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Prof. Madya Ismail 10th November 10th November -on time/- late
Nasiruddin Ahmad 2017 2017


No Name Student ID

1 Eddin Naim Bin Nordin 2015836966

Guidelines Level Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent

Scale 0-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Assessment Criteria (Report) Weight (w) Scale (y) Total= w * y

Introduction 5

Content/ Diagrams/Figures/ Discussion and Conclusion

Part A- Accident Investigation 40

Part B- Preventative Action 20

Part C - Identification 20

Format, Language and Organization 10

References and citation 5

TOTAL 100%



EVALUATION FORM ................................................................................................ I

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... III
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... IV
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
2.0 PART A - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION .......................................................... 2
2.1 Secure and preserve the scene ...................................................................................................2

2.2 Gathering evidences and informations. .....................................................................................3

2.3 Gather witnesses and perform interviews ..................................................................................3

2.4 Determining the root cause........................................................................................................4

2.5 Prepare incident report ..............................................................................................................5

2.6 Notification to Department of Occupational Safety and Health ................................................5

3.0 PART B - PREVENTIVE ACTION .................................................................... 14

3.1 Engineering control ................................................................................................................. 14

3.1.2 Perimeter protection ..................................................................................................... 15

3.1.3 Static load and anchoring technique ............................................................................. 16

3.1.4 Safety nets .................................................................................................................... 17

3.2 Administrative control ............................................................................................................. 18

3.2.1 Supervision ................................................................................................................... 18

3.2.2 Transport goods using trolley ....................................................................................... 18

3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) ...................................................................................... 18

4.0 PART C - IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................ 20

5.0 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 21
6.0 REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 22
7.0 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 24


Figure 1 : Ishikawa's diagram..................................................................................................................4

Figure 2 : Notification process ................................................................................................................6

Figure 3 : JKKP 6 form ...........................................................................................................................7

Figure 4 : JKKP 8 form ......................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 5 : JKKP 9 form ......................................................................................................................... 13

Figure 6 : Hierarchy of controls ............................................................................................................ 14

Figure 7 : Guard rail at all openings ...................................................................................................... 15

Figure 8 : Example of perimeter protection with fall restraint system .................................................. 16

Figure 9 : Fixed static line with shock absorber for use with safety harness and lanyards ................... 16

Figure 10 : Static line and anchorage .................................................................................................... 17

Figure 11 : Example of safety net installed at floor hollow section ...................................................... 17

Figure 13 : Occupational accidents statistics by sector until October 2017 .......................................... 24

Figure 14 : Incident report form by DOSH ........................................................................................... 26


Table 1 : Table involve in filling out DOSH forms ............................................................................... 24


Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 was gazetted on 25th
February 1994. The principal of this act is to make further provisions for securing the
safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to
safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, to establish the
National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, and for matters connected
therewith. This act contains 67 sections, divided into 15 parts and appended with 3
schedules. The first three parts state the objects of the Act and provide the
infrastructure for appointment of officers and the National Council. These parts
provide for the general duties for those who create the risks such as employer,
self-employed person, designer, manufacturer, supplier, and those who work with the
risks employees.
Until October 2017, there are 177 numbers of accidents reported by Department
of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) in the construction sector alone.
From 177 cases, 63 cases involved fatality, making construction industry the
champion in accidents involving fatality. Even with OSHA the number of accidents
is quite high, that is why there are always on going studies on how to improve safety
at workplace. The OSHA have been amended few times to ensure it covers all area
regarding the safety at workplace.
This study is to investigate an incident that happen of 1st November 2014 at a
construction site in Johor where an employee that was carrying mold installation
work at walls opening area fell when he stepped on a hollow section. The employee
died immediately as result of the incidents. Purpose of this case study is to show
procedure on reporting accidents at work place, necessary investigation as well as a
plan to prevent accidents from occurring.


There are many importance of accident investigation, among them are to

determine the root cause of the incident, to fulfil the requirement needed by DOSH,
to prevent similar accidents from happening again and last is to improve safety at
workplace. The safety officer have to remind everyone involved that this
investigation is not to find fault but it is to learn and prevent accidents from
occurring. There are steps to be taken in accident investigation, they are :
1. Secure the area where the accidents happens and preserve the area.
2. Gather all the evidences and informations needed
3. Gather witness and perform interviews
4. Determine the root cause
5. Prepare the incident report
6. Notification to Department of Safety and Health

2.1 Secure and preserve the scene

Part III of Occupational Safety And Health (Notification Of Accident,

Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning And Occupational Disease)
Regulations 2004 later written as NADOPOD - no interference at accident or
dangerous occurrence scene stated where the accident or dangerous occurrence
causes the death of any person or serious bodily injury to any person or serious
damage and dangerous to plant or other property, no person shall, unless authorized
to do so, remove or in any way interfere with or disturb any plant, substance, article
or thing related to the incident except to the extent necessary to—

(a) save the life of, prevent injury to, or relieve the suffering of any person;

(b) maintain the access of the general public to an essential service or utility; or

(c) prevent further damage to or serious loss of property or environment.

