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In the home

Mother : Lia..........!!!!!!!
Lia : ( Listening to the music by earphone )
Mother : Liiaaaaaaaa.....!!!
Lia : Yes Mom......!!
Mother : Come here now!
Lia : What’s happened mom?
Mother : Could you order a birthday’s cake to the cake shop ?
Lia : Yes Mom.. I’ll go there.. But i had to go to a friend’s home for a while and
then to the cake shop..
Mother : OK dear, and don’t forget that it is for the seventeenth (17th) birthday’s
Lia : OK Mom..

In the cake shop

Shop Keeper : Good afternoon,, May i help you miss?
Lia : Yes, i will order a birthdays’ cake, it’s for seventieth (70th).. You know,it’s
for my grandma’s birthdays, so make it such a surprise to grandmothers..
Shop Keeper : OK miss.. i see, we will make the best... Thank’s for your order
Lia : Your welcome..

In the home
Mother : Lia, Have you prepared the cake?
Lia : Yes, I had mom.. It’s will be a great surprise.. :-D

Then, After all of the family get together and sing a birthdays song, lia came with the cake
and her smile :-D

Adin : Whaaatttt!!!! What did you mean?? I’m just seventeen, not an oldman..!!!
I’m very disappointed..!!! This is my worst birthday...!!!!
Mother : Lia, what wrong with you?!!!! I told you.. it’s for seventeenth not seventieth..
Lia : I’m sorry mom.. I think it’s for grandma’s birthday... i’m sorry.....
Mother : Oh my GOD ( Crying in the corner )


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