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Management Plan Part 2

8th Grade Honors English

Policies and Procedures
Tami Wolff and Aaron Nichols

Course Description: This course is designed to increase reading comprehension, tackle a variety
of social issues, and get students ready for the challenge of taking a high school honors/pre-
AP/AP class.

Required Texts: Night and I Never Saw Another Butterfly. We will also be reading short stories,
letters, and non-fiction texts centered around the Holocaust.

Grading: Preston Middle School follows a standards-based grading system, meaning that all
work will be scored on a scale of 1-4. Don’t worry if you’re consistently scored in the 2-3 range.
A 4 is meant to represent a perfect score, and everything below that is meant to facilitate working
towards perfection.

Extra Credit: This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, if necessary. Extra credit is rarely
offered, it must be discussed and cleared with me first. If offered, the option will be given to
every member of the class, never one individual.

Homework: Students may expect roughly 3-5 hours of homework per week in this class, mainly
reading. Reading chart with calendar will be given at the beginning of the semester, we will
adhere to this unless otherwise noted.

Tests/Quizzes: There are no tests in this class, it is project-based.

Absences: It is challenging to learn without being physically present. Since Preston is a 1-to-1
school, in the event of unavoidable absence (sickness, emergency, etc) I would love to work with
you on completing/turning in homework remotely. If this is not possible, we will discuss when
you return to class. After two unexcused absences, your parents will be notified.
Participation: Participation makes up 10% of your grade in this course. Participation is wide-
ranging, and there are many ways to earn these points. See Mr. Nichols for more details, or to
suggest alternative ways to participate.

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