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Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

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Time-dependent degradation of titanium osteoconductivity: An implication

of biological aging of implant materials
Wael Att a,1, Norio Hori a,1, Masato Takeuchi b, Jianyong Ouyang c, Yang Yang c, Masakazu Anpo b,
Takahiro Ogawa a, *
Laboratory of Bone and Implant Sciences (LBIS), The Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, Division of Advanced Prosthodontics,
Biomaterials and Hospital Dentistry, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The shelf life of implantable materials has rarely been addressed. We determined whether osteo-
Received 30 April 2009 conductivity of titanium is stable over time. Rat bone marrow-derived osteoblasts were cultured on new
Accepted 19 June 2009 titanium disks (immediately after acid-etching), 3-day-old (stored after acid-etching for 3 days in dark
Available online 11 July 2009
ambient conditions), 2-week-old, and 4-week-old disks. Protein adsorption capacity, and osteoblast
migration, attachment, spread, proliferation and mineralization decreased substantially on old titanium
surfaces in an age-dependent manner. When the 4-week-old implants were placed into rat femurs, the
Bone–titanium integration
biomechanical strength of bone–titanium integration was less than half that for newly processed
Osseointegration implants at the early healing stage. More than 90% of the new implant surface was covered by newly
Total hip replacement generated bone compared to 58% for 4-week-old implants. This time-dependent biological degradation
Dental implant was also found for machined and sandblasted titanium surfaces and was associated with progressive
accumulation of hydrocarbon on titanium surfaces. The new surface could attract osteoblasts even under
a protein-free condition, but its high bioactivity was abrogated by masking the surface with anions. These
results uncover an aging-like time-dependent biological degradation of titanium surfaces from bioactive
to bioinert. We also suggest possible underlying mechanisms for this biological degradation that provide
new insights into how we could inadvertently lose, and conversely, maximize the osteoconductivity of
titanium-based implant materials.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Despite the growing demand for such implant procedures in

a universally aging society, several issues directly related to the
Titanium forms a passive and protective surface oxide layer once biological capability of titanium remain unresolved. In orthopedic
exposed to the atmosphere. As a result of chemical stability of this implants, the treatment outcome includes a high percentage of
oxidized surface (primarily TiO2), titanium has superior resistance revision surgery ranging from 5 to 40% [1–5] (average, 25%) [6]. The
to corrosion and is non-cytotoxic. Owing to a bone-forming average functional lifetime of the orthopedic titanium implants
phenomenon at the TiO2 interface called ‘‘osseointegration’’ or used currently is only 10–25 years [7], and the additional surgeries
‘‘bone–titanium integration’’, titanium implants are widely used as required after implant failure are a significant burden for patients
anchors in reconstructive and restorative surgeries for osteoporotic and the society. For dental implants, the protracted healing time
fractures, diseased joints, and edentulous jaws. required before fabricating prosthetic teeth has been a challenge to
reduce patient morbidity. For dental and orthopedic implants,
various systemic conditions impair the potential of bone healing
* Corresponding author. Laboratory for Bone and Implant Sciences (LBIS), The around implants [8–12] and may limit this application and
Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, Division of compromise the success rate [13,14]. Rapid and firm establishment
Advanced Prosthodontics, Biomaterials and Hospital Dentistry, UCLA School of of bone–titanium implant integration has therefore been a persis-
Dentistry, 10833 Le Conte Avenue (B3-081 CHS), Box 951668, Los Angeles, CA
90095-1668, USA. Tel.: þ1 310 825 0727; fax: þ1 310 825 6345.
tent challenge in both these fields [15–17]. In addition, titanium is
E-mail address: (T. Ogawa). widely used as a tissue engineering scaffold and coating material
These authors contributed equally to this work. for various medical devices [18–22], and there is a significant

0142-9612/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363 5353

demand to improve titanium bioactivity for therapeutic and were quantified in terms of cell density at 2 and 5 culture days using WST-1 based
experimental purposes. colorimetry (WST-1, Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany). The culture well
was incubated at 37  C for 4 h with 100 ml tetrazolium salt (WST-1) reagent. The
Biologically, a crucial question remains unaddressed: Why does amount of formazan product was measured using an ELISA reader at 420 nm. The
bone tissue not form entirely around titanium implants? The proliferative activity of cells was measured by BrdU incorporation during DNA
implant area eventually covered by bone (bone–titanium contact synthesis. At day 2 of culture, 100 ml of 100 mM BrdU solution (Roche Applied
percentage) remains at 45  16% [23], or 50–65% [24], which is far Science) was added to the culture wells and incubated for 10 h. After trypsinizing
cells and denaturing DNA, cultures were incubated with anti-BrdU conjugated with
below the ideal 100%. Most implants fail because of an incomplete
peroxidase for 90 min and reacted with tetramethylbenzidine for color develop-
establishment, or early/late destructive changes at the bone– ment. Absorbance at 370 nm was measured using an ELISA reader (Synergy HT,
implant interface [25–27]. A limited supply of stem cells has been BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT).
the only hypothetical explanation for this incomplete bone gener-
ation [28,29]. 2.5. Migration assay

