution and the highest BD value is the third solution.
Idle time is unproductive time on the part of employees or machines caused by
management or as a result of factors beyond their control. Idle time is the time
associated with waiting, or when a piece of machinery is not being used but could be.
the highest idle time value is the third solution and the lowest value is the first
The solution that could be considered as good is the first solution. the first
solution has the highest value for LE, the highest value for SI, the lowest value for
BD, and the lowest value for idle time. so, it can be concluded that the first solution is
the best solution.

1.4.2 Analysis of workload comparison charts

Chart 2: Workload Comparison Chart

Chart of Workload for Every Workstation





1 2 3 4 5

Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution3 Solution 4

The picture above shows the comparison of workload. From the picture above
it can be seen in the graph line of solution 2, solution 3, and solution 4 the time
needed is not high enough or moderate in terms of time, but there are a significant
increase and decrease between workstations. This shows that the workload on solution
3 is not balanced.
In the solution graph of solution 1 time needed to do the work of each
workstation is quite high, but the workload obtained on each workstation is quite
balanced compared to other solutions.
1.5 Conclusion
1. According to the theory, solution 1 is the most balanced assembly line design.

2. The process of balancing assembly line can be obtained by spreading the activities
so that the delay can be decreased while the line efficiency is higher with lowest
cycle time possible.

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