Power Factor and Power Index Quick Calculator Improvement Quick Calculator

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Power Factor and Power Index Quick Calculator Improvement Quick Calculator

Weight Reps Old Number 2,075
First Set 200 20
Second Set 220 18 New Number 2,330
Third Set 0 0
Fourth Set 0 0 Improvement* 12.3%
Fifth Set 0 0
TIME - Minutes 3
- Seconds 25 Note: Use percent improvement on calculatio
Total Weight and Power Factor. The Power I
Total Weight 7,960 logarithmic scale and percent does not apply
Power Factor 2,330 the actual difference.
Power Index 19 (e.g Old=120 New =170, Improvement = 50)
nt Quick Calculator

Power Index

ent improvement on calculations of

d Power Factor. The Power Index is a
e and percent does not apply. Just use

ew =170, Improvement = 50)

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