We hypothesized that the bioactivity of titanium changes over

Migration of cells to titanium surfaces was examined using a cell invasion assay
time. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of the (345-024K, Trevigen, Gaithersburg, MD). The assay was established to investigate
age of titanium on various in vitro behaviors and functions of chemotaxis, migration and/or invasion of various cells [31–33]. The assay uses
osteoblasts cultured on titanium substrates and an in vivo potential a transwell containing 8-mm pore-size inserts made of polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) and measures the ability of cells to migrate from the upper compartment to
of bone–titanium integration. Additionally, potential factors on
the lower compartment through these pores. Cells were seeded into the upper
titanium surfaces responsible for the age-related alteration of compartment and a titanium disk was placed at the bottom of the lower compart-
osteoconductivity were explored. Orthopedic and dental implant ment. The cells that had penetrated into the lower compartment after 2 h of incu-
products are sold as storable medical devices. These products age in bation were quantified by a plate reader after staining with calcein AM. The
an unavoidable manner during their inventory and distribution, as percentage of the migrated cells was then calculated relative to the total number of
cells seeded.
well as during storage before use. The age of titanium-based
experimental materials and therapeutic devices has never been 2.6. Morphology and morphometry of cells
standardized or even described in the literature. Addressing this
nature of titanium, therefore, will have clinical and scientific Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to examine cell morphology and
significance. cytoskeletal arrangement of the osteoblasts seeded onto titanium surfaces. After 3 h
of culture, cells were fixed in 10% formalin and stained using the fluorescent dye
rhodamine phalloidin (actin filament, red color; Molecular Probes, OR). Cultures
2. Materials and methods
were also immunochemically stained with mouse anti-vinculin monoclonal anti-
body (Abcam, Cambridge, MA), followed by a FITC-conjugated anti-mouse
2.1. Titanium samples and surface characterization
secondary antibody (Abcam). The area, perimeter and Feret’s diameter of cells were
quantified using an image analyzer (ImageJ, NIH, Bethesda, ML).
Disks (diameter, 20 mm; thickness, 1.5 mm) and cylindrical rods (diameter,
1 mm; length, 2 mm) were prepared from commercially pure titanium (grade 2).
2.7. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity
Surfaces of the titanium samples were prepared by acid-etching with 67% (w/w)
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at 120  C for 75 s, machine turning, or sandblasting with 50 mm
ALP activity of osteoblasts was examined at day 7 using culture area- and
Al2O3 particles for 1 min at a pressure of 3 bar. They were placed in a sealed container
colorimetry-based assays. Cells were washed twice with Hanks’ solution, and
and stored in a dark room (temperature, 23  C; humidity, 60%) for 0 h (new), 3 days, 2
incubated with 120 mM Tris buffer (pH 8.4) containing 0.9 mM naphthol AS-MX
weeks and 4 weeks. Hydrophilicity of titanium surfaces was measured using an
phosphate and 1.8 mM fast red TR for 30 min at 37  C. The ALP-positive area on the
automated contact angle measuring device (DCA-VZ, Kyowa Interface Science, Sai-
stained images was calculated as [(stained area/total dish area)  100] (%) using the
tama, Japan) as the contact angle of 1 ml of H2O. Additional image analyses were
image analyzer. For colorimetry, the culture was rinsed with double-distilled water
performed to evaluate the area of spread of 10 ml H2O on titanium disks. The chemical
(ddH2O), followed by the addition of 250 ml p-Nitrophenylphosphate (LabAssay ATP,
composition of titanium surfaces was evaluated by electron spectroscopy for
Wako Pure Chemicals, Richmond, VA), and then incubated at 37  C for 15 min. ALP
chemical analysis (ESCA). ESCA was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
activity was evaluated as the amount of nitrophenol released through the enzymatic
(XPS) (Multiprobe Surface Science System, Omicron Nanotechnology, Eden Prairie,
reaction and measured at 405 nm using an ELISA reader.
MN, USA) under high vacuum conditions (6  107 Pa).

2.8. Mineralization assay

2.2. Protein adsorption assay
The mineralization capability of cultured osteoblasts was examined by colori-
Bovine serum albumin, fraction V (Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Rockford, IL) was metry-based quantification of calcium deposition at day 14. Cultures were washed
used as a model protein. Three hundred microliters of protein solution (1 mg/ml with PBS and incubated overnight in 1 ml of 0.5 M HCl solution with gentle shaking.
protein/saline) was pipetted onto either the new acid-etched titanium surface, The solution was mixed with o-cresolphthalein complexone in an alkaline medium
3-day-old surface, 2-week-old surface, and 4-week-old surface. After incubation for 1 (calcium binding and buffer reagent, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) to produce a red calcium-
and 24 h at 37  C, nonadherent proteins were removed and mixed with micro- cresolphthalein complexone complex. Color intensity was measured by an ELISA
bicinchoninic acid (Pierce Biotechnology) at 37  C for 60 min. The amount of the reader at 575 nm absorbance.
removed albumin, as well as the total amount of albumin inoculated, was quantified
using a microplate reader at 562 nm. The rate of albumin adsorption was calculated as 2.9. Gene expression analysis
the percentage of albumin adsorbed to titanium surfaces relative to the total amount.
Gene expression was analyzed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain
2.3. Osteoblastic cell culture reaction (RT-PCR). Total RNA in human MSCs cultured in the osteogenic induction
medium was extracted using TRIzol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) on a purification
As established previously [30], bone marrow cells isolated from the femurs of column (RNeasy, Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Following DNAse I treatment, reverse tran-
8-week-old male Sprague–Dawley rats were placed into alpha-modified Eagle’s scription of 0.5 mg of total RNA was performed using MMLV reverse transcriptase
medium supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum, 50 mg/ml ascorbic acid, 10 mM (Clontech, Carlsbad, CA) in the presence of oligo(dT) primers (Clontech). PCR reac-
Na-b-glycerophosphate, 108 M dexamethasone, and antibiotic–antimycotic solu- tion was performed using Taq DNA polymerase (EX Taq, Takara Bio, Madison, WN) to
tion. Cells were incubated in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO2 at 37  C. detect type I collagen and osteocalcin mRNA using the primer designs and PCR
At 80% confluency, the cells were detached using 0.25% trypsin–1 mM EDTA–4Na and conditions optimized previously [30]. PCR products were visualized on 1.5% agarose
seeded onto either the new and differently aged titanium disks (3 days old, 2 weeks gel with ethidium bromide staining. Band intensity was detected and quantified
old, and 4 weeks old) at a density of 4  104 cells/cm2. The culture medium was under UV light and normalized to GAPDH mRNA.
renewed every three days.
2.10. Pretreatment of titanium disks
2.4. Cell attachment, density, and proliferation assays
Protein adsorption and cell attachment on pretreated titanium disks were also
Initial attachment of cells was evaluated by measuring the amount of cells evaluated to identify the role of surface electric charge of titanium surfaces in
attached to titanium substrates after 2 h and 24 h of incubation. The propagated cells determining their bioactivity. Acid-etched titanium disks were incubated for 24 h at
5354 W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