Therefore the investigating officer have to mark the scene with something clear
such as yellow tape or barricade the scene with cone. The officer then have to inform
all personnel not to remove any thing from the scene. He then have to put a notice to
notify people not to cross the area.

2.2 Gathering evidences and informations.

The officer is then require to photographs the scene and any objects or he sees as
evidence to the incident which in this case, the officer should photograph the mold
the worker was carrying prior to the accidents, the hollow section that the worker
stepped on, the condition of the hollow section, the body of the worker and the
equipment he was wearing at the time. Next the officer need to gather all the
information starting with the worker characteristics such as age, gender, department,
job title, tenure in company and job, training records, and whether they are full-time,
part-time, seasonal, temporary or contract. Next is injury characteristics. The officer
need to describe the injury, parts of body affected and degree of severity. Then
characteristics of equipment associated with incident example type, brand, size,
distinguishing features, condition, specific part involved. Next characteristics of the
task being performed when incident occurred whether general task, specific activity,
posture and location of injured worker, working alone or with others. After that the
office should seek supervision information, at time of incident whether injured
worker was being supervised directly, indirectly, or not at all and whether
supervision was feasible. Last the officer have to record the time of the incident. All
of this information is important to fill in the form for DOSH later.

2.3 Gather witnesses and perform interviews

With the information obtained, the officer then have to come up with a list of
personnel to be interview, the list should contain the workers that are present at the
time of the accident, the supervisor and the colleagues of the victim. The interview
can be perform based on these few steps. First the interview have to be conducted in
quiet and private place to clear the mind of the people being interviewed. It is
important to use open ended question to obtain clear answer. Then state the purpose
of the interview that is to find the fact about the incident. Ask the person to recount
their version of the incident without interrupting them. Next ask them clarifying
question to fill in the missing information. After that reflect back to the interviewee
the factual information obtained and correct any inconsistencies if any. Last ask the
opinion of the person on what they think could have prevented the incident focusing
on the conditions and events preceding the injury. Thank the witness for their

cooperation. Take notes or record the answers and responds on the interviewee and
document them for reference.

2.4 Determining the root cause

Compilation of evidence and responds from the interview can now be used to
determine the root cause of the incident. Simple questions such as “did the worker
take precautions” or “did he followed the standard procedure” is not going to get the
root cause of the incidents. Critical questions need to be ask and continue to ask why
as in why did he not follows standard operating procedure to avoid incomplete and
misleading conclusions to the investigation. Contributing factors may involve man,
machine, material, method and environment. By asking these question follow we can
get a clear visual on searching for the root cause of the incident. :
1. Was the person wear personal protective equipment ?
2. Was the material affect the work of the worker ?
3. Was the job procedure a contributing factor ?
4. Was a hazardous condition a contributing factor ?
5. Was the management system a contributing factor ?
For this section I have decided to use the Ishikawa diagram to get a clear visual on
the possible root cause.
Man Material Environment
- Not wearing - The mold might -The hollow
harness while restrict the view section was no
working at height of the worker marked
- No barrier
around the hollow
Machine Method
- No supervision,
no guide to the
worker direction
- Should not
perform the duty
Figure 1 : Ishikawa's diagram

2.5 Prepare incident report

After all the data were obtained the the root cause has been determined, now the
officer have to prepare the incident report for the Department of Occupational Safety
and Health. The report should include all the findings from the incidents, the
interviews and the data. The report should show the timeline of the incident and the
cause of the incident whether it is direct or indirect. It is important to include all the
details of the incident including photos and diagrams so that the person that review
the report can know every details of the incident.

2.6 Notification to Department of Occupational Safety and Health

When an accident happens in workplace, it is required under Occupational

Safety And Health (Notification Of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational
Poisoning And Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 later written as NADOPOD
for the safety officer in-charged to report the accident to DOSH but first the safety
office must identify who was injured in this case it was one of the employee. Next
the kind of injury which in this case is fatal. Both this factor then require the safety
officer to first notify nearest DOSH state office immediately, therefore I have to
report to DOSH Johor address at Level 9, Menara TJB, 80534 Johor Bharu, Johor.
Next I then have to send a written report using form JKKP 6 within seven working
days. Last have to collect the data of the employee and accident to fill in the form
JKKP 8 & JKKP 9 then submit the letter to DOSH before 31st January 2015 and the
record must be kept at the workplace for 5 years.

Figure 2 : Notification process

Figure 3 : JKKP 6 form

Figure 4 : JKKP 8 form

Figure 5 : JKKP 9 form


Preventive actions have to take place to ensure the accidents do not happen at
work place or minimise the risk of accidents from occurring and because the accident
involved fatality therefore preventive actions have to be implement immediately.
Preventive actions can be classify by hazard control. There 5 types of control;
elimination, substitution, engineering control, administrative control and personal
protective equipment (PPE). The importance on the controls method listed are listed
in descending order means that it is better if you can eliminate the hazard rather than
having PPE to protect your employees. The hierarchy of this will be explain by the
diagram below.

Figure 6 : Hierarchy of controls

For the case I am studying elimination and substitution method is not an option
because the hollow section on the floor is an important design of the building which
is still in process. Therefore for this case I will use the engineering control,
administrative control and the personal protective equipment as my preventive

3.1 Engineering control

Engineering control in easiest way to understand is a method is isolating the

people from the hazard.

3.1.1 Place guard rail around hollow sections on floor

Referring to the guidelines for prevention of fall at workplace prepared by
DOSH section 10.3 stated all holes or penetrations in floors or work areas shall be
covered with a secured cover; built to the standard of a light-duty platform or such
greater load that could be imposed on it. Where such covers are not practical,
guardrails with toe board or barriers shall be erected around all sides. Where persons
are working in such pits, fall protection should still be in place. Hence I will put
guard rail at all the hollow section at the construction site following the guideline
prepared by DOSH. The section 10.4 of the guidelines states that when a wall
opening for a door; window or other service leaves an exposed edge from which a
person could fall more than 2 metres, such wall openings shall be fitted with a

Figure 7 : Guard rail at all openings

3.1.2 Perimeter protection

Next engineering control to be implement is the perimeter protection. This

system includes installing guard rails at all edges equipped with the fall restraint
system that stop a worker from free falling to the ground compliance with guideline
of fall prevention by DOSH under section 4.2 that state Perimeter protection shall be
provided on the exposed edges of all work areas from which a fall of more than 2
metres is possible. Guardrails, including midrails and toeboards, are the preferred
option. However in some situations other systems may be appropriate:

• The height to the top of the guardrail shall be between 0.9 and 1.1 metres.

• The guardrail shall be before or vertically over the edge of the platform except:

• It must be capable of sustaining, without failure or undue deflection, a force at
any point of .69kN (70kg) vertically and .44kN (45kg) horizontally.

Figure 8 : Example of perimeter protection with fall restraint system

3.1.3 Static load and anchoring technique

Static load and anchoring technique is a horizontal line anchored at both ends
and rigged so that a fall arrest device or lanyard can run along its length. The force
on the anchorage points of the static line will be considerable greater than those on
an anchor line. This is because the anchor line is in direct tension along its length
while the static line is under tension at right angles between the anchorages.
Specialist will be called to rig the static line. The correct tensioning of the static line
can be achieved by a framed turnbuckle or a removable ratchet and pawl. The line
has to be correctly tensioned in order for it to successfully arrest the fall. The static
line must have a minimum breaking strength of 44 kN.

Figure 9 : Fixed static line with shock absorber for use with safety harness and lanyards

Figure 10 : Static line and anchorage

3.1.4 Safety nets

Last control to be put in motion is the use of safety nets. Safety nets must
comply with BS 3913:1 982 Industrial safety nets or any acceptable Industrial
Standard and shall be of a type tested and approved by a testing body approved by
the Director General. Safety nets shall be rigged by a trained personal who can
demonstrate specialised training in this field. Safety nets suspended under work areas
may be a satisfactory means of protection in the event of a fall, while also allowing
the maximum flexibility Nets must be inspected daily for signs of wear or damage
and rejected if any is found. Nets must be protected from combustible materials,
chemicals, welding slag or any damage. The net also effective to protect workers
from falling objects.

Figure 11 : Example of safety net installed at floor hollow section

3.2 Administrative control

Administrative control is changing the procedure or schedule or method a

worker perform their duty and might as well be combination of all the above.

3.2.1 Supervision

Considering the fact that the mold the worker was carrying might restrict his
view shows the the task is not to be done by only one person. One or more personnel
have to be present to guide the path of the worker carrying the mold. While working
at part where there are a lot of hollow section on the floor, the supervisor must be
able to see all the hazard around the worker, if he is not able to see all of them then
he should call another person to come an assist.

3.2.2 Transport goods using trolley

The worker now should use the trolley to transfer the mold so that he have better
visual on the path he is taking. This method will also reduce the energy required to
perform the task.

3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment is the last option to prevent an accident or to help

reduce the damage or effect of the accident. The compulsory PPE for construction
site are safety shoe, safety helmet and safety jacket. Then there are several other PPE
depending on the job perform by the worker for example gloves when handling
material and goggle when performing drilling on the wall.

3.3.1 Harness and lanyards

The worker are working at certain height and exposed to falling. The harness and
lanyards with the combination of static line should stop the worker from free falling
to the ground. The harnesses used shall be a one-piece full-body harness. Lanyards
and lanyard assemblies are usually used to connect the user’s harness to the backup
device on the safety rope. They will also be used for fall arrest purposes. Constant
monitoring of safety standards and equipment is essential.

Figure 12 : Example of harness and lanyard usage


Ethical principles and professional ethics are major characteristics needed in a

person regardless of the position he or she holds. Having these characteristics is key
step to having a safe working environment. Unethical behaviour by employer could
result in catastrophic events for example occupy a building that have no certification
of fire escape plan will lead to high number of deaths in the event of fire. An
employee that disregard the standard operating procedure just so he can save some
time is consider as unethical because the standard operating procedure exists to
protect the worker and the people around.

There are many hearsay that corruption is something normal in the construction
industry. In this particular case, the project owner has the potential of bribing the
safety officials that perform the inspection because they are able to operate even
without proper safety regulations required by the Occupational Safety and Health act.

Next potential ethical problem in this case is that in effort to save as much
money as they can the management did not hire enough personnel to safely perform
the task. The cost of employing a workers is high therefore if it is possible the
company try to finish the project with the minimum number of worker by asking one
worker to perform a two person task.

Last is the irresponsibility of the manager or supervisor. When it come to the

safety of foreign worker, they are still people that care less as if their lives doesn’t
matter. The bosses only concern about the outcome of their work and the due date
without providing them the adequate training needed in working especially at
elevated height. There are also supervisor that was put in charge of monitoring the
work neglect his responsibility and go to other places instead.


According to National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said only 20 per cent of accidents at construction
sites nationwide were reported to DOSH between 2009 and 2014. This has to change,
the employer and safety officer should not hide accidents cases from the government.
All accidents have to be reported to DOSH including the near-miss cases. This is
critical so that the data from all the accidents is important so that it can be study,
safety need to the revised and improve from time to time. The data obtained from all
the accidents can shine a light in creating safer working environment. The worker
should take the initiatives to report on any accidents at their workplace if they find
that their employer fail to do so and the authorities must imposed the company with
heavy penalties so that it will be a lesson to all the employer out there that tries to
hide the accidents happened in the workplace,

“It takes a village to raise a child” is a proverb that can perfectly describe the
importance of being ethical and professional. The pioneer have to show good
example of ethical behaviour to the new workers especially the interns and fresh
graduate so they know the standard we uphold in the industry. Be a great mentor to
to the youngster so that they will as they grow older in the field, they know exactly
how to behave. The person who violates the safety regulations and bad examples
should be stripped from their position.

Safety is a major issue and as a nation that have great vision everybody should
care and put extra effort to promote safety at work place. Safety is the responsibility
everyone on all levels from the boss to the general workers.


1. Occupational Safety And Health Act 1994 (Act 514) retrieved from

2. Occupational Safety and Health (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence,

Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 retrieved from

1. Guidelines of Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry

(Management) retrieved from

2. Guidelines for the Prevention of Falls at Workplaces, 2007 retrieved from

3. Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health (Notification of Accident,

Dangerous Occurance, Occupational Poisoning & Occupational Disease)
Regulations 2004 (NADOPOD), 2005 retrieved from

4. Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS),

2011 retrieved from

5. How To Conduct An Incident Investigation retrieved from

6. Occupational Accidents Statistics by Sector Until October 2017 retrieved from

9. 80 per cent of accidents at Malaysian construction sites go unreported: NIOSH.

New Straits Times publications (2017, May 16) retrieved from



Figure 13 : Occupational accidents statistics by sector until October 2017

Table Content
1 Size of industry
2 Industrial sector
3 Industrail Classification
4 Area or location in work place
5 Responsibe person- construction site
7 Status of employement
8 Occupational (job description)
9 Types of industrial accident
10 Types of injury
11 Agent causing accident
12 Location of injuries, poisoning, diseases
Table 1 : Table involve in filling out DOSH forms

Figure 14 : Incident report form by DOSH


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