room temperature in 1 ml of 0.1 M NaCl or CaCl2. Titanium disks incubated in ddH2O 3. Results
served as controls. Disks were then washed three times with ddH2O and left to
completely dry at room temperature for 3 h.
3.1. Protein adsorption and initial osteoblast behaviors on
differently aged titanium
2.11. Animal surgery
We first focused on acid-etched titanium surfaces to examine
Eight-week-old male Sprague–Dawley rats were anesthetized with 1–2% iso- the effect of titanium aging (new, 3-day-old, 2-week-old, and
flurane inhalation. Their left legs were shaved and scrubbed with 10% providone– 4-week-old surfaces) on their bioactivity. The amount of albumin
iodine solution. The distal aspect of the left femurs was carefully exposed by skin
incision and muscle dissection. The flat surface of the distal femur was selected for
adsorbed to titanium surfaces during 1 h and 24 h incubation
implantation. The implant site was prepared 9 mm from the distal edge of the femur significantly decreased on the aged surfaces in an age-dependent
by drilling with a 0.8 mm round burr and then enlarged using reamers (#ISO 090 manner (Fig. 1A). The 4-week-old disks exhibited only one-quarter
and 100). Profuse irrigation with sterile isotonic saline solution was used for cooling the albumin adsorption of the new disks after 1 h, and this age-
and cleaning. One cylindrical titanium rod was inserted into each prepared hole per
dependent attenuation was substantial even after 24 h. The
femur. Surgical sites were then closed in layers. Muscle and skin were sutured
separately with resorbable suture thread. The University of California at Los Angeles number of rat bone marrow-derived osteoblasts attached to tita-
Chancellor’s Animal Research Committee approved this protocol and all experi- nium surfaces during 2 h and 24 h incubation decreased signifi-
mentation was performed in accordance with the United States Department of cantly with an increase in titanium age (Fig. 1B). The number of
Agriculture guidelines of animal research. cells that migrated to titanium surfaces through 8-mm holes during
2 h incubation also decreased depending on the age of titanium
surfaces (Fig. 1C). Confocal microscopic images of osteoblasts 3 h
2.12. Implant biomechanical push-in test
after seeding onto the new and 4-week-old titanium surfaces
The implant biomechanical push-in test was used to assess the biomechan- revealed a distinctive contrast in cell morphology and the estab-
ical strength of bone–implant integration, and is described elsewhere [8,34]. lishment of focal adhesion (Fig. 1D). The cells were noticeably larger
Femurs containing a cylindrical implant were harvested at week 2 and 4 of with an extensive expression of vinculin on the new surface.
healing and embedded into auto-polymerizing resin with the top surface of the
implant being horizontal. MicroCT was used to confirm that implants were free
Cytomorphometric evaluations demonstrated that the area,
from cortical bone support to the lateral and bottom sides of the implant. The perimeter, and Feret’s diameter of the cells were significantly
testing machine (Instron 5544 electromechanical testing system, Instron, Canton, greater for the new surfaces than for the 4-week-old surfaces,
MA) equipped with a 2000 N load cell and a pushing rod (diameter, 0.8 mm) was indicating a considerable delay in cell spread and cytoskeletal
used to load the implant vertically downward at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min.
development on the 4-week-old surface.
The push-in value was determined by measuring the peak of the load–
displacement curve.
3.2. Osteoblast proliferation on differently aged titanium

2.13. Histological preparation The cell density was significantly reduced on days 2 and 5 on the
old titanium surfaces; the number of cells was reduced to one-half
Femurs containing an acid-etched implants were harvested at weeks 2 and 4
on the 4-week-old surface as compared to the new surface at both
post-implantation and fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 2 weeks at 4  C. Specimens
were dehydrated in an ascending series of alcohol rinses and embedded in light- time points (Fig. 2A). To determine whether the lower cell density
curing epoxy resin (Technovit 7200VLC, Hereaus Kulzer, Weinheim, Germany) was ascribed to decreased cell attachment upon seeding or
without decalcification. Embedded specimens were sawed perpendicular to the a possible impairment of subsequent cellular propagation, BrdU
longitudinal axis of the cylindrical implants at a site 0.5 mm from the apical end of incorporation into DNA was measured relative to cell number. The
the implant. Specimens were ground to a thickness of 30 mm with a grinding system
(Exakt Apparatebau, Norderstedt, Germany). Sections were stained with Goldner’s
rate of cell proliferation on old surfaces decreased in an age-
trichrome stain and observed via light microscopy. dependent manner (Fig. 2B).

3.3. Osteoblast differentiation on differently aged titanium

2.14. Histomorphometry
The alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-positive area of the culture
A 40 magnification lens and a 4 zoom on a computer display were used for
computer-based histomorphometric measurements (Image Pro-plus, Media Cyber-
decreased on aged titanium surfaces (Fig. 2C); in the 4-week-old
netics, Silver Spring, MD). To identify the tissue structure in detail, microscopic titanium culture on day 7, it was less than one-half that on the new
magnification up to 400 was used. We previously established implant histo- surface. Calcium deposition in the mineralizing cultures was simi-
morphometry that discriminates between implant-associated bone and nonim- larly reduced on day 14 (Fig. 2D). To determine whether these
plant-associated bone [24]. Based on this method, the circumferential zone within
attenuating changes in functional phenotypes occurred because of
50 mm of the implant surface was defined as an area of interest.
Bone–implant contact (%) ¼ (sum of the length of bone–implant contact)/ reduced cell density, possibly impaired differentiation, or both, ALP
(circumference of the implant)  100, where the bone–implant contact was defined activity, which was optically quantified and standardized relative to
as the interface at which bone tissue was located within 20 mm of the implant cell number, was examined. There were no significant differences in
surface without intervention of soft tissue. cell-based ALP activity among the new and differently aged tita-
Bone volumeð%Þ [ ðbone area in the area of interestÞ=ðarea of interestÞ 3 100: nium disks (Fig. 2E). The expression level of collagen I and osteo-
calcin evaluated by RT-PCR was also not significantly different
among the differently aged groups (Fig. 2F).
2.15. Statistical analyses
3.4. Biomechanical strength of bone–implant integration
The number of samples was 3 for all studies, except for cell morphometry
(n ¼ 10), the implant push-in test (n ¼ 5) and bone histomorphometry (n ¼ 4). Two-
way ANOVA was used to examine the effects of culture/healing time and aging of The strength of bone–implant integration evaluated by the
titanium. If necessary, the post-hoc Bonferroni test was used as a multiple push-in test was substantially impaired depending upon the age of
comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered significant. If data were available at only titanium implants (Fig. 3). The push-in value for new implants at
one time point, one-way ANOVA was used to determine the differences among
different aging groups. Correlations between biological parameters and physico-
the early healing stage of week 2 was 2.2 times that for 4-week-old
chemical parameters of titanium surfaces were determined by least-mean-square implants, i.e., mechanical retention obtained with the 4-week-old
approximation. implants was less than 50% of that obtained with the new implants.
W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363 5355

A New B New C New

3-day-old 3-day-old 3-day-old
60 2-week-old 2-week-old 2-week-old
0.5 20
4-week-old 4-week-old 4-week-old
Protein adsorption (%)

Cell attachment (WST-1)

50 **

Migrated cells (%)

15 **
10 0.1

0 0 0
1 hour incubation 24 hour incubation 2 hour incubation 24 hour incubation 2 hour incubation

D New surface 4-week-old surface

New 4-week-old

300 80
** ** **

Feret’s diameter (µm)

Perimeter (µm)

100 µm 100 µm 200

Area (µ


0 0 0

50 µm 50 µm

Fig. 1. Age-dependent degradation of osteoblast affinity of titanium surfaces. Acid-etched titanium disks of different agesdnew (immediately after processing), 3-day-old, 2-week-
old, and 4-week-old surfacesdwere tested. (A) Albumin adsorption to titanium surfaces during 1 h and 24 h of incubation. (B) The number of rat bone marrow-derived osteoblasts
attached to titanium surfaces after incubation for 2 h and 24 h, as evaluated by WST-1 colorimetry. (C) Osteoblasts migrated to the titanium surface through 8 mm pores during 2 h
of incubation quantified by invasion assay. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 3) for panels A–C. **p < 0.01, indicating a statistically significant effect of titanium aging. (D) Initial spread and
cytoskeletal arrangement of osteoblasts 3 h after seeding onto new and 4-week-old titanium surfaces. Representative confocal microscopic images of cells stained with rhodamine
phalloidin for actin filaments (red) and anti-vinculin (green), along with cytomorphometric evaluations, are presented. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 10). **p < 0.01, indicating
a statistically significant difference between the new and 4-week-old surfaces.

Even at a late stage of healing (week 4), age-dependent reduction in soft tissue (arrowhead in panels B and F). At week 4 of healing, bone
the push-in value remained substantial. The push-in value for the formed almost entirely around the new implants (Fig. 4C and G),
new implants at week 2 of healing was even higher than that of the showing a clear distinction from the 4-week-old implants where
4-week-old implants at week 4 of healing (p < 0.05). a significant portion of the implant was covered by fibrous tissue
(arrowheads in panels D and H). Bone histomorphometry demon-
3.5. Bone formation around differently aged implants strated that the percentage of bone–implant contact for the new
implants was consistently greater than that for the 4-week-old
Histological and histomorphometric analyses of bone were implants (2.3 times at week 2 and 1.6 times at week 4) (Fig. 4I).
performed around the new and 4-week-old implants. At week 2 of Bone volume associated with the implants was also consistently
healing, newly formed bone was observed around both implants greater for the new implants (Fig. 4J).
(Fig. 4A and B). The area adjacent to the implant surface showed
noticeable differences in bone growth between the two implants. 3.6. Effects of titanium aging on other surface types
The bone formation was contiguous and extensive around the new
implant (Fig. 4A and E), but localized and fragmented around the We further investigated if the time-dependent degradation in
4-week-old implant (Fig. 4B and F), leaving a large area covered by bioactivity of titanium would occur in surface types other than the
5356 W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

A New B New
3-day-old 3-day-old
2-week-old 2-week-old
2.5 4-week-old 4-week-old
2.0 ** *
Cell density (WST-1)

BrdU incorporation

(Od370 nm)/cell

0.5 1

0 0
Day 2 Day 5 Day 2

C New 3-day-old 2-week-old 4-week-old D


Calcium deposition (mg/dl)
ALP positive area (%)

50 ** 3-day-old **
40 4-week-old 10


20 5


0 0
Day 7 Day 14

E F Day 7 Day 14
New New 3-D 2-W 4-W New 3-D 2-W 4-W
3-day-old Collagen I
Relative ALP activity/cell

New 3-day-old 2-week-old 4-week-old

0.6 0.6
Gene expression
(arbitrary unit)

2 0.4 0.4

1 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
Day 7 Day 7 Day 14 Day 7 Day 14
Collagen I Osteocalcin
Fig. 2. Osteoblast proliferation and function on differently aged titanium surfaces. Rat bone marrow-derived osteoblasts were cultured on acid-etched titanium disks with different
agesdnew, 3-day-old, 2-week-old, and 4-week-old surfaces. (A) Cell density at days 2 and 5 of cultures. (B) Cell proliferative activity evaluated by BrdU incorporation per cell at day
2 of culture. (C) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity measured by the ALP-positive (red) area at day 7. Representative images of the stained culture are presented on the top. (D) Total
calcium deposition at day 14, as measured using a colorimetry-based method. (E) ALP activity at day 7 colorimetrically quantified and standardized relative to cell number. (F)
Expression of bone-related genes in osteoblast cultures at days 7 and 14 examined by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Expression levels were quantified
relative to the level of GAPDH mRNA expression. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 3) for all panels. **p < 0.01, indicating a statistically significant effect of titanium aging.
W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363 5357

New acid-etched one. Machined and sandblasted titanium disks were

3-day-old prepared and stored for different periods of time before use in the
60 2-week-old same manner as the acid-etched disks. Cell density decreased on
both types of titanium surfaces in an age-dependent manner
(Fig. 5A and C). ALP staining of the cultures on these surface types
50 was also attenuated, and the range of reduction was as substantial
as that observed for the acid-etched surface (Fig. 5B and D).
Push-in value (N)

* 3.7. Physicochemical characteristics of differently aged titanium

30 surfaces

We conducted surface characterization of acid-etched titanium to

identify factors responsible for its time-dependent biological degra-
dation. The new surface, i.e., the surface obtained immediately after
10 acid-etching, showed superhydrophilic property with a 10-ml water
drop spread over on a 20-mm diameter disk and a contact angle of
0 0.0 (Fig. 6A). As the titanium disks aged, the surface property
Week 2 Week 4 changed from being hydrophilic to hydrophobic. Least-mean-square
Healing time approximation indicated that the contact angle did not significantly
correlate with the albumin adsorption or cell attachment capacities of
Fig. 3. In vivo bone integration ability of differently aged titanium implants. Biome- the titanium surface (R2 ¼ 0.49 and 0.56, respectively; Fig. 6B and C).
chanical strength of bone–implant integration evaluated by the biomechanical push-in
test. Implants with new, 3-day-old, 2-week-old, and 4-week-old acid-etched surfaces
XPS spectra showed peaks of Ti2p, O1s and C1s on the acid-
were compared. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 5). *p < 0.05, indicating a statistically etched titanium surfaces, but not other peaks (Fig. 6D). The C1s
significant effect of implant aging. peak was considerably higher on the 4-week-old surface than on

Week 2 of healing Week 4 of healing

New implants 4-week-old implants New implants 4-week-old implants




I New J New
Bone - implant contact (%)

10 0 100 4-week-old
Bone volume (%)

80 80
60 60 **

40 40

20 20

0 0
Week 2 Week 4 Week 2 Week 4
Fig. 4. In vivo bone morphogenesis around differently aged titanium implants. Implants with new and 4-week-old acid-etched surfaces were compared. (A–H) Representative
histological images of peri-implant tissue with Goldner’s trichrome stain at an original magnification of 200 for panels (A)–(D), and 400 for panels (E)–(H) are presented. Mean
histomorphometric values with SD (error bars) of bone–implant contact (I) and bone volume (J) are shown (n ¼ 4). **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, indicating a statistically significant
difference between the new and 4-week-old surfaces.
5358 W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

A New B 2-week 4-week

New -old -old

Cell density (WST-1)

80 New

ALP positive area (%)

3 ** **
60 4-week-old

2 * 40

1 20

0 0
Day 2 Day 5 Day 7

C New D 2-week 4-week

New -old -old

60 New
Cell density (WST-1)

ALP positive area (%)

1.5 4-week-old
40 **
1.0 ** 30

0 0
Day 2 Day 5 Day 7

Fig. 5. Osteoblast function on differently aged titanium surfaces with other surface textures. Rat bone marrow-derived osteoblasts were cultured on machined (A, B) and sand-
blasted (C, D) titanium disks of different ages: new (immediately after processing), 2-week-old, and 4-week-old surfaces. Cell density at days 2 and 5 (A, C) and ALP-positive area at
day 7 (B, D) shown as mean  SD (n ¼ 3). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, indicating a statistically significant effect of titanium aging.

the new surface. Close examination of the peaks revealed that enhanced albumin adsorption to the new surface at pH 7 was
a shoulder peak at about 288 eV ascribed to the presence of completely abrogated at pH 3 (untreated group in Fig. 7A). We next
oxygen-containing hydrocarbons appeared on old surfaces, as treated the new surface with various solutions containing anions
shown on the 4-week-old surface (Fig. 6E). This was not observed (e.g., Cl) for 24 h and dried it before albumin incubation. The
on the new surface. The atomic percentage of carbon continued to anion-treated new surface was no longer protein attractive
increase from 16 to 62% as the titanium surfaces aged (Fig. 6F). (Fig. 7A), indicating that its protein-favorable electrostatic property
Least-mean-square approximation revealed that there was was neutralized. All new surfaces maintained superhydrophilicity
a significant inverse linear correlation between the atomic after the 24-h anion treatment (images of H2O drop on titanium
percentage of carbon and the (1) amount of albumin adsorbed to disks in Fig. 7A). The albumin adsorption of the 4-week-old tita-
titanium surfaces and (2) number of attached cells (R2 ¼ 0.91 and nium surface increased only when it was treated with divalent
0.98, respectively; Fig. 6G and H). In other words, the lower the cations (e.g., Ca2þ) before albumin incubation. The treatment with
percentage of carbon on the titanium surface, the more the amount divalent cations did not increase albumin adsorption on the new
of albumin and cells attached to the surface. surface.
The effects of anion and cation treatment of the new and
3.8. Protein adsorption and cell attachment to differently aged 4-week-old surfaces on cell attachment were examined next
titanium with various surface treatments (Fig. 7B). The enhanced osteoblast attachment to the new titanium
surface was eliminated by masking the surface with monovalent
Albumin adsorption was evaluated on the new and 4-week-old anions. The treatment with divalent cations (Ca2þ) improved
titanium surfaces at different pH conditions (Fig. 7A). Remarkably osteoblast attachment to the 4-week-old surface. Similar to protein
W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363 5359

A New 3-day-old 2-week-old 4-week-old

40 0.5

Albumin adsorption (%)


Cell attachment (WST-1)

N.S. 0.4
300 60 30
Area of water spread

Contact angle of water

50 0.3
200 40


30 10
100 20
10 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 0 Contact angle of H2O (degree) Contact angle of H2O (degree)
New 3-d 2-w 4-w New 3-d 2-w 4-w
-old - old -old -old - old -old

O1s C1s 80
40 0.5
O Y=-0.49x + 43.0 Y=-0.006x + 0.55

Cell attachment (WST-1)

Ti2p C1s

Albumin adsorption (%)

60 C (R2= 0.91; p<0.05) 0.4 (R2= 0.98; p<0.01)
Atomic percentage

Intensity (cps)

Intensity (cps)

4-week 4-week 0.3

-old -old 40

20 10 0.1
New New Ti
0 0 0
600 400 200 292 288 284 0 3d 2 week 4 week 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Binding Energy Age of titanium Atomic percentage of Atomic percentage of carbon
Binding Energy (eV)
(eV) carbon

Fig. 6. Age-dependent changes in surface physicochemistry of titanium with respect to their biological effects. (A) Hydrophilicity of new (immediately after acid-etching) and aged
(3-day-old, 2-week-old, and 4-week-old) acid-etched titanium surfaces. Upper panels show the top and side views of titanium disks immediately after a 10 ml droplet of distilled
H2O was placed. Lower panels show the calculated the area of spread on the disks and the contact angle of H2O measured by an automatic contact angle measuring device. Data are
mean  SD (n ¼ 3). Albumin adsorption after 1 h incubation (B) and osteoblast attachment during 2 h incubation (C) plotted against the H2O contact angle on titanium surfaces,
showing no significant correlation between them. (D) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum for the new and 4-week-old titanium surfaces. (E) Close-up view of the XPS
C1s peak. (F) Change in atomic percentage on the titanium surface with age, i.e., new to 4 weeks old. (G) Plot of albumin adsorption after 1 h incubation against the atomic
percentage of carbon on the titanium surface, showing a significant inverse linear correlation. (H) Osteoblast attachment after 2-h incubation plotted against the atomic percentage
of carbon on the titanium surface, showing their significant inverse linear correlation.

adsorption, even with the divalent cations, cell attachment to the The lower in vivo parameters of the aged implants were in
4-week-old surface was far below that of the new surface. agreement with the impaired migration, attachment, spread, and
The attachment of osteoblasts to titanium surfaces was also proliferation of osteoblasts observed on the aged titanium surfaces.
examined under a serum-free condition. The amount of cells However, the cell-based ALP activity and osteoblastic gene
attached to the new surface was twice that observed on the 4- expressions were not significantly affected by the age of titanium,
week-old surface under this challenging condition (Fig. 7C). Diva- suggesting that the age of titanium was unlikely to modulate the
lent cations did not increase the cell attachment to the 4-week-old rate of osteoblast differentiation and that the age-dependent
surface unlike the result in the serum (þ) cultures (Fig. 7B and C). attenuation in the ALP-positive area and calcium deposition was
probably a result of the compromised initial behavior and response
4. Discussion of osteoblasts, such as the migration, attachment and proliferation
of the cells. More importantly, the reduction of these in vitro
In vivo establishment of implant fixation is the most important parameters was found on aged surfaces of other surface topogra-
factor in determining the clinical capacity of implants as load- phies: machined and sandblasted surfaces, suggesting that this
bearing devices. The biomechanical strength of bone–implant age-dependent biological degradation may be applicable to any
integration evaluated by the push-in test was reduced titanium surface texture of titanium-based materials.
age-dependently and was eventually less than half after 4 weeks of Commercially available orthopedic and dental implants are sold
storage of the implants. The lower strength of bone–implant inte- as storable medical devices. These products invariably age during
gration around the aged implants suggested that the old implant their inventory and distribution, as well as storage before use. This
surfaces involve a smaller volume of newly generated bone, may explain the relatively low bone–titanium contact results in the
a smaller percentage of bone-to-implant contact, or both. Histo- literature [23,24,35,36]. Conversely, from a therapeutic perspective,
logical and histomorphometric analyses demonstrated that both of we may be able to harness the discovered phenomenon of the
these parameters were substantially lower around the 4-week-old biological aging to maximize titanium bioactivity. There is a strong
implants. It should be noted that the biomechanical and histolog- possibility that the innate bioactivity of titanium implant products
ical indices of the aged implants showed lower values not only at is much greater than that obtained from commercially available
the early healing stage of week 2 but also at the late stage of week 4, products after aging during an unidentified time period. This study
indicating that the aging of titanium implants resulted in not only demonstrated that implant fixation was enhanced 2.2 times, and
the delay but also a compromised level of bone–implant bone–implant contact increased to >90% simply by the use of new
integration. titanium surfaces as compared to 4-week-old surfaces. This could
5360 W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

A 40
pH7 pH3
Protein adsorption (%)


20 **


Untreated NaCl- CaCl2- H2O- Untreated NaCl- CaCl2- H2O-
treated treated treated treated treated treated

New surfaces 4-week-old surfaces

B 0.2 C 0.2

Cell attachment (WST-1)

Cell attachment (WST-1)

0.1 ** 0.1

0 0
Untreated NaCl- CaCl2- H2O- Untreated NaCl- CaCl2- H2O- Untreated CaCl2- Untreated CaCl2-
treated treated treated treated treated treated treated treated

New surfaces 4-week-old surfaces New surfaces 4-week-old surfaces

Fig. 7. Protein adsorption and cell attachment to differently aged titanium under various electrostatic conditions. (A) Protein adsorption to new and 4-week-old acid-etched
titanium surfaces with and without pretreatment with various cations/anions under different pH. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 3). **p < 0.01, indicating a significant difference from the
untreated 4-week-old surface. The hydrophilicity test indicated that all new surfaces are superhydrophilic after ion pretreatment, and all 4-week-old surfaces are hydrophobic, as
illustrated in the images at the bottom. (B) Osteoblast attachment to the new and 4-week-old titanium surfaces with and without various cations/anions pretreatment. Data are
mean  SD (n ¼ 3). **p < 0.01, indicating a significant difference from the untreated 4-week-old surface. (C) Osteoblast attachment to the new and 4-week-old titanium surfaces
with and without CaCl2 pretreatment in a serum-free medium. Data are mean  SD (n ¼ 3). **p < 0.01, indicating a significant difference from the untreated 4-week-old surface.

be a simple but effective therapeutic approach. Given that time- possible presence of chemoattractants specific to the new surface.
related biological degradation was demonstrated on multiple As shown in Fig. 1A, albumin adsorption was considerably reduced
surface types of titanium, this strategy is expected to be applicable on the 4-week-old surface as compared to the new surface. TiO2
to many currently available titanium-based materials. surface is known to be electronegatively charged at the physiologic
The age dependency of titanium bioactivity, which has been pH values [37,38] and serum albumin molecules are known to be
unearthed in this study, yielded 2–7 times differences in the negatively charged. It was therefore reasonable to anticipate that
various measured parameters. This finding may provide a new there is not much albumin–titanium surface interaction [37,38]. In
important insight into further advancing the research on implant fact, the amount of albumin adsorbed to the old titanium surface
and other titanium-containing biomaterials. To our knowledge, the was limited in the present result; however, here is a fundamental
age of titanium implants and other titanium-containing experi- but important question: At what age of titanium surfaces has the
mental substrates has not been standardized in the literature. electrostatic status been evaluated. From a practical view point,
Given the substantial age-dependent abatement in bioactivity, regardless of commercially available or in-house manufactured
future studies comparing different titanium surface types, e.g., bulk titanium, the age of titanium surfaces subjected to charac-
chemical and topographical modifications, may require standardi- terization is unidentified. It is unlikely that freshly exposed tita-
zation of their age or a careful interpretation of the research nium surfaces are examined immediately after the processing. The
outcome. The knowledge gained in the present study may help present results showing increased albumin adsorption on the new
establish new guidelines for research design and data interpreta- titanium surface led us to hypothesize that new surfaces may have
tion in this field. an electrostatic status different from the old surfaces. To address
The marked increase in protein adsorption, and cell migration this hypothesis, albumin adsorption was evaluated on the new and
and attachment on the new surface, as well as the upregulated 4-week-old titanium surfaces at different pH conditions. It turned
expression of focal adhesion proteins, prompted us to explore the out that the remarkably enhanced albumin adsorption to the new
W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363 5361

Protein Cell

O RGD O Na Cell-inert
Ti Ti
O O Cell-repellent

RGD Cell-
O Ca attractive
Ti Cell- Ti
O attractive O
K Cell-inert
New Ti Aged Ti
Cell- Ti
attractive O
O Na Cell-inert

O Cell- O
Ti attractive Ti
O O Cell-inert

Fig. 8. Schematic description of the proposed mechanism of electrostatic interactions underlying the aged-dependent biological degradation of TiO2 surfaces: the age-dependent
conversion of titanium surfaces from bioactive to bioinert. The new TiO2 surface (left) is abundant in cell-attracting terminals consisting of the RGD sequence or positively charged
TiO2 surface, which serve as chemoattractants without divalent cations such as Ca2þ. The old TiO2 surface (right) involves cell-inert and cell-attractive terminals consisting of
competitive binding of monovalent and divalent cations to negatively charged TiO2 surface, respectively. The surface attracts proteins and cells only with divalent cations. When
there are no sufficient cations available, a part of the old TiO2 surface remains to be negatively charged, leaving these terminals cell-repellent.

surface at pH 7 was completely abrogated at pH 3. This was because If protein adsorption is enhanced, subsequent cell attachment
the isoelectric point of albumin lies between 4.7 and 4.9, and at pH should be enhanced in correlation with an increased cell-protein
values <4.7, it undergoes a neutral to basic transition and is posi- interaction via ligand-specific binding (e.g., integrin–RGD interac-
tively charged. The isoelectric point of TiO2 between 5.6 and 6.1 also tion). This hypothesis was supported by enhanced cell attachment
contributed to this abrogation. We next treated the new surface to the new surfaces compared to the old surfaces, as described
with anions for 24 h and dried it before albumin incubation. The earlier. Anion and cation treatment of the new and 4-week-old
anion-treated new surface was no longer protein attractive as surfaces further indicated the following (Fig. 7B): (1) the enhanced
shown in Fig. 7A, suggesting that its protein-favorable electrostatic osteoblast attachment to the new titanium surface was eliminated
property was neutralized. It should be noted that all new surfaces by masking the surface with monovalent anions, (2) divalent
tested maintained superhydrophilicity after the 24-h anion treat- cations (Ca2þ) are necessary to improve osteoblast attachment to
ment (Fig. 7A). Meanwhile, the albumin adsorption of the 4-week- the 4-week-old surface; and (3) similar to protein adsorption, even
old titanium surface increased only when it was treated with with the divalent cations, cell attachment to the 4-week-old surface
divalent cations (e.g., Ca2þ) before albumin incubation. This agreed was far below that of the new surface.
with the established mechanism of titanium-protein interaction in We also examined whether the new titanium surface attracts
which divalent calcium cations deposited onto monovalent nega- osteoblasts via electrostatic forces without cell-protein interaction.
tive titanium surfaces play a bridging role between negative protein It was likely that there may be a direct interaction between the
molecules and the TiO2 surface [37,38]. However, treatment with positively charged new titanium surface and negatively charged
divalent cations did not increase albumin adsorption on the new biological cells. This hypothesis was supported by the result
surface. These results indicated that the new titanium surface is showing that the amount of cells attached to the new surface was
electropositive, as opposed to the long-established understanding twice that observed on the 4-week-old surface in serum-free
of negatively charged titanium surfaces, and uncovered an unex- cultures. Divalent cations were not as effective at increasing cell
pected role of this new surface property in achieving a new level of attachment on the 4-week-old surface as in the serum (þ) culture,
bioactivity. The new level of bioactivity was well represented by the indicating that proteins are crucial to enable cell-titanium inter-
fact that the amount of albumin adsorption to the 4-week-old action on this aged surface.
surface was substantially lower than that on the bare new titanium We have schematically represented the proposed mechanism of
surface, even with the divalent cation treatment. In addition, protein and cell attachment to titanium surfaces of different age
isoelectric control or anion treatment of the new surfaces domi- (Fig. 8). The titanium bulk on the right (aged Ti) indicates the cell-
nantly regulated protein adsorption, superseding the effect of titanium interaction around titanium surfaces, which has been
superhydrophilicity. These results suggest that the unique elec- proposed as an underlying mechanism of the ‘‘bioinert’’ surface
trostatic status of the new titanium surface serves as a chemo- [37,38]. The surface has a net negative charge as reported in the
attractant for proteins, and is the critical factor in determining literature and must therefore first be bridged by divalent cations
titanium bioactivity. such as Ca2þ to attract anionic proteins [37–39]. Cells will then get
5362 W. Att et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 5352–5363

attached to the titanium surface via the RGD sequence recognition the level of hydrophilicity. The increased bioactivity of new surfaces
of the protein. Direct cell attachment to the bridging cation sites, was completely abrogated under the acidic condition or by treating
skipping the protein binding phase, is unlikely to occur (Fig. 7C). the surface with anions, while maintaining its superhydrophilicity.
Only divalent cations function as bridging agents: therefore The cell attachment was significantly higher on the new surface
competitive binding of monovalent cations, such as Naþ and Kþ, than on the old surfaces even in the serum-free culture condition.
may block the anion sites of the titanium surface for Ca2þ binding, These results uncover an aging-like time-dependently degrading
making a large part of the titanium surface protein- and cell inert osteoconductivity of titanium. We suggest that newly processed
[38]. If divalent cations are insufficient, old titanium surfaces may titanium surfaces are bioactive and that the surfaces degrade
remain protein- and cell repellent. The scheme on the left (new Ti) substantially over time to the level of so-called ‘‘bioinert’’. We also
represents a newly proposed mechanism that renders the new suggest possible underlying mechanisms for this nature of titanium
surface ‘‘bioactive.’’ The positively charged surface of the newly that provide new insights into how we could inadvertently and
processed titanium allows both proteins and cells (most of which unavoidably lose, and conversely, maximize the osteoconductivity
are anionic) to directly attach to the titanium surface without of titanium-based implant materials.
divalent cations, largely creating a protein- and cell-attractive
interface. A probable direct cell–titanium interaction has also been Acknowledgements
proved in the absence of proteins in the present results (Fig. 7C).
Unlike TiO2 surfaces, one of the advantages of hydroxyapatite as an This work was supported by JAMSEA. This study was conducted
implantable and coating material stems from its positive surface in a facility constructed with support from the Research Facilities
charge that allows interaction with proteins and cells without Improvement Program, grant no. C06RR014529, of the National
bridging ions [37,39–41]. Hydroxyapatite has therefore been cate- Center for Research Resources, National Institute of Health.
gorized as a bioactive material, whereas TiO2 has been categorized
as a bioinert material. The present results and proposed mecha-
nisms provide a scientific cue of re-evaluating and re-defining
biological properties of titanium-based biomaterials.
Figures with essential color discrimination. The majority of the
Mechanisms linking the progressive deposition of hydrocarbons
figures in this article have parts that are difficult to interpret in
on titanium surfaces and the electrostatic status of such surfaces
black and white. The full color images can be found in the on-line
require further investigation. Titanium constantly absorbs organic
version, at doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.06.040.
impurities such as carbon and hydrocarbons from the atmosphere,
water and cleaning solutions [42–44]. The currently used titanium
implants are routinely found to be contaminated with hydrocar- References
bons [45–48], which suggests that such contamination, particularly